The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Semi-Charmed Lifesaver

Previously on The Challenge
This challenge
is called Melt Away.
Watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out!
You go do that.
There you go, there you go.
Silver Team, that is correct.
Kendal, you now have
the lifesaver.
Nehemiah, I'll be seeing you
in the Arena.
Go back to the house
and nominate one man
to go against Nehemiah
in the Arena.
So I'm-a go ahead
and volunteer myself.
He might say,
"Kendal, go take his place."
The lifesaver can save people
from elimination,
but then what happens?
TJ hasn't explained
the rules, so
Nehemiah's my challenge
Get in there, get it done.
Nehemiah, Teck, let's go.
I'm not gonna play
the lifesaver.
All right, boys! Go!
All right, Teck.
This ends your time here on
The Challenge.
Being a legend is
not something that you're given.
It's something that you
need to earn.
This is what we came here for,
Home, sweet home.
This game changes by the hour.
But the people's emotions
and relationships
are constantly flowing.
They have histories
with each other.
They have vendettas.
The chess game is 24/7.
If you want to check out,
you might be facing trouble.
You fucking killed it.
Yeah. Very true.
You definitely want to roll
with the winners in life.
It feels very,
very good to win an elimination.
If I win, one of my goals
is to open up
centers that teach
underprivileged communities
financial freedom.
That money is going to change
a lot of lives beside mine.
I am living my best life.
Nehemiah has been
flirting with me.
It's just, you know, business
and fun all mixed together.
So I am just gonna enjoy myself.
Don't judge me.
If you need anything,
let me know.
Don't stress, girl.
But I miss my husband and kids.
Beth has been my friend
since she got off her show,
and we're closer
than people may think.
I've been to her house,
I've met her family.
Beth feels every emotion and
can't not wear it on her sleeve.
In the Challengehouse,
that can be something that could
definitely take you out
or put a target on you,
so my job is to bring her down,
calm her down.
Imagine how sweeter
it would be to see them
being able to be--
have a $500,000 smile.
Bling.Right? Seriously.
I've known Syrus forever.
I know,
no matter what,
he's got my back.
But, Syrus, I'm old.
I can't tell.
Consider yourself classic.
Life for Arissa these days
is working as a cannabis chef.
I infuse my two favorite things,
which is food and weed,
and see what magic
can be created with that.
OnBattle of the Sexes 2,
I did not win, and I do feel
some kind of way about that.
And I returned
All Stars
to put my stake in the game.
Arissa, her and I
have had a good bond since
the very beginning of this.
So I'm hoping
she feels confident.
As we move further in this
game, it's gonna get harder.
So, Arissa, I pray that you can
step up and do well.
Between you and I,
I actually have been working out
prior to coming here.
You actually have gas
in the tank.
I do.
Don't say anything.
I'm not, but
I'd rather people think,
"She can't do shit."
I do believe
that Katie's not the layup
that she's been
pretending to be.
She's been raising a daughter
with a real job,
as opposed to who we were
ten, 15 years ago.
I quit.
You got three minutes!
There's no way
I don't care!
I don't want to anymore!
You played it dirty!
You're one of the bitches
that voted me off.
Oh, really?
I'm not dumb, I know you did.
Really? Really?
Yeah. Really.
I'm just gonna go home
now. I'm not doing it.
I'm saying it out loud,
I'd rather go to a Gauntlet
than do this.
Katie, no!
I'm not doing it! That's it!
You all!
But the water stuff,
the heights over the water thing
is like
I have, like, a legit fear
when I'm up there.
I'm like, "Oh, God."
I mean,
you've taken so many falls,
and the other day
you took one off the face, like,
people are scarred up.
So anyways,
that just stays between us.
All right, how you guys doing?
Hanging in there?
On the Ropes.
I absolutely love
these types of challenges.
Go. Let go, let go, let go-no!
As you can see,
there's a giant rig over there
with two platforms
separated by several ropes.
To begin, we're gonna
put you into four teams,
and two teams
are gonna go up there
on opposite sides
of the platforms.
You're gonna race
across the ropes,
going from one platform
to the other and back.
Now, go as fast as you can,
because when you get back
to your original position,
you will then be able to release
any rope you want
of your opponents'.
Yes, yes.
The team to release
the most ropes the fastest
will win today's challenge.
And if you are a female team
captain of the winning team,
you will be safe
from elimination.
The male captain
of the winning team
will take control
of the lifesaver,
which means
you will have the option
to save the nominated player
coming into the Arena with me.
We've seen the lifesaver,
no one has used it yet.
So I want to win,
and I want to have that power
of the lifesaver in my hands
to kind of shake up
the house a little bit.
The female captain
of the losing team
is going straight to the Arena.
Now we're gonna randomly select
the teams.
Copper Team is Arissa, Big Easy,
Jonna, Alton and Katie.
Kendal, Laterrian, Kellyanne,
Darrell and Jisela.
Yes, Ruthie,
Derrick, Aneesa and Mark.
Silver Team is Syrus,
Jemmye, Nehemiah and Beth.
The Silver
is light one player,
so I've randomly selected
to compete twice
and be on your team.
Get them, Darrell!
Now we need to find out
who the team captains are.
Let's go.
I'll be captain.
I'll be captain.
So who's gonna be captain?
I'll be captain.
All right.
Aneesa's on my team.
I don't even think about
whatever happened the other day,
She plays this game paranoid
every single time.
Oh, what are you talking
about now?
Go fuck yourself, Aneesa.
I'm a competitor,
and it's time to go to work.
Have you been
a team captain yet?
I have not.
So, then, I really think
it would be fair.
I mean,
you should have confidence
that we're gonna
win this, Jonna.
Nobody wants to volunteer,
'cause you know that that's
your ass on the chopping block.
This isChallenge, like, 101.
I feel ambushed right now.
But you know what?
I'm just gonna step up
and take one for the team.
If we're safe from elimination,
I'll be the only one safe.
Not them.
Which one of you guys
is gonna be captain?
Best out of three?
Let's do it.
Oh, shit.
Oh, there you go.
You said, "If you let me
be captain, I'll remember that."
Okay. Okay.
So you're team captain?
I'll be team captain.
Okay. Perfect.
Nehemiah's got it.
All right.
Kendal, it's you or Kellyanne,
but it's not me, and that's it.
Why would that be the case?
Well, I don't trust you
for nothing in the world.
I do not trust Kendal
to work hard for me.
She has already proven
in two challenges
that she will give up.
So I'm not putting my ass
on the line for her.
I'll be captain.
Very good.
Since you've got to go twice,
I'll be captain for us.
It's up to you. I don't care.
All right, the first round
is the Copper
and the Black Team.
All right, guys, you ready?
You got it, Alton.
There you go, Kendal.
Look at her go.
Nice, Kendal.
Good job.
Oh. Look at that.
Is that Ken Doll?
Ken Doll's moving.
Oh, yeah.
I know there are people
that don't like me here.
So my only way to ensure safety
is to win.
Good job, Ken Doll!
Let's go, Alton!
Alton, yes!
Let's go, Alton!
The X factor today is Alton.
I've seen this guy climb
many ropes as fast
as anyone I've ever seen.
If he gets through this
faster than us,
I can't win the lifesaver.
Coming in hot.
Coming in hot.
Yes, Alton. Yes, Alton.
Let's go, Alton!
Come on, Kendal!
Little touch and back.
Come back. Come back.
Go, go, go!
Kendal, he's gonna
pull that foot.
He's gonna pull
that one on your feet.
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Hang on! Hang on! Yeah!
Kendal is like
the original Barbie beast.
I've had my eye on her
from the beginning,
but now I think everyone else
is starting to take note.
Jonna, you got this.
Come on, Jonna!
Come on.
You got it.
Come on.
Pull the one--
the feet-the bottom!
Oh, shit!
Oh! Get it.
She's going down. The top part
of her body ain't strong enough.
Attagirl! That a girl!
Look at this fight.
You better stand up.
Your ass is gonna be tore up.
Her cheeks are gonna be done.
Go, Jisela!
Go ahead, Tampa!
I see you, Buccaneer girl!
Come on, Jisela!
Jisela got style and fashion.
I see you, girl.
Come on, Jisela.
Good job, Jonna.
Get off on the platform. Nice.
And reset.
Yeah, and reset. Reset.
Yes, girl.
That's what I'm talking about.
Good job.
Good job, Jonna.
Come in, baby.
Come on, Jisela.
Come on!
Get it, girl! Oh, yeah!
Did so good, though.
I give her a perfect ten
for the dismount!
A perfect ten!
So good.
All right, all right.
That sucks.
That's fine.
Go, Kellyanne.
All right, Jonna.
All you've got to do
is make it, baby.
Just make it.
She has to go there and back.
Kellyanne now has to make it all
the way across and back.
Jonna's so close to us
at this point.
She's already touched
the platform.
She's already been working her
way back, and the race is on.
Breathe. Breathe.
Take your time.
Breathe. There you go!
Whoa, no-nope.
Hang on. You're good.
Fight through it! You got this!
Hold on, Jonna!
Come on, Jonna!
You got this, Jonna!
All the way, babe.
Giving birth to two children
has completely changed
the person that I am.
And I am way stronger
than I used to be.
I'm the team captain today.
So I'm not gonna give up
for my team today.
You are so fucking tough.
Over here. I'm gonna get you.
Come on. Come on.
Keep going. No. No, try to
That a girl.
You're already home.
You are already home, girl.
You are already home.
You're home.
Come on.
Good job, baby.
That was hard.
Let's go, L.T.
Go. You go.
Look at Easy!
Here goes Easy! Holy smokes!
Look at your boy go!
I want to prove to myself
that I can get in there
and fight with the big dogs.
I'm not really worried
about the heights and the water.
What worries me the most is
coming in last place.
Take it easy, Easy.
Let's go, big baby!
Come on, Laterrian!
You're almost there!
Good job, L.T. You got it.
Nice, Easy.
Good job. You got it, brother.
Good job, man. Stay strong.
Big Easy, little twinkle toes.
That dude's face is so red.
He looks like
an overgrown leprechaun
taking a shit on that wire.
Stand up, Easy!
Stand up, Easy!
I'm trying, dude.
Pull the bottom. Bottom.
Pretty good dismount.
Butt flop.
I see you, Easy!
There's Darrell.
Get it, Darrell!
Go, Darrell!
Get it, Darrell!
You got this.
Let's go, Kate the Great!
Am I going, or are you going?
Oh, gosh. I don't know--
I'm not tall enough.
Every part
of my body is shaking.
My heart is pounding
because I'm terrified
to even physically move.
Get it, Katie! Slow and steady!
You got it. You got it.
I just want
to be off this platform.
Get it. Go.
I'm scared.
Go. Go!
I can't!
Get it, Katie!
Slow and steady!
Katie, you got this.
Just try. You understand
Jump. Jump.
Just jump?
Go! Go!
We've all seen Katie
hit her face
and-and come up bloody before.
So was it a smart move?
Probably, for her.
Was it the safest move?
Probably not.
Because now she might be
going into the Arena.
I'm definitely concerned, but
I'm more scared of falling
into the water
than going into an elimination.
Come on, guys.
It's not over yet.
Good job, Arissa!
I see you, D-Rell.
Good job, Ris.
By the time I'm going
against Darrell, I only have
two ropes to work with. Two.
Attaboy, Darrell.
What's this y'all tell me about
Darrell having fear of heights?
He's selling wolf tickets.
He's not scared of heights.
Brace yourself, Arissa!
You okay? You okay?
Do it.
God job, Rissa!
Nice job, Arissa.
So now Alton's by himself?
Go, Kendal. Go, Kendal.
Good job, Kendal!
Alton is carrying
the burden of his team
and those individuals who are
either not strong enough
or scared.
Things like this are
very attractive to me.
Hey, he's got
one rope left?
Go, Kendal, go!
Go, Kendal, go!
Good job, Kendal.
Good job, Ken.
Oh, fuck.
You're almost there.
Pull it. Pull it.
Pull it. Pull it! Pull it!
Oh, my God.
Kendal, you're amazing.
Good job, Kendal!
Kendal and I have
been partnered two challenges
in a row,
and we've both killed it.
I'm honestly a little nervous
that people are gonna
start to whisper
and realize that, like,
us as a duo is deadly.
Good work, brother.
Yeah, man. Looking good
out there, Alton.
Really, I can only
feel bad for myself.
I gave it my all.
I didn't quit the challenge,
unlike someone else
in this house, Katie.
My teammate,
she didn't even try.
She just jumped off
the platform.
But I'm the team captain today,
I may be going in.
Gold Team. Silver Team.
All right. You ready?
Yes, Nehemiah.
The first leg of this
is crucial. If we can get
Nehemiah down, we are one up and
this thing should be a cakewalk.
Come on, Nehemiah!
Derrick's a wobbly fuck.
I look across,
and of course you've got
the Tasmanian Devil,
Derrick himself.
One of the best challengers
inChallenge history.
So it's very important
that I do my best on this
to give my team
the best chance of winning.
Come on, Nehemiah.
Go, go, go!
Come back!
Turn and go.
You're taking a bath, Nehemiah.
Come on.
You got it.
You got it.
Almost there.
You got it, D. You got it, D.
Keep going, Nehemiah.
Slow and steady.
Once I step on the platform,
and I see my target
Come on, come on, come on.
Go, go, go. Bottom, bottom.
boom, I pull out my arrow,
and shoot him with the rope.
Oh, shit!
Let's go, baby!
Come on, Aneesa,
you can do this!
I really thought Nehemiah
was gonna win that one.
Go ahead. Go, Sy, go.
Come on, Aneesa!
This, ropes over water, wouldn't
be, like, my strong suit.
But I'm gonna do everything
I can for my team.
Keep it going.
Look at Sy! Get 'em, Sy!
I'm doing this all for Beth.
Beth stepped up
and is the team captain.
And if we lose,
she's gonna have
to go in elimination.
Touch and go, Aneesa!
Touch and go!
All right, girl, you got it!
Come on, Aneesa!
You're good, Syrus,
you got time.
Aneesa, he's coming! Get up top!
Get your legs up top!
There you go!
Get your,
get your legs in there!
Good job, Aneesa!
I think all those days
of being a dancer
really, really coming out
right now.
Hang on! As many as you can!
Get your arms in!
There you go. There you go.
Smart, Aneesa.
Quick now, quick, take it!
Come on, Aneesa!
Good job!
Come on, Aneesa!
So it's one-one, right?
Am I mistaken?
She got it.
Take your time, Beth.
I am so scared right now
and I don't want
everybody to know
how scared I am.
So I'm just pulling out
my inner queen supreme.
And I'm just gonna go for it.
And hold on for dear life.
Yeah, come on, Aneesa!
I can't.
Aneesa, drop.
Drop, Aneesa, drop!
Aneesa, drop it, drop it!
Good try!
Come on, Beth!
Okay, go! Go!
All right.
All right, Mark!
You're doing great, Beth!
Here I am, up there.
I'm not even going against
the girl, I'm going
against the Godfather!
You got it.
You got this, Mark.
Please, don't do it, Mark,
Over here, come over here!
Sorry, Beth, wasn't
your day today, baby.
Let's go, Ruthie.
You got it, Ruthie!
Come on, Ruthie! Come on, Jem!
Ruthie is the truth.
She's fearless.
She'll get the job done.
She's the type
you want to go
to battle with you.
Because she has more heart
than any of y'all.
She gone.
Ruthie! Yeah!
Good job, Jemmye!
I'm motivated by doing my best.
You are a beast, Darrell.
I grew up in a foster home.
And I remember
my foster grandma telling me,
like, "You're not gonna
make it," so I think
for the challenge, in a way,
it's like an "I'll show you"
to whoever,
you know, doesn't think
that I can do it.
Here you go, Yes.
Good job, Yes.
Sorry, Darrell, you go to go.
Derrick, go, go, go, go.
Attaboy, Sy! Show 'em
what an OG's about, Sy!
I'm the last person left
on my team.
Derrick is moving so fast,
he's got so many ropes.
And, um, it's not worth
getting injured right now, so
Game over for us.
I'm a little disappointed
I couldn't
get it done for Beth,
but I will live
to challenge, fight again.
Attaboy, D.
Pull it!
Let's go, D! Let's go, D!
Every single one
of my team members
ended up in the water.
It's gonna be a long day
for my team.
But lucky me,
I'm not team captain.
All right, great challenge
today, you guys.
Great job.
Now for the winners.
-: Come on, come on
The team to release
the most ropes the fastest
was the Gold Team.
Ruthie is safe.
I have the lifesaver.
All the girls are gonna be
looking at me.
If anyone in this competition
is going to use the lifesaver
and shake up the house,
it's the Godfather, baby.
And it's about to get weird.
Now, the losing team
was the Silver Team.
Therefore, Nehemiah,
and Beth,
you were the captains.
So, Beth, I'll see you
in the Arena.
I'm gonna have to go in.
I'm not very happy about it.
I'm super beat-up right now,
and I miss my family.
I am honestly not feeling
confident and I'm just not
having good luck
in this game so far.
Now, as for the rest
of you guys,
I need you to go back
to the villa,
and nominate one female to go
into the Arena against Beth.
See you guys there.
Get out of here.
So, you know, I love you
and I trust you guys.
And I told you
if we happen to be
in a situation
that I would have your back.
So if there's any name
that you're thinking
or names that you're thinking,
let me know.
Okay, so I'm-I'm thinking,
like Katie.
Or Kendal.
You know what I think?
And this might be weird
to think, I think if-if we do
nominate Katie,
then Mark might save her.
Who do you think
are the weakest girls right now?
I mean, probably Katie, Arissa
or Kendal.
Kendal's not weak.
I don't think
she's weak, either.
Going against Kendal
is not a good decision,
because she will beat you
in anything.
Going against Katie
probably is not a good decision
because Mark will use
that lifesaver to save Katie.
Your best bet here
is Arissa, Beth.
So then, if she chooses Katie,
what happens
if he uses the lifesaver?
Then she's safe
and it's gonna be somebody else.
Like who?
I don't know how that works.
We don't know how that works.
We don't know
what the fuck--
what the game brings.
That's my point.
I mean, does using
the lifesaver
give me some kind
of advantage, too?
It could.
That's-that's the issue.
It could.
No one's used it yet,
so we truly don't know.
I don't even know what kind
of powers this lifesaver has,
but I'm happy that Mark has it,
because, you know,
we go way back, old school.
Anybody who actually knows
You know what? Maybe I should--
Maybe I should
come on your ride.
Beth. That's fine.
Can't do it.
Let's go have fun now.
So I'm hoping
that he could help me.
I see a lot of rope burns
on everybody.
Not me, though.
And that's because I was
too scared to jump,
and I have no problem
admitting it.
It's my fear.
I've gotten hurt several times
on challenges over water, so
I'll go in.
I'll second that.
I do think
I'm better at eliminations
than I am at challenges.
When I decide a challenge
is too scary,
I realize at that point I would
almost rather an elimination.
Thanks for stepping up today.
I know, but that's-that's
really hard-core
right there.
There are moments
during this experience
where you gain levels of respect
from people
from what they say
and seeing Katie
volunteer herself,
my respect level for her
just goes up even further.
Thank you for being
a grown-up woman just now.
Yeah, yeah.
You're welcome, guys.
Take some notes.
This is so dumb.
Katie has numbers on her side.
Why would you vote yourself
into elimination
if you don't have to go in?
But if you want to volunteer,
go right ahead, girl.
But Mark has the lifesaver,
So he could actually
save her, too, though.
If he uses it.
I've known Mark
for about 16 years.
We're friends,
but this is a game,
and it's an individual game,
so I'm not sure
he's going to save me.
So I am prepared to go in.
Katie nominates herself,
and for a brief moment,
I feel safe,
and then I remember
there's a lifesaver.
You nominate yourself
and then what he chooses to do
with that lifesaver,
it's up to him, not you.
All right, Katie.
Get in there.
Give me a hug.
The champ is here!
The champ is here!
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
children of all ages,
the Godfather!
The owner of the lifesaver!
We need one more shot.
Cheers, guys!
Let's go.
I like my peace,
I like my space, and
having people, you know,
want to be around it a lot
has been an adjustment.
Arissa is a very
different person than I knew
Las Vegas.
She was kind of like
this hard-core chick.
Now Arissa's kind of like
a loner, actually.
And knowing that we're
in a really tight competition,
that's probably gonna
put a flag on you.
You're being summoned
by the Godfather.
May I have a word with you,
young Jonna?
Come over, Miss Jemmye.
Have a seat, Miss Kendal.
With power comes
great responsibility.
It also comes with great swag.
So we're gonna have a fun night
I'm gonna talk to every girl,
I'm gonna see why they think
I should or should not
use that lifesaver.
The Godfather's talking.
We're afraid
of the Godfather, bitch.
Have some respect.
So, this is the lifesaver.
I don't know if I'll use it,
but I just think
everyone wants to know
what the fuck it is.
It's like I, like,
want to see what happens.
Right? So
It should be you, yeah.
A hundred percent.
I would use it.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
And the fact that it's one
of your really good friends,
it makes it even easier
to make that decision.
Right, right.
I think you should not use it.
It-it would be silly.
But between you and I,
if I was to use it,
I would never say your name
to replace it.
You two are absolutely safe.
I would never choose you.
It was not gonna be anything
remotely involving
If I decide to do it tomorrow,
I don't want you to feel
nervous at all.
I appreciate that.
If I watch your back,
you watch my back.
I will.
I just want you guys
to have our back
like we have your back,
you know?
You got it.
If I owe you a favor and you
come to collect your debt,
then I have to pay my debt.
All right. That was it.
Godfather has spoken.
I'm not stupid. I know Mark.
And if anybody is gonna be
hungry off of power,
it is a 50-year-old man
who calls himself the Godfather.
Go! Go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go!
So I want-you know,
I gave you space last night.
I wanted to hear it from you.
If you're comfortable
staying and going on,
because I'm not putting you in
if I use it.
All right.
And that's if you,
if you want me to, I will.
But I don't want to.
Yeah. Okay.
Well, I really appreciate you
bringing that up to me,
this experience has been
challenging for, you know,
different reasons--
just being an adult now.
Right, of course.
And the communal living.
But at the end of the day, yeah,
I definitely want to be here.
Okay, 'cause I like
that you're here.
Thank you.
You know?
Even though she's
isolating herself a little bit
more than others,
I want to keep Arissa safe,
and in past challenges,
if you use the lifesaver,
the one that uses it
usually gets to replace
that nominee,
so if I save Katie,
I am choosing Kendal.
Even though I told her
she's safe,
I have not really been vibing
with Kendal.
She's exhausting to me.
I don't know if she has my back.
I'd love to have you around
as long as possible.
Thank you.
I'm not saying your name
tonight, no matter what.
Thank you.
I want to participate
in this game.
I don't like people fucking
with my money.
Just because I'm zen doesn't
mean that I can't revert
back to that part of me
if need be.
How you doing today?
Well, I'm a little nervous.
But when it comes down to it,
I always focus
when I'm in a challenge, so
I can, I can turn
my nervous energy into
Channel it.
I don't know if Mark
is gonna pull the trigger
and save Katie,
but I've got to get
into some serious game mode.
I need to prove
that this old bitch can do this.
My guess is a clear head
in attacking any problem
that's coming
is the person that will win.
Oh, my gosh. Hi.
Oh, my gosh.
How are you guys doing?
how'd you do on your test?
Oh, yeah, I got a 97.
You got a 97 on your test?
That's great.
I'm so proud of you, Nicholas.
I'm really missing my family.
It's hard not being able
to talk to them
every day to see
how they're doing.
But it would be amazing
if I brought home $500,000.
My kids would think I was, like,
the coolest mom ever,
and so I have to win tonight.
Your children are safe,
so you can just focus
on winning, so go do that,
all right?
The house is less likely
to catch on fire
I guess. Okay.
Oh, God, what the hell is this?
All right, everyone,
welcome back to the Arena.
Now, Mark and Ruthie,
you were the captains
of the winning team.
So, Ruthie, you are now safe
from elimination.
Thank you.
Mark, you control
the lifesaver.
Beth and Nehemiah, you were
the captains on the losing team.
And since this is
a female elimination,
Beth, you're automatically
in the Arena.
Come on down.
Let's go, Beth.
You got this, baby.
Let's go, Beth.
Come on, Beth!
I'm all in for my girl Beth.
Do your thing.
I need you to win this.
She's gonna always protect
my interests,
and I would do the same for her.
As for the rest of you,
I sent you back to the villa
to nominate one female
to go into the Arena
against Beth.
And you chose Katie.
So, Katie, come on down.
You little animal.
All right,
tonight's game is sick.
But before we get into that
Mark, you control the lifesaver.
Are you gonna use it tonight
or what?
Uh, so, I've known Katie for
over 12 years.
I also last night talked to
all of the girls,
and 99% of them
were curious to see
what this lifesaver
was all about.
This is the moment
we've been waiting for.
No one has been brave enough
to use the lifesaver yet,
and we all want to know
what it does.
I don't think Mark's
gonna use the lifesaver.
With all the uncertainties of
what it can really do,
I think Mark's gonna
play it safe.
So with that said
I am not gonna let Katie
compete tonight.
She's gonna get her
little ass back up here.
All right!
So, Katie, congratulations.
Thank you, Mark,
for saving me. Whew.
And I'm really enjoying
watching Beth,
because she's completely
panicking, and I'm not.
Well, that's our first lifesaver
of the season.
Katie, you're still in the game.
Are we gonna vote?
Does Mark get to choose?
I'm really glad I prepared
and I took all my vitamins
before I came in because
I might be going in.
Now I'm worried because Mark
and I are not that close.
I could be the person going down
to compete against Beth.
So now
Oh, God.
we gotta vote.
What the fuck?
What do you mean?
TJ, I don't want to vote again.
There's no politicking.
There's no having
side conversations.
Everyone has to make
their own decision here and now.
This is terrible.
I'm gonna look like the asshole.
All right, so, Darrell,
we'll start with you.
Oh, you motherfucker.
I feel sick.
I'm sorry, what?
I am not prepared for a vote.
Having to vote out loud
really just kind of shows you
where people's cards are.
You see who people
are aligned with,
you see whose names
people can't say.
This is gonna be stressful.
Darrell, who do you want
to vote for and why?
I don't like this game anymore.
Who do you want and why?
Oh, my God. Any volunteers?
Don't look over here.
Come on, Darrell, who you got?
Who you got, Darrell?
You're on the spot.
Beth, who you want?
How about Arissa?
All right, Arissa.
All right, so that's one
vote for Arissa.
Bitch, you don't want to see me
in this Arena.
I'll fuckin' send you home.
I will.
And I will embarrass you.
If I have to
run over you,
I will fucking do it.
I was on the team with Beth.
I told her I would
give her what she wants.
She just said Arissa,
so Arissa.
Okay. Aneesa?
I wasn't on the team with Beth,
and I need to vote on what
I think is best for my game,
so I'm gonna pick somebody who
I think is pretty fuckin' good.
So I'm gonna pick Kendal.
Okay, so, Kendal,
back down to you.
Then I guess I'll say Aneesa,
since she said me.
That's fine.
That's fine.
All right. Jisela?
What we not gonna do
is fuck with my friends.
So I'm voting for Kendal.
Don't ever come for Aneesa
on my watch.
Okay. Arissa?
I vote for Kellyanne.
I'm gonna vote for Arissa.
So, as much as I respect Beth,
I love Arissa.
She's from my original season,
she's like my sister.
My vote is gonna be for Kendal.
Big Easy.
Arissa was on my team,
so I don't feel like
I can vote for her tonight.
I'm just gonna say Aneesa.
Not because I hate you.
You know what,
I'm gonna fuck you up
after this.
All right, all right,
all right, calm down.
It's fine.
All right.
Beth is my girl.
I love this girl,
I love her family,
everything about her.
Arissa, we don't know
each other that well,
but I'm getting to know you;
I think you're an amazing lady.
But I have to go with
my girl's wishes.
My vote's for Arissa.
I look down and focus on Arissa,
and she has spears
coming out of her eyes.
But my girl's wishes are Arissa.
I have no choice.
All right. Yes?
I'm gonna respect
your wishes, Beth.
My vote is for Arissa.
All right. Laterrian?
Beth is a new friend of mine.
I'm gonna give her
what she wants
and vote for Arissa.
Sorry, honey.
Up top. Derrick.
I'm sorry. My vote's for Arissa.
you're up.
My vote's for Arissa.
All right,
so this is it. Arissa,
you're coming down. Let's go.
You got this. You got this.
I feel terrible,
because I told her
she's safe, and I feel like
I set her up, but I didn't.
Get it, Arissa!
Can we box?
I just hope she'll fight.
You've got to earn your way
to the final.
It's not gonna be given.
So, Arissa, I pray that
you can get it together
and go down there
and get this W.
Can I box her?
Uh, no.
No, we can't box?
So, the house
full of snakes that
I'm living with just threw me
into this elimination.
I can't even
look at these people,
I'm so disgusted.
Oh, she's pissed.
Yeah, I'd be mad, too.
Well, Mark used the lifesaver,
and I'm going
against Arissa.
And this looks like it's my jam.
It's something on the ground.
I'm ready to go.
I am my own competition,
and there is nobody standing
in my way of winning.
All right, ladies,
tonight you are playing
Wall Ball.
As you can see,
there are four giant walls
for each of you.
When I say "go,"
you're gonna pick up that rope,
and you're gonna pull
those walls towards you,
separating the walls.
Once they're separated,
you will then run over
to your pot full of balls,
throw one of the balls over,
and punch through the wall.
You're gonna continue
this process
until you've thrown the ball
over each wall
and punched through each wall
three times.
First one to do three balls will
win tonight's elimination round,
stay in the game,
going for the $500,000.
Loser goes home empty-handed.
So get it done.
Good luck, legends.
Let's do this.
Let's go, Beth!
Arissa, you don't need a helmet?
No, TJ, I don't need a helmet.
I'd actually like to address
my house right now.
So, the way
y'all pulled this shit
was some flagrant,
snake-ass shit,
and while I respect the way
that this game is played,
what I don't respect
is how y'all are living,
which is
pretty motherfucking foul.
And if I can't box her,
I don't want any part of it,
because the reality is,
when I did win, there's
no fucking way I could come back
and be under the same roof
as y'all motherfuckers.
So fuck you.
I'm done.
Y'all can kiss
my motherfuckin' ass.
And that's
the motherfuckin' game.
Fuck y'all motherfuckers.
You're just quitting?
Arissa? Arissa?
Arissa, come on. Arissa, fight!
All right, don't take care!
Hope to see you never!
You made the right choice, Beth!
Good job, Beth!
-: Congratulations.
Good job, baby!
if you want to just punch Beth
in the face, why don't you punch
through these walls?
Why don't you use all this anger
that you have
towards everyone in the house
and use that in the elimination
and just compete.
Arissa, if you think
we're all snakes
: see ya.
Well, Beth,
I think we'll call you
"The Intimidator" from now on,
because that's
exactly what just happened.
You just intimidated somebody
out of even trying
to win in an elimination.
You're still in the game.
You're still going
for the big money.
Go ahead and rejoin the group.
Nice work.
Thank you.
Hey, a win's a win.
A win's a win!
I'm super happy
that I'm still here,
that I'm still in the game.
I get to live another day!
Dominated! Crushed it!
Oh, my gosh! Oh
Thank you.
But it makes me sad,
because I do like Arissa,
and she didn't even try.
I think she knew
that she wasn't gonna win,
but at least try.
Well, as you could see,
anything can happen.
Anythingcan happen.
You guys are so close
to making money
and doing the damn thing.
So stay strong, all right?
I'll see you soon.
Get out of here.
Team Beth, baby!
You know what?
This game is meant to be dirty.
This ain't the goddamn
Brady Bunch.
This is The Challenge.
People are gonna get mad,
people are gonna cry,
people are gonna backstab.
That's the name of the game.
Captioned by
This challenge is called
Connect Them All.
All right, guys. Come on.
One, two, three.
You okay?
Should we drop her?
No! This is a lot
of money, you guys.
Let's stop fucking around.
Oh, my God.
Alton and I's friendship
is evolving.
We're both attractive people
and gravitate to each other.
I think it's time for a twist.
You all know how I like twists.
Oh, my God.
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