Stupid Wife (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


I can't believe that you
kept this from me all this time!
We didn't want to get in
the way of your recovery.
To recover, I need to know
everything about my past!
You couldn't keep
something this vital from me!
Wewe were waiting for
the right moment to tell you.
Is there a right moment to know
that your parents are getting divorced?
It is hard for us to talk about this too!
Is it final?
Maybe not!
Actually, wewe are taking a break!
Every couple needs this
to know what to do next!
You were the strongest couple I knew!
We were!
We still are, right?
Aren't we here together,
having fun, talking, eating?
Just because we took a break
doesn't mean that we can't get along!
Did you draw these yourself?
How beautiful!
Look at this beautiful tree!
Look at this one here!
It's amazing.
This one is huge.
You are very special, you know?
I'm thinking about something
What are you thinking?
I'm going to do one thing.
No! It's bedtime!
I think
I love you, mom!
I love you a lot, my son!
A lot!
I was waiting for you to say good night!
But I'll go downstairs, okay?
Stay a little longer.
I thought that we could
watch one of our DVD's!
Anything in particular?
Any with Leo?
Do you like your Christmas gift?
That Christmas toy, remember?
Do you like Mavadão or Groot better?
I think he likes Malvadão better!
I think he likes Broot better!
Both Malvadão and Groot!
Oh, it's Groot! I said Broot.
It's Groot. I mispronounced it!
Gosh, he was so tiny, wasn't he?
Where is Peixoto?
OhI wonder where he is?
I don't know! He is my friend!
Where is your friend Peixoto?
I'm going to go get him, okay?
Yes, son!
Go ahead!
I'm going to get him!
Go get Peixoto!
Go see if you can find him!
He loves Peixoto!
He is so cute!
So are you!
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that I'm in love,
with my wife!
Beautiful, wonderful, hot!
Stop it. He will be back soon!
I thought you wanted it too!
No, I
I just wanted some help
to see if I could remember anything.
I'm going downstairs then.
Good night.
Good night.
Good morning, Luiza!
Good morning, doctor!
Now that you are my
patient, you can call me Alice.
Alice, it is then!
Tell me about your week.
This week I tried to fit in
more with my life as it is now,
but I ended up finding out
some things that I didn't expect.
Such as?
Such as my parents getting divorced!
They are taking a break.
Understood! Does it affect you a lot?
Well, it does, you know?
My parents were the
strongest couple that I knew,
so, seeing them breaking
up makes me wonder if
it is possible to be happily married.
When you tell me that, are you
talking about marriage in general,
or yours specifically?
Mine, I think!
Yesterday, I asked Valentina to
watch some of our videos with me.
Videos with Leo playing
And we kissed in one of them.
And it was the first time
you've seen yourselves kissing?
No, I've seen this before, but I
was watching it by myself then.
And how did you feel?
You know when you see
something that is prohibited,
but you take great pleasure in it?
Yeah, but that's natural, right?
It's natural because you and
Valentina are married to each other.
It's natural for you guys to
have this sexualconnection!
Because the memories belong not
only to the brain but to the body too!
So, there will be an attraction anyways!
I think more and more, that you
will find yourself longing for her!
During the video that we watched together,
I started to feel this same sensation.
Yet, at the same time, I
was very embarrassed.
Valentina tried to kiss me,
and I was longing for that,
only there was a part of
me that thought it was wrong.
Why wrong?
I don't know.
Are you sure you don't know why?
I don't know how to name this feeling!
It's okay!
It's totally fine! you don't need to name
your feelings! You just
need to let them flow!
And please do notsabotage yourself.
If you want to experience something,
go for it!
Are you going out?
I have a lot of work to do today!
And Leo?
Duda will pick him up from school!
Is everything alright?
Yes. Yes, everything is alright!
I'm just full of new projects to do.
Duda invited us to her
house for dinner tonight, okay?
But how about my favorite sister-in-law?
I'm the only one you have, you clown!
You, on the other hand, have
another one besides me, but
I know I'm your favorite!
How conceited you are, eh, Igor?
What can I do if I'm such a wonderful guy?
You are very much like Valentina!
Anddid she tell you
what time she'll be back?
She should be home soon!
I see.
How are you guys doing?
Not bad!
I mean, it's not the best
relationship in the world,
but we've been worse!
I can imagine.
Look, I'm not saying this
because I am her brother, OK?
But she is devastated by the fact that
you don't remember
anything about your marriage!
Yes, I know that and I am
I'm trying to be more
comprehensive, I am
I'm trying to treat her better, to
get used to being married to her.
Do you want my advice?
Try to get to know Valentina better.
Try to really get to know her!
You two were the strongest
couple that I have ever seen!
But hey
Let's go?
Otherwise, Duda will be calling
soon to know if something happened.
Let's go!
Thank you for the invitation!
Let's have some wine?
Of course!
What's up?
Where's my little boy? I miss him!
Oh, such a drama queen!
You always call me that, huh?
I don't know where he is, eh?
Has anyone seen Leo? I don't think so!
I wonder if he's still at school.
You scared me!
My love! Come here, let me give you a hug!
I missed you a lot, my son!
Let's play, Leo!
She wants to play again! Have fun kiddos!
Bye, beautiful!
She won't even talk to her
mom or her auntie anymore.
She is like that now.
They are so cute, aren't
they? They're amazing!
And you are rude, huh?
I am going to tell Valentina
that you're behaving like this now!
You keep calling me rude, dramatic,
I want to know what the deal is now.
And such a hottie, my love!
Look at this neckline, these legs,
this hair, you're killing it girl!
I've always been like this, huh?
What about you? Igor will have lots of fun!
He always does, my dear!
You may be neglecting
Valentina, but I do my job!
Let's drink! I have this Chilean
wine and this one here
the Piriquita. Which one do you prefer?
Piriquita is always better!
I'm going to open it then!
Won't you have any?
No! Thank you.
And I think you should
stop drinking too, huh?
Are you controlling my life, Valentina?
Stop saying nonsense.
Nonsense? As if what's
happening is not enough,
now you also want to control me!
Luiza, you are drunk! Stop saying nonsense!
I'm not drunk, Valentina!
For God's sake, I know
very well what I'm doing
Look at that! And you say you're not drunk?
Oh, Valentina, stop
being a pain in the ass
I will get something to clean it.
Shush! Shush!
Oh, Valentina
Wouldn't you ratherclean
it up some other way?
You are drunk!
I'm not going to do
anything with you like this
Ugh, Valentina, stop being
a pain in the ass, okay?
You have never been like this!
You have never been this nice!
You don't know what you are talking about!
Oh, but I know!
No, you don't!
Yes, I do! I know what I am saying.
You don't know!
I've known you for a long time, Valentina!
This game that you are playing
now, does not convince me!
What's happening here, guys?
How cute, your "little
brother" came to defend you.
Eh, eh, eh! What the fuck is this?
Let go of me! Today I'm going
to take off this fake mask of yours!
You've manipulated everyone
pretty well, haven't you, Valentina?
You wanted to be the "example" of a mother.
You wanted to be the "example" of a wife.
You wanted to be the "example" of a woman!
Luiza, I will not allow you to talk
to my sister like that in my house!
Stop being a hypocrite!
Luiza! Enough is enough!
You were the first to
find your sister futile!
The first to think she was narrow-minded!
She's very altered.
Am I wrong?
Let's go upstairs!
Seriously, Duda?
Even you?
Even Duda, Valentina?
Even Duda,
you stole from me?
You will never change, will you?
You will always bethis selfish person.
This person
who thinks only of herself.
You are a scumbag, Valentina!
Is there anything else?
You're a hypocrite too!
You forgot to call me stupid too!
You don't need to leave, Valentina!
It's enough, Luiza!
Enough is enough!
You need a shower
I'm going home, Duda!
Take it!
It tastes awful!
It's bitter and strong to see
if it soothes your hangover!
Honeywhat about Valentina?
Still nothing from her!
I'm going out to look for her!
Where to, Igor? It's late and
you don't know where she is!
Yeah, I don't know where she is,
but she is my sister and
I need to do something!
You are right.
Are you coming with me or are you staying?
I'm coming with you! I'm
bringing the children with us!
Do you want to come with us?
No, I'm staying!
Someone needs to be
here, in case she comes back.
can you take them to the car?
I will meet you guys there soon!
I'm an idiot, aren't I?
You are, indeed!
Luiza, just because I'm your best friend
doesn't mean I'm going
to take your side, okay?
You screwed up!
Damn it!
This time you've crossed all of the lines!
I know how hard it is for you!
I know you've lost your
memory, I'm with you, I know that!
Damn it! It's time for you to remember
that you're a 30-year-old woman!
Stop acting like a little
college bitch, Luiza!
You've said a lot of shit!
If you don't know how
to drink, don't drink!
Good night.
You will always be this selfish person.
This person
who thinks only of herself.
You are a scumbag, Valentina!
You're a hypocrite too!
You forgot to call me stupid too!
Where is Leo?
He's at my place. Don't worry!
He stayed with Duda and Aninha.
He was already asleep.
I can't take it anymore, Igor!
I love Luh very much!
And I swear, I am trying!
I'm trying for her, for our story together!
But, I can't take it anymore!
You know when you come home
and you want to hug your wife?
But every time I try, she pushes me away!
I can't imagine, Valentina.
I can't!
Because it's nothing like your marriage.
I know. It's nothing like it was!
I'm not even talking about
kissing, having sex, nothing like that.
I know.
I'm talking about something simple like,
saying good morning.
I look at her and I don't know
if I can say good morning,
if she will treat me well,
or if she will treat me badly.
I don't know what to do!
What about the surprise that you
you were going to give her?
For your wedding anniversary.
This does not make sense anymore!
None of this is making sense.
This is not the Luiza I married!
This is not the Luiza with whom
I have been with for 6 years,
with whom I have built a life!
I think I'm going to file for a divorce!
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