Tattoo Redo (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Lions and Goats and Exes, Oh My!

Oh, hey, there! What happens when
the person you love has a tattoo you hate?
You bring 'em here and we cover it up.
Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
Said, "You look like shh" ♪
It happened ♪
[Jessimae] Behind every tragic tattoo,
there's always a ridiculous story.
Blake lost a bet.
I got it when I was 14.
I was at a friend's house
and he had a tattoo gun.
I just thought I was in love, y'all.
Lucky for them, five of the most talented
tattoo artists in the business
are standing by to give them
a tattoo redo.
Honestly, girl. I don't know
what that was on your back before.
But clearly, these people
cannot be trusted with their own skin.
So the person that brought them in
is going to choose the cover-up.
Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
Oh, I don't know!
You better not mess me up, bro!
Welcome to the best day of your life!
Please be kind.
Will they love it? Will they hate it?
Grab your grandma and some popcorn.
We're gonna find out together.
[Jessimae] All right, guys,
you smell that?
We have some real stinkers today.
Don't worry.
Tommy Montoya is standin' by
to help fix 'em up.
His tattoos are so clean, so smooth.
Ooh! So glorious.
He also likes to think he's kind of funny.
[Tommy] My spirit animal is a Tommy.
It's a human that runs around and is crazy
and reacts on impulse, you know?
[growling sound effect]
[Jessimae] Can you be your own
spirit animal? Is that even allowed?
What shouldn't be allowed
is this next tattoo.
It isn't anyone's spirit animal.
- What brings you here today, Nadia?
- Dude, my friend
- is a mess, and
- You guys seem really tight.
- What's the relationship?
- Oh, we are for sure. Elementary.
How many people can say they're still
friends with friends from elementary?
- This is my home skillet biscuit!
- That's it. That's it.
- Mm-hm!
- That's it.
She got this tattoo from an old
good old friend of hers.
She loves being a Leo.
She was all, "I'mma get a Leo tattoo.
It's gonna be a big-ass lion on my back."
"It's gonna be ferocious."
I had an image in my head like,
"Wow, a lion.
Scary, ferocious, maybe like a feline"
You know, something coming out of there.
I kid you not, when you look at this lion
Can we see the tattoo?
- [both] Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
- [Jessimae laughs]
- Are y'all ready for this?
- You said it was bad. You better not
- [Nadia] It's pretty bad.
- You better not be "lion."
- [Kerri] It's a fox with a mullet! See?
- [Tommy] Damn. You weren't lying.
[Nadia] Like, I told you. It kind of has,
like, a little alligator mouth.
- I know where he was going.
- [Kerri] Yes.
He was gonna fill it in, like, tribal.
Yes. I just thought I was in love, y'all.
I thought I was in love.
I thought he was the one.
- Okay.
- The tattoo artist?
The tattoo artist was my ex.
- Oh, you fell into that trap.
- [Kerri] So, I was being
the supportive girlfriend that I was
[both] Loyal to the soil.
Loyal to the soil. I was.
I was down for that mans.
- And now look at me, with no man.
- Dif
Different man, shitty tattoo,
heartache and pain.
- Yes. A big old ball of it. I'm ready.
- Out of it!
- [Jessimae] Okay!
- For it to be done.
Well, you are here for a cover-up.
- But
- But?
Nadia is going to choose your tattoo.
You better not mess me up, bro.
- I'm so excited.
- [Tommy] You're happy?
- I'm about to hook you up.
- Are you?
- I'm about to hook you up.
- I'm trusting you with my life.
- Right now.
- I'll hook you up.
You understand me? We here? Are we here?
- I hope so.
- Wait, no hope!
- I know my girl got me!
- Trust me. Trust me. Trust me.
But it's still that little
Mmmm! [laughs]
- You're welcome.
- [laughing] Oh-hoo-hoo! Hoo-hoo!
You are something. All right-y.
You devious woman.
[Jessimae] Ooh! I love a devious woman.
What's she gonna pick for a cover-up?
- What are you thinking?
- Okay. I think maybe not like a dude lion,
like a lioness.
- So not the lion with the big mane.
- No.
- A female.
- A female lion.
You're for sure she wants another lion?
Is that what you think?
- There's nothing else?
- No, for sure.
For sure.
She just is into being a Leo.
She just really enjoys that zodiac sign.
I ain't gonna argue with you.
We'll do a lioness.
Maybe have like
- Something round it?
- What's that thing?
Like, coming out the jungle.
- Like a Whoosh!
- Yeah, maybe. Yeah, I know exactly.
More like jungle-y.
I'll be honest. I don't know
if the lion is the best choice,
but it's what she wants,
so I'll make it the best choice.
I'm kind of nervous,
because there's a lot of the tattoo
that's gonna go in the face of the lion
and I'm gonna have to create some extra
textures to really hide those designs.
This is what I was thinking.
- [Nadia] You can morph it into her skin?
- [Tommy] Yeah.
- We'll do all the whiskers and the hairs.
- [Nadia] Whiskers. Oh, wow.
- [Tommy] You know?
- I would have the lioness head, like,
larger than, like, the exterior stuff.
Yeah, in that case,
I'm gonna have to do it huge.
Say goodbye to that trashy-ass fox.
[Jessimae] Boop! Boop! Boop!
That's the sound of the garbage truck
comin' to take out the trash.
It seems like it's gonna be big.
What you think that is?
You thought the fox was small?
It's a lion!
You gonna be a bald-headed baddie
with a badass tattoo on your back.
A lot of Bs. I like how you did that.
- You didn't get tongue-twisted or nothin'.
- I didn't stutter!
- Look at you!
- You gonna be a badass baddie
- with a badass tattoo!
- That's what I'm talking about!
[both] Badass baddie with a badass tattoo.
- Whoo, whoo! [laughing]
- I'm telling you! It's gonna be so cool!
[Jessimae] That pumped me up!
Who's afraid of big tattoos?
Not us.
- [Nadia] Go big or go home.
- All that?
- [Nadia] What you thought this was?
- [Kerri] Oh, my gosh.
I'm not ready for this at all, bro.
This is damn near my
- I'm about to
- No, no. Hey, all like this?
All like [laughs]
We're doing it on the shoulder.
- I didn't Hell, no! Oh, my God.
[Jessimae] Ruh-roh.
Kerri's starting to lose it!
Better get this tattoo started.
- [Tommy] Ready?
- No!
[Nadia] This is it.
- Oh!
- Get in there!
[Kerri whimpers]
- Oh, wow, that is that is a feeling.
- I'm not sure what type of feeling.
- That's it. Stop thinking about it.
- I don't know if it's good or not.
[groans] Oh, Lord.
[Jessimae] One bad tattoo getting covered
another one coming through the door.
You guys, it's the cycle of life.
And this one's for Rose Hardy.
Oh, my God.
These tattoos are so gorgeous.
I could look at them forever!
[Rose] Everyone makes bad tattoo choices.
We all have, as tattoo artists.
It's not a big deal, but
Yeah, if you learn from it, it's great.
[Jessimae] Yeah.
So this next woman's daughter
would completely disagree with you.
Her mom's creepy tattoo
is a very big deal to her.
Can we focus on the fact
that you guys look like sisters?
- Aww! Thank you. That's so sweet.
- [Jessimae] You're the hottest mom
- I've seen in a long, long time.
- [mom] Thank you!
- That's so sweet.
- [daughter] So many friends say that!
[both laughing]
What brings you in today?
Well, my mom has this crazy tattoo
of practically a devil.
- Oh!
- I mean, she's a Capricorn.
- So she wanted to get a goat
- [Jessimae] Whoa!
to kind of represent that.
I don't know what it is. I don't know
if it's the devil, a goat, a chicken.
- A Thanksgiving turkey.
- [daughter] Yeah!
A turkey. [laughing]
Can we see the goat?
[Rose] Oh, wow,
it's on your stomach, as well.
[mom] That's it.
[goat bleating]
- [all laughing]
- Wow.
- That's not easy to cover up.
- Wait, wait.
[Rose] The belly button!
- [laughing]
- [mom] Yes, it's the belly button.
Is that the mouth?
- [mom] Yes.
- Elizabeth, I'm done.
Like, you're way too pretty to have
a farm animal on your stomach.
- Exactly.
- That's why you're here for a cover-up.
That's right.
The best part is
that you don't get to choose the tattoo.
Your daughter will choose the cover-up.
- Oh!
- [both laughing]
[Elizabeth] Please be kind.
Angelina's never been in charge
of anything like this before. Ever.
Especially something for me.
No, no, no.
Do you trust me?
No comment.
[Elizabeth laughing]
[Jessimae] Yeah, I just wanna know
if the goat has a comment.
Yeah, that's right, buddy.
It's all on Angie now.
What do you think she would want
to cover it up with?
She's big on, like, female empowerment.
- Like, women can do anything type thing.
- Right.
So I want it to be something
- that represents her free spirit.
- We could do a really beautiful butterfly.
Would you make
the, like, devil into a butterfly?
[Rose] I'll try and figure it out.
This is really challenging for me
because of the placement.
- Yeah.
- And also not going too low
and close to the other tattoos,
but I think sticking with that symmetry
could be really cool.
Can I see it one more time?
- There we go.
- I need to look at its mouth.
Why You have a cute belly button.
- What are you talking about?
- Thank you.
Get comfortable, girl.
- The goat's looking me right in the eyes.
- Yeah Is it?
[both laughing]
So, you can see it has to be pretty big
just to cover this heaviness
in the middle.
[Angelina] So is that
how big it's gonna be?
Like, a full
It's gonna be, like, her whole stomach?
[Rose] I think it balances out.
I think keeping it
as small as possible too.
This is as small as possible
to be honest, to get rid of the goat.
I think it's gonna look beautiful.
But really it's on you.
- I'm, like, low-key shaky.
- [laughs]
I'm not, I'll be doing straight lines.
[Jessimae] Ever see a demon
pop out of a belly button?
Me neither. This could get ugly.
Baaa! What's up, goat guts?
This is a screen to hide what's going on
so you can't see what's being tattooed.
- Aah. Okay.
- We'll stick your goat out on the beach.
- So he can get a tan.
- Okay. Okay.
- And be gone.
- Okay.
Can I just say goodbye?
Can I just say goodbye to to your goat?
- [Elizabeth] Oh, yes.
- I just want to talk to him for a second.
- Yeah.
- Listen, you've had a good run.
You know, you've had a place to stay,
but now we're gonna literally
send you out to pasture.
- Can I boop you? Boop!
- Yeah. Please.
Have fun.
[Jessimae] It's so important to be able
to let go, to embrace our new self.
But not as important
as Rose getting this stencil on right
so that Elizabeth doesn't go from a busted
billy goat to a crooked butterfly.
That's not an upgrade.
- Wow.
- [Rose] Take a breath in.
Just relax your shoulders.
Just, like, stand normally, yeah.
- I think you're gonna like it, Mom.
- [Elizabeth] I better.
[all laugh]
Who's in trouble if you don't like it?
- Me or Angie?
- [Elizabeth] Ohhh
- [laughs]
- It'll definitely be me.
- You have to go home with her, I don't.
- [Angelina] Yeah!
[Jessimae] Yep. Not your problem, Rose.
- [Rose] Okay, you ready?
- Ready as I'll ever be.
[Jessimae] Say baa-bye to that belly goat.
Belly goat, get it?
No? Nobody? Cool.
This design is beautiful,
yet it's a whole stomach piece.
It's pretty big. I'm honestly really
nervous that she's just gonna hate it
and resent me for it.
[Rose] How's that?
- Yeah. I'm I'm good.
- [Rose] Okay?
- [Elizabeth] Yes.
- [Rose] Awesome.
Pain is your friend.
It lets you know you're alive! [laughs]
[Jessimae] That's a great way
to think of it and all
I'm just gonna have to check back
in with you later
and see if you still feel that way.
But right now, there's one last tattoo
that needs some magic,
and it's for Miryam Lumpini.
Her tattoos are just so full of color.
It's like a unicorn and a leprechaun did
the no-no and gave birth to a rainbow.
People describe me as
a very easy-going, free-spirited person,
but always very, like,
perfectionist at the same time.
[Jessimae] Oh! Well, this sounds
like a perfect match,
because this hot zaddy needs your help
to free his spirit from a past mistake.
What brings you in today, Lex?
So, I brought my father with me today,
because he did a mistake a long time ago.
He's, like, really insecure about it.
You're protecting your dad. I like that.
Are you a daddy's girl?
[Lex] Anywhere I am, like,
he's right there with me.
[dad] She's a bright shining star.
That's what I've lived for.
[Lex] This is the homie.
- You guys are the dream team.
- Yes!
- You just can't handle your own tattoos.
- That was a long time ago.
[all laughing]
- You're like, "Babe, my arm is screwed."
- That's right.
I think I was like, one year old,
but he came home
and there was someone's name
on his shoulder.
[Jessimae] Can we see it?
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Um
We gonna do a little Chippendales action?
Yeah, right.
[jazzy music]
[dad] So, it's her mom's name.
- [Miryam] Esmeralda?
- [dad] Yeah.
To me, it looks like it says "burrata,"
that's my favorite cheese.
Rule number one is to never get
anybody's name tattooed on you.
It's bad luck, and clearly it is.
- Look at where we are. Trying to cover it.
- I didn't hear this rule.
Who doesn't hear the rule?
- It's just something you know.
- I didn't.
We have to get him back out
in the dating world.
- Oh, there it is.
- We gotta get him out there.
He's he's in his forties now
- Are you a single dad?
- [Arthur] Yeah.
It's time for him to go,
feel confident and be like, "Hey."
And show off the guns, you know,
because he been workin' on them.
- You can't find a new lady with
- Another lady.
- Another female, on there.
- I know.
It's important for you
to combine your efforts.
- That's why you're here.
- Oh, yeah.
- You'll get a cover-up.
- We bounce ideas off of each other.
That's good. I'm glad you said that,
because you are not gonna
choose the cover-up.
Lex is.
- Oh, okay. Yes! Oh, my God!
- [squeals]
[Lex] Oh, my God. That's pressure.
She looks worried.
On a scale from one to ten,
how much pressure do you feel?
A ten, because I want him to have
something fabulous, you know?
I've never wronged you, so don't wrong me.
Make sure that the tattoo
looks super good.
I'll try.
All right.
[Jessimae] Come on, Lex.
You've got this. We're rooting for you.
All you have to do is pick something
your dad likes enough to look at forever.
I'm really thinking an animal, honestly.
Like an owl, because he never sleeps.
- Oh, he never sleeps?
- Mm-mm.
Like, something just, like, manly,
just, like
- Masculine.
- Yes.
- Definitely.
- Yes.
Like, how about, like, a like,
a bull skull, or something like that?
Oh, that would be
Wow, that would be immaculate.
Have you been dating at all?
Um, there's been a couple of times
where, um, I've tried to date.
- What's that mean?
- I can't get it to go to the next level.
I can't, you know, feel confident
about taking off my shirt and
- 'Cause of this?
- Yes.
Oh, we're using this is an excuse
to not move forward in our life.
Like, I don't know if you realize
how much of a snack you are and I'm
I'm sorry to Arthur's daughter,
but you're a snack.
Well, thank you.
A bunch of snacks out there
have mold on them.
- You're a fresh snack.
- Oh!
I need you to step into that.
- All right.
- Okay?
I love the concept, you know,
- the skull and the owl.
- Okay.
So, what I did
I made the skull, and then I made,
- like, an owl eye,
- [Lex] Oh!
[Miryam] 'Cause he's
overseeing everything,
- he doesn't sleep.
- [Lex] Yes!
Now this made me
so much more confident.
I was actually pretty scared.
I was like, "How will this
all tie in together?"
- But you did that. He might tear up.
- You need to do the happy dance.
- I know!
- [laughs]
[Jessimae] Well, hopefully you're both
doing a happy dance.
It's gonna be sick!
Hopefully not something
that gets you thrown out of the house.
[Jessimae] Whoa, he means business.
You wouldn't kick your own daughter out,
would you, Arthur?
We'll have to wait and see,
because I'm not letting you
see this tattoo until it's done.
- [menacing music]
- Look at this.
We'll have your arm through here
while you get tattooed
so you can't see what's happening.
I'd rather have my arm
bitten off by a shark
- than have what is already on my arm.
- [Jessimae] Well, perfect!
[chomping and splattering sounds]
Bye, Esmeralda!
Yeah, right? Bye!
All right. Here we go.
It's awfully
- awfully quiet in this part of the room.
- [Kerri laughs]
- She don't wanna talk to me anymore.
- I was like, where are my girls?
[Nadia] She's here physically,
but mentally, she left me.
[Kerri] I left a long time ago.
You both have left the building.
- Left the building! Mmm!
- Like
The first time I got this tattoo, I did
not have control. I was being supportive.
And this second time, getting it
covered up, is kind of the same.
I don't know what's going on.
It's making me cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Not even gonna lie for you.
I'm a little you know, in a daze.
- [Tommy] Are you crying?
- [whimpers]
Yes, I'm just Oh, my gosh.
Oh, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
- Let it out.
- Are you crying from pain or happiness?
I don't know anymore! [laughs]
- Oh, God! This shit is crazy!
- Damn, girl. You ain't here
- and not feel this right here.
- Whew!
Man, this shit is crazy, dawg.
[Nadia and Kerri laugh]
So, what's gonna happen after this? Like
Are you gonna set him a little bit free
to kind of go and explore the world?
Yeah, it's time for him
to go off in the dating world.
- [music slows to a halt]
- Well
How would you feel about me
being around the holidays?
- I'm not trying to be your stepmom, just
- Oh, my God.
She just burned a hole through my soul.
"Back up off my zad."
No, she's positive and supportive.
- He's hoping.
- [Arthur laughs]
[Rose] Think you made the right decision?
It's definitely not a design
that she would pick for herself,
but I think that's something
that she needs.
I'm excited and nervous to see it.
I got so much anxiety right now, actually.
And I have to add to your anxiety,
'cause I'm gonna warn you that I'm gonna
go in on the belly button a little.
- Oh, okay.
- So, yeah, just brace yourself.
The stomach is a very sensitive spot,
and it is incredibly painful.
All your internal organs are there.
It does not feel good.
It feels like you're cleaning
my belly button with a razor blade.
- With a needle?
- [Elizabeth] With a needle!
Ouch, that hurts.
Okay, Elizabeth. We're done.
Wow, you can't even tell
what was there before.
[Jessimae] Aww. I'm kind of sad
for my little goat friend.
But, you know what,
now he's gone into a cocoon
and has become a beautiful butterfly.
- I got you.
- [laughing]
Hopefully Elizabeth is down for this
transformation, because it's massive.
[Jessimae] Angelina,
you held it together, but I feel like
you had internal turmoil
watching your mother.
- Oh, my God. My hands are still shaking.
- [laughing]
[Jessimae] Are you ready
to show her her tattoo?
[Elizabeth] I'm so ready to see it.
[Jessimae] No peeking.
- [Rose] Okay?
- [Angelina] No peeking.
Gonna just clean
your belly button one more time.
[Jessimae] If you're ready to look
at your tattoo, Elizabeth,
open your eyes
and look towards the mirror.
Oh, God.
Oh, wow.
- That's not telling me enough.
- It's okay.
Oh, my God. Those are eyes.
It's really beautiful.
Oh, thank God for that.
[Elizabeth] It's really, really beautiful.
Oh, my God. This is by far
the nicest piece that I have.
- For sure.
- [both] Yes!
- You can't see it. He's gone.
- He's gone.
[Elizabeth] I was so worried,
'cause I just felt that it was bigger,
but it's just, like, the perfect size.
- It's narrow on your body.
- Right.
If we went wide,
it'd make your waist wide.
but it's like this narrow waist.
- [Elizabeth] It looks so good. I love it.
- Yes!
I just wanted to show your free spirit
and woman empowerment.
Woman rock. You always taught me that.
[Rose] That's so beautiful.
Oh, my God,
you did so good picking that for me.
The beast is not on me anymore.
It's amazing.
- Stop being emotional.
- Okay.
- Keep your emotions.
- She's allowed!
- You're making me emotional.
- We want the emotions. It's real.
I feel so good right now.
Girl, let it out. Women are beautiful
'cause we're strong and emotional.
- [Rose] Exactly.
- [Elizabeth] That's right.
[Miryam] I'm doing, like,
the last lines right now.
- I'm getting anxious now. Yeah.
- You are now?
- [Miryam] All right. Okay.
- Oh! She's done.
- Whew!
- [Jessimae] And so the old saying goes,
"The only way to get rid
of a lingering ex is to cover it up?"
I I don't know. I just made that up.
I'm just hoping Lex did right by her dad,
or it's gonna be
one awkward family dinner.
[Jessimae] You must have
a thousand emotions.
- I know you want to see the tattoo so bad.
- Yeah. I do. Really bad.
- Why do I feel nervous suddenly?
- [Jessimae] There's love.
- [squeals]
- Love makes people nervous.
- I feel butterflies in my stomach now.
- [Jessimae] Yes!
- Do you wanna help him with the reveal?
- Whew!
- [squeals]
- Okay!
Keep your eyes closed, sir.
Breathe in love, breathe out Esmeralda.
[Lex giggling]
- [Miryam] You have very nice skin.
- Thank you.
Back off of my man.
[all laughing]
[Miryam] All right!
[Jessimae] Arthur, ready
to see your new tattoo?
Oh, wow!
- Holy Whoa!
- [Lex laughing]
That is, like
[Lex] Oooh!
- It looks so good when you do that!
- [Arthur] Whoo! That's dope.
- That is impressive. Wow.
- [Lex] Oooh! Look at that.
Can Milly Rock any time
with that on my arm, yeah.
That tattoo is unbelievable.
[Miryam] She told me you're like an owl.
- You never sleep.
- Yeah.
[Miryam] So I put the owl eye here.
- [Arthur] Wow.
- [Miryam] She also wanted it
to look very masculine, and something
that you can really rock with pride.
Oh, my gosh. Like, I couldn't have
come up with that design on my own.
She did that. I was, at first, like,
- "How is it supposed to tie in?"
- Man, thank you.
[Lex] But when she showed me
the sketch, I was like, "Whoa."
[Arthur] That's really, really awesome.
- I love you.
- Aww!
And I'm really glad
I got to be there for you.
Should we finish your dating profile?
Yeah, let's go.
- There's details to figure out.
- All right.
Like, what's your favorite dinner?
- Oh. I do
- And what type of movies do you like?
- [groans]
- You're doing good.
All right, we're all done.
- Oh, Lordy, Lordy.
- The pain is done!
Thank you, Jesus! ♪
- Mmm!
- Oh, I love the sound of that.
- Yes!
- Can I get that again?
- Can I get another?
- Thank you, Jesus! ♪
- Yes!
- See?
- Okay!
- [Jessimae] Is it church time?
- Damn, girl!
- It is church time.
- Thank you, Jesus! ♪
- Praise the Lord. We're done.
If loving the Lord is wrong,
- I don't wanna be right.
- Two more minutes,
- I would have been on the floor, for
- Hit me with that note again.
- Thank you ♪
- Jesus! ♪
- You hear that? I Mmm!
- I heard it. It stopped me mid-thought.
- Yes.
- [Kerri] Yes!
[Jessimae] When you let your ex
tattoo you, you get a fox with a mullet.
When you let your BFF
pick your cover-up, you get, well
hopefully something you like.
- Oh, my Lordy.
- So how you feeling right now?
All of the feelings right now.
All of them.
I'm just I'm ready to see it.
- This is it.
- You got my back, literally?
I literally got your back.
- I had your back for a couple hours.
- Yes, indeed you did.
- [Jessimae] Tommy, ready to reveal this?
- I'm ready.
- [Jessimae] Okay.
- You ready?
Let's do this! Oh!
No cheating, no peeking.
Bruh. This is crazy! [squeals]
- Okay. We gotta get closer to this
- You can lead me to the mirror.
- Yes, let me
- Come on. Come on.
Do a little walkie-walk.
- [Jessimae] You ready?
- Oh, my God! [laughs]
Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.
- Oh, I
- [Nadia] That shit good as hell!
- [Kerri] I can't What?
- Look at it! Oh!
Oh, my God!
Are you serious?
- Bro!
- [Nadia] Dude!
- Didn't I say I got your back?
- [Kerri] Bro!
Oh, my God! I'm about to cry.
Aaah! This is so dope!
- This is so dope!
- I know.
- [crying]
- [Tommy] Go hug her.
- Oh, I know! I just want her to see!
- It's so good!
- Isn't it good?
- Oh, thank you so much! [sobbing]
- [Nadia] Aaah!
- [Kerri] I fucking love you!
[both yelling]
That's a lit-ass lion tattoo.
You a lion goddess?
I am bold. I am fierce. I'm a lioness.
- I'm shaking.
- [both laughing]
I got you! Oh!
God! I love it!
- I am roaring! You hear me?
- Come on.
- Raaar!
- [lion roaring]
- [laughing]
- Raaaar!
- [both] Raaar!
- [lion roaring]
[Kerri] Yes ♪
- Check out my new back.
- You happy, happy?
[Kerri] I am so happy. Thank you so much!
- [Jessimae] You're a real lioness now.
- [Kerri] The lioness!
- [Jessimae] Raaar! Raaaar!
- [Kerri] Oh! Yes!
[Jessimae] And, for today,
everyone lived happily ever after.
Until the next disaster walks
through these doors.
- I can't wait.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
Just let you know ♪
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