The Assembly (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Delta Goodrem

Two. One, two. One, two.
ABBEY: Come on, Delta! Hurry up!
CHAU: I'm a bit starstruck by Delta.
II always get starstruck.
Once we were in Darling Harbour
and I met the Yellow Wiggle,
and I was so starstruck
that I couldn't even talk.
I was like
Wait. Oh, my gosh! She's coming!
Hi, Delta!
I'm Abbey. Nice to meet you.
Hi, Abbey.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
And I'm Chau.
Hey, Chau. How are you doing?
Yes. Chau.
Chau. Easy.
I'm just gonna
check my questions first
and then I'm gonna
put it back in my pocket
so I can remember them.
LEIGH: Yeah, sure.
It's actually the same
as song lyrics for me.
Most people at my shows,
they end up
singing the words back for me.
Hello! Hello! Welcome! G'day!
Alright, everybody.
Um, Abbey
Come in!
..would you like to start us off?
Hello, Delta. Um, our rules are,
no subject is out of bounds,
no question is off the table,
and anything might happen.
So sit back and enjoy The Assembly.
MAN: Quiet on set.
For the first time in Australia,
autistic students are undertaking
an autism-friendly
Introduction to Journalism course.
They will be mentored by one
of Australia's best journalists
and attend classes at university.
So, these are our microphones.
Testing, testing.
To test their skills,
the students will interview
some of Australia's
most famous people
This is the Prime Minister.
To find the real person.
How do you find so many girlfriends?
You've really put me
on the spot there.
Do people always understand
your jokes and interests?
No, they don't.
Speaking of life, how long
would you like yours to be?
No, that one
that one's just too weird.
I'll be the judge of that.
ALL: We are The Assembly!
DALE: Whoa!
Where are you sitting, Mitch?
MITCH: I don't mind.
Are you sitting there?
I am sitting there.
Are you sitting there?
I'm sitting here.
OK, I'll sit there.
I've just pinched it.
Let's get this party started.
It's such
an amazing experience so far,
and it'll definitely be
something I remember forever.
Oh! Here she comes.
ABBEY: She's the guest of honour!
Morning, everyone.
Good morning, Leigh.
How are you all going?
Good, thank you.
(CHUCKLES) That's good.
So, would you all
be interested in knowing
who our next interview
is going to be?
Next time
on the journalism course
She is a singer, songwriter, actor.
She has had one of
the highest-selling albums
in Australian music history.
It's Delta Goodrem.
CHAU: I'm super nervous,
'cause, like, um,
Delta Goodrem is someone
I, like, might be starstruck by.
She's done a lot with her life.
Like maybe a month ago,
I'd never seen her in a film
and I watched Hating Alison Ashley.
I looked at her and I was like,
"She's, like, one of
the most beautiful Australians."
Like, she'sshe was Barbie
before, you know,
Margot Robbie was Barbie.
You know, she was
just always the Barbie.
I've always watched her
on The Voice
and me and my mum
love her on The Voice,
and I'm sure
everyone else here does.
Does anyone know
any of Delta's songs?
ABBEY: Sitting On Top Of The World.
that's a very popular one.
Born To Try.
Oh, yeah. Born To Try.
# But I was born to try
# I've learned to love #
There was one song, Paralyzed,
and that was about her
when she was really sick
after she had
her saliva glands removed.
I'm taking this
as, like, a rebirth thing.
What an inspiration! Wow!
This is going to be amazing.
Um, OK, let's split into our groups
and I'll come around
and work with everyone.
Isn't it crazy that
her career is older than you?
Delta has been on our screens
and in our ears
for longer than he's been alive.
Like, it's a pretty interesting
thought, I reckon.
Well, Clint Eastwood's been
on the screens for, like, what
(LAUGHS) That's true. 70 years, so
WAY longer than we've been alive.
OK. Fletcher.
Questions I got
Which one of your characters
is similar to your inner self?
Do you have a top four
favourite family movies?
I'm just thinking, Fletch
Mm? we have to know her top four?
Why four?
Because four, it reminds me
of the four heroes
who always saved New York City,
and that's the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Oh! OK. Right. So you like
number four for that reason.
I love watching movies all the time,
and I do lots of movie references.
People can describe me as handsome,
funny, and a very good friend.
This here is where I do
my TikTok videos.
Yeah, I'm kind of dressed up
as Woody from Toy Story,
which, hopefully,
there's gonna be Toy Story 5.
I like to do TikTok videos
and make people happy, just like you.
Hey, howdy, howdy.
I've gone through
lots of really rough times.
Like, I was supposed
to go to my Year 10 formal,
but I was never invited
because I was "autistic".
If only they'd
get to know me better.
Like, you should never judge someone
before you get to know them.
Say hello to my father,
who is a silly old man,
and my lovely queen.
There's so many things in life
that can be hard.
Whereas, if you see things
from Fletcher's point of view,
you focus on the good,
you focus on the happy.
He literally embodies joy 24/7.
Penny, why don't you say hello
to the nice people?
We've created this whole world
trying to make people
who are on the autism spectrum
behave like neurotypical people.
Maybe neurotypical is wrong.
So relaxing.
As a, like, artist
with actual published music,
and obviously your songs
are gonna be on karaoke lists,
wouldn't it be funny if you go
to, like, a karaoke bar
or a place that has karaoke
and you just sing your own song,
and you gatecrash it?
That is such a good question.
Do you sing your own songs
at karaoke?
You gotta Come on.
That is a good question.
That's a good one.
# 'Cause I was born to try
# And learn to love. #
That's great!
Yeah, I know quite a few
of her songs.
I'm just really excited to ask her
all about her music career.
I was wondering if she'd ever,
like, experienced bullying.
'Cause sometimes I've had
experience with bullying
and I was trying to, like,
search stories
if she had had any experience
and, like, spoken up about it.
'Cause, like,
being in the limelight,
you have a lot of, like,
nasty comments and stuff.
That's a really good question.
And again, I think
that's probably something
that she hasn't been asked.
Maybe more of a, like,
what helps you to overcome that
and get back out into the world?
Hello! My name's Bethany
and at 22 I received my diagnosis
of ADHD and autism.
I was uncovering a lot
of trauma from my childhood
from having to be someone
that I wasn't for so long
and feeling a lot of that pressure.
Where I was before being
diagnosed with autism, ADHD,
it was such a literal box
I put myself in.
I would do my make-up
and I would prepare the way that I
would hold my face for the day.
I used to go to the bathroom
just to make, like,
"Oh, am Ido I look weird?
Am I, like, too big?"
Whereas now I'm unfiltered.
I just am myself.
I've got these really cute
I love wearing little accessories
like clips in my hair,
and I've got these
cute little earmuffs,
so they, like, just make me feel
warm and fuzzy and cute.
I've never smiled like this before.
I've never just been my big self
and not wanted to go check after
to see if my smile was embarrassing.
I'm so excited to be myself.
MAN: Stand by for camera 4.
Delta should be
coming around pretty soon.
Any second?
I've never met Delta before.
My one thing that I worry about is
people that have been famous
for a very long time
often have a very carefully
crafted public persona.
Let's say hello to everyone.
Right. Hey, team!
This will be your seat.
This is my seat. Hello.
And the key to an interview
is breaking that down
and getting to the real person.
And my question is, will we
be able to do that with Delta?
Hello. Come on in!
As if it's my house.
I'm like, "Come in! Come in!"
"The water's fine!"
"Make yourself at home!"
Where am I going?
Hello, darling.
Like with any other celebrities,
I want to be cool,
I want to look good.
How you doing, beautiful?
I love that hat.
Thank you.
I have, like,
an expectation of, like,
"Oh, I'm gonna be so confident,"
but then I know that I'll be like,
"Uhuhuh" (LAUGHS)
Alright, everybody, it's wonderful
to have us all gathered here.
Hi. I like that jacket.
Andrew, would you kick us off,
please, and just set the scene?
This is a safe space.
Everyone can relax
and be themselves.
There will be no judgement.
Please do what you need to join in -
for example, fidget,
move and take a break.
Ask if you need anything
to help you to be included.
Thank you. That was beautiful.
Oh, yeah.
I love it. My heart is open
and it goes both ways.
I appreciate it, Andrew.
I feel like you're giving me
the pep talk as well.
Oh, good. Yeah. Thank you.
But it is I'm excited to dive in
and I say, um, treasure hunt
for truths within
and within our hearts.
And my ethos and intention
for music and getting into this
was people, connection,
love and music.
That's all I ever got into this for.
ALL: Aww.
ABBEY: Aww! Thank you so much.
It's true.
LEIGH: Jackson
Jackson, you're up.
How are you?
Good. You?
Very well, thank you.
You are 40 this year.
Any plans
Oh (SPUTTERS) Jackson!
ANASTASIA: What the hell was that?!
No, no, no.
Yeah, II love that
I'm turning 40. Go for it.
Any plans for your party?
The party?
You big on the, uh, birthday parties?
What's the, uh?
You'd just like to come to my 40th?
Is this the angle
we're going for? (LAUGHS)
I think II sort of
I can't believe
I'm actually turning 40 either.
I'm like, "Am I? What does
this mean in the scale of life?"
But I'm so excited
for a new chapter in my 40s
andand I welcome it.
What a privilege it is
toto get older, as well.
Thank you, Jackson.
You're welcome.
Angus, you're up next.
Alright. Hello, I'm Angus.
Hi, Angus.
Um, you are 29 this year
You've already achieved so much.
Like, obviously, there's a lot
of people who look up to you
and get a bit starstruck by you.
I'm sure a lot of people
in this room feel the same way.
But is there anyone
that you get starstruck by
if you were to meet them?
Have you met them before,
or are you yet to meet them?
Let me tell you some of my
embarrassing stories here. Um
It's about to get juicy!
So, I'll tell you, you
Heard of Coldplay?
Ah! Once or twice.
For some reason,
Chris Martin unhinges me,
um, with mywith my
ability to speak.
And when we'd spoken,
I just always got really awkward.
And I can get quite awkward
I was having dinner
with Olivia Newton-John,
and we were having dinner
at a restaurant in LA,
and I was like, "Oh, no."
I could see Chris Martin's walked in,
and he's sitting therehe's
sitting there at aat a dinner.
And I was like, "Please
don't notice that we're here.
"Please don't notice
that we're here."
And then I'd go on to the car park,
sure enough, then
I'm there with Olivia,
and then he comes up
and he goes, "Delta!"
And he goes, like,
"Why didn't you say hi?"
In my head I was like, "Because I
embarrass myself every single time!"
But I'm like,
"Oh! Hello. Nice to see you."
I said really weird things
to him every time.
It's OK. I'm like that with people
I don't have a crush on, so
Yeah, yeah.
Like, everyone I meet, pretty much.
So, yeah, yeah.
The anxiety sweats come out
and you're like (BABBLES)
ANASTASIA: Yeah, that's me.
I hate when I do that. And
it makes me sound like Porky Pig.
Everyone goes through it.
Everyone feels this way!
And finally, um,
I love your latest single.
It's got really spacey vibes.
Thank you.
I've been into space my entire life.
I love the rocket references
Me too. Me too.
..and stuff like that too.
I think the question that everyone
wants to know the answer to,
and it's really important
to me as well
What's your favourite planet?
Oh! That IS a great question!
When I was a kid,
I always loved Neptune.
That's my favourite planet too!
No way!
Oh, yeah!
No way!
No way!
Solidarity. Yeah.
You guys are twinning!
I loved the colours
and I thought it was
a little bit like
Sort of the purples
and the pinks and the sort of
Yeah. So that was mine.
Yeah, yeah.
Great name too.
Beautiful name.
Deep, dark, mysterious.
Beautiful blue.
It's made of methane,
so it's a massive ball of fart gas.
But it's really pretty to look at.
Yeah. Love that. Go, Neptune!
Yeah. Neptune! Solidarity!
Thanks, Delta.
Thank you!
Dylan, you're up next.
Who is
I won't look, I promise.
Who is
Who is
Who's the best-looking person
you've ever kissed or dated?
Well, well, well.
Give me a hug. Give me a hug.
Mwah! Kiss would be you.
Kiss would be you.
I think thatit is you.
ANGUS: Onya, Dylan!
getting love from the girls!
I'm gonna have to go my fiance,
other than that, Dylan.
Don't tell him. Don't tell him
I gave you a kiss there.
Oh, uh
Dylan, do you want
to pass the mic to Andrew,
and then he can ask
the next question.
I might I've got this
I've taken this out.
I'm losing my mic, Andrew.
Oh, right. Yeah, great. OK.
That Yep. Sure. OK.
No, no. You're good. You're good.
Hello, Delta.
Hi, Andrew.
As an autism advocate, I'm wondering
if you ever had a sensory concert.
And if not, would you
consider having one?
A sensory concert?
And what's involved
in a sensory concert?
A sensory concert is where
we've got quiet areas
and, like, headphones,
and the lights are lower
and things like that
for people like
..especially with me, like,
with sensory and things with autism.
I love that idea.
Anything that I can do in that space
and be educated on Andrew,
then Ithen I love that, and
That sounds fantastic.
Let's make it happen.
I'd love a concert like that.
That's a really good idea.
Thank you very much. And I've got
another question for you.
I own my own car-washing business.
Do you drive,
or does someone drive you?
Andrew, I can safely say
you probably don't want to be
on the roads when I'm around.
Oh, OK. Yes.
I'm a little bit speedy
I'm a little bitmore of a
more of a rally car driver.
(LAUGHS) Amazing.
Also, am I getting Do I bring
my car to your place as well?
The car wash?
(LAUGHS) If you wanted to, yes.
Where are we?
What sort of car
do you have, Delta?
I have a Porsche.
Oh, OK. Wow. Nice.
(LAUGHS) That's nice. Yeah. Nice.
Let's go, Chau.
Delta Goodrem, you are famous.
What's it like to receive
a level of love from strangers
rather than people you know?
Um, II always, um,
have an open heart
for somebody who wants
to stop and have a chat
about if they
didn't like my hair in 2005,
or, you know, if they
if they're really
..if they loved a song and it was
at their wedding, or, you know
II'm extremely open
when it comes to those interactions.
And I look at it like,
in my head, I've been a part
of their life in some way.
And Iwhen they
when people approach me,
I often feel it in my heart
that I can feel like I know them.
Like I have a sense,
like I know them.
That's how Ithat's how I treat it.
So, yeah.
LEIGH: Chau, do you want
to ask your next question?
Yes. Alright.
Um, number two question.
Yes, Chau?
I feel like I'm a bit of a
square peg in a round hole in life,
um, who's in the fight of my life.
Um, do you ever feel like that?
And do you have any advice
in regards to that?
You know, Chau,
that is a really, um
I think you'd realise more people
feel like that than they don't.
You know, I definitely
sometimes can feel isolated
because ofbecause of my job,
and I really understand
when you say that.
But what makes you you
and what makes you shine
and what makes you bright,
and being that square
or round peg in a square hole,
that's what makes you special.
What I love is people's
Why do you want to be
like anyone else?
I don't want to be like
anybody else.
I don't want you, Chau,
to be like anybody else.
So, to me, I think celebrating
your individuality is key.
Never let anyone dull your light.
You've gotta
you've gotta let it shine.
Don't try to shrink. Shine bright.
That's what I would say.
Shine bright like Chau.
ANASTASIA: Shine bright like Chau!
Shine bright like Chau!
That's, like
Yeah. Love it. Love the answer.
Cheers. Lovely answer.
LEIGH: Evie's next.
So, there's a mic there.
Gosh. Already? OK.
Here we go.
Oh, yeah, by the way, I family and I used to watch
The Voice all the time, so
That's awesome.
And I grew up with
Sitting On Top Of The World
as a kid, and I love that song.
# Whoa-oh, whoa-oh. #
Yeah, anyway, so
OK. Um OK.
Um, which animal
do you relate to most, and why?
I personally love this question,
thank you very much.
A lot of my friends say
I can be like a cat,
where I'm just slowlywhen
it comes to my really personal
I'm very, like, slow,
and then I love people.
And I justI have a cat, so..
I have two cats myself, so
He's ahe's a white cat
called Beanie. Beanie baby.
DYLAN: (CHUCKLES) Beanie the cat.
I've written
I've written songs for Beanie.
OK. Uh, my last question.
I had speech delay
when I was little,
so I couldn't talk
and express myself for a while.
When you had your
salivary gland removed
and had to learn to talk again,
what did that feel like,
not being able to talk and sing
as much as you wanted to?
That's a great question. Um
The greatest lesson
I'm sure I could learn
from your lesson, too,
that you experienced, was that
..I had to surrender
to what was happening,
where the inability to connect
what wasmy brain was saying
to being able to speak,
um, was quite shocking,
so I had to continue to stay calm,
then work hard at getting
my speech therapy going.
And with a little time,
a littlelittle light,
a little love, a little patience.
I'm here, uh, talking away, like you.
Thank you.
ABBEY: Go, Evie!
Stephanie's next.
Um, you've had years and years
and years of experience
writing amazing songs.
I'm a really big fan myself.
Thank you so much.
And I wanted to know
what, to you, makes a great song?
To me, what makes a great song is,
you know, as Bob Dylan says,
three chords and the truth.
And the magic of aof a hit song
..if you can find the simplest way
to say something that is important,
or some feeling,
in a really simple way
that we can all sing along with,
that's when magic
magic happens in music,
and, um, that's
lightning in a bottle.
You know, make a great song.
I definitely feelI think
we all definitely can agree
we feel the magic with your songs.
Aww! Thank you!
Sorry, I'm going in
for the hug again!
That was beautiful.
I've grown up with your songs and
Thank you so much. Thank you.
That's beautiful.
Thanks, Stephanie.
Thank you, Stephanie.
(APPLAUDS) Thank you,
Stephanie. Great job.
How are you, Delta?
I'm very well, thank you.
How are you?
Having a good day, I hope.
I'm having a GREAT day!
Are you kidding me?!
I love to have a chat!
ABBEY: Best day ever!
Best day ever!
Um, I recently watched your movie
Hating Alison Ashley
and I really related
to both of the main characters.
Um, there is a lot of themes
of bullying in it.
Have you ever experienced
bullying in your work life
or just your general life,
and how do you deal with that?
Oh, yeah. It's a great question.
Well, I mean
So, when I've been under attack,
maybe on the show, on The Voice,
when it really was
quite heavy on me,
there was quite aquite a target,
it didn't feel justified
in the moment,
um, maybe I could have
relaxed into it more.
Maybe I was, uh
I just cared so much
about the artists
and, you know,
apparently, that was
It was definitely
That was a rough moment.
But I look at it like,
I will never give up.
Like, I just quietly, like a cat,
just sit and wait
till the storm goes.
And you say, "This too shall pass."
As long as you know in your heart,
don't take it in to who you are.
I've just learnt
to just cut it out.
I just dele
I don'tI don't google anything.
I don't look at anything about
I just stay true to me
and stay in my lane
and cut the rest of it out -
"See ya later. Bye!"
Stay true to yourself, definitely.
Stay true.
And however you feel, like, yeah,
You have to validate
the way that you feel.
Like, if you're going through
something online,
it's like, get riddon't let it
don't let it permeate.
Block. "See ya later."
There's so many wonderful people
in the world.
There so is.
You don't need to
If anyone's coming for you,
like, "Bye-bye." Delete. "Bye-bye."
I don't need this in my algorithm.
I'm a hapI'm a happy algorithm.
Thank you so much.
Anastasia, it's your turn.
Oh, god. OK. Um, OK.
OK, so, my first question is,
did anybody inspire you
to be a singer?
Olivia Newton-John.
Ah! Classic.
Olivia Newton-John, Celine Dion.
FLETCHER: From Grease!
From Grease.
Love that film.
Me too. Me too.
OK, um OK.
My second question is,
you love the Sydney Swans -
have you ever connected with anyone
else who loves the Sydney Swans
and have they changed your life?
Well, the Sydney Swans
did change my life,
because I sent them a music demo
of my first album when I was 12
..and then they sent that demo
on to Glenn Wheatley in Melbourne
Wow. the time I was 12, 13,
and Glenn Wheatley signed me
by the time I was 13.
'Cause he got a He thought
the package was from the Swans,
but it was like a Trojan horse -
I've, like, gone in and
Oh, that's good.
..he's opened the album
and said, "What is this?"
and seen a 12-year-old's album,
and called my mum.
Aww! That's just so sweet!
So the Swans have
a big part of my life.
Go, Swans!
Go, the Swans!
# Cheer, cheer
the red and the white #
# Honour the name
by day and by night
# Lift that noble banner high
# Shake down the thunder from #
Anyanyone else?
My mum got diagnosed
with cancer recently,
and I feel like life has changed.
How did having cancer
change your outlook on life?
And, uh, thank you
for sharing that, as well.
And, uh, where is she at
at the moment in her battle?
Has it just started, or?
Uh, remission.
So she's just
at the final steps of
That's amazing.
So she's a survivor.
She's a survivor, yeah.
She's a survivor.
Give her a round of applause
for being a survivor.
I mean, from going through
Hodgkin's lymphoma,
I was a big believer that
this must be happening for a reason.
I'm number one in the charts
at the same week
I was diagnosed with cancer.
And I
..I had to believe that there was
..that I could do something good
with what had happened.
Yesterday, we were presenting awards
through my
the Delta Goodrem Foundation,
and we've been able to continue
to raise a lot of money
for cancer research
so we can one day
find cures for that.
And there's no one way that
..that that someone goes
through that journey.
Everyone is very, very different.
And I'm really happy to hear
that your mum got through it.
That's an awesome answer.
No worries.
Now back onto a bit of
a happier question. (LAUGHS)
Go, Dale, go.
It is a happy question
It is. It is.
..because your mum's here.
I've always wondered about people
who have been in the same career
for a long time,
if you could go back in time
to when you were younger,
knowing what you know now, would you
still choose the same career path?
II was, I was born, um
ANGUS: To try.
..knowing that
Born to try. Yes, I was. I was.
I was
I was born knowing that this
was my blood, my heart and soul.
I just knew that
that this was my path.
But if you ask me from
or another lifetime, you know,
I'd probably say, like, um, maybe
be a boy band member, you know?
But no, I'd probably be a, um
You know, I'd love to be in science
or, you know, physics,
or something fun.
Like, I'd probably go into
a different space,
maybe medicine or, you know,
that's kind of what I do.
Thank you for answering
my questions today.
No, no problem at all.
Thank you so much for asking.
Thank you for your question, Dale.
I might put my jacket back on.
Right, I'm gonna go for
the heating again, for the fashion.
It's for the fashion!
Alright, fashion's back on.
LEIGH: Silas.
If you lost your hearing,
what do you think you would do
with the rest of your life?
Yeah. I mean, it's a great question.
I mean, when, um,
we were talking about
going through the speech,
uh, moment in my life
and that confronting, not knowing
when I would be able to,
you know, get my voice back.
It would break my heart in half.
Uh, but II would have to
..I would have to move forward,
step by step.
Um, I don't want that
to be the case
but, you know, in life,
we can't It's messy.
We can't predict what happens.
We have to just do the best
of our ability with what comes to us.
And, as long as we do it
with, um, kindness
and step forward,
even if it's just
I always think, if I'm in
..if I'm struggling with
everything's overwhelming,
I'm just like,
one step in front of the other.
OK. What's next?
One step in front of the other.
Let's justdon't look at it
as an overall,
just look at it as ajust one
one step in front of the other.
And I would have to deal.
I would have to then
find another passion
and, hopefully, kick arse at that.
And speaking of life, how long
would you like yours to be?
As long as I
I knew there'd be something dark!
No, that's not
that's not dark at all.
I, um, I don't find that dark.
I, um
I'd like it to be
as long as I possibly can.
Thousands of years?
Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you. That was really good.
Thank you so much.
That was beautiful.
You're an actor, right?
ANASTASIA: Fletcher!
Fletcher, the mic!
The magical mic!
So you're in a lot of movies lately.
And do you have a top four
favourite family movies, and why?
Generally, movies?
Yeah. So, I
I love Back To The Future.
It's one of my favourite movies.
Um, 'cause I think you can
relate everything in life
to Back To The Future.
And I love
I mean, goodness me. Oh
What about you? What ones
What's your favourite?
Well, there's the Disney's
Once Upon A Studio.
The Power Rangers.
Cars 2.
Yep. Great movie.
ANGUS: That's a bold choice.
You want something more modern
than a Disney film?
Yeah. There's Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.
Oh, yeah.
Raphael, Leonardo
You're talking my language,
growing up.
Fletcher, great job. Thank you.
Thank you, Fletcher.
You're very welcome.
That was wonderful.
Thank you for your questions.
ANGUS: Onya, Fletch.
This is Savannah.
Like a grasslands.
I'm in the grasslands.
Savannah, Georgia.
That's a beautiful dress.
I'm excited to hear your question.
You got this.
When you were on The Voice,
did you see Boy George
fight with another judge?
Oh, yeah!
She's getting the tea!
I think there were
some occasional battles.
I think there were some occasional
There was, um, strong
strong personalities.
It was passion. There was
Boy George was fantastic,
as was Seal.
And occasionally, um, they were
incredibly impassioned by a moment.
OK. Well, why were they fighting?
What were they arguing about?
Uh, I couldn't tell you
what waswhat happened.
Butbut I can tell you
it wasit was strong
and highly entertaining.
It was strong.
There was moments
me and Kelly were like this -
doo, doo, doo, doo -
looking back and forth.
What's your next question, Savannah?
Should I be worried?
Why did you break up with
those men that you dated before?
Um, uh, I
I think just not
just not right for me.
But I'mI'm thankful
for the path
And I have great relationships
with 90% of myof my ex-boyfriends.
Thank you.
Mitch, it's your turn now.
MITCH: Oh, it's my turn?
If you want to grab
the microphone from Savannah.
Uh, sure.
It's Mitch, isn't it?
Yes, Mitch.
Go, Mitch!
I'mI'm actually thinking
of starting a two-man band
with a friend of mine.
Um, do you have any tips?
Have you got a name for
your band yet, two-man band?
Um, I think we're calling it
the Dancing Dolphins, so
Nice! Nice!
That's awesome.
The Dancing Dolphins. I love that.
You know what's funny?
I actually call some of my team
We say, dolphins We always
talk about, dolphins come together.
Uh, we actually have
a group chat called Dolphins.
So, nownow I will
think of you, Mitch.
Um, you know, the two of you just
gotta practise, practise, practise.
Proper prior preparation
prevents poor performance.
Just keep, umkeep practising.
Keep, like Do it from a place
of what music moves you.
I think that, at the end of the day,
it's whatever moves you.
You can't write a song
unless you have something to say.
If you've got something to say,
you wanna talk about
what Chau and I were talking about.
You wanna talk about, like,
what is it that people?
What, umwhat affects me.
What affects you.
What makes you feel.
Then you put it into a song
and rock it out on stage.
Dancing Dolphins!
Dancing Dolphins!
And we'll go
and then get your friends there
and start the process
to come and watch you.
ANGUS: They're gonna be
a Delta Goodrem cover band.
Yeah! (LAUGHS)
Well done, Mitch. Well done.
Um, this isn't one of my questions,
but I've always wondered,
were you named after
the Greek letter
or the river opening
or the airline
or the electricity company?
I love you so much!
That is a great question!
Um, actually, it is after a song.
So, um
And my parents aren't musical,
let me be clear here.
Um, but Joe Cocker was their
favourite artist, and he sang
# Oh, you're mine, yes, you're mine
# Delta lady. #
Um, so, I was named
my mum was pregnant
and they went to the concert and they
both saidthey went, "It's Delta."
That's literally
they had no other name.
And again, it's really bizarre,
because my parents are not musical.
Like, they listen to talkback,
and they
Now they might listen to
a bit more music,
but it was John Farnham, Joe Cocker
and the Jive Bunny in our house.
What a combo.
Well, you were destined
to be musical from the start, then.
The name was musical.
It's true. It's true.
And then my dad bought my mum
a piano as a gift when I was born.
Oh! There you go.
It was fate.
It was fate.
LEIGH: Um, Abby, you're up next.
Hello, Delta.
Um, I have just started volunteering
in the Starlight Room
at Sydney Children's Hospital.
I volunteer there once a week.
And, um, I want to know
what is the best thing
about being an ambassador?
And what is it like
granting sick kids' wishes?
Well, I mean, that is a part of what
I got into music for, was connection.
And I honestly think
it's the most amazing thing
and amazing part of mymy job
that, if I can make somebody's day
a better day, then how lucky am I?
If someone wishes to come
to the show or to hang out,
then it'sit's
that's all I could ask for.
That's, you know, a really
a really special connection.
And, umand I love
the Make-A-Wish team.
They do such an amazing job.
And, um, I'm grateful
that anyone would make a wish
toto spend some time.
And, um, also,
I have another question.
I love singing karaoke.
I sing karaoke a lot at home.
And I want to know, what is
your go-to karaoke song?
Abbey, I've gotI've got a
I've got an answer for you here, OK?
I figure I mayif you're
if you're gonna do karaoke,
you may as well go for it, and do
My Heart Will Go On, Celine Dion.
Because I feel like people
kind of go,
"Well, Delta, you're doing karaoke?"
I'm like, "Well, we're just gonna
to have to go the whole
"We're gonna go for it."
So that's my go-to. It's a
it's a real karaoke winner.
A song for you.
You've got a song for me?
You've got a song for me.
Alright, take the floor.
ANASTASIA: Come on, Dylan.
Cue music.
I'll sit this way
and I'll turn around.
# Hello
# Is it me you looking for?
# Do you know I want to say
# You know I just want to do
# As I love to tell you so much
(WHISPERS) # I love you. #
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, yeah!
That was amazing! Good job!
Thanks, everyone.
Dylan! 10 out of 10!
Thanks, you guys.
I actually have I have another
question for you, actually.
I love it, Bethany.
What are your vocal warm-ups?
My vocal warm-ups is, your
..your body is theis the engine
and your breathing is steering,
and it is all about,
you know, getting a clear, a freeway, runway.
So, it's, "Heeeey!" Like, you just
want it to be, like, totally free.
Um, it is
And what you have to do is continue
to warm up by connecting the freeway.
Just like getting a clear, like
I'm goingI'm going
right from the tip
..from my toes
to the top of my head.
It'll slowly warm up.
'Cause remember, all your
your vocal cords are only tiny,
they're only little, mini things,
and all the muscles around them
need to be feeling like they're
..they're happy, and they're like
It's an athlete.
You've got to remember, music
and being a singer is an athlete.
You have toyou have to
be able to look after it
like you're an athlete, you know?
And that includes
warming up all the time.
Um, can you please play us a song?
Can I please play a song?
Yes. We'd love to hear a song.
I'll do a deal with you, Abbey.
As long as
you all sing along with me.
Oh! Thank you so much!
And what a coincidence -
there's a piano right here!
Who set this up, hey?
Shall we have a sing, then?
OK, let's go.
Let's have a sing.
What do we think?
Born To Try.
I really want to do
Sitting On Top Of The World,
'cause that one's classic.
You want Sitting?
OK, well, we can have
a couple of songs.
Does anyone want
to come around with me?
Oh, me. I do.
DYLAN: Go, Abbey.
(CHANTS) Go, Abbey! Go, Abbey!
# How's everybody feeling? #
ALL: # Good. #
Well, I wrote this song
..when I was, uh, at home,
at my family house
and protected by the walls of love,
I called them.
And it's about
that we are all born to try.
So, are you gonna sing with me?
Of course!
# Doing everything that I believe in
Come on, everyone.
Put your arms up in the air.
# Going by the rules
that I've been taught
Good job, Andrew.
# More understanding
of what's around me
# And protected
from the walls of love #
EVIE: This is
a huge dream come true for me.
II don't know. I'm speechless.
I'm just speechless
that I'm doing this.
# And all I truly believe
Sing with me?
ALL: # That I was born to try
# I've learned to love
# Be understanding
# And believe in life
# But you gotta make choices #
ABBEY: Meeting Delta was just
one of the best experiences
I have ever had.
# sacrifice
the things you like #
And I will remember it
for the rest of my life.
# So get up, stand up
# What you waiting for?
# Let's go, jump in
# We gotta live life
# Give in to begin
# We gotta love like no-one else
# Now I'm with you-ou-ou-ou
# We're sitting on top
# Sitting on top of the
# Whoa-oh, oh-oh
# Ooh, ooh-whoa-whoa
# Whoa-oh, oh-oh
# We're sitting
on top of the world. #
Good job, Abbey!
ABBEY: So nice to meet you.
Guys, such beautiful singing.
Thank you so much.
Alright, guys.
Lovely to meet you.
Well done, baby.
Well done, beautiful.
ANGUS: Now we can
officially fangirl.
"To Mitch"
Hashtag #DancingDolphin.
MITCH: Thank you.
That's me. I'm the fan club.
Yeah! Whoo!
OK, make a silly face.
BETHANY: I think if I hold it
any longer, it'll freeze there.
Did you have fun, Abbey?
ABBEY: I had a good time.
Yeah. Me too.
Me too.
The next guest is an absolute legend
of Australian sports.
He's also a former
Australian of the Year.
Adam Goodes.
There's a few worried people
upstairs here,
worried about their jobs
at the ABC because of you guys.
What's the weirdest thing
you've had to sign?
What's it like
standing up for yourself?
Do you think you are hot?
You have quite a large
statue of yourself.
Do you think
you'll ever make something
that will outlast that statue?
When you have a bad game,
how do you stay on the field
and talk to the fans
and journalists?
I never have a bad game, Stephanie!
What are you talking about?
Captions by Red Bee Media
Copyright Australian
Broadcasting Corporation
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