Ten Percent (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

So, um,
we're having a Zoom call with them.
So you can meet them and they can meet us.
-This evening?
-Midday LA time, eight o'clock our time.
-Eight o'clock?
-I've asked Ollie to set something up.
-Well, so that's it? It's done?
- Well
Look. This wasn't an easy decision
to come to.
I mean, it's a very difficult decision
for me, especially.
You can do that?
Make that decision on your own?
What happened to the vote?
Only you were in favor of UWT.
-We were against it.
- We are at a crossroads.
This moment was coming.
I'm trying to think
of what's best for all of us.
Oh, really?
Stella, um, you haven't said anything yet.
I've been thinking about Richard.
And how much I miss him.
And now,
if you don't mind, I've got things to do.
Me too.
Uh Yes, me too.
-Yeah, but completely fucking believable.
-What time is it? I'm going to the pub.
-Good idea.
Hello, Rebecca Fox speaking.
Hello. Dan Bala, yes?
-That's right, Emma Corrin.
-With Himesh?
-Um Yeah, okay.
-So as in today?
Could we do it over the phone?
-So, okay. Be there in half an hour?
-I can be there in half an hour?
Today of all days,
this is the last thing I needed.
-What's happening?
-It's Eight Days.
I should get
the pitch document to Margaux.
-You didn't finish?
-I made notes.
I've started it many times.
Every time I sit down to write, I can't.
I just so want it to be good.
- What?
-Zoe. She's excited.
Says she's had to wee four times already.
-How nice of her to keep you updated.
Well done for getting her on this.
It's not me. She did a brilliant audition.
Great for her.
Maybe we should swing by the catering van.
Right. Great.
-Oh. Hi, guys, welcome to set.
- Hi.
First AD.
Do you wanna follow me? Just this way.
We're on a ten-minute break.
-You want coffees, or teas, or
- I'll have a coffee.
I mean, this is not like them.
No, where exactly is it going wrong?
Between the words "action" and "cut."
-So maybe just shut up and do your job.
Excuse me.
Oh, right.
We're way behind schedule.
How far behind?
Emma's leaving tomorrow
and they can't get the scene right.
You've got
the intimacy coordinator, right?
Jay. Have you seen Regina?
Right. Jesus fucking Christ!
When does she get here?
-The intimacy coordinator.
-She's here.
-Oh, great.
Briony. You just met her.
Forget everything.
Forget all this.
This is just a rehearsal. Yeah?
On camera. It's gonna be great!
-Sorry about this.
-Sorry, it's so embarrassing.
No, it's fine! Just, have fun, okay?
Okay, camera rehearsal please,
back to one.
Let's have some hush.
This is a closed set.
Time-out word is "Pineapple."
Respect for the talent. Thank you.
Okay. And action!
Did you know I was coming tonight?
Would you believe me if I said no?
-You wanna
- Sure. Of course.
Okay, guys, Briony's just gonna guide you
through it, okay?
-Just give your hand.
-Yeah, sorry.
No worries.
-Okay, so
We're keeping the internal life alive
as we become more intimate,
so, let's start with the hands.
So your hands find each other,
just the fingers touch.
Yeah. Just gently, just gently.
Yeah. And moving on to the gaze.
Emma, look at Himesh.
Emma, look at Himesh.
Himesh, look at Emma.
And at the same time and moving in
leaning in The kiss. That's it.
- Sorry.
No, it's fine.
Still rolling.
Yes. Yeah, okay.
Okay, so from the kiss. Yeah.
That's it. So, lips together.
Emma, bring your hand up.
And find his hair.
And, Himesh, hand on the waist.
Starting to move Emma round.
And lean over the the table
Ow! Pineapple.
No, actual fucking pineapple.
Okay, cut!
That's a cut there, folks!
Okay, back to number ones please.
-I'm all over the place. I need a minute.
-Oh. Really?
-Some fresh air would be great.
-Wow. Okay.
Fuck. Fuck.
I've done sex scenes
with friends and it's never like this.
I know.
-We're meant to be professionals.
You absolutely are.
All the press talks about
is if we're in an affair.
God. Well, that is just a You know.
No, look!
Right. Yeah, well, that is, uh
-I mean, that's just
I wouldn't worry about that.
That's already yesterday's news.
We wrapped late. We were tired,
I said, "Let's get a bottle of wine."
-We watched Gogglebox
-And then Himesh went home. That's it.
The problem is, I told Paul
I went home and went straight to bed.
Right. Yeah, okay.
-I shouldn't have lied.
- But The photos are out now.
It looks like I'm sneaking around.
-I can see that.
-If I was Paul,
I'd be thinking,
there's no smoke without fire.
Every time we do this scene,
no, I just like All my
-Oh, my God, just take it!
I am here to see you.
-Look. You'll be fine.
And this is one of those moments
where Ugh!
And also, don't forget that
what you are doing is really difficult.
No, I know. Yeah, I know.
You're brilliant. I have faith in you.
I wish I did.
It was one of the most awkward sex scenes.
If it makes you feel better,
I've been in worse.
I thought working
with my best mates might be fun.
Far worse.
-Platonic relationships exist.
-Don't tell me.
-Now Kate's seen that picture.
-Yeah, I saw.
It's a shit headline as well.
Yeah, that's not
Hang on. Who's Kate?
Kate, my girlfriend.
-That's great.
No, I had no idea you met someone.
Anyway. Now, it doesn't matter
what I say about Emma.
The thing is I really like her.
-Who? Emma?
Shit, yes. Of course.
For Christ's sake.
Himesh, look.
I think you might be overthinking.
I definitely am.
I think you've forgotten how good you are.
I definitely have.
I mean, you're the man, man.
I made an executive decision.
I thought we deserved
a good coffee machine, at last.
This one does it all apparently.
There's a real Italian espresso,
and double espresso, obviously.
I think it's even got one of those lovely,
frothy milk settings.
Look, I know
how difficult this is for you.
Do you?
It wasn't easy,
but I had to make a decision.
Someone had to make the right decision.
All I can say is I've tried my best.
That's what worries me.
If this is your best.
If this is a way for you to assert
authority, if that's what this is,
frankly, your coffee machine
would have done fine.
But it's too late now.
It's too late. Come.
And by the way, I don't drink
hot, frothy milk. It's for children.
Hello, Rebecca's office, Misha speaking.
Oh. Hi, Margaux.
No, I'm afraid not.
Have you tried her mobile? No.
Well, I know she's on set,
but maybe if we both keep trying and
Okay, no, you've hung up.
Hey, guys. How you doin'?
Hope y'all have a nice day there.
-Practicing for the future.
-Oh, it's American.
Jonathan's doing what's right.
You'll be fine, you're his favorite.
I'm not. Don't be ridiculous.
Is anyone's career on the line?
I'm so gonna update my CV.
-I'm gonna call it my résumé.
The thing is, I don't have much on it.
I don't have loads of experience.
Doesn't matter.
That's the point of a CV. Show me.
It's not that you don't have loads
of experience. You don't have any.
-Shut up.
-I'll help you pad it out.
Funny how you got the job
without a CV and no experience.
No, it's just interesting.
I'll show you what CVs
are meant to look like.
Thank you.
Okay. But first,
do you, Misha Virani,
accept David Tennant, specifically,
David Tennant circa Gracepoint 2014,
as your Lord and Savior?
I do.
Good. That's important.
Congratulations. You may sit down.
Jonathan Nightingale.
Ian. Hi.
How are you?
I'm good, thanks.
How is everything?
I was so sorry about Richard.
-Yeah, well.
-It's a big hole in our lives,
-never mind the
-Thank you. Um
I was just thinking
about you this morning.
Word spreads fast then.
-It's not supposed to be out there,
but there you go.
No, the reason I was calling you was,
I just wondered if you had any agents
who might be looking for an assistant.
Oh. Right. I mean, quite possibly.
I could ask around.
Right. So what's not supposed
to be out there yet?
Well, uh, my retirement, basically.
-I know.
But, I mean, why?
Well, that's a long story.
-It won't be FTA without you.
-That's kind of you.
I mean it. Bloody hell, Ian.
-In some ways, it's a shame, really.
-Well, yes.
Sorry, what is?
The timing of the whole thing.
Just when you're climbing
into bed with the Americans.
I wouldn't say I was getting
into bed with them.
-'Cause, otherwise
-Otherwise, what?
Maybe we should have that lunch
we're always talking about.
Yeah, um, maybe we should.
Himesh. I know you're in there.
No, I'm not.
We can have coffee and talk.
Go away!
Emma, hi.
I understand
why you don't want to come out.
I'm on your side.
We can take the heat out of this.
Whenever you're ready
and whatever you need, I'm here. Bye.
Oh, hey!
Oh, my God. You're here to see me?
I mean, yes.
-That's great.
-I know.
And then,
I find out Himesh is in it as well.
I know she's been calling,
I've got seven missed calls.
I've planned the pitch.
You know, I've done it.
-Just need to turn it into prose.
Which I had to do today,
instead I'm watching people have sex.
I can give it a go if you want.
Write the pitch?
I love the book.
It's amazing. It's so powerful.
I've read it.
Okay. Yes, sorry.
I could send you my notes.
I mean, only if you want to.
Okay, then. But don't tell anyone.
Hey. Um Could I have a minute
when you're finished?
Uh Sure.
On the roof?
Okay, cool.
So, what do you think? Do you like it?
God, you look amazing.
The party scene's been pushed back.
-But it's happening today.
-So, a lot of hanging about then.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, no, I'm fine.
-I might sit down for a minute.
-Are you okay?
I'm fine, really.
Probably just the adrenaline.
Can I get you water?
I missed breakfast.
-You didn't eat?
-No, but they pushed the scene back.
No wonder you're feeling faint.
I'll be fine in a minute.
-Oh, no.
-No. Have it.
It's yours.
It's not. I stole it.
So it's actually yours.
-No, Dan.
-As your agent, I'm ordering you.
Well, if you're
Yeah. I mean
Who's the talent here?
You need sugar.
And that thing's a hundred percent sugar.
This is so kind of you.
Trust me, I know a lot about this stuff.
Okay. So, "cleaner in a cinema."
I mean, that is so
Arts Administration for a start.
-Don't know why you're wasting your time.
-You gotta be nice.
Where is she going?
Exactly. Could be anywhere.
You want me to leave?
-No. I'm not saying that.
-What are you saying?
I think it'll be
a really good opportunity.
It's a really big agency.
It'd be a permanent position
and everything
and I do think it would be simpler.
No, for both of us, I mean.
It could be like a fresh start.
Sorry. In the meantime
-You and Luke
-I know.
-It has to stop.
-I know.
It's not my fault, you know.
It'd be a lot easier
if I could tell him why.
Yeah, okay. Um
Um But still
So, what do we do if they can't do it?
They will do it.
I know, but what do we do if they can't?
-What's the plan?
'Cause I'm too fucking hungry to think.
-I have an idea.
-Cut the scene?
- Exactly.
If you think about it,
the film doesn't need it.
This way, you'd be avoiding that whole,
two characters in love
-and actually making love trope.
It's a fresh take.
-Like Billy Wilder.
-Billy Wilder?
-In The Apartment.
-It's not a fresh take.
-But Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon
-Oh, yeah!
The whole film, you're aching for them
to get together, to kiss one another.
On New Year's Eve,
she turns up at his door.
-He says he loves her
-"Shut up and deal."
One of the greatest lines of all time!
So, firstly, I haven't seen The Apartment.
-And secondly,
it's the whole point of the movie.
You haven't seen The Apartment?
I mean fuck.
Okay, party people.
We are wrapping for the day,
so you can get changed.
See you in the morning. Thanks.
Okay. Thanks, everyone,
see you in the morning.
See you later.
- Bye, Dan.
See you later.
What the hell is that?
I thought it would be a nice way to say,
"Hey", or maybe, "Howdy."
-But I can take it down.
-Yeah, thank you.
Cutting it a bit fine, aren't you?
You should be grateful we're here.
Shall I connect you?
Yeah, I think we're ready.
Okay. So, this is what you look like.
Oh, Christ.
Looks like the Nuremberg Trials.
Dan. Stand up or something.
-Stand up?
-Yes. Behind me.
-Look What?
-No, quickly.
What are you doing?
-I don't
-Don't do that.
It's not a Renaissance portrait.
-I'm connecting.
-No, wait, hang on.
-Nightingale Hart.
-Yes. Hi, Jeremy.
-Oh, my God. So here we are.
The day has finally come.
It's great to see you, Stella.
I can't tell you, we are so excited
by this. I can't tell you!
Yes, well. Us too.
From our point of view,
the purpose of this
is that we're here to listen, to learn,
and to help you guys any way we can.
Oh, that's great. That's great to hear.
I mean, that's really great.
Speaking of, some terrific news.
We're sending over one of our best people
to work with you guys.
Kirsten Furst.
-Kirsten what?
- Kirsten Furst.
That's a name?
So, another agent?
I'd say Kirsten is one of our
most gifted executives.
-I don't know what we'll do without her.
Yeah, no, that's interesting.
'Cause, I know we said
One of the things we talked about,
it was the basis of
the conversations we've had
was nothing's going to change.
-Everything was going to stay
We think No, we know,
she will be the perfect fit for you guys.
She is super-creative,
she is great with talent, plus,
she is a great boss.
This is much more than a business
to you, Jonathan. We get that.
And we know that Kirsten's
gonna do your father proud.
Sorry. I think he might have frozen.
I can't believe
I didn't see it coming.
Well, they were fucking lying.
What the hell was I thinking?
Maybe you wanted to believe it.
I mean, fuck!
It's one thing playing second fiddle
to your own father,
now I'm playing second fiddle
to someone called Furst.
Furst with a "U", though.
-You couldn't make it up.
So, what are your options?
-You can't say that you've decided you
-They own us, okay?
All right. Okay.
I can't decide anything. So.
I'm married to you. I'm on your side.
So, um
So, I talked to Ian Jays today.
-What, from FTA?
He's leaving. He's retiring.
He wants to meet for lunch.
About what?
Well, I don't know yet. But, you know.
I think it's pretty obvious.
-You're not serious?
You'd never do that.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
They haven't offered anything.
You know, technically
That is something I could decide, yes.
What, just walk away?
From everything. Just walk out?
Well, yeah.
"If you ever find yourself
in the wrong story, leave."
Mo Willems. Just sayin'.
The thing about perception
was very astute by the way.
- In the pitch.
How you begin to doubt
what you're seeing is real after a while.
Oh, right. Yeah.
Some of the ways that might
translate to the screen.
Hmm. Well, it's just something
I've been thinking about, that's all.
You didn't write it, did you?
-What are you talking about?
-I know your voice.
It's a great pitch document.
I agree. It's good.
I'd like to know who to thank.
All right, I got Misha
to flesh it out a bit, that's all.
-Your assistant?
-A 12-year-old?
-Well, she's 22.
-It's been hectic.
-If you're losing interest
-You know how important this is to me.
-It's important to me.
-You gave it to your assistant.
I've been working, all right?
I've got other clients.
So it's been really fucking stressful.
Okay. Well, forgive me
if I've been taking up
too much of your time.
No, no, no, no, stop.
Why are you being like this?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
This means everything to me.
I need to know I can trust you.
Yeah. I know.
Margaux. Where are you going?
-What is it, darling? What is it?
What? What is it?
What? What is it?
What is it, dear?
Luke, hi.
-I'm not stalking you. I had a meeting.
- Right.
Uh, so, how've you been?
Yeah. Okay.
Oh! Um, while I've got you, not literally,
obviously I was gonna ask if
Don't worry about it, all right,
Dad told me about your boyfriend.
-My boyfriend?
-I could try and grow a beard if you like.
Just saying.
Ooh! Bubble tea, that is very strange.
Um, yes, I was gonna ask if you
could read something for me?
Oh. Okay. Um
-A film script.
-What, yours?
-Well, yeah.
-Wow, that's But why me?
Um Isn't that kinda what you do?
-Yeah, I guess.
Yeah, I don't know,
but I haven't really shown it
to anyone yet.
Yeah, sure.
Sure, so yeah.
Um, give it a read and we can talk
about it over dinner or something?
Luke, I'm sorry.
Or it can be an email, it's fine.
Whoever he is, he is a very lucky man.
No, I can't be seen hanging out
with the boss' son.
-Oh, right, that.
-I mean, I don't mind.
-It's just some people.
-Yeah, sure.
Um, it might not be a problem much longer.
-What might not?
-Him being the boss.
-What do you mean?
-Um, no, nothing. Right, uh
I've gotta go. Give it a read,
let me know what you think,
and I hope you like it. Um, bye Bye.
Ian, hi.
Good, I'm good, thanks. How are you?
Right Uh Today?
Yeah, no, that will be fine, actually.
Okay, bye.
Okay, definitely had work done.
The teeth.
- Yeah, the eyes too.
-Anyway, that's it.
I mean, anything could happen now.
I'd cash my shares and go to Mexico.
-I'd bring my glamorous PA with me.
Ollie, it's ridiculous. That's ridiculous.
What's that?
-Oh, that.
-So you're writing scripts as well now.
-Hey, you go, girl.
I'm just reading it.
-For a friend.
Okay. So, she reads scripts.
She writes pitch documents.
-You're writing pitches?
-How did you know that?
Is there anything she doesn't do?
Rebecca asked me to help
'cause she didn't have time yesterday.
"I don't have anything on my CV."
Come on.
-"Please, Ollie. Can you help?"
Really, it's not like that.
Did you know I would be here?
Would you believe me if I said no?
Yeah, okay. Going.
-Just a kiss.
Buttons We need to unbutton.
You could do mine. All right.
Yeah. For fuck's sake. Fuck!
Okay. Cut.
Okay, let's cut there.
-Can we get costume in?
-It's all right.
- It's not funny.
I know.
- You're trying to fuck this up.
-No, don't be stupid.
We're going to go again.
No, I'm sorry, I need the loo.
-Oh. Really?
-I'm sorry, I need the loo.
Right. Then, Himesh, while Emma's gone,
-you and I could
-I want a toilet break, too.
I need chocolate.
Can you get some chocolates to set please?
Thank you.
Everything all right?
Is it because of me?
-Are you leaving?
Where did you get that from?
Oh. Sorry I can come back.
-No, no, Julia, come in.
-Yes, let's finish this later.
Thelma Holt's in from Japan
and called to see if you were free.
-I've booked the Ivy.
That's not gonna work, I'm afraid.
-It is.
-I have another lunch thing today.
-No, you haven't.
-Well, I have.
No, you haven't.
What about tomorrow?
-Ridley Scott.
-Day after?
-Can't we cancel that?
You need to go to the dentist.
Your plaque builds up.
Right. How long is she here?
I don't know. I didn't ask.
Okay. Uh, next week?
Uh, Zoe?
And Dave. And the rest of you extras.
I'm really sorry but we're cutting
the party scene due to scheduling issues.
-It's a real bummer.
Sorry, you mean
you're not doing it? At all?
I'm sorry. But you can get changed now.
Make sure you sign out afterwards. And
Thanks, guys. You're free to go.
Let's get some new call sheets
to the printers, Karen.
Sorry. Thanks.
You didn't have to work out here.
No, I was just checking e-mails.
I need coffee before Keira's fan mail.
You want one?
Oh, no, thanks.
Actually, I need to pop out.
-You said you'd help.
It's a two-person job.
I'll be back. I won't be long.
Where are you going?
Nowhere, really.
-I just
This is like coffee Fort Knox.
We need an induction.
I think you put the cup underneath it.
Oh, my God. So cool.
-Jonathan bought it.
-"Jonathan bought it."
-He did.
Same as the one he has in his house.
I imagine.
He might not even have a coffee machine.
-No, he must do.
- Mmm. Espresso!
Okay. Bye.
Such a shame about Madonna.
I mean, someone should so tell her.
I'm just nipping out.
Have fun.
I mean, it's really great, Luke.
Yeah. Okay. But?
No, I'm serious. It's just,
such an interesting story 'cause
the characters love each other,
but can't be with each other.
Yeah, I mean, write what you know.
-And then, the bit with the dad.
-I know. It's naff.
No! No! Stop saying that!
Stop doing that. I mean, it's great.
Honestly, it's I wanted more.
- Yes.
The fuck? Okay.
No, it's really good.
But you haven't finished it.
No, no, not yet.
-Right. So, how does that end then?
-That's the thing
I don't really know. Uh
How do you think it should end?
Yeah. I mean, that's kind of why
I asked you to read it.
-To us.
- To us.
They've got to come out eventually.
Well, eventually might not be soon enough.
Oh, hey!
-Is everything okay?
-Yeah, I'm good.
What is it? What's the matter?
- Dan!
-Let me in. We need to talk.
-What are you doing?
-Emma, open the door.
-What are you doing? She's my client.
I don't care. I'm gonna say it.
This is unacceptable. Okay? Both of you.
I mean, for God's sake,
what is the actual problem?
Because of you,
an actress lost her first gig.
A really talented young actor.
It was a huge deal for her.
Her scene's been cut because you two
can't do your jobs!
It's not right.
Okay, let's go somewhere private and
-No, I'm sorry.
I've seen you do brilliant things.
Both of you.
You could knock this out.
There's rumors you fancy each other.
-A photo. Big deal.
You're all nervous.
You're all over the place.
You can't get out of your heads.
You're giggling Oh, my God.
-You do fancy each other.
- Oh, my God, of course.
Christ. You're blushing.
-Who is?
-No, we're not.
All this fucking time.
Mad. Weird.
Oh, my God, no.
Hi, Ollie, I've actually just been out.
-Do you know where Misha is?
Probably setting up a movie deal.
-Leaving me with the muggles.
Oh, um, Stella was looking
for Jonathan earlier.
-I don't know where he is.
He's having lunch with Ian Jays.
Right, okay, well, um
Wait, uh, Jonathan's
having lunch with Ian Jays?
-As in Ian Jays from FTA?
As in CEO of the biggest agency
in London, who happens to be retiring?
Was there wine?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Of course! He's going. He's leaving us.
Oh, my God! Julia!
What's happened?
I think she might be dead.
-I had no idea.
-No! Did you?
-I don't know what I thought.
I didn't know how you felt.
Me neither.
Time passed.
And we went on to other things.
-You know, sort of
-Became mates.
I like being your mate.
-Me, too.
-I don't want to ruin that.
-Which is why it was tough on set.
-Because it was like me kissing you.
I know.
I mean, it could be fun to find out
what it might have been like
if we had You know?
Could be interesting.
What the fuck?
-What? What is?
You and Ian Jays.
-Oh, for God's sake!
-We know.
It was lunch. We're old friends.
-No, you're not.
Ian Jays is a public school ne'er-do-well
who married into a swanky office,
a house in Belgravia,
and a pile in the Cotswolds.
-Your father wouldn't bother.
Now you're arranging clandestine meetings.
It was lunch. It was in a restaurant.
You've all gone completely mad!
I don't have time. I'm not stupid.
I didn't say you were stupid.
You could even think of it!
Think of what?
-I know he is retiring!
He's what?
Oh! It's not even
as if you can lie convincingly.
I am sorry, Jonathan,
but you look foolish!
It was me.
It's my fault.
There was a job at FTA
that I really wanted to go for.
So I asked Jonathan if he'd
put in a good word for me. And Yeah.
You're not leaving?
Oh, for God's sake.
-Hi, Ollie.
-Tell me it isn't me.
-I didn't mean to be mean to you.
Oh, no, no, no.
I think I'd prefer if Jonathan left.
No, it just seemed like
a really good opportunity, you know. So
I'm jealous. The most creative thing
I've done is pick Dan's pizza toppings.
It's good when you're around.
There you are.
-Sorry, yeah. Huh.
-You okay?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's shit, but
Yes. I didn't realize you smoked.
-I don't.
-Neither do I.
And thanks for what you said earlier.
It was really nice.
Oh. You heard?
I think everybody heard.
Did they? Right. God.
Actually made me cry.
Did you know
I was going to be here tonight?
Would you believe me
if I said no?
Yes! Oh, yes!
And cut!
And we cut there. Thank you!
Oh, my God.
Do you work this hard
for all your clients?
Yeah. Pretty much.
You didn't have to do that for me.
I know I didn't.
I wanted to.
Do you still want me to leave?
I'm not sure what I want matters anymore.
But do you?
You don't need my approval,
Misha. Not now.
Not ever, really.
Hi, Julia.
What is going on with you two?
-You've been in his house.
Well, yes, I have, yeah.
I mean, I had to.
Rebecca sent me to take
a copy of Eight Days
-You expect me to believe that?
I'm going to find out.
You might as well tell me now!
So, the thing is,
I can't tell anyone, because then
The thing is, my Dad,
he's a good friend of Jonathan's,
an old friend, in fact, a client.
A client?
Yeah, a client. Yeah.
But thing is, uh It's a bit, uh
It's a secret no one can know.
-No, no, I'm a secret.
-You're a secret?
-Oh, my God!
-Thing is
Even his family doesn't know.
-Oh, my God! Whose?
Yes. Whose is it?
-Oh. It's, um
-Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Oh, no!
-Oh, well
- David Tennant is your father?
Well, I mean, yes.
Oh, yes.
Oh, my God, thank you, Misha.
Thank you. Thank you!
-I'm sorry, okay?
-Yes, I know. You said that.
No, can you let me get the speech out
that I've been rehearsing?
Eight Days is your story.
It's your life.
And I don't think you realize
how much it means to me.
In fact, I know you don't.
I think about it all the time.
I wake up thinking about it.
The 5000 for the option, that was mine.
You know, it was my money.
I said I'd look after it and I didn't.
I let something get in the way.
And that is never gonna happen again.
Is that it?
You're finished?
Uh Yeah.
I think so, yeah.
Do you want to come in?
Do you want me to
How's the cheek?
It is fine. Thank you for asking.
-Do you want something?
-Yes, all right.
I haven't come here to say I'm sorry.
If that's what you're thinking.
No. Didn't think so.
What were you doing with Ian?
I think I deserve to know.
I had a wobble. Okay? That's all.
Well, let that be a lesson to you.
I'll tell you what I think.
For all it's worth.
I think you're Nightingale Hart
whether you like it or not.
I think we both are.
Yeah. Well.
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