Suspect (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


What was this?
You didn't call, you don't email,
you know, send flowers.
Jake It's Jaisal.
So, what's Maia been telling you?
You really want to do this here?
Come on, then, I'll show you around.
Ask the kitchen to make up one
of those sharing platters.
How many years is it now?
How many years is what?
That you've been a DS?
You tell me.
I left the force in 2011.
You passed your sergeant's exam
a few months after that.
What's that? 11 years.
11 years.
But you're stagnating, Danny.
What is this place?
Dining room, pop-up cinema,
whatever you want it to be.
I thought you were on security.
I was - about the time you made DS.
I'm in the entertainment
business, Danny.
People like to party and I'm
more than happy to give them one.
So I hear.
From Maia?
That poor, wee girl's labouring
under the misapprehension
that you're some
kind of serious player,
maybe even a bit of a gangster.
Whereas you and I
..we both know the truth,
don't we, Jake?
I told you - it's Jaisal.
We remember poor little DC Batra,
the cheat and the charlatan
who cried when his badge
was taken away.
Oh, Danny.
I know this is
a difficult time for you,
so I'm just going to ignore that.
You must be under a lot of strain.
For what it's worth, you have
my sincere condolences.
Who the fuck told you?
Well, I have my sources.
At Police HQ?
Well, that would be telling.
Maybe there's another explanation.
And what would that be?
Maybe you were present
when she died.
Are you here on official
police business, DS Frater?
No, I thought not.
When did you last see Christina
I admit it was a while ago,
I admit it,
but I don't recall that chapter
in the training manual.
"Investigating the death of
a family member."
Was it last night, by any chance?
Seriously, are we doing this?
At her flat, maybe?
You're reaching, Danny.
You don't have anything on me.
Besides, I heard it was suicide.
I'd try some of this burrata.
There's this farm
that I stumbled across -
they breed their own buffaloes.
It's fucking amazing
I hear you and Christina
were in business together.
Is that what Maia told you?
Fucking bitch.
You leave Maia alone.
Or what?
What you going to do?
I mean, it's a bit late to start
worrying about dropping her, innit?
You should have brought Ryan along
if you're going to start
threatening me.
You know, good cop, bad cop.
That sort of shit.
Ryan and I aren't
partners any more.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Now you mention it.
You should get back together,
you guys were great.
Our very own fucking Batman
and Robin.
Or do I mean Dick and Dom?
Come on.
Fucking come on!
Have a good laugh, wee man.
I've got nothing to lose.
So I'll keep digging
until I find something.
And when I do find that
one little thread
..I'll pull
..until the whole fucking
shebang unravels.
Knock yourself out, mate.
She was here last night.
I like Christina.
I always have.
Ever since she was a happy-go-lucky
girl playing on the outfield
of the police social club
while you were in the bar.
I even liked her as a teenager.
Unlike you, from what I hear.
She was always trying to
She was always trying to talk
her way into club nights
when we were working security.
God, she could be a pain
in the arse.
She was a laugh as well.
I could relate to her.
When I met her again,
a couple of years back,
I still liked her.
She was a lot less sunny,
but she was full of life.
Dark energy.
Why are you telling me this?
Because I want you to believe me
when I say I had nothing to do
with whatever it was
that happened to her.
But you were selling drugs with her?
No, I wasn't.
Not any more.
That's not what Maia says
Maia knows shit.
Christina and I had
a parting of the ways.
So, what was she doing here?
Oh, she liked to party, Danny.
Way too much, if truth be told.
Was she with anyone?
Did you talk to her?
I was with some clients.
But I saw her on the cameras.
You've got CCTV?
Let me have a look.
What's in it for me?
I don't do shit like that any more.
You don't even know what I'm asking.
So, what?
I want a guarantee that you won't go
sticking your nose in my business
and that anything
that we talk about stays between us.
You have my word.
Fucking hell.
With respect, Danny, I'm going
to need a bit more than that.
You've got plenty of dope on me.
What, a one-time bug?
A measly fucking six grand
more than ten years ago.
Come on. Once is enough.
Yeah, and who's going to take
my word for it?
Poor little DC Batra.
Discharged for serious misconduct.
Can't exactly call
character witness.
What do you want, Jaisal?
I have a little problem.
Maybe you could help me sort it.
You know, cement our
friendship afresh.
Does this problem have a name?
Hamza. Who's Hamza?
He's a barman.
Exemplary worker.
Except we found him sticking
his nose where it shouldn't be -
after hours. What, he's working
for the opposition?
Yeah, but he won't say who.
What makes you think he'll tell me?
You're good at getting people
to open up.
Do you not have employees
for that kind of thing?
They're not as desperate as you.
Where is he?
Hamza, listen to me.
You need to tell me
who you're working for.
Who do you work for?
This is your last chance.
Believe me.
Who are you working for?
Who do you work for?
Eden? Eden.
The Albanians.
Jeez, Daddy.
Not so whiter than white after all.
Show me. You first.
The Albanians.
Some guy called Eden.
That's what he said?
I knew.
Bettered by any old dog yet.
Too fucking right. Show me now.
She came in just after ten.
Who's your man in the cap?
Search man.
Was he with her all the time?
I'm sorry.
Connor! Service playing up again.
Do I have to do every single
fucking thing myself?
You used to dance with me
..when I was a kid.
I never wanted the music to stop.
There she is.
She left at 11:20.
It's that guy again.
Can you zoom in?
Do you have cameras in that area?
Afraid not.
He's one of yours.
Like hell, he is.
Get the fuck back!
Who is he? Tell me.
I'll snap it like a twig.
He'll come for me.
He works for you. You sent him to
the flat to punish her.
She ended up dead.
You're flying blind.
You know anyone else
had pull this kind of shit with me,
they'd be dead by now,
do you understand?
But I owe you, Danny.
If you hadn't backed me,
I'd have done prison time.
I didn't do it for you.
Yeah, all the same.
You said you and Christina
had a parting of the ways.
She thought she saw a gap
in the market.
I didn't like the look of it.
So we agreed to dissolve
our partnership amicably.
You let a nice little runner
walk away - just like that?
She made it worth my while.
And how could she afford that?
I heard she found a new partner.
Why does she need a new partner?
She wanted to go in
a different direction.
Novel psychoactive substances.
Spice, synthetic opioid,
psychedelics, smart drugs -
shit like that.
Plenty of demand in a student
district like this.
Yeah. If you say, so.
It's a tranquilliser.
She may have taken some
before she died.
Which rather proves my point.
What does that mean?
She didn't really know what the
fuck she was dealing with.
Did something happen?
Let's just say there was almost
some unfortunate publicity.
Someone died.
Come on, Jaisal,
don't be a dickhead.
I can check the police reports -
the postmortems.
It's not going to be hard to spot.
You won't find anything.
What, some kid takes something
dodgy, dies -
no-one investigates it?
There was an investigation.
It just came to a different
Someone made it disappear.
You see why I wanted no part of it?
I'm an old-fashioned guy, Danny.
Yeah. So, coke and ecstasy.
I get it.
But this shit that boosts your IQ,
makes you think you can fly
off tall buildings.
That's where I bow out.
What, Jaisal discovered a
An instinct for self-preservation.
And Christina told me I'd done
the right thing.
What? You stayed
in contact with her?
She was out a lot drinking.
Off her face, most of the time.
If you ask me,
she was in a downward spiral.
She felt guilty.
She told me she wanted out,
but something was stopping her.
Or someone.
It's a tough business.
Someone who ended up killing her.
I'd lay money
she killed herself, Danny.
I told you, she was in a bad way.
Thanks to scumbags like you.
You really didn't know
your daughter at all, did you?
What went on inside her head.
What she was capable of.
Just like you haven't the
slightest inkling about me.
You know, for a time back then,
there was nothing I wanted more
than to be just like you, Danny.
But, now
..I actually feel sorry for you.
I do.
Flailing around, blinded
by your privilege,
raging as you get left behind.
And the world you thought
you had in your pocket
gets taken over by the likes
of me and Christina.
The sort of people you spend
your whole life looking down on,
maybe even despising.
I'm going to need a copy
of the CCTV footage.
It could be important evidence
in a murder inquiry.
There is no murder inquiry, Danny.
Face it.
You've come to a dead end.
Where are you?
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