Tandav (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Left se Right

I respect you a lot, Mr. Devki.
I cannot betray my people.
I'll have plenty of opportunities
to be a minister in the future.
-Hello, uncle.
How long will you be here?
I'll be here forever, uncle.
Is he done with Oxford?
It's the same for us
simpletons from Rohtak.
-He's getting married!
He has arranged it himself.
-Show him the invitation.
When is it?
What's the bride's name?
Why don't you read it?
You're the first person
to receive an invite.
Actually, I shouldn't be inviting you.
You're family.
You've known Samar since he was a child.
But your actions speak otherwise.
Don't they?
Be happy.
And ensure she's happy!
I'll take your leave.
Of course.
I've heard that the fog at
the Rohtak-Delhi freeway…
is pretty bad these days.
Yes, sir. It is.
Accidents must be pretty common, right?
Yes, sir.
That's sad.
I call him "Uncle".
What the hell!
Relationships have no place in politics.
Are you getting me?
The only relationship that matters…
is the one with power…
and with your position.
Go on.
Send the invitations out.
Relationships have no place in politics.
The only relationship that matters is
the one with power and with your position.
I'm watching them, sir.
But the tapes are too long.
It's three days of footage from
four cameras of two doctors.
It'll take two months to complete them.
So, the hospital recordings
are unreliable?
Exactly, sir.
What's the plan?
I've rigged their homes with cameras, sir.
Did you find anything?
They're both scumbags.
One guy's having an
affair with the other's wife.
And the other has no clue.
But no useful information, sir.
What about Shiva Shekhar?
He's a leftist, sir.
He's a member of the SAI.
But that can be managed.
He's a little idealistic,
and impulsive.
But he doesn't want to be a politician.
When's the press conference?
11:00 a.m.
I'll be in my office.
I'll take your leave as well, sir.
Don't you ever regret it?
Regret all the…
horrible things you've done?
I have a cat, sir.
I feed her.
She comes to me,
cuddles up in my arms.
Calms everything down, sir.
You're now a superstar!
I must have seen your
video at least 25 times.
My friend, you are a virus!
Hey, Kasturi!
What the hell do these kids call it?
Sir, they--
Viral, viral video.
Viral video…
You're viral!
How could these idiots arrest our lad?
You should have come to me.
We could have talked it out.
Our lad was picked up from Delhi, right?
You could have reached out to me.
Thank you, sir!
It's alright, son.
There's no need to worry.
Henceforth, if there's any problem,
I'm here for you.
Mahant Kunj police is here for you.
-Very good.
-Come on.
Have a nice day!
-Yes, sir?
do you recognize them?
Sir, they were students.
These are not students!
The terrorists aren't coming
from across the border these days.
They are being bred in these universities.
Are you getting me?
Keep a close eye on these devils.
Yes, sir.
Come on, move it!
Be quick, man!
Yeah, alright.
What the hell is this?
It's time to celebrate, right?
-We're mourning!
-For what?
You're the new PM.
We should be celebrating!
When are we going to have a talk?
You're happy, right?
Obviously, I am!
I'm way happier than you are!
How did you do it?
You trust me, right?
More than any other
politician in the world.
Get rid of this!
Right now.
Hey, get rid of it!
I'm reporting from VNU.
A viral video has made Shiva Shekhar
the poster boy of this college.
And the mounting public pressure has
forced the police to release Imran Zaidi.
As you can see, we're at VNU
and people here are celebrating.
And Imran Zaidi is right here with us.
I would like to start by saying…
my name is Imran Zaidi…
but I'm not a terrorist.
But it didn't stop them
from treating me like one.
But let me also tell you…
that all of you present here today,
have proved that
this battle…
was not just a couple of
villages fighting for their land.
But this was our battle!
This was the battle of a nation
fighting for its soul!
This nation does not belong…
to oversized men living
in their oversized castles!
Men who brownnose
billionaires for their funds.
This nation belongs to
every single one of us!
I'm Garima, from National News Network.
Would you like to be
a part of our show?
-Me? Are you sure?
-Yes, you! In the evening?
-People who work in schools, colleges,
-Okay? See you.
homes, factories, offices and
even in battlefields for this nation!
People who shed their blood,
sweat and tears for this nation!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
A couple of hours before!
An hour before the meeting!
Why didn't you just tell me Samar?
I didn't plan on doing it.
How could I tell you?
Does she have anything against you?
There are many people in
positions of power in this party.
Gopal Das wants to have his way.
And, so does Anuradha.
They would have ripped our party apart.
I would have been the prime minister,
but we would have lost our party.
You should have told me!
I can't lie to you.
You know that.
Sir, Mr. Shekhawat wants to meet
you before the press conference.
Where's Ayesha?
She's waiting for you in your room.
Listen, I don't have the
bandwidth for this right now.
And Garima has been hounding me
to join some panel discussion
with that college boy, Shiva.
I can't go.
You please fill in for me.
Excuse me, are you serious?
Please, just do it.
I've been requesting a meeting
for the past two days, Samar.
I've been busy, Shekhawat.
Please try and understand.
The party workers are angry, sir.
They were all rooting for you.
Now, they have no place to go.
I'll have a word with them
when I come to Jaipur.
You know, sir…
my son was admitted
to the hospital on the 16th.
He had jaundice.
Extremely high fever.
He was really suffering.
I didn't even see his face.
I was busy poaching
senators to support you.
In Jaipur,
in Ahmedabad.
I had 47 senators supporting
you by the next morning.
But you took Anuradha's
name in the meeting.
You didn't even bother consulting us.
Whenever we tried to talk to you,
you were busy.
Later that day…
when I returned to Jaipur…
His name was Kush.
My son.
He was dead.
some say they blackmailed you,
some say they threatened you,
I don't know why you did it.
Nor will I ask you.
There's an old phrase in Jodhpur…
"Never question the one you are loyal to."
We can feel your pain, Mr. Shekhawat.
All I had to say is that
we'll be commemorating
his death next Wednesday.
And I also wanted to say that…
I'm loyal to you…
but I'm not your slave.
Mr. Samar Pratap, why are you not
taking up the PM's position?
Our party does not
belong to a particular family.
After my dad's death,
we wanted to make a statement…
that the PM's position is
not a throne to be inherited.
The party is my family.
My family is not the party.
Will you at least be getting the
home minister's position, Mr. Samar?
Not just the home ministry,
we need Samar everywhere.
Especially the young
workers of this party,
who need his guidance.
We'll be forming a
special advisory committee
for the same.
Samar will be heading the committee.
And I'm sure he'll do a good job.
So, Mr. Samar Pratap won't be a
part of the Cabinet of Ministers either?
The youth of the country is the
most important wealth we have.
And to take care of that, I think
there is no better person than Samar.
Special advisory committee?
What the fuck, Samar?
Anuradha's killing your political career!
And we just stood by, Samar.
She won't be giving our supporters
important ministries either.
We won't be getting
any of the top ministries.
We just need to focus on the top two.
Home and defence.
Home, because it's important.
And defence…
because it's Raghu.
You should have seen his face.
You knocked him out.
Working under women…
bruises their…
fragile male ego.
I'm just warming up.
Just wait and watch,
what I do to him!
I think Samar…
will be lobbying just for two portfolios.
Home and defence.
It's very simple.
There are two people
we need to worry about.
Gopal Das…
and Kailash.
We just need to break them.
There's one more strong candidate, ma'am.
But if Raghu loses defence…
he'll probably kill himself.
Shiva, what are you trying to say?
All I want to say is that,
their party has been in
power for really long.
What have you guys done?
I've seen your video.
You're a good orator.
But tell me, what is your problem?
"Freedom! Freedom!"
is all you guys chant about.
But we're living
in a free country, right?
What is this "freedom" you demand?
Please do tell.
Please don't tell me you're
taking our slogan literally?
Your government imposes
restrictions on every citizen.
You're encroaching
upon our farmer's lands.
Are they truly free?
Right now, the only
freedom this country needs…
is freedom from your government.
By the way, that's a very
strong point he's making, Aditi.
No, one second.
How is it a strong point?
So, do you mean to say that the
voters of this country are fools?
Our party has been in
power for the past three terms.
And "free" voters of this
country have voted for us!
Well, I won't talk about the voters.
But everyone knows,
how you win your elections.
-Are you allowing him on national TV--
-Okay, one second--
One second, Garima.
Are you allowing him
on national television
to question the very
sanctity of a democracy?
-Maybe voting, not democracy!
-On national television!
-Not democracy.
-Just one minute--
-Going to the college?
May I drop you off?
You'll drop me off?
Have you ever been inside a VIP car?
You know, I was a little
jealous of you today, Shiva.
You were right.
But I must speak for the party.
And the party isn't always right.
But we're not always wrong either.
Why are you on their side,
if they're not always right?
What's the point of me being there
if they are always right?
Why would anyone need to be there?
Will you join JLD?
It just struck me.
Shiva, I think you'll make
a very good politician.
I don't want to be one.
I respect you, ma'am.
our ideology isn't
limited just to TV debates.
And the VIP car you use…
a farmer cannot
afford to even look at it.
I think a rickshaw's good for me.
May I give you an advice?
It is possible to get your point across
without hurting other people's sentiments,
on TV as well as in real life.
See you.
This year's university
election is a tough draw.
We'll need more funding.
Please inform Mr. Samar.
there's a strong wave of
support for the SAI in college.
You see that guy in the blue jacket?
He's their new champion.
Who's the presidential candidate?
The one in green.
Dark green or light green?
Dark green jacket.
Chetan Kranti.
Get me all the information
you can on this guy.
Please, Mr. Gopal Das.
Why don't you become the home minister?
Home minister?
You're really sweet.
But it wouldn't be right.
I mean…
me working under you…
I'm better off as the party president.
I've never been the prime minister.
But I've kicked three
prime ministers out of that seat.
Listen to me carefully.
Let's be civil about this and
take things forward as a team.
Kailash will be your HRD minister.
Mr. Gopal Das…
I respect your seniority…
but you're not here to allot portfolios.
The allotment is done.
And you're only here to listen.
Hey! Aditi!
Come! Come!
How nice!
It looks like we're gonna have a
young and attractive government!
Your fitness is impeccable, Ms. Aditi.
It's really amazing.
Is it some new form of exercise?
Or is it a new diet?
Is it Keto?
And Ms. Maithili as well!
Am I right, Ms. Maithili?
Sir, I can send you my diet chart,
if you need it.
No, no.
I've started using an elliptical trainer.
Have a look.
-Ten minutes every morning--
…we started off on the wrong foot.
But I want to tell you…
that you're extremely talented.
And I need strong women
like you in my cabinet.
What portfolio am I getting?
Women and child welfare.
Women and child welfare!
Continue, continue.
Who's getting defence?
Women and child welfare!
They know you're on my side.
They are trying to humiliate me
by giving you these portfolios.
They'll never give us a strong portfolio.
I won't accept anything
but defence, Samar.
Did you talk to Shiva?
What did he say?
He won't join us.
Were you direct?
So was he.
He knows what he wants.
He knows exactly what he wants.
Yes, sir?
Is Jigar Sampath still at VNU?
I'll find out.
Have you given it a thought?
I'm taking the
Civil Services Exam next year.
I don't have time for politics.
Don't have the time?
You said, "When the time comes, get
your asses out on the streets and fight!"
Now's the time.
Going by your logic,
we'll be fighting all our lives.
I'm not being philosophical, Shiva.
Every single one of us knows…
that SAI winning a college election
won't solve the
Israel-Palestine conflict.
It won't make Kashmir a safe haven.
Nor will it stop the renaming of cities.
But asshole, you're now the
Che Guevara of this campus.
It's simple.
You running for our party
guarantees us a win in this election.
We'll be running this university.
Give me a day.
One day is all I'm asking for.
I think, I shouldn't accept
the dean's position.
What's wrong?
If you become the HRD minister,
and I become the dean…
what will people think?
They'll think it's a favor?
But I didn't get you the position, did I?
I know. But that's
what people would say.
Is it about the people,
or is it about Jigar?
Because, if you really cared
about other people,
you would still be in Jabalpur,
tutoring kids.
And I…
would have been in my
father's store, fixing shoes.
We wouldn't be hiding our relationship
if we really didn't care
about other people.
Sir, there are many
reporters at the gate today.
Please take the day off.
You're hurting me, Jigar.
What's going on?
She wants a divorce.
I still love her, man.
What was I supposed to do?
Sign the damn papers?
Just like that?
This would've been
my tenth year in London,
had Sandhya not
stopped me back then.
The things we leave for love!
How the fuck does it matter?
This chair, this table…
every corner of this
house reminds me of you.
You've been such a huge part of
my life for the past fifteen years.
How do I get over you?
How do I get out of this alive?
I can't change everything.
Can I, Sana?
What the fuck am I doing here?
that's not what I meant.
Don't get me wrong.
I wouldn't have gotten out of this mess,
if it weren't for you.
So, I'm just an idiot.
A student solving her
professor's mid-life crisis…
who's actually looking
for her absent father.
I wanted to talk to you…
about where this relationship is going,
about the future.
You know, it just started off,
we never talked about it
and then I realized…
And it's not like I
wanted something big…
but I definitely didn't want
to become a classic case, Jigar.
Sana, please…
There's nothing different
about our relationship.
Though we never said it so crudely…
but what makes us more typical,
is that…
both of us have failed.
Sana, please, just…
-I don't--
Do we have to submit it today?
Where's Shiva Shekhar?
Shiva's in his room, uncle.
I'll get him.
He must be in the common room.
We'll get him.
Bless you, son!
You have our blessings.
May Lord bless you with a
happy and successful life!
we don't care…
if you're a human,
a student,
or a politician.
You're a God to us!
Please don't say that.
you forced the court to issue a stay order
and give us our lands back.
He's right, son.
I don't have much to give you.
But my prayers and
blessings are all I have.
And I give them all to you.
You're the hottest
property in Delhi-NCR right now.
-Shiva Shekhar!
-Long live!
-Shiva Shekhar!
-Long live!
-Shiva Shekhar!
-Long live!
You look worried.
I'm not worried.
Tomorrow's the last day…
to file the nominations.
I hope you realize,
you're born to be a politician.
the things we did to
get Imran out of jail…
were wrong.
That means,
if I'm born to be a politician…
politics is wrong.
Whatever it is…
it is choosing you.
Hands up.
Your phone.
I'll keep it.
What are you doing here?
I come here every month.
I do it discreetly.
That's our spot!
It's been 16 years.
And we had decided…
we'll meet at least once a year.
But we didn't decide that there
would be a guy out there frisking me.
And collect my phone as well.
But little did we know, one of us
would end up being a schoolteacher…
and the other, the prime minister.
Humor based on my pain.
I love it.
Almost, is it?
You guys don't even talk about
the "almosts" in your footnotes.
Do you remember the first time
I took that stage for a speech?
-It was raining.
-It was raining.
I always felt this was my world.
This is the life I wanted to live.
A simple life.
Your life isn't so simple anymore, is it?
Who told you?
Your wife scored big.
He's a powerful man.
Are we meeting after so many years
for you to humiliate me?
I just wanted to see what
love looks like at the age of 40.
The simple life
has its side-effects, Jigar.
It means that the not-so-simple people,
they get powerful.
And power doesn't simply give
you the right to change laws.
It gives you an extra dick.
And I'm sorry…
I don't have a finer way of saying this…
but it's giant and throbbing…
and the best of women
lose their mind at its sight.
I sense a hint of anger in your love.
I can help you with it.
I'll need your help as well.
Say yes…
and Gurpal will clue you in.
You know, I think…
I don't think you see
what's in store for you.
But everyone else can see it.
See what?
What people saw in 1988…
when they saw Sachin bat.
That exact feeling.
That's exactly how I've been
feeling for the past few days.
Back in 1988,
Sachin had no clue…
about his true genius.
Due to Shiva Shekhar's viral video
this student election at VNU
has the nation hooked to their TV screens.
SAI's candidates,
for President!
Shiva Shekhar for Vice President.
Sana Mir for General Secretary.
Vishal Awasthi for Joint Secretary.
Shiva Shekhar has filed a nomination
for the Vice President's position.
As you can see,
hundreds of students are here.
This is certainly a landmark
day in student politics.
Yes, Gurpal.
Sir, Shiva Shekhar
has filed his nomination.
He has filed it for the left.
But he has filed it.
Converting the left to
the right isn't that difficult.
All you have to do is use a mirror.
The left becomes the right.
At least, my Chandragupta…
has now entered the battlefield.
-Give us our piece of the pie!
-Give us our piece of the pie!
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