TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


The two I must capture are Sato and Jin.
Visibility activated.
I've found you,
Sato and Jin.
Oh, no!
This way!
Damn it! How did he find us so fast?
He probably has the Visibility Right.
Head to Nerima Ward in ten seconds
or you will be executed?!
What is the Emperor thinking?
It looks like he went somewhere.
That was close.
I found myself some good prey.
You guys are like summer bugs
that fly right into the flame. For real!
It's game over, fools!
Who the hell are you?!
There's no way he's going to answer that.
-I am
-Oh, never mind.
Messenger of the underworld!
Borinmaru Gokokuhotenji.
What a long name.
You must be so scared of me that
you're speechless. For real!
You think we should run?
Or maybe we can talk this out peacefully.
Um Gokokukoku Gokokuhojo.
I'm not a farmer!
That's not it, Omi.
It's Borin Gogo Gobo!
I ain't no burdock root!
We have no intention of hurting you!
-He's right!
-Believe us, Gobo!
They're trying to make
Gobo my official name.
Listen up!
I'm gonna make you rust
with my ruler wielding skills.
Plastic rulers can rust?
That's not the point.
Let me explain.
A Right that unleashes a slash wave that
cuts through everything,
the Iron-Slashing Right!
Iron-Slashing Right?
You've been chosen to be
my stress relief toys.
If you guys don't want to die,
swear to be my servants.
If you refuse, I'll end your lives
right here, right now. For real!
-I refuse.
-Hey, Omi, that was too fast.
You fools
That's weird. When I try
to convince them, I can't speak.
Did I get a bit nervous?
I will kill you both right now then!
No! Please!
Huh? Why?
You, little bean sprout!
The root called you a sprout.
Why aren't you freaking out?
Because there's no such Right
as the Iron-Slashing Right.
Oh, dang! Does he happen
to know a lot about Rights?
Come on now. What are you saying?
How can you be sure that it doesn't exist?
What if it exists?
-It definitely doesn't exist.
It's called an Iron-Slashing Right,
but it cuts through everything?
It doesn't make sense.
Oh, crap
First of all, Rights don't get explained,
so he could never know that.
I'm screwed, real screwed.
I don't know why this is happening, but
I'm in a really bad situation. For real.
Um I
I apologize for my cocky attitude!
That was a fast apology!
You know, you seem to know a lot.
Let me in on what you know. For real!
Do you remember what you just said
five seconds ago?
What do you think? Can we trust him?
I can't even consider trusting someone
I just met a few minutes ago.
The fact that he knows about Rights,
does he have some sort
of Right or Privilege?
Maybe talking to him won't hurt.
I see
You guys went through a lot. For real.
Now it's your turn, Gobo.
Is that my official name now?
I'm Borinmaru Gokokuhotenji from Year 2,
Class B of Itabashi Chuo Middle School.
He said it in one go.
I lost my family and friends
in the trial run. Only I survived.
I was battling with feelings of sadness
and wanting to survive,
so I was hiding in my room
until the Majority Vote began.
But on the first day, I went
to the designated area, Suginami Ward.
That's when I lost all hope.
I saw something that shouldn't exist.
What I saw was a dragon.
And as I was running away from there,
I found a sealed Rights envelope.
That was my first and last envelope.
I've been hiding at home since then.
A dragon, huh? That's definitely
a Production-type Privilege.
It's the same Privilege type as that bald
macho guy who was with Professor.
I'm really good with tech.
I centralized all the security cam footage
from this area into a single control room.
And I was monitoring it daily
to see if anyone would pass by.
I was planning to catch some easy prey,
threaten them,
and then make them find
the mailbox for me.
-We're easy prey?
After chasing away that weirdo
who was following you,
I preyed on you guys
since you were around my age.
How did you chase away the professor?
I used my Privilege, Display Right.
I displayed the Emperor's symbol
on the monitor
of the store where he was chasing you,
with a message that said, "You'll
be executed if you don't go to Nerima."
No wonder he ran off.
You guys saw the remaining numbers
from the Majority Vote, right?
I'm the one who displayed that.
That was you! You're amazing!
I'm amazed at something else.
What is it?
Why are you two talking
so openly and honestly with each other?
I never said that
I was speaking the truth.
Everything I said was a lie too.
-Shut up!
I knew it. Both of them are idiots.
But I think he's telling the truth.
He doesn't seem like a bad person.
And I think his Display Right
will become useful.
If I take him to Saneatsu,
I'm sure Saneatsu will know what to do.
The problem is,
how are we going to meet up with Saneatsu?
-Stop calling me that!
Do you want to fight the Emperor with us?
How can I do something that scary?
Are you just gonna hide here
until you die then?
You guys are amazing.
Everything has been unbearable
after everyone else died.
You're so calm, and you even want
to defeat the Emperor.
I'm not like you.
I lost hope, got
desperate, and finally got back to normal.
Same here. We would still be panicking
if not for the student body president.
We were just lucky.
We have a team of incredible people
who are strong fighters.
I believe in them.
I'm not alone.
I'm only strong
because I have friends who are strong.
They make me laugh,
and that gives me the power to fight.
It's true that whether you work hard
or stay in your room,
it's all the same
unless you submit a question.
It's pretty much 99.9% luck.
But those who give up have no chance.
Only those who take the plunge can choose
the outcome of their destiny.
Isn't that what living means?
You know, I'm not very smart,
so what I'm saying might not be all true.
I think you're right.
The worst I can do is do nothing and die.
The best I can do is
do something and live.
I'm gonna do it.
I'll give everything that I've got!
So how are you going to meet up
with your team? For real.
We were supposed to meet at the north side
of Narimasu Station.
-What shall we do?
-Let me see. I really dunno.
I'm not very smart either.
Hey, Sato, do you have a nickname?
Yeah why?
I think that will work.
Hey, Narita, how are you going to meet up
with Sato and Jin?
I will wait for them until morning,
even if it's only me.
This is the only place
they will be able to locate us tonight.
We have no way to contact them,
so if we don't meet up with them
here tonight
What? No way. Is it time already?
Isn't it early?
You're right. It's still 11:55 p.m.
What's going on?
What is this?
This is some sort of message.
Narita, maybe you can decipher this.
Omi and Kazuhiko are safe.
What? Where does it say that?
It's a pretty risky move but
it's a code that others can't read.
Kazuhiko wrote this?
There's no way he wrote this.
It was probably Omi.
What does it say?
Ippiko is Kazuhiko's nickname.
The nickname I started calling him.
Dabe refers to Omi.
Assuming this is a message
in order for us to meet up,
"tomorrow" refers to the date and time.
"A" refers to a.m., the morning.
Born refers to a birthday.
Kazuhiko's birthday is April 28th.
Why is only the word "day"
written in English?
To emphasize the number 28.
But can't that also mean
twenty-eight o'clock?
No, you need to separate
the two and eight, and add them.
I see. That makes ten, so 10 a.m.!
What's Myke Yakusho
Oh, I got it when I said it out loud.
It's the ward office
in the designated area.
Wow, how'd you know that?
I can understand that much.
Omi was sure that I'd understand
what he was talking about.
-"My" is a keyword. It has a meaning.
-"My" ward office?
Like near the karaoke bar?
No, I think the "My" refers to the word
"maido" which means "every time".
What do you mean?
Anyone can read "ward office"
from that message.
In view of that danger,
he wrote it this way as a countermeasure
for when we can't meet up.
So he's saying that he'll be waiting every
morning at 10 a.m. starting from tomorrow.
The meet-up point is
the designated ward's office.
Jin is pretty impressive.
But how can they display this message?
They probably obtained a Right
or the Privilege to display the message.
I see.
I'm happy for you, Saneatsu.
Stop with that face!
I'm gonna break your neck.
It's now time.
We will
not take the Majority Vote.
-What's going on?
We're not gonna die? Did the game end?
Tomorrow at midnight, the Majority Vote
will move to the second stage.
The second stage?
Some of the rules will be changed.
Questions will be only accepted
via the red computer.
There will be no Majority Vote or
trial run until the question is accepted.
The laptop's battery has
enough charge for one hour.
It can be recharged, but the AC adapter
is in a separate location.
Computers will be collected once daily
at 11:55 p.m.
If you enter the password located
in the designated area,
the collection will be extended
for 24 hours.
It's obvious that they want us
to fight for the computers.
This is bad.
Unlike the mailboxes,
laptops can be taken out of the area.
The people who've been holding back
will now take action,
especially the special rights holders.
Still, we've got to do this.
Let's prepare ourselves.
The second stage
Is this all part of the Emperor's plan?
Or is it
The mailboxes are disappearing like smoke.
The next stage, huh?
The second stage. I'm surprised
you thought of that in just three minutes.
The Emperor is a coward to change his mind
over a single letter.
He can't be defeated
by a few humans though.
Garbage must be burned for fuel.
I declare war. I will reduce
the entire human race to nothing.
Omi, Kazuhiko.
Yes! You came! You really came!
-Good work, Omi!
-I'm glad you got my message.
Hey, Ippiko!
Huh? Ryuta!
But I thought you were
But I was revived thanks to my willpower!
I see. That's good to hear. I'm so happy.
"I see?" Is this guy serious?
Where's everyone else?
Saaya and Eren-senpai are safe, and
the student council president is with us.
He revived and survived?
Yeah, and Ryuta too.
-Revived and survived?
-I guess it does rhyme.
I see we have quite a crowd.
-Who's that?
-Shall I beat the crap out of him?
-Wait a second! He's one of us!
We were able to display that message
and the remaining Majority Vote numbers
yesterday all thanks to his Display Right.
Oh, I see And you are
Let me introduce myself.
I am Rachzelt Gokoku Houtenji
Di Ra Mori Ogai Masamune
El Borinmaru of the Darkness.
-Also known as Gobo.
-Let's go with that.
Where's everyone else?
Saaya and Eren-senpai need to stay safe,
so they're waiting in a place
a bit far from here.
Stay safe?
I'm sure other people
have also deciphered that message.
The only thing they wouldn't know is
Kazuhiko's birthday, which is the time.
If we stay here too long,
we'll be easy targets.
Anyway, let's meet up with the president,
who's standing guard outside.
Got it.
They're kinda cool. For real!
Let's take a detour
and head to where the president is.
Once we meet up with him,
we'll plan our search for the computer.
Hey, don't run away.
I'm so glad that I found you.
I've been looking for you,
so I could talk to you.
We're all students here,
so let's be friends!
Isn't he
a student in Year 2? He was at school
on the first day of the trial run
and disappeared the next day?
I was sure that you guys were alive.
I'm glad I came to see.
Um senpai.
You remember me?
Why did you disappear?
You're really going to ask me that?
How about this? I'll tell you
if you tell me what your motive is.
Our motive?
You haven't given up on the Majority Vote,
have you?
We're going to defeat the Emperor
and stop this game.
I know it's reckless but
-We're on the same page then.
I lost everything that day.
I lost control of myself,
and that's why I disappeared,
but I couldn't do anything on my own.
So I want to go back to you guys.
I see.
I don't like this feeling.
I'm sensing a bad vibe from him,
like the air around him is rotten.
My gut is telling me not to trust him.
Let me fight along with you guys.
We'd be happy to have you on our team.
Welcome to the team, Iruga-senpai.
Mido and Ren Iruga,
those two are dangerous.
We can't let them roam around.
That face
So you knew, huh?
How scary.
Trying to cut my head off like that,
out of the blue. I'm so startled.
How did he block that?
Does he have a special right?
Let's all take a deep breath.
If I wanted to kill you all,
I would've done it already,
like when we shook hands.
What do you want from us?
I want the kid with the Right to Veto.
You want Omi?
It'll be a waste
if he stays with you guys.
Why do you want him?
-To take down the Emperor.
If you don't want to hand him over,
it's fine.
I'm not the one who wants him.
Is it that guy named Mido?
So you know about him too.
Correct! That disgusting piece of trash.
You don't know what
he looks like though, right?
Ishiki didn't mention anything
in her last words either.
Her last words?
What the hell did you do to her?!
I killed her.
Why that look?
Am I not allowed to kill anyone?
-Of cours
what are you going to do
once you find the Emperor?
Aren't you gonna slaughter him?
You're a murderer too.
Isn't it murder to ask a question
in the Majority Vote?
You can tell me your reasons and excuses,
but in the end, you're killing people.
So don't even try to lecture me
about justice, okay?
You want me to get a stomach cramp?
I haven't put a question in yet!
But you're looking for a computer, right?
You'll submit a question
once you find one.
You said that defeating the Emperor
means murder.
So is the Emperor a human being?
Yes. The Emperor is human.
I don't know him personally but
So you haven't heard anything
from the Right to Veto holder?
Why do you bring up Omi?
Oh, my, you don't know that either.
It's because we're from the same
detention camp.
Detention camp?
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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