The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Debut in the Royal Capital

You've finally come!
I apologize for taking so long.
I kind of overdid it a bit,
so I'd like to consult with
you about my status
Indeed, your current
numbers are quite inhuman.
Your life experience has yet to catch up,
but even now, you are likely
the most powerful of humans.
Want to go ahead and become a demigod?
A demigod?
They're in the same class as
holy beasts and divine dragons.
Though, Cain, you must understand that
there are limits to what you can do alone.
Don't test those limits.
Anyway, there isn't much entertainment
to be had in this realm.
Could you perhaps
use your knowledge from your
previous life to create some?
Entertainment? So if I could bring in
items that don't exist in this world
They're guaranteed to be a hit?!
I forgot they could hear my thoughts!
That's right, Cain!
Can you do it?!
Uh, yes!
After all, I'm a reincarnated noble
with memories of my past life
and off-the-charts status.
But that's a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"Debut in the Royal Capital"
Ugh, this is so awkward
So awkward!
It couldn't be more awkward!
This is not the kind of place
a boy should be in alone!
Those cat ears Is that Parma?
Oh! Master Cain!
Master Cain!
Parma! It's been five years!
What are you doing here, Master Cain?
I'm here for my debut ceremony
in the royal capital.
What about you?
I'm training here at my uncle's shop.
Parma, did one of your friends come by?
What an adorable little boy.
Uncle Tamanis, Master Cain is a noble.
What?! A noble?
Please pardon my rudeness!
Don't worry about it. I wouldn't
expect people to know.
Anyway, would you mind if
I took a look in your shop?
Wow, you have all kinds of things.
Tamanis, there's a certain
recreational item I'd like to make.
I already have some ideas.
Would you be willing to produce and sell it?
Oh? Let's see
It looks simple, yet rather entertaining.
Really? You think so?
Yes, and it's easy to learn how to play.
I think I could offer this at
a very affordable price. Yes.
Please allow me to produce this!
Great! Could you make a
prototype of it first?
I'll leave this to cover the expenses.
A g-gold coin?! Th-This is too much!
Think of it as an up-front investment.
All right. I will gratefully accept it, then.
Master Cain, as the head
of the Saracaen Company,
I will give my all to this project!
I'll see you again soon.
Crap! I forgot about Sister Reine!
S-Sister Reine
Honestly, Cain! You just disappeared on me!
I wanted you to see how I looked
in the clothes I tried on!
It's because I know you'll look cute
no matter what you're wearing.
Oh! Really?
In that case, you can take
your time seeing them at home!
Look forward to it, okay?
Here you go!
What do you think?
What do you think?
What do you think?
They all look lovely on you, Sister Reine.
Okay, now it's your turn, Cain!
Master Cain.
Mr. Tamanis has asked
you to come to his shop.
It's finished already?
It still needs refining, but I made
it my top priority to finish it.
How does it look?
It looks great! Exactly like the
Reversi I pictured in my head!
Yes. Why don't we give it a try first?
And now I've won. That's how this game works.
Master Cain
This is absolutely going to catch on!
I mean, it's a classic, super-popular
game that everybody knows
That was so much fun! I want to play again!
I'm positive this will sell!
Then, when you produce it, make a regular
version and a separate one for nobles.
I'm sure nobles and wealthy merchants
will want a fancier product,
and I'd like the regular version
to be something anyone can afford.
Let's make fifty of the noble version,
and a thousand of the regular version.
We can make a contract to produce
more as needed based on sales.
Our company doesn't have
much in the way of surplus funds.
If we charge one large silver
coin for the noble version
Large Silver Coin
Silver Coin
and one silver coin for the regular version,
and assume the production
costs let's see
I've got you covered!
M-Master Cain?!
Is this enough?
The Saracaen Company w-will
do its utmost best!
Please There's no need to bow, Mr. Tamanis.
This is just an up-front investment.
Let's start by drawing up a contract and
presenting it to the God of Commerce.
Then, if we swear to the god that we will
each uphold our end of the contract,
no one will be able to produce
the same product for three years.
I see.
Let's begin.
We offer this product to the gods.
Acknowledge now, along with our vows,
that this product belongs to none but us.
And now our contract with
the god is complete.
This product belongs to us now.
Then let's strive to start
selling it in one month.
Oh, and could I ask you to prepare
one more extravagant one?
I'll give it to the royal household.
What?! Th-The royal household?!
But a mid-scale company like ours
could never produce anything
worthy of the royal household!
Don't worry. I know you can do it.
I-I'll do it! With great pleasure!
Anyway, you must have some
amazing connections, Master Cain.
Yeah, the "amazing" part is
that it's not just the king.
The fact that the Reversi set disappeared
must mean the gods are enjoying it
right now. At least, I hope they are.
I'm home.
What have you been doing, Master Cain?!
The debut ceremony is about to begin!
You became a baron during
that audience with the king.
You'll be drawing a lot of
attention at your debut today.
I know.
Watch out for parents trying to
introduce you to their daughters.
Understood. I'll find a
way to deal with them.
You don't sound like a ten-year-old at all
I'm a bit nervous.
Be on your highest guard.
Be on my guard
Be on my guard
He looks nasty.
Is that his son and his followers?
That smile is scaring me, though!
Duke Eric, thank you again for
your generosity last time.
Allow me to introduce my third son, Cain.
Oh, right. The baron thing
was declared in private,
so this is the first time it's
being discussed in public.
Ah, so you are Margrave Garm's son.
Yes. I am Cain von Silford.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Well, well! If it isn't the
great hero, Baron Cain.
Thank you for
Again, that smile is scaring me!
saving my beloved Silk the other day.
I hope we will have a favorable relationship.
Master Cain.
It is an honor to see you.
I am Silk von Santana.
Thank you for saving me when I was in danger.
I hope we will have a favorable relationship.
M-Miss Silk!
You look beautiful in that dress!
So lovely that you could
be mistaken for a princess!
R-Really? Do you really think it suits me?
It suits you very well!
Master Cain!
Master Cain!
I do believe Master Cain is a bit too
skilled with the ladies for a ten-year-old.
Goodness! His sister Reine is
just such a tomboy, you see.
She can get very upset if one isn't careful,
and he has grown used to that.
I see.
Goodbye, then.
You don't act ten years old at all.
I kind of ended up talking to her
like I would to Sister Reine.
Giving Sister Reine compliments always
puts her in such high spirits.
I apologize.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for
traveling so far to join us today.
I hope all of you who are
turning ten this year
will put in your best efforts
to move this kingdom forward.
Your Majesty.
Thank you for inviting us here today.
Cain, greet Princess Telestia, as well.
Of course.
Princess Telestia, you look
as beautiful as ever today.
I thought a goddess had appeared before me,
and I was so overcome that
I even forgot to breathe.
Garm, how did you raise your child
to be such a philanderer?
Just look at Teles!
A goddess Master Cain
called me a goddess
Master Cain called me
a goddess!
The king's smile is kind of scary, too!
U-Um I brought something today
that I would like to present to you.
May I take it out of my Item Box?
Very well, philanderer.
What is this?
A game that I developed in cooperation
with the Saracaen Company.
It's called Reversi.
Reversi? That sounds entertaining.
I'd like to hear more about it later.
I need to talk to you about your
treatment of my daughter, as well.
Come to the parlor after
the ceremony. Understand?
I certainly do.
Cain, you were involved in the production
of a game without my knowledge?
Yes. After being named a baron,
I feared I might not have enough money
to maintain the mansion I was given.
I understand. You are a full-fledged
noble with a peerage now.
It's up to you to take
responsibility for your own life.
I need to go back and make my rounds.
Try talking just with other children
for a change, as a child would.
As a child would, huh?
I guess becoming a baron and
getting involved in commerce
is a bit much for a ten-year-old.
Hello, Master Cain! Are you by yourself?
Teles is still with the king,
so why don't we talk for a while?
Thank you.
Isn't this amazing?
There are so many more
people than I expected.
I couldn't spend all my
time talking to Teles,
so I'm glad I found you, Master Cain.
Silk, please stop calling me "Master Cain."
Hm? Should I call you "Cain," then?
Or would you prefer "Baron Cain"?
No, no. Just "Cain," please.
In that case
Cain! Cain! Cain!
Wait You don't have to
say it over and over
Well, if it isn't Miss Silk!
Greetings to you. What a
lovely dress you're wearing.
Squee! Master Habit! Greetings to you!
That's what she's gonna do!
Whoa, talk about ice-cold!
Hey, you!
Master Habit, the eldest son of the
Marquis of Corgino, is talking to Miss Silk!
Butt out!
Yep, he's Corgino's son.
Don't you even know how to greet people?
Oh Good evening, Habit.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I am Baron Cain.
Hey! Where does a measly baron's son get
off addressing Master Habit that way?!
Address him with "Master"!
Yeah! And we're the sons of viscounts!
Use "Master" when you talk to us, too!
Wait just a minute, you two.
Yes, sir!
This rude Cain boy must come
from such a poor barony
that he can't even give his last name.
If you apologize now,
I'll hold these two back.
I can see that Miss Silk is worried, too.
Hey! What's that supposed to mean?
It's all right. Habit will be
the one to apologize first.
What do you mean by that?!
Miss Silk is clearly upset.
Perhaps you are the rude one?
You're nothing but a destitute baron!
If you refuse to apologize
There are too many people
in here! Step outside!
Uh-oh. Did I take that a bit too far?
Cain, what are you going to do?
I told you that you didn't
need to come with me.
But I'm just so worried about you!
I'll be fine, really!
But, Cain
Hey, you!
Quit your flirting and look at me!
Listen when I'm speaking!
These two have the gods' protection,
and they can use magic!
I bet you—
Oh, Cain! I'm scared!
Hey! Get away from her!
You're about to witness a legend!
Wait, how do I do that again? Like this?
The way he's so hesitant
is just scaring me more!
Here I go!
Magic of mine, open and strengthen!
All right! More and more
magic is gathering to me!
Appear here now, reveal in
darkness, amplify the light
and burn with the glow of dawn!
Great Magic:
Great Magic:
Fire Ball!
What?! Okay, it's my turn!
I'll get you with my earth magic!
Let me see that.
Magic of mine, open and strengthen!
All right! More and more
magic is gathering to me!
Appear here now, reveal in
darkness, amplify the light
Turn heaven to earth, and earth to soil!
Great Magic:
Great Magic:
Rock Bullet!
In that case Magic of mine, grow—
How long are you going to keep this up?!
Enough of this senseless squabbling!
I don't know how you got so confused,
but Cain is not the son of a baron!
He is a baron!
Don't you know him? He's the third
son of Margrave Garm von Silford!
I'm Baron Cain von Silford.
He saved Princess Telestia and me
from an army of thirty orcs all by himself!
I'm Baron Cain von Silford.
I-I did hear of a kid who annihilated
an army led by an orc general
and was granted a peerage,
even though he's our age!
And that kid was
Baron Cain von Silford!
You should be bowing!
Please forgive us!
I didn't realize you were a baron
and said all those rude things!
It's nice to meet you.
Y-Yes, sir! We're very sorry!
Did you see the looks on their faces?
Cain, you knew they were
mistaken, didn't you?
You have a surprising dark side to you.
I'll have to tell Teles about that!
Uh, no, please don't
If you'll go on a date with me,
I'll keep your secret.
What are you keeping a secret?
Just now—
Master Cain, touching an
unmarried lady's lips is scandalous!
I'll have to inform Duke Eric of this!
Tell me the truth!
Silk, what happened?
N-Nothing happened! Really!
We were just saying that Cain and
I would go on a date sometime.
What? You and Master Cain
on a d-d-date?!
Also, you've stopped calling
him "Master" all of a sudden!
Th-There are a few reasons for that
I'm jealous! I want a date
with Master Cain, too!
That's so cute. Her cheeks
look like sweet buns.
All right.
Let's go on a date sometime, Teles.
Where did you say you're going?
On a date with Master Cain, of course!
Cain, your game isn't all
we need to talk about.
It appears we need to have a nice,
long chat about Teles, as well
Man to man
To our hearts' content!
He's gonna chew me out again!
Master Cain!
Yes, sire!
This is quite amusing.
I'd like to keep it a secret
between just you and me.
No, I think we should share this
entertainment with everyone in the kingdom.
Speaking of, I hear you've
arranged for a date with my Silk.
The engagement is settled, but our
plans are still a secret, so
be very careful.
Indeed. Don't let anyone
else find out. Right?
You philanderer.
They're really strong
Next time, "Welcome to My
Off-the-Charts Mansion."
"Welcome to My Off-the-Charts Mansion"
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