The Astronauts (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Day 21

[belt jangling, zipper unzips]
Hurry up! You've got
five seconds till blast-off!
Stop rushing me.
I'm trying!
[Will] First poop out of the
chute wins the Dookie Derby!
I'm not above winning by forfeit,
you know!
In your dreams, Rivers!
[distant squeak of toy]
["Jopping" by Super M plays]
[toy squeaking]
Left to the right
we gon' make, make it bang ♪
Put your hands in the air
- [toy squeaking]
- Let me see you bounce
To the left, to the right
[singing in Korean]
[toy squeaking]
'Cause when we jumping
and popping, we jopping ♪
[toy squeaks]
- Jopping
- [toy squeaks]
Squeebee, don't fail me now.
Torpedo in the tube
in three
- [toilets flush]
- Hey!
Elliot, I don't know
what you're doing,
but Squeebee is not your toy!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Beep, beep! Zoom!
Another Dookie Derby?
What are
those two eating?
I honestly don't think
they're human.
[distant gurgling]
Ladies, Gents, and Matilda,
I give you
the still undisputed king
of the Intergalactic
Dookie Derby,
William Carl Rivers !
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Where is it?
That win doesn't count.
Something got messed up.
Aw, don't be a party pooper.
Oh, wait, that's me, baby!
No, it didn't come out.
What do you mean
it didn't come out?
I flushed Squeebee,
and it didn't come out.
You flushed Squeebee?
Where could it be?
[pipes groan and rattle]
[Martin screams]
[water rushing]
Could I get some help here?
Oh, Squeebee,
what have you done?
Episode Title: "Day 21"
Aired on: November 27, 2020
Season 01 Episode 04
Come on, just tell me.
There's nothing to tell.
Like, prune juice,
What's your secret?
It's not a secret,
it's a gift.
Four times in one day
is definitely not a gift.
- It's a mutant colon.
- It's still clogged,
and the washing machine
is at its capacity,
so you guys are gonna have
to hand-wash all of these.
I know, right?
What a drag.
If only there was some type
of warning under the lid
telling you not to flush
foreign objects.
Oh, wait,
that's on every toilet ever!
Matilda, how do you
unclog a toilet?
Deploy the pneumatic plunger.
How do you use this thing?
[tinny corporate video
music plays]
Hi. I'm Rex Dowd,
and if you're watching
this video,
you're up to your neck
in blue goo and poo.
Dude, that's the guy
who played Captain McAdams!
He's my dad's poker buddy. Shh!
first thing you'll need
is this bad boy.
The Series 3000
Dual-Port Pneumatic Plunger.
- So cool
- So cool
Dibs on plunging!
Be sure to don
your safety glasses.
Next, insert the rubber flange
deep into the commode
Ensure a tight seal,
then give it a firm push.
Don't be shy.
Bear down
like you mean business.
[plunger shoots]
He looks so weird
without the eye patch.
[toilet burbling]
- [draining and gurgling]
- Go, go, go, go, go, go!
It worked!
[Will] Yes!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Way to go, Martin! Whoo!
[deep distant rumbling]
Oh, that's just
the pipes settling!
[creaking and bubbling]
Tell me you washed the towels!
Matilda, get
Mission Control online.
Downlinking now.
No! Matilda,
belay that order.
Yeah. Belay. As in,
don't get in line
for the Lind Bellows
all-you-can-eat "what did
you stupid kids do now?" buffet.
You just don't want
to get in trouble.
If one system goes down,
it could cause bigger problems elsewhere.
Or it might not.
It could just be
all the plunging
from that
Poop Blaster 3000 thing.
Just take a deep breath.
I say we chill,
let the system settle
and see if it just
unclogs itself.
Besides, we got
two bathrooms.
We'll all just
share mine for now.
[groans in aggravation]
Hello, good morning,
how you doing? ♪
Waking up, shaking
yesterday's blues, yeah ♪
Turn the TV off,
it's bad news, man ♪
Good morning, crew.
Grab your tablets.
"Captain's Commode
Book of Law"?
For real?
I took the liberty
of putting together
a detailed time-share
toilet schedule,
along with a very reasonable
set of guidelines.
Wow, this, uh
just keeps going on and on.
I think you'll find
this makes sharing one toilet
much smoother for all of us.
No beverages
after 6:00 p.m.?
Five minutes per person
every eight hours?
By appointment only?
I'm just gonna stick to
the bedpan in the Med bay.
Know what, that's it.
I'm reporting the blockage
to Engineering
- at the next mission downlink
- No!
No parents.
Come on, Samy.
How do you ever expect us
to get through
however many days
we're up here
if we can't even fix
a stupid toilet?
They're gonna think
we're totally helpless.
Matilda, can you identify
the location of the blockage?
[Matilda] According
to my pressure readings,
the rubber toy
is blocking a pipe
in Quadrant 4,
Sector 2A
Piece of cake.
Who needs parents
when you've got Matilda?
zoom out.
All the way out.
Piece of cake.
[Samy] Come on, let's go!
Everybody gets
a listening device.
- Dr. Samy.
- Thanks.
- Dr. Martin.
- Thank you.
- And one for Dr. Elliot.
- Thank you.
- Dr. Martin.
- Okay.
All right,
let's find Squeebee.
Wait, what about me?
Here you are,
Dr. Will.
All right,
come on, let's go.
[Samy] Our best bet is
to track Squeebee with sound
[distant clank]
listen to the pipes
for squeaks
go over the entire
plumbing system
in every corner
of the ship
every foot of it,
inch by inch.
[Singer Combes] After
a lot of trial and error,
I've created a virus
that will take Matilda
off the steering wheel.
There's no way we can
successfully upload a virus.
Right, the on board versions
are locked up tight.
Okay, but she's still
dependent upon The Cloud
as a processing resource,
so we infect The Cloud
with said virus.
I asked you to come to me
with a solution,
not a nuclear option.
The answer is no,
absolutely not.
- Griffin, wait
- No!
Hear him out. This is
the only solution we got.
Thank you, Niles.
The code
is targeted, Griffin.
It's specific
to the Matilda up there.
Look, I know
you want to protect
the company, Griffin,
but at this point,
the nuclear option
is the only option we got.
And you promise
it won't put their lives
in any danger?
At this point,
everything is a risk,
but the real danger
is doing nothing at all.
Look, if this is gonna work,
I'm gonna need
your daughter's help.
Why Samy?
Because, of all the kids
up there,
Matilda seems
to trust Samy the most.
So you want to use
our daughter again.
It's your only shot
at getting her home.
Whatever it takes.
Are you on board
with this fix?
If it'll get our kids back,
I'd call it a no-brainer.
I would call it surprising.
[pipes squeal and groan]
[beeps comm]
I think I hear him.
What's your location?
Do you need back-up?
Aft condensation
exchange tower A.
Wait, I don't
hear him anymore.
False alarm.
[Samy] Okay, keep
listening to the pipes.
Squeebee may still be
in Hydroponics.
[water dripping]
[distant growl]
[dropping cover]
[distant gurgling]
You in there?
[hissing and growling]
[Will screams in terror]
I keep seeing its face.
[fireplace video crackling]
I can't get it
outta my head.
It's okay, dude.
You don't have to talk about it.
Not right now.
It's so big.
Big as a pizza.
I think it's alive.
Matilda, is there any chance
Squeebee is alive?
[Matilda] No, Elliot.
Squeebee is composed
of EC-419D,
an absorbent, non-organic
epoxy-polymer gelatin
formulated to expand
when exposed to liquid
and heat.
Heat expands it?
[Matilda] Conversely,
Squeebee shrinks
when exposed
to sub-zero temperatures.
Cold shrinks it
cold shrinks it,
cold shrinks it!
Do you actually
have an idea,
or are you just
gonna keep saying that
over and over again
until I hit you?
Matilda, is there any way
we can track Squeebee through
the pipes in real time?
[Matilda] Yes, Samy.
As long as the subject
is moving,
I can track it through
micro-variations in pressure
within the system.
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking
that we're gonna blast
that butt-ugly piece of goo
into outer space.
[Samy] Operation
Squeebee Squeeze.
All right, Will, Martin, and I
will be stationed here,
here, and here.
We'll freeze the pipes
in sequence
with blasts of CO2.
We'll use
the fire extinguishers
to shrink Squeebee
with cold.
Elliot, you're here.
On my mark,
short bursts
from the Poop Blaster 3000.
Push Squeebee
through the pipes
toward the back of the ship.
Once he's in position,
I'll hit the purge button here,
- and
- Whoosh!
Any questions?
What about me?
What do I do?
Oh, no, no, Dor.
You're on the monitors!
Super important.
Firefighter Martin here
to save the day.
Not just
any firefighters!
Space Alien Firefighters!
Right, from "Fear and Dread 8:
- Extreme Overkill."
- Yeah!
I think we look like,
you know,
Zombie Busters?
"Fear and Dread 7"?
[together] Nailed it!
Hey, Dor, how we looking?
Like a bunch of blue dots.
[Samy] I mean, are you
reading our positions?
Yeah, but
But what?
Dor, is there a problem?
I was wondering,
do we really have to blast
Squeebee off into space?
It's him or us, Dor.
But he's so
He's so cute.
[alert pings]
[Samy] All right, guys,
let's go.
Odyssey II,
what is going on up there?
Samy, do you wanna tell me
what you and your little friends
are getting up to
with the fire extinguishers?
[Elliot] Uh
We're LARPing.
Sorry, Larp
S-say again?
LARPing, like
"Live-action role-playing"?
Uh, we created a game
called, uh,
Alien Hunt.
Sorry, uh, what now?
tell me the truth.
Like he said.
Alien Hunt.
Going on
an alien hunt ♪
We're gonna catch
a big one ♪
We're going on
an alien hunt ♪
And we're going on
an alien hunt ♪
[singing awkwardly]
We're gonna catch a big one
We're not scared
I'm a little scared.
[kids singing] We're going
on an alien hunt ♪
Okay, fine, just
try not to break anything, okay?
- Okay.
- We're clear.
[CO2 hissing]
Come on.
Right, we're go.
System sealed?
System sealed.
Will, you in position?
Locked and loaded.
[Samy] Elliot, you ready?
All right, guys.
Let's freeze him,
shrink him,
and flush him out of the ship.
[CO2 hissing]
[Doria] It's working!
He's getting smaller.
[Samy] Elliot, plunge now!
[Doria] Wait, no!
He's getting bigger.
I think he's stuck.
Tell us where.
Back! Behind you!
Right, Elliot, get ready.
Martin and Will,
keep herding him aft.
I'll cover the exhaust port.
On my mark.
CO2! Hit it!
- Elliot, plunge now!
- [fires plunger]
[pipes squeal and groan]
It's almost there.
I think another plunge or two
will do it.
[fires plunger]
[pipes groaning]
Wait, now he's behind Martin.
And you too, Will!
[alert beeps]
[multiple alerts beep]
Squeebee's having babies!
It's the cold.
You're probably picking up
slush chunks.
Matilda, recalibrate
pressure threshold!
Ignore the small pieces,
and just find Squeebee.
[Matilda] Locating Squeebee.
[single alert beeps]
Samy, he's coming
straight at you!
Where? Which way?
He's right on top of you!
[pipes growl]
Elliot, now!
- Hit it!
- Oh! [fires plunger]
[toilet flushing]
[Matilda] Obstruction purged.
System is clear.
- [cheering] Yeah!
- We did it!
Elliot, can you confirm that
with a victory flush?
[toilet flushing]
The Dookie Derby returneth!
- We did it, guys!
- Yes! -Nice!
Foreign object detected.
It's hanging onto
the thrusters!
It is as big as a pizza!
It's trying to climb
back into the ship!
I knew he couldn't leave me!
fire engine A3 aft!
[Matilda] Firing engine.
[engine rumbling]
[snarling hiss]
Obstruction cleared.
[all cheering in triumph]
Yes! We did it!
Squeebee McSqueeberton,
my sweet boy.
It's totally the kale.
- Uh?
- What?
The fiber
gives me my edge.
Do not tell Elliot.
There's a black sky
over my town ♪
It's a long night
in a dark house ♪
There's enough fight
for a showdown ♪
There's a black hole
with no escape ♪
There's a dark soul
as my inmate ♪
Will did a check
on the water filters,
and they were a little dirty,
so we changed them out.
Watch it take me over
Let it suck me in ♪
Oh, and um
thanks for covering for me
with that whole, uh
Dookie-Derby thing.
Forget about it.
We're a team.
It's what we do, right?
Smartest girl at Emerson.
I just wanna
close my eyes and sleep ♪
I can't tell exactly
what it means ♪
Hey, Elliot?
Close the door.
The thrusters are a function
of avionics, right?
When I ordered ignition,
Matilda didn't hesitate,
even though it didn't serve
any mission function.
I'm not following.
Think about it.
always been there
since we were babies.
She is always there
for whatever we need.
Yeah, and?
I'm thinking,
maybe, deep down,
this Matilda
is that Matilda too.
She's programmed
to care about us,
So maybe, eventually,
we could,
you know
Convince her to turn around.
I can't tell exactly
what it means ♪
Takes me from a whisper
to a scream ♪
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
And all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
Welcome aboard Odyssey II.
I'm Matilda.
She chose us.
-How do we get back?
-Well, we're working on that.
[Doria] I made him
on the 3-D printer.
Watch this.
[squeaking, splats]
- [all laughing]
- Squeebee McSqueeberton.
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