The Atypical Family (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

You made it.
I'm not giving her these.
And I won't hug her
no matter what.
I can't save
Mr. Bok.
That was a close one.
Thank you.
What's with the flowers?
Are they for me?
Oh my goodness.
How did you know these were my favorite?
- So this is how it happened.
- They're so pretty.
When did you
I saved someone
in the past.
I was walking up here
when you appeared out of thin air.
Is your power back?
I saved someone.
It's over here.
I had no idea.
No one could ever find it.
I've been compiling a digital archive
to keep up with the times.
So you did something
you couldn't do before?
There were some precedents
from our ancestors.
There it is.
During the Injo reign
of the Joseon Dynasty,
there was a lady who could use telekinesis
whose power was
barely strong enough to lift pebbles.
However, when her village was attacked,
she moved rocks the size of houses
and rained them upon the enemy.
Her power evolved.
Her desperation must have
amplified its magnitude.
And you desperately wanted to save people.
I couldn't save anyone until now.
So why can I save
Do Da-hae?
Hey, follow me.
Awakening of power
induced by a particular encounter
Let's see here.
There it is.
Your great-great-grandfather
was able to breathe fire.
At first, his power was not whole.
When he was little, his nose was so hot
that anyone who touched it got burned,
which forced him to live in hiding.
Later, he was enlisted as a soldier.
When his dear comrade-in-arms
held his hand,
he started breathing fire
through his nose.
The power of his flames was overwhelming.
So his power was somehow
- unsealed.
- That's not it.
His power finally became whole
when the right person came into his life.
But my power is far from whole.
I have no control over it.
It's a mess.
Love is meant to be uncontrollable.
I'm not in love.
There was also a lady
who was a shapeshifter.
Each time she encountered
the scholar she loved,
her powers turned her into
a different person.
Eventually, she forgot
how to go back to her original form.
Even after transforming
into hundreds of women,
she failed to capture the scholar's heart.
He had been harboring feelings
for a certain woman for a long time.
Out of yearning for the woman
who had disappeared so suddenly,
he painted a portrait of her.
Guess who the woman was.
Was it the woman in her original form?
In the end, not only did she find love,
but also her own self that she had lost.
Do Da-hae could be the one for you.
I'll go tell your mom.
Not just yet.
Like the door from that day,
we don't know what this means yet.
In that case, let's give it some time
until we can be certain.
Either way, congratulations.
On what?
You got to use your power
in a meaningful way.
Just like you always wanted.
She's a ghost.
This house is haunted.
What the hell?
Ms. Do?
You were
upstairs just now.
a ghost.
Ms. Do.
Ms. Do!
What's all this noise?
My goodness!
What happened?
Something must have startled her.
- She said she saw a ghost.
- A ghost?
She was probably talking about me.
I skipped a few meals because I was sick,
and I managed to fly about this high.
She must've seen that.
You should've been more careful.
It's too early for her to find out.
You're right.
If I'd known your son's girlfriend
would sneak into our vault,
I would've been more careful.
Why was she there?
She was probably just passing by.
Why were you flying in that room anyway?
I was trying to catch a mosquito?
Let's lay her down first.
Let's do that.
Be gentle.
Should have run away.
I thought she was healthy,
but she's surprisingly frail.
It takes some getting used to.
I was just as shocked
when I first saw your father
growing colorful scales on his body
and flapping around
like he was the Little Mermaid.
He was otherwise so proper.
Should we call an ambulance?
Looks like she's asleep.
You think so?
She is.
Poor thing.
She must have been so nervous
in this new environment.
That's not it.
She drank the tea she made for Mom.
She drugged it.
What are you talking about?
Your sister's just anxious
that she'll lose the building to you.
Let's go.
- Good luck with her.
- You don't even have any proof.
Come on.
I'm telling you.
Don't eat or drink anything she gives you.
You never know what she put in it.
Just don't let her
see you flying around again.
She can't see that until she's one of us.
Yes, ma'am.
You were
just upstairs.
I was upstairs?
Could it have been me from the future?
Are you okay?
I had a dream.
Tell me the winning numbers.
Or was it stocks?
It was an ominous dream.
Ms. Do?
What the heck was that last night?
Good morning.
You completely passed out.
It was as if
you'd been drugged or something.
I was
pretty tired.
Did you see it?
Did it surprise you?
Never seen anything like it?
What's wrong?
Take a closer look
at my pedicure.
Join me sometime.
That sounds great.
I'd love to.
Are you okay?
I can see you.
Did you see me here last night?
Not again.
Do you not remember?
- Or are you pretending again?
- It doesn't matter.
Just tell me what happened.
You were standing here
Are you leaving for school, I-na?
Have some breakfast.
You should eat before you go.
Don't you want to grow tall?
- Over easy or sunny-side up?
- Sunny-side up, please.
Sunny-side up it is.
Good morning.
I tossed and turned all night.
And when I finally fell asleep,
I had an unsettling dream.
What did you dream about?
Do you enjoy saunas, Ms. Do?
Oh no.
Oh my gosh.
I popped the yolk.
I'll make you a new one, I-na.
In my dream,
you were at a sauna.
Have you heard of Palace Sauna?
- Why do you ask?
- I saw you get carried out of that sauna
and into an ambulance.
An ambulance?
But then again,
it's just a concerned old woman's dream,
so don't be so alarmed.
But it wouldn't hurt
to stay away from saunas for a while.
You can never be too careful, right?
Even in your sleep,
you must have been worried about me.
Thank you.
I have to cook another egg.
I'm late.
I'm leaving.
You shouldn't just go
on an empty stomach, I-na.
Wait a minute, I-na.
I'm sorry.
At least take this.
Have a nice day.
Didn't I warn you?
- Huh?
- My family has superpowers.
- What?
- Run away while you can.
She's kidding.
I have to get out of here.
I have to run.
In my dream,
you were at a sauna.
Have you heard of Palace Sauna?
If I walk in here now,
does that make her dream
a real precognitive dream?
They might actually have superpowers.
She must have seen things
under the influence.
She said she saw me here in her dream.
Maybe she had hired someone to tail you.
Forget it.
It's delusion that runs in their family,
not superpowers.
We have more than enough evidence
that they're not in their right minds.
Let's move on to the next step.
Register your marriage
and be appointed as their guardian.
I have a better idea.
Why don't I find another target?
Shut up and get us
that marriage registration.
- Mom.
- What?
Are you scared of ghosts?
A ghost's money is still money.
Don't forget that you still owe me.
You must be Da-hae.
I told him to go easy on the booze.
Are you here alone?
Aren't there any grown-ups?
Good grief.
This is nowhere near enough.
Your father's debt is yours now,
so you'll have to pay me back.
Come here.
I said come here.
Sign this.
I did some digging.
Every investment they've made
in the past few years has tanked.
All they have left is their house
and the gym building.
At this rate, they'll be penniless soon.
We can't waste any more time.
We have to salvage what's left of it.
You can retire as my lead actress
and ride off into the sunset after this.
I'll retire too.
You might as well
relax for a bit in the sauna.
You're already here.
Get out.
- What?
- You can't come in.
What's your problem?
I saw you get carried out of that sauna
and into an ambulance.
- What are you doing?
- Call an ambulance.
I think I'm bleeding.
Wait. No, I'm not.
Precognitive dreams, my foot.
Do you know why bad dreams come true?
It's because it gets in your head.
You can't help but tense up and get hurt
when you're so worried about it.
Get up already.
You think so?
No, I still think
I might have cracked my skull.
What now?
You're sweating.
- Why don't you get off my--
- When you sweat,
it makes the floor slippery, sir.
Excuse me.
I'd like to order some gimbap.
Some noodles and eggs too.
Is no one here?
Excuse me!
Here are your drinks.
Your food's ready.
I have a new piece of information.
Is my food ready yet?
One moment, please.
Please hurry up.
Use your signature move
when the time comes.
- Mom.
You said you didn't have any family.
I can explain.
The thing is
Da-hae is
Everyone out!
Please don't panic!
Everyone out!
To the emergency exit!
Everyone out!
Ms. Do.
Ms. Do.
I got you.
Get up.
I told you.
Call an ambulance.
Ms. Do.
Are you okay?
Want to come with us?
Please read and sign this.
Write your name here.
I'm not really her mom.
I used to know her dad,
and that somehow got us here.
He got drunk and froze to death
on the street in the middle of winter.
The only people
who showed up at his funeral
were loan sharks
who came to take the condolence money.
There was no grown-up to take care of her.
She was all by herself.
Not long after that,
she went through a terrible accident.
You're up. Do you know where you are?
- Have you contacted her guardian?
- Not yet.
I don't have one.
Stay in bed.
Don't get up.
What are you doing?
I can't afford this.
I'm her guardian.
Sucks for you.
You won't get my insurance money yet.
You can pay me back while you're alive.
Be my daughter.
I only took care of her for a while,
but she still calls me Mom.
Poor thing.
She told me that she almost died once.
She did?
She hardly ever tells anyone about it.
What happened?
You don't know the details, do you?
Ask her yourself.
It's a touchy subject.
Do you know how her name came to be?
Her dad loved mugwort soup
with dodari fish in it,
and she happened to be born in the spring.
That's when the fish is in season.
He was about to
register her name as Do Da-ri,
but the civil servant
barely managed to talk him out of it.
In the end, he changed the last syllable.
He named her Da-hae, meaning "do it all,"
so she can do anything she wants.
It's a nice name.
It's not such a nice name either.
It became more of a curse than a blessing.
She's had to do everything
on her own to survive.
I hope she'll find someone
to stay by her side.
Get up.
I told you, Mom.
There's something about the Bok family.
We better not mess with--
Get me the marriage registration.
That's your way out.
From that family
and from me.
Yes, Mother.
Ms. Do left without saying anything,
and she hasn't come back.
Do you think she went to the sauna?
- She did.
- What?
Is she okay?
She's in the ER.
Is it serious?
What happened?
I told her not to go there.
Calm down.
I'll call you later.
It really was a precognitive dream.
But why do I only see
Do Da-hae in every dream?
Keep applying pressure on it.
Thank you.
She left.
She had to go back to the sauna.
Just a moment, please.
Did you follow me?
It's just
You left in such a hurry.
Why didn't you say anything
when my mother mentioned the sauna?
Has she been checking my background?
Be honest with me.
To tell you the truth,
I was a little worried
that my mother's dream would come true.
Are you saying
she really can see the future
in her dreams?
But I thought you had all lost your powers
because of your lifestyle diseases.
We got them back.
But they've changed.
I go back in time
for a different reason now.
It's Do Da-hae.
When I held your hand at the mall
and showed up at the fountain
with flowers,
it was me from the future.
It's not that I forgot what I did.
What had already happened to you
just hadn't happened to me yet.
Hold on.
What are you talking about?
Think about it.
Didn't I disappear all of a sudden
both times?
When did you
Is that also why
your reflection wasn't
in the mirror last night?
I'm not only invisible in the mirror.
You're the only one who can see me.
You're the only one
who can see or touch me.
You're in color,
while everything else
is in black and white.
But why
Why me?
Why me, of all people?
I'm not sure.
But one thing is for sure.
Do Da-hae's past
is my future.
The moments I spent with you
pull me back into them.
You told her our secret?
How could you be so rash?
What if she gets scared and runs away?
We couldn't hide it any longer.
You told her about your dream.
How could I not tell her
about such a dream?
I know.
I wonder why you dreamed of it.
I have to go back.
I can't go back to the past.
I have to go back to Se-yeon.
I have to undo everything.
Don't you remember?
You can only go back to happy moments.
And even if you did,
you couldn't change anything.
Just let it go.
I found this in her bag.
If she was pregnant,
why didn't she tell me?
Because it was another man's child.
- What?
- She was seeing someone.
She was even planning to move in with him.
Didn't she say anything to you?
How do you know that?
I never dreamed about Se-yeon.
It made me anxious
that I couldn't see anything.
So you never considered her family.
Don't blame her for your dreams.
It's not her fault that you only dream
about how to make money!
What did you dream about
on the day she died?
If you had dreamed about her just once,
we could've prevented her death!
I can only see what I'm shown.
Even if I had dreamed about her,
it wouldn't have changed a thing.
Just like you can't change the past,
I can't change the future.
I had a nightmare a long time ago.
It was about someone's death.
I did all I could do to prevent it,
but I couldn't stop what was meant to be.
I was overwhelmed by the futility and fear
of not being able to do anything
about a tragedy I know will happen!
Trust me, I've been there.
Why did you never tell me?
Because just thinking about it
broke my heart into pieces!
The dream was about my own father's death.
So basically,
we've been cursed for generations.
Depending on how you see it,
it could be a blessing.
How can it be a blessing
to have these useless powers?
What's the point of seeing the future
or going back to the past?
We can never change anything
or save anyone!
You should be grateful
that you can have a glimpse at the past.
Wanting more than that
is pure greed and arrogance.
I'm actually grateful
that I only see the stock charts
and lottery numbers in my dreams.
Our ancestors have been
literally ripped apart and burned alive
trying to play heroes!
From now on,
only look back on your happiness.
Stop looking back on others' misfortunes,
and don't get in over your head
trying to save others!
I wish it would just go away.
It's been seven years
since I stopped dreaming.
I told you.
She can help us recover what we've lost.
Too bad it's not
the type of dream you want.
I know you'd rather dream
about the lottery and stocks.
I'm sure I will soon.
Maybe this is your chance.
To use your power to help others,
not just for your own greed.
Are you still naive enough
to dream of being a hero?
Even after I told you about my dream,
you couldn't protect Do Da-hae.
Who knows?
I might be able to.
How do you like living with us?
It's been great.
Thanks to your kindness.
You don't have to do that.
Be honest with me.
My family can be a handful.
The more you know,
the more confusing it gets.
But I think
I've figured you out.
I'll show you what kind of person I am.
but surely.
Please show me every single detail,
slowly but surely.
I will.
It takes time to get to know someone.
And I'll be watching you.
See you.
Watch your step.
I will.
Bok Man-huem.
Precognitive dreams.
Has trouble dreaming
due to insomnia.
Um Sun-gu. No superpower.
Married into the family.
Bok Dong-hee.
Able to fly.
Lost her power
due to obesity.
Bok Gwi-ju.
Able to return to a happy moment
from the past.
No longer feels happy
due to depression.
he might be starting to feel happy again.
The moments I spent with you
pull me back into them.
Bok I-na.
Her superpower
Not so sure.
Bok Man-huem can see the future,
Bok Dong-hee can fly,
and Bok Gwi-ju can return to the past,
but Bok I-na has no superpower?
You don't want to?
I can't.
Why not?
People will be looking at me.
Don't worry.
No one's going to look at you.
They'll be looking at me.
I'm kidding.
I'm just trying to help you relax.
- But
- Since you're new,
you can have a seat and watch.
How did she win Hye-rim over?
Hye-rim is so open-minded.
We could use some help.
She could clean and get us drinks.
I guess. Teachers favor quiet kids too,
so keeping her around
might not be a bad idea.
Shall we get started?
All right.
Start with the hips.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, swing, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, swing, three, four, five, six
Don't you hear me?
I was talking to you.
What are you listening to?
What's it called?
Come on, what is it called?
You know your music.
Where do you find all of these?
Guys, let's change the song.
- I-na found a good one.
- Nice.
I never liked this song anyway.
- Let's have a listen.
- Let's do that.
I'm so tired.
Want to get some tteokbokki, Hye-rim?
Is everyone coming?
Of course. If you're in, we're in.
Let's go!
- I'm hungry.
- Tteokbokki!
- Tteokbokki!
- Last one there is buying!
I have to go to the academy.
See you.
Buy me some cup noodles too.
Weren't you getting tteokbokki?
I came to look for a friend
who left without saying goodbye.
A friend?
Which one are you getting?
You don't look like the type
to enjoy such spicy food.
You're so cute.
She thinks I'm cute?
I can see why Jun-woo is so into you.
- He's not.
- He seemed interested in you.
What do you think about him?
I liked him first.
You can't like him.
Not if you want to be friends with me.
What do you think about Jun-woo?
I think he's a jerk.
Hey, Jun-woo.
Oh no.
I think he heard us.
This is why I never want to know
what people really think.
Hey, Bok Don't Eat.
Have a drink.
Is it serious between you and Dr. Jo?
If it is, you should reconsider.
I'm just concerned about you.
He seemed like a nice person,
so I wanted to ask him for some advice,
but he suddenly dragged me
to a hotel room.
I saw you.
You did?
I wasn't sure because you just left.
How could you just leave?
Why didn't you pull out all of his hair?
Not mine! His!
I'm a victim too!
Guess what I hate hearing the most.
"A woman's worst enemy
is another woman."
I'm at fault for our relationship.
I should've taken better care of myself.
It's not just your size
that's extra-large.
You have a big heart too.
But it's unhealthy
to be so hard on yourself.
Finding the reasons within yourself.
That's true self-esteem.
That's how you take control of your life.
Do you understand?
Pretty inspiring take on life.
I have to reclaim my true self.
Once I do that,
everything else will fall in line.
But it's unhealthy
to be so hard on yourself.
A girl's gotta eat.
What are you doing there?
She found out about our secrets.
So you want to kill her
without anyone knowing?
No, I think she got spooked.
She's locked herself in.
Has she still not run away?
Maybe she did.
Are you there?
Ms. Do.
Ms. Do?
I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Can I come in?
The doctor said
that I needed to rest today.
Please excuse me.
She's here.
One of two things happens
when people find out about our powers.
They either run away
or take advantage of us.
It's not that I forgot what I did.
What had already happened to you
hadn't happened to me yet.
Do Da-hae's past
is my future.
I used to be powerless,
but now I have a purpose.
The only person I can save in the past.
Do Da-hae.
The sauna.
Get out.
- What?
- You can't come in.
What's your problem?
Can you put some lotion on my back?
What did I just see?
Oh, crap.
This is bad.
Why is it so hot?
So cold.
Get it together.
Focus and try again.
I have to save Do Da-hae.
Do Da-hae.
If I'd known your son's girlfriend
would sneak into our vault,
I would've been more careful.
Dong-hee was telling the truth.
She's a ghost.
This house is haunted.
The only person I can save
while in the past.
Are you okay?
But why her?
What's wrong?
Let me just
Excuse me.
Mr. Bok.
My goodness. What happened?
You're soaking wet.
Are you okay?
I'll do it.
What's wrong?
The Bok Gwi-ju I saw
was from this moment?
Did you just get back from the past?
you just came to me again
from the future.
With this.
You gave this to me.
Marriage registration?
You said it was a present.
Hold on.
This can't be.
I know it's hard to believe.
It hasn't happened to you yet.
But you'll probably find out soon enough.
My past
is your future.
That may be true,
but this is out of order.
I can take responsibility for my past
but not for my future.
There's more.
There's something else
that hasn't happened to you yet.
I have a new piece of information.
Do you know
why Gwi-ju quit being a firefighter?
He lost a close colleague in a fire,
and it shocked him into quitting.
Guess when that was.
When I was in high school,
there was a fire at my school.
Everyone assumed the fire alarm
was malfunctioning as usual.
As a result,
the evacuation was delayed.
It was an old building,
so it didn't have
a proper fire protection system.
Don't tell me.
Seonjae Girls' High School?
I don't want to play that card anymore.
Life has given you nothing but misfortune.
You should at least take advantage of it.
Use your signature move
when the time comes.
If he hadn't come to my rescue,
I would have
died that day.
You reminded me of him
from the beginning.
I think
you might have been that person.
If what's already happened to me
hasn't happened to you yet.
Are you saying
that I saved you 13 years ago?
I mean
that I will?
Even then,
registering the marriage first
doesn't seem right.
Let's take it one step at a time.
Love has to come first
for us to reach
the future you talked about.
Let's see if we actually end up
falling in love.
We even kissed.
Don't you know what comes after that?
I've only been dreaming about you lately.
I saw something
when I looked at your hand.
About the marriage registration.
Shouldn't we let
your family know about it?
This is great news!
Are you sure I'm the one who saved you?
Stop evading the question.
You want to trust Da-hae, don't you?
You want to save her.
Do you think it's easy for me to believe
that you'll go back in time to save me?
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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