Swarm (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Running Scared

So the Internet is currently
burning with theories
about who went Hannibal Lecter
on Ni'Jah.
Becky with the big teeth
finna get stung.
You mess with Ni'Jah,
you mess with the whole swarm.
- Ni'Jah.
- Ni'Jah.
bitch would even think
about touching Ni'Jah?
Whoever did Ni'Jah,
your mom's a ho.
Get that motherfucker
Robert Mueller on the phone.
Do something useful
with your special counsel.
[birds singing]
[tires rattle on gravel]
[tires screech]
[siren chirps three times]
[siren wailing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[officer] License.
One second.
Whose car is this?
It's my mother's car.
Tint's a little high
on these windows.
She's gonna need
to get that fixed.
You're a long way from Texas.
Gotta be a long drive.
I'm guessing you're in town
for the music festival.
Oh, yes.
I-I gotta get to Ni'Jah.
Yeah, a lot of folks in town
for Bonnaroo.
You know where you're going?
Yep, just to motel.
So where you staying?
Fairbanks Hotel?
See, I meant the Fairview Hotel.
I always mess that up.
[chuckles] Oh, yeah,
that's the one.
[officer] Mm-hmm.
- That's a pretty nice place.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I'm gonna follow
behind you,
make sure you get there
in one piece.
- [insects trilling]
- [birds calling]
[motorcycle engine shuts off]
[entry bell chimes]
- [Jordan Whitmore: "The High Road"]
- As fast as I can ♪
- [clerk] That's it?
- [man] Yeah.
And get this over ♪
But I'm only a man ♪
On the high road ♪
It sure is a hard road
Nice choice.
Those are my favorite, too.
[Dre] Hmm?
Okay. [chuckles] Sorry.
By another's words ♪
It's hard to see ♪
Beyond the hurt
[entry bell chimes]
Well, you can stay there ♪
- In the thick of pain
- [woman] Do you have a ticket?
Or set it free ♪
And show them grace ♪
I want to get there ♪
Just as fast as I can ♪
[register keys tapping]
And get this over ♪
But I'm only a man ♪
On the high road ♪♪
[entry bell chimes]
I got rid of him for you.
What'd you say?
I told him he was harassing
a young Black woman.
I have a lot
of Instagram followers,
so I just said I'd post him
on social media.
Is this your first time
at Bonnaroo?
How do you know that?
You're young.
You're not dressed
like a veteran.
- Are you staying at a hotel?
- Nope.
Think I'm just gonna
I don't know,
guess I'm gon' sleep
in my car this week.
What? No, don't say
Our place is nearby
and it's huge.
As a former couch surfer myself,
I gotta pay it forward.
- I'm good.
- Come on.
It's your first time
at Bonnaroo.
I know you didn't imagine
sleeping in your car was gonna
be your first experience here,
Look, I'm not a creep.
It's just me and some friends.
And you look like
you could use some.
I'm Cricket, by the way.
[chuckling] Okay.
I loved talking to you.
[car door opens]
[sighs] Hey.
H-How far is your place
from the festival?
[David Imbernon: "Insomnia"]

- Hi.
- You guys are back.
[Cricket] We made
a new friend in town.
Salem, do you mind putting
the chairs away for me?
- Sure.
- Let me grab those for you.
Got it.
Hi. I'm Eva.
You live here?
No. Um, not full-time, anyway.
A friend is letting us
stay here.
My sister actually
designed the place.
Being here is the best reset.
Our minds and our bodies,
they get so out of whack
living in dense cities.
- What's your name?
- Kayla.
That's a beautiful name.
How do you spell it?
With a "K."
And a "A," and a "Y,"
and a "L," and
another "A," too. Kayla.
No wonder I feel
so drawn to you.
What that mean?
Kayla, Eva end in "A."
Familiar names
create this bias that
essentially binds people
All my life I've had
this intense connection
to people with names like
Ella, Kayla, Clarissa
Ooh, it smells great in here.
- Oh, you want some tea?
- No.
Janine, would you
Would you make a pot of water?
Thank you so much.
Hey, everyone, this is Kayla.
Oh, my God, you are gorgeous.
- Hi, Kayla.
- Yeah, I love your dress.
She's uh, coming to
the festival, too.
And I can already tell
she has a great aura,
so let's make sure
she feels welcome.
Kayla, this is Grace,
Audrey, and obviously
you know Cricket.
Um, this is Janine.
Hey, where's Isis?
[Janine] She's in the sauna.
[Grace] You hungry?
I made some flatbread.
Oh, and we have pie
for dessert.
- Yes.
- [Eva] So, Kayla,
did you get your concert
wristbands in the mail,
or did you need to go
pick them up?
Oh, I was gonna go early
and, um,
sneak in through the west gate.
People online said
they do it every year.
Oh, I'm sorry,
that's the plan?
- I guess.
- [laughs] No.
No, no, no, that's
The security is crazy
at this festival.
Yeah, but all the tickets
are sold out.
Cricket will handle it.
Uh, a few of our friends
are performing, so
Yeah, I'm sure we could get you
an artist pass, right?
Do I have to pay you?
- [women chuckle]
- No.
You're part of the tribe now.
We got you.
Total backstage access.
Well, that's great.
But I cannot miss Ni'Jah, okay?
- Okay.
- I can, I cannot miss her.
She's closing Saturday night,
and it's
and it's gonna be big.
I know it.
It's gonna be the biggest
moment of our lives.
I'm actually friends with her.
Yeah, but we got
into a little bit of a, um,
a misunderstanding
the last time I saw her.
[Cricket] Oh, no.
I'm sorry. That's terrible.
- Is everything gonna be okay?
- Oh, it's-it's fine.
She still loves me.
It's just, I have to apologize.
And then, after the show,
we'll probably hang out
with, like, her kids
and everything.
Oh, my God, I love Ni'Jah.
- She's such a goddess.
- Oh, she is.
[Salem] I don't know, I kind of
like her sister better.
She seems more, like,
you know, spiritual.
She's all right.
Ni'Jah is a goddess, but
so are you.
Remember that.
Remember to speak
with intention,
and I know you will
work it all out.
Look who finally joined us.
Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
Something smells delicious.
[Salem] Thank you.
Want anything?
No, thank you.
I'm still fasting.
My E.U. with Lela was
fucking incredible.
I mean, I was weeping.
Like, weeping.
- Oh
- It's a good weep.
- Mmm.
- Uh, what is a E.U.?
Evolution to Understanding.
You should try it sometime.
Yeah, it's like meditation
on crack.
You do crack?
You're funny.
And sorry for all the stairs,
but you'll get used to it.
- Here is the room.
- [Kami: "Home Movies"]
Pick a bed, any bed.
Am I the only one
in this room?
I feel like this is
your bed, though.
- Why?
- It looks like you.
You can leave your clothes
in the bathroom
for me to wash.
I've already got
some loads going.
Yeah, well, I can wash
my own clothes.
All right, well, shout
if you need anything.
I'm just down the hall,
and if the music gets
too loud,
feel free to close the doors.
Cricket actually
designed this place
pretty well, acoustically.
- Cricket designed this?
- Yeah.
Badass, right?
I thought Eva said
it was her sister.
Sort of.
Like a sorority sister.

Say my name, say my name ♪
Yeah, say my name,
say my name ♪
Ho, say my name ♪♪
[woman's voice] Dre,
if there's anyone crazy enough
to meet Ni'Jah Hutton,
it's you.
Didn't mean to spook you.
We're all going on a hike.
I thought you should come.
- At night?
- It's the morning.
But it's still black outside.
Come on.
You think Ni'Jah lays
in bed all day?
You think she stays in bed and
learns all those dance moves?
No. But that's because
Ni'Jah is special.
And so are you.
[bird singing outside]
I'll see you downstairs.

[woman vocalizing over piano]
[Salem breathing hard]
- It's okay.
- [Eva] You gonna make it?
[Dre coughing]
[Eva] Hey, take your time.
And if you need
to throw up, that's fine.
[Salem groaning]
Don't worry, Kayla,
I was just like you
when I joined DecaWin.
What's what's DecaWin?
This is DecaWin.
It's a women's
empowerment group.
So what y'all do, like, hike?
- [laughter]
- Or camp?
[Eva] Ah, no,
we prefer "retreat."
We specialize in
unlocking female potential.
Teaching, learning, training.
And most of all, healing,
through E.U.
[Cricket] Eva's
our executive director.
She's really changed
every single one of our lives.
I'm three years sober now.
Yeah. And I just joined
more recently,
but I'm already on
the last week of treatment
for my fluency disorder.
What's that?
I used to stutter.
[sighs] You were doing so good
ignoring your phone.
- [soft chuckle]
- I want you to stay present.
Your body is releasing
endorphins right now.
[Eva] All right, ladies,
let's meditate.
- [birds chirping]
- [indistinct chatter]

- [wind whooshing]
- [bees buzzing]
Y'all are really out here
obstructing justice.
Spill the damn tea
and drop the name.
- [knock on door]
- Whoever bit Ni'Jah
needs to go play in traffic
[Cricket] Hey.
So I'm gonna head out
to the bank soon.
But then I'll swing by
my friend Mark's place
and pick up your wristband.
Okay. Thanks.
Also, Eva wanted to offer you
some free counseling.
I think you'll like it.
It's always nice to release
after a hike.
Trust me, it's a better
use of your time
than staring at your phone,
Right here.
You came.
I'm impressed.
Get comfortable.
You look relaxed.
Was that the first time
you've meditated?
[Dre] I guess so.
First meditation, first hike.
How does it make you feel?
- So
- Mm-hmm.
this is a E.U.?
Sort of. We just talk.
I want you to relax
your mind. Okay?
Like you're meditating.
I'm gonna snap my fingers,
and when I do,
I want you to say your name.
It's what we call
a grounding point.
And we're gonna keep adding
to your grounding point
so it's strong,
like you.
It's just a home
for your thoughts.
[snaps fingers]
What's your name?
What's your favorite
Ni'Jah song?
Probably "Love on a Cloud"
- or "I Don't Want to Leave."
- Hmm.
But they're all great,
all of them, every single one.
She never makes a bad song.
They're all great.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
They are.
"Don't Want to Leave."
That's kind of a sad one.
Do you remember
the first time you heard it?
[Dre] Mm
[snaps fingers]
You must have had
a rough childhood.
Did people ever
call you things as a child?
Dyke. Liar. Stupid. Pig.
- What are you afraid of?
- Nothing.
- Are you afraid of death?
- No.
Because I think it's beautiful.
Because it's equal.
Happens to everybody.
- [snaps fingers] Name.
- Kayla.
- Name.
- Kayla.
- Do you pray?
- I used to.
Why'd you stop?
Because I realized
it was just an echo.
- What was?
- God.
When did you first
hear Ni'Jah?
- At my grandma's house.
- Describe it.
Just relax into the memory.
It's okay.
I see
milk spilled on the carpet.
And I can hear her
in the kitchen; she's cooking.
Very good.
What did Grandma say
when you spilled the milk?
She said, "Dre,
what did you do?"
And she was crying.
What color was the milk?
It was red.
[whispering] Did you
hurt someone?
Very good.
Very good.
- Name
- Kayla.
- Name.
- Dre.
Very good.
Tell me something you regret.
I missed a call.
I missed a call from back home.
Your relationship
with your phone
it's tied to trauma, isn't it?
- Who'd you miss a call from?
- My sister.
Do you think your life
would be different
if you'd answered that call?
What happened to your sister?
- [snaps fingers] Name.
- Ni'Jah.
[Eva] What are you manifesting?
[Marissa] Dre, what did you do?
[Dre] I'm so sorry.
[bees buzzing]
- [snaps fingers] Name.
- [screams]
[knock on door]
Uh, breakfast is gonna
get cold.
Spa day today.
No hiking.
- [wind chimes tinkling]
- [birds singing]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, babe.
How's your face?
My face? It hurts.
What happened?
- You fell. Remember?
- [Dre] I fell?
[soft chatter continues]
[Cricket] Let go of
the physical world.
Just relax into yourself.
- It helps with balance.
- Oh.
Is that a scar?
It's a symbol
of the elements.
It's also a symbol
of commitment.
Our methodology isn't
pass or fail.
It's based on faith.
And determination.
All we ask for is bond.
Well, what does that mean?
It's just something
that holds you accountable.
Like a secret
or a sacrifice.
It doesn't have to be expensive.
It doesn't have
to be extravagant.
Don't worry,
your bond holds me
accountable, too.
[Cricket] All right, ladies,
let's get started.
I want you to let go
of all your fears
and insecurities.
[women exhale]
Your breath is a wave.
[women inhaling, exhaling]
Every inhale
touches the ocean.
[deep exhalation]
You seem distracted.
I misplaced my phone.
It's inside. Nobody here
would ever steal anything.
You don't understand.
I need that phone.
It's important to me, I got a
lot of important stuff on it,
and I need that
- What's your name?
- Kayla.
- What's your name?
- Dre.
Dre, I've noticed
you've been eating less.
I guess I'm not hungry.
Has your mind felt clearer?
What are you manifesting
right now?
Talking to Ni'Jah.
I don't
I need to be with her.
Is that why you didn't
like Khalid?
Marissa's boyfriend.
What are you
What are you talking about?
Two nights ago
We were talking
about your sister,
and living in Houston,
and how you were angry.
No, I never said that.
But you do hurt people.
you have to be honest.
You're not a liar.
- Sometimes.
- I need you to tell me
about the owners
of the car you have.
Why was there blood
on the seat?
[bangs chair down]
Okay, all right. Listen.
Listen to me.
I just went to talk to her.
That's it.
But she wasn't
a very nice person.
[Eva] Mm.
- And she just kept talking so much shit
- Mm.
about my friend.
You mean Ni'Jah?
And then what?
And and then I hit her.
[beating fist in palm]
Again, and again, and again,
and again and guess what?
Ooh, I really liked it.
It made me happy.
[Dre exhales]
You're a warrior.
Just like Ni'Jah.
You know that, right?
I want us all to congratulate
Kayla on her progress.
I think she's really strong.
And today she took
a real step forward
in her spiritual journey.
[woman] We're so proud of you.
- [Cricket] Congratulations.
- [woman] Really.
[woman 2] So brave.
- [woman 3] So glad you're here.
- [overlapping comments]
So excited.
[woman 4] A lot better
than I did.
[Cricket] It's time to tap
into the power around us
- and manifest our intentions.
- [all breathing deeply]
Audrey, are you ready?
[whistling eerie melody]
[drum beating rhythmically]
[Cricket] Let's close our eyes.
Thank you.
[all breathing deeply]
[whistling fades]
[woman vocalizing in distance]
[Dre] What-what sound is that?
[vocalizing continues]
I don't hear anything.
The mu the music.
You don't hear that?
Janine, do you hear something?
- No.
- Dre, we don't hear anything.
Oh, you-you told her.
You told her.
You told her my real name.
What-what day is it?
- [Cricket] Please
- What day is it?!
- I don't
- [Janine] Uh, Friday maybe?
[indistinct chatter]
You all are fucking liars!
- Who cares what day it is?
- The festival!
[Eva] Dre!
[Cricket] All right,
I want us all
to resume breathing.
Dre, where you going?
I can't miss Ni'Jah.
What about the ceremony?
Why are you leaving?
Give me my phone.
It's a 40-minute drive
to the festival.
By the time
you even get there
You took my phone
while I was sleep,
and I want it.
Give me my fucking phone.
Why are you running away?
You know you're free to go.
We are all free
to do whatever we want.
But I need you to know
if you leave,
we know everything about you.
We know everything.
We had an agreement
when you gave us your bond.
Your phone is accountability.
I'm late.
Give me my phone.
That's what you want?
Ni'Jah isn't your real friend.
Those people on the Internet
aren't your real friends.
I am.
Day one.
Since day one I knew that.
You're with your family now.
You are.
Come on, Dre, come inside.
- Let's go.
- Yeah, you belong here.
I know you're stronger
than this.
Your energy
- [engine revs]
- [women cry out]
[overlapping screaming
and crying]
- [horn honking]
- What the fuck did you do?!
- [laughs]
- What the fuck did you do?!
[shouting indistinctly]
[shouting indistinctly]
Give me the fucking keys!
Give me the fucking keys!
[horn honking]
- [car door banging]
- [grunting]
[engine revving]
[women screaming]
[banging on car roof]
[Janine screaming]
[tires skid through dirt]
[Janine screams, groans]
- [door opens]
- [door sensor beeping]
[Janine whimpering]

[horns honking]
[indistinct radio transmission]
I'm gonna need you
to turn around, ma'am.
The show's over.
These gates are gonna close.
You can't go in there.
Ma'am, go ahead
and come up here,
make a U-turn and go
back out for me, okay?
Have a good night.
[woman vocalizing over piano]
[crowd cheering]

[crowd] Ni'Jah!
Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah!
- Ni'Jah!
- [hits door]
Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah!
Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah!

Ni'Jah! Ni'Jah!
[Dre] I'm sorry, Ni'Jah.
[Vagabon: "Water Me Down"]
It really waters me down ♪
Never meant to be you,
never meant to be me ♪
Never meant to be us ♪
Never meant for all of this,
never meant for you to love ♪
Never meant for you to trust ♪
So I'll take my time
next time ♪
And I'll do it right ♪
And I'll take my time
next time ♪
You know me better than that,
you know I hate it like that ♪
It really waters me down ♪
You know me better than that ♪
You know I loved you
like that ♪
It really waters me down ♪
You know me better
than that ♪♪
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