Taali (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Gauri Aa Gayi

How are you, sister?
You were here 15 days earlier.
I'd given you the form.
Why did you run away?
You have amazing memory, sister!
Do you have memory boosters?
I couldn't muster courage
back then.
How did it go?
I mean the operation.
That fact that you're alive means
it went well.
Where is she?
The one
Injury, coma, death
Her shift is over.
We swapped shifts today.
It's Gauri's arrival day
so I swapped the morning shift.
Gauri is here.
"Gauri graced our home"
"Gauri graced our home"
"Gauri graced our home"
"Gauri graced our home"
"Gauri graced our home"
"You persistently battled against
your own kin"
"within yourself for a century"
"Despite crashing into the cliffs"
"the river found the sea"
"Gauri graced our home"
"Embrace all the old wounds"
"Simply believe in yourself"
"Abandon the old paths"
"Keep moving forward with a smile"
"without waiting for others."
"Enfold yourself in your embrace"
"Such is life's essence"
"You are life itself"
"Such is life's essence"
"You are life itself"
"Such is life's essence"
"You are life itself"
Dada, Ganesh underwent
a sex change operation.
"Once a tale"
"Now you are the story"
"First the target"
"Now you are the symbol"
She's been thrashed!
Are you all right?
You okay?
Are you all right?
Who are you?
Better wait outside.
Step inside and you all will get whacked.
She was screwing in the bushes!
Sir, you beat her up badly!
Why beat her so much, sir?
She made a mistake.
Let her go, sir.
You beat her brutally.
- Oh my!
- Listen, sir
- Who are you? Her attorney?
- Sir
No, sir. I am one of them.
It's an auspicious day.
Naming ceremony.
If you have kids,
we'll come over and bless them.
Please let us go.
Don't bug me.
Wait outside.
Get going.
Sir, this has gotten out of hand.
I'm sure you know
my lawyer Shardul Deshpande.
And Divya Kadam, the reporter
from Hindustan Today.
I have to call them both.
I offered to check things out alone
but they said
I should come here and send them
picture of your face and her back.
- Are you threatening me?
- Oh no, sir.
- I
- I'm not scared of any reporter!
I'm an Inspector after all.
Get lost.
No, sir, you see
Mr Deshmukh, our guardian minister
He spoke about the hassles
of police cruelty.
Get this straight.
Either she leaves
or you'll get arrested
for police cruelty tomorrow.
- Sir
- Don't intimidate me.
Leave or I'll lock you up!
Get out.
I haven't even started yet. Get it?
You want a scene?
Did you think she's alone?
We are with her.
She will leave at once
with your permission.
Make some noise!
- Will you raise your hand on us?
- Eunuchs are here!
- So what if you're a cop!
- Hey stop.
- Shame on you!
- Hey stop.
Let me touch you!
- Useless!
- Go.
- Please go.
- Come.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's get out of here.
Hurry up.
Let's go.
What exactly happened?
Got into an argument with my guru.
She threw me out.
I wandered aimlessly
and survived on water for 3 days.
Then I took to the highway.
I slept with two truck drivers.
That's how I earned this.
50 bucks.
I was about to leave
when the police conducted a raid.
They brought us here.
Men took men and women
took women away.
I was left alone to get thrashed.
I'm with you.
Nobody will beat you.
This happens every day.
Today it was me,
tomorrow it will be someone else.
If you guys aren't in the wrong,
you needn't fear anyone.
Note down my phone number.
I'll be there.
Have you eaten?
If it weren't for you, then
who'd save
- people like us!
- Oh no.
Don't say that.
Stop crying.
come home with me.
You called me Amma
so I'll take you as my child.
Now on, resolve to do things right
and earn a pat on your back.
From today my house is your house
but my towel is not your towel
and my soap is not your soap.
I wish I could get the stars for you.
but this should do for now.
Not just munna, I too will live with you.
How did you like the medal?
Even if I don't get a death certificate,
at least I got a medal from you!
I'll cherish this for life.
Dear lord!
Why are you quiet?
What's wrong?
What's with the sullen face?
You got your friend to your house
and made her sleep on the floor.
You know,
I never slept on the floor.
For one, this place is rented
and you boast as if
I bought a bungalow in a posh area!
Some day you will!
I'll buy you a huge bed that day.
For now, sleep here.
- Amma
- Yes, tell me.
The woman from room 12 died.
Come quick.
Inform her relatives.
She had no relatives, Amma,
just a 4-year-old girl.
She's weeping over the body
while two pimps are trying
to sell her off.
- Selling off a child?
- Yes.
Mustafa Pathan
from the whore house is there too.
- They're eyeing her.
- Gather everyone.
- Go on.
- I'll go.
So? She owed me money too.
I'll turn her into a whore
to get my money back.
The girl will stay here.
Okay, let the girl be here.
You clear my dues and I'll get going.
I'd do it if I had the means.
I don't have money now. Get out.
The girl will stay here.
- Mom!
- You don't have money.
So get lost.
This girl will be worth gold
in 10 years time.
- I'll get back all my money.
- Oh go away.
My mom
I'm leaving with her.
- Move!
- Where are you going?
How much did she owe you?
20 to me and 8 to her.
Will you pay us?
She owed me 40!
Who'll repay it?
Bloody hell! You're lying.
Let's go to the police station.
Mr Kolte is stationed there.
He'll send the girl to a remand home
and you both will get jailed.
Either you pay me 40 right away
or you both leave this minute.
Like I'll do what you say!
Until I get my money,
I won't leave this girl.
He's right.
Me neither.
His men are waiting downstairs.
Your girls are up here.
But this area is filled
with my people.
At my behest,
you and your men will be
disrobed of dignity in no time!
And you
Old tramp!
If you want to remain alive,
you better leave right away.
Bloody bh!
I'm taking the child away.
Try to stop me and invite death.
Bloody man!
"With your first touch"
"I knew for the first time"
"This bond is from the past life"
"It will be fulfilled in this life"
"Comforts me in the lap"
"Tenderly calls me as her own"
"Tears well up in my eyes"
"May you have a long life"
"May you be mine forever"
Well, Naveen speaks very highly about you.
- Thank you.
- But I must say I'm still a bit skeptical.
But why?
I complete my degree two year back.
I train transgenders.
I helping sex workers
and beside this
my inner most calling from motherhood
make me very interesting in this job.
People have English as a medium
but my English is itself medium.
But I'm reading Shakespeare these days.
Oh that's good!
You read?
- Yes, of course.
- Very good.
Well, that's good, Gauri,
but I must tell you
teaching is completely different.
Your every action
your every word will get imitated.
But I'll give you a trial period
at 8,500 rupees a month
4 hours a day, thrice a week.
Same pinch.
Lovely blouse.
Thank you.
But if there is any complaint,
you will have to leave.
No complaint.
I must say you're the first transgender
I have met
with so much elegance and simplicity.
How many have you met?
No, I believe
your clothes don't have to shine
when you can.
I like being simple.
Usha Uthup. Same.
- Will do, aunty?
- Yes,
- will do.
- Thank you.
Thank you, aunty.
'In old India,
a youthful wave was awakened'
'Civilians realised
the value of lost freedom'
'They resolved to do away
with the British'
'Old and rusted swords gleamed again'
and Harbolas sand praises of how'
'the brave Queen of Jhansi fought
'The brave Queen of Jhansi
fought bravely'
'The queen of Jhansi'
'The queen of Jhansi'
We were taught this poem yesterday
in school.
We were given home work.
- Then what happened?
- Before coming to school,
Mansi didn't turn up.
- Yes.
- She didn't rehearse the poem.
- Stand properly.
- Okay.
I didn't know he's in the same school.
Who is she?
- Aunty.
- Yes.
Sis, how's Dada?
Please come.
Come along.
You became a mother, at last.
I mean you.
Yes and I've begun to respect
all mothers now.
Every time I'm in the loo,
she gets hungry!
Whenever I eat,
she wants to use the toilet!
Waking him up is a daily struggle.
But on Sundays, he wakes up at 7!
I don't even get time to sharp my eyebrows!
He's taken after you. Huh?
Hope you won't change the ground.
Look Ganu
Tell me.
Until he grows up
and learns about you, I won't tell him.
I know
I didn't support you when you needed me
but I did ease some of your troubles.
I will keep doing that.
Listen sis
Thank you.
The woods are lovely
Dark and deep
Dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go
And miles to go
Before I sleep
Before I sleep
The woods are lovely
The woods are lovely
Hey, where are you from?
Ma'am, just one photo.
I have a pimple here.
Try this side.
Kids, smile for the photo.
- Come.
- Ready, kids?
- Okay.
- Smile, say cheese.
Gauri Sawant,
a transgender creates history.
Look Gauri's photo is in the paper.
She's a teacher!
- What?
- My Gauri is a teacher!
Gauri? She's a teacher.
Gauri is a teacher
- Here.
- What's this?
Read it.
Greetings, Guru.
Guru, Gauri's photo is in the papers.
She's become a teacher.
I'll go.
She made herself proud.
Glory be to Goddess Yallamma.
She'll made herself proud
and created problems for us.
First she became one of us, then a mother
then she became a teacher.
And now she aims to be a celebrity!
I'll make sure she's in
news soon again.
That too breaking news.
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