The A List (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Capture the King

[dance music playing]
[narrator] The queen.
In chess, she's the most important
piece on the board.
But no matter how strong she is,
you only win if you capture the king.
So when Queen Amber finds out
Mia's taken her real prize
who wants to bet this game gets ugly?
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[dance music playing]
You look nice.
-I mean, not nice.
Great! You look great.
I know.
But thanks. That's sweet.
Would you like to dance?
Oh, hon. Don't overreach.
[Petal] Ta-da!
-[Alex] Do you see that?
There's someone lurking by that cabin.
There's no one there.
Stop trying to distract me!
I made one of these for you
and you are going to wear it.
It'll protect you from the evil spirits!
Can it protect me
from this basic dance music?
[Petal laughs]
You can pretend
you wanna be somewhere else,
but I see through you, Alex.
We are gonna have fun tonight.
Have you guys seen Dev?
[Mia] Nearly there.
-[Dev] What about the party?
-What about it?
You're not missing anything important.
Come on. Trust me.
[Kayleigh] I think he just went back
to get something?
Can I just say, you should
wear a tiara every day.
This music is tragic.
It's actually giving me a migraine.
Jenna! Come on! It's a party.
This isn't a party.
I am so not impressed
with midsunday or whatever.
Midsummer. It's a special night.
Yeah, for you. You got queen.
Yes, for me, but for everyone else, too.
You just need to let yourself feel it.
[dance music continues]
Whoa! We should dance!
We should totally dance.
Are you kidding me?
Don't you love this song?
Uh, no.
OMG I do!
I do! I love this song!
[dance music continues]
[Dev] It's a nice tree.
Now, explain to me why we left a party
to come and look at it?
Maybe I really like nature.
[chuckles] Mia, I only know,
like, three things about you,
and one of them is you hate nature.
You made that pretty clear on day one.
[Mia] You got me.
Okay, if I'm honest
I thought it was kind of romantic.
I'm sorry about the party.
I guess I was
hoping that we could hang out.
As in, you and me?
Now you're getting it.
-[dance music continues]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Petal] Let's dance! Come on!
I don't dance.
Well, I do.
It's called having fun.
You should try it sometime.
I'll grab us some more drinks.
[dance music continues]
Is there something wrong with me?
Is there something on my face?
It was super romantic.
It was like the perfect moment
with Zac and
he ran away.
If you want to know
whether he likes you
pretend you like someone else.
Make him jealous.
That should get a reaction.
It's time to pick a king!
-[campers chanting] King, king
Where's Dev? Is he not back yet?
-Where's Mia?
-I know, right? She's been gone for ages!
-Gone where? What's she doing?
-She snuck off with Dev over there.
Oh you weren't meant to know that.
[whispering] I totally wasn't
meant to say!
Where'd she go?
Did she already pick the king?
Nah, 'cause it's blatantly gonna be me.
Let's dance.
So, still wanna go back to the party?
What party?
-[twig snaps]
-[Mia gasps]
-[Mia] What is his issue?
-It's just one of the guys mucking around.
-You okay?
He was deliberately
trying to freak us out!
-I bet Amber sent him.
I knew she wouldn't be able to stand us
skipping her big moment!
Seriously, that girl did not need a crown.
She's already a full-on diva.
Is that why we're out here
and not the party?
Because the party's her moment?
-It is, isn't it?
This wasn't about you and me.
This was about you and her.
Wait, are you serious?
Dev! Hey!
You're reading way too much into things.
No, I'm just not stupid.
Look, I like you, Mia.
But clearly this is all just some
weird game you have with Amber.
I don't wanna be part of that.
Wait! No, you're not!
It isn't a game.
I like you, too.
Okay, then we're gonna do a proper date.
And I decide the time and place.
A proper date? Are you gonna pick me up
from my dad's house with a rose?
I'm gonna meet you tomorrow at the bridge.
12 p.m. Don't be late.
-You're kind of cocky, you know that?
[twig snaps]
[dance music continues]
[all cheering]
-[Dev] Whoa.
-[Mia] Wow.
Hey. Welcome to hell.
[Mia] This is full on.
Is that Brendan?
I'm gonna see if Zac's okay.
I thought you'd be off writing
vampire fanfiction or something.
Trust me, I wish I was anywhere else.
Only if I leave, someone's probably
gonna burn down the forest.
I would pay
for an appropriate adult right now.
-Have you seen Amber?
-How's Amber gonna help?
Don't even.
-[Mia] Have you seen--
-[Jenna] Mia!
-Missed ya! [laughs]
-Okay, what is happening?
Nothing! Tonight's just special.
It feels special. Can't you feel it?
Okay. You are way too intense right now.
And how come you're suddenly Harry's BFF?
He's cute, right? In, like, a dorky way.
Hey, Harry! I just said you're cute!
[music continues]
[Zac] She was mine!
[Brendan] Get off!
What's going on?
-[camera clicks]
Everyone, Jenna kissed Harry!
[all taunting] Jenna kissed Harry!
Jenna kissed Harry!
-[Zac grunts]
-[Kayleigh] They're fighting over me!
-Fight, fight, fight!
-[campers] Fight, fight, fight!
-[Harry] Jenna? Are you okay?
-[Jenna] Don't touch me!
-Petal, what are you doing?
-Get off me.
-Then, stop it!
-You stop!
Don't tell me what to do.
You don't even know me!
I know this isn't you. This is not cool.
You know what?
If it's so hard for you
to be at this party,
why don't you go away?
Nobody wants you here!
Yeah, that's right, you're a loser!
Get lost!
[music continues]
Hey, Amber. Did you miss me?
Sorry I borrowed your king.
Hope you don't mind.
I did bring him back.
I don't need a king,
and nobody missed you.
The party carried on without you.
Yeah, seems like it's going great,
with all the screaming and crying.
I guess some people just don't know
how to have a good time.
You look kind of tense yourself.
Are you okay?
It's sweet that you're worried about me.
You should be.
[dance music continues]
[Jenna sobbing]
[Amber] Don't cry.
[shakily] Amber?
-[Amber] It's okay.
-It's not.
I don't understand what happened.
Did you see?
Everyone saw.
Everyone's laughing.
Even your friends, like Mia.
-[Jenna sobbing]
-[Amber] Shh.
Shh, it's okay.
It hurts now, but I can take the hurt away
so no one laughs at you ever again.
You'll be with me.
That's what you want, isn't it?
So pretty.
[siren blaring]
[whimsical music playing]
Hey! Happy morning after!
Are you okay?
If you wanna talk about last night--
I don't. I'm fine.
Tell me about Dev.
It was good. Really good.
-We're going on a date.
-By the bridge.
[Harry] Hey, Jenna.
-Are you okay?
-OMG, would you please take a hint?
It's embarrassing.
Even if I wasn't with Stefan,
I still wouldn't be interested, okay?
Go bother someone else.
That was brutal.
Told you I was fine.
-Ready to play double bad cop?
[indistinct chatter]
[Dave] Right, listen up.
[yelling] Silence!
To say that we are disappointed
doesn't begin to cover it.
[Dave] We trusted you.
And you betrayed that trust
by acting like irresponsible kids.
Well, here's how you can make it up to us.
By cleaning up your mess.
[Mags] Come on, move!
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it.
-Then why did you say it?
-I don't know!
I don't know why I said any of it!
I don't think you're a loser.
I think that you might be
my favorite person here.
I just felt so angry.
-I know that's not an excuse--
It's not.
[Brendan] "If you strike me down
I shall become more powerful
than you can possibly imagine!"
[shrieks] It hurt!
You're an idiot.
Yeah, I know.
Look, I'm
I'm sorry.
Yeah, it's all right.
Me, too.
[Zac] Yeah.
-Give us a hand, then.
If anyone asks where I am, cover me.
If you're waiting for Dev,
he's not coming.
According to you.
Excuse me if I don't believe that.
What's going on?
Someone needed to tell you
you've been stood up.
You're not getting riled up
over a boy, are you?
This isn't about Dev.
It's about you.
-Jen, you told her?
-Of course she told me.
-She's my friend. Right, Jenna?
You don't have as many friends
as you think you have.
Yeah, well, if they're that two-faced,
I'll do without.
I wanted to give you fair warning.
You crossed a line with me, Mia.
That means you're not gonna get
a happy ending.
Could I just get an ending?
'Cause you talking is boring.
Pride comes before a fall.
[grunts in frustration]
[sobbing in the distance]
Who's there?
-[sobbing continues]
Can you hear me? Are you okay? [grunts]
Don't make a sound.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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