The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Like in the movies

If anyone snitches - I'll kill you.
Guys, why is the main entrance closed?
Visiting hours are over for now.
Oh, I see.
- Got any cigarettes left?
- Last one.
What are you, doctors?
- No, interns.
- What?
- Interns, I said.
- Interns? -Yeah.
I see.
Listen, it's cold. Lend me your lab coat.
Hey, it's mine, how can I
I'll return it, just need to warm up.
We only get one each, I can't do that.
But you're not doctors yet, right?
But I am a doctor. Take it off.
- I won't, leave me alone
- Take it off, I said.
Hey, listen! I'll call someone!
- Call your mom.
- I'll call right now!
Show-off! Take it off.
Why so stingy, I don't get it.
- Hello, how are you?
- Hello, hello.
- Doctor
- Later, woman.
Guys, no handle, can't open it.
Marat! Over here.
Hurry up.
- Where were you?
- Dad took me away.
I see.
Anyway, someone beat up a Hadish guy
right in the ward.
They took him to the ICU, and they're searching
here. Want to surprise us in the morning.
- We should leave.
- Yeah. Seen it?
- How many of us?
- Three with you.
Zima is at the station, they found a knife on
him. Adidas was taken to surgery an hour ago.
He got hit hard in the leg.
- Then we'll pick him up.
- Yeah, let's go.
- Hello, let me help you.
- What for?
Just offering help.
- And who are you?
- An intern.
Where are you taking
her? To the basement, right?
Meet you in the basement.
- Hello! Is that Suvorov with you?
- Get out of here immediately.
- Adidas, guys!
- This is a sterile area!
- Sorry, emergency evacuation.
- You take the legs, I'll take the arms.
- What do you mean take the legs? What are you doing?
- And - lift!
- I'm calling the police!
- Haven't you finished yet?
- Infection will get in - they'll amputate the leg!
- Stop cursing, he's my brother.
- Let's go.
- Legs first, forward!
I'll finish then.
Come in!
- Sheep
- Natasha. Lie down.
Come on, come on.
Careful, he's not firewood.
- Maybe I should hold them up?
- Who are you going to hold up, musketeer, push!
Guys, get to the car, quick.
- Uncle, drive us home, help, we really need it!
- Shift's already changed.
I'll be back soon!
- What are you doing here?
- Helping a veteran.
- What veteran?
- Go home, mom!
Let's go.
Damn it!
- Step on it!
- Drive!
How does this thing turn on?
Stop immediately!
- The cops!
- Speed up, faster!
- Stop right now.
- I'm driving as fast as I can!
- Faster!
- Tolya, turn on the siren!
- All set, I'm here.
- Turn on the siren, quick!
I'm not Tolya, I'm Marat.
Hey-hey-hey! Hold him!
Vova, Vova!
It's me, it's okay!
Quiet, quiet, quiet!
All right, all right, quiet.
is the curly-haired one?
Three cotton-padded
coats, one pair of pants.
Saw some boots somewhere,
don't know, not in the gym.
Need to bring more analgin.
Again? Where am I
supposed to get it? Analgin!
I don't care, find it. Go on.
Where are we?
What, you woke up, Vova?
There was a fight in the
hospital. We checked you out.
Oh, Vova, hey! How are you?
- What's this?
- Took it from apartment 17.
And where were you?
With you.
No, you don't understand.
When the raid happened.
I didn't see you there.
Dad dragged me into the car. They
found out at school that I stole the hat.
He wanted to take me to my aunt in Chelny.
Barely managed to escape.
Honestly, I would give
an arm to be with you guys.
What good are you to us without an arm?
Guys, I feel terrible.
Got anything to drink?
- Careful.
- Come on, come on.
- Feeling better?
- Yeah.
Haven't had this much chaos in a while.
They even stormed the hospital
some snitch told the Hadish guys
that our guys beat one of theirs
in the ward straight to ICU.
It was me.
Ravil Isakov, the one who killed Eralash.
I found him, but
Didn't have time to call you guys.
And now you're the big shot here?
- Well, he did the right thing.
- Who asked you?
Brave with your brother around?
You youngsters are getting too bold.
Maybe we should promote you to the older
group, since you decide who to execute?
What about Turbo?
Maybe I'm missing something?
The street taught me differently.
Who asked you to take him out?
- Enough.
- What do you mean 'enough', Vov? Am I wrong?
Go explain yourself to the elders now.
They didn't order any action on Taktash.
I'm your elder.
Why are you yelling?
We'll talk at the general
meeting tomorrow.
We need to have a discussion.
I'll stay here tonight.
Take care, Vov.
Vov, I'll stay with you.
I'll keep watch.
- Well done, Coat.
- Thanks.
Take care, Vova.
Close the door, guys, so it doesn't draft.
That's impressive.
- Where are you off to now?
- To rehearsal.
Can I come along?
- Where are you going, I just cleaned here.
- To rehearsal.
Come on, I'm only waiting for you guys.
- Oh, you're here?
- Hello.
- What happened to your head?
- Oh, played basketball, hit my head on the hoop.
And who's this? A fan of your talent?
This is my friend, Marat.
Is Ira not coming today?
Ira won't be here today, she's at work.
Tell me what you know.
Can you play by ear?
Depends on the piece.
It has to be precise. We need someone -
someone we can trust.
Because we already
have a certain reputation.
Stand up.
Alright, guys, let's
"White Night".
Okay, okay. Stop, stop, stop.
- You don't know it, right?
- You said, by ear.
And there go three rubles past your ears.
It needs to be in your fingers right away,
we don't have time to teach.
Sorry, man.
Really, you need to practice.
You went to music school, right?
- Yeah.
- See, you should continue.
Just the level is a bit
different from ours, you know?
Do you play Kiss?
Well, we can.
Are you aware that their logo has the
SS symbol encrypted? Two lightning bolts.
What, are you a Nazi? Look, wearing
"US Army". Trying to be an American?
Talking about levels, reputation.
What's your level?
Yuri Antonov's level?
Think you dress up like a rooster from
Bremen and suddenly have a reputation?
Who knows you on the street? Reputation?
You'll have a reputation
when you turn away from America
- and start playing real music.
- What kind?
- "Tender May"!
- Marat!
- Wait, I'm explaining to people!
- What, you grew your hair?
Put on a dress and go to your America,
dance there.
We don't play music
for freaks like you, got it?
Ira asked me to tell you to go
to music school, I've told you.
We have a keyboard player. Get out!
Should punch you to make
you love your homeland!
- Mom, hi.
- Hello, Svetlana Mikhailovna.
Sorry for the late visit.
- Mom, this is Marat, remember?
- His parents are away on a business trip,
and he lost his key.
Can he stay over tonight?
- What's with your clothes?
- We borrowed them.
Well, Marat can go to the room,
I need to talk to you.
Thank you.
Yul, show me the toys? I want to play.
- I'll show, but won't let you play.
- Let's go.
- Sorry I didn't come straight away.
- We were helping a guy, chased by thugs.
And while this, while that
But I'm okay, they said I
can continue outpatient.
- The police were chasing you.
- Yeah, like an escort, to prevent them catching up.
It's a whole story.
A gang came to cripple a guy for nothing.
And someone had to
get him off the territory.
And who else? Doctors in surgeries.
So, Turbo and I
Valera and I took him out.
Then we got a gratitude.
I picked up your stuff from the hospital.
Have dinner and go to bed.
Yeah, cool.
Thought we'd stay there for sure.
Really, six faces in the elevator.
Seems like four.
They were shocked themselves.
Standing there with a
stretcher, IV. A circus.
It's the element of surprise.
- What?
- Mom probably forgot to turn off the TV.
Shall I turn it off?
What's up, mom?
believe you.
It's all my fault, all mine,
I won't even deny it.
- Couldn't save your father
- Alright, mom.
Don't interrupt. And couldn't save you.
Hello, may I?
You may. Who are you?
Vasilyev, and I'm his
mother. We called yesterday.
Ah, come in. But without mom.
- We have a no-mom policy here.
- Ah.
Well, sit down, Vasilyev.
Decided to become a Suvorov cadet?
I don't mind the water, but
Usually, people ask for permission.
Do you know what a Suvorov cadet is?
A Suvorov cadet is
someone who's always ready,
at any moment,
to defend their homeland.
Are you ready?
I don't know, I'm a pacifist.
I'm a pacifist too.
Because a pacifist
is someone who is against war.
Because only the ability
to defend your homeland
protects us from invasion.
But to understand this,
you have to grow up.
I think there won't be any more wars.
They're even withdrawing from Afghanistan.
My friend just returned from there.
He says, you only steal canned food,
but do nothing else.
Well, not you personally,
but the leadership.
Although you too.
You have such a broad face.
Not from eating buckwheat, right?
Get out.
Get out!
Merci beaucoup.
were defeated"
- Finally!
- What?
- Yeah, everything's great.
- Just need to bring some papers tomorrow,
- then we can go next week.
- We'll bring them tomorrow, everything.
Oh, thank God, son,
it's such a good place, right?
I'll bring them myself, mom. Shall we go?
Let's go have some ice cream.
Aigul! Hey!
Hey! Maybe skip solfeggio,
or whatever you have?
I won't skip.
Why are you like this?
Just normal.
Really, what happened?
But I can see something is wrong.
- If you see, you should understand yourself.
- But what did I do?
Where were you? For two days, no response,
no hello, you didn't even call me.
Now you show up? I'm supposed
to skip my lessons because of you.
A relationship isn't about coming when
you want. Relationships are commitments.
"Ey." You're saying
"ey" to me? I'm not "ey."
Yell "ey" at your mom.
I have feelings too. Understand?
That's all? Nothing to say?
I actually came to explain.
We had such a situation!
You know, Eralash was killed.
We found out who it was,
but my dad took me away.
Barely saved a brother, he's still limping.
They stole him in an ambulance.
But I wasn't with your brother.
That's it. You're free to go.
- Where from?
- From the accordion.
You're free to go.
- Why so much?
- Oh come on, show people what you can do.
Come on, come on, come on.
She's got skills!
- Get out of here.
- Come back when the elders aren't around.
- Our guys gathered.
- Vova wants to talk to you.
What's up?
What, he's going to confront me, huh?
Well, all the elders are out there. They're
waiting for what you'll say. Serious issue.
Well, if it's a serious issue,
then I should go talk, right?
- Yeah.
- What, did I get dressed up for nothing?
I'll go out in public.
- I'm coming too.
- Stay home.
Vov! Vov, they're coming.
Hello everyone!
So, who wanted to talk to me?
You, huh?
Why so gloomy, guys?
We've talked it over.
- We're not backing you up.
- Who exactly?
Or maybe you?
Ah-ah-ah! So it's you?
Hiding under Adidas, if
you don't back me up?
Should've said it to my face.
I'll tell it to you straight.
A guy from "Hadishki" told me,
they just poured you a drink,
when you went to talk about Eralash.
You didn't even mention him. You told
us all, he died there over some non-sense.
You're scared shit less of them all.
Sold Eralash for a shot of vodka.
Or whatever you drink, cologne?
You're hitting black tar every other day.
Guys from other hoods are watching us,
thinking our street's gone soft.
You, Kashchey, nobody
gives a damn about you in town.
- Yeah?
- Absolutely. You've become worse than Uncle Tolya.
Lost respect.
You done?
And now
I'll give you a detailed
answer to your accusation.
You just called me a
rat in front of everyone?
- Basically, is that what you're saying?
- Basically, yes.
You're saying I betrayed some nobody.
Tell me, did you see it yourself, or did
someone sing it to you? Simple question.
- Well, people don't just talk for no reason.
- They say, people milk hens.
Do you realize that
you're accusing your elder
of some cop nonsense right now?
You're done for, Vova!
Things like this aren't let off here.
I stand here, for this street!
The guys are everything to me, and I am everything
to the guys! Those who know me, understand.
I've been here, educating people.
I raised you to be a man.
Don't you get it, that if they
couldn't break us all together,
- now they'll start picking us off one by one.
- Guys!
Guys, don't you want to watch the VCR?
Uncle, can't you see,
people are talking here, huh?
I have a video salon nearby.
- Anyway
- One ruble per person.
Uncle, get lost!
If anything, Malenkaya
Street, house 7, I'm waiting.
I grew up here, I buried my father here!
Right here, from the Volga,
will start the cleansing of the
criminal world. From this yard!
Because strength, Vov, is in the people!
Enough, guys!
Enough, I said it!
We're street.
And your jailbird issues don't concern us.
We're street.
We are the street!
We are the street! We are
the street! We are the street!
Definitely, something's gotta give.
Kaschei from all ages gathered.
Oh! A drill!
Look at that!
Just don't press it!
Who are you talking to, bro?
Come on, boys, let's hit the movies.
Let's roll, boys.
And again the gray night, only to it I trust.
You know, gray night,
you hold all my secrets
The hosts!
Hello. You said,
we can watch a video here.
Sure. One ruble per
person - and you can watch.
- Is your VCR local or branded?
- It's a brand.
I worked in Angola,
paid with checks, you know.
Shopped at "Beryozka."
Right here exactly.
Guys, I mean, no problem,
but you won't all fit.
Well, we'll try.
- Oh!
- Yeah!
The Coat, hurry up.
The Coat!
What were you doing
there? Aren't you ashamed?
- You going there?
- Yes.
- Who's there?
- Zima.
Zima! Come on, Zima!
- Come on already!
- Wait a sec.
Turn on the light, Turbo.
Give me ten seconds, please!
Hey, there are also good cartoons,
about a bird and a cat,
pretty interesting, actually.
Is she really gonna do it with a horse?
No, let's skip that, guys. Move on.
Are we really gonna watch her
with a horse? We're not like that.
Nah, that's garbage.
You can't pull out a
heart with four fingers.
- Not with three. Three's impossible.
- But with four, if you're quick.
- Vov, tell him.
- Bro, Bruce Lee could, trust me.
I had a buddy, served together,
he was Lee's disciple, imagine.
- Really?
- I swear. I'd be damned.
His parents were in Hong Kong,
diplomats and all, wow, back and forth.
He went to the monastery,
Lee wouldn't let him in.
But he stood there, you know, for days -
at the temple, got it?
And Lee saw he was standing,
- and took him in to train.
- That's crazy.
Imagine, the guy made
30 rubles in a day.
Basically, drained the whole fund.
- Video salon's a good gig.
- Yep.
We should open one
on our street too.
Where were you?
- Asleep?
- Yep.
- Traumatic brain injury?
- Yep.
- What's the distance between the beds?
- About one and a half meters?
So, a man was beaten here, for a long time,
almost killed, and you were sleeping right here.
Sign here.
I'm done.
And whose shift was it when it all
happened? Yours or had you switched?
- Mine.
- And you didn't hear anything either?
Maybe relatives or
friends came to see him?
No one was there.
These guys stormed in later.
When the guy with the jaw was
beaten, no outsiders were there.
Got it, thanks.
A boy came to visit him,
but he was barely standing.
A boy?
- Hello.
- What's up, guys?
- And another question.
- If we buy a blank tape,
can you record a movie on it?
No, I need a second VCR,
how can I record from one?
- Oh, right. Can't do it from one?
- No.
What movies do you have? "Robocop"
and something about a bird you mentioned.
That's a cartoon. About a cat, a canary.
Funny stuff. Come tomorrow,
I'll show you.
And How much does a VCR cost?
- Did you get the cables?
- Yeah.
- The porn?
- No.
You idiot! Hurry up.
What if we trade?
We have a "Lada," export model, it runs.
- What model?
- "Niva."
I'll have to check it out.
- Kat, what's that?
- I don't know, I'm in the kitchen.
My dad also works in Angola,
as a translator.
- From Angolan. There was this funny incident
- Hey! What are you doing there?
Let's go! Give me your hand!
- Let's go! Move it!
- Stop!
- Stop, I said!
- Screw you!
I'll remember you, thief!
Hi, mom.
- Arrived?
- Hello.
- Haven't the parents come yet?
- Still waiting.
This is for Yulia. How does
she feel about pastries?
- Pastry!
- Very good, thank you.
You wash your hands too, sit down,
I've prepared something.
- Can I make a phone call?
- Yes.
What the hell.
I'll get it, Kiryush.
Yes, speaking?
Hi. It's me.
Hi, hi.
- Where are you calling from?
- From a friend's place.
- Staying here for now.
- Maratic!
Please come back right now,
I'll talk to your father.
No, mom. Listen.
Can you pack some things for me?
Like, underwear, stuff like that.
It's awkward borrowing from someone.
Yes, I can.
Or better
come by in the morning, after dad leaves,
I'll feed you.
- Thanks, mom.
- Please come back soon.
- Who was that?
- Ah Lyuba.
Andryush, we keep forgetting to take
down the tree. Remind me tomorrow.
- Oh! One, two, three, four, five, six!
- Yulia!
Watching your game is a pleasure.
One! Not bad either.
- Oh!
- I'm going to the pike.
Yes, catching up with the guys.
I'll get it!
Be careful. Ask who it is.
Fell into a whirlpool. What a misfortune.
We're off on a big adventure, join us.
Yulia's playing reluctantly.
Are you playing for money?
- Why?
- Look at these serious folks.
Alright, enough.
Get out of here.
Come on.
We need to talk, just you and me.
Sit down, Marat.
Andrey's friend came over.
Such friends end up in the ditch eating a
horse. Do you know what they did today?
Kicked a guy with their feet, the whole crowd.
Right under your windows, one of their own.
And now he's sitting, tossing dice.
That's the brother of
their boss, Adidas Jr.
And what are you waiting for? Until they start
carrying furniture out of your apartment?
Then call the rest of them.
You've turned this place into a den.
- Get out, I said.
- This is my apartment.
And I ask you not to speak
like that in front of the children.
Yes, "in front of the
children." Fine, as you wish.
I refuse to share a table with gangsters.
In that case, I won't hold you up.
Well then, you're free to leave.
So, a business conversation begins.
Let's have a word, just the two of us.
- Don't twitch, I'm not going to eat him.
- The record's over!
Everything will be fine, mom.
So, listen, here's the deal.
If Ravil dies
You know which Ravil?
The one you beat up in the hospital.
He's in intensive care now.
They opened his skull, relieved
the pressure. But the clot remained.
So, if
Or rather, when he dies,
you'll get a real sentence.
Not probation, not a guarantee,
a real sentence.
I didn't tell your mother.
She's already troubled enough,
she doesn't need this.
Well, after today, I won't be around.
So you decide what to do
when she's left alone with Yulia.
What's there to decide?
You should come and say:
"I, Andrey Vasilyev, am an idiot, didn't
appreciate, went down the wrong path".
And then I'll show you where to turn.
Think about it.
We're now creating a
new department - UBOP.
We have power behind us now.
We'll crush all of you in two weeks.
Here are some sandwiches,
at least eat something.
I already ate at Aunt Sveta's.
God, it's so awkward -
living off someone when you have parents.
- It's okay.
- I help out there too, as much as I can.
Okay, I'm going. Thanks, mom.
And I keep thinking,
will your Lyuba come or not?
So, she's here.
Come home today.
I'll be back in the
evening, we need to talk.
Let me handle this.
Oh Hi there.
You got a call yesterday. I'll give you the
character reference and removal notice now.
Wait here.
- Wait over there, I said.
- I don't want to wait there.
What's going on here?
Kira, sorry, can I have a minute?
- Did he tell you?
- Not "you", "you" in the formal sense.
You know
You know
who this Ravil is?
He killed Yeralash.
Jumped on his head.
He's a murderer.
You know, I really tried to help.
Really hard.
But anyone who beats a defenseless guy,
is not human to me.
I've got French meat dish
here. Knew it somehow.
Well, could've gone Soviet-style too.
He'll devour it all, starving as he is.
- Volodya, did the army teach you that?
- "Devour", "starving". We're not in the village.
- Grand merci.
- If you please.
- Kiryush, want some food?
- No, thanks.
Step out, please, we need to talk.
Why aren't you eating?
- Not drinking, I'm an athlete.
- It's okay, you can with me.
Go pour yourself some "Buratino".
Though I don't know, maybe you're
too grown-up now - a thief. You do drink.
What about the hat, spill it.
Tell me about the hat.
- Stole it.
- Why?
Andrey's mom lost her hat to
some swindlers. And 100 rubles.
They have nothing to eat at home.
She was especially upset about the hat.
They're really poor.
I even tried to pawn my clothes.
They didn't take it because of my age.
Coming out of the pawnshop, there
was Filyura Gabdullovna looking all posh.
Beautiful and young.
So, I snatched her hat.
Well, I figured.
No, I believe you, you
You wanted to help your friend, his mom.
But that's not the way to do it.
Evil breeds evil,
you can't help people by robbing others.
You're not Robin Hood.
Everyone's poor here.
And Filyura Gabdullovna also
bought that hat with her last dime.
I would never do that.
It's terrible, when your son is a thief.
Come on, dad, really!
He's not a thief.
Well, blood will out.
A strict teacher there, a friend here.
Don't worry, I'll vouch for him.
It won't happen again, right?
I can't forgive just yet.
But this is your home,
here's your mother, your brother.
- This is where you live.
- I was thinking of going to my aunt in Chelny.
I'm not your enemy, got it?
Understand, your mother
and I won't be around forever.
I'm asking for one thing - your diploma.
You won't go back to that school.
Take your papers to another school,
a French one nearby.
Can you do it yourself?
I'll try.
Robin Hood, darn it.
Filyura Gabdullovna, hello,
I'm Andrey Vasilyev's mom.
Come in.
Filyura Gabdullovna,
it's about the absences.
You see, Andrey was hospitalized.
Here's our note.
Sorry, I don't recall your
name and patronymic.
Svetlana Mikhailovna.
Svetlana Mikhailovna,
where did you get this hat?
- It was a gift to me.
- And who gave it to you?
- My son.
- It's just that this is my hat.
Someone snatched it off me on the street.
A schoolboy.
And I know who.
There's an 'F' embroidered on the lining.
Where, show me.
Right here.
I embroidered it. With red thread.
I understand.
You didn't know.
- What's wrong, mom?
- I had a hat.
And I took it, stole it.
Mom, what are you saying,
don't scare me like that.
I went and stole it.
What are you saying, mom! Mom!
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