Spirit Riding Free (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

Lucky and the Competition Conundrum

1 [horse whinnies.]
[horse chuffs.]
[music playing.]
I'm gonna ride I'm riding free So come along, let's go along Come on the journey with me I'm gonna ride I'm riding free As long as I am here with you I feel the spirit within me - Yeah, eh, eh - Yeah, eh, eh, eh - Yeah, eh, eh - Yeah, eh, eh, eh - Yeah, eh, eh - Yeah, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh -[neighs.]
-Whoo! [laughs.]
Whoa! Whoa! [laughs.]
[herd neighs.]
Is that your herd, Spirit? [chuffs.]
[herd neighs.]
Go on.
At least one of us won't be stuck inside all day.
Don't worry.
I can walk to school.
Go have fun.
The fund-raiser will be this Friday, so your team project should be something you can-- [panting.]
Oh, my gosh.
I just saw Spirit's herd in the wild, and they were so beautiful and fast and-- Ugh, you just have to see it for yourself.
That sounds wonderful, but class started 20 minutes ago.
Oh, sorry.
I had to walk all the way through some canyon and then back again because I was going in the wrong direction.
I know you're still getting used to things here, Lucky, but I need you to work harder to be on time.
Yes, Miss Flores.
-What'd I miss? -[shushes.]
We're gonna do bizarre things to make money for teacher.
[students laughing.]
Uh, no, Snips, we're going to have a bazaar-- it's like a market-- and raise money for things we need for the school, like new books.
I don't need new books, teacher.
It's Miss Flores.
And you do.
We all do.
So I'm excited to see what your teams come up with.
-We're working in teams? -[sighs.]
As I explained earlier, everyone will pair off into teams of two to create a booth and sell something.
And the partners who raise the most will both be named Students of the Month! Hmm.
Can we have a kissing booth? -[smooches.]
-[Miss Flores.]
Can we have a punching booth? No.
And please raise your hand when you'd like to speak.
Lucky didn't raise her hand.
-Well, Lucky's still learning our rules.
Okay, take a few moments to find your partners.
Hey, we should team up.
Let's start planning right away.
-It'll be fun! -Oh, that's great! So, uh, I guess you're always partners? No, not always.
Just every time.
-We can figure something out.
I can be both of your partners! I'll wear wigs like that traveling actor who did all the roles in his play and then robbed a bank dressed as Queen Elizabeth.
We're gonna be rich! For the last time, Snips, Mr.
Carrots cannot be your partner.
It's Señor Carrots.
And why not? Because he's not a student at this school.
Also, he's a donkey.
Donkeys deserve learnin' too! Lucky, I'm so glad we're finally going to be a team.
-We'll be just like two peas in a pod.
-No, you can't! I mean [Miss Flores.]
Who doesn't have a partner? Oh, we'll find you someone, Snips.
Lucky, do you have a partner? [squelching.]
Maricela and I are partners.
Hmm! Sorry.
I hope it won't be weird, us competing against each other.
You spending time with Maricela is what's weird.
At least she's been Student of the Month a ton.
Maybe it'll rub off on me? Sorry, but it's my time to be Student of the Month.
I can feel it.
We're gonna win for sure! -[chuckles.]
Oh, yeah? -Yeah! I mean, I'm sure you'll do well, too.
I'm not afraid of a little friendly competition.
Although I don't know how much of a competition it's going to be.
Because we're all gonna do equally well and then braid each other's hair in celebration? -No, 'cause we're gonna trample you! -Fat chance! -[laughing.]
Let's ride up to Hangman's Hollow! I bet Chica Linda and I beat you there! [chuffing and neighing.]
Think you can handle it after running all day with your herd? [snorts.]
Lucky, we really ought to start working on our booth.
-Now? -We'll have class time for that.
We're going to need more than class time if we want our names on that plaque.
As the only three-peat Student of the Month here, I can tell you that you don't get on that board without putting in the work.
I would like to show Miss Flores I can do something right.
And I probably can't be the worst student if I'm Student of the Month.
Trust me, it buys you a lot of leeway.
Sorry, boy, we'll go on an extra-long ride tomorrow.
Have fun.
Yes, enjoy your animal time.
Aren't we going on a ride? No way! If they're gonna work on their booth, so are we.
I can't let Maricela win again.
She's taken everything from me.
Oh, boy.
I thought we were over Sheriff Patches.
Well, we're not! Sheriff Patches should've been mine.
Instead, I got Deputy Buttons.
Then she took my part in the school play.
And every time I get close to Student of the Month, she swoops in and takes that from me, too.
But not this time! We're gonna have the best booth and destroy Maricela! But Lucky's Maricela's partner.
I don't wanna beat Lucky, just Maricela.
But I can't do that without beating Lucky.
Ugh! Maricela knows all the angles! So, um, great balcony? Isn't it? It's my own little escape.
Mon sanctuaire petit.
Ugh, how annoying are children? [munches.]
Mmm! These are delicious! Oh, Cook's a real find.
But don't tell her.
We don't wanna give her a big head.
They remind me of this French café my Dad used to take me to for a special treat.
I'd order a hot chocolate, and he'd order this tiny coffee.
We'd just sit for hours, talking.
It wasn't La Petite Boulangerie, was it? Yes, that's it! How did you-- My grandmother took me the last time I visited her in the city.
-I just love it there.
The little tables and that red-striped awning Grandma let me have a cappuccino, and I didn't sleep for three days.
[laughs and snorts.]
Oop! -[laughs.]
Come here, Snips! [sighs.]
I miss the city sometimes.
I wish there was a café like that here.
Why can't there be? We should re-create the café for our booth at the fund-raiser! We can make pastries and serve hot chocolate! Oh! I just knew things would be different when you arrived.
This is so fun! I know! I never thought I'd have fun with you.
I mean, I always thought I'd have fun with you is what I meant to say out loud.
Sorry again for missing our ride yesterday.
Come on, you know I need to impress Miss Flores.
I've always been so good at school.
But here in Miradero, I keep messing up.
[chuffs and snorts.]
But once I'm Student of the Month, everything will be different.
Miss Flores will love me.
I'll always remember to raise my hand.
-I'll never be late-- -[bell ringing.]
Oh, no! I'm late! -[neighs.]
-Come on, boy! [chattering.]
Wanna trade partners? Mary Pat can work with Turo, and we can work together! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Leave me out of this.
Teacher made me be partners with Turo, but I'm secret partners with Señor Carrots.
We have the best idea! We're gonna perform feats of strength! [grunts.]
-Lucky, you're late again.
I thought we discussed this yesterday.
I know.
I didn't mean-- I just-- Sorry, Miss Flores, it's my fault.
I asked Lucky to pick up some recipes for our café booth.
It's going to be the height of sophistication.
And it was all Lucky's idea.
Ah, bien.
A good book and a good café, what more could one want? Time, I suppose.
Oh, and money.
And with that said, I'll let your tardiness slide this once.
But don't let it happen again, okay? Thank you.
Wanna work on our booth at my house tonight? I'd love that! [gasps.]
-Ooh! -Spying on the competition? [chuckles.]
You caught me.
What are you doin'? Making candles.
Wanna try? The trick is to let it dry for a bit before you dip the candle again.
So this will be just like a candle you buy in the store? No.
It'll be so much better.
It'll be long with a wick, and it'll be made of wax, and you can light it, and it'll be just like the ones in the store! Wait.
You missed a great ride yesterday.
But, Pru, we didn't I mean, yes, it was great.
The ride, that is.
Horses! Sorry you were stuck with Maricela.
You know, I actually had fun with her.
-She's not that bad.
-Not that bad? Lucky, you're still new here.
Trust me, you don't know Maricela.
Lucky! What are you doing? Pru and Abigail are making candles for the bazaar.
Oh, how sweet.
I'm sure their mothers will buy some.
I'm sure everyone's gonna buy some.
Please, as if some plain old candles could compete with our elegant café.
And whose side are you on? [chuckles nervously.]
Ugh! -[bell ringing.]
-Bye! See you tomorrow! [chuffs.]
Where should we ride to today? Rattlesnake Ridge? -Great, let's go! -Uh, I can't.
Oh, don't worry.
It's just named that.
There aren't any rattlesnakes.
I mean, there are, but no more than any other place around here.
Maricela and I need to keep working on our booth.
Sorry again, boy.
But we can ride home real fast.
[chuffs and neighs.]
-We're not going on a ride, are we? -Are you kidding? If they're working, we're working.
How about cheese croissants? Don't tell anyone, but cheese repeats on me.
[chuckles and snorts.]
Oop! [chuckles.]
Maybe chocolate croissants, then? Oh.
Oui, oui! [gasps.]
You won a debate award last year? Oh, and look at all these tennis ribbons! And a science award! Lucky, you were the me of your old school.
Tell that to Miss Flores.
Don't worry.
Stick with me and not only will we win, but you'll be Student of the Year.
Right on time.
Thanks, Spirit! [chuffs.]
[loud crash.]
[wooden creaking and clattering.]
-[wood clatters.]
[wood creaks and clatters.]
Free samples! You'll never taste anything this sophisticated again in your lives.
Except tomorrow at our booth.
Oh, yes.
Except for then.
What are you making, Turo? A surprise for Snips.
I hope it's a trunk with a trapdoor, 'cause I'm gonna do magic tricks for our booth.
And Señor Carrots will be my lovely assistant.
Ugh! Except he's afraid of rabbits.
Act like we're having fun.
I thought we were having fun.
Hey, you two.
Wanna taste what everyone will be lined up for tomorrow? Ooh.
Yes, please! We don't have time for a snack break! We have to make tons of our amazing new rainbow candles.
We're definitely going to raise the most money at the bazaar.
That'll show Maricela and you.
No offense.
No offense taken.
But this is my shot to win over Miss Flores, so don't expect me to take it easy.
Why would you take it easy? We're gonna beat you fair and square.
Then may the best booth win.
Which will be ours.
The Student of the Month trophy is going to look perfect on my shelf next to Sheriff Patches.
You'll just have to get used to second place, Pru.
Oh, I guess you already are used to it, I mean.
I am not! And I will not get used to it! Because we're going to be up on that board! Yay, competition.
Love it.
Whoops! [gasps.]
Candle Boomerang! [chuckles.]
It's not funny! Uh, what? I just thought it was cute that you named a candle after your horse.
Nice work, Lucky.
Don't worry, Candle Boomerang, I'll have you fixed in no time.
And then I will avenge you! [snorts.]
I need the stove to make my hot chocolate.
I'm using it.
We can both use it.
There isn't enough room! -[Lucky.]
Move over! -[Pru.]
You move! -[Lucky grunts.]
Hey! -[Lucky.]
Hey, yourself.
I was here first! [both grunt.]
Lucky! Pru! What are you doing? [grunts.]
Pru was hogging the stove! Well, you can both work together to clean up this mess! [both grumble.]
[Aunt Cora.]
Lucky, a lady does not attack her dinner like an animal in the wild.
Sorry, Aunt Cora.
The bazaar's tomorrow, so Maricela and I are meeting back at school to work on our booth, and then I'm going to sleep over at her house.
Also, is it okay if I do that? I suppose so, since you asked.
Well, it's good to see you applying yourself.
Now, I know it hasn't been easy to adjust to your new school.
Ugh! All I've been doing is trying to impress Miss Flores, and I just keep making it worse.
But if I get my name up on the Student of the Month board, she'll have a constant, gold-plated reminder that I'm a good student.
Well, don't get too carried away.
When have I ever gotten too carried away? Oh, I don't know: the time you ran a relay race with a twisted ankle or when you tried to learn German overnight or when you thought you could house-train a squirrel or now when you swallowed without chewing-- [chuckles.]
Okay! Okay! I get it! Now, I really have to go! See you tomorrow! -[chuckles.]
Um, Maricela, I think maybe things have gotten out of-- What are you doing? Are you hiding the candles? -Good idea, right? -No, bad idea! This whole competition's gone too far! -Oh! I'm just trying to help you.
-[both grunting.]
Do you want to win or not? I want you to let go! [yelps and grunts.]
What did you do? You said to let go.
They're all broken! Well done.
We have to fix them! You can't be serious.
I thought you wanted to be Student of the Month.
I do.
But not this way.
Pru and Abigail are my friends.
Suit yourself.
I'm already a winner.
[flames whoosh.]
Not bad, if I do say so myself, which I do because I'm the only one here.
Oh, boy, I'm tired.
Just gonna rest my eyes for a sec.
[door opens.]
[Miss Flores.]
Lucky? [moans groggily.]
-[Miss Flores.]
Lucky! Miss Flores, what are you doing in my bedroom? [gasps.]
What happened? That's exactly what I was going to ask you.
Oh, I must've forgotten to turn off the stove.
Lucky, I can't believe you would do something like this.
I didn't mean to! All week, you've been competing with Pru and Abigail, but to stoop to this-- It was an accident! I was-- Don't interrupt me when I'm-- -But you're not listening to me! -You know what? -I'd like you to leave now.
-What? Please go home for the rest of the day.
Hey, Lucky.
Boomer Candlerang! Our candles! [grunts.]
Sorry, boy.
I guess I'm not very good company.
Or a very good friend.
Do you think Pru and Abigail hate me? [Pru.]
Of course not, Lucky.
Spirit? [chuffs.]
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry! Please don't hate me.
We don't hate you.
We know you'd never do anything like that.
On purpose.
And I'm sorry things got so out of hand.
I can be a teensy bit competitive sometimes.
You're fine.
I'm the one who's really competitive.
Not more than me.
-Guess we're a lot alike.
-I know! It drives me crazy sometimes.
In fact, sometimes I could just strangle you! [cackles.]
We talked to Miss Flores for you.
Good, because I never wanna talk to her again.
-She said you can come for the bazaar.
-Wait till you see what Turo made.
Step right up! Dunk a Snips! I never agreed to this! Don't listen to Turo.
He's not my true partner! Señor Carrots, save me! [insect buzzing.]
Our booth is a hit.
It's going to win for sure.
No thanks to you.
Oh, I wish we could dunk Maricela, but I'll settle for Snips.
Not if I knock him in first.
I've had to live with Snips for the last six years.
Aah! -Ah! -[laughing.]
I cannot believe Snips won Student of the Month! Did you see the look on Maricela's face? [laughs.]
It was almost worth losing for that.
But it wasn't.
I'm sorry about Candle Boomerang, Abigail.
It's okay.
I sort of think it captures his true spirit this way.
But let's promise to be on the same team from now on.
You guys are my best pals.
Hey! PALs! That's our initials.
Pru, Abigail and Lucky! PALs forever! And the horses can be [pronouncing phonetically.]
SBCL? CLBS? [Lucky and Pru laughing.]

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