Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

Murder at Swanlake - Part 2

This is my wife, Lovísa.
She and Regina were twin sisters.
All we know is that Regina was locked
inside the steam room.
Police think it's murder
and my daughter is a suspect.
We were in a motel.
Ask Breki.
We can't.
Breki went missing.
You know Breki?
Did the police question you?
Stella, where's your client?
Þórunn took her anklet off.
She's in deep trouble.
I'll go look for her.
What were you doing?
- It's not a lie. Someone wants to kill me!
We got this today from Breki's cellphone.
If you had told me about it
we wouldn't be in this mess.
Now we gotta start all over again.
New people, new motive
where do we start from?
It's not easy to explain
- Try!
Where do I look?
Who wants to kill you?
There's many I don't know all the names!
- Ok, nice start.
We don't know them.
- Someone did it though.
Or that kid what's his name?
No Regina took care of that.
What you mean?
She spoke to all the people who wanted
to get back at us.
She paid them I guess.
- How nice of her to clean up your shit.
There must be some record of those payments.
She promised our names would never come out.
They're probably under some other name.
A project or something like that.
Did she have nicknames for all of you?
Yes she used to call us her "little lambs".
Her fucking lambs
It's mom.
No, I'm not coming home.
What you mean "police"?
Here's your fugitive, Raggi.
You really suck, you know.
Þórunn Ýmisdóttir, you're under arrest.
She ran away. That's what teenagers do.
- She's a murder suspect, Stella.
It's gonna be alright.
- Dad!
She's just a little girl!
You have nothing on her!
Tell it to the judge.
I'm only doing my job.
We gotta go through Regina's files again.
I was going to bed.
- At 8,30 in the morning?
I saw a Doctor Who marathon.
- Ok, that I just didn't understand.
We gotta find something that links Þórunn
to her little lamb friends.
Come on!
- You're not normal
Start with "lamb".
Nada. Nothing.
- Ok, Þórunn mentioned some payments.
That's too generic.
- Try "compensation".
Too many results 938.
What about this?
- What?
- What is it?
That's "lamb" in ancient Greek.
- Open it nerd.
Folders, videos, pictures
you're happy to be friends with a nerd, aren't you?
She wasn't lying when she said
they did some fucked up shit.
Gunna, are you printing this stuff?
I just wanna go to bed.
The list of their crimes is longer than the Constitution.
It goes back years.
Burglary, abuse, kidnap, assault
Regina made a very accurate list
and she paid people all around town for their silence.
It's mostly abuses and violence
but some of them would need a further look into.
No, I haven't seen this boy.
Magnús Lárusson.
12 hours surgery and permanent nerve damage.
He was a cab driver.
That run did cost him a lot.
It was unexpected an unpleasant incident.
María Brjánsdóttir.
She was out celebrating her diploma.
They pulled my hair out by the roots.
Case dismissed.
Nakul Kesaba.
He worked in his parents' restaurant.
Þórunn claimed her soup was too hot.
Case dismissed.
I signed a silence agreement.
And Regina?
Regina who?
She paid you off.
- What Regina?
The woman who paid you off.
- A society paid me.
What about the payments?
- I can't say anything.
But you took the money.
- Yes.
There's only one missing: XXX.
The biggest payment.
No name or address just "XXX" and the word "rape".
Excuse me
you're not allowed to use the notice board.
I'll put it back how it was.
Yes but
- Thank you.
The weakest link
We need to talk.
The weakest link melted like sugar.
Can you please stop crying now?
Enough already!
I didn't do anything I was only there
- That makes you an accessory!
Regina promised this would never come out!
You're friend's rich aunt kept you
from being bit in the ass by your karma?
What's "karma"?
Never mind just tell me who this is.
What's this?
- Compensations for what you did to those innocent people.
Give me name.
It only says "XXX" and "rape".
- One of you must have done it! Think!
I don't know
It might be Sigrún maybe
- Who's Sigrún?
A girl in our class she accused us of
having raped her but it was all bullshit!
Go on.
- What does it matter? She's dead!
She died a couple of months later.
- How?
She stopped coming to school a month ago.
Mom showed me the article on the newspaper.
We weren't even allowed to the funeral!
She was in really bad shape
she was seeing some psychiatrist.
Ok, Stella I know you wanna push her down the stairs
but first we need to find out more about Sigrún.
You can't find her medical record?
- No.
Not even from a close relative?
- No, sorry.
Perhaps the Home Office can help me.
- It's Stella. Can we meet?
I'm having lunch with my family.
- Sorry to disturb you.
They're just about to bring the salmon.
- I haven't had that in a long time.
What's the best place to get salmon?
Table for one?
Also one Johnnie Black.
- Right away.
- Thanks.
I have to use the ladies' room.
Don't you see I'm with my family?
- I'm here because it's extremely important.
Make it brief then.
I need
- First tell me what do I get in exchange.
I need a medical record
from a classified archive.
As Home Secretary, you might have access.
Stella do you even realize how immoral this is?
Not to mention illegal.
What do you need it for?
- My services are very valuable.
How valuable?
I have many talents.
Stella you know what I want.
The blue bag is not for sale.
Then we are done here.
A medical record you said
I can't promise you anything
- I'd be very grateful
- Hi, Stella.
Who is this?
- It's Allý.
I'm at the hospital.
Can you come over?
first you gotta delete the video!
- What video?
What happened?
Did you fall?
He's been assaulted in the street.
They got him into a car
but he managed to jump out.
How you're doing, Mikki?
Come again?
- They had to put his jaw back together.
Does it hurt?
What video were you talking about?
What video?
Don't play games with me.
I don't follow the rules.
Is the video in your phone?
Where is it?
Show it to me.
Stop it!
You can't stay here!
Is it this?
- I'm calling security!
Is it this one?
- Yes.
She took my cellphone!
Get her!
Fuck her again!
How long do I have to stay here?
Frankly I don't care.
Nice picture.
Was it Halloween?
That's not me.
Yes it is you.
Someone attacked Mikki
and got him into a car.
He just gave me this.
Walk me through it.
- This? It was just a party.
I've already seen this.
That was Sigrún, wasn't she?
Who cares?
- I do actually.
It's not nice to speak ill of the dead.
She was in your little gang at first
but something went wrong and that's how it ended.
From what we saw,
she seemed to like it.
Moving on.
That's your aunt Regina, isn't it?
The one from the sauna.
What was she doing in a kids' party?
She was doing nothing.
She was just there.
She brought us what we needed.
Like what? Wine? Drugs?
Teenagers are very expensive today.
I had no idea
your aunt was such a partier.
Tell me about the people you assaulted.
- What do you wanna know?
I have an advanced computer system at my disposal.
What do you think I found
after I entered all the names?
Finding all the people who had to do with your aunt
was easy as pie.
Your aunt was famous for having a nose for money.
Nakul, for example.
Short after your attack, his parents sold the restaurant.
Here's the contract.
Regina bought it,
only to sell it right after for a much higher price.
He's Magnus, remember?
He used to drive a taxi.
He sold his house to Regina.
The last apartment she needed before she could open a hotel.
Then her her him
Some of them you attacked for fun
but most of them were premeditated.
You need something from them.
I don't know if you joined the gang willingly
or if she attracted you with drugs and porn
but most of this shit happened
after you turned 18.
You're accountable to the law
and that means you're in deep shit.
I can't even buy alcohol yet.
I have nothing else to say.
It's over.
I'm leaving.
Keep those, I have copies.
At least you'll have something to read in jail.
You have a duty of secrecy,
you can't tell anyone.
"You shouldn't hit children",
said mom.
Mail for Stella Blómkvist.
- That's me, thanks. Nice to see you again.
Sigrún's medical records.
I can't wait to thank her.
I don't even need to read it.
It's like prolonging a nightmare.
You're out.
You can go.
Your job is done.
"Eat it while it's still hot",
said mom.
Sigrún was in shock after the rape.
Psychiatric ward and then suicide.
They destroyed her.
Poor girl wait!
Valdi fucking Porn?!
Valdi takes care of problems.
Even those lambs know it by now.
Regina screwed the big wolf.
So you're here to talk about the blue bag?
No, it's a whole different matter.
Your daughter.
You got 2 minutes.
My condolences.
- 1:55.
I'm giving you the chance
to admit Regina's murder.
Regina's murder?
Very funny.
I was in Beijing the night of the murder.
With the Prime Minister in a public assembly.
Check the papers, there's plenty of pictures.
- I know you were in Beijing.
State Ministers make a great alibi
but we both know you sent someone else to do it.
When someone kills your daughter,
you just wanna take revenge.
You have no kids, do you?
- Not that I know.
Sigrún was the sweetest kid.
She was good at heart,
she was nothing like me.
A great sense of humor.
Everyone loved her.
Not a drop of evil in her.
Her mother got sick after she was born.
I had to raise her myself.
I felt strange with her proud.
I became a kind person when I was with her.
She was the only positive thing in my life.
Each one of the responsible is gonna pay.
That's my promise.
Then we have the same purpose.
Put them away and throw the key.
How do you plan to do it?
I have the video from Sigrún's rape.
I also have a ton of evidence of their culpability.
Caught in the act.
What do you want in exchange?
I'm not gonna confess a crime I didn't commit.
For once.
- For once
Is Breki still alive?
Yes at least the last time I saw him.
- It doesn't matter.
How about a swap?
What are you doing here?
- Waiting for Breki to wake up.
Wait as long as you want.
You're not allowed to talk to him.
Come on, Raggi!
He can corroborate Þórunn's story!
- Ok you need evidence to bring Þórunn in, right?
Aren't you supposed to defend her?
- I don't take Satan's offspring as clients, I have principles.
Whatever evidence you have, it won't count
in a courtroom because she was your client.
Also, all the DNA found on the crime scene
belonged to the victim. Þórunn is off the hook.
Who said anything about Regina's murder?
Give me just a few minutes.
5 minutes.
Who are you?
- It doesn't matter.
Did you kill Regina?
Did you and Þórunn do it together?
What are you
- Was it planned or did it just happen?
Tell me about the night Regina was killed.
- Regina's dead?!
Is Þórunn alright?
- She's perfectly fine. What do you know about Regina?
She was alive when I last saw her.
- At the summer house?
No at the gas station,
right before they kidnapped me.
Shouldn't we talk about what happened to me?
One thing at a time. What gas station?
- The first one out of town.
Ok, this is very important what time was that?
- Around 7.
In the morning?
- Yes.
You're sure it was her?
- Yes.
So Regina managed to live a couple of hours
after having been killed.
She wasn't dead!
She was filling a blue Lexus with gas!
Lexus? - Yes.
- Blue? - Are you deaf?! It was blue!
- Gunna, check what car Lovísa Ragnarsdóttir is driving.
Just a second.
A Lexus ES 300 Sport.
- Is it blue?
- Thank you.
- What took you so long?
I was busy. What is it?
- About that DNA
The blood outside the window
didn't belong to Þórunn, right?
It was the victim's.
- Outside the window? Isn't that strange?
She was locked inside when she started bleeding.
It is strange but the test don't lie.
- It was the victim's blood.
Didn't you drop Þórunn as client?
- Yes.
Then what else do you want?
- You hung up on me.
Yes sorry, it's just
- Don't apologize.
Hi, kids. Porn Valdi says hello.
- What?
- My condolences.
Some doors are hard to close.
- Especially if someone is trying to get out.
Can I ask you a question?
- Yes.
It's just a wild guess but
maybe the night Regina died
you went to see her and Þórunn at the summer house.
I didn't think you'd come here.
You know nothing about your daughter.
Maybe you were tired of the way Regina controlled her.
- She must be studying!
Maybe you heard about how they behaved
with innocent people.
Regina took your place as Þórunn's mother.
You're always so boring.
Have some wine.
Your relation was long deteriorated.
Ýmir was an idiot and always will be.
- You can't talk like that about my husband!
So you exploded.
He's like a horny little dog.
- This time she went too far.
Believe me I know.
You had plenty of reasons to hate Regina.
Poor little Lovísa
Maybe you were there about Þórunn maybe about Ýmir.
Maybe just because you knew your sister.
Þórunn is not here.
She's out getting fucked.
Her teacher is groaning on top of her right now.
Hrannar Siemsen is fucking her
for educational purposes.
Maybe when you saw her getting into the sauna,
something snapped.
You're really starting to annoy me.
- Something that's been inside of you for a long time just broke out.
You grabbed the chance
that you'd been waiting for a lifetime.
You're out of your mind!
Don't you see?
You're crazy!
How long is this joke gonna last?
That's enough!
I don't have time for this crap!
Open up!
It must have been a long and painful death.
You took no risks.
You waited till morning before going back home.
You took the mop with you
and you left your daughter
to find your sister's body.
Poetic justice, I suppose.
That morning you stopped at a gas station
and so did your daughter's boyfriend, Breki.
You have some talent, girl.
I could never come up with a story like that.
But it's not just a story.
The blood outside the steam room's window.
Twins have the same DNA.
I was home all evening and all night.
Any witnesses?
- I was alone.
Ýmir always works late.
The Negotiation Committee keeps him very busy.
So you've been home the whole time.
- Yes, I rarely go out.
Your own daughter was accused of murder.
Don't you care about her?
And who cares about me?
Can we take the picture now?
- Of course, dear.
I don't know wether Lovísa should be blamed or rewarded
for killing the monster that was her sister.
It's gonna be up to Raggi.
For me it all ends here.
Stella are you leaving?
It's not my kind of crowd.
It's been nice seeing you again.
Let's not be strangers.
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