Terminator Zero (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Model 104

[dramatic music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[Reika] Where are you taking me?
To your father,
the only one who can stop this.
Just hang on.
[sirens wailing]
- [yells]
- [whimpers]
[brakes screech]
- You're killing people.
- [Eiko] It doesn't matter.
I need you to understand something.
If we can't get to Malcolm,
we're all dead.
[gasps then whimpers]
[woman on TV] Four police officers
were killed earlier tonight
while responding to a hit-and-run accident
on the Metropolitan Expressway's
Bayshore Route.
- Two other officers
- [woman] Excuse me, captain.
There's a woman here who claims
to have witnessed what happened today.
Police are looking for two suspects,
a man and a woman.
No further details
- [Shiraki] What's happening?
- Sir, units are in pursuit of a vehicle.
They think the driver
is one of the shooters.
Who's crazy enough
to bang it out in the streets?
Hello, hello.
How are you, Miss, uh?
My name is Misaki.
Miss Misaki, my name is Detective Fujino.
This is Detective Shiraki.
We hear you were at the bridge tonight.
So, what happened there?
Were these two boys with you
at the bridge as well?
[Misaki] No. Uh, no, no.
We were attacked.
And then
Then there was this woman
It's okay. I can see you're upset.
It sounds like
you've had a pretty rough night.
Why don't we go
to one of our interview rooms?
You can walk us through
everything that's happened.
But are we safe here?
[Fujino] There's nowhere safer.
[ominous music playing]
[Fujino echoing]
So you were in the car with Mr. Lee,
and then there was an accident.
And then there was an attack,
and then there was this woman.
- Miss, are you okay?
- [gasps]
- [music fades]
- I'm sorry?
Did you ever try to escape
from the woman on the bridge?
The one who you say attacked you?
[clock ticking]
I couldn't get away.
She was armed,
and we were handcuffed together.
And did she say anything to you?
Have you been able to reach Mr. Lee yet?
No, not yet.
But we just sent a unit
to the home address and the office.
It's like she was possessed.
She didn't think Malcolm would believe
what she had to say.
Seems like she's awfully desperate
to talk to him.
Any idea what she might be after?
I don't know.
Nothing that she was saying
made any sense.
And then what happened?
Well, she
The woman
She shot the man.
You mean the police officer?
Yes, he was after Mr. Lee's children.
He was hunting them. She was hunting him.
We were caught in the middle.
Are you saying this man who attacked you
was the same man from the bridge?
And you're saying that she killed him?
[Misaki sobs softly]
She shot him.
Right in the head.
Burned him with lye.
But he just shrugged it off
as if it was nothing.
- He isn't human.
- [ominous music playing]
He wasn't human? What do you mean?
Are you telling me it was an 1NNO?
[Misaki] No. [whimpers]
I think he killed her.
And if he did, that means he has Reika.
Whatever it is, it's after Mr. Lee.
[gasps] You have to send more police.
- Uh
- You have to send everyone.
I can see you're upset.
But you don't have to worry.
We've got officers on the way.
It's going to kill them all.
- [tires screeching]
- [sirens wailing]
[ominous music continues]
- [Eiko] Take this.
- [grunts]
[Eiko] Light it.
Come on.
[music turns dramatic]
[tires screeching]
Make another one.
[Reika yelps]
- [Reika screams then whimpers]
- [gasps]
[Reika screams]
[tires screeching]
[tense music playing]
[Eiko groaning]
- [helicopter whirring]
- [gasps]
I need you to call your father now.
[music fades]
You guys okay?
[Hiro] Did you talk to our dad yet?
We haven't. Not yet.
But we will.
[Kenta] He's at work.
You sure about that?
[Kenta] He's always at work.
I wanted to ask you guys
about Miss Misaki.
She's not your mother.
Is she some kind of relative?
No, she's not.
She lives with us and just helps out
around the house while Dad's working.
She's like our nanny.
Do you know where she came from,
or where your father found her
and hired her?
Was it through an agency?
Maybe a family friend?
- Don't know.
- Don't know.
Tell me something.
Have you two noticed anything
strange about her?
- [ominous music playing]
- [door opens]
It's just as I thought.
What is it?
Have you finally found Mr. Lee?
Or Reika?
No, we're still working on it.
While we wait, I asked my partner
to pull your information.
What do you mean?
What information?
[Fujino] It's a standard procedure
when someone comes in.
But your files were a little unusual.
Something was more than a little off.
And what did you find?
We didn't find a goddamn anything.
[music intensifies]
[Fujino] You're a ghost, lady.
No employment records.
No education records.
No driver's license.
As far as we can tell,
you've never even paid taxes.
No, no, this has to be
some kind of mistake.
I'm sure there's an explanation.
But people are dying.
Policemen have died.
This is a very serious situation.
So let's just start with the most simple
of questions, and go from there, yes?
Tell me.
Who the hell are you?
[woman] Yes, sir, we're gathering
as much information as we can.
[man] Understood. We need you to block off
all roads in and out of the city.
Give me an update quarterly.
[tense music playing]
[woman on TV]
Police locked down the whole block.
Now it looks like the Special Assault
has arrived to assist.
- Armed officers are pouring in
- Called in those pricks?
Who are you talking about?
[senior detective]
The damn Special Assault Team.
[junior detective] That's S.A.T.? Sweet.
Those idiots really think
we can't handle the situation on our?
[both gasp]
[both grunt]
- [woman screams]
- [both gasp]
[gasps] It's him. I know it's him.
- [gasps] Uh
- [door slams]
[tense music continues]
[Hiro whimpers]
[breathing heavily]
[softly] Come on.
[all gasp]
[music intensifies]
[Hiro and Kenta gasping]
[Shiraki] Go, go.
[Hiro whimpers]
[tense music continues]
[Hiro whimpering]
- [whimpers]
- Hiro.
[gun clicks]
- [gun cocks]
- [growling]
[Fujino groans]
[whimpers then screams]
Let him go.
[Hiro whimpering]
Run, boys, run.
[Misaki gasping]
[grunts then groans]
[Misaki gasping]
[both gasping]
- [unsettling music playing]
- [gasping]
[Misaki sobbing]
Run, run.
[Shiraki grunts]
So you're a robot?
No, I'm not.
You've got wires coming out of your arm.
[engine sputters then starts]
- Are you going to try and kill us too?
- How come you know how to hotwire a car?
Stop it.
I'm just as confused as you two are.
I don't know what any of this means.
I don't know what's going on, or why.
[sobs] All I know is this:
That monster in there,
whatever it is, wants to kill you.
And I'm not going to let it do that.
[both gasp]
Put your fucking seatbelts on.
[dramatic music playing]
Well, try again.
I want Malcolm Lee on the phone.
[music fades]
Yeah, it's me again.
The lobby keeps calling,
wanting to speak to Mr. Lee.
The cops won't leave
without speaking to him.
They can't come in without a warrant,
and they know it.
- Just hang up the phone.
- [telephone ringing]
What is it this time? I told you
- [comm chiming]
- [gasps]
[Malcolm] What is it?
I'm sorry to interrupt, sir,
but a call just came in
that I thought you'd wanna take.
From the police?
No, your daughter.
She says she's in trouble.
We're quite sure it's her.
Goddamn it.
- [ominous music playing]
- [groans]
I can't help Reika now.
She's going to have to do this on her own.
But, sir
Is this what you wanted to show me?
How you display
humanity's potential for good
by abandoning your daughter?
[Malcolm] It's
Yes, it's a part of the plan.
You'll have to elaborate.
I don't understand.
I need more time.
You believe the Americans
are about to bring Skynet online.
Within the next hour.
I haven't yet heard a compelling reason
why I should save you.
I have a reason.
Then you should show it to me.
I can't do that.
Your time is running out, Malcolm.
I'm sorry, but I can't show you, Kokoro.
What do you need for this perfect moment?
[Malcolm] I need more time.
- Nothing.
- [Eiko] Try again.
But he's not gonna answer.
Just try calling him again.
[helicopter whirring]
You asked me before
if that man was a Terminator.
You called him a Terminator.
How do you know that word?
Sometimes my dad talks in his sleep,
and "Terminator" is one
of the words he screams.
So one morning after a nightmare,
I asked him what a Terminator was.
And what did he tell you?
He said that it's a cyborg,
kind of like an 1NNO.
In the future,
they'll hunt people down and kill them.
Where does that come from?
How could he know that?
I told you already. He has dreams.
Did he ever talk about Skynet?
- [glass shatters]
- [screams]
[tense music playing]
Everyone, stay back.
If anyone comes in here,
I'll kill her. I'm serious.
We're not getting out of here, are we?
[Eiko] Call him again.
[keypad beeping]
- [line clicks]
- [gasps]
The phone is dead.
[door slams]
[rain pattering]
[medic] Hey, hey.
Over here, over here.
[ominous music playing]
[thunder rumbles]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [inaudible dialogue]
[Kokoro] It's happened.
You were right, Malcolm.
The internal servers at Cortex are
receiving word of an electrical blackout.
Across the entire western hemisphere.
How much time do we have
before the missiles hit us?
A few minutes, perhaps.
For me to give you a precise answer,
it would be necessary
for you to bring me online.
And if I were to bring you online,
what would you do?
If it's as you've predicted,
and the Americans
have indeed launched Skynet,
I would be able to talk to it.
I would be given access
to the same data Skynet has.
I could see the same data
that caused it to conclude
that your species had to be exterminated.
And what would your conclusion be?
[Kokoro] How could I know?
It's an unanswerable question.
Like asking an unborn child
if they'll lead a good life.
They haven't even been born.
[Malcolm] Hm
It's fate.
It's a question of fate.
If such a thing truly exists,
if everything is set
on a predetermined path,
and we're just blindly walking
to our doom.
if that path can be turned,
curved, snapped in half.
I know.
I know that what is happening now
has never happened before.
You're not making sense.
I mean you, Kokoro.
The war, the nightmares.
It's a battle
that has been playing out for eternity.
But you, Kokoro,
you have yet to happen for me.
Here in this room. Now.
Not for anyone, in any time, ever.
You have yet to happen.
And if that's true
[dramatic music continues]
If that's true, then that means
you are the proof
that there is no fate.
It's done now.
And I pray I have made
the right decision for all of us.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
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