The Assassins (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

House of the Sultanate's Secret

The secret
with only one person
My son
Praise be to God.
The Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah died
Badr Al-Jamali wants to
takes full control of Cairo
through Al-Musta'li.
The powerful Armenian minister,
Badr Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali controlled
over every aspect of the Fatimid State
and so the treachery began,
and the sedition was ignited
then Badr El-Deen
disposed of the elder son
the death of Nizar
Al-Mustansir Billah's son
the death of Nizar
Al-Mustansir Billah's son
it was the gate opened
for Hassan Al-Sabbah
I offer you my soul, mind, and body
to start a new dawah
dawah for the murdered Imam
from whom no connection
remains with the world
except for one person
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Al-Dawah al-Nizariyyah
Hassan was exiled to Morocco
but he exploited destiny and circumstances
but he exploited destiny and circumstances
and knowledge
and the boat went to Acre
and from Acre to Isfahan
Hassan begins the rest of his journey
and his dream and secret.
At the same time,
the minister Nizam Al-Mulk
was managing the affairs of the Sultanate
and consolidating the
rule of Sultan Malik-Shah
with cleverness and cunning
he quelled the familial sedition
-Long live Sultan Malik-Shah!
-Long live Sultan Malik-Shah!
-Long live Sultan Malik-Shah!
-Long live Sultan Malik-Shah!
and the friends will meet
"Episode Four"
"House of the Sultanate's Secret"
If you had the choice
to kill Hassan to live
kill Hassan!
I arrived here with my faith.
There aren't two faiths
only one faith.
-One faith in what?
-In Hassan Al-Sabbah!
Another nightmare?
I feel for you, Hassan.
The danger really increases for us.
Danger is the sacred path
that leads me to my goal
my presence in danger is safety, Donia.
they said he gets out
expelled on a ship to Morocco
and I said the boat to dock in Acre.
and I said the boat to dock in Acre.
I want those.
Can you afford them?
Your sword.
If my sword comes out, I'd take
them without paying any silver.
I am tired.
You're not a girl, the road is still long.
Hassan is still a child.
I want him to become a man.
"Acre Port"
Long live Sultan Malik-Shah!
Yahya! Yahya!
Yahya! Yahya!
Have you gone mad? He's your
brother, not your enemy!
You avenge who killed
your father when you fight.
Pardon me, commander.
I have become jealous
I have become jealous
Of whom?
Of your love for your work
we don't see you anymore
Your loyalty to Sultan and state
has become bigger than your love
for me and our children.
The strength of the state
comes from my strength, lady Gulnar.
What about us?
You living in glory and safety
my success at work and my sincerity to it
is what ensures everything
for this house, Gulnar.
It's not guaranteed
none of this is guaranteed
governance and politics
never treated anyone fairly
they are dangerous.
Gulnar, danger exists even
when I'm asleep in bed
what makes men is betting on the
truth, no matter how dangerous it is
safety is in taking risks.
Every day you win
your enemies increase.
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Those enemies are the fuel for manhood.
How is the beloved of
the Sultanate's minister?
I wish I was the wife
of a simple carpet maker.
You're laughing!
I would have made you
the most beautiful carpet
I would knit it
for you with silk threads
and draw your beautiful face on it
I would hang it on the wall
so that no one steps on it with their feet
only look at it with their eyes
only look at it with their eyes
so that everyone knows
What it means for a man to love a woman.
You know how to deceive me!
Shall I order the food?
Do you know what our state lacks?
We have a great sultan
and we have a strong army
we have great scholars
and established schools
we have great scholars
and established schools
we're just missing two geniuses
Omar Khayyam
and Hassan Al-Sabbah
Goodbye, goodbye
Oh mortal world, goodbye
The resurrection occurred
The resurrection occurred
and people are either in heaven
or in hell and they are unaware
-Who's in hell and who's in heaven?
-Everyone's in hell.
-Then who’s in heaven?
In heaven alone
dancing and singing
In heaven alone
dancing and singing
How are you, Abu Suhon?
Our number increased
I have 200 preacher with me
for Imam Nizar.
I'm returning to Isfahan, there're a lot
going on between me and Nizam Al-Mulk
We are with you around Isfahan.
Stay with the poor and the needy
treat them with kindness and mercy
don't say anything
but one sentence to them
the scholars are liars and they
aren't the people with arguments
How do we meet?
On moonless nights
at the cave of ibn Attash.
Goodbye, goodbye
Oh mortal world, goodbye.
Isfahan again, Hassan?
I must meet Nizam Al-Mulk.
What guarantees you that
Nizam Al-Mulk will receive you well?
The pledge between us
He might deny it.
He might forget it.
He might forget it.
It's not like him.
Other than that, he needs me.
An enemy state to us and
our school of thought, Hassan.
There's no school of thought.
-I'll deny it.
-You'll deny it!
the friends meet.
Years have gone by
but it seems like our hearts didn't change
So, as long as the hearts remain the same
then surely the pledges are too.
then surely the pledges are too.
A man's nature is to keep pledges.
So it’s time.
Do you know what I have become now?
The minister of a state that
God wished to be the strongest.
The minister of the strongest state
won't allow anyone
coming from the Fatimid
to preach his school of thought here.
Who said I'm here to
preach any school of thought?
I just came to remind
you of our pledge.
I'm keeping the pledge
but within the secure boundaries
of Sultan Malik-Shah's state.
Does the state's power lies
only in the military, Tusi?
Or it also lies in knowledge
and people’s minds?
Do you want to manage a province
and be responsible for it?
and responsible for
the sciences and philosophy?
I can provide you
with all the capabilities.
No, no.
I be a ruler! I rule people!
I can't even rule myself.
-I don't want it.
Then stay by my side in the ministry diwan
You will be in charge
of scientific affairs
and astronomy, algebra, and mathematics.
No, nor this, Tusi.
-I am still learning.
-I knew it.
Omar Khayyam is a man
without responsibility except
Yes, dreams.
I'm not like you, I'm free
and I want to stay free.
Omar Khayyam's
freedom is our responsibility
Omar Khayyam's
freedom is our responsibility
and at the expense of our state.
And you, Hassan.
Do you know why I saved you for last?
Because of the danger of ambition.
There is no danger,
nor ambition nor anything
I just want to be in a place
where I can benefit you
and benefit the state that you love
A place where I can give
all my effort and intellect, Tusi.
By God's grace
By God's grace
I have established
the largest surveillance system
there is no human
who whispers from his lips
and I don't know what he said
and from me
to our lord, the Sultan
can you imagine the level
of trustworthiness and honesty!
Yeah, but
what would my role be exactly?
You will be responsible in front of me
for writing
all surveillance reports
in a simplified form
for our Sultan.
But this is indeed a
great responsibility.
You'll be responsible for
the writing of the surveillance reports
but at the same time
you will also be under surveillance
just like any human in Isfahan.
As long as your safety
ensures my safety, agreed.
Then tomorrow we will all pray behind
our lord, the Sultan in the grand mosque.
Then tomorrow we will all pray behind
our lord, the Sultan in the grand mosque.
All of us.
You want me to accept two
in this position in the Sultanate court
one of them is from
another school of thought
you want trust it with
the secrets of the state
and the other to spend its money on him
And he is known for
his doubt and lack of faith
that is if he even has faith!
Our state is great, my lord
Our state is great, my lord
it is unparalleled
and great states open
their doors for great minds
and Hassan Al-Sabbah is a great mind
he will do everything he
can to present amazing ideas
for our state and our Sultan
to prove his loyalty
and regains the trust he lost when
he was expelled from the Fatimid
as for Omar Khayyam
he'll present new ideas
especially in algebra
he'll present new ideas
especially in algebra
mathematics, astronomy and calendar
besides, he has a free heart
the free person do not betray, my lord.
Are you guaranteeing their loyalty?
I guarantee them with my life,
Your Excellency, the Sultan.
The pain doesn't go away, Ibrahim.
Take this
Press this under your tooth for relief.
Are you treating him with parsley?
Are you treating him with parsley?
Enough ignorance, Soliman.
That's enough, Soliman.
My bad, Tayfour.
I wish a war soon so you could unleash
this pent-up rage inside you on
someone other than me, Yahya
-It's just a minor scratch, Tayfour.
-But in his eye
and the best thing
about him is his eyes
-He has nothing else.
Calm down!
I apologize, it's my fault, Tayfour.
What's wrong, Ibrahim?
Just press it underneath your tooth.
What do I have to do with Abu Hanifa,
Al-Shafi'i, Malik, and ibn Hanbal?
I want to hear about someone alive
A reliable person whom
everyone agrees upon.
And who is this trustworthy
man that everyone agrees upon
so far, according to you?
The living Imam
our lord, the Awaited Mahdi.
Alright, fine.
Bring him to me for discussion
or instead
Tell me where he is and I'll go to
him and I'll be among his first followers
if his words are true.
He's in occultation.
How am I supposed to
solve my problems and issues?
Or am I supposed to wait
and not to address any issue
until he decides to show up?
There're preachers who speak
on his behalf and we listen to them.
How do they speak on his
behalf when he's absent?
How can I trust them? And
what is their evidence anyway?
If they know the method of
communication and his location
why don't they tell the rest
of the people so they can also follow him?
You will never follow him,
nor see him nor know him
because your heart doesn't have
the light guiding you to him.
Your heart is polluted with the
love of the world and bribes
and the false belief that knowledge
resides only in people like you
-People like you lack knowledge.
-Man, why the false accusations?
-We're discussing with reason.
-There is no reason with our lord's words.
-We're discussing with reason.
-There is no reason with our lord's words.
-Where is this lord?
-He is there!
And God has hidden him from your sight.
You won't kill him like
the Imams before, disbelievers.
-How rude! You need discipline!
-Leave him alone!
-Leave him.
-He needs to be disciplined!
I'm responsible for him.
So he can learn how to
be polite with scholars.
Who told you to argue with scholars?
My faith.
I think it's better
not to confront the scholars
It's enough that you distort
their image in front of the poor and needy
Let them teach people disbelief?
Scholars in mosques
talk to people like them
all of them are in the same ignorance
but the oppressed poor
sitting in his house
that's who you should go
to and knock on his door
and even serve him
he must see your mercy and righteousness
then you invite him
to your school of faith
with affection, not reason.
then he will hate the world
and hate his servitude to
the state and the Sultan.
until the known day comes.
What day?
Scholars in mosques who can't
find anyone to listen to them.
At first, I thought you would torture me.
I thought our lord Hassan
denied our school of thought
and became a subject to
the Sultan and Nizam Al-Mulk.
and became a subject to
the Sultan and Nizam Al-Mulk.
I love a person who chooses, Ardash
human is free
I can smuggle you and you can
spread dawah somewhere else
and I can torture you
and this will consolidate my
position and dawah better.
and your wounds and pains
are an evidence of sincerity
in the heart of every oppressed
who has seen or heard
of Ardash's suffering for dawah
do whatever your heart tells you.
By the way, Ardash
I love you unconditionally.
Scholars' obedience is mandatory!
At first, I didn't believe
your words about him
his loyalty led him to
flog a fellow believer
Hassan Al-Sabbah's
loyalty is to himself, my lord
now it's in his interest
to prove his loyalty to us
Omar Khayyam is awaiting
my lord, the Sultan.
An unprecedented accurate
calculation of the year.
We will have a great
calendar and yearly calculations.
Omar Khayyam, oh my lord
Who is like Omar Khayyam!
Omar, how can you combine poetry
Omar, how can you combine poetry
which is something romantic and spiritual
with Algebra which is
more of an intellectual matter?
everything I do, I do it with love
algebra, the calculation
like music is free
and like the mind, it has calculations.
I also want to hear some poetry.
My lord, the Sultan
-It seems the poet Omar…
I want to hear Omar's poetry
unrestrained as you write it.
That departing blames the drunkards
If I wake, I would repent
and sins are redeemed
I took pride in
abstemiousness of luxury
Sinful she comes,
blaming the youngster
I heard a yelling voice at early dawn
calling from the unseen
the heedless humans
Rush to fill the cup of desires before
Life's cup would be filled with
The hand of fate
I can't believe it.
What can't you believe?
As if you are a man
without ambition.
Does ambition means to be in charge?
My ambition is to remain free
There is no greater ambition than this.
When I saw you
A bold lover in ibn Al-Taher's palace
I thought you were a man
with limitless ambition.
Your eyes are my ambition.
Sometimes I am sad when I feel
that I can't understand what you want.
I want my freedom
What contradicts your freedom
in being a man of power?
A great contradiction
every power is a chain I don't need.
Anyway, I love you and that's enough
I don’t have to love you
and understand you.
How about I teach you to read and write?
So your mind would understand mine.
Even if you flog a thousand
Esoterics every day or even kill them
that won't change
my opinion of you, Hassan
that won't change
my opinion of you, Hassan
The cord of affection and
friendship is extended, Hassan
But if I discover that you are
spreading your school of thought
in the great Seljuk state
I will not flog you or imprison you
I will place your head on a
spear for all of Isfahan to see
You know what would be the greatest
dawah to my school of thought right now?
That you actually roam with
my head on a spear in Isfahan.
That you actually roam with
my head on a spear in Isfahan.
It will be as if you tell people
to see for themselves
here it is a head of a new oppressed
and a head of a new oppressed
means new followers
-Is this a challenge, Hassan?
-On the contrary
It's obedience and loyalty
I'm telling you, if I want
me to become a hero
pushing you to cut off my head
is the easiest thing to do
and become a new martyr
in the chain of martyrs
but I don't want to
I want the state to be stable.
Come and learn about your new mission.
This section is dedicated
to the Byzantines.
As for this,
it's dedicated to
the Fatimid Caliphate
and this is for the Abbasid
as for the one behind you
it's for the Far East.
How can you get accurate
inventory of information?
that ultimately brings you to
a particular meaning or warning?
We can, Hassan.
Your job is to summaries
with utmost accuracy
you can start with the Fatimid
your friends
you know better about
them and their affairs
it would gives us a chance
to compare the results you get
with the information we have
so we could measure
your honesty and loyalty.
Here, you'll find information
about all the dissenters
like the Esoterics for example
Their meetings and their numbers
who among them is
active and who is passive
and others
and others
and of course, other dissenters
You'll find information about the Sufi,
the philosophers, and the Mutakallimun
people of other faiths. You'll find here
whatever comes to your mind, Hassan.
If you allow me, I'll have
to stay here for three nights.
So as to be able to get an
idea related to summarization.
Three nights?
In the house Sultanate's secret?
I wish you tell the people
responsible for my surveillance
I wish you tell the people
responsible for my surveillance
to take care of me, if
I need food or beverage.
Those who enter the house
Sultanate's secret, Hassan
leave without a secret.
It means you go in and out
without a secret.
Our Lord, the Proof Hassan Al-Sabbah
Our Lord, the Proof Hassan Al-Sabbah
sends his salutations to each
and every one of you
may the peace of our Imam be upon you
may God sanctify his secret
and perpetuate his shadow
He tells you that
Imam loves you very much
Continue praying for our Imam Nizar
who is always smiling at you
and pleased with you.
Tell the kind-hearted, that
the dream is about to come true
and that the days of justice are near.
Justice without oppression, and
the oppressive state is destined to fall
He wants to tell you
something critical
our lord the Proof Hassan Al-Sabbah
Do not be deceived by the oppressive
state's victory over the polytheists.
The Seljuks' victory over
the Crusaders does not mean anything.
They're all the same.
The Seljuk and Abbasid
are not so different from
the Crusaders, Buddhists, or Zoroastrians.
All of them are equally misguided.
You are the people of the truth.
Even if you're a small
white dot in a black world.
The hour of relief is near.
From the Abbasid Caliph, the
Caliph of Muslims to Malik-Shah
I write to you to warn you
of the imminent danger
the observers have informed us
the observers have informed us
of something that our responsibility
compels us to share with you
For the third time, you
haven't done your duty.
You didn't memorize what's
required, nor helped your brother
and I've been told you fell
from the horse three times.
and I've been told you fell
from the horse three times.
-What did I teach you for?
-I can't remember.
I hate you.
I don't like reading nor horse riding.
You are Hassan Al-Sabbah's son
What you ask of me every day is too much
-It's beyond my ability.
-Nothing is beyond your ability.
You can even do the impossible!
No, I can't!
If you've forgotten what I
taught you, let me remind you.
You know your father appreciates
a man who chooses.
Do you choose to spend an entire night
alone in the darkness until morning?
or tomorrow at this time you would
have done all your duties and even more?
or tomorrow at this time you would
have done all your duties and even more?
I'd spend the night alone in the dark.
-It's his choice!
For my sake, Hassan!
For my sake!
Don't worry!
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