Taxi Driver (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Teacher vs Students

-We're from Northern Prosecutor's Office.
I remember that police car.
It was a huge wreck.
It'd be weird if I didn't remember.
Did you find anything out of the ordinary?
Take a look.
If you look at the marks,
it looks like
it crashed into a steel frame.
-A steel frame?
An ordinary car wouldn't have this.
It's usually found on special vehicles
such as tanks and armored cars.
But there is no army base around here.
Prosecutor Kang.
-Thank you for your cooperation.
-Sure. Goodbye.
Something's fishy.
The story isn't consistent.
Are we there yet?
We'll arrive soon.
The accident took place
at a very remote place.
This looks awful.
I can see why he was hurt so badly.
Contact the Transportation Department
and request the footage for this road.
Yes, ma'am.
There might be a witness,
so please ask around.
Yes, we'll put up a banner
to look for the suspected car.
You smell.
-I can't study because of you!
-I can't study, you jerk.
-You parasite.
-Darn it.
You should be careful
when you use a knife, ma'am.
You don't want to get stabbed.
I wonder if they know how I feel.
Not at all.
I want them to feel exactly
what I'm feeling.
To see how miserable it is.
Do we really have to deal with
high schoolers? It'll cramp our style.
To some, this could be
a trivial story from their school days,
but for others,
it may be a matter of life or death.
It doesn't matter who threw the stone.
It'll sink anyway.
This teacher will fill in
until your teacher returns.
Meet Mr. Hwang In-seong.
Later today,
they'll find some magazines
and your photos in his bag.
Just burst into tears
and say what I told you to say.
What do you say?
Can you do it?
Anybody here?
Hello, anybody here?
-What is it?
My gosh, what happened?
Hey, what's wrong? What happened?
What happened?
Sounds good to me.
How does Black Rose sound?
Okay, I'll see you later.
I'm getting a call.
What did you say?
Who's the teacher?
What happened?
What did he do to you?
In his bag,
you'll find my photos.
-My gosh.
Your photos are in his bag?
What kind of photos?
What? Is she serious?
Mr. Hwang In-seong.
I repeat, Mr. Hwang In-seong,
please come to Class Three immediately.
I repeat.
Mr. Hwang In-seong,
please come to Class Three immediately.
Yes, Principal Hong.
This is the dean of students.
Mr. Hwang is here with me right now,
and there's a bit of a situation here.
Yes, I understand.
I'll bring him over now.
Let's stand up. Come on, let's go.
Stand up.
Let's go.
-Let me help.
-Let go!
Don't you dare touch her!
Let's go.
What are you doing? Follow me!
Let's go. Oh, dear.
-Follow him.
-What is it?
Come with me now!
In my 30 years as a teacher,
I've never seen such an atrocity!
Mr. Hwang, get over here!
-In this time and age?
-I have a feeling
he's done making a living as a teacher.
I bet he knows what'll happen
-if he acts up now.
-Looks aren't everything! Follow me!
Does he like men?
What's his deal?
Even if you're just the substitute,
how could you do this?
I apologize.
How could you let something like this
happen under your supervision?
Where does Park Seung-tae sit?
Over there.
Oh, my!
My goodness. My gosh!
Are those the photos you said
we'd find in his bag?
Wait. So what happened
in the library just now?
Tell me. It's all right.
So, I…
A bug got into my clothes.
Hey, you! You should have said that then!
Are you kidding me?
Mr. Hwang.
Someone's in the library for you.
-For me?
What should we do
about this precocious kid?
Where did Seung-tae go?
He went into the library with the girl.
These kids wanted to play first,
so we should end it. Right?
Should I retrieve the photos in your bag?
It doesn't sound like a pest problem.
I got this.
You two can bow out.
-Will it be okay?
Come on!
Park Seung-tae of Class Three
has photos of me in his bag.
I'm so scared, Principal Hong.
What did you say?Who's the teacher?
They're waiting for you in there.
-In here?
I returned the magazine to its owner.
Okay. Great work. Thank you.
I have to get back to class.
In this time and age?
How embarrassing!
Looks aren't everything! Follow me!
It's okay. I know it's not your fault.
Do you want to see this?
I'll let everything go for now.
But if you keep doing this after this,
you'll be at fault too.
Nod if you understood.
I say he gets kicked out today.
I say you'll get called into the office
and get in trouble.
Mr. Hwang, I'm so sorry.
I'll treat you to dinner.
How could I be suspicious
of such a gentleman like you?
-I knew you were trustworthy.
-You three.
Follow me.
I'm fine.
Why are you just standing there? Go!
I'll treat you to dinner.
Did you have fun making a fool out of me?
I really did as you said.
Damn it.
I'm still furious.
Hey, stop.
We're friends. Cut that out.
Let's go have lunch.
Hey. I get to decide
when we stop. Okay, Hak-su?
You think you're a big shot, don't you?
Does it hurt, asshole?
-I'm fine.
-I went easy on you.
-You sure you know how to fight?
It's all because of that scumbag temp.
You're right.
Ever since that jerk showed up,
we've been awfully unlucky.
We used to be very lucky.
-How do we get him?
-Let's see.
-One second.
-How suspicious.
-This is weird.
-What's this?
-It's nothing.
Let's have a look.
Goodness, sir. I'm sorry.
-Oh, no.
Sir, you're under arrest
for illegal distribution of marijuana.
Who did you sell these to?
-Who else?
Over there. Them.
-Hey, kids. Come here.
-Stop right there!
-Stop right there!
-They're awfully fast.
We can't catch them.
Sir, you're under arrest.
Let's go.
How dare you sell marijuana?
-Why you…
This smells completely different.
He must've really sold us weed.
-Is he crazy?
What happens if we get caught?
Didn't you see him get arrested?
-We'll be expelled and sent to prison.
-We're totally screwed!
-Dig deeper.
-Hurry up.
-Do you think they'll come to school?
-Then we'll be totally screwed.
If anyone asks,
we've never even seen that old man.
-We haven't.
Keep digging.
I'm not kidding. Seriously.
-Get it.
-Put more in.
What do you think will happen today?
Ask them.
I couldn't do it.
-Isn't it funny?
-Let's arm wrestle.
When the temp comes, don't answer him.
If any of you asks questions
or pays attention to his class,
I'll kill you.
-Guys. Answer him.
-Answer him!
Hey, class president.
Stay quiet, okay?
Why aren't you answering?
Pick it up.
Hello, everyone.
Where did we leave off last time?
Damn it.
You shouldn't do that in class.
Turn it off.
Park Seung-tae.
-Park Seung-tae?
-I don't want to.
-How many days do you have left?
Is today your last day?
You'll be nothing when the job ends,
so why are you so uptight?
We're around the same age anyway.
Once we get older and become seniors,
we'll be as good as friends.
Isn't that so, In-seong?
your jokes tend to cross the line.
What if they do?
What will you do?
I don't want to learn from a temp.
Are you mad? Then hit me. Come on.
Okay. Let's not have a class today.
Why don't we watch a video?
Does that sound good, Seung-tae?
Damn. What the hell?
What kind of teacher chickens out?
He must've really sold us weed.
-What happens if we get caught?
-We'll be expelled and sent to prison.
We're totally screwed!
Do you think they'll come to school?
If anyone asks,
we've never even seen that old man.
-We haven't.
Oh, my.
Why is this playing?
Goodness, how do I turn this off?
Goodness. I'm sorry, guys.
I wasn't supposed to play that.
One second.
Class is over.
Aren't you going home?
What was that?
Oh, that thing.
My gosh.
I was really surprised too.
It seemed like other kids didn't catch on.
What is that video?
Tell me about it.
I loved the landscape of that hill,
so I was taking a video of it.
Who would've thought
you were doing something like that?
My goodness.
Goodness. Don't worry.
I'm the only one who knows.
Do you think I would go back there,
dig up the ground, find the marijuana,
hand it over to the police,
and tell them my students smoked it?
I swear we don't smoke weed.
Yes, of course you don't.
Make sure you say that
when someone else asks about it.
This is a secret between us.
Let's keep it a secret, okay?
Goodness. Don't worry.
You can trust me. Okay?
Okay, then. I'll get going now.
This is weird.
-Is this the right place?
-I think so.
We buried it yesterday.
How could you forget?
It's right here.
Keep digging. Darn it.
It's Mr. Hwang.
About the marijuana.
I thought it was my duty as a good citizen
to report drugs,
so I gave it to the police.
You gave it to the police?
The police asked me about a million times
about where I got the drugs,
but I didn't tell them it was yours.
What do you think? I did great, right?
You guys didn't go back to look for it,
did you?
Damn it!
Where are the accomplices?
How would I know?
They dumped it all on me and fled.
Only Park Ju-chan and I
had access to that information.
Do you think I sent it,
so you could arrest me?
This is really odd.
How bad was the accident you got into
to be hurt so badly?
Prosecutor Kang.
I have a feeling they devised a scheme
to keep my mouth shut.
If I were working with them,
do you think I'd be hurt this badly?
Don't you think so?
Goodness, you're getting off late.
Were you in the office until now?
I'm just here to hang out.
By the way, why are you here so late?
Is something bothering you?
They keep disappearing.
A few of my suspects
have disappeared lately.
If suspects disappear,
it means they've fled.
It's likely that they've fled,
but things just don't add up
to say they ran away.
Can things not add up when they run away?
They all disappeared without a trace.
Even when they run away,
they always leave behind a trace.
It feels like they've been hunted.
-Yes, that's what my gut's saying.
If bad guys are being hunted,
isn't that good news for our society?
It's only good
if it's within the scope of the law.
If not, it just becomes another crime.
Let's go.
I have my car. I can give you a ride.
No, it's okay. I should walk.
I need the exercise.
-Okay, then. Goodbye.
So they didn't leave behind a trace…
I should make a note of that.
Park Seung-tae.
I just called your name.
Yes, Mr. Hwang.
Goodness, I'm a little thirsty right now.
Can you get me something to drink?
A drink?
A coke with ice.
We're in class right now.
It's a lovely sunny day.
Go take a walk in the sunshine.
It's not like I'm asking you for weed.
It's just a beverage.
Oh, right. Where's my head?
While you're at it,
get me a burger at the intersection.
I'm too hungry to teach you.
Right, and with the change,
you can grab something to eat.
Hurry, now.
Is everyone solving the quiz all right?
No cheating. Okay?
"The prosecution stated
that the rapper DuckFlo didn't know
that marijuana was illegal…"
Goddamn it!
-We really didn't know!
-Lower your voice, you moron.
It's five years in prison
or a 50-million-won fine!
We're screwed. What should we do?
Hey. What are you doing?
-I'm asking someone for help.
Who is it? Who?
"Consultation on school violence."
What is this? Can they really help us?
-Of course, asshole.
-Hey. We don't need that.
I'll take care of it.
Temp, you scumbag.
You're dead.
You're late.
You should say hello to your teacher.
Those three are always together.
They must be very close.
Mr. Hwang.
What brings you here?
It's a home visit.
I don't think you can afford
to worry about something else.
Oh, my. My gosh.
You sure took the high ground.
My goodness.
I can't believe it.
You took the high ground!
My gosh.
That move should seriously be illegal.
Seung-tae. He took the high ground!
I was sitting there for two hours.
My entire body aches.
-Why are you here?
I have a favor.
Lend me some money.
I need 1.5 million each,
so a total of 4.5 million.
You need 4.5 million?
You're a teacher,
yet you're asking us for money?
You said it yourself.
I'm not a teacher but a part-timer.
Part-timers don't make much money.
We don't have that much money.
I'm hurt.
It's not like I asked you
for some meth or weed.
It's just some money.
It's not like I'm just taking it.
I just want to borrow it.
Don't tell anyone else about it.
If you tell somebody,
I have to tell the police too.
Let's cherish the memories
we share as teacher and student.
I'll give you 4.5 million won.
No, I'll round it up to five million.
But I'll decide on the date and time.
I see.
The home visit is over!
Hey, I don't have money.
Do you?
-What should we do?
You should return to school now.
If you don't, it'll become a habit.
Come back next week.
You sound like my homeroom teacher.
I am.
Albeit temporary.
Why didn't you go straight home?
You must be tired from studying.
It ended early, so I just decided to come.
Someone bought it for me.
My homeroom teacher.
Your teacher?
Let's go home and eat it together.
It's okay. I can carry it.
Isn't it heavy
if you carry everything in one hand?
It doesn't feel heavy when I'm with you.
You liar.
I mean it.
When I'm holding your hand,
nothing feels heavy.
Because you lift me up, my son.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I was wrong, Mom.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I was…
I was wrong, Mom.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'll be good to you from now on.
I'll be good to you, Mom.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm so sorry.
I'll be good from now on.
I'm sorry, Mom.
What a beautiful day.
It's my day off.
Why are we meeting at school?
Why would they pick this place?
Who is that?
I've never seen them before.
Did you bring the money?
Hey. Are you the one
harassing them for money?
How could a teacher ask
his students to lend him money?
You guys must be those "uncles."
Gosh, I wasn't expecting this.
Should we set it up?
My gosh, you're young and full of energy.
Looks like we need
to tire you out before we talk.
-Darn it!
You little…
Get him!
You punk!
Just remember.
What I'm about to do now
is all out of love.
-You little…
Don't come near me. Stay away!
I said…
-I'm going to jump.
-Can you do it?
You can't jump, can you?
When you can't bring yourself to jump,
why do you push people off?
What are you talking about?
Do you want some help?
What the…
What was that?
We're sorry, sir.
We're sorry.
-We're sorry.
-We're sorry.
-We were wrong.
-We're sorry.
-We're sorry.
-We're sorry.
We're sorry, Mr. Hwang.
Do you still think
I'm a teacher?
We're sorry, sir.
-Forgive us.
Please don't kill us, sir!
Don't kill us!
Please forgive us just this once.
Do you know Park Jeong-min?
You see…
we did this to our friends.
We even did this to them.
Oh, we did all of these on the same day.
We've requested to be transferred,
but we deserve to be expelled.
-Please punish us.
-Yes, we should go to prison.
We belong in prison.
Did you find Seung-tae's body?
Since he fell from that height,
his blood should've splattered everywhere.
But when we got there,
everything was cleaned up!
The teacher told us
that we'll never find his corpse
even if we search the entire world.
Please punish us for what we did.
If you don't, we'll die.
-We'll really die.
-We want to live.
Please punish us.
Detective, please.
We did all this.
-We want to live.
-Why did you say that?
You told them they'd never find
their friend's corpse anywhere.
It's true.
How could they find his corpse
when he's alive?
You guys must be those "uncles."
Gosh, I wasn't expecting this.
-Should we set it up?
Just remember.
What I'm about to do now
is all out of love.
-Get him.
-You do it!
Just get him.
You always make me do these things.
The "uncle" who was on the roof
wants to talk to you.
Seung-tae, you jerk!
Do not contact me again.
If you do, I'll kill you.
Got it?
And listen to your teacher,
no matter what.
Do as he says if you want to live. Got it?
You must be hungry. Want some food?
Do you like pastries?
Eat everything you see here.
All of this?
How can you eat all of this?
Just eat as much as you can.
It's on Jeong-min.
You mean, Park Jeong-min?
Whatever you eat,
it's on Jeong-min.
Whatever you can't eat,
you'll have to pay for.
-Hold on.
-I know he treated you many times.
This is the last time
he's doing that, so eat up.
Eat up.
He's also the one who saved your life.
I didn't want to.
Each pastry will cost you
the amount necessary to compensate him
for all the monetary and emotional harm
you inflicted on him.
That means the price of each pastry is…
It's quite a bit.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I'll relay your apology to Jeong-min.
Eat up.
I won't do it again, ever.
You'll never do it again?
I'm so glad to hear that.
I don't have money.
My gosh.
You're very lucky, Seung-tae.
I prepared this just in case.
What is this?
Where you'll be working.
It won't interfere with your daily life.
Just go work there after school.
If you work hard,
you'll be able to pay it off
before your military service.
You can run away if you want.
But the moment I catch you,
you'll have to make up
ten times what you missed.
That means that you'll end up losing
whatever life you have left.
This is so ridiculous.
Do you mean to say
what you did to Jeong-min
wasn't ridiculous?
Whenever you feel
you can't understand why this is happening
and get so angry that you want to cry,
just think about all the kids
that you bullied.
That's exactly how you made them feel.
Congratulations on being born again.
Thank you.
Your bill.
TOTAL: 3,402,000 WON
Wait. I thought
you were helping me for free.
You'll learn many things in life
but never forget this.
There's no such thing as a free taxi ride.
Especially deluxe taxis.
Pay me what you can each month.
I hope that each painful payment you make
will only make you stronger.
-Be good to your mom.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you.
You're Jeong-min's mother, right?
My foundation recently launched
a new scholarship program.
You understand what I'm saying, right?
Jeong-min has been selected
as a recipient of the scholarship.
Once he graduates and enters college,
the foundation will take care of
all his entrance and tuition fees,
so please tell him to keep studying hard.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
No, please. It's nothing.
I'm the one who's grateful.
Here, take this.
Hold on. I should buy some fish.
What should I get?
Oh, I'll just get two of everything.
My gosh, look at this.
All the fish look very fresh.
Gosh, it's my pleasure.
-Did they get transferred?
-No, expelled.
Hey, this means we don't have to see
those jerks anymore.
That's great.
You're back now, right?
How have you been?
I'm glad you're back.
Oh, we have a test next week.
This is what it's on.
I'll text you the info.
Good work, everyone.
Ending service.
Let's have team dinner.
Tripe, pork bone soup, and pork belly.
Go-eun, pick one.
I want burgers.
A team dinner at a burger joint?
We're not kids.
She just doesn't like your suggestions.
Really? Okay.
Then let's go with what Go-eun wants.
Except burgers.
-She just doesn't want to eat with you.
-Stop interpreting it.
It's more annoying.
Sorry. Let's have a team dinner next time.
Do-gi, I need you to come with me.
I have an appointment I can't miss.
It would be good for you to meet them.
Let's meet in front and go in together.
Come on, Mr. Jang.
You said
we'd do something stylish
after this case ended.
Take us to an expensive restaurant.
I guess he doesn't want
to buy you an expensive meal.
-Damn it.
-Hey, wait!
I like tuna sashimi.
How many rooms do we have left?
We still have some rooms left.
That's not good.
You have to minimize vacancies
in the rental business.
If I tell Mr. Jang to work harder,
he'll get angry, right?
What about the job I gave you?
I'm working on it.
But if Mr. Jang finds out,
he won't sit back and watch.
It's not like we take orders from him.
-We're working as partners.
What's he going to do about it
if we just say no?
Let me know when it's ready.
Yes, ma'am.
I have to go to the garden with Ms. Lee.
We'll have a big harvest soon.
Have some live ones ready.
I'll be happy to escort you
if you need me to.
Just focus on what you're good at. Okay?
Yes, ma'am.
Damn it.
My gosh.
We've been talking about this forever,
but everyone
from Bluebird is finally here.
Cut it out. You've always been a bit lazy.
This is our first time meeting.
I'm Cho Jin-u.
I'm Kim Do-gi.
I work for Mr. Jang.
How did you and Seong-cheol meet?
We met through Bluebird.
He works for my company
and also helps out at Bluebird.
He's been helping me out a lot.
Well, I'd say fate brought us together.
-Let's have a drink.
-Yes. Let's do that.
Here. Let me pour you one.
All right. Let's toast.
Wait, hold on.
-What are we toasting to?
-Come on.
Just say the slogan your team uses.
That was funny.
-Then I'll start it off.
-Go for it.
All right. By the law!
-Let's do this!
-Let's do this!
Pour me another one.
-Right away.
-Should we get whiskey?
-Sounds great.
How was your day?
I've been eating well
and staying strong.
Stay healthy, okay?
Listen up, friends.
As of this moment,
you have no recollection
of coming here whatsoever.
Once you enter the room,
you must not ask the host what he does
or say he looks familiar.
Do not ask personal questions.
Don't you forget.
No personal questions.
As of this moment, this period
of your life does not exist. Understood?
-Ms. Lee.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Take their phones.
-Yes, ma'am.
Be clever.
Your life could change depending on
how you behave.
Sir. It's me, Seong-mi.
How have you been, sir?
You look great.
I brought some friends
to keep you company tonight.
They all attend
prestigious universities in Seoul.
-And they're all from the countryside.
-Seong-mi, you never let me down.
You still have such a sharp eye.
Even when preparing a meal,
you create such a great spread.
How did you know
that I prefer fresh fish to meat?
This is incredibly fresh.
It tastes alive.
Those eyes.
Take it easy today.
Take your time and enjoy your company.
I'll be back later, sir.
All right, see you later.
Oh, boy.
Can you please not link arms with me?
This is really embarrassing.
Come on!
I'll drive you home.
What? No, no need.
We're getting another drink.
-Let's go to our favorite place.
-Let's go.
-Let's have makgeolli.
Okay, enough. I heard you.
-Let's go.
-I called a taxi.
-Perfect, thank you.
-Take good care of Prosecutor Kang.
Goodbye, Prosecutor Kang.
Drive her home, okay?
-See you.
-Thank you.
-Good night.
Remember that bar?
-Seriously! Enough!
-Get in. Bye!
-Let's go to the bar!
-Gosh, be quiet.
-Take us to the bar!
I'll drive you home.
You can't come this way!
Go the other way!
My gosh. Hey!
Are you all right?
The other way!
Go the other way!
His BP and pulse are normal.
I'll give him an injection and do an EKG.
These look like bullet wounds.
-Is he an active-duty soldier?
Even if he is,
how could he have so many bullet wounds?
How odd.
Hello, Prosecutor Kang Ha-na's office.
You're calling in a tip?
Sure, you can tell me what it is.
Hold on. Come again? Yes.
Sky Dragon Drone Club? Okay.
Is he an active-duty soldier?
Even if he is,
how could he have so many bullet wounds?
Why are you calling me at such
a late hour?
That deluxe taxi showed up again.
It showed up again? What do you mean?
That deluxe taxi showed up again.
I'm in the office now.
Someone just called in a tip.
You made him drink
instead of getting the rest he needs.
Then he fainted. That's an abuse of power!
There's nothing to it.
Who are you
to apologize on behalf of Udata?
-Is this your company?
That's the number one
online file storage service in Korea.
I'm Kang Ha-na. I called you.
What happened at his job
that he felt compelled
to jump from a bridge?
We don't know if he jumped
or if he was thrown off.
I'm going to work here.
No, I would like to work here.
No. I will work here.
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