The 8 Show (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[romantic music playing]
[projector whirring]
[4th Floor] "However, if you do wish
to continue with the show, then please,
select one of the numbered cards."
I suck at making decisions.
Wait, I changed my mind.
It costs what?
I just want a blanket.
Is it made outta gold thread? Jeez.
Okay. Then what about
something like a light sleeping bag?
Nothing special.
Uh, is there anything cheaper?
I see. I'll take it.
Oh! Sticky notes. You know.
Like, for writing?
I got this! Let's go.
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues
with static]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[Jin-su gasps]
[thinks] I'm thirsty.
Actually, no. I think I'm dying.
[tense music playing]
Humans can survive pretty extreme
conditions, but there are limits.
There's something called
the three-three-three rule.
Three minutes without air, you die.
Three weeks without food, you die.
For water, it's… three days.
Three days, and then it's lights out.
So, today's the day.
If I don't get water, I'm gonna die.
[dramatic music playing]
We thought 8th Floor
would come around eventually.
- We were wrong.
- [6th Floor] Get out!
- [thump]
- [Jin-su] Turns out she had all the power.
- And we had none.
- [Jin-su gasping weakly]
The hell?
Hey, man, who's 6th Floor yellin' at?
Don't be alarmed. He's mad at the crows.
They're creeping him out.
How's he standing? I'm gonna faint.
[4th Floor] 8th Floor, please…
I know I come across so strong,
but I'm actually really iron deficient,
and have low blood sugar.
[Jin-su] 8th Floor locked herself in
with all the food and water.
- I kinda fall apart. Don't do this.
- [Jin-su] She starved us as punishment.
- We all dealt with it, but to no avail.
- Hey! It's no joke.
- It was funny. She had us in her palm.
- I can feel myself going numb.
And she did it
without even lifting a finger.
There was nothing we could do.
We were completely at her mercy.
[7th Floor] They gave us more hours.
[Jin-su] Huh?
At least somebody's having a good time
while we waste away.
[Jin-su] Oh shit…
Why are you all just laying around?
I can't believe you guys.
I'm up there trying my best.
Shouldn't we all go bang on her door?
[6th Floor] Beg all you want.
[sighs] It's your fault, anyway.
[4th Floor] What?
I didn't make her do this.
[6th Floor] She's the big dog,
and you spat in her face.
Can't you see? You forced her hand.
Uh… it's not like she's the boss of us.
- Oh yeah?
- [4th Floor] Come on.
What, so since she lucked out getting
the top floor, she's somehow better?
And even if she's in charge of us here,
she could be nicer.
If I were up on the 8th floor,
I wouldn't starve anybody.
I'd be benevolent
to the people beneath me.
Uh, I mean…
Not that we're beneath her…
Yeah, sure.
[gentle music playing]
[8th Floor] Oh hey, 5th Floor!
- [giggles]
- [5th Floor groans]
- Huh?
- [8th Floor giggles]
- When'd you come?
- Just now. Who wants some?
[gasps] Oh!
[laughs] We can't
take things from our rooms.
They're gonna dock
your prize money for this.
Oh, yeah?
- I don't care, though. I'm rich, remember?
- Oh!
[laughs] Oh!
Guys, come on over! [laughing]
8th Floor brought us lunchboxes
and water bottles!
Oh, they look extra delicious.
[laughing shakily]
- [5th Floor] There's no rush.
- Anyone need water?
Don't eat too fast, okay?
You don't wanna get sick, now.
[gasps] Please, eat up.
- Oh, thank you so much, 8th Floor.
- [4th Floor] Um, hey, 5th Floor…
[5th Floor] You're the best.
This really means so much to us.
[1st Floor] Hey, you feeling okay?
I can't take it anymore.
- [sighs]
- 2nd Floor. Hold on.
Hey. Come on. Don't do somethin' reckless.
What's the point of being here?
What good's the money
if we starve to death?
I'm gonna use up the time.
- [gasps]
- Don't do it.
I'm not committing suicide.
That spoiled brat up there isn't worth it.
I'm over it. Let's just call it.
Just wait.
I'm not ending it like this.
- [2nd Floor gasps]
- Don't do it, 2nd Floor.
I'm begging you.
I'm not ready to leave yet.
I can't leave like this. Please.
I'm begging you, don't.
I need that billion won.
- Or I'm as good as dead.
- [sighs]
[1st Floor] Please, 2nd Floor.
Don't do it.
I'm begging you, please.
Please, don't. Please?
[thinks] That's right. I'm with 1st Floor.
There's nothing but loan sharks out there.
I'd rather die today
than go home with nothing.
I'll keep the poop bags.
[jaunty music playing]
We can pretend
the old vote never happened.
I'll go and apologize to 8th Floor.
If it means we can eat, then I will…
be the poop man now.
It's only fair, right?
It should've been me.
I'm the man for the job.
I deserve it because I…
[bell chimes]
Because my talent sucked.
1st Floor volunteered to help before.
He kept the poop because he couldn't run
so that was his contribution.
I shoulda stepped up like he did,
but I wasn't brave enough.
Hear that?
I should've won the bathroom vote.
We need someone to fill that role,
and I'll do it.
It's better than leaving the show.
Just let me do it.
- [sobbing]
- Are you sure you want to?
[thinks] Obviously not,
but that isn't the point.
I can handle bags of shit.
The alternatives are suffering till
one of us dies, or going home now.
Plus, I'd do just about anything
for a goddamn sip of water.
I'll help too!
You can give me poop bags also.
I didn't earn us that much more time
than 3rd Floor did.
No one appreciates yodeling.
And I did tell people
to vote for 8th Floor.
I'm sorry. [sobs]
So we… [whimpers]
We can share it. The poop.
[thinks] Oh, shit. Is she crying?
- [stomach rumbles]
- [Jin-su] I see.
You'll do anything for some food,
just like I would, huh?
- [whimpers]
- [Jin-su] Let's do it.
Let's talk to her.
[both sobbing]
[7th Floor] Hold on, you two.
Would it be all right with you if I go
talk with her and you guys stay down here?
- [4th Floor] What?
- [Jin-su] Huh?
[7th Floor] I just…
She doesn't respond to emotion,
and you're both all worked up.
I think I should do it.
8th Floor? It's 7th Floor.
We're having a hard time
without food to eat.
Plus, our lives may be compromised
if we go another day without water.
It's come to our attention
that we failed to realize a few things.
You were brilliant in the talent show,
and we're all very grateful.
And we never should've
insulted you with that vote. I'm so sorry.
Floors 3 and 4 have volunteered
to help hold onto the waste.
That's what felt fair.
They both apologize profusely
for putting you in this situation.
[door unlocks]
[1st Floor] Look… I think it worked.
[5th Floor gasps] Sh, sh, sh.
[8th Floor] Excellent.
I knew that vote was a joke.
I mean, it didn't make any sense.
Why would anyone vote for little old me?
Can I wrap up what I was doing?
[7th Floor] Yeah.
[somber music playing]
[8th Floor] What's it like out there?
Are they all super mad at me?
There was so much clawing at my door.
Uh… Oh no, we were all just worried that
you were upset with us about the vote.
[8th Floor] Who, me?
No, negative energy ages you.
And I don't wanna get wrinkles.
What a relief.
Here I was, all concerned
that I was being too harsh,
but it turns out you all get it.
I just did what I had to do.
- Namaste.
- [giggles]
[8th Floor] Ah! I feel refreshed.
I really do love this place.
It's just so much fun, right?
We get paid to play with each other.
I never wanna leave here! [laughs]
Ah, right.
I'm sure that giving you a break from food
earned us quite a bit of time, right?
[7th Floor] Uh, yeah.
Then, can I buy some new outfits?
You can, like,
think of it as your apology.
- I'm sick of these clothes.
- [7th Floor] Yes, of course.
By the way, I came up with
some new games you might all enjoy.
We're gonna get loads of time. [laughs]
I'm so excited, aren't you?
[4th Floor] Hey, girl!
You look amazing. It's so perfect!
- Like that outfit was made just for you!
- You think?
- [6th Floor] Even better than the last.
- [4th Floor] Uh-huh.
How's it look?
- Huh? Oh, uh…
- Oh! Oh, it fits beautifully.
[1st Floor] Oh, yeah, yeah.
You look so fabulous.
[Jin-su] 2nd Floor didn't want her to go
on another shopping spree with our time,
but 7th Floor made a good case.
[7th Floor] At least this ended
with us on equal footing.
Equal with her?
It doesn't feel very equal.
We had to grovel,
but she gets new clothes.
The fact that she listened at all,
that she even let us apologize to her,
is a good thing.
We went to her, not the other way around.
If that had happened, well… things
could've turned out a whole lot worse.
We'd have been her servants.
She'd be calling all the shots.
[Jin-su] Yeah, that makes sense.
I mean, if we hadn't gone to her,
she could've told us to do,
well, anything.
She holds our lives in her hands,
and that means she controls us.
She could've been a lot more cruel.
I guess the silver lining
is that she mostly just cares
about getting new clothes.
We're lucky someone as smart as 7th Floor
is on our side.
[pensive music playing]
The next day was perfect.
- Finally, we got to chow down.
- Mm!
[Jin-su] It was like a dream come true.
[Jin-su] I heard somewhere
that every human craves
sex, sleep, and food equally.
Well, sex and sleep can go to hell!
Food comes first, always.
It blows the other two
right outta the water.
Food, food, food!
[sighs] This, my friends, is the life.
- Turns out all I needed was a good meal.
- [elevator whirring]
[jaunty music playing]
Sure, I may have to store
bags of poop in my room,
but 4th Floor gets half, and…
- It's a pretty small price to pay.
- [gags]
- It's no big deal.
- [flies buzzing]
Look at how much money I'm making.
I'm just earning my keep.
What's a little shit, anyway?
Don't worry about me.
- …1st and 2nd Floor…
- I'll hang onto my bags.
- Thanks for doing this.
- …are saints.
But I'll take care of mine.
This is a lot of fuckin' poop.
Man, is 4th Floor even helping?
Why's there so damn much?
[Jin-su] While we were busy
starving to death,
8th Floor had been dreaming up some games
for us to rack up more time.
We should play King.
It's a dumbass drinking game.
She acted like she invented it.
Yeah? Yeah?
Isn't that game about doing
dirty things and getting all sexy?
Oh, don't worry. The game might
get dirty, but it doesn't have to.
You can choose anything
for us to do if you're king.
Oh, but I'm not totally opposed
to getting saucy.
[bell rings]
I like the sound of this. Let's go hard.
[thinks] Pfft. Are we really doing this?
It's for college kids. We're way too old
for this kinda thing. Right?
I thought we still had some dignity.
What is going on?
[7th Floor] I think it's a smart idea.
It should earn us time.
And no variables
to bring down the average.
Sounds good. Let's do it!
- [bell chiming]
- I'm in.
- Whatever. Sure.
- Sure. Let's play it.
What an awesome idea.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
I'm obsessed with this game.
I played all the time in college.
I'm sure we all did, right?
You guys, we're gonna have so much fun.
Ah! You're the best, 8th Floor!
[jazzy sting plays]
[4th Floor] This K means
this is the king ball.
There are seven numbered balls with it.
We all pick one, and whoever pulls
the K ball calls out two numbers.
If your ball gets called,
you must obey the king.
[thinks] Ugh. Three?
God, can't I get
a different number for once?
Oh! Oh, the K! Hey!
Hey, I, uh, I'm the king!
I choose ball two,
and how about ball five?
I want you two…
to hold hands, okay?
[4th Floor] Come on, that's too tame.
You've gotta go bigger.
That's the whole point.
- You should choose something more fun.
- [both chuckle]
I'm the king this round, though.
And what I say goes, right?
Okay, then. Well…
Um, who's got ball two
and who's got ball five?
Hey, don't lace your fingers.
Oh. Sorry about that. I…
No, don't stop. You can't.
You're stuck until the next round.
- Oh, you're so bad.
- [both giggling]
- [6th Floor] Ah, shit…
- [5th Floor giggles]
- [6th Floor] You think this is fun?
- [4th Floor laughs]
- [6th Floor sighs]
- I apologize.
[squeals] Hey! I'm the king!
Come on. We're really gonna let loose now.
That was just the practice round, guys.
So, hmm… How about
six and seven have an itty-bitty kiss?
- Ahem! Ready, set, go!
- One second, one second.
I just… I wanna get myself in the zone,
so one second.
Oh, come on. Please, it's nothing.
It's only a kiss. [chuckles]
And now… kiss!
[8th Floor squeals, giggles] Oh my god.
- [1st Floor] Wow. Encore.
- [5th Floor] Uh…
[1st Floor] Um… [laughs awkwardly]
I'm really sorry.
[4th Floor] Aw. We only got 90 minutes
for all that kissing and hand-holding.
Why are they so stingy?
[chuckles] Well, I had a good time.
[8th Floor sighs]
- [chiming sound]
- The King!
[sighs] What to do?
So balls three and…
Deep kiss.
[gasps] Like French kiss?
[2nd Floor] Oh fuck…
- [4th Floor gasps]
- Oh, hell, yeah. [chuckles]
- [giggles]
- [4th Floor] So? Who's ball three?
- [6th Floor laughs]
- [4th Floor gasps]
You? Come on, hurry up!
I wanna see you make out! [giggles]
Yeah, no.
- [coughs]
- Hmm?
Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.
- Huh?
- Just gimme something else to do.
Anything but kissing.
[knuckles cracking]
I'm looking for a thrill here.
[8th Floor] A thrill?
Well, then… I suppose
I should find you a new partner.
No offense, babe.
You're just not all that thrilling.
We need someone… special.
How about ball number two?
That sounds so cute.
The twos together.
I want you to fight each other. [chuckles]
[thinks] It's here. The next level.
Just like 7th Floor feared.
Playtime's over. Shit's gettin' real.
- [2nd Floor] Works for me.
- [6th Floor] Ah, shit.
Only pussies fight women.
- And that ain't my style.
- [scoffs] Do I scare you?
I could snap you like a damn twig.
Don't be cocky.
[ball clatters]
- [ball clatters]
- [2nd Floor sighs]
[1st Floor] Oh, boy.
- I won't go easy or hold back.
- Same here.
- [1st Floor] Wait--
- [5th Floor] Is this a bad idea?
- [all gasping]
- [1st Floor] Oh!
[ominous music playing]
[both grunting]
- [6th Floor groaning]
- [8th Floor giggles]
- [both yell]
- [all gasp]
- [8th Floor] Whoa!
- [5th Floor] Oh God, should we step in?
- [1st Floor] Oh God.
- [8th Floor] I can't get enough of this!
Ah, shit.
- [grunting]
- [yells] Ah!
[all gasping and yelping]
[6th Floor screams]
This is thrilling! [laughs]
Oh my God, no!
She told me she's a trained fighter.
She sure wasn't kidding.
[Jin-su] Hah.
[Jin-su] 6th Floor is scrappy,
but 2nd Floor?
She was obviously a pro. You could tell
she knew what she was doing.
I'm no martial arts expert,
but even I could see
that she was pulling her punches.
She was kickin' his ass.
I mean, no contest.
Want more?
[sighs] Shit.
- [6th Floor groans]
- [2nd Floor yells]
- [5th Floor] Oh! Oh no.
- [4th Floor gasps]
[6th Floor] Ow! Ow, ow, ow!
- [8th Floor] Go 2nd Floor!
- [2nd Floor grunts]
- [crunch]
- [both moaning]
- [groans]
- [thinks] That didn't sound too good.
[2nd Floor screams]
- Did you get hurt?
- Just a sprain.
No big deal. It'll be okay.
[2nd Floor panting]
- [crunch]
- [2nd Floor screams]
- [all gasp]
- [2nd Floor breathing heavily]
- [whimpers]
- [6th Floor yelling]
- [8th Floor] Oh! [gasps]
- [6th Floor grunting]
Oh God!
- [crunching]
- [2nd Floor screaming]
[5th Floor] Stop it, please!
Stop it!
Oh, make them stop!
- He'll kill her!
- I'm begging you. Make them stop!
No way.
They'll fight until someone surrenders.
[6th Floor grunting]
[both grunting]
- [7th Floor] Please, that's enough.
- [6th Floor grunts]
- Give up!
- [5th Floor] What do we do?
- [1st Floor] Cut it out!
- [7th Floor] Stop it. 6th Floor!
- [Jin-su] Leave her alone!
- [1st Floor] You'll kill her.
- [7th Floor] Game's over. Get off her.
- [Jin-su] Chill out.
- [7th Floor] Calm down, now!
- [6th Floor] You tapping out, girl?
- Say the words! Say you tap out!
- [5th Floor] Are you okay? Can you talk?
- [7th Floor] You've gotta calm down!
- [5th Floor grunting]
[8th Floor giggling]
- [6th Floor panting]
- [8th Floor] Oh, this is incredible!
[8th Floor squeals] I love it.
[6th Floor chuckles]
I made us another 50 hours. [laughing]
- [ominous music playing]
- [2nd Floor whimpering softly]
[5th Floor sobbing]
[Jin-su] 6th Floor.
You took that game way too far.
You didn't need to beat her to a pulp.
[5th Floor] He's right.
You went overboard.
She's half-dead now because of you.
Well, she knew the risk she was taking.
[1st Floor] What if
the king asks more of us to fight?
Is this how it's gonna be now?
Just never-ending violence?
Count me in.
[7th Floor] No. This was a mistake.
We should avoid brawling in the future.
We don't have the medical supplies.
- I don't want anyone injured even worse.
- [8th Floor] Then what?
We can't just keep making out and stuff.
If we want more time,
fighting gives us that.
[Jin-su] Even so,
we can't beat each other up all the time.
I can't live like that.
It's too extreme. It's way too much.
Fine. Maybe we need a new rule here.
[chuckles] Hear me out.
If the king tells you to fight,
you can opt out if you want.
But there's a catch. A punishment.
You can take the penalty,
instead of having to fight.
It'll give us all a choice,
so everybody wins!
Won't everyone just take the penalty?
Who would choose to fight instead?
We'll think of something intense.
Something no one really wants to do.
We'll still get time that way, too. Mm!
It's a taser.
I saw a YouTube video testing them.
But this is a mild one. You see,
it can't cause all that much damage.
It won't kill anybody,
but it is loud and you get a little shock.
It only lasts for, like, a second.
That's it!
I heard it goes away really quick.
Hold on.
I thought tasers were pretty powerful?
People use them
to knock out horses and stuff.
[somber piano music playing]
Well, there are
some really strong ones, sure.
I don't think
they'd let us buy that kind, though.
This will just be a zap.
But have you tried it yourself?
What if you're wrong?
Uh, no. I only saw that YouTube video.
[8th Floor laughs]
I'd love to give it a whirl.
I've never felt it before.
Come on. You're willing to?
You'd opt for it?
Mm-hmm. Of course.
I want to give it a try. 100%.
[thinks] She seriously wants to try? Why?
This is such a fun idea.
Well, at least we'll stop
the fistfighting then.
This is better in my opinion.
[5th Floor] I guess that's true.
It could be worse. So let's give it a go.
If it limits the fighting, I'm in.
I can't keep taping you guys up.
It's no way to live.
- I get that. I just think--
- [6th Floor] So it's all settled, then.
[6th Floor] How does it work?
- [loud crackling]
- [5th Floor squeals]
[1st Floor whimpers]
[all laughing and squealing]
[Jin-su] So now there's a taser.
How is this gonna play out?
I wonder how many people are
gonna choose it over the dares.
Oh God. How is this my life?
Okay, look at it logically.
I have a one in eight chance
of getting chosen each round.
12.5%. Those are pretty good odds, right?
Yeah, that's nothin'. I got this.
Looking at it the other way,
I'll be safe 87.5% of the time.
And even if I get tased a bit,
I'll still be walkin' outta here
with a mountain of cash.
Ah, okay, let's crunch the numbers here.
Every day we earn
is worth 43 million for me.
If my ball gets drawn once a week
and I get zapped,
that's one zap
for every three hundred million.
"Join our paid taser experiment.
One zap a week for 300 mil."
[bell dings]
[inhales] Pretty good deal, honestly.
[light jazz playing]
[thinks] Not bad.
I mean, when you put it that way,
it's pretty reasonable.
Though, of course, there's still the fact
that I have no idea
what being tased feels like,
and not knowing scares me shitless.
That uncertainty is what really gets me.
My anxiety is through the roof
just imagining the damn zap.
It's not gonna kill me though, right?
People get tased all the time. I think.
It's fine. I just don't wanna
be the one who gets tased first.
- I can't handle that.
- [stomach gurgles]
Ah, shit. I'm so stressed about this,
my bowels are actin' up.
Whatever happens, I can't get tased first.
[music fades]
How's she doing? 2nd Floor?
She's still in pain.
Today will be the worst of it.
Poor thing…
[Jin-su scoffs]
You look pretty.
[5th Floor] Oh…
[sighs] Oh!
[4th Floor] Ahem. All right.
All the same rules as yesterday,
but you can opt out
of the king's command.
We've got the taser on deck
for anyone who wants it.
- [8th Floor] Okay!
- [Jin-su sighs]
[thinks] Is it the K?
Oh my God. Please, please, please
be the K, please be the K.
Come on, K! [winces]
Damn it, four? That's an unlucky number.
[gasps] Oh, wow!
Well, look at that. I'm the king again!
- [giggles]
- Ugh, seriously?
- The wack job, again?
- [8th Floor] Here we go!
I want ball four to touch…
five, under the shirt.
- Huh?
- [gasps]
- Don't be shy. Get into it.
- [thinks] That's insane even for her.
She's talking about groping somebody,
for Christ's sakes.
How's she giggling about this
like it's funny? It's so screwed up.
I've got it.
- Ball five.
- [both laughing]
[4th Floor] Oh my God!
- Who has ball four?
- [6th Floor] What?
- [8th Floor] Come on. Who?
- [sighs]
Oh ho-ho-ho-ho! Look who won!
- [laughing]
- [8th Floor laughs] This is crazy!
[4th Floor] Okay, ready? Feel her up
like you mean it, on the count of three.
[both sigh]
[Jin-su] Oh, God. This doesn't feel right.
- [4th Floor] One…
- [Jin-su] I don't know if I can do this.
I'm not a groper. Please!
[4th Floor] Two…
[8th Floor giggles]
- [4th Floor] Three…
- Just gimme a moment! Just gimme… Please.
- [4th Floor] Huh?
- [sighs]
[8th Floor chuckles]
[dramatic music playing]
[4th Floor] Um…
[thinks] Ah, shit!
What the hell am I supposed to do?
[4th Floor] Let's try again.
- One…
- [exhales]
- Two…
- [8th Floor giggling]
Zap me. I… I can't. Sorry. I, uh…
Yeah, I can't. I'll take the taser.
[gasps] Uh… It's really fine.
- I don't mind, I promise.
- No.
- I'm not that guy.
- Um… it's…
- I'll take the zap. It's all right.
- Sure?
- Yeah, but…
- I'm not that guy.
[nervy jazz playing]
- [thinks] Good job, man.
- [sighs]
[thinks] You're doin' the right thing.
You can't turn into a sleazeball.
You know what?
You must look pretty cool right now.
Hell, yeah. You acted
like a true gentleman back there.
- [7th Floor] Um, one second.
- [Jin-su coughs]
You should maybe sit down,
'cause this might hurt.
[Jin-su thinks] Fuck me.
I'm the first to be tased,
just like I feared.
- [sighs]
- [5th Floor whimpers]
[thinks] Okay, just gotta breathe.
Soon, this'll all be over with.
- Uh--
- [thinks] God, why'd I have to be first?
I feel like I'm suffocating.
It can't be that bad, though, can it?
Okay. You got this.
Just breathe. Right? You can do it!
Yes! Bring it on! Hit me!
Okay, I'm read--
- [loud crackling]
- [5th Floor yelps]
- [1st Floor] 3rd Floor!
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- [5th Floor] Are you okay?
- [4th Floor] Oh!
[7th Floor] Can you hear me?
- Are you all right?
- [7th Floor] 3rd--
- [5th Floor gasps]
- [1st Floor] Oh… look.
- [8th Floor] Wow!
- [4th Floor gasps] Oh!
- [all gasping]
- You… you said it wouldn't do much damage.
[gasps] Uh… well, I thought…
Huh? Look, look! We just got--
You guys, we just got
60 more hours for that!
- [8th Floor] Oh!
- [6th Floor] Look at that. It worked out.
[Jin-su sighs]
[1st Floor] Hey!
I think he's coming to.
[groans softly]
- [grunts]
- [5th Floor gasps]
- [Jin-su shuddering]
- [5th Floor exhales]
[thinks] Why am I wet?
You should've just groped me instead.
You did the right thing. I'm proud of you.
[Jin-su] Thank you,
but… can you all leave?
- We just wanted--
- [Jin-su] Please, go.
I'm begging you.
[door closes]
[dramatic music playing]
[thinks] I never, ever want
to feel like that again. I'll do anything.
I'll do whatever the king says.
I'll grope, fight, stand on my head.
I'm not getting zapped again.
- [groaning]
- This is too unbearable.
- [wails]
- Reeking of piss is a real cherry on top.
Once again, time to board
the express train to hell.
There's no way I'll be
picked twice in a row, right?
Just this once, let me be king.
Come on, king! Show me the K,
show me the K, show me the K!
- [4th Floor] Yay! Guess who's king again?
- [8th Floor] Oh.
- [4th Floor laughing]
- [thinks] Damn it.
- I can't get zapped again.
- [4th Floor] Hmm…
- Please don't pick me.
- [4th Floor] Hmm. What to do?
I choose ball one.
[thinks] Hey! Hell, yeah! Thank God. Yes!
- Good. Good start. Now keep it up.
- Hmm… hmm…
Anyone but me.
- And ball two.
- [thinks] Yes! I'm safe! Thank God!
- I'm in the clear. I'm not getting tased!
- Oh, wow.
[Jin-su laughing]
That was one hell
of an emotional rollercoaster.
Is this what catharsis is? Can you
get a rush just from not being tased?
Well, moving on…
Who's got ball one and ball two?
That's me.
- [2nd Floor] What?
- [6th Floor sighs]
- [2nd Floor] You want a rematch?
- Oh, no, no. I don't want you to fight.
Nothing violent.
How about I just flip a coin?
It's a classic.
When I flip the coin, you can
both guess what side it landed on.
But if you guess wrong,
you'll get a tasing.
Hey, I thought, uh…
we only agreed to get zapped
as punishment.
- You're bending the rules, aren't you?
- Well… we really only made one rule.
When you're the king, you can do
whatever you want. I choose this.
Right, 2nd Floor?
[2nd Floor] Yeah.
[tense music playing]
[6th Floor] Then let's go.
[4th Floor gasps happily]
[Jin-su] A 50-50 chance.
Now… let's begin.
[Jin-su] You could smell their fear.
After seeing what happened to me,
they must've been freaking out.
And, honestly, rightly so.
Now… place your bets.
The star is heads, the heart is tails.
- The heart.
- [chimes]
star, then.
[squeals] The suspense is delicious! Oh!
[1st Floor] Huh?
Ta-da! [gasps]
Congrats, 6th Floor!
[sighs] Damn it.
[Jin-su] 2nd Floor braved her fate
with dignity.
- She's a warrior through and through.
- Might sting a bit.
Go to hell.
- [loud crackling]
- [straining]
[somber music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
What's with the mop? Why are you…
I thought after last time,
we might need it.
[thinks] So that's
what happened yesterday…
[6th Floor grunts]
How's she so heavy?
She weighs more than 3rd Floor did.
We earned two more days.
[8th Floor gasps] Wow.
This game really is a hit, huh?
[gasps] Don't you just feel electrified?
- [laughs]
- [thinks] "Electrified?" She's heartless.
She could use a little electrifying,
We've been here a month.
But it's only our third day
living by the law of the taser.
Damn, still not the king.
- [sighs]
- [8th Floor gasps]
[laughing] I'm the king again!
- Some have all the luck.
- [4th Floor] Again?
- Can't believe it, girl!
- First she gets the best floor.
Now she pulls the king ball three times?
What the hell? How does she do it?
Three, please.
[Jin-su thinks] Yes!
Now, don't call out seven.
And ball…
[thinks] Not seven, not seven,
anything but seven.
- Anything but--
- Seven.
Who has balls three and seven?
I want you to slap each other in the face
until one of you surrenders.
Whoever gives in first gets tased.
[2nd Floor] It's just a game.
It isn't personal, okay?
- You got that?
- Yeah.
No hard feelings.
[Jin-su thinks] A slap-fest?
Why'd she choose something so aggressive?
The reason hit me.
- [others gasp]
- [5th Floor] Oh wow.
- [8th Floor giggles]
- [Jin-su] Right across the face.
- I felt it immediately.
- [all laughing]
[Jin-su] It's hard to get slapped
in the face and not feel pissed.
Slapping makes things personal.
It fosters animosity.
It makes people turn on each other.
- [4th Floor] Oh!
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- My God.
- [Jin-su] I know that.
Even so,
I have to go through with it.
I'm not gonna get zapped again.
No way. I have to win.
I'm sorry, 2nd Floor.
I'll grit my teeth and--
- [1st Floor] Oh, gosh!
- [4th Floor laughs] Oh!
- I give up!
- [8th Floor laughs]
[thinks] Ah. That first slap
was just her warming up.
[funky music playing]
[sighs] Shit… Man, this is so humiliating.
- [sighs]
- [banging at door]
- [thinks] Sounds like 2nd Floor.
- [sighs]
She must wanna apologize
for slapping and tasing me.
But why bother?
The damage is already done.
You didn't have to come.
- I'm not upset--
- [2nd Floor] That isn't why I'm here.
- 1st Floor wants to see us.
- Huh?
[Jin-su] What's goin' on?
The past few days, the game…
was completely rigged.
We haven't had a shot.
[Jin-su] What?
After today's game, I'm sure of it.
The top floors have been cheating.
And I figured out how they're doing it.
[Jin-su sighs]
You wanna pick a side? Star for heads.
And heart for tails.
Star, please.
Good guess. You're wrong, though.
Wanna go again?
[gasps] How did you do that?
It's a simple trick.
When 4th Floor flipped the coin,
she caught it between both her palms.
The heart.
She waited till then
to ask them to call it.
[1st Floor] That's not how
you flip a coin.
You call it in the air.
And if you catch it between your palms,
you can feel the sides,
and flip it around,
to manipulate the results.
[Jin-su] And who called
that coin toss correctly?
Who got to avoid getting zapped that day?
[1st Floor] 6th Floor, of course.
[Jin-su] So they fuckin' set it up.
I know. It goes deeper.
There's more. A bigger trick.
Who's been king the most times?
I don't think it's happening randomly.
[Jin-su] No way…
[whimsical, suspenseful music playing]
Where is it?
[Jin-su sighs]
[7th Floor] So, who'll be our king today?
[1st Floor gulps] I'm the king.
[8th Floor] Seriously?
- Aw! Isn't that cute?
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- Ah!
- Are you stoked?
[1st Floor] Yes.
[muffled cries]
- [7th Floor] Sh.
- [muffled whimpering]
What the…
Man, you really freaked me out!
Why did you do that?
[gasps] Hey, watch out.
You wanna give me another seizure?
'Cause that's the way to do it.
[7th Floor] Acetone.
When you mix
a ping-pong ball with acetone,
a strange chemical reaction occurs.
The ball gets a little sticky, doesn't it?
That's how you identified the king ball.
I'm not really
a big science person like you.
Floors 1, 2, and 3…
they're aware
that someone's been rigging the game.
They can't prove it yet,
but they're onto you.
Let's not accuse them yet,
not without proof.
And we can't strike until we prove it,
or they'll retaliate.
They'll destroy the evidence we need,
and we'll be right back
to where we are now.
We'll wait for them to make a mistake.
And we'll be ready
the moment they slip up.
[7th Floor] They'll figure out
your trick at some point.
You think they'll take that well?
Can you handle that kind of heat?
They can't prove anything,
if you knock it off now.
Play it fairly.
You should go back to bed.
- [hiccups]
- [5th Floor] So, what'll it be?
You're the king. We're at your command.
It's your call. What are you thinking?
- [8th Floor chuckles]
- [1st Floor] Uh… ball four, ball six.
Let's do another coin flip.
Who… who has those numbers?
[7th Floor] I've got four.
I'm ready.
Who has ball six?
I choose heads.
I suppose that I choose tails, then.
Um… Well, I guess it's time to flip.
- [8th Floor] Hmm.
- One more thing.
I'd like for you to use the back
of your hand to catch the coin.
Ah… Sure.
[suspenseful music playing]
[coughs nervously]
Uh… well, then…
[clears throat]
[shakily] Tails?
Oh. Hmm… me?
- This game's awful.
- [2nd Floor] Hey.
You were the one
who wanted to play the game.
Yeah, come on. You said you wanted
to see what being tased felt like.
I guess I did say that.
- I was wrong. We aren't having fun, right?
- [Jin-su] No, wrong.
I'm finally gettin' into this game.
I'm havin' the time of my life.
I'm thrilled as hell.
Man, I'm electrified.
You guys are lovin' it too, right?
Oh, yeah. Hah!
[2nd Floor] You can't back out now.
[stirring classical music playing]
[thinks] This is it.
The queen's comeuppance.
[loud crackling]
[thinks] Hell, yes!
You think you're better than us?
How's it feel to get zapped,
lying in your own piss?
Not so high and mighty now.
You're just like us!
[music distorts]
I'll count to three, okay?
Then I'll press it.
- [gasps]
- [7th Floor] One.
[2nd Floor gasps]
What the hell, man?
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
What? Why?
Nobody wants a cliché ending.
[7th Floor shudders]
Figured it was time for a plot twist.
Don't ya think?
[5th Floor squeals]
[ominous music intensifying]
[music fades]
[somber classical music playing]
[lively piano music playing]
[exciting music playing]
[somber music playing]
[upbeat, folksy music playing]
[ominous music playing]
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