Suicide Squad Isekai (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Where are you, Joker?
Show yourself, asshole!
We know you're here!
- Dammit.
- Be careful.
Where did he go?
Say, Harley, do you know
the trick to hunting rats?
Huh? Oh, stop it, Puddin'.
I don't wanna hear anything
about rats right now.
Not when we could be talking
about something more erotic.
I get it, honey.
Nobody enjoys the sight of filth.
- Hey! Get your ass out here!
- But
There are just too many dirty rats
infesting this city.
Seriously, Joker?
You hiding from us?
Hey, come check this out.
Like the gangs.
They just shoot places up,
steal money, and kidnap people.
They're the gutter trash of society.
Found him?
No, only some footprints.
Two sets of 'em.
Must belong to
that jackass and Harley.
The best way to hunt them down is
Mornin'! I slept like a baby!
So I'm guessing nothing's changed?
Did you guys really get the job done?
Because the deal was they'd give us
freedom if you got results
Don't bitch at me about it!
We might've gone a little overboard,
but we got rid of them, okay?
The job's done!
I'm more worried
about our bombs right now.
Time left?
12 hours and eight seconds.
Behaving ourselves and
coming back here was a mistake.
I remember you
sitting next to the Queen.
Might you be
the princess of this land?
Yes, my name is Fione.
Princess Fione!
What a lovely name.
Where does it come from?
Some kind of flower?
Or perhaps from the local folklore
Screw that noise.
Hey, girlie.
When the hell
are they letting us out?
I'm sorry, but I have no idea.
However, given the contributions
you made to retaking our fort
they should treat you well
My apologies.
That doesn't sound
very convincing, does it?
Not really.
You've been checking me out
since yesterday.
Don't think I haven't noticed.
You got something to say to me?
C'mon, get out with it!
Relax. What's got you
so bent out of shape?
The look of this little princess
just rubs me the wrong way.
Okay, so you are bent out of shape.
I can't help it!
She's too damn timid
to speak her mind
and freaked out
about what other people think.
Just like a little wimp
I used to know.
You mustn't come here,
especially without an escort!
It's about damn time.
Get out.
The Queen has summoned you.
Typically, guys like him
get killed off at the start.
So high up! This is amazing!
Yeah, it's not my favorite spot
for nothing.
But isn't your place
even taller, Fio?
Quite, but I have never climbed it
by my lonesome.
Hey, cut the fancy talk.
You're disguised
as a commoner, right?
Oh, forgive I mean, my bad.
How's your little brother,
Knoll, doing?
Is he feeling all right now?
More or less.
But they hiked the prices up
on bread again.
And there ain't
no more chimneys to sweep.
Maybe I'll get 'em dirty myself.
Don't be silly.
Milady, where are you?
You need to go home soon.
- Or um you'll be scolded!
- Aw, time's up already.
- Milady!
- Hey, Fio.
When's the war going to end?
I don't know.
They're still clashing
with each other, huh?
Where is it this time?
Over there. Near the mountains.
To hell with 'em!
I hear that you've been taking trips
into the city to play around.
It was the city guards
who informed me. Not Cecil.
In fact, he tried to cover for you
the whole time.
Shame on you.
You forced the future commander
of the Royal Knights to lie.
Remember that we are members
of royalty who have a higher status
and different duty from the peasants.
Go and clean yourself up.
What is our duty? Can you tell me?
To bring an end to the war.
It's almost time to begin.
My apologies. The war council, right?
Yes. But there is no need
for you to attend
No, I'm going.
I would like to be there.
- So many of them!
- I've never seen anything like it!
Report the situation.
the Imperial Army is marching towards
the plains through this forest here.
Fortunately, they are moving
at a slow pace.
However, the guards that we left
posted at the reclaimed fortress
will not be enough
to handle their numbers.
Unless we do something
they will force their way across
the bridge within a day or two.
Um, hello? Hey, folks!
Care to explain
why we're still in shackles?
I thought we had a deal
about being set free.
How dare you!
Know your place when you speak!
This is a war council!
You have some nerve to say that
after destroying the very fort
I sent you to reclaim.
Uh-oh, are we gonna get executed
or somethin'?
You there, near the aisle.
You said you had intelligence
about the Empire's senior officers.
Who is the one leading this army?
And how do they keep
such strict command of their troops?
Before we get to that
could you please tell me the sequence
of events leading up to this war?
I'd like to have
a better understanding
of the enemy's situation.
Our Kingdom has been waging war
against the Imperial forces
for multiple decades now.
For a long time,
they were mere skirmishes
but it has intensified drastically
in these last six months.
Mostly due to the fact that
the Elves and Beastmen
betrayed us to side with the Empire.
They betrayed you?
That's right.
The Beastmen who we fought
at the fort the other day
were originally
subjects of our kingdom.
Goddamn traitors,
threatening the peace.
Oh yeah?
Perhaps they simply didn't care
for your kingdom.
Guy's got a point.
I mean, just look
at how you treat your war heroes.
I'm betting that it was Ratcatcher
who caused the Beastmen
to betray you.
The man who's leading this army.
He had the power to communicate
with rats in our world.
So it's very likely he used his power
to communicate
with the Beastmen here, too.
You sound pretty damn confident.
He never had that much power
when I was with him in the joint.
Shut up!
We need to bluff our way
out of this right now!
Then how do you suggest
we stop their army?
A way to stop the rat bastard, huh?
More like how to hunt him.
- For disturbing the peace
- Rats
I'm gonna kill that slimeball
a million times over.
Here's a better question.
Why didn't you and your advance party
just blow his head off
after he went rouge?
You planted a bomb in
that rat bastard's neck, too, right?
I have no idea how, but the bombs
got defused without me noticing.
Which is probably why
Director Waller made sure
that yours included a countdown.
Well, shit.
Is that all you can offer?
- Then back to the prison with
- Hunting rats.
The trick to hunting rats!
How'd I forget!
You're a genius, Puddin'!
Seriously, the best man alive!
Jeez, did you smuggle in
some booze or what?
Mind letting me
take a swig of it, too?
Excuse you!
I was just remembering something
Puddin' told me once!
A good way to get rid of rats!
I see.
D-Do you have a good idea?
Sort of.
Anybody that's fought him before
would come to the same conclusion.
Except that's gonna require us
to not only stop his army
but force him to the frontlines.
We don't have enough people.
Your Majesty, may we please
borrow part of your army?
And when we successfully
stop their forces this time
will you grant us
the freedom you promised?
That's absurd!
How dare you even suggest that!
You people need to understand that
I think it would be beneficial
to show these people some trust.
Please stay out of this, Princess.
Are you willing to bear
the responsibility
if they end up
letting our troops die for nothing?
that would be far too reckless.
The only knights who are still fit
for battle right now are
the ones directly under me.
They won't be enough to
What are you talking about?
You've got a whole bunch of guys
raring to go, don'tcha?
- That's what I heard.
- Really?
What took you so long, Beanstalk?
Wait, let me guess.
You haven't been outside in forever.
So you took a little detour
to enjoy the fresh air?
That's exactly the kind
of stupid shit
I figured was coming
out of your mouth.
But I never thought a lowly human
would be ordering me around.
So, where's the action?
Over there.
Our side is still getting stuff ready
so give them a hand later.
All righty.
Hi, everybody!
- Bossbabe!
- You can speak our language now?
Okay, quiet down, boys.
Work hard today and you can finally
kiss that shitty prison goodbye!
you're going straight back.
Are you ready to kick ass?
Just hurry and get it done.
That food is for the knights!
You've already had enough today!
Peacemaker! At least try to stop him!
These friggin' shitheads
Where did Deadshot go?
You're a soldier, right?
Sure am.
I don't know much
about your situation
but these people are criminals,
aren't they?
Doesn't it bother you
to fight alongside them?
Do I look happy about it?
Soldiers have to follow the orders
they're given from the top.
Nice work.
They're not pretty to look at,
but they'll have to do.
Good grief.
Being a stagehand isn't my thing,
you know!
All right. This is where we are.
And the barriers
that Clayface set up are here
along with the defense line
of knights and ogres.
It was a rush job,
so it's not the best.
Eh, it'll be fine.
Take this more seriously!
The very fate of the Kingdom
depends on it!
Where's your other friend?
I don't see him around.
Deadshot, was it?
He's up on the roof.
To keep watch?
Let my men handle that instead.
Nah, just leave him be.
Nobody makes a sandwich
without melting the butter
and frying the bacon
to a crisp first, right?
Preparation is everything.
I'll take over
if he screws the pooch.
Don't worry.
Pardon me, Mr. Commander.
Could you tell us
what Princess Fione is like?
Why do you ask?
Just curious.
I got the impression that
she wanted to ask us something.
You're close to her, right?
She is very kind-hearted.
No one in the castle cares
for our subjects as much as she does.
She doesn't actually care
about anybody else.
She's just a whiny,
self-loathing loser.
Too busy hating herself.
How dare you!
It's called being introspective!
- Are they here, Nanaue?
- She used to be very active
I'll go take command
of the knights on the frontlines.
And you guys will lead the ogres.
What? We don't gotta do squat.
Beanstalk and his friends are
totally ready for action.
Don't be ridiculous!
You're the only ones here
that have experience
fighting against the enemy commander!
It's no big diff whether a few of us
join you out there or not.
I mean, think about it.
Yes, far too uncivilized for me.
And I would hate
to get covered in dust.
My job is to be backup.
I can't go anywhere.
Damn outsiders!
Hey, wait!
Time to hit 'em with your best shot.
All troops, halt.
Huh? What the hell?
Where'd those come from?
And those shadows nearby
Are those prisoners?
So they think they've amassed
enough soldiers now?
Not by a long shot!
We're way outnumbered!
- How can we compete with that?
- There's no end to them
Stay focused!
Fear not the numbers of our foe!
Fear for the lives of the citizens
who rely on us for protection!
Make it painfully clear
and teach these bastards
that marching over our dead bodies is
no easy task!
Show them our pride as knights!
I know you're out there, Deadshot!
I'm gonna tear you limb from limb!
Now charge, my beasts!
Huh? What the
You just missed a golden opportunity,
you self-centered son of a bitch!
Go! Our target is atop the fort!
What's the problem?
Get moving, you mutts!
C'mon! Up there! Go!
Hurry up, worthless fleabags!
Or no more food!
You smelly [bleep]!
I'm gonna shove firecrackers
up your [bleep]!
Stupid horny [bleep] that go around
[bleep]-ing each other all the time!
What's the matter with you?
So, somebody wanna explain
the real plan?
Seriously? This was your idea.
Remember what happened
the last time we fought here?
Ratcatcher himself doesn't have
the ability to control the Beastmen.
Which means
it's gotta be
that shiny magical staff.
So we just find a way
to lure him into the open.
Then I target his staff and blamo.
No way. It was all for this?
They built those barriers
and gathered up those troops
just to goad me into powering up
my beasts out on the frontlines?
Wait, wait!
Tremble, tremble
Wait wait! Just hold on!
We built a connection
even without this stupid thing!
We're buddies! Best buddies! Right?
I've never had any human friends!
Rats are the only company
I've had since I was little!
I've always been shunned
and made fun of by other people!
The best way to hunt them down is
Shit! The place just blew up on us!
Huh? Who are you mofos?
What are you doing in here?
Nah, you tell us first!
This is our turf!
Look, we're just here for the Joker!
There he is! Fire! Fire! Fire!
by making them feed on each other.
My Puddin' is such a genius.
Hey, nice work. You pulled it off!
He was only like 700 meters away
from us. It was a cinch.
Anyway, you guys better
learn from this.
I did that guy so many damn favors.
But put kindness out in the world and
all you get is a knife in the back!
Ya dig?
Where are we?
Hey, aren't those
the knights of the kingdom?
What's going on?
We're gonna go ahead and leave now.
Wait. What did you do?
We ain't got time to explain.
We beat 'em, just like we promised.
So we're free
to do what we want, right?
I have a message!
The enemy army is willing
to surrender! What shall we do?
I suppose we accept.
- Okay, show's over, folks!
- Hurry and take us to the Gate.
All right.
Man, I need a shower like yesterday.
Hmm. A shower, huh?
I'd be very curious to see
how far the sanitary facilities
have developed in this world.
Their water seems clean enough.
You're washing up no matter what.
Of course.
- What's going on?
- It doesn't seem like they're
Someone just came to fill us in.
I have a report from Commander Cecil!
He says the battle at the plains
has been won!
Wonderful news!
They've done it, Mothe
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