The Animatrix (2003) s01e04 Episode Script

Kid's Story

Mr. Popper, what is my policy
on ringing phones in the classroom?
-I'm sorry, sir.
-Yes, well. . .
. . .you're barely passing my class
as it is, Mr. Popper.
-It won't happen again, sir.
-For your sake, I hope not.
I turned it off. I know I did.
They know you know.
They're coming for you.
Get out. Get out now!
You are in serious trouble, Mr. Popper.
Stop right there!
Mr. Popper.
Oh, my God, you freak!
-Get out of here!
-Get out of here! You're not a girl.
Neo, I believe.
I know it wasn't a dream.
This is not real.
And the real world lies somewhere else.
A typical mental delusion. We get
unbalanced kids like this all the time.
Reality can be a pretty scary thing
for some people.
This world must have been a cold
and alienating place for a boy like that.
It's called denying reality.
It's, you know, just a self-defense
mechanism for those type of kids.
Well, he's in another world now.
Make no mistake about that.
His vitals are good. He's gonna make it.
It's unbelievable. I didn't think
self-substantiation was possible.
Apparently, it is.
It's okay. You're safe now.
I knew. . .
. . .you'd save me.
I didn't save you, kid.
You saved yourself.
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