The Baxters (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

In Hindsight

Would you make sure
she gets these?
[Kari] He's not himself.
-I'm telling you,
he would never.
-[Elizabeth] You're right.
He's changed.
He's not the man
you married.
Hey, you got any more
of that Trend or whatever
you call it?
It's not a miracle drug.
You keep taking that stuff,
-it'll start messing
with your head.
-Forget it.
I'll get it
from someone else.
Hey, Kari, if you ever
need someone to talk to,
you know I'm only
a phone call away, right?
[Tim] We need to
get on with our lives.
Now that we both signed.
Don't fight this.
I'm pregnant.
We can't move forward
with this baggage hanging
over our heads.
I'll take care
of my baggage.
It's on me.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Do you want coffee?
There's some already made.
Yeah, no
Uh, yeah, I do.
You're gonna be late
for class.
-Isn't your presentation today?
-I don't care about that.
I do.
If this is about
the divorce papers,
I know I've been
really hard on you,
and I'm sorry.
I don't want you to feel
like you can't come home
or, like, I don't understand.
I, uh
I think I need to be
at home a little while.
Kari's pregnant.
-You're kidding me.
-No, I'm not.
But how many weeks is she?
I don't know.
Well, when was the last time
you guys
It must have been
over the summer
when you were gone.
-I was trying to work it out.
-Is it yours?
-How do you know?
Because I know Kari.
Are you gonna keep it?
Stop saying "it."
-[cup shatters]
[exhales sharply]
Oh. Hey, Reagan.
Luke. Hi.
Are you doing
some redesigning?
[chuckles] No, no.
Uh, Kari sent me
to pick up some boxes.
Oh, yeah, right, of course.
Here, it's actually this way.
It's just this one,
but it's pretty heavy.
[Luke] Ah.
So, glasses inside, huh?
Is that a new thing?
What's the other guy
look like?
Well, he looks like
my refrigerator door.
So, uh, how's it
going for you here?
It's been amazing.
Yeah, I'm so lucky
to have Kari.
She's incredible.
Yeah. Yeah,
she really is.
It's been hard
to see her so upset.
Yeah. Relationships
are challenging.
Yeah. Are you, uh
Do you have a
Are you
No. No, I'm single.
Well, tell Kari
that I'm happy
to follow up
on all the rest
of the client orders.
You know, if she needs
a little bit more time
away from work.
I will. Yeah,
I will do that.
See you at church.
Or maybe I could
swing back by here
later on in the week.
IF there's anything else
that Kari needs me to pick up.
Yeah. Yeah,
that'd be great.
-I could bring coffee.
Wait, though.
Here is my number
and my coffee order.
Black coffee.
Well, you can take
girl out of New York.
All right,
I'll see you soon.
See you soon.
[woman] So, where
are you from, Dirk?
Isn't that in your file?
Well, I've got
two addresses for you.
You parents are separated?
Yeah, I grew up outside
of Philly mostly with my mom.
Well, that must have
been a change.
Leaving home for Indiana.
How you liking it here?
Well, I see you haven't
picked any majors yet.
Yeah, I don't know yet.
Well, any hobbies?
I play drums.
Okay, well, are you
Are you in a band?
I tried out
for the marching band,
but they wanted me
to be the understudy
for this other guy, so
Do you have any friends?
There's this girl, Angela.
Okay. Okay.
And, uh,
how did you two meet?
[Dirk] In class.
It was one of those,
"I see you seeing me,
noticing you."
It was immediate.
I knew that she was into me.
And do you get to see
Angela often?
Yeah, almost every day.
Oh, so she's a big part
of your life, then.
She's the one.
I would do anything for her.
You jerk.
Are you sure about this?
-You just don't want
to put it together.
-Not true.
I'm gonna end up
putting it together.
What makes you say that?
Remember that IKEA book shelf
you tried to impress me with
when we first met?
What did we call it?
[both] The Jenga tower.
All I'm saying is,
why remodel
a broken down Fiat,
as pretty as it is,
when you can go
with a brand-new Porsche?
This broken down Fiat
has been in the Baxter family
since my great-great-
grandmother Coleen.
My mother sat
in this high chair,
I sat in it.
All us Baxter kids did.
I want to continue
the Baxter tradition,
and create
some of our own.
Did you hear that, sweet pea?
[Kari chuckles]
[horn tooting]
-[Kari] Wow!
You finally went for it.
Decided to treat myself.
It's gorgeous.
Does it drive?
Like a dream.
[knocking on door]
Angela, just for a couple
of days so I could really
talk to her
and figure out
how this is gonna all
make sense.
[Angela sobbing]
I told you about my dad.
I told you how hard
this is for me.
You said we deserved
a happy ending.
I meant that.
I'm just confused.
[stutters] My head
is killing me.
Yesterday, my mom called me
and asked me if I was
dating anyone,
and I lied because it would
break her to know about you.
Even though
I was so happy,
I wanted to scream it
to the world.
"I finally met someone
who's kind and smart,
and loves what he does.
A real man."
That would kill her.
And I hate you for that.
I hate you for making me
into someone who lies
and cheats, and hurts people.
Things don't always go
the way you want them to,
Oh, but how
would you know that?
Right, because I'm
young and stupid,
and you're wiser and older.
If I'm gonna be a father,
I have to put that first.
Don't you get it?
If I don't do that,
then I'd be doing
the same thing
that your dad did to you.
Did you really just
say that to me?
You just said that to me.
[Angela sobbing]
Where are you going?
There's no way
I'm staying here
and watching you leave.
Hey. Angela.
What are you doing here?
-Are you okay?
-Leave me alone!
What did he do to you?
I checked the weather.
No tornadoes in the forecast.
I can't believe
that was ten years ago.
-Remember how we ran?
It was coming
straight for us
right across the lake.
And then it took out
Leland's dock.
You made me feel safe.
Should we see what God's
got planned for us today?
I can't tell you
how many times a day
I ask myself that.
How's your back
been doing these days?
Some days are better
than others.
You know, when I was
in that hospital bed,
I thought I was gonna die.
So did I.
I remember it
like it was yesterday.
I was home for the weekend,
watching your game
with Luke and my dad.
You watched?
My ex-boyfriend
was in the NFL,
of course we watched.
That day,
one second,
you were diving for the pass,
the next, you were
on the ground,
and you weren't moving.
I was so scared.
Luke found a flight to Chicago,
but I was already in the car.
I knew I needed
to get to you right away.
We drove five hours straight,
just me and Dad.
You were going in for surgery.
Do you remember anything?
Just that no matter
how hard I tried,
I couldn't move.
We got to the hospital,
and your mom said
they were operating on
On your spine.
We prayed together,
and then I fell asleep
in the waiting room.
When I woke up,
and I went to ask the nurse
about you,
and she said
I couldn't see you
because there were
too many people
in there already.
-So, you left?
I tried three more times
that day.
I just wanted one second
alone with you.
But there was
no room for me.
There were players
and coaches and trainers.
One really beautiful one
that wouldn't leave
your side in fact.
She was a physical therapist
with the team.
All those people were there
to help put me back
together again.
It would have been helpful
to have you there, too.
I felt like I didn't belong.
We decided to take a break
when you went off to play.
You decided that.
It doesn't matter now, Ryan.
It's in the past.
We're in the past.
Look, I'm not trying
to come between you and Tim.
I just want
to really understand
where we went wrong.
Will you talk to me
about it now?
[line ringing]
Is Kari with you?
Her car is here.
I've been calling her
all day.
No, she's not here.
She's out with friends,
I think. I'm not sure.
-It's very important.
-Oh, I'm sure that it is.
But, you know, you've
had plenty of chances
to talk to Kari,
and you'll have plenty more.
I'm sorry about
the last time
we saw each other.
I'll tell her
that you called.
And tell her
I'm waiting for her.
At home.
That was Tim.
You know, I just get
so mad for Kari.
I think
I've made things worse.
Okay. Let's skip
the restaurant.
I'll cook dinner.
-Come on.
Just tell me why
you really left the hospital
after my injury.
Maybe I'll understand
all of this better.
Seeing you surrounded
by all those people that day
just confirmed for me
that I was a part of your past.
The NFL, your team,
your big, huge future.
I didn't fit.
And I didn't want
to be the thing that
holds you back.
Why would you hold me back?
Your big dream
and my big dream
are very different, Ryan.
Yours is a huge
football career,
wherever that may take you,
and that's incredible,
but my dream
is building a life here
with my family.
That life was my dream, Kari.
But all of that changed
after the injury.
Yeah, I stuck around
in the practice squad,
hoping I'd recover
enough to play.
But all I kept
thinking about is
what if it happens again?
What if it happens again,
and this time,
they can't fix me?
What am I giving up for that?
It's a part of why I'm back.
"Part of"?
God gave me
another chance, Kari.
With everything
going on right now with you,
I can't help but wonder
if it wasn't for a reason.
I really wanna kiss you
right now.
[Elizabeth] I just
want Kari and Tim
to find their way again.
How can you be so calm?
Once long ago,
there was a boatload
of disciples,
and they were trying to cross
the Sea of Galilee.
And they had been
following their teacher
for months and months,
and they trusted him
In fact, one night,
he was on the boat with them
when a terrible storm came up.
And the winds, the waves
tossed the boat about
like a child's toy in the sea.
And finally, the disciples
cried out for
their teacher's help.
And where was Jesus?
He was asleep
in the back of the boat.
And after their
desperate cries,
he rose.
And he raised his hand
to the sea.
"Be still," he said.
And suddenly, the winds
and the waves grew calm.
That same teacher
knows about our storm.
And he hasn't
abandoned the ship,
and we can't either.
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
-Why did you come back?
-To save our marriage,
if that's still
what you want.
Clearly, I'm the one
who isn't welcome here.
You are quite host,
Luke Baxter.
I had fun today.
I owe you a thank you gift.
Pretend I'm not here.
It feels like
it's been forever.
Yeah, it, kind of, has.
You don't have to
stay with him, honey.
I'm pregnant, Mom.
A baby's
always a blessing,
no matter
the circumstances.
[Tim] Wow!
Kari Baxter in a bar.
You are my husband,
and we are having a baby,
and we are going to fight
for our marriage.
[Tim] Let's go home.
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