Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Episode 4
You said meeting me was the first
opportunity in your life?
You need not worry about
a second opportunity.
Now, you are my man.
There's something that's
giving me a headache.
Just tell me, If there's anything
I can do, I will.
Even if it's taking someone's life?
Okay, that's enough.
Wow, it's warm.
Jang Se Dol, Lee Kang Rae.
Yes, boss?
You guys hate me, right?
Th.. that's not true.
I know you guys hate me.
Honestly, I haven't been taking care of you
and always took your money,
so you probably don't like me.
But I have a good feeling about this.
I think this might be our big break.
After they build this resort,
I hear they'll build a huge hotel in Baek Sung Ri.
If I get hired managing the
construction, we're in.
Do you understand?
Let's try our best.
I brought him.
Long time no see.
Aren't you going to say hello? Eh?
What do you think you're doing?
I know I'm not really qualified, but I am
Dae Jun Group's Construction Manager.
And as a good Manager I went to take a look at
the construction progress, but I didn't like what I saw.
Are you trying to rip off our Chairman
because he's from abroad?
Dragging out the construction time when it
should have been finished already?
What are you saying?!
You didn't do your job right.
Se Dol and Kang Rae,
Yes boss.
I don't think he understands
what we're saying.
Help him understand.
Yes boss.
- Come here.
- What are you doing?
What are you doing? Hey!
No! please no.
I got the contract signed.
He'll shorten the construction time by 2 months and,
if he doesn't finish in time,
he'll take full responsibility.
Well done.
The Chairman's arriving.
Who are those guys?
Kim Jung Woo called for them.
What are they going to be doing?
They'll be useful for various dirty jobs
within the company.
If they cause any problems,
get rid of them.
Yes, Sir.
Whoa, that was the first time I met the Chairman.
That guy sure has charisma!
I thought he would at least shake my hand,
he didn't even look at me.
Do you think he would look at
commoners like us?
Am I right boss?
Shut up and listen to me carefully.
We're not gangsters anymore.
Watch your behavior and dress appropriately.
Especially you, Kang Rae.
Don't even go near the resort lobby.
The guests don't need to cry looking
at your hideous face.
Only go out at night.
He looks even more hideous at night.
Stop laughing.
What's wrong with my face? Eh?
His face looks like an ass himself,
who's he talking about?
You know the Chairman he comes
off to me as a psycho.
Why, have you seen him before?
Yeah, with Jung Woo.
He even pointed a rifle on us.
What are you, a pheasant?
He held a rifle on you?
Yeah. He's totally crazy.
I could see the flames in his eyes
even in daylight.
Have you heard?
Jung Woo is in town!
Where is he?
Ya! Jung Woo!
Wow, since you had a taste of the city life
you're not a country boy anymore!
Hey, aren't you going to say hi to me?
Ah, yes.
- Have you been well?
- Yeah.
Thanks to you, these kids are really moving up in life.
They're even carrying business cards.
Here. We're Assistant Managers,
and Sun Young is secretary to Baek Sil Jang.
I'm going to quit.
That guy is so creepy!
- You're a brat.
- Come come, how long has it been?
Hey, it's been a long time,
let's have a toast.
Let's have a drink.
In Sook! Bring us some drinks!
Aigoo, It's been a long time since we all gathered.
I was going to have a drink anyway.
Hey Jung Woo, have a drink on me.
- Here, here.
- Cheers!
Ah, that's good.
You can stop pick pocketing now.
What did you tell him?
I didn't tell him anything.
Yes, it's not an easy job.
But think it over carefully.
The reason why he gave you such an important job.
If you do this job,
you and the Chairman will be
bound by a secret for the rest of your lives.
Sang Mi, call home and tell your mom to
send some hot sauce and sesame oil.
We're all out.
And rice too.
My house is not a supermarket.
You're so shameless.
Oh, this is so delicious!
Why don't you have some?
Oh, really!
Should I open a noodle restaurant?
You're killing me.
Isn't it good?
I'm trying to lose weight!
Must you tempt me like this?
You evil girl,
you just couldn't just let me succeed!
I'm trying to get you fat
so I can be the lingerie model.
You don't think you're going to get fat too?
I'm one of those girls who don't gain
weight no matter how much I eat.
I hate you.
Oh! By the way,
how do you know Tae Hyuk?
Jang Tae Hyuk?
From my senior recital.
He came and gave me flowers after the recital.
How did he meet you?
He saw me around the campus.
So he was a secret admirer?
That's so romantic!
How great!
And he's so handsome and
he's rich, too?
That's what I heard.
But he's not my type.
I rejected him a couple of times,
so I thought he gave up.
I'm so jealous.
Where do you get your confidence from?
You don't have anything!
Stop eating.
No, it's mine.
You're even strong too
Ah, yes
one moment.
It's him. Jan Tae Hyuk.
Hurry! Hurry!
What's up?
She's from Jeju Island.
Doesn't have any parents, not even close relatives.
She lives in a small rented apartment with
her high school friend and works
several part time jobs.
Cello lessons, modeling, playing
piano at a bar.
How did such a poor girl afford music school?
I'm not sure,
but the reason she's working so hard is
to save money to study abroad.
- Study abroad?
- Yes.
I haven't found out what she's planning on studying,
but I don't think it's music.
That's all I know about Lee Su Hyun.
I thought you rejected me again,
but I'm getting teary now that you're here.
You don't need to overreact.
I didn't come to see you.
I just like the atmosphere of this club.
Without you, I wouldn't be able to get in.
Anyways, do you want a drink?
If I'm going to drink, I want wine.
And the cheese we had last time also.
I'm embarrassed playing in front of an expert.
It was good.
If you'll give me a chance,
I can show you what a decent person I am.
I don't have that kind of luxury
to worry about someone else.
What if I was to help you with that?
I'm going to Seorak Mountain tomorrow
with friends, come with me.
There's a summer house there that you can
relax in for a couple of days.
You keep making me apologize.
I have to go to Jeju Island.
Jeju island?
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
Jung Woo!
Why are you here so early in the morning?
Just because.
I heard you went to Seoul.
Se Dol and Kang Rae were bragging about
their new jobs thanks to you.
Well done, well done.
Let's go inside, have some breakfast.
No, I have to go.
You'll need money if you want to
settle down in Seoul. Take it back.
I'm settled down already.
I'll get going.
I'll do what you asked, Sir.
With this, I am buying your soul.
In exchange, the reward will be sweet.
You made a good decision.
You don't need to think about it too much.
Who do I have to kill?
I'm not sure what he does,
I'll tell you the specific details later on.
Oh, and Tae Hyuk wants you to call him.
Tae Hyuk sent me.
I'm to escort you during your stay in Jeju island.
You don't have to
This way.
How long has it been?
My name is Kim Jung Woo.
I see. I think you already know my name.
Umm, where am I taking you to?
Do you know Wimiri?
How do you know?
I'm from Jeju also.
What are you going there for?
Today's the anniversary of my parents' death.
I'm sorry to be of trouble to you.
You're not.
Do you want a drink?
No, I'm driving.
Oh right
Then I'll have one by myself.
My dad liked to drink with me.
Can I ask you something?
How do you know Tae Hyuk?
It's hard to explain.
I haven't known him for long,
but he's very important to me.
How come?
He holds the key to my life.
If he unlocks it,
I'll have a better life.
I don't really understand.
Can I ask you something too?
Did both of your parents pass away
on the same day?
They both died in a car accident.
It's still a mystery what caused the accident.
And after they died,
strange things continued to happen.
I haven't told anyone this,
so why am I telling you?
You don't have to.
No, after my parents died, everything I ever had
started to disappear one by one.
The house and the land they
left behind.. like magic.
If this grave wasn't here, I wouldn't have
anything left to remember them by.
I'm sorry I asked you a difficult question.
I haven't even told this story to my best friend.
You really have a way of making
someone feel comfortable.
I didn't know there was such a
magnificent golf course in Korea.
It could qualify for PGA.
Thanks for the compliment.
This is only a stepping stone
toward my vision.
My goal is to build a casino hotel
like the ones in Las Vegas.
But someone trampled on my plans
before it even took off.
Who was it?
An evil, fearless man.
To fight him, I need your help.
Oh, you're here. Say hello.
This is Jackson Lee,
he saved my life some time ago.
This is my daughter.
I'm Yoo Mi Ran.
Take him to the hotel.
Yes, Sir.
Go on and rest.
What does he do and how did he save your life?
He's a gambler. The best one I know.
He ruined my only daughter's life.
She studied dance in the states,
but she went crazy when she met this guy.
Now, I don't even know where she is.
What does he do?
I've been following his footsteps for
quite a while, but I can't figure him out.
I heard that he was in Africa as a mercenary,
then he was in Atlanta as a gambler.
Did you say mercenary?
You know, the guys who fight for money.
I hear he's a former US marine.
He won't go down easy.
Where is he now?
I can't let you in, locals are not permitted to enter.
I know dude, I just want to look around.
Fine, just this once.
Follow me.
Don't sit at any tables,
you are to look around only.
What are you doing here?
Locals are not supposed to be in here.
Yes um.. a friend of mine works here as
a security guard, so I'm just looking around.
Do you know how to play?
Do you want to give it a try? I'll teach you.
No, I'll get going.
Did you win?
My dad says you're the best gambler.
It's not interesting when you're betting money.
Then what do you bet?
Wow, check out this view!
Dude, where are we going?
When you're in Jeju Island,
you have to check out the ocean.
- Ok, let's go!
- let's go! Wow!
This is awesome!
Is that it?
- Is that it?
- Dude, you said it just was a small fishing boat.
Let's go.
Wait, there are other people coming.
You're here.
These are my friends. Say hi.
Let's go.
That person to whom giving the entire world
is not enough.
That person that is the reason I live today.
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
You're richer than I thought.
I miss that person.
How rich did you think I am?
I thought it was just a small business
on Jeju Island.
This doesn't turn you off, does it?
No, I love money.
no matter how much I hope
I can't help but to keep longing.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
I will forget it all, forget all.
That person that is painful to love.
I've never seen her before.
Do you know her?
Nope. She's pretty hot.
Does Mi Ran know about this?
Of course not!
She wouldn't let this happen if she knew.
No matter how much I hide,
no matter how much I forget,
I can only keep looking through the tears.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
Why aren't you fishing?
It's boring.
It's a lot more fun to go in the water to catch them.
That island over there
I used to hang out there with my friends
when I was a kid.
I know what everything looks like under the water.
I use informal language with Tae Hyuk.
I feel uncomfortable still
using formal language with you.
Should we use informal language?
Sure, If it's okay with you.
Teach me how to swim.
You didn't learn?
I thought you grew up here.
I was raised like a princess.
I was never taught to swim around
like a commoner.
- Hey Jung Woo, come here!
- Yes.
Jung Woo, come here, quickly!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
I think I caught a big one.
Not a fish but it's caught on a boulder!
Reel it in!
It's moving!
How did you meet Tae Hyuk?
I know him very well,
and he's not very patient.
It won't last long.
When you guys break up, call me.
What's wrong babe?
I'm rich too, and
I'm much more fun than Tae Hyuk.
Look at me.
What are you doing?
I was just talking
Tae Hyuk, what's going on?
Calm down. I said, calm down.
Let go! I'm gonna kill him.
Dude, what are you doing? Hurry up and apologize!
I was just playing around.
I'm sorry. Satisfied?
Son of a bitch! Come back! Hey!
I'm going home.
Don't be mad.
I'm not mad.
I'm just sad that I actually enjoyed
being on that yacht for a brief moment.
He can be a jerk sometimes,
but we've been friends since we were kids.
But if you feel this way, I might just
end my friendship with him.
Okay. I have to go somewhere for a while,
so I'll meet with you later.
Are you alright?
I thought we were going to use informal language.
I feel like crap but what can I do?
I guess this is for losing my place as a princess.
I'm going to get back everything I lost.
At least the land,
since the old house is gone.
Stop the car for a minute.
Is that Tae Hyuk's place?
We're fine, so you're dismissed.
You don't have to worry about me.
No, I'm uncomfortable with
you here. Leave us.
Mi Ran called me saying
you wouldn't answer her calls.
Tell her you don't know.
It's me.
Why are you alone?
She went home.
She said she feels uncomfortable.
How could you let her go?!
That bitch is feisty!
Wasn't what happened earlier enough?
Shut up.
How could you say that?
All this for a chick?
You want to end our friendship?
I said shut up, you son of a bitch!
Hae Sung, are you okay? Hae Sung!
Tae Hyuk, something's wrong with him.
Hey, wake up.
Hae Sung!
Look here. Wake up.
He's not breathing.
What happened?
He's dead.
Where is Tae Hyuk?
Get up.
Look at me.
Look at me!
Pathetic boy.
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
-You bastard!
-I'm sor
Get up, you bastard!
Please stop, Chairman.
Let go!
It's homicide.
Yu Mi Ri.
What happened?
It was an accident.
Who did it?
It was me.
Aigoo Aigoo.. did you hear?
Jung Woo got arrested for murder!
What did you say?
Look at me.
Was it really you?
So is this the way you're gonna be?
I regret ever wanting to help you be
a better man!
I'm sorry.
Lock him up.
Get in.
If you do this job,
you and the Chairman will be
bound by a secret for the rest of your lives.
What about the job I was going to do?
Don't worry about that.
I'll take care of it.
Just endure it for one year.
After that, the relationship between
you and the Chairman will become stronger.
Come in.
What's up?
What's going to happen to Jung Woo?
Please help him.
I'll do anything in my power to help him,
so don't worry.
Wait for me in my room.
Are we just going to sit back and do nothing?
He committed a serious crime.
What can we do?
I have a job for you.
You want to get Jung Woo out, right?
- Yes.
We'll do anything to get him out.
Hurry it up.
Jung Woo.
What a sight you are.
Ah look at you.
How could this happen?
Are you okay?
You kid, what did I tell you?
Your fists are hard.
I told you to be cautious with those fists.
I told you to be cautious all your life.
What's the use now?!
- Oh, really!
- What?
- Ahoy, look at him.
- We have to talk to him, so leave us.
At any rate, be sure to eat well.
Don't' worry. You'll be out soon.
They're getting a good lawyer for you.
We're going to do the job instead.
You just wait. We'll get you out.
Don't do it.
There's nothing we won't do for you.
Yeah, we can even go to hell for you.
Hang in there.
We'll get going.
The job's not for you!
Se Dol, Kang Rae!
Don't do it!
Okay, one moment.
Lieutenant, it's the hospital.
Bring me Kim Jung Woo.
Let's go.
Where are you going?
There's something at the crime scene I overlooked.
I need to go back and take a look.
Get out.
Follow me.
She doesn't have much time.
This is Mi Yeon's son, Jung Woo.
Don't forgive me
I'll get punished for my sins in hell
I'm sorry
Who is Mi Yeon?
She's your mother.
Main Translator: OliveShoes
Spot Translator: songbird
Timer: babymarzy
Editor/QC: leesja
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
That person to whom giving the entire world
is not enough.
Please spread the word to get High Quality
~ Swallow the Sun ~
That person that is the reason I live today.
If you mess up and hurt my friends,
then you'll die in my hands.
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
If you do something stupid and my friends get hurt.
Now, I couldn't die even if I wanted to.
I miss that person.
Hey, what are you doing so early in the morning?
That person I draw with my hot tears.
I have someone I need to meet.
Jung Woo!
That person I cannot erase in my heart.
Why are you leaving like this?
Didn't you come to see me?
No matter how much I wish,
no matter how much I hope,
He worked on building the road.
His name is Lee Soo Chang.
Please find him.
I can't help but to keep longing.
I'll kill you with my own hands.
I will throw it all away
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