Suburrterna (2023) s01e04 Episode Script


- Hey. Hey!
- Rise and shine, asshole!
- Come on, get up! Come on!
- Let's go.
What the fuck are you
- Get up! Get downstairs!
- Hey! What the fuck are you doing? Hey!
- Let's go!
- Come on! Come on!
Why are you doing this to me?
- Keep moving, keep moving!
- Keep your ass moving, and shut up!
Hey, stop pushing me, all right?
Easy, easy!
- Shut up!
- Shut your mouth!
The faster the better,
you fucking asshole!
- What the fucking hell, man?
- Asshole! Take your shit.
Fucking piece of shit.
You know the difference
between me and your party?
They have to meet you
and vote to kick you out of there.
But I can throw you out
whenever I fucking want.
Where the hell am I supposed to go?
You've got another house.
But it doesn't even have windows.
Get a tent and camp out.
In the meantime,
I suggest you fix everything.
It'll take one minute
to kick you out of the family.
Two minutes, you won't even exist to me.
You're lucky
the bullet only grazed you.
Does it hurt?
That's not what's hurting me.
- Here.
- Listen to me, Damia, okay?
Promise me his head's getting cut off
like his old fucking bitch of a mother.
I'll make sure he gets it worse.
But first, I gotta make sure
we have our shit together here.
Now you're making decisions without us?
What are you even saying?
He's saying if we waste time with Alberto,
we risk being homeless.
He got help from locals.
Now we gotta bring the locals back
to our side.
Gain their trust
by showing 'em we keep our promises.
So they'll stop wanting to come after us.
To do that, we need money.
And pushing more shit is
the fastest way to get it.
Listen, we don't need you
to butt into our business.
So what's your idea on how to do it?
We can do it with the protection money.
We're gonna buy more, and we deal more.
We'll run it by Santenocito.
He's gotta give us the shit.
Me and Nadia'll take care of it.
When we're done, I'll call you.
Hey, you look good.
What's with the morning racket?
We brought enough
to keep your people fed.
At least for another week.
And what about the following week, man?
You'll get the same amount.
And don't you worry
about the money, Alberto.
Hey, you can always sell a camper.
So does the mortician here ever smile?
Bye, Cerocchi.
Did you have fun
last night, Albe?
Where the hell's your head at?
All you do is fuck up.
We got bigger problems here.
Much bigger problems
than your beef with the Lucianis.
Don't ever talk to me like that.
You forget what they did to my family?
Fine, your families
keep killing each other one by one
until no one's left in either one, yeah?
And then what, huh?
Alberto, we've gotta keep our heads cool.
If we don't take back control
of Badali's account, it's all done.
What we need to do now is
figure out how to frame Tronto.
There's not much time.
Give me a second.
What do you want?
Still not getting it?
You have to do whatever I tell you.
You're my sheep. Do you understand me?
Leave me alone. Jesus!
This sheep is coming with us.
This one too.
Nova Xavantina stays.
What are all these boxes?
Medicine for Nova Xavantina
and Mato Grosso.
I'm supervising the shipping.
Last time, they sent antacids
instead of antimalarials.
I mean, how could they get indigestion
if they're starving?
- We need to talk.
- Let's go inside.
Don't have time for that.
They want me out of the party,
and they kicked me out of my house.
What are you saying?
In a few hours,
they're reshuffling the city council,
attempting to get rid of me.
They rescheduled
the six o'clock press conference.
We have to move the Foundation's money
into the Mater Fund by then.
Otherwise, it's game over.
- You must be kidding.
- No.
I have to show the party
that I have the money for the stadium.
If I don't, they're going to kick me out
and bury me alive.
The Camerlengo just appointed me
president of the Foundation.
In order to do what you need,
the commission must vote for it.
Okay, then call for a vote.
I did, but the bylaws say that, first,
a week must pass.
Fuck that.
We simply don't have enough time.
This is my only weapon,
and it depends on you.
Do not disappoint me.
I'll call the Lucianis.
I have an idea to buy us extra time.
What the fuck are you thinking, Damia?
Because of those two, I almost died.
Or do you even care?
I told you to watch your mouth.
One of 'em is my wife.
Yeah, and killing Spadino's
not important to her.
But have you ever wondered why that is?
Giulia, just please try to understand me.
Do me this favor.
I'm not gonna forget
what Spadino did to our family
or that I wanna bury him.
But doing it right now
isn't gonna help us. Understand?
Angelica's got a good idea.
It's about respect.
It's about people lifting their hats
when they pass us on the streets.
They gotta be moths to our flame.
How're we gonna make 'em do that?
The fucking gyms!
Let's take 'em all!
Renovate 'em and make 'em beautiful!
All the kids get in for free!
We'll automatically build an army!
Increasing our deals is
the right move here,
but it's a long-term investment.
We can do this big! Now!
You gonna help or not?
Fine, Damia. I'll handle it.
I was asked to get some guys.
We need to be ready by three. Come on.
What if something happens
to you out there?
We're just stirring up shit
to buy Ercole some time.
He thought everything through.
Trust me.
You don't need to worry about it, okay?
Come on.
It was a mistake to see Alberto.
It was wrong to trust him again.
I do not wanna bury any more people, Ange.
I'm sick of it.
I know.
Moreno was the only one
closest to me I could trust.
He didn't deserve to end up like that.
I never left you.
We are awaiting
official confirmation of the latest news.
As we speak, the council members
are arriving to discuss.
Currently, there are rumors swirling
of a possible political council reshuffle
following the events that have
disrupted the city in recent weeks.
And as you can see behind me,
demonstrators are gathering on the street.
Many have expressed worry
that the announcement of a reshuffle
will not be enough to allay
the growing tensions in the capital.
We will know which councilmen will fall
right after the city hall council meeting.
- Tronto was a priest in Trastevere?
- Yeah, 20 years ago.
Until his junkie sister began to steal
from the church he belonged to.
When the police finally decided
to step in, she vanished.
So Tronto hopped on a plane
and ended up in South America.
Since then, nobody talks
or hears about her anymore.
So basically, we got nothing on them.
Nascari didn't find anything else?
No, but we're convinced
Tronto helped her escape.
Most likely that he took her with him.
I poked around in city hall
and was able to find their last address.
- We're going there now?
- Yeah.
If she's a fugitive,
she'd still be in South America, right?
What's the point of all this?
She couldn't have vanished.
She must've stayed in touch with someone.
We're going there
because we need to find a way
to fuck Tronto.
The people in the neighborhood
will know something.
What? Did you forget how to be a criminal
since you've been gone for so long?
The fuck you laughing at?
What are you doing here, Ercole?
I thought I was clear with you.
Wanted to stop by for a moment.
Okay, so what do you want?
I'm just here as an observer.
It's gonna be a long day.
No, it won't be. The mayor is on his way.
It'll all be over in a few hours.
Good afternoon.
Thank you all for coming together
on such short notice.
I'm aware the meeting was a week away,
but as they say, sometimes
we have to think outside the box.
Well, it is more outside the rules.
Well, um, shall we start, then?
We will wait to avoid
an additional protocol breach.
Then we'll discuss matters
when every council member is present.
As you can see,
Cardinal Kruger hasn't arrived yet.
This assembly's protocol
requires solidarity.
I'm aware.
I guess I was getting ahead of myself.
Tobias, I'm sure,
will be here momentarily.
Meanwhile, please take a look
at the documents
so we can sign the implementing decree
once he arrives.
Angelica Luciani. A pleasure.
Nadia Gravoni, my business partner.
What is so urgent? Is there a problem?
No, there isn't a problem.
I'm here to rediscuss our deal.
Just be glad there's still a deal
after what happened at the beach club.
Do you even wanna hear our offer?
The business set up by the Adamis,
it's not enough anymore.
We wanna make a bigger profit.
To do that, we need more product.
The skippers are traveling
with the maximum loads.
Those ships won't be able to handle
any more than that.
I'm not talking about the skippers.
We'll use bigger ships.
Bigger ships?
Oil tankers. Cruise ships.
Ostia's a tourist port.
It's too small for those kinds of ships.
You'll unload the product offshore,
away from Ostia's coast guard waters.
Our fishing boats
will pick up the goods later that night.
It's too precarious.
We're not getting anywhere
by talking like this.
Product for us
means more risk for you, right?
How about
the Lucianis take
all responsibility for everything?
Once we pick it up,
it's out of your hands.
How will you pay me back
if the product becomes lost?
That won't happen.
But if it does,
then we'll give up our share to you
for the next two shipments.
First sign of trouble, we go back
to the old way with the skippers.
And the percentages change.
If you fuck up just one time,
my share increases by 10%.
We clear?
Crystal clear.
I like your friend.
So this was their house?
What a waste.
Where's he going?
Don't know.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Can we get two coffees?
Everything here's exactly the same. Wow.
My dad used to bring me here
after school to get a soda.
This shop's historic. Am I right?
My dad opened this bar in '69.
- Ah.
- Just think.
Maybe we've seen
each other before.
Yeah, could be.
There were always a lot of people,
but now there are too many tourists.
Back then, everybody knew each other.
The guest house upstairs
wasn't there before, right?
- I remember. It was public housing?
- A while ago.
That priest's name. What was it again?
Armando. Don Armando?
- He came here often, no?
- Yeah.
- He also had a sister, Flaminia, right?
- That's right.
I remember Flaminia too.
Wasn't she a beauty?
But she didn't end up too well.
She had a drug problem.
Don Armando was a very good man.
He helped a lot of people
in the neighborhood before he left.
Yeah. He suddenly dropped everything
and went to South America overnight.
Whatever happened to his sister, Flaminia?
No one ever saw her again
after her brother left. Poof.
What do you think happened to her?
She must've gone with her brother.
What else?
They say she didn't.
A friend of the family said
she never would've just
up and left Rome outta nowhere.
His name. The one she was always with
Orazio, the garage mechanic here
in Porta Portese.
The mechanic! I always brought my scooter
over to him. Orazio!
We all brought our stuff to Orazio.
- Yeah, of course.
- Yeah, yeah.
It's amazing you still stuck around here.
Yeah, there's only a few of us left.
Congratulations. Thanks so much.
Thank you, gentlemen. Have a nice day.
We are on the scene
where the mayor has just arrived
Damia, you can start now.
Let the show begin.
Taking back our power!
It's not yours! It's ours!
Taking back our power!
It's not yours! It's ours!
Taking back our power!
It's not yours! It's ours!
Dear brothers, I am mortified.
I apologize to you.
And also to you, our president.
Your abrupt summons reached me
during other prior commitments.
I imagine, Tobias.
May we start?
The reason we're here.
I suggest we ratify,
as was previously established
by His Eminence Nascari,
the transfer of the Foundation's funds
into the Mater Fund.
All we need to do is sign.
Forgive me, Armando,
you haven't presented your agenda,
and we're already
tying up our entire portfolio.
To be honest, Tobias,
I don't understand your doubts.
Haven't you already
decided this with Fiorenzo?
It's not like I'm suggesting anything new.
Yes, but what is the meaning
of the rush right now?
The timeline established with Fiorenzo
was more broad.
I need to further study the prospectus
for this investment fund before I sign.
You've already gone over it with Fiorenzo.
If there were no irregularities before,
I don't see why there would be any now.
I would prefer to study it again.
It is my right.
We can resume tomorrow.
You mean later, Tobias.
For all of your scruples,
it seems more than enough.
We'll all wait for you here.
Everyone changed their schedules
to be here.
I'm sure you wouldn't want to disrespect
your colleagues' time. Isn't that right?
I'm withdrawing to my study.
The hard fight has come!
The hard fight has come!
The hard fight has come!
The hard fight has come!
The hard fight has come!
- This isn't good.
- These lunatics will get inside.
What's going on out there?
Stay here.
They tried to break in.
- We'll take care of it. Don't worry.
- All right.
Call the PR agent.
Tell him to postpone the press conference
by an hour.
That should be enough time for the police
to send these assholes home.
- Okay.
- Okay.
So absurd.
Armando, I was able
to buy you another hour.
So wrap it up. Hurry up.
The hard fight has come!
Go on, Cesare! Go on!
You fucking pieces of shit!
Move! Get out of the way! Move!
Go, go, go, go! Go, Cesare!
Go, go!
- Come on! It's open! Let's go!
- Yeah!
Let's go!
What a beauty this car is.
How much horsepower? 120?
No. 130. What do you guys want?
- Orazio, right?
- Yeah.
I came here all the time.
Actually, you used to repair my scooter
when I was a kid.
I never repaired scooters in my life.
What do you guys want?
We wanted to see
if you knew Flaminia Tronto.
She's the priest's sister from years ago.
- Who sent you to talk to me?
- That's not really important.
Hey! The man is talking to you.
I don't have time for this.
We'll pay you for your time.
It's no problem.
What do you take me for?
Some guy who tampers with VIN numbers
on the side to make extra cash.
- You think?
- I do.
Look, we just wanna know
if you possibly knew anything
You wanna know,
but I ain't gonna say a fucking thing.
How about that, huh?
Wanna make a bet, then?
The three of us against you?
Oh yeah? Bring it on.
I'll fix the three of you right up!
No, no, we're leaving.
Apologies for upsetting you.
We'll leave now. Albe.
Yeah, leave. I gotta close up shop.
That piece of shit.
You just can't shut up, can you?
We had one chance to make him talk,
and you wasted it by being a thug.
Oh, I'm the thug? That son of a bitch
was busting your fucking balls!
You called the cops?
You didn't meet?
What about the press conference?
No, listen to me.
You have to announce the reshuffle.
I'll be right over, okay?
They canceled the press conference.
Apparently, it's a shitshow over there,
and Ercole is definitely involved.
We wasted time here.
Hey, the cops!
The cops! Let's go!
- He still in there?
- He's toying with us.
Stay here. I'll handle it.
Damn it!
Where did he go?
- Yes?
- Cops are breaking up the demonstrators.
Do you have everything in place?
Ercole, we've run into a problem.
Put away your fencing foil, Armando.
It's time to bring out the machete!
Let's find him. Come!
Are you sure there's a ladder
on the other side there?
Yeah, but it's busted.
I don't know if it'll hold us or not.
Could we maybe just
force the gate open at night or something,
you know, when it's dark outside?
You scared, little boy?
Come on. Let's use the ladder.
Before anyone fucking sees us.
Were you trying to run away?
No, I just wanted to check
a few of the volumes here.
This is no time for games.
Tobias, let's sort this out.
I know you're Nascari's pawn, but he lost.
Sign the documents.
And if I don't sign them?
A 14-foot fall could really hurt someone.
If you throw me over,
they will find out it was you,
and you will be ruined.
- Throw you over?
- Yes.
Tobias, I was worried about you
when you didn't come back.
That perhaps you fell ill.
You saw how worried I was, Felipe.
- Extremely so.
- Yeah, sure.
When we arrived,
you had fallen over the banister.
A tragedy.
- Stop it!
- It only took a second.
It must've been the great force of gravity
and the weight of this gold
that sent you over.
Or follow my instruction.
Hurry up.
Come on.
And what if he comes back?
I'll look for the keys.
Make yourself useful.
Stand guard over there.
Where would he put 'em?
There's nothing fucking here.
These are million-dollar hands over here.
The decree has been ratified.
Yes, Ercole, the money's been transferred
to the Mater Fund.
What we're risking
Good evening. Sorry for the interruption.
I know that you've just resumed.
I need to speak to Ms. Murtas.
It's a matter of urgency.
Excuse me.
Is it ringing?
- What, is he not answering?
- Stop being annoying.
What do you want?
You're the one behind this chaos,
aren't you?
I just wanted to tell you
I'm in charge of the stadium.
So you can go back inside
and tell the mayor to authorize me
immediately for the project.
After that, you'll announce me
at the press conference.
Yeah, sure.
Miriana, you know better than I do.
Only the stadium can save the council.
So why did you block the vote
in the first place?
Because the city hall funds
weren't enough to build the new stadium.
Cinaglia wanted to do it
with his hidden treasure in the Vatican,
but he can't anymore.
Because I own it now.
And how am I supposed to know
you're not bullshitting us?
Look it up.
You'll find out Nascari's Foundation
has a brand-new president.
Armando Tronto.
Now we're on the same team.
Look who's here.
What the hell's going on?
The money has just been transferred
to the stadium's investment fund.
Tomorrow, city hall
will make a consortium,
and the new Colosseum is financed.
So now, Miria, go back in.
Turn Ercole Bonatesta's execution
into a coronation.
I don't think
it's in anybody's best interest
if this administration goes belly up.
I'm sorry you lost.
You hit me in my face.
He hit me.
Welcome back, Orazio.
Oh! What the fuck
do you think you're doing?
The kid? He's going for a spin,
but he doesn't know how to drive.
That's not a problem, is it?
Hey, stop! No, no, no!
Don't take another step,
or we'll destroy it.
Then we'll destroy you.
What do you want from me?
I wanna know everything.
Tell me about the priest and his sister.
Maybe you feel like talking now?
All right. I'll tell you everything.
Back in the '80s,
in this neighborhood,
there were a lot of drugs.
A lot of heroin.
That's when Don Armando showed up.
A real tough guy.
He saved a lot of people
in this neighborhood.
I don't give a fuck about that.
I wanna know about Flaminia.
Flaminia was shooting heroin and stealing.
Just as the cops were about
to bust her, she disappeared.
Nobody knows what happened to her.
You gotta believe me. That's all I know.
That's bullshit.
No, no! Stop! Stop it! Stop it!
You're telling me things I already know.
Go talk to him. He knows way more than me.
Talk to who?
Flaminia's boyfriend, the junkie.
Whatever happened to Flaminia,
he'd know about it.
Where can we find this boyfriend of hers?
I wanna see Damiano's face
when you tell him about Santenocito.
Sometimes you just gotta take a risk.
What are you gonna do with your husband?
I'm gonna make it right.
What we're building is too important
to not make right.
The past has to stay where it is.
Wish I could go back.
Those were the best days of my life.
I miss 'em, Ange.
I shared everything
with Aureliano and you.
Do you ever think about it?
From time to time.
But it hurts me too much.
Things are better for me.
I'm a lot happier now.
Just don't leave him hanging.
Talk to him and make it better.
I love you, Ange.
I'll wait for you inside.
Hey, are we
throwing this stuff away?
Do whatever you want.
The fuck's going on? Why didn't you call?
I tried. You didn't pick up.
- Hey, you're not allowed past here.
- Get the fuck out of my way!
Oh, look who's here.
Stupid bitch.
I'm gonna kill you!
What the fuck are you doing?
Hey! Ah!
- Stop, Nadia!
- Come here.
- Let her go!
- Let go of me.
- Let go of her!
- Let go of me!
- I'm gonna fucking kill you.
- Damia!
Hey! Take her, Cesare! Take her!
What the hell's going on?
Let me go!
Can't you see
she's out of her motherfucking mind?
Let go of me!
It's okay. You're okay.
Look at me.
Calm down.
Hey, what the fuck was going
through your brain, Giulia?
You told me
to revolutionize the gyms, didn't you?
This gym's not yours anymore.
This gym is my home!
I've fucking had it with you.
It's everyone's now.
So you wanna play the good guy.
But Aureliano never would've
done this shit to Ostia.
Aureliano Adami never did shit for Ostia.
Everything he did was
for his goddamn self!
you have to get out of here.
You're being destroyed by this place.
Don't touch me!
We're experiencing dark times.
Today has been a prime example of that.
Disappointment, social unrest
These issues must not be ignored.
We are being called into question.
It's certainly not a council reshuffle,
as some newspapers have proclaimed,
that can solve these problems.
We have all been looking beyond.
The face of our city is
about to change for the better.
The council is very excited to announce
that we have decided
to build the new Rome stadium.
We are confident
that it will be the beacon of light,
giving Rome
what it does not currently have.
This new project
will be overseen by our new
commissioner of construction,
Ercole Bonatesta.
I brought you these.
They're for the apartment.
You're not gonna sleep on the street.
Moreno was right about all of you.
I should've listened to him.
Thank you, Damia. Without you,
I never would've made it today.
We're allies.
we're the same.
At the end of the day, we're both orphans.
I grew up in a family
that never wanted me.
Similar to you with the Anacletis.
That must've been pretty tough, huh?
let's eat before it gets cold.
Life is short.
Things move fast. You have to be quick.
This morning, I had a home,
but tonight, who knows where I'll sleep.
What's with that face?
I got fucked over by Ercole Bonatesta.
He took the stadium like an asshole.
You might as well go back to Germany.
It's over now.
What if I told you
I found a way to get Tronto by the balls?
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