Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue/Attack of the Training Droids

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[Kai] Whoo-hoo!
[Lys] Yeah!
-[Kai] Whoo-hoo!
-Whoo! [laughs] Yeah!
Lys, you're amazing at riding a wellagrin.
I've never seen anyone learn so quickly.
Thanks, Gumar. Thanks, Jam.
She's the best with creature stuff.
[RJ beeps]
I'm so glad Master Zia sent us here
to planet Andraven.
I love meeting new creatures and friends.
-[Nubs shouting]
-[wellagrin grunting]
[yelps, groans]
Whoa. Whoa! Easy. Easy.
Easy! [pants]
[grunts, sighs]
Ew! [chuckles]
Snowball likes you, Kai.
Thanks… [laughs] …I think.
Who knew riding wellagrins
would be so hard?
First you must be patient with yourself.
-[comlink beeps]
-[gasps] Must be Master Zia.
Varna, thanks for inviting
the younglings today.
-How are they doing?
-They're adjusting well.
They're ready to join Gumar and Jam
for the wellagrin migration.
When the wellagrins need more food,
we move them to the orchard
on the other side of the mountains.
-They'll have plenty to eat there.
-[chirps, squeals]
We keep them safe on their journey.
We get to help these cute creatures?
[gasps] I love this mission already.
We'll make sure everyone gets
to the orchard safely.
Now, remember. Stay close by the trail
to avoid any avalanches.
That's when a bunch of snow
falls down the mountainsides.
They can be dangerous,
but stay with us and you'll be fine.
And be sure to get to the other side
of the mountains before dark.
It gets stormy at night.
[speaks Poobian]
No problem, Varna.
While the Jedi help with the wellagrins,
you and I will fly Varna to the other side
of the mountains in the Crimson Firehawk.
-Also, I was told there'd be Moogan tea.
Younglings, if things get difficult
on the trip, pause and take a deep breath.
The Force will guide and help you.
And have fun!
The wellagrins look like
they're having a blast! [laughs]
They love to explore and swim
in groups together.
I still can't believe they swim in snow.
-[wellagrins barking]
[gasps] What's happening over there?
They're heading for that dangerous cliff!
They could fall!
Watch this.
[flute tootles]
-[wellagrins grunt, exhale]
We use the sounds
of our Andraven flutes to signal them.
So they know which way to swim.
Watch me play!
-[plays out of tune]
[laughs] Sounds great, Jam.
You try!
[Nubs grunts]
-[flute skirls]
-[Nubs screams]
Oof. Mine sounds like a sick bantha.
[laughs] That's okay, Kai.
These flutes are tough to play.
Keep practicing, and you'll get better.
-[wellagrin grunts]
-Uh-oh. Where's Snowball going?
Oh, no! He's going way off the trail.
I'll signal him.
[plays out of tune]
-[baby wellagrin screeches]
[wellagrins groaning]
[avalanche rumbling]
[Gumar] Avalanche!
That did not go how I expected.
-[Lys, Kai] Whoa!
It's not safe here.
We need to get to higher ground!
But the herd!
They can swim through it.
They'll be fine. Come on!
Whoa! That was wild.
Is everyone all right?
We're fine, but the wellagrins are gone.
[sighs] I thought I could play
the flute like Gumar.
But I was very, very wrong.
It's okay, Lys.
We'll find them all again
before the storm comes.
[speaks Poobian]
[sighs] You're right, Kai. But how?
[speaking Poobian]
[imitates flute]
It's a good idea, Nubs, but there's no way
they could all hear the flute
from this far away.
If we're gonna get them all back
before it gets dark and stormy,
-it'll be faster if we all split up.
-Great idea, Kai.
Now let's find that herd.
[groans, exhales]
There's one!
Oh, no! She's stuck.
It's okay. We're gonna get you out.
[whimpers, grunts]
[sighs] She's too scared.
I can't get close enough to untangle her.
Let me try something.
It's okay.
You're safe now.
It's gonna be all right.
Now, just back up.
That's it. Good job.
That was incredible.
You really love creatures, huh?
I do. I love connecting with them.
They have feelings just like us.
-We could learn a lot if we just listen.
[comlink beeps]
Lys, we could really use
your help over here.
We'll be right there, Kai.
[Kai, Nubs grunting]
We gotta get you back to the others.
-[grunts, groans]
[Nubs grunting]
[wellagrin groans]
[Gumar laughs]
That wellagrin is not going to move.
[Force rumbling]
-You hungry?
That's it. This way.
How did you know that would work?
[laughs] Never underestimate
the power of a good snack.
[speaking Poobian]
Now, let's find the other wellagrins
and get over these mountains.
[Nibs grunts]
-[all grunting]
-[Force rumbling]
[Lys sighs]
[yawns] We found all the wellagrins
and made it to the top.
We're halfway there.
Aw, you hungry? Hmm.
[Nubs whines]
It's getting dark.
We need to get down to the orchard
before the storm gets worse.
Wait. Jam?
Where'd he go? Jam?
[all] Jam? Jam?
-[laughs] The power of a snack.
Right, Lys?
Uh-oh. Where'd everybody go?
Gumar? Lys?
-It's okay. They'll find us.
[all] Jam!
I can't see anything in this snow.
[all shivering]
[wellagrins groan]
First the wellagrins got scared
with that flute,
and now Jam and his wellagrin
are out there all alone and cold.
And… [panting]
…I don't know what to do.
[whimpers] Zia?
That's right, Nubs.
Master Zia says to take a breath
when things get tough.
We're here with you, Lys.
Just take a minute.
-Breathe. Focus.
-[Nubs inhales, exhales]
The Force will guide you.
Right. Okay.
[all inhale, exhale deeply]
[Force rumbling]
[gasps] That's it!
We can signal Jam with the flute.
If he plays his back,
we can hear where he is and find him.
[flute tootles]
[wellagrins grunt]
I hear him. Jam's this way. Come on!
Everyone, link up.
Stay together
so we don't get lost in this storm.
[wellagrin grunts, blusters]
[flute tootles]
[flute tootles in distance]
There! By that tree!
Whoo! Yes!
-[wellagrin grunts]
-Way to go, Lys!
[rumbling, cracking]
-Whoa. [grunts]
-[Kai, Lys scream]
[Kai] Another avalanche?
[all exclaim]
Everybody climb onto a wellagrin.
-Whoa. [laughing]
-[Gumar] Grab my hand.
-Whoa! [screams]
-Hold on, Jam!
-[Lys] Jam!
-[both] Yeah!
-[Gumar] Yes!
-[Jam] Yay!
[Kai] Whoo-hoo! [laughs]
-Yeah! [cheering]
-[Nubs grunts, laughs]
I think I'm getting the hang of this.
-[Lys] Whoo-hoo!
-[Nubs cheers]
-[Lys] Whoo-hoo!
-[Kai] Yeah!
-[avalanche rumbling]
-[RJ beeps]
[Lys] Whoo-hoo! Yes!
-[RJ chirps]
-[Nash gasps, screams]
[RJ whistles]
[Lys sighs]
That was amazing.
[younglings laugh]
[laughs] Well, we made it.
[laughing] And so did all the wellagrins.
-Huh. You sure made something.
-[RJ beeps]
Too much snow for me.
No, thank you. Goodbye.
Are you kids all right?
[speaking Poobian]
[laughs] Now that was a mission.
I did just like you said, Master Zia.
I paused and took a breath.
Then we found Jam, slid down the mountain
riding the wellagrins, and now we're here.
Well, that sounds like
it was quite a journey.
I'm very proud of you.
So am I.
Thank you for your help, young Jedi.
You're welcome back to our planet anytime.
-[Jam whistling]
-[chuckles] Oh, yeah?
-Watch this.
-[Force rumbling]
Snowball fight!
-[Kai laughing] Whoa! Missed me!
-[all laughing]
[RJ beeps]
[younglings grunting]
[Lys grunts, laughs]
We gotta get that beacon on the droid
before the timer goes off.
-[training droid beeps]
-[Nubs grunting]
-[both groan]
Maybe we should wait
until there's an opening?
There's no time to wait, Lys.
We need to make an opening.
-Come on!
-[Nubs laughs]
[shouts, grunts]
Just need to get that beacon.
-[Kai screams]
-[all sigh]
-[timer dings]
Oh, time's up, younglings.
[training droid chirps]
I really wanted Master Yoda
to see us grab that beacon.
Well, you almost had it,
but you acted a bit too quickly.
Not important it is
how fast you perform a task.
Take your time,
then successful will you be.
[Yoda chuckles]
[Force rumbling]
-[Nubs screeches]
-Whoa! Whoo-hoo!
Master Zia, Master Yoda,
it's time for you to depart.
Thank you, Dee. Please look after
the Temple while we're gone.
And as for you three…
Please clean up the training area
before we get back tonight.
-Yes, Master Zia.
-[speaking Poobian]
[sighs] I really wanted them
to see us grab that beacon.
-And maybe they still can!
If we practice while they're gone,
we could try again when they get back.
But Master Zia asked us to clean,
and that could take all day.
[training droid beeping]
True, but if some super fast droids
cleaned up for us,
we'd have all afternoon to practice.
[groans, speaks Poobian]
I know Master Zia asked us to clean, Nubs,
but we don't have time
to clean and practice.
But those are training droids, Kai.
How are you gonna get them to clean?
I'll just reset the droids
and teach them to put everything away.
-Okay, maybe if I do this.
-[controls beeping]
Ooh, yeah, yeah. And this.
-[training droids powering up]
[droids beeping]
I think it worked.
Now, please clean up everything.
This is how you do it.
See? Easy.
-[sensor buzzes]
-[training droid beeps]
-It's working!
-[speaks Poobian]
See? What'd I tell you?
-[Nubs coos]
-[Kai] Whoa.
-[Lys] That was fast.
-[sensor buzzes]
-[training droid beeping]
Wait, where are they going?
Well, they cleaned everything out here,
so maybe they're looking
for more messes in the Temple?
[gasps] They could break something.
We gotta get them back
to the training area and turn them off!
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
Oh, goodness. What is all this?
[Kai] It's okay, Dee.
We'll take care of it.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[Lys] Yeah.
[younglings laughing, chattering]
[training droid beeps]
Hey, I was eating that.
What are they doing?
They must think everything is a mess.
They're stacking things in piles
like you showed them,
but that's not where this stuff belongs.
-[plates crash]
-We've gotta power them down.
[shouts, grunts]
[Lys] They're splitting up.
Then we need to split up too.
[growls, groans]
[sensor buzzes]
-[yawning] Just five more minutes.
-[training droid beeping]
[gasps, speaks Poobian]
-[grunts, growls]
[speaking Poobian]
Thanks, Nubs.
-[sighs, grunts]
-[training droid chirps]
-[growls, speaks Poobian]
[sensor buzzes]
[training droid beeping]
[Lys] Hey, come back here.
-Aw, not again.
-[Lys] Put those down. Please?
[Lys grunts] Stop moving!
[Nubs] No, no, no, no. [shouts]
[grunting] Hey!
[sensor buzzes]
No, wait. That's not a mess!
Those are kids!
Something is very wrong with that droid.
-[Kai] All right.
We could do this the easy way
or the hard way.
-[droids chirp]
-[Nubs coos]
[Lys] There they are!
[exhales sharply]
I hope Kai's doing better with his droid.
-[Kai] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
-[training droid beeping]
[Dee] My goodness. Oh! Oh, my!
Oh! [sighs]
-Hey! [grunts]
Why are they acting so weird?
-I don't know. [grunts]
I must have done something wrong
when I reset them.
How do we stop 'em?
-Nash fixes droids all the time.
-[Dee] Put me down!
Maybe she can help.
-Nash, you busy?
-Stop that!
-[Nash] Hey, Kai.
I just finished loading up some junk
for Marlaa. What's up?
-[grunting on comlink]
-[RJ beeps]
-We need your help with some droids.
-[Nubs coos]
-[Nash chuckles] Droid drama? No problem.
-[both grunt]
[training droids beeping]
[younglings panting, sigh]
[Nash] Hey, are these the pesky droids
you were talking about?
[training droids beeping]
And are they, uh, coming over here?
I think they wanna clean the Firehawk.
[laughs] Oh, no.
They don't get to touch my ship.
-[RJ beeping]
-Hey, no, thank you very much.
[Nash] It's not messy.
I've-- I've got a system.
[training droids beeping]
What is happening?
Yeah, they like to stack.
[sensor buzzing]
[speaking Poobian]
They're all looking at Kublop Springs!
If they get to town,
it'll be even harder to stop them.
After 'em!
[groans, pants]
It's my fault we're in this mess.
I try to do things too fast.
-[RJ beeps]
-[training droids beep]
-[sensor buzzes]
[beeping continues]
Guess they wanna clean this first.
That's it!
I know how to keep them from leaving.
-We make more messes.
-Make more messes!
Make more messes!
What? I didn't know
we were gonna say it at the same time.
[RJ whistles]
-[training droids beeping]
-We can get them to follow us.
And I know exactly where to lead 'em.
[RJ chirps]
-[RJ chirps]
-[training droids beeping]
-[both] Whew.
All right, Nubs, block off the entrance!
[speaking Poobian, growls]
We've got 'em where we want 'em,
but we still need to catch them
to power them down.
And we haven't done that all day.
Don't worry. I have a plan.
We've been trying to go too fast.
To catch 'em,
we're gonna need a little bit of patience.
-[RJ beeps]
-[droid beeping]
Wait for it. Wait for it.
-[grunts, shouts]
[training droid powers down]
-[RJ beeping]
[laughs, speaking Poobian]
[training droid powers down]
[laughs, cheering]
-[sensor buzzes]
[grunts, pants]
-[speaking Poobian, yelps]
-[Kai] Whoa!
-[Lys grunts]
-[training droid beeping]
-[Kai groans]
-[training droid powers down]
-Yes! We did it!
-[all cheering]
All right!
[Yoda] Unexpected this is.
[Force rumbling]
-[RJ whistles]
-We better go.
-Yeah. Thanks for your help.
-[RJ whimpers]
Master Yoda, Master Zia,
you're back already.
[laughing, sighs]
Finished our trip early we did, hmm?
Dee called and told us what happened.
We're sorry.
I thought the droids would clean up faster
so we'd have more time to practice.
-They just made things worse.
[speaks Poobian]
Ah. So better to take your time
and do things right,
you have learned, hmm?
We have Master Yoda, so we're gonna
clean this mess up ourselves.
Like Master Zia asked.
And done.
The training area is officially clean.
A wonderfully clean training area this is.
Thank you, Master Yoda.
Since finished cleaning you have,
care to train
with an old teacher? [laughs]
-[speaking Poobian]
-Train with you?
Will you show us
how to get the beacon like you did?
[chuckling] Yes.
-Now, do as I do.
-[Force rumbling]
-[training droid powers up]
-But patient, hmm, you must be.
[inhales deeply]
[Yoda] Wait.
[all grunting]
[shouts, grunts]
-Did you see that? I can't believe it!
-That was amazing!
-[Lys] We did it!
[younglings cheering, laughing]
"Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue"
"Attack of the Training Droids"
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