Sword Art Online (2012) s01e04 Episode Script

The Black Swordsman

1 What? You've got that lizard to heal you.
February 23, 2024 Floor 35: Lost Forest You don't need any heal crystals.
What about you? You never fight from the front.
So do you need crystals? Of course I do I'm not a child idol like you, Silica-chan, so boys won't heal me.
C-Come on, you two Fine! I don't need the items.
I won't be partying with you anymore.
There are plenty of parties that want me.
Hey, Silica-chan! The Black Swordsman I don't have any healing items?! Pina! Pina Pina! Pina.
Pina Pina Pina! Pina Pina! Pina Don't leave me alone.
Pina! What's that feather? It's Pina.
My partner You're a beast tamer? I'm sorry I wasn't able to save your friend.
No I was being stupid.
I was stupid to think I could make it through the forest on my own.
Thank you for saving me.
Does that feather happen to have an item name? Pina's Heart Don't cry.
If Pina's heart is still here, you can revive her.
Really? On the south side of Floor 47, there's a field dungeon called the Hill of Memories.
I've heard that the flower that blooms at its top can revive a pet.
Floor 47 If you gave me the GP, I'd go for you But if the pet's owner isn't there, the flower won't bloom.
That information is enough.
If I work hard to raise my level, then someday They can only be revived for three days after death.
No It's my fault.
I'm so sorry, Pina.
Don't worry.
You have three days.
This equipment should be worth a good five or six levels.
If I go with you, it'll work out.
Why would you do all this for me? If you promise not to laugh, I'll tell you.
I promise.
It's because you look like my little sister I'm sorry.
Um, I'm sure this isn't anywhere near enough to pay, but No, it's okay.
This isn't entirely incompatible with my reason for being here.
I'm Silica.
I'm Kirito.
We won't be together long, but it's nice to meet you.
Floor 35: Mishe There's Silica-chan! You're late! We were worried! U-Um Let's party up sometime! We can go wherever you want.
That's very kind of you, but I'll be in a party with him for a while.
I apologize for that.
Your fans? You must be popular.
No They just want me along as a mascot.
But I got full of myself when they began to call me Dragon Tamer Silica Don't worry.
We'll make it in time.
Right! Where do you live? On Floor 50.
But that's pretty far.
Maybe I'll just stay here.
Really? The cheesecake is really good here.
Oh, if it isn't Silica.
You made it out of the forest.
I'm relieved.
Is something wrong? No, nothing.
Huh? What happened to the lizard? Could something Pina died.
But I'm definitely bringing her back! Then you're going to the Hill of Memories But at your level, will you be able to clear it? She will.
It isn't that hard.
You're another one she's seduced? You don't look particularly strong to me.
Let's go.
Why is she so mean? Is SAO your first MMO? Yes.
In any online game, a lot of people's personalities change.
Some enjoy playing as outright villains.
Our player indicators are green, right? However, if you commit a crime, the indicator will turn orange.
The worst criminals, player killers, those who've killed someone, are known as red players.
You mean murderers? In any other game, they could've had fun while role playing as the bad guy.
However, Sword Art Online is different.
This game isn't really a game at all.
Kirito-san I'm sorry.
You're a good person! You saved me! Seems like you've cheered me up instead.
Thanks, Silica.
Our cheesecake is late! Excuse me, our dessert hasn't arrived yet If I told him I wanted to talk a little more, would he laugh at me? Silica, are you still up? K-Kirito-san? I forgot that I had more to tell you about Floor 47 Want to go over it tomorrow? It's fine.
I was just thinking about that That was close.
Silica, is something wrong? No, it's nothing.
What's that item, Kirito-san? It's called a mirage sphere.
It's so pretty! Here's Floor 47's town area.
And this is the Hill of Memories.
So we'll be following this route Who's there? What was that? They heard us.
But unless you've knocked, you can't hear through a door It's different if your listening skill is high enough.
But few people invest the time to raise it.
Why would they want to listen in on us? February 24, 2024 Floor 47: Floria It's like a dream! This floor is known as the Flower Garden.
The entire level is covered in flowers.
This is Silica? Yes! Sorry to keep you waiting.
What's wrong? Ah, nothing at all Let's go.
Right What's this? If anything unexpected happens, and I tell you to warp out, use this crystal to jump to any town.
But Promise me.
All right.
Okay, let's get going.
This path leads to the Hill of Memories.
Um, Kirito-san Calm down, Silica! It's really weak! K-Kirito-san, save me! Don't look, but save me! That's impossible.
S-Stupid thing That's enough! Did you see? No, I didn't.
Kirito-san, could I ask you about your sister? Why now, all of a sudden? You said I look like her.
I know it's impolite to ask about the real world.
But would it be okay? I called her my little sister, but she's actually my cousin.
We grew up together, so I don't think she knows.
Maybe that's why I've been distancing myself from her.
Our grandfather's really strict.
When I was eight, he made us attend a local kendo dojo.
I stopped after two years.
My grandfather beat me up.
That's terrible So my sister said that she'd put in enough effort for both of us, and to stop hitting me.
She worked really hard after that, and made it to the nationals.
That's amazing.
But I always felt bad about it.
Like maybe she would rather have been doing something else, and secretly holds it against me.
So it's possible that I'm helping you because it feels like a way to atone to my sister.
I'm sorry.
I don't think that your sister hates you.
You can't work that hard for someone who you don't like.
I'm sure that she really loves kendo! You keep reassuring me.
Maybe you're right.
I hope so.
Okay I'll do my best, too! Kirito-san The flower of revival is here? Yeah, if I remember Take it.
Pneuma Flower This will bring Pina back, right? Yeah.
I'm so glad But there are lots of strong monsters around here.
Let's revive her after we get back to town.
I'm sure she'd prefer it that way.
Kirito-san? Whoever's behind those trees, come out.
R-Rosalia-san? If you can see through my hiding skill, your detection skill must be quite high, Swordsman.
It appears you managed to get the Pneuma Flower.
Now hand it over.
W-What are you talking about? That isn't going to happen, Rosalia-san.
Or should I say leader of the orange guild, Titan's Hand.
But she's green! It's a simple trick.
The green members find targets, and lead them to where the orange players are waiting.
That was one of your friends listening to us last night, right? Then, the reason we were in the same party for two weeks That's right.
I was assessing its strength, while waiting for them to earn money from adventures.
You were the prey I was most anticipating.
It was unfortunate that you left, but then you said you were getting a rare item.
However, you knew all that, but went with her anyway.
Are you an idiot? Or did she actually really seduce you? No, neither of the above.
I've also been searching for you, Rosalia-san.
What are you talking about? Ten days ago, you attacked a guild called the Silver Flags.
Four people, all but the leader, died.
Oh, the ones with no money Their leader went from the warp point to the front lines, from morning until night, begging someone to avenge them.
But he didn't want you killed.
He wanted someone to jail you.
Can you understand how he felt? Nope What kind of idiot would take this seriously? There's no proof that killing someone here means they die in real life.
Anyway, shouldn't you be more concerned for yourselves? Kirito-san, there are too many! We should run! It's all right.
Until I tell you to run, just keep the crystal ready.
Stay put and watch.
B-But Kirito-san! Kirito? Black clothes A one-handed, no-shield style.
the Black Swordsman Rosalia-san, this is the beater who solos the front lines He's in the lead group! The lead group? Someone from the lead group wouldn't be down here! and take everything he owns! Die! I have to save Kirito-san What? What are you doing?! Kill him! About 400, in around 10 seconds That's the total damage you seven can do to me.
I'm level 78.
I have 14,500 HP.
My battle healing skill auto-regenerates 600 points every 10 seconds.
We could stand here all day, and you'd never beat me.
Is that even possible? It is.
High enough numbers will make you invincible.
MMOs that use a level system are unfair that way.
My client spent his entire fortune to buy this warp crystal.
It's set to take you to the prison.
You're all going there! I'm green, so if you hurt me, you'll go orange Just so we're clear, I'm a solo player.
One or two days of playing while orange mean nothing to me.
Sorry, Silica I ended up using you as bait.
I thought you'd be scared if I told you about myself.
You're a good person, so I wouldn't be scared.
So you're leaving, then? I've been away from the front lines for five days I need to get back.
T-The lead group is amazing I could never be one, even if I tried for years.
Um I Levels are just numbers.
In this world, strength is just an illusion.
There are more important things.
Next time, let's meet in the real world.
Then we'll be friends, just like we are now.
I'm sure we will! Okay, let's revive Pina.
Yeah! Pina's Heart Pina I'll talk to you lots and lots, okay? About my amazing adventure today And about the one day in my life that I had a big brother.
Next Time: A Crime Within the Walls
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