Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e04 Episode Script


[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[fire roaring]
Come here.
Come here.
[emotional music playing]
[fire roaring]
[moving music playing]
[sirens wailing]
[water hisses]
Nam-soon, hey.
[deep breaths]
I got it.
I'm sorry, I
It feels like
you're still six years old.
That's right. I'm your mom.
You remember your mom?
I don't remember, but I know you are.
I can feel it.
[emotional music playing]
Don't cry, Mom.
Really. I made it through life just fine.
All my memories of you
are from when you were five years old.
[deep exhale]
I guess I pick back up
from when you were six.
I've gotten too big for that.
All my teeth grew in and my feet got huge.
Oh, how did you learn
to speak Korean so well?
I studied it.
In Mongolia, my mom and dad there
even paid for studies.
I'm so grateful to them.
They raised you up right.
I'm going to bring them here right away.
Thanks, but my mom and dad
can't come here yet.
This time of year, they'll be busy
with the sheep shearing.
I mean it.
Really. I must repay what they've done.
maybe you could build a
a new ger for them?
A ger?
You mean a new tent?
How about this?
I'll build them a brand-new skyscraper.
And they can use the ger for fun.
[Geum-ju] They can lease the space.
That way, they can use
the rental income for their retirement.
"The rent"?
I've heard of that.
I've seen it on TV shows.
There's a lot more
that you'll have to learn.
I'll teach you all
about capitalism in Korea.
-[Geum-ju] That's for another day.
Do you still know your old address?
Gers don't have addresses.
Are you telling me you grew up
in a house without an address?
-No address? Are you kidding me?
Gang Bong-go, you son of a bi
"Gang Bong-go, son of a bitch"?
You didn't hear that.
You didn't hear that.
You should never swear.
I've already heard it.
No point covering my ears.
It's okay.
I'm good at swearing.
I learned a ton watching movies.
"You motherfucker."
Oh, no! Not that. That's a bad word.
I only swear
because I learned it from my mother.
Ooh, it's too much
a part of me to stop now.
That is one thing I hope
I wouldn't pass down to you.
All right. I never heard it.
Anyway, I want you to write down
a list of people by name,
everyone who's helped you these 20 years.
I wanna reward them all
for taking such impeccable care of you.
That Professor Choi, he just gave
the same lecture as last year.
No effort at all.
He'd better watch out.
They don't give tenure
to just anyone these days.
-[Hyun-soo] Is he trying to get fired?
-Do you know this guy?
Not personally.
[Hyun-soo] I only snuck into his lecture
because I heard
he was a macroeconomic genius.
But that wasted my time.
If that's the way
he approaches microeconomics,
I guarantee he doesn't understand
the bigger picture.
Of course not.
[Ji-hyun] What professor
spends as much time
in the real economy as you and me?
What does he know anyway?
That's exactly the problem.
-When you spend all day in the ivory
-[stomach rumbles]
[pitiful music playing]
You know what?
I'm craving capsaicin sauce.
Let's make an exception.
How about we pay for a meal today?
I know a place that serves mandu so huge
one could feed the two of us.
No, the soup kitchen
in Haengdang-dong is good enough.
You keep burning through money,
you end up a tramp.
-A bit harsh, don't you think?
-[loud speaker chimes]
-No, I didn't mean it.
-[speaker] Attention. Attention.
-Could Mr. Ji Hyun-soo
and Ms. No of the Han River,
please make their way
-to the back gate of the campus as soon
-Ms. No.
-as possible? Repeat, Mr. Hyun-soo
-Hey, that's us.
of the Han River.
Your cooperation is required.
[upbeat music playing]
Good afternoon.
Gang Nam-soon is my daughter.
-Hello. Hi.
Excuse me, but have we done
anything wrong, or
[deep inhale, hums]
You each get 200 million.
[both gasp]
I recommend you use the money
for your most urgent needs.
Clothing, for instance.
Or perhaps some food.
Tonight, you may stay at Hotel Geumju.
I own the place,
so you just have to show up.
[Geum-ju] I'll have Mr. Choi
take care of everything.
Let's attend to your pressing needs,
starting with a home.
If you need something,
you can call my direct number.
You reunited me
with my long-lost daughter
simply by being who you are.
I can't thank you enough.
Keep in touch.
[gasps] Oh, my god! This is crazy!
-Two hundred million?
-[jackpot chime]
It's real!
Oh, baby, I think
we could buy food tonight.
No capsaicin sauce. Let's think bigger.
First, hold this tight to your chest
and run straight for the storage lockers.
-In the subway station.
Oh! Come on, just leave it.
[instruments playing]
[Joong-gan] Oh, my god!
Oh, my sweet baby! Oh, my little girl!
Oh, my!
You've grown up so beautiful, haven't you?
Gosh, you look kinda like me,
not like your mom, though.
Oh, you are so beautiful.
My dear, you are so beautiful. [giggles]
I heard you ran into fire,
that you saved some children's lives?
Your mom told me everything.
Gosh, you're still covered in ash.
Come, let's go get you
cleaned up, huh? Let's go now.
Oh, one thing.
Ms. Jung, could you run out
and buy some new clothes
for Nam-soon to change into?
-Yes, of course.
-Come on, let's go.
[Joong-gan] Grandma can scrub your back.
[Hee-sik] The mask dissolves in water.
And after a certain time,
the water evaporates,
leaving a powder behind.
This drug is a monster.
I'm sure that this mask is very
-Excuse me.
-[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
[Geum-ju] This is Hwang Geum-ju.
Oh, yes.
Were you able to meet your daughter yet?
Yes, thanks to you.
She's back home with me now.
Ah, that's great to hear.
Thank you, Detective.
Your daughter's suitcase
and other possessions are with me.
I can drop by to pick them up later.
I'll come by your place myself.
I can just bring them to you.
[Geum-ju] No, Detective.
That wouldn't be fair to ask you.
All right, then, ma'am.
-[plastic crinkles]
-[line ends]
Are you sure it's a drug?
It could be fabric dust.
No! What are you doing?
This is stronger than fentanyl.
Go rinse your mouth out!
[Dong-seok] Why? What is it?
Hey, I think I've already swallowed it.
Seriously, are you a child, sir?
How does a team leader
put something in his mouth
that hasn't been tested yet?
I don't know. I just find it hard
to believe that thing is made of drugs.
Oh, my god.
You're like a curious toddler, really.
[faucet running]
I was right.
It really was you.
I could feel it.
You were at
the photo studio.
You're my
I'm your dad.
I'm your dad, Nam-soon.
I'm so sorry.
I let go of your hand, didn't I?
No, no.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
I'm the one who's sorry.
[door opens, closes]
[Nam-in] Nam-soon!
[Bong-go] This is Nam-in.
He is your twin brother.
Twin brother?
[Bong-go] Yes, he does look just like you.
It's just it's a bit hidden.
It's good to see you again.
[Nam-in] Nam-soon, I missed you so much.
I prayed for you to be okay every day.
That's why That's why we're meeting now.
[both sobbing]
It's so strange, you know.
When I first met Ri Hwa-ja,
I felt immediately she wasn't my sister.
But with you, it feels different.
I could tell right away
that you're family.
That girl, where do you think she is now?
[dark music playing]
[customers chattering]
[Sun-kyu] These are the transactions
connected to Baldy's crypto wallet.
It's all here.
We have every detail of his activity
including the amount and time
of each transaction.
We need to comb through every single entry
to see which wallets he transacted with
at what times, down to the second.
Let's cooperate with the Cybercrime Unit.
I'll send them a request.
They told me they got their hands full
with their pornography case.
It'll take forever for the five of us
to do this ourselves.
Which means we can't do this all alone.
We are Homo sapiens, after all.
We use our brains.
I'm heading down to the first floor.
[cool music playing]
[Chief Park] What is it this time?
You've heard of something
called mergers and acquisitions?
-Sorry, what?
-M and A.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.
Uh, oh!
A round of applause!
[Hee-sik] The precinct and the Drug
Investigation Unit combine its staff
-to cooperate with each other as needed.
-One, two, three.
-[Hee-sik] A win-win!
-[camera shutter clicks]
[knocks on door]
[Nam-soon] Hey, Mom.
[excited giggle]
I've always felt so guilty
for what happened.
That for all my strength,
I couldn't protect you.
It's all right. I'm strong too.
That's how I've been able
to always stay safe.
And I did turn out okay.
For generations in our family,
the women have been strong.
But only for as long
as we use our strength to do good.
If we ever use our strength
to do something bad, our power goes away.
The fact that you're still strong
after all this time
is proof that you've lived
a life doing good.
That fact alone fills me with hope.
Well, you shouldn't worry.
I'm not planning to change.
I know.
I will spend the rest of my days
helping you live a life like that.
Oh, I'm so proud of you, baby.
It's getting late. You should rest, hmm?
You get some sleep too.
[Nam-soon giggles]
[door closes]
[line dials, rings]
Hey, Mom.
It's Tsetseg.
How are you doing?
Hey, Mom.
I finally found them,
my birth parents, yeah.
Yeah. I have a twin brother. [giggles]
How is Dad?
Can I talk to him?
Hi, Dad.
Don't worry about me.
I'm doing just fine.
Hey, Mom.
Dad too.
I'm really missing you both.
[deep inhale]
But I think there's still something
I need to do in Korea.
Because it seems like the sort of place
where I can really put
my strength to good use, so.
Yeah. Bye.
[touching music playing]
[deep breath]
[Joong-gan sighs] My son has been so weak.
He finds it hard to stand up.
He spends all day
lying in bed or on the sofa.
He's basically been a zombie for 40 years.
Please help him, doctor.
Could you tell me more
about your symptoms?
It feels like an incredibly strong force
is pulling me down from below.
It makes it impossible to ever get up.
If I do get up, my entire body aches
like you wouldn't believe.
It's so taxing.
That's why I can't help but lie down.
May I?
Oh. [serious exhale]
-[soft drumbeat]
-[Dr. Lee] His energy is low.
It isn't circulating properly
throughout his body.
He's got a rapid pulse
and that's usually a sign of low vitality.
Look, doctor,
I'd be willing to pay anything
to help my son walk upright
on his own without difficulty.
Give him velvet antler, bear bile,
Japanese honeysuckle,
organic wolfberry, most of all.
Just load him up with everything.
Whatever they gave
to Chinese emperors back then.
But, Mom, I'm not a Chinese emperor.
My goodness! That's so intense.
That ship has long sailed.
If you started today
and kept going until you died,
you wouldn't be able to place
one brick of the Great Wall.
Anyway, doctor, cram in
everything good possible.
We don't wanna
be indiscriminate in his treatment.
I'll make him a supplement
that's great, super great.
[gentle music playing]
Is there anything
I can help you with, ma'am?
I'll take your pulse, if you like.
Ah! [chuckles]
Well, why not?
-[loud drumbeats]
-[Dr. Lee] What
Your pulse is so
I've never felt a pulse like that.
It runs in the family, you know.
The women are strong. The men not so much.
You're not married, right?
-Uh, no.
-You're not?
[playful music playing]
[Joong-gan] I have a lecture
at the association today,
so I need to get going.
You can take a cab.
But, Mom, all by myself? It's too taxing.
[upbeat music playing]
-What's up?
A grownup man on his mother's back.
-[man] In this heat, too?
-What are you looking at?
This ain't some spoiled brat
taking advantage of me.
For your information,
he is very sick and I am very strong.
Where's the damn taxi?
Oh, Mom, don't shout so much.
[Geum-dong] It hurts my ears.
You're taxing them.
Are your ears bad as well?
Mm-hmm. Everything.
I'm waiting here!
-[loud thud]
-[all gasp]
Today is a very special day.
I found my lost granddaughter.
-[all in unison] Congratulations!
-Thank you.
To celebrate, I'll do something special
and properly butcher
an entire cow for you.
-[all in unison] Thank you, ma'am!
-Hey! Relax, relax.
We're not like chefs in a kitchen.
We're all butchers.
We don't care for hierarchy.
Do you know why?
If you shout at a butcher,
there's always the chance
they'll lose control and butcher you.
Always remember.
There's nothing alive a knife can't kill.
Butchery is the science of pulverization.
Blood and flesh, bone.
Blood and flesh, bone.
Blood and flesh, bone.
-[knife clinking, swishing]
[Joong-gan exhales]
-When you break the bones by hand,
the final cut will be completely different
from a machine, huh?
If you make a soup with bones
broken by hands like this,
the flavor is ten times richer, huh?
This is the secret that Hwang Geum-ju used
to make herself incredibly rich.
The money all goes back
to her seonji soup store.
I gave you this gold wand
as a special present
for your fifth birthday.
You asked for it
after seeing Magic Chapter Carrie,
so your mom had it custom-made for you.
So that's what happened.
[wheels rattling]
These foods were always your favorites.
At least they were when you were five.
Let's eat.
[happy music playing]
Mm, it's so good.
Do you recognize the taste?
-Remember, Nam-soon?
You used to go crazy for cotton candy.
And sausages too.
You know what I remember?
How you used to steal
my cotton candy for yourself.
Did I really? I'm sorry, Nam-in.
No, no, it's fine. Really!
In return, you gave me all your meat.
I guess you didn't like it that much.
I just wonder why
I don't remember any of this.
I feel kinda bad.
It runs in the family.
All our women have been blessed
with such physical power.
Even the brain must be a muscle.
No room left for memory.
Shut up, Gang Bong-go.
It's a special occasion, Mr. Gang,
so I'll hold my temper.
Why don't we take a picture?
I wanna hang it up
in my studio and show everyone.
Show off my daughter.
Let's include Grandma in the picture too.
-We'll also include your poor uncle.
-He's been bedridden for so long.
-[Nam-in] Appa!
We take one right now, just us.
Okay, ready? Smile!
One, two, three.
-[Geum-ju] Graceful form.
-[golf club clinks]
Like a swan.
Wow, nice shot.
My swing is magnificent
when I practice here.
Don't you think so, Nam-gil?
-Oh, absolutely. Oh?
-[phone vibrates]
Where's my daughter now?
Oh, we're at the indoor
driving range right now.
[Joong-gan] What's she doing?
Is she there practicing strength control?
Um, yes, something like that, ma'am.
It's beef bone soup day today.
So tell Mr. Nam at the hotel
to come over and collect the bones.
-Yes. [gasps]
-[golf club clinks]
[golf club clinks]
-Mm, yes?
If Opulentia calls me,
please connect me right away.
I'm expecting them.
I requested some information on drugs.
Drugs? What do you wanna know?
I want the kingpin
of the Korean drug trade.
[sharp inhale]
They took my money awfully quick
to be ignoring me.
-[phone vibrates]
They're not ignoring you, ma'am.
It's them. Opulentia has just replied.
"There are drugs
in the distribution company Doogo."
Oh, "Doogo."
As two nouveau riches,
we should keep in touch.
[foreboding music playing]
[door opens]
[people applauding]
Directors and investors,
it's been a while.
I'm glad to see you again.
[translating in Korean]
As you are already aware,
at Doogo, we have made
the distribution of Coinbase a reality
by issuing Doogocoins.
We're the first in the industry
to start official trading.
[translating in Korean]
Just look at our name "Doogo,"
to know our plans.
Whatever our customers
want us to do for them, we do.
Wherever they want, we go. "Doogo."
[man translating in Korean]
We have begun attracting investment
for our biggest project next year,
creating the biggest
logistics center in Asia.
In fact, this year, we will hire
3,000 Doogo Men.
This drive will easily make us
a corporate giant in terms of employment.
What's more, it won't be just Doogo Men,
but plenty of Doogo Women as well.
[translating in Korean]
After all
Women can deliver just as well.
[comical music playing]
We need to check when a cryptocurrency
was bought and when it was sold.
[Sun-kyu] Look closely to make sure
the amounts match up.
If you cut corners,
we'll be here all night.
Ugh, my eyes.
[mouse clicking]
Hurry! There's a riot breaking out
between two groups
of protesters by the Han River.
What's going on? Why are you up?
M&A, remember? Teamwork.
-We gotta help.
-We gotta help.
[disruptive music playing]
[uneasy music playing]
[disruptive music continues]
Ms. Hwang.
[Gi-dae] Since you found
your real daughter,
should we write an article?
No, don't publish it.
All hell was about to break loose
after Nam-soon stopped the fire.
So I censured social media posts
and had the articles taken down.
That was close.
We received photos from the public
showing her jumping to the fourth floor
and saving the children.
I don't want Nam-soon getting stressed out
over anything right now.
I only published those articles about her
in the hopes they would help find her.
Now, my job is to protect her
from the prying eyes of the world.
Block all the reports.
-Mr. Kim.
I need something else from you.
Ms. Park recently passed away
due to drugs.
[eerie music playing]
This drug problem is everyone's issue.
Anyone of us could be affected.
Write an investigative report
on drugs in Gangnam.
The people deserve to know.
[door opens]
I saw your face on a police wanted poster.
-How are you planning to live?
-By earning money.
I need you to make me a fake ID.
Well, it's 400,000 grand.
[Hwa-ja] Million won.
I got 150 million from selling
two of that bitch's watches.
If I put all my money together,
sell the clothes and bags
plus the prize money I won,
it's a lot full.
Maybe before you pay off
all the people you got hurt,
then you'll have nothing.
Which is why I need to start earning more.
I gotta earn, dude.
I can't just keep
hiding out like this forever.
[Doberman] Name, An Eun-ji.
She died three years ago.
It won't matter though.
She's not the one they're looking for.
Maybe if I died
no one would come looking for me.
[dark music playing]
Why do they want
female delivery staff so bad?
We need it to improve our image.
We'll be seen as a diverse,
inclusive company.
[Sang-cheol] Yes, sir.
There's another reason though.
I've heard there are exceptionally
strong women in this country.
[tires screeching]
[Si-o] In fact, I saw one myself.
She was much stronger
than any woman I'd ever seen.
I have to know if what I saw
was really possible.
1 KG
Oh, god.
This just became a clinical trial, huh?
How could it still be in his system?
He rinsed his mouth right away.
Do you think he's okay?
It's not looking good.
[phone vibrates]
-Yes, hello?
-[Nam-soon] Gan Home-sik, it's me.
Hi. I heard you're back with your mom.
That's great news.
[Nam-soon] You know
that photo studio coupon
you gave me for me
to get my passport photos taken?
-The owner's my dad.
Wow, I guess fate really does exist, huh?
I'll always remember
I found my parents because of you.
[Nam-soon] Thank you, Gan Home-sik.
Will you stop calling me
Gan Home-sik already?
What if it becomes
a self-fulfilling prophecy
and I end up getting lost like you were?
That's not gonna happen.
I promise to keep you safe.
[chiming music playing]
[Nam-soon] So, Hee-sik,
should we get dinner together?
Oh, sure.
That sounds great.
Think of a place you'd like to go.
And I'll give you a call later, man.
[line ends]
[deep inhale]
Oh, you're losing it here, my man.
You can't let yourself
start falling for her that easily.
-[Nam-soon] To us!
-[Hyun-soo] To us!
[delighted moans]
-[Hyun-soo] Oh, this is so good.
-Nam-soon, thank you so much.
-I've learned through experience
that in this life, you never know
what's around the corner.
-[Hyun-soo] That's what makes it fun.
-[Ji-hyun] Just think about it.
If we hadn't broken into your ger
that day, then I'm guessing
this miracle would have
never happened to us.
-God, I'm tearing up.
You know, I've always wondered.
How did you two end up as tramps anyway?
Well, that story's
That's for another day.
All right.
What will you do
with the money my mom gave you?
I was ruined by crypto.
So crypto is how I'll come back.
I see. So that's how you became a tramp.
Hey, Nam-soon, I'll take that acting job.
I even got a phone call
from that assistant director guy.
You have money already.
Do you have to be an actor?
Money is not the only thing
we need to live though.
We need dreams as well.
Let's go.
[Hyun-soo] Let's go.
Have fun, you guys.
I'm gonna go to the hotel spa instead.
Do you know the part you're playing yet?
Do re mi fa so ♪
[Nam-soon] Isn't this a period piece?
What's Tarzan doing here?
Was Tarzan from the Joseon period?
It's a fusion period piece.
It's about a noble from the Joseon era
who travels back in time
and lives out his life as Tarzan.
That's a terrible plot.
I try to give every TV show a chance,
but this time, I just can't.
It's gonna flop.
Does the writer expect
to get paid for this garbage?
[Hyun-soo yelling]
Hey, I said no audio, kid!
Shut up! You are a body double.
Too loud?
How's that?
Does that string bean have to be so extra?
He's only my body double.
I'm the one
who's gonna be saying the lines.
See, I told you he was too skinny.
We should have switched him out
for another guy.
You think he looks like me? Really?
He's a lot better at it than you are.
And deep down, I bet you know that.
Are you crazy?
-I'm much better.
-Try it.
[vocalizing] Come on, let's hear.
[imitating monkey calls]
Told you.
You're worse than I thought.
You all agree that the other guy
sounds better, right?
He's also a lot better-looking
than this guy here.
Just switch the lead.
How about I switch out your face?
-Don't. She'll kill you. She'll kill you.
-Take the Han River Tramp, Tarzan!
[both vocalizing]
Hey, listen up. Go over there.
Get in some practice.
I'll deal with you later.
I don't get it.
The shooting budget
seems totally irrational.
The bit part actor gets 100,000 won a day
while the lead actor
who's uglier and less talented
gets 200 million won an episode?
Is this what they call
capitalism in Korea?
[off-tune vocalizing]
It's a cry of strength, okay?
Give it all you got.
[off-tune vocalizing]
[mouse clicks]
Hi, Ma.
[dark music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[switch clicks]
[deep exhale]
[doorbell chimes]
Mom's here already?
[door beeps]
Hello, Detective.
I'm Hwang Geum-ju, Nam-soon's mother.
Hello. Come in, please.
Thank you.
[effort grunts]
[bag thuds]
That should be all of her things.
Yes. Thank you again.
You know, Detective.
-I still don't know exactly
how I can ever express
my gratitude to you.
Tell me, what would you like?
What do you mean?
Everybody needs something, you know.
Something they don't have yet.
Tell me what that something is for you.
And I'll make sure you get it.
-Not in my case.
-That can't be true.
I promise you, it is.
There's nothing like that for me.
Of course there is.
Think carefully about it.
What is it you want?
[deep exhale]
I'm working on a drug case.
I want to take down the big guys.
How's that for an answer?
What an impressive detective you are.
I wouldn't say that.
I've been awake for two days straight,
and I'm no closer to tracking them down.
[Geum-ju] Don't take this the wrong way.
I can clearly see you don't need it.
It just matters to me
that I give it to you.
So it's money.
I've got nothing against money.
But I'm afraid I can't accept this.
I can't justify it.
Personally, I enjoy throwing
my money around.
Why else go through
the trouble of making it?
[Geum-ju] But there were times
when I even thought about
giving all my wealth
to whoever found my daughter.
The way I see it, Detective,
taking this is the least you can do.
I'm sorry, it doesn't feel right.
Please take it.
-But, ma'am, I really can't accept it.
-[door opens]
Oh, my feet.
[sketchy music playing]
[shimmering music playing]
[plane droning]
Are you really this desperate already?
This career was your decision!
You knew it meant little pay!
You told me you understood!
I'm sorry if you're struggling.
But how can you stand
to be kept by someone my age?
-How could you do this? How could you?
-[Hee-sik] Wait!
Mom, what are you talking about?
That's not what's going on!
Don't you lie to me!
Let go! Let go!
I'm sorry, ma'am.
But you're mistaken.
I'm not keeping your son.
I'm shocked you could even think that
about this upstanding young man.
And do I really look like the kind
of person who would keep a toyboy?
Well, who are you, then?
I'm sure we'll cross paths again.
Good night.
"Cross paths"?
[tiger roars]
Oh, my gosh!
-Ms. Hwang, you forgot
-Who is that woman?
It's money, isn't it? You
Hold on a sec.
This is 400 million won.
[keyboard clacking]
[Hee-sik] I'm working on a drug case.
I want to take down the big guys.
I've been awake for two days straight,
and I'm no closer to tracking them down.
[serious music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Detective Kang Hee-sik, there are drugs
in the distribution company, Doogo.
[prisoner] Hey, man.
Can we have some water?
[prisoner gasps]
Oh, my god!
[serious music playing]
[phone rings]
Hello. Ganghan Police Precinct.
This is Kang Hee-sik, Drug Unit.
The suspect's dead?
A mask?
[phone clanks]
Baldy's dead.
Yes, I just heard.
Man, this stuff is strong.
All I had was a speck,
smaller than a grain of salt.
And I've been unsteady on my feet all day.
Team Leader, I think I will do
an undercover investigation.
Where is that?
[easygoing music playing]
[shimmering music playing]
[hanger clinking]
Yeah, these clothes aren't my style.
Ms. Hwang
I mean, your mom, it would mean
a lot to her if you wore them.
[Na-young] Think about
how long she's waited
to dress you in pretty clothes.
She hasn't gone a single day
without thinking of you, you know.
Well, all right.
Then I'll wear this.
[light music playing]
[satisfied exhale]
Oh, Ms. Yeon, could you please add up
a Bulga [chimes] pendant
and a Tiffa [chimes] bracelet
to my daughter's outfit?
[Ms. Yeon] Yes, Ms. Hwang.
Well, dear.
What are you getting up to today?
[Nam-soon breathes deeply]
[Geum-ju] Wouldn't it be a good idea
for you to go to school?
You'll need to study.
Since you'll be taking over
everything I own one day.
To do that, you'll need
to learn about our world.
You need to learn about capitalism.
What I've seen so far isn't much fun.
But that's nothing.
Once you learn more,
you'll see how fun it is.
Nah. I don't like studying.
[gasps] Just like me.
I was afraid we'd be the same.
I can never understand
why people would need sleeping pills.
Reading one page of a book knocks me out.
When I traveled here,
at first, my only care in the world
was finding my dad and you.
But now that we're together again,
I don't know
what I should be doing anymore.
Of course you do.
All we have to do
is live happily ever after together.
Mm, your dad, well,
you can see him every once in a while.
What's the thing that makes you feel
happiest in the world?
[gentle music playing]
Well, let's see.
I'd say I'm the happiest
when I'm helping someone.
All I want in this world
is to help other people out.
You really are my daughter, huh?
[phone vibrates]
All right, sounds good.
I'll jump in a cab.
Mm-hmm. Great.
Who was that?
Gan Home-sik.
Just a cute guy I know.
You mean that detective
who helped us find one another?
Mm-hmm, that one.
You're going on a date?
"Date", hmm?
No way. We're just having dinner.
That's what a date is.
Oh, no.
We're just having dinner. [giggles]
Well, I'll be heading out, then.
He's waiting.
All right, honey.
So pretty.
[uplifting music playing]
[shimmering music playing]
[heels clacking]
Look at you.
You must be from Gangnam after all.
It means you're pretty.
Well, thanks. Let's order something nice.
[delighted moan]
Is this capitalism I'm tasting right now?
Yeah, this is what you earn money for.
To treat people you like
with delicious food.
Oh, right.
I'll be out of the precinct for a while.
I'm doing an undercover investigation.
Yeah, what's that?
[Hee-sik] Basically, it means
I'm gonna get a job at a place
pretending not to be a policeman.
What kind of place is it?
A place where there might be drugs.
We've had a tip-off,
we have looked into it as plausible.
So I'm gonna check it out.
I'll join you then.
Hey, what are you talking about?
It's too dangerous.
I can help you out.
I'm strong, remember?
[funky music playing]
I'll be useful.
You know, they're hiring female
delivery staff in particular.
Do you really want in?
If it's something you're doing,
that means it must be good.
It makes sense
because Hee-sik is your name.
Hee-sik in Mongolian means "benevolent."
I feel like hanging out with you
will make me a better person
and give me the chance to help others too.
[sweet music playing]
-[slurps, moans]
[clears throat]
-Are you okay?
[machines humming, whirring]
[Yu-gwang] Thank you, everyone.
Thanks for your hard work.
Uh, An Eun-ji.
An Eun-ji.
Look, make sure you check
your delivery items list today.
-You're responsible for anything missing,
so make sure you've got the right stuff.
[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
You said there's two more?
[pen clicking]
[Yu-gwang] Kim Jun-seok, right?
-And the lady's name is
Says here you've been
unemployed three years.
And the lady
is from Mongolia.
I'm Korean, but I lived in Mongolia, man.
-[clears throat]
I can work here since I have a visa, bruh.
-[clears throat]
You can read, can't you?
[Hee-sik] Of course.
There are jobs for immigrants
and the unemployed at Doogo.
We think that
that's a very noble mission, sir.
All right.
You're hired on a trial basis
as interns just for this month.
Can't handle it, then you're out.
-[clears throat]
We'll do our best. Thank you, sir.
Whoa, whoa, I found it. Right here, look!
[Seok-ho] Whoa, you found it?
Whoa, Dericoins.
Well, fortunately, Baldy left
the passcode in the note on his phone.
So I was able to trace
the money he received.
But when I tracked down the wallet
the money came from, it was empty.
They must have cashed
the whole thing out already.
We'll never find them now.
It's driving me nuts.
When do we get Baldy's autopsy report?
Tomorrow, sir.
Oh, somebody left their mask behind.
They wanted him dead.
We haven't found the mask anywhere.
Not even the jail toilets.
How come you're drinking
so much water today, Team Leader?
I know.
I keep getting thirsty. [chuckles]
[foreboding music playing]
-[liquid sloshing]
-[stove running]
This is so taxing for my tastebuds.
Drink this up, son.
Nam-in should have some too.
[slurps] Hot.
[container clinks]
[enticing music playing]
[coffee grinder clinking]
[table clonks]
[container scratches close]
[coffee pouring]
I haven't seen you in here before.
Oh, right.
I only just started working here.
Seo Jun-hee is the name.
Would you like to order?
I'm not here for the coffee, actually.
Um, uh, the owner here is my grandson.
Oh, yeah? That's great.
Pleased to meet you.
How did Nam-in ever manage
to hire someone that handsome?
Um, this is the beef bone soup
that I made today.
Please have some
whenever you feel like it.
Gosh, I'm honored.
Thank you so much.
Oh, how about I brew a coffee for you?
Oh, yes, please.
I'd love to knock back a few
Daintily sip a little coffee.
There are no customers in here, so.
I'd love to.
The aroma is just so
And the aftertaste
[delighted moan, sniffs]
Glad you enjoy it.
Have you been a barista long?
I worked for a securities company
for 30 years.
Took early retirement, and started
making coffee because I liked it.
Until somehow, I won some contests.
Oh, your old lady
Your lovely wife must be so happy.
[serious exhale]
Yes, unfortunately,
five years ago, she passed away.
Oh, no, how terrible.
I'm also alone.
[romantic music playing]
Oh, did your husband pass away too?
Oh, no.
He left me and the kids.
Ten years ago.
He told me he needed to go find himself,
and that's the last I heard.
He's dead now, I assume.
Uh [clears throat]
My word.
That sweet aroma.
[Joong-gan moans]
[deep inhale]
Back it up. Easy does it.
That's it. That's it. Stop there.
-[crate thuds]
-[Yu-gwang] Perfect.
All right.
[exhales] First task of the day
is to load all these boxes
onto that truck over there.
We use the buddy system,
just like the cops do.
You're gonna have it tough
with a girl, man.
You'll have to carry
all this stuff by yourself. [scoffs]
[Nam-soon] Mister, wait up!
I've got a question, boss!
Wait, were you talking to me?
[awkward chuckle]
It's nothing. We'll get to work.
This is all
we have to deliver today, right?
Then we can knock off and go home?
Well, yeah.
But what's with the tone?
Hey, you started it, mister.
You could talk like that, but I can't?
What? You're crazy!
[action music playing]
-[Nam-soon] Hey, mister.
Bring me that pallet over there.
-I'll carry the crates on that.
Uh, yes, ma'am.
-[pallet clatters]
Wait, but how is she so
How can she be so strong?
Out of the way, boys.
Unless you wanna help me carry it, man.
[Yu-gwang exhales in disbelief]
[tense music playing]
[Nam-soon] Let's finish quick.
We could get inside
that warehouse tonight.
You said we'd find drugs.
Hang on a second.
Are you okay with everyone
knowing how strong you are?
Well, no hiding it now.
And it's nothing to be ashamed of.
No, it's not.
It's just that you'll make things
harder for yourself
if you attract too much attention.
Don't care about that.
Listen. I'll do
all the heavy lifting, all right?
You just sweat the small stuff,
Mr. Home-sik. Sound good?
-That's what's up.
"Sweat the small stuff"?
Where'd you hear that in Mongolia?
I'm curious. Are you gonna
keep calling me Home-sik or what?
Ah, in movies, people always
call each other nicknames like,
"Hey, brother!"
You can call me that, if you want.
Hey, brother! [chuckles]
[zooming music playing]
[tense music playing]
Drive straight down the road
for two minutes at this speed,
then pull over.
Why? What's wrong?
[tires screech]
Why? Who is this?
The Airdnd scammer.
[seatbelt clicks]
[both chuckling]
-What the
-Hand over my stuff.
-[truck door opens]
-What stuff?
-You know this girl, honey?
No idea. I've never
[scammer gasps]
Oh, the Mongolian.
That's right. The Mongolian.
You rented me a vacant apartment
that wasn't yours.
You scammed me out of my money.
You are a really bad person.
How can you go around scamming tourists
and then act like nothing happened?
Look, babe. She's just crazy.
Do you mind waiting over there
while I talk to her?
I know.
They barely even investigate it
because you're just a tourist, huh?
They didn't have enough,
so they dropped the case.
There's a lot more
you need to learn about Korea.
In this country, they don't send people
to prison for something like petty theft.
"Petty theft"?
What about the impression of this country
you're giving to tourists when they visit?
They'll probably think Korea
is full of scammers now.
I know that I almost thought so back then.
There you go with that tone again.
And you know something?
You're not worth it, sweetheart.
[Hee-sik] Wait, Gang Nam-soon.
You can't just hit her.
I don't hit girls. You'll see.
You're gonna pay me back.
And you'll pay back
every last one of your victims too.
Then I'll forgive you.
[mocking laughter]
Yeah? I told you.
The prosecutor let me off.
Why do I care
whether you forgive me or not?
Aww, you'll have to get it on your own.
Oh, yeah?
Ooh, would you look at that?
I don't like capitalism in Korea at all.
And that goes double for the laws.
How can they let a scammer
walk around free like that?
I swear. Scammers are the worst.
[determined exhale]
You know what? That's it!
I'm changing the whole system now.
Start the engine.
Vroom! Vroom!
Right. Vroom, vroom.
[engine roars]
[tires screech]
[thrilling music playing]
[crickets chirping]
[machine beeping]
[engine roars]
[rapid beeping]
[Bong-go] Are you saying
you made her steal?
[Geum-ju] I wanted to prevent that.
Do you still have feelings
for each other or something?
-Of course not!
-Of course not!
[Sang-cheol] I checked
with the relevant supervisor.
-There's a woman who is incredibly strong.
[Ms. Cho] He's an expert in laundering
slush funds for the upper class.
[Geum-ju] I'll get straight to the point.
Black money seems to be your thing.
I go crazy for it.
[Hee-sik] I've done some digging
on Ryu Si-o. I'm on to something.
[Dong-seok] Tell him to pull
the plug on it and then come back in.
[Geum-ju] You can't live an ordinary life.
Let's save the world.
[Nam-soon] Then I'll try
going it alone today.
[Hwa-ja] Gang Nam-soon is at Doogo.
I'm going to kill everyone.
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