Tabbar (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Tureya Ja

Mr. Ajeet, what are your
comments about this incident?
Mr. Ajeet, any comments?
Mr. Ajeet
Wait, stay back.
I've had enough of you.
And the headlines of the hour.
The body found in the Harike
river has been identified.
The Police has confirmed
that the body belongs to
Ajeet Sodhi's younger brother Maheep Sodhi
whose been in the headlines recently.
The Police have even
confirmed that it's a murder.
Maheep Sodhi's body is being
sent to Patiala for autopsy.
Police will comment on this
after the reports arrive tomorrow
Hello, Lucky. Lucky
Can you hear me, Lucky?
Have you lost your mind?
What are you doing?
Let me talk to Lucky.
It's not too late yet.
Mom, let's talk about this once.
Your stupidity could cost us all dearly.
Now don't blame mom
If you really care
Why didn't you pick up the gun that day?
"Walk on, Farid"
"let no doubt enter your heart."
"If even one finds the route."
"Hundreds will become its part."
So will Palak like this?
What good is this?
You know we need lavish
jewellery for the wedding.
This is futile.
Lucky's parents have
asked for a fat dowry.
So we'll pay them. I never said no.
We'll give them more than they asked for.
Did you find Aladdin's lamp?
We'll need at least two million.
Don't worry.
I've arranged for two million rupees.
Don't stress yourself.
Mother has gone to gurdwara.
-Shall I make tea?
-No, no, I am fine.
Papa, what I was saying.
Shall I talk to Sunil uncle?
Do you know him better than me?
He is a rascal.
We will give him 2 million
and ask him to keep quiet.
Papa, don't sell the house,
lets sell drugs instead.
Step out, we are talking.
It's better to get rid of the drug,
why sell the house!
-We're trying.
-But you're doing wrong.
Why are you so scared?
I'll sell the packet if you can't.
At least we'll still
have a roof over our head.
-Do you have to act smarter?
-Stop it.
I said don't interfere. We're trying.
Go outside.
I'll thrash your legs.
Stop it
Trying to be over smart.
Leave it.
Shall I come along to Patiala?
-Are you sure?
-I'll manage.
You handle this.
What happened with Ajeet was terrible.
First, he lost his family
in an accident.
All he had was his brother.
Now he's dead too.
You're right, sir.
It was awful what happened with him.
I wonder what he'll do
with all that money alone.
Sir, we can get a lead in Delhi.
He was coming from Delhi
high on the yellow stuff.
That's where we'll find a lead.
Shall I take a trip down there?
There's no pickle.
Lucky, you forgot the pickles again.
How many times do I've to tell you?
-Sir, there's curd.
-No, leave it.
Tell me something how
long will you take in Delhi?
I'll just go over,
conduct my investigation.
Just set me up at the circuit house.
Lucky, book a ticket to Delhi, by flight.
You're pretty swift.
Sir, Maheep's flight ticket
which he never boarded.
And his train ticket.
By which he arrived here.
Sir, he was smuggling yellow stuff,
not high on it.
Fine, he was smuggling yellow stuff
someone got on to him
in Delhi and killed him.
Sir, he was killed for the drugs.
But it was done by a local.
-Wait a minute.
Any Delhi guy wouldn't know
about the old closed down bridge.
We got lucky the dam was under
repairs for the last couple of days.
They didn't release the water.
Otherwise, the body would've been
found in Pakistan.
It is a fully planned murder, sir.
Did you find your helmet thief yet?
The world won't stop
without the helmet thief.
You know what
take him along.
The boy's got brains.
Come on son, get cracking.
Lunch break between 1 pm and 2 pm.
Only counter number 1 will remain open.
Inconvenience is regretted.
Dr. Chawla, please report to lab no. 3.
Permission slip?
I used to work around here.
I only need five minutes.
I'll be back in a flash.
Doesn't matter what business you have.
You'll need a slip.
Go get it from the reception.
But I
Littering, spitting,
And smoking inside the premises
is a punishable offence.
It's strictly not allowed.
Dr. Arora, please report to lab no. 2.
Dr. Arora, please report to lab no. 2.
Everyone is requested to maintain
cleanliness and follow all rules.
-Hey where's my bag?
-What bag?
The one that was lying here.
-I don't know anything about a bag.
-Don't talk nonsense
-Trying to steal my bag.
-What happened?
-Don't talk nonsense
-Move back.
-You've my bag.
-What bag?
-You've my bag.
-I don't have your bag.
How dare you call me thief
Puneet come inside, there's a task.
Chopra has left the file open.
Puneet, put the official stamp
and send it to Jalandhar.
-He's called a dozen times.
-Yes sir.
-Email it when you come back.
-Yes, sir.
He's already called four times.
Think about it again.
We can build a studio
for the YouTube channel.
We'll build the studio some other day.
Old man's selling the house.
He's here, come on.
Tegi. Jogi.
Jogi, Tegi.
You know what, just follow me.
-And hurry up.
-Just give me a minute.
What is it now?
The old man's dying to talk to me.
Go on.
Hello. Yes, daddy
You are in Jalandhar?
You know what,
you go on I'll join you in five minutes.
Okay, fine.
-Hurry up.
-Do you have any chewing gum?
-I've clove.
-Fine. give me.
Take it.
Bro, today's plan cancel,
we will go tomorrow.
-What the crap?
-How can you go alone?
Don't worry, Bagga, your bro is my bro.
My bro is your bro.
Come on, hop on.
Listen, there is no need to worry.
You can go with him.
We'll settle our accounts later, okay.
Hop on.
Let's go.
Count it yourself, son. It's two million.
No need to count, uncle.
I am sure it's all there.
Happy, if your father
had listened to me
then he wouldn't be selling the house.
Happy, what happened?
Why are you selling the house?
Papa has made up his mind.
Who can argue with him?
Is this why you didn't go back to Delhi?
No. My holidays got extended.
Forget it. How's your duty coming along?
It's going great, the job and life.
Wait a second, I am getting a call.
Just a second.
Where are you?
I was outside. What happened?
Quickly congratulate me.
Why? What for?
Mom has fixed my marriage.
What? With whom?
With your brother Lucky.
Go and talk to your family.
The situation at home is tense
You know what, take 10-more-years.
And become an IPS.
That's not what I meant--
"Speak in such a manner
not to lose control"
"So you can calm others
and yourself too"
"Choose your words wisely"
These boys I tell you, what's this?
Even the clothes
Happy, the clothes are
Look at what these fools
have done to the place.
Is it done?
It's in the boot.
Papa, you've already changed the report.
So why are we still paying him
Absolutely not.
We cannot take a risk.
If that rascal opens his
mouth the report will be reopened.
No, Keep this inside.
The keys?
You bloody
What happened that night?
It's not what you think.
Tell me the truth.
Your hand will burn completely.
Greetings, brother.
The police are conducting
raids because of Ajeet's brother.
Come back later.
It's special, brother.
Whatever it is, come back later.
-Just take a look.
-Don't you get it
Just take a look.
Where did you find it?
Just great.
Who killed Maheep?
What happened that night?
Why did you kill Maheep?
Why did you bring me here?
What happened that night?
What are you doing with me?
What are you doing with me?
What are you doing?
Who are you? Where am
Don't shoot.
He will die. Don't shoot.
Don't shoot.
Shoot? Who will die?
Don't shoot.
I should have picked up the gun.
I should've shot him.
Which gun?
I should have picked up the gun.
Which gun? Which gun?
Shot who?
Mukkha escaped
I couldn't pick the gun
I didn't fire.
I couldn't do anything.
Seven years in the department
Seven years in department
and still I couldn't
Where are you?
Let my son go.
Wait, uncle.
First, tell me where
you found the yellow stuff?
You got your two million.
Now let us go.
That's not the answer to my question.
Where did you find the yellow stuff?
Great Just great!
Tell me you fool where you found it.
Pick it up, Papa!
Pick up the gun, Papa!
Pick up the gun, Papa!
I haven't done anything, uncle.
I haven't done anything.
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