The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[heavy rain]
[gloomy music]
[dog barking]
[unintelligible conversation]
-[breathing heavily]
[bullet drops]
[bird cawing]
[bird cawing]
[bird cawing]
[bird cawing]
[knocks softly]
Pardon me.
Ines, my dear.
[mumbles] Where are you?
[barking in distance]
[eerie music]
[leaves rustling]
[heart beating faster]
[suspenseful music building]
Ines, what are you doing here?
Dad, please, help me.
Help me, Dad.
Help me. Help me.
-Help me, Dad.
-[Dario shushing softly]
[opening theme]
"Who organized the party?"
You could go take a hot shower.
Why protect the person
responsible for this?
[Paul whispers]
Amaia, tell her.
[whispers] Manu needs help.
I don't want us to be locked up.
Ok, this must end now.
Something to say, Paul?
-[Adele] It was Amaia.
-[dog barking]
She threw the party,
everyone knows it.
[dog barking]
Why does this not surprise me?
[Paz] No.
It was Eric.
No, it was Enrique.
No, it was Raquel.
[girl] No, it was Alex.
-[boy] No, it was Sara.
-Ok, alright!
[Mara] Two more hours of this?
Fine, that's the way it is.
[Adele] It's the truth.
You're liars. You're lying.
[boy mumbles] Little snitch.
Fucking rat.
[girl] Hyena.
[eerie music]
Celia, you're back at work already?
Yes, life goes on.
I want you to know,
despite everything that happened
Well, my condolences.
Thank you.
-Follow me, please.
-Why? What's up?
You're under arrest
for Alba's murder.
-Are you crazy?
-You have the right to
-You have
Tell them it's a misunderstanding.
I didn't hold a grudge.
-I hope you rot, scumbag.
-Celia, please!
-Take him out.
-I didn't do it!
Let's go!
[baker] Celia!
-It's ok.
-[Celia nods]
It's over.
[Mara] Come in.
This is a hard job, you know?
Very hard.
Do you think I enjoy my position?
I don't.
It's not nice to feel,
the students' hate.
Sometimes, I'm tempted to give in.
Give in to get
a little appreciation
a small gesture.
[sighs] That'd be such a relief.
The problem is
our students are liars.
You can never trust them.
[humph] If they were good kids,
they wouldn't be here.
That's why it's so
important to remain strong.
Whatever happens, no exceptions.
Because our strength
is the only constant they have.
Our strength
is their lifeline.
Someone trustworthy
to guide them, teach them
right from wrong.
I understand, Mara.
You're right.
Give me another chance.
I promise, I'll be your closest ally.
It's a shame
it took you so long to see it.
You've lost their respect now.
You alone have cost you a job here.
Let it go.
Anything else?
I don't think you
want me to leave this way.
Things happen in this school.
If word got out
to the wrong people
I don't know.
Some people wouldn't understand.
[student] "I deserve my punishment."
Thank you to this institution,
for showing me the way.
the baker was a pig.
He would jerk off
in front of the girls.
[Pelayo] Hey, stop whispering.
Alba saw one day and told on him.
Word got to his wife
and she threw him out.
So, he hated Alba,
and took her eyes.
[denies] Not a chance.
The baker might be a jerk-off
or fuck goats,
but he didn't do it.
The murder is depicted
in a 16th century painting.
[Amaia] Dangerous people
in the forest,
the same people who took Manuel.
We believe it's some type
of ancient lodge.
The Raven's Nest.
What do you mean?
But wasn't it dragons
you saw in the painting?
Dude, you were blind drunk.
I told you, the painting had girls
with their eyes gouged like Alba.
People in raven masks
abducting and gutting people.
Burying them.
And Manu is asking us for help.
[boy] But asking for help with what?
With the postcard he sent?
Were you on acid or what?
We have to go into the catacombs,
and get that painting.
-[girl] She's so nasty.
-[boy] Snitch.
[Pelayo] Everyone, behave yourselves.
Well, will you help?
[scream in pain]
[vehicle approaches]
[doctor] "Neural regeneration
is like a small window.
A slit where lost memories
can slip through."
[machines beeping]
Ines, this is the method we use
on students to help them
get off drugs.
And there are quite a few here
Are you sure, love?
I want to be cured.
[machines beep intermittently]
We use this to activate
the right hemisphere,
which houses
cognitive reserves and memory.
It's not pleasant.
[machines beeping]
-[increase in voltage]
-[beeping accelerates]
[breathing heavily]
[intense music]
[woman screams]
[voltage increasing]
[metallic creaking]
[bones breaking]
[disturbed screaming]
[machine beeping stabilizes]
[bell rings]
We'll talk later.
Adele, whenever you fancy.
Preferably before
the end of the year.
Very good.
As usual a perfect score.
Great, Rita.
[girl] That's disgusting, it's shit.
[door opens]
[Adele crying]
Are you okay?
Are you sure?
I'm great.
[door closes]
[distorted voice of doctor]
"Notice anything strange?"
Everything I see is strange.
But how are you feeling, Ines?
My head hurts.
Perhaps we need another shock.
No, we're done with the shocks.
No more.
Ines, these are strong.
They'll work quickly.
It's important
to let your thoughts flow.
Above all else,
if you notice any changes,
come see me, deal?
[mumble] Now or never.
[psst] Coming or not?
-[Amaia] What about Julio?
-[Paul] He stayed back.
Fuck, the stench of wine.
It makes me want to puke
Yes, that's called a hangover.
We're really gonna
risk it for these two?
You believe all this shit?
Do you have to do that now?
What a buzzkill, for real.
[boy] These guys think
they're in a movie.
-[boy] A little wine.
-[Paz laughs]
-Let's see
Where are you?
Guys, where is everyone?
Fuck, you scared me.
[Paz laughs]
[Amaia] You coming?
-Ok, go.
-Let's just leave them.
Go. Come on..
[boy] Ok ready?
[Amaia] Come.
[Amaia] It's here. This is the door.
-[Amaia] What?
-What happened?
[boy sighs]
There's nothing here.
Guys, there was a huge room here.
With furniture and a bunch of stuff.
Yes, but I don't see anything.
They knew we'd be back.
[hisses in pain]
[bottle rolls]
[Amaia] What's that?
Amaia, come.
-[glass breaks]
-[Amaia] Fuck, fuck!
[Amaia] They're eyeballs!
[suspenseful music]
Get out now!
Go, get out!
[Celia] These have been
difficult days.
Extremely painful.
But I can feel your warmth
and support.
Now that justice has been served
were those Alba's eyes?
They put them there to threaten us.
Yes, but who?
[Celia] Thank you, Prior.
I also thank the school staff.
And thank you to all you kids.
I hope your love
consoles my beautiful Alba.
[crying] Wait for me in heaven,
my love.
[organ music]
[Leon] Well
How's it going?
-How you been feeling?
-Very well.
You did great.
Thank you.
-[Leon] When do we have class?
-Wednesday, I think.
Ok, Wednesday.
We have to tell everyone
how well you've done.
[exhales deeply]
[Leon] Alright, then
Now to see if we can
arrange an orchestra.
-Won't that be exciting?
[bell tolls]
[Mara] "Now that Alba's terrible
murder is behind us.
I just hope everyone
will do their part,
so we can get things back on track."
That is all.
-[bell tolls]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[coffee maker humming]
[machine stops]
So, how'd you do it?
Mara gave me another chance.
That easy?
Well, I'm happy you're staying.
Thank you.
Very happy?
Of course.
You're a good teacher.
How do you know that?
You've never been to my classes.
Are you going to torture me long?
[both laugh]
Forgive me.
I'm happy I'm staying, too.
I'm lucky enough to have
the Prior lead my thesis.
I like giving classes.
I like some of my coworkers.
You know I dated
a Scottish guy?
I've got a thing for men in skirts.
About that
That was a mistake, Elvira.
It's not you.
It's just I can't
I feel I caused some confusion.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't worry.
We choose our own lives.
You pray, study, confess
and those things.
And me, I do a lot of nonsense
and screw up.
It's nothing, just forget it.
I'm glad you understand.
Of course, Elias.
It was dumb.
We don't need to
get into all that mess.
[door opens and closes]
[Amaia] "Why kill Alba and take Manu?"
We think it's like some
sort of satanic society.
Satanists in a monastery?
No fucking way.
Well, now we know what to do, right?
We just stay quiet.
We have to keep looking for Manu.
You're bailing on us?
Dude, listen.
I can put up with this school,
the punishments
and these damn teachers.
At least I'm not at home.
But if things get this heavy,
I'd prefer my mother's crap,
I'm used to it.
She can tell me I'm fat
and disgusting.
That I was born at the worst time.
That's ok, but this
I can't.
Well, maybe she was right.
You ever think that?
[Pelayo] Morning.
[all] Good morning.
[bird cawing]
[breathing heavily]
[gasping in pain]
[footsteps approaching]
What brings you to my domain?
My room, is looking
a little sad
and I wanted to get a plant.
If you don't mind.
You like the Sedum sediforme?
It's a super plant.
For healing and regenerating.
You heard of trementinaires?
-Another plant?
The women of these valleys.
They were very wise.
Generations roaming these mountains,
collecting plants
for holistic remedies.
These were their favorite.
[Elvira] "Plants to cure wounds,
to cure the soul.
Even to fly."
Las Cumbres.
What, are you backing out too?
And you?
Don't you ever freak out?
Sometimes you're in my nightmares.
Sure they're nightmares?
-Are you joking?
I'd never dare.
I found something.
[quiet] I'm sorry.
[woman] Here are two.
The third is out,
I'll let you know.
After the war, this pianist
wrote lyrics to the region's
traditional songs.
"At top of Las Cumbres,
oh, how the raven caws.
Evil black bird
that serves the devil".
-I heard Alba sing this.
Look at the rest.
"Ravens invoke the devil,
when they take you
-to the nest".
-"at top of Las Cumbres".
-"Las Cumbres" is capitalized.
[whispers] It's the school's name.
At that time,
it was a psychiatric hospital.
According to the song,
the nest is found
at top of Las Cumbres.
[mysterious music]
"If we'd protected ourselves,"
Alba would still be alive.
No dead bird would've
stopped the baker.
How naive you are, my son.
If these stones could talk
[bird cawing]
Enough of demons, ravens and witches.
Let's go home.
-[Virginia] I want to protect them.
[Virginia] Poor creatures.
If they knew the danger they're in
I just want to protect them.
Yes, Mom, I know.
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[Eric quietly]
Paz, you crazy?
Paz, jump.
[Paz] No, pass.
What's wrong with you? Jump.
No, I'll pass.
[Gorka] Are you that fat, Paz?
I told you to jump.
[water running]
I'm fed up with the jumping.
Jump, jump, jump,
every day!
I'm not a kangaroo.
You laughing at me, Paz?
Jump, kangaroo.
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[machine beeping]
[suspenseful music]
[top spinning]
[top spinning]
[metallic creaking]
[door opens]
What's wrong?
[breathing heavily]
What's wrong?
Can you hear me?
[intense music]
[bell rings]
[girl] Snitch!
[boy] Come here!
[girl] Bitch!
[girl] Bigmouth!
[boy] Rat!
[girl] Snitch!
-Cover me.
-[Amaia] Ok.
[shh] Careful.
[Adele] Paul,
I need to talk to you.
Adele, I can't right now.
-What's going on?
-I have to talk to you now.
-We'll talk later.
Go away.
Ok, you're good.
Nice. Hide it.
[door closes]
[footsteps approaching]
Are you following me?
Do you remember what you told me?
[Rita] Of course.
That I like your hair, your smile
that you're very pretty
Lately, that's all I think about.
Oh, yeah?
[sensual music]
-[Adele] I never remember.
-[Rita] Ok.
[all laugh]
[Rita] Let's see.
Let's see.
Who wrote Moby Dick in 1851?
[Paul] Herman Melville.
Come here, I want to talk.
[Adele] No.
Not now.
I told you to come.
No, let me go!
-I don't like these guys.
-[Adele] And?
I don't like your friends, either.
Leave her alone.
Did I say something to you?
I was speaking to my sister.
I don't want to talk to you.
I think that's pretty clear.
[suspenseful music]
It's not your fault your brother
is so possessive.
Your brother is your brother
and you are you.
He's an idiot.
And you're
you're so cool.
I think I hate him.
He won't say it,
but he's always busy with Amaia.
What Amaia thinks,
what Amaia does. Always Amaia!
I hate her too.
She's always there when
bad things happen.
It's her fault everyone's
against me and she stole my brother.
She always wins
and I end up losing.
I'm the one who gets left alone.
You're not alone now.
[heavy rain]
[distorted piano melody]
[Leon] What is it?
Leon, I came to tell you
I won't be able to turn
the assignment in on time.
I'm sorry.
What did you take?
You're drugged up.
They're pills for my headache.
They're incredible. Want one?
You shouldn't take anymore.
Give them to me.
Why did you come?
The truth.
[Ines] I came to
I don't remember.
What did you do with my pills?
-I think I better go.
[locking door]
You shouldn't be seen.
-Stay, until you're feeling better.
You were right to come.
But you can't tell anyone.
Promise me.
Of course.
May I have some water?
[door opens]
What am I doing here?
It's ok.
[sensual music]
-[Paul] Let's go tonight.
-[Amaia] Ok.
[Amaia] When? And where?
[Paul] At bedtime.
[Paul] "We'll meet down the hall."
[Gorka] Kids!
Get to bed. Absolute silence.
Good night.
Where you going?
To get a book from my locker.
You'll get it tomorrow.
Go to bed.
[mumbles] Fuck, Amaia.
[mysterious music]
[whispers] Manuel.
[mysterious music]
[man] Who's there?
[man] What's wrong, brother?
[Friar] I think someone's here.
[friar] I'm gonna make sure.
[muffled screams]
[mysterious music]
[mysterious music]
[metal creaking]
[birds cawing in distance]
[sensual music]
[sensual music]
[music stops]
[metal creaking]
[metal creaking]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appearing constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
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