The Bad Kids (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Jiao Yi

Stay away
There might be some misunderstandings
What you saw was an accident
My father-in-law has essential hypertension
Stop lying
We filmed it all
Let's not talk in the middle of the road
How about we find somewhere quiet
We are not going anywhere
Let's talk right here
Do your parents
know about this?
Nobody but us know
Why didn't you tell them
My mom has been
It's none of your business
We have the footage
If you do anything to us
we'll call the police
If you could call the police
you would have handed in the camera
Isn't that right
Why did you write a letter
What do you guys want
I can pay you for the video
Stay away
You guys are weird
You threatened me with a letter
but refused to tell me what you want
As you just said
how much can you give us
This is something
we can discuss
But first I need to see the video
What if you are lying
Go grab the camera
It's fine
He can't do anything to us
in the middle of the road
Sit down and get something to drink
Take a seat
Are you two related
Or are you classmates
I told you it's none of your business
What's the first line of lyrics
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat
How about this
I'll give you 10000 yuan each
You can either spend it
or hide it
It's less likely for grown-ups to find out
We want 300000 yuan
300000 yuan
How about this
You guys should talk about it more
I am not rich
For me 300000 yuan
is not a small number
I'll leave my phone number
Once you make up your mind
call me anytime
Zhu Chaoyang
You're the only one
that got the last question right
But there is a better way to solve it
Till next time
We can talk about it then
Hey I'm almost home
I'll cook whatever you want
I'm swimming
And I won't be home for dinner
Oh don't forget to take the meds
I put them in your swimming bag
I see
You really want to make a deal with a murderer?
We need the money
He came to us first
so why not
if he takes the camera
there won't be any evidence
to prove that he's a murderer
There won't be justice for the old couple
The old couple is not coming back to life
but with the money
at least we can save Pupu's brother
Isn't that right
Are you afraid
I just feel like
we need more time to think about it
It's fine Chaoyang
You can stay out of it if you're afraid
This is on me and Pupu
That's not what I meant
I just haven't figured out
what's our next steps
wouldn't it be that we call him
and he pays us?
Yan Liang
don't forget this
He is a murderer
So what
You think I can't beat him in a fight?
Fighting doesn't solve everything
Who said that
That's because you haven't fought anyone
Here I'll teach you
What are you gonna do
Teach you how to fight
Come on You can always use some skills
If someone wants to fight you
math is not gonna help
Come on
Raise your arms up like this
Like this?
Cover your head
Don't think of anything else when you punch
Just think about fighting
I won't be able to learn this
How would you know if you haven't tried
Are you mad
Then get up and try again
Chaoyang are you okay
Don't let your guard down when you fight
or else you'll give your opponent the chance
Why did you beat Chaoyang
I didn't beat him
I was teaching him
Get up Chaoyang
You were right
Can't give the opponent any chances
Chaoyang learned how to fight too
Nice job Chaoyang
-Let's do it again -No no no
No more fighting
Where are you going Come here
Wait for me
That's it I'm leaving
Wait for me
Come on
I can't completely ignore his feelings
I understand
Thank you for understanding
Rest assured
Don't worry too much
Let's go
You should go home
I'll walk you upstairs
No it's fine
He's still there
You've made up your mind
so what's there to hide
Just give me a little more time
With what happened to my parents
he's been busy helping me
I want to wait till after this
Let's go to Guangzhou
I'll help and ease your mind
Your dad wants to
celebrate your birthday tomorrow
Do you want to go
Do you want me to go
If you want to then go
If I don't let you go
your dad will say I have you all the time
Let's go together
No I'm good
But you should see him more often
He took a big hit because of Zhu Jingjing
He could use some comfort from you
No Pupu
I'm the worst at picking gifts
Let's give him a pen
He loves studying
It'll be useful
Good idea
He'll think of us every time he writes
We can't afford this
I'll see if there's anything cheaper
Alright ma'am
15 boxes in total
Move them in a little bit
You're blocking the access like this
Ma'am could you move it yourself
I can't park here
They'll give me a ticket
How am I supposed to move them
and watch the store
Do me a favor
There's nothing cheaper
Let's check out other stores
Please don't leave
I'll pay you more
Help me move these in
Don't leave
I can help you move them
I don't want money
can I have the pen
Fine move them
Let's move them together
Come here kid
Have a drink Thanks for your help
-Thank you ma'am -Thank you
Don't touch me
Stop messing around
Okay I'll get there as soon as possible
I've got to go out right now
so I can't be with you for dinner
Here's your birthday gift
Here To a new year of luck
Take it
Thanks dad
I ordered the dishes already
You can get more if it's not enough
Sir here's all you've ordered
Thank you
Your dad told us already
Feel free to order more if it's not enough
He'll pay the bill later
Can I come back later to eat
I fully understand
what your wife is feeling
But now the corpse has been stored
longer than permitted
The police
They haven't given
an investigation report yet
You gave your approval
on the previous autopsy result
Cremation at this point
wouldn't affect
the following investigations
Make a wish
Don't sign
Please don't Yao
Please don't
I wish that from now on
I can be as happy as right now
Let's slice the cake
I'm thinking
if we can step up our relationship
We're both divorced
It's nothing immoral
We have to hide all the time
It feels weird
I've told you
I don't want Chaoyang
to feel pressured about this
I think it's good like this
If you think I'm a waste of time
we can end it anytime
That's not what I meant
I think Chaoyang is a sensible kid
You can try to ask what he thinks
We'll talk about this later
I'm gonna head back
I'm going upstairs then
Happy birthday
Thank you
This is the happiest birthday I've ever had
We're going back then
Yan liang
I've decided
I'll join you
and deal with Zhang Dongsheng
You're home son
What did your dad get you for dinner
Just a random restaurant
Nothing much
Do you still have the appetite
I'll make you birthday noodles
Is it too dark
Should I turn up the light
I'm going to Guangzhou for a conference tomorrow
Won't be back till next week
What time
I'll drive you there
I'm good
I'll go with my colleague
Go ahead and sleep
I'm gonna read this
Don't stay up too late
I asked the choir teacher
She said Zhu Jingjing arrived on time
She asked to go to the bathroom
so she left the class
We checked everyone that was there
half an hour before the incident
But no one noticed
how she got to the storeroom on the 5th floor
Expand the investigation area
Ask the community across the street
It'll be harder to investigate if we waste time
And tomorrow
ask her parents to come in and watch the footage
See if they notice any acquaintances
who went there that day
Ye Chimin
Stop writing and go have some fun
Haven't seen a father like you
They keep their kids from having fun
You stop me from studying
That's my girl
When are you signing me up
for the Math Olympiad course
It's already begun
I can't keep up if I don't go now
Fine fine
I'll sign you up in a few days
You never keep your promise
Where was I
CCTV footage
CCTV footage
Hand me that
It's us
300000 yuan
Nothing less
2:00 PM tomorrow
Xiasha North Road
Huashang Residence
Room 602 Unit 1 Building No 2
Don't forget to bring the camera
You have the money prepared
Is this his home address
We can't all be at his place tomorrow
To be safe
only two of us will go in tomorrow
One will be outside with the camera
If anything happens to the two
the other one will call the police
This way he won't dare
do anything to the two of us
Yan Liang
Tomorrow you'll wait with the camera
in front of the police station
If Pupu and I are not back
before 4:00
you go in and talk to that police you know
If he doesn't believe you
play the video in the camera
If everything goes well
once we get the money
we will bring him to you
Then we'll hand him the camera
Come in
Come have a sit
That won't be necessary
Give us the money and we'll leave
It's a lot of money
I can't just give it to you like that
Come sit first
Let's sit down and talk
Take a seat
Why is there just the two of you
Where's the other boy
He's outside
It doesn't matter who comes
He doesn't look like a student
Are you from the same school
It's none of your business
Children have to go to school
and study
Do you understand
Take Zhu Chaoyang as an example
He has good grades
If you guys want to learn
I can teach you for free
Did you go to school so you can kill people
Is there anything
that you're so afraid to lose
Sometimes for these things
we'd do what we don't want to do
Let's go
I know you're clever kids
Give me the camera first
and we can talk about it
We don't want to talk
Give us the money now
Where's the camera
It's not with us
Give us the money first
We'll go to somewhere safer
and give you the camera
If we don't go back today
the guy with the camera will call the police
And from now on
we'll check on each other every day
If one day
one of us goes missing
the rest will call the police
Don't do anything to us
Is this your idea
You give us the money
and we promise you'll have the camera
I don't have the money for you
I told you
I'm not some rich guy
It's impossible to have 300000
in such a short notice
Why didn't you tell us over the phone
You didn't tell me either
that you wouldn't bring the camera
What do you want
There's 30000 saved in the card
Password is the last 6 digits of the card number
You can check it yourselves
Every week from now on
I'll put 30000 into it
When the summer vacation ends
it'll be 300000
Don't lie to us
You have something on me
What can I achieve by lying to you
Take it
30000 can last you a long time
Let's go
Mr Chen
Chen Guansheng
Chen Guansheng
Yan Liang
Follow me It's an emergency
Follow me It's an emergency
No no You tell me first
Don't pull me
Tell me what's the matter
He's gone
No He went inside
There's no time Hurry up
What for
Tell me what's wrong
Actually it's nothing
I'm just here to see you
See me?
I am just here to say hello
You should've come here to say hello
Come on
Not today I've got things to do
I've got things to do
What things
Go go go
Leave now
I'll go with you
I'm following you
Go Pupu
Let's go home first
Get off
Come in
Hand me that
Go inside
Come on Put slippers on
Here's slippers
Baby I'm here
Sit down
You can't put the bag down?
Are you hungry baby
Whose kid is this
Yan Liang
Yan Wenbin's son
Gosh He's grown up
Get him a towel for shower
Go take a shower
Hush hush hush
Look at the running nose
Running nose
Don't just stand there
Where's the bathroom
In the back
Hush hush hush
We'll eat soon
Feel Grandpa's stubble
Stubble stubble
Stubble stubble
Help yourself
So skinny
The kid
looks just like Yan Wenbin
Your dad is skinny too
I'm full
Hello Fang
Give the welfare house a call
Tell them I'll send the kid over tomorrow
That's right
He's at my home
That's it
Could you please send me back later
Could you please send me back later
It's not up to you
I need to see my dad
Where's my dad
Well let's have a talk
Why do you come to Ningzhou
Why did you borrow money
I didn't
Zhang Jinglin called the police on you
Chen Guansheng Listen to me
I was there to borrow money not to rob him
You're mad at me?
I'm telling you this for your own good
Hadn't I known your dad
you'd have been sent back already
Don't talk to me about my dad
If you didn't arrest him
how could I end up in the welfare house
My dad is not a bad guy
Whether he's good or bad
is decided by the judge
not by you and me
Baby baby
Alright alright
Honey honey
Come here and take her
Here you are
Don't run
Now now now Take her
What's the rush
What now
That police must have taken him back
Yan Liang
Yan Liang
Yan Liang are you okay
I'm fine
I stayed in his home for a while
What happened to you today
He tried to trick us into giving him the camera
saying he didn't have enough money
You keep the camera now
I think I left it at Mr Chen's home
How could you forget that
I was trying to run away
What if the police see the video
they'll arrest Zhang Dongsheng
and Pupu's 300000 yuan will be gone
It's my fault I'll get it back
Yan Liang
I'll go home now
What's wrong
Alright alright
What do you want
What do you want
Come here I'll give you one
Why's there a camera
Here here
I'll take a photo of you alright?
Three two one
No battery
No battery See
Hush hush hush
Come here
Come Don't cry
Hush hush
Give me a hug
He's over there
Yan Liang's back
He's all grown up
I can hardly recognize him
I don't want to see him
I don't want to see him
He is eager to meet you
I don't want to see him
No no
No no no
I don't want to see him
I don't want to see him
No no
Come here Don't be afraid
Come Let's go
Okay That's it for today
I don't want to see him
I don't want to see him
Anyone who went to the Palace that day
could be filmed by the camera on the 1st floor
Today you're called in
to check if there's anyone
that you know
or looks suspicious
Okay Thank you for your efforts
No problem
Hold on
Zoom in
It's him
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