The Broken News (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

The Akhil Kapoor Scandal

Court order?
Court order for what?
It's a Gag order, Akhil Kapoor
has issued from special court.
We can't do this story today.
Why and for what reasons?
Invasion of privacy, defamation,
Can't we do anything against this order?
My team is drafting an appeal. We'll
file it first thing tomorrow morning.
Bull shit! Amina, please we can't
not do the story, okay.
Let's break the story and
later we will apologies.
There will be some way out,
let's figure it out.
Ma'am on contempt of court there
are directives to arrest.
Editor and owner both are liable
to get arrested.
Amina listen, let's break the story
and later we will apologies.
We'll apologies.
-We can't do this.
Bastard Dipankar.
-What happened?
Yes, Ms Nazeen tell us.
'Bollywood was my dream.'
'I wanted to do acting, I wanted to
show my talent to everybody.'
'I was all alone in Mumbai and during
that time I met Akhil Kapoor.'
'And he exploited me.'
Thank you, Nazeen for being so brave.
And bringing forward
the dark and disgusting
truth hidden behind
the glitter of Bollywood.
Your bravery will become the voice
of many innocent women.
Who want to do something in this field.
And have come with some dreams.
How did this story reach to Dipankar?
It doesn't matter, Amina.
Story is out. Josh 24/7 broke the story.
Now this gag order is meaningless.
That's true.
-Isn't it, sir?
Huh! Technically
Oh God! Mr. Radheshayam.
Good evening, sir.
Guys, please
-Good evening, sir.
Radha, why is your channel not working,
I hope everything is fine.
Yes Pooja, everything is fine.
There are some technical difficulties,
but going to be fine soon.
Radha, I have told my
husband everything.
I hope you understand my situation.
Yeah Pooja, I understand.
And I am trying my best, okay.
Just trust me.
Management cannot sensor
editorial team.
Earlier also there were cases on
news stories
And in future also it will keep happening.
It's part and parcel of the business.
Editorial decision.. ..
How important is the line between
editorial and management
I know it.
I've been in this business for 50 years.
And my family for 90 years.
It's sad that times have changed.
Time changes!
And if we don't adjust with
this changing time
Everything will be over.
-It isn't adjustment, sir?
It's compromise. It's compromise with
Awaaz Bharati's values.
Those values for which you're
standing from last 50 years
and your family from last 90 years.
Values don't pay for the salary
for our employees, Amina.
I have to say it because
you're not speaking directly.
Employee salaries are going
from papaji's personal account.
And it goes this way then we have to
shut this channel max in three months.
From years we were looking
for investors
and finally we have got a group
that is interested
despite your TRP's. We can't afford
to fuck this up.
No court case, no controversies,
That's the only way.
-I am really sorry.
You have to drop Akhil Kapoor's story.
It's decided.
Did you get right emotion the
way you wanted it?
You are one take artist.
So, shall I take your leave now.
By the way, whenever you feel the
need, you can call me up.
You have my number, right?
Yeah, sure.
Thank you, darling.
Good that I refused the channel
people who approached me before you.
Your channel has more viewers.
Who had come?
Someone from Awaaz Bharati.. ..
give me second R..R
Radha Bhargava.
Okay guys, Mr. Bansal has given
written undertaking.
Police has left and in ten minutes
we are going live.
Undertaking for what?
-First things first.
To begin we'll run one minute apology
capsule, that I will anchor.
After that regular programming
and yes
No Akhil Kapoor story!
The gag order is still in place?
-Then apology for what?
Today we have let down our audience.
We didn't deliver the news.
We failed at our jobs, so
we apologise.
You are going to produce the
apology capsule, okay?
And yes
Where are you going?
To apologies for doing my job.
Bro, from tomorrow there is going to be a
long queue of girls outside the channel.
Claiming what all Akhil Kapoor
has done with them.
Now daily soap TRP will also
fail in front of our TRP.
Right Miss Fonseca?
Wow, what a tip!
-Yes indeed.
But from where did you get it?
All set.
Going live in 5..4..3..2..1
and we are live.
We're sorry, due to some technical issues
our live telecast was delayed for 2.5 hours.
Due to which we couldn't get our
9'o'clock news to you all.
And for this me and my team
wants to apologies to you all.
Investigation is going on.
Our telecast has begun once again.
Radha, I make coffee.'
'How sweet! I've a meeting,
let's meet in the evening.'
Your daughter is just like you.
She is very beautiful.
She wants to be world class swimmer.
She is very talented. You see,
one day she will play for India.
You don't want to make her
a journalist.
Fights, quarrels, arguments,
she doesn't like all this.
She runs away from there.
That's why you moved out
of your house.
You didn't want her
to see you fighting.
You are a better man than
I thought you are, Dipankar.
You are a smarter woman
than I thought you would be.
Hello, bhau.
-I've sent you a photo, check it.
He is the one Prasanna Nair.
-Hold on.
What is this, bhau?
Found the body four days
ago on Mumbai Pune highway.
No one claimed that's why
it's still in morgue.
Three bullets, two on chest
and one on head.
Who did this, bhau?
Still not known but
it's someone professional.
Sharp shooter, army or
special force.
Stay away from them.
I am not joking.
I'm telling you, stay away from them.
-Yes. Yes.
Thank you.
-Are you talking from Josh 24/7 office?
I need to say something about the
Akhil Kapoor story you covered last night.
Yes tell me.
Akhil did the same thing to me
some 7 years back
Your name and contact number?
Sneha Seth 99304
-Can you come to office?
Okay. Lower Parel office, right?
Yes, in half an hour.
-Yes, tell me.
Yes ma'am, first give me your name.
Yes.. .-Record the call,
it's about Akhil Kapoor case.
Congratulate! Your recording has
broken all the TRP's record.
What you thought, I'll not
come to know the origin of the story.
Do you want to say something important
or it's just a general call.
I have sent what I wanted to say,
look at it.
Why have you sent Josh access card?
It's not just the access
card, its power, Radha.
To say the truth you need power.
And that I've here in Josh 24/7
And that can be yours also.
And yes my transmission never stops.
I never and I mean never apologies
for my news reporting.
Join me, Radha Bhargava.
And work like a real powerful journalist.
Sir, Mr. Ketan.
-I know.
I knocked before entering.
You can ask Arfa.
-So tell me, who is the target today?
It's you, Dipankar.
And along with you may be I also.
Our TRPs are 100% genuine.
Don't be foolish.
You know how this game is played.
Police is under Home ministry.
That means what Atul Shinde will say
against whomever he will say,
police will file a case against him.
What should I do?
I have still not aired his interview.
That's what I told him .. ..
-So you spoke to him?
The thing is very simple, Dipankar.
He just wants the assurance that
you'll never air that interview.
He is threatening me and
I get scared, you're trying to say that.
No! Pretend to be scared.
Just meet him once, please.
What did you say?
Just meet him once and
Not all thatlast word.
Very pleased!
Sir, edit meet in 10.
Mr. Subu, you will do the
analysis on state budget.
Yes, Amina.
What's next?
-We've a breaking news.
Teenage girl, swimmer Gargi Pansare
found dead at Gorai beach,
suspected rape and murder.
Let Juhi handle it.
Yes Amina.
-Anything else?
What is this?
Three women! Want to share their experience
with Akhil Kapoor on Awaaz Bharati.
They want their stories heard.
Till we have the Gag order is on us,
there will no story on Akhil Kapoor.
Okay so can I have the list what all
stories we can share?
You can have a list, what
all stories we can't share.
Anything else?
-Yeah, just one more thing.
Are we still Awaaz Bharati or can we
change our name? What's the deal?
What are we waiting for?
Sir, till now 13 girls have given
statement against Akhil Kapoor.
We have enough spicy
content for in depth stories.
It was a pattern with him, sir.
On set he used to target
relatively young and inexperienced girls.
First he use to befriend with them
then later force himself on them.
And then he'd threaten them,
frighten them
to keep their mouth shut.
And in all this, his manager
his makeup artist were involved.
Sir, I suggest we do one hour special
on this story.
Smita, what do you have?
Gargi murder case. The girl
was state level swimmer.
Okay. Give this story to Anuj
and you share all the detail to Smita.
Because she will work
on the story from here.
Sir but I haveI have every.. ..
-Sir Anuj, if you want my work I'll
call up Kedia sir and tell him.
Smita I want all the story, how he use
to enter the room
and after entering what he
would do.
You keep an animation guy on standby.
Whatever information Smita gives, I want a
strong animation around it.
Rape animation!
He has 15 million followers on Insta
and 7 million on twitter.
Before his PR team activates
everyone and and cleans his image,
we have to expose him on TV, got it?
Okay sir.
Gargi Pansare, age 12 years, was
State under 14 swimming champion.
Have found her body on Gorai.
First rape and then murder.
You have to meet Rizwaan Ahmed,
he was her swimming coach.
I've forwarded you all the details.
I know, you are feeling bad.
But think, from whom you have
stolen this story,
how bad she must be feeling.
-Hello Radha.
Radha Bhargava!
-Ma'am, I'm Nidhi speaking.
I got your number from Pooja Kakkar.
I want to tell you something
about Akhil Kapoor, ma'am.
Nidhi, I'm really sorry, Awaaz Bharati
is not covering Akhil Kapoor scandal
so you please.. ..
-Ma'am at least listen to me.
My story is not like the other victims.
No, it doesn't matter, whatever
your story is
please contact Josh 24/7 and
they will help you.
-Okay, thank you.
Yes Mr. Damani, tell me
Madam, where have you trapped me?
Why, what happened?
The company you had asked me to trace.
-Gigasys India!
Yes that one. It's very
complicated matter.
What do you mean?
-Gigasys India is a shell company
whose owner is Amarvati informatics.
Now Amravati informatics is also
a shell like the earlier one.
Whose owner is Vikas Intellect who
-That is also shell company
Whoever is the owner, has
worked very hard to hide his identity.
And in corporate world someone
works so hard
only when they are doing something wrong.
So what?
-Now what?
Now if he has worked so hard
then this Damani will also work hard.
It's just that it will take time.
Okay but this information
is very important. So quickly.
-Thank you.
What is this?
-It's high concept, sir.
'Hero in day and devil in night'
How is it, sir?
Sir, you were absolutely right.
Akhil Kapoor has activated his fans.
'Greetings. You all must be hearing
some stories about me in media.
And must be wondering how
can your brother Akhil do like this?
Even I was thinking the same.
That's the reason I didn't
want to step in politics.
I knew if I'll enter politics then people
around will talk ill.
But my wife, my life Nilu she said,
your fans love you so much and
you've relationship of 30 long years
they will never leave you alone
and I know it very well
that you are always with me.
How such a lousy actor be such
a big star of the country, don't understand
What's his defence?
This only that he was single, playboy but
never forced anybody.
And after he got married, he is
family man, loyal man
He is f'''''' smart.
He knows, as soon as he gets his
wife on TV, many things will be forgotten.
Quickly get the camera and
come upstairs.
Rizwaan's byte?
-Yes, did you get?
He is very scared. He is upstairs
talking to his mom. I think
He is ready to give interview.
You all can come.
Okay come.
-Who is he?
Salimbhai, Rizwaan's uncle.
Who are you?
-I am with her.
Gargi was my student.
Very talented.
I was going to take her for Nationals
Then why are people saying so?
People only chat.
While teaching you need to touch little
bit here and there.
It cannot be done with a remote.
In a pool there is no difference
between a boy or a girl, all are swimmers.
There are other male coaches also in
Andheri swimming academy.
Why are people pointing at you only?
Because of Zubeda.
Since 10 years she has ruined my life.
I'll kill her if I find her.
Who is this Zubeda?
-She was my doll!
15 years ago we both used to take
swimming training in Pataila.
His girl-friend had filled a FIR
against him in 2011 for rape.
What happened to FIR?
Victim withdrew it.
Obviously she must be scared of him.
Is this your opinion or a fact?
He is guilty I can feel it.
We're news channel, for God's sake.
It's not about feelings.
Amina but she just
We're not judge, jury, execution,
we are TV reporters.
People's lives depends on what we
speak on TV.
Certainly! And people's lives depend on
what we don't speak on TV as well.
Get the bloody facts and not
your feelings. Come on.
In a pool there is no difference
between a boy or a girl, all are swimmers.
While teaching you need to touch little
bit here and there.
It cannot be done with a remote.
Have you got this interview or
even this is stolen?
If we break this Akhil Kapoor's
story will dilute.
So work little more on it. Okay?
Marinate it. Make it interesting.
Trend it on social media
And I want its bytes. From their friends,
enemies, neighbourhood - uncle aunty
it doesn't make any difference to me.
There will be someone who believes
Rizwaan is a rapist and I want that one.
-Yes sir.
It will be done, sir.
Amina can I
Give me some more enlightenment!
Please welcome.
Tell me, what else am I doing wrong?
Scene outside is not good, Amina.
Team is falling apart.
You need to talk to the team.
You got to explain them.
I don't want to
I don't want to.
Fight with management, fight
with reporters
bloody fight with my own conscious.
Enough, can't take it anymore.
Amina, you're not understanding.
This way team will fall apart.
People outside are considering resigning.
Not before me.
I am resigning.
-No, you aren't!
Yeah! -No, you are not.
You can't.
You won't survive as a journalist elsewhere.
-I won't even try.
My next assignment.
-Culture India?
You can't be serious?
-I am!
I am!
I have accepted it.
You can't do this, Amina.
Team needs you. I need you.
What about my needs?
What about them?
I told you, you need to
find a balance.
And I told you, I don't want to.
I am 45 years old woman whose not
only job is on dead end
but also relationship.
Earlier at least I could speak the truth
in my job but now not that also.
You're over reacting, Amina.
And you are over simplifying it.
You know Pankaj
You have got used to living a lie
as well as lying.
You go home and lie to your wife
and kids and make excuses
that's why you can come to office
and compromise but not me.
Not for me.
That's bit harsh, Amina.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
That's what I fear.
I hope slowly I don't
become a bitter woman.
I can't leave you but I
can leave the job at least.
I can't stand this man.
Take this.
At least your one project is sanctioned.
Now we'll do the next project also.
But there is some problem in it but
don't worry I am there.
Will certainly do it.
Mr. Ketan said you
wanted to talk to me.
.. ..with you?
No, not at all.
Oh yes, Mr. Ketan was saying,
Dipankar is coming to apologise.
I said, sent him.
Session is going on in assembly,
I don't have time to waste.
Let me come to the point.
You will delete that interview
completely from the system.
And in return
Police will not publicise
the TRP scam file. Okay?
Fine, I will not broadcast the interview.
Good. -But instead of that
I can do something else?
As a story, how will '
Operation Umbrella' be?
Are you trying to scare me?
But you are getting scared.
And I need to know why!
Someone escort this reporter to the gate.
No need, sir.
I know my way out.
Thanks anyway.
The gag order imposed on us
has been taken back.
You could tell this to
me over the phone also.
You are definitely the
best reporter of India.
The point is
Akhil Kapoor's wife, Neelam
she works out in my gym, so she
reached out to me and
Akhil Kapoor wants to
do an exclusive interview with you.
He wants to tell his story from his
point of view only on Awaaz Bharati.
Why we?
Because we are respectable and
credible channel.
We are not like Dipankar.
Awaaz Bharati is credible
and respectable channel
because we don't do stories for TRP.
I have talked to papaji and
he is okay with the interview.
If you want you can have
a word with him.
Hi, can we meet?
Hello thief!
Tell me.
I am sorry.
There are three girls who
had called Awaaz Bharati.
Akhil Kapoor did the
same thing to them
I will send you the details.
-I am not doing that story.
You were the one who had
stolen the complete story.
I didn't steal it, Radha.
-Oh come on!
It was on the table, right
in front of me.
If you were in my place you would
do the same. -No!
No, don't say that, you know
I wouldn't have done that.
Your mother taught
me better than that.
Anyway, whatever
happened, happened for good.
If that story was with Awaaz Bharati,
it would be gagged.
And don't worry, in Josh 24/7
everyone knows that story belongs to you.
Anuj, just give these women a voice!
I am sending you the information.
Radha listen.
Ahh Are we still
like can I still
Live at your place.
So, I have some news,
court has cancelled our gag order.
Oh great! That means now
we can cover Akhil Kapoor's story.
Better than that. Akhil Kapoor
reached out to Raghav
and he want to do interview with us,
one on one!
So, I have scheduled his interview,
prime time tomorrow 1 hour.
If anyone has any suggestion on
format or on the line of questioning
please share it with me.
-Line of questioning?
Are we not going to talk on
his sexual misdemeanour.
Of course!
Of course!
It's one hour show, for so long
it can't be only one agenda.
We have to talk about
different things.
Right, like his films, family, hobbies,
charities, what a great hero he is.
This is a PR story, right Amina?
It means in an hour interview along
with 10 minutes break
48 minutes we will
focus on it's glories
and two minutes on sex scandal.
Well, we can't do the
other way around?
We are PR agency for a
sexual predator. Wow!
This is your opinion, Radha.
My opinion is this also that I
had joined a clean news channel.
Which was known for its insightful
investigative reporting, Amina.
Strategy meeting is in next quarter,
we'll discuss all this there.
And before that I will sort this out,
I promise.
But for now, after today's 9 o'clock show
you will go and prep Akhil Kapoor
for his interview tomorrow.
Clear Radha?
Today in assembly the discussion
on electoral bonds was held off.
Opposition created havoc because there
was lack of transparency in electoral bond.
Chief Minster Ramdas Sonawane
supports these electoral bonds.
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