Talentless Nana (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


On duty today: Nana Hiiragi
Hey, newbie!
Is it true you caused that fire
at the janitor's shed yesterday?
It wasn't me. I was attacked.
Nice try, liar.
Fine Then tell me, why is
Nakajima absent again today?
Like I care! And I know you did it.
"Talentless Nana"
He survived Didn't see that coming.
Immortal, eh?
Episode 4: Healing
I wasn't able to unmask his talent. I failed.
But it's strange First Nakajima,
and now Shibusawa is missing, too?
Maybe the enemy killed them,
just like they tried to kill me?
Stop lying, liar!
Are ya peddling that conspiracy
theory about the enemy being here?
Stay calm, my friend.
Nevertheless, it would be
prudent to choose a new leader.
Leader, eh?
Kyoya knows someone tried to kill him.
So he won't shut up about it
until people listen to him.
I don't think I'll be able to hide Nakajima's
and Shibusawa's deaths much longer.
Hiiragi, can you knock some
sense into these dolts?
My biggest obstacle is definitely Kyoya.
I have to throw him off
the scent before I can kill again.
Eee, frickin' awesome!
Michiru got a love letter in her shoe locker!
Let's see, what does it say
"Michiru, I love you.
Since we're not in the
same class, for a whole year
I would look forward to watching you
walk by the garden every morning.
I must finally tell you how I feel today.
Are you free after school?"
"I'll be waiting for you
after school by the garden!"
Sorry, my bad.
We're just so happy for you, girl!
Aww, she's bwushing. How pwecious.
What's she doing?
Nana Hiiragi, your leg
Ohh, I kinda slipped and fell yesterday.
I'm sorry. It must hurt.
W-W-Whoa, there!
My scrape is healed?
Aww, Michiru, you're, like, an angel.
You'd better pace yourself, though.
Using your talent shortens your lifespan.
You're Michiru Inukai
Thanks for your help.
Your talent is lovely!
Michiru Inukai.
Potential kill count:
One hundred fifty thousand.
I'd assumed she was
harmless since she's a healer.
But it just goes to show:
a monster is a monster.
No mistaking it, her healing ability
will hinder my ability to kill.
What's up?
Huh? Nothing.
I was about to go feed the cat.
He's stalking me.
Hello, Michiru!
Waiting for the one who wrote that love letter?
Well, I
I'm sorry, but they're not coming.
Get out at once! You're embarrassing yourselves.
Oh crap, that's right!
She can read minds.
Damn you, Hiiragi!
You'll pay for this!
Michiru, they were just messing with you.
How did you know?
Mi-chi-ru is stu-pid
I've been hearing some really nasty
inner-monologues all morning.
Oh, oh I thought they were my friends.
Sorry I was so blunt.
I read minds, not hearts.
But Thank you, Nana.
And thank you for healing my leg.
Would you like to go have lunch with me?
I I'd love to!
She sure talked my ears off.
She really is a dog personified.
Her power is simple, too.
She licks a wound to heal it.
She can heal torn skin, muscles, and even
stop blood escaping from internal organs.
She can heal a variety of injuries.
She can heal her own wounds, too,
but only if her tongue can reach them.
So I'll have to aim for the back.
Wh-What are you doing?!
I'm worried about you, kid.
I was guarding you from an enemy attack.
I appreciate it, but it's getting late, so
Lack of sleep can't kill me.
Uh, but this is the girls' dorm, you know?
You girls are like kid-sisters to me.
Don't worry, I won't act inappropriately.
In fact, wanna sleep together?
I could sing you a lullaby.
No, thanks. I listen to music while I sleep.
Where was she trying to go so late at night?
Why is the music so abnormally loud?
Is it so that I won't hear her
when she sneaks out the window?
What is she scheming?
Nana, is something?
Michiru, run! It's the enemies of humanity!
Whether the enemies of humanity exist or not,
mayhem always seems to happen around her.
She's been buzzing around Michiru all evening.
She's been so friendly,
just like she was with Nakajima.
The same method. Why?
Is it to take her targets' guard down?
What's her motive?
She makes no sense.
But if the enemies of
humanity don't really exist
then Hiiragi is the most suspicious of all.
Nana! Oh, Nana!
Thanks Michiru.
Please, don't move yet!
Hey! What happened?
I'm so sorry, Kyoya.
I was in bed when I heard the
enemy's inner-voice outside my window.
When I stepped outside, I heard that
voice say it was going to kill Michiru.
I just I just had to do something.
Nana shielded me, then the enemy
Where did it go?
I don't know.
I think it was the invisible type
You know, from our textbook.
Was I over-thinking things?
Whoa, Hiiragi?!
Are you okay?!
Yes. Think hard. Why did I cause this ruckus?
By spilling blood in front of our classmates,
how will this change the dynamic?
You suspected me of murder.
So, to hide my murders,
I've disguised myself
as a victim of attempted murder.
Continuing to hide Nakajima's death
and Kyoya's near-death
would be difficult, moving forward.
So I decided to use the rumor that
the enemies of humanity are among us,
and make that rumor a reality.
To carry out my charade
I had to stab myself in the back.
All that remained was to let Dog-Girl save me.
Now, I will become their leader,
and I will dominate this school.
Sorry, but something still isn't adding up.
Can I ask you again?
He's been desperate since yesterday.
Last night, you heard an enemy
of humanity's inner-voice,
so you jumped out the window to investigate?
And then I heard the inner-voice
say it was going to kill Michiru.
Why didn't you ask me for help?
I was right there.
I'm immune to enemy attacks, since I can't die.
Didn't you think I could help?
I'm sorry. I was so frazzled
I just had to go save her.
You can't die?
Yeah, but it only applies to me.
I can't save other people's
lives like you can, kid.
So Hiiragi ran into Inukai's room,
then was stabbed from behind?
Yes. I think the enemy sneaked into
Michiru's room through the window.
You didn't see it, right?
What a weird story
What did the enemy want anyway?
If the textbooks are right,
maybe it sneaked in to eat me?
But why were you the target?
And if it had invisibility
and stealth on its side,
then why would it retreat just
because a few of us ran up to it?
It probably could have easily
killed everyone at the scene.
I heard a bit of your inner-voice just now
Are you theorizing that there never was
an enemy of humanity at the scene?
Let's pretend there wasn't
Hiiragi and Inukai were
the only ones at the scene.
Hiiragi was stabbed in the back. That's a fact.
It wouldn't make sense for
Inukai to stab her, then heal her.
Which means, there was either
a third person in the room,
or Hiiragi stabbed herself.
It's futile, Kyoya.
But I just can't come up with a reason
why Hiiragi would stab herself.
I don't know why she'd
kill Nakajima or me either.
So maybe there really is some invisible enemy.
That's actually more feasible.
Any attempts to deduce my motives
will lead you to dead ends.
Nana! You were attacked
by an enemy of humanity?!
We just heard the news, dammit!
Are you okay?
So the enemy really is among us.
What's going to happen now?
Don't let fear control you, peons!
Put your faith in me, your boss!
Now, let's not get too hasty. I was just
thinking it was time we chose a new leader.
Like you? Bite me!
I'm scared to admit it,
but I think Nakajima was killed!
I hate myself.
I have the power to hear the enemy's thoughts.
Why didn't I hear them sooner?
Why couldn't I hear Nakajima screaming for help?
Oh, Nana
Hey, guys!
Why doesn't Nana become our leader?
Nana saved my life!
I wouldn't mind Nana. At least she's cute.
I can see the merits.
She can read the enemys' minds.
No one else possesses such an ability.
Nana is a brave girl! She's a kind girl!
I'm sure she'll keep us all safe!
Okay! So Nana's our leader now.
I have no objections.
Are you okay with this, Nana?
Very well. I'll be your leader.
Let's all work together to
defeat the enemies of humanity!
Since we have a few days off,
could you ask everyone about
their abilities and personalities
and write it all down in here?
I'd like a record in case we ever need it.
I'm on it, Leader!
Amazing progress.
Now I can make "enemies of humanity"
appear and disappear
at my own discretion.
And anytime I kill someone,
I can say they died a hero's death.
Sorry I suspected you.
You were a victim all along.
What did you suspect me of exactly?
From your tone, I sense you still suspect me.
By the way, is your back better now?
From what I saw, it looked like you
were stabbed with something sharp.
Like what exactly?
Like a harpoon,
or a screwdriver, or even a gimlet.
Sorry. I was geeking out over weapons.
Ohh. Now I get it.
I assumed it was a pointy
thing like claws or a spear.
We'll need some countermeasures.
Counting on you, Leader.
Trying to call my bluff
That all you've got left?
Gloating aside, a gimlet does
stand out too much as a weapon.
If I keep using it, people may start to
wonder why despite its strong physique,
the enemy of humanity would
use a human tool like that.
I should probably switch to "magic" methods.
A screwdriver or a gimlet
could be hidden under clothing.
Hiiragi stabbed herself
knowing that Inukai would save her,
so that she could play the victim
and take control of the class.
Then she'll kill us all, one by one.
It's no use. It's still all
just guesswork on my part.
Without proof, I can't find her motive.
Without proof, no one will believe me
if I tell them their leader is a serial killer.
Maybe everyone else is right.
Maybe the enemies of humanity really do exist.
Kyoya won't die, no matter what I do
but I wonder how poison would affect him?
Well, the class is mine, at any rate.
As long as no one witnesses my murders,
their trust for me will not falter.
Hey, Leader.
Can we talk?
Um, you're
Tsunekichi Hatadaira, right?
What's up?
So, like, Michiru asked me what my talent was
And, like, I was like
Anyhoo, I can see the future.
He can see the future?
what's this all about?
The enemy of humanity doesn't kill me
Why's the new leader gonna kill me instead, tho?
Does that photograph show our future?
Yeah. Insane, right?
So he's a psychic photographer?
Uh, are we in the P.E. supply shed?
Your watch is pointing to 10:00,
so does this mean I'm going
to try to kill you at 10 PM?
Yeah. Seriously, can you
frickin' enlighten me here?
B-But I can't I have no
clue what this is all about.
There's no way I can explain it.
Then come with me. I'm hungry.
Open up! Open up, dammit!
W-Whoa there. It's past hours, you know.
The cafeteria staff are off the clock now!
Shut up! I can see the future.
I'm legit, unlike those
party magicians in class!
Special treatment, please!
That's what I'm talking about.
What the hell? Who is this savage?
Gimme a char siu bowl.
What about you, babe?
I'll have zaru soba, please.
So, about this photograph.
So, like, I used to be a total nerd.
'Scuse me?
So, like, you know that super-important
test that, like, sets your future?
I had a vision where I got a zero on that test.
Oh I see.
I tried, ya know?
I studied like a gangster for that!
You studied hard so your
premonition wouldn't come true?
Yeah, and what do you think happened?
It's freaking insane.
Uhh You got a high fever on test day?
Holy crap! So you really can read minds!
Nah, it's just a pretty common occurrence.
No matter how hard you try,
you can't change the future.
"Fate is frickin' insane."
That's my life's punchline.
What an imbecile.
Now, check this out.
I made this photo a while ago.
Yeah, I was right!
Check out that angle. This's happening today!
So you're saying I'm about to wear
the soba I just ordered on my head?
You think I'm lying, right?
Excuse me, could I have katsudon instead?
Huh? Oh, fine, whatever.
Nice try, sweetie.
I'm so sorry!
I just cleaned the floor so it's still wet.
See, Nana?
It's pointless, babe.
Once it's in my photos,
it's definitely happening.
So, what do you want to do now?
What about you?
Why do you wanna kill me?
Again, there must be some mistake!
But didn't you kill Nakajima?
Talented vs. Talentless
"Talented vs. Talentless Part Two."
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