Survive (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines

[metal creaking]
[breathing heavily]
[intense music playing]
- Fuck! [groans]
- WOMAN: Help!
Help! Help!
[screaming] Help!
[Jane grunts]
[wind howling]
Help! Help!
Please s-- somebody! Somebody!
- Oh, my God.
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey! Hey!
It's OK, it's OK!
You're OK! Hey.
You're OK! Hey!
Hey, you're OK!
Please, it's OK!
[Jane panting]
[intense music playing]
[sobbing] Oh!
Help me!
Help me!
[man groans]
Hey! Hey, I'm here!
[man groans]
- MAN: Push!
Help! Push!
- I'm trying!
- Push!
- I got you! I got you.
- Fuck!
- Come on.
- Shit!
Grab whatever you can.
We can't stay here!
We need shelter!
- Here!
[wind howling]
[man groans]
[metal creaking]
- It's OK.
[breathing heavily]
It's not that big. [groans]
- You're hurt?
- [grunts] I think I broke my ribs.
- Oh, my God!
- Ah, shit!
- [groans] It's fucking freezing.
- That's gonna hurt.
[breathing heavily]
- My hands f-- freezing.
- Give, give 'em to me. Give 'em.
My feet are freezing.
[rumbling in the distance]
- It's OK. I got you.
[wind howling]
[man groans]
- JANE: We've got three bags of peanuts,
bag of pretzels, PowerBar,
three-quarters of a bottle of water.
Uh, Swiss army knife, scarf, gloves.
- Flashlight's no good..
- [sighs] Here, put these on.
- We're gonna have to find
more stuff tomorrow. It's freezing.
- We're screwed.
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