The Circle (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Planting Doubt

[Michelle] After being top rated,
Chris and Shubham get to enjoy
some luxury Japanese cuisine.
Oh, and they also have to block someone
from The Circle forever.
Wow. Sushi? Yes!
Oh, my gosh, look at this beautiful room.
Y'all, I am so in disbelief right now.
Y'all can't Hold on everybody, hold on,
imaginary friends.
Ooh, is this a cocktail?
Ooh, and it's so [stammers]
Here is where I have to fight
for the ones I like.
With great power
comes great responsibility,
just like Spider-Man.
[makes whooshing sounds]
Lord, please,
guide me with this decision because
it's somebody's dream.
I think everybody wants to win,
everybody for different reasons.
But I know I gotta do what I gotta do,
and, honey,
I'm trying to get to the top.
To the finish line.
I want to be able to help my mom,
[clicks tongue, voice shaking]
I don't want us to struggle no more.
I've built such real connections
with people
that I would go
to the end of this game with,
and that I just trust on such a real level
that if I, like, don't protect them here,
then I feel like, in many ways,
I don't even deserve to go back in there.
[Michelle] While Shubham gets
to soul-searching over sushi,
the other Players are feeling
like crabs in a bucket.
Message. "Is anybody else
packing their bags yet besides me?"
"In all honesty,
I haven't unpacked since the first time."
Oh, man. I really have to take
the sympathetic approach,
because after this,
people will definitely resonate with me.
Message. "I am actually in tears.
I am an extreme nervous wreck." Send.
Aw, Rebecca.
Damn it.
Don't be in tears.
Message. "No matter what,
we have to remember
that this was an experience of a lifetime.
All the goods and bads.
Heart emoji." Send.
They are definitely liking who I am.
[chuckles] Not Not me,
but I'm responding as Rebecca.
Message. "Guys, no matter what happens,
just know this experience was amazing.
#IWontForgetYou." Send.
[Antonio] Message.
"I feel like if we can't control it,
then there's no point
in stressing about it,
so let's just relax
and wait for the decision.
Heart emoji, heart emoji,
#StillNervousThough." Send.
When you keepin' it player,
you never gotta stress over nothing,
you know?
We just cool, calm, and collected. Always.
"I am highly enthused and proud
of the outcomes of tonight's Ratings.
It truly shows it's anyone's game:
God's plan."
I am shitting bricks.
This is the true test.
If Shooby has been honest and real,
I'm not goin' home tonight.
"Let's get right down to business,
no time to waste. LOL."
Send message.
Message, "I agree, man.
Let's start with Joey, LOL."
Message. "Pros
genuine, honest, and up-front." Send.
I'm sure Chris is gonna rebut this
a little bit, but I could care less.
Okay, so message. "My cons are,
too much too soon,
over flirty, and too feisty."
This might work against me. Send.
"I couldn't look at the mirror
if I sent him home, to be honest."
[Chris sighs]
Message. "Let's move on
to the next Player, Rebecca."
Message. "My pros are sweet,
open-minded, and gentle."
"And inclusive,
that's what she is. She's inclusive."
"I think we can both agree with ruling out
Rebecca from being blocked."
"I totally agree."
"Let's move on to Mercedeze."
"So, my cons with Mercedeze,
dot, dot, dot.
In my opinion, she has none.
She has been cooler
than a bitch from the jump.
I truly believe she is a light
in this game,
and I am not ready to turn it off."
Love it. Send message.
I can't say the catfish stuff here,
because I'm only an idiot
to say that to his closest ally.
I have to think about saving people,
not just getting rid of her.
This is gonna be a compromise, of course.
Shubham says, "Let's move on to Antonio.
You start, LOL."
"My cons are,
I feel like I don't know him at all."
Let's see what Shubham has to say.
Message. "Pros, exclamation mark.
Antonio saved us both
when he was an Influencer."
Send it.
"Cons, other people seem to think
he's a catfish, but I particularly don't."
Yup, that is true. That was brought up
that they're thinking he's a catfish,
and since they brought that up,
it's tickled my mind.
It's like, here's a person who saves me
when I was at my lowest point
in this game.
Shubham says, "Let's finish with Sammie.
I'll start." Come on, honey.
"She's one of the
people I've met."
"Helped me a lot when I felt isolated.
She is really authentic."
Message. "Cons,
her second picture seemed
extremely inconsistent
with her first one."
Ah, good observation.
It sucks, 'cause the last two people
this comes down to,
Antonio and Sammie, they saved me
when I came eighth.
Oh, my God.
[Michelle] Another massive decision made,
but which at-risk Player
have The Circle Gods forsaken?
[alarm blares]
[alarm continues blaring]
Okay, it's about time.
Please tell me who they don't like.
And here we go,
the moment of truth, everybody.
"The Influencers
have made their decision."
[sighs] Oh, God.
They're probably feeling like I felt.
Cardiac arrest,
heavy heart attack symptoms,
sweaty palms.
[Sammie] Oh, my God.
I could really be going home right now.
[Sammie] Circle, enter Circle Chat.
[voice trembling] Oh
[clicks tongue, sighs] Message.
[exhales] "Hey, everyone"
[Joey] "Hey, everyone,
this decision was awful and difficult."
Oh, God, Shooby,
I thought we had something.
Oh, please don't be me.
I don't want to go home.
Come on, send Joey home, please.
Prove to me that not every person you meet
is a scumbag, Shooby.
Message. "But
Chris and I
have come to a final decision."
[Seaburn sighs]
I just don't want it to be someone
that I've connected with,
or someone that I want to connect with.
[Sammie] It's, like, slowly just becoming
more and more real
that I might be leaving.
I don't know why I don't have confidence,
though, in Shubham.
"We chose this person
[sighs]because we didn't feel
a strong connection to the Player."
"Neither of us know enough
about this Player in The Circle."
Okay, maybe there's hope.
Maybe Shooby didn't stick it up my ass
after all.
That means
I have no idea what this means.
Oh, shit.
I don't even want to see this shit.
"The Player we've decided to block is"
Oh, God, please not me.
[exhales slowly] Oh, my God,
I can hear,
like, I can hear my heart.
It's just like [imitates heartbeat]
I'm chopped liver here.
Any of us could go.
Ah, shit! Damn! No!
[gasps] Antonio!
It's Antonio!
Oh, my God.
Shooby, I knew you were real!
[chuckles] No! Shooby, I trusted you!
[grunting] Ooh!
Oh, the fat lady has not sung on us today.
Shooby, you're a gentleman.
I love ya.
I'd kiss your lips if I could,
you stupid, handsome son of a bitch.
[humming upbeat tune]
I really want to know if he was a catfish.
And the picture has gone gray.
My goodness.
[alarm blares]
"Before Antonio leaves,
he can meet one Player."
- [scoffs]
- [dramatic instrumental music playing]
Oh, sweet baby Jesus.
This shit is crazy. [sighs]
[takes a deep breath]
Can this day just end?
[breathing heavily]
[Joey] If you are who you say you are,
and I've been screwing ya left and right,
I'm goin' to hell.
[Sammie] "Antonio is on his way
to meet one of you."
[whispers] I'm scared.
My heart right now.
No. [laughing] No!
- What's going on?
- [Karyn] I'm sorry!
[Antonio] No!
Yeah, it is me.
- Nah, yo! This is crazy!
- [Karyn] Yeah.
- [laughs]
- Nah, I gotta We gotta talk now.
[Michelle] Hmm, I wonder
what they could possibly be ready
to talk about?
So why you catfishing?
Would you have talked to me
if I looked like this on my default?
Ooh, that's a good one.
- That's a good one. I mean
- [Karyn] Exactly. [laughs]
I did the catfish
because, um, all my life I've been judged,
- like, I'm not ugly, but I'm not feminine.
- Mm-hmm.
So, it's really the fact of just,
showing the world that you can't judge
a book by its cover.
So, the picture's fake,
[clicks tongue] but on my life,
everything that I have said has been me.
I like that. I like that.
I can definitely dig that.
- See?
- That's a hundred.
Why'd you chose Mercedeze? The name?
Oh, that's my middle name.
Like, on my birth certificate.
- That's what I'm telling you
- So, what's your real name?
- Oh, my real name is Karyn. Like
- [Antonio] Karyn.
So now that I've said it in real life,
imagine me on a phone with you like,
"Hey, this is Karyn,
do you mind if we link up?"
And then I walk in, and I'm like,
"Yo, what up?"
In some Air Maxes that are fitted
and a fresh shape-up,
- and you like, "What the fuck?"
- You, the way
The way you trying to prove this point,
I I I feel that.
Okay, well, it looks like he ain't coming
to see me tonight.
You know what?
I'm actually a little offended
he didn't come to see me,
to tell you the truth.
I actually really wanted to see him.
Thank you.
Thank you, you heard my prayer.
Why'd you think I was the catfish?
- I didn't think you were!
- [Antonio] Okay.
[Karyn] I think Sammie's the catfish.
It was Chris and Shubham
that sent you home.
I was just I didn't even say
- anyone should send you home.
- [Antonio] Nah, it was you.
You played that shit well.
- If anyone, I'd watch you now.
- Now I feel bad, because you really are
who you say you are. Damn.
You gotta play this right.
I don't know what you gonna do next.
I'mma keep flirting with Sammie,
and I ain't gonna hold you up.
When we first spoke in the girls' chat,
she says she wasn't interested
- in none of y'all.
- [Antonio] Mm-hmm.
[Karyn] So, to me, it's like,
"Are you running a catfish,
- are you a lesbian? What's your story?"
- [Antonio] Right.
So, just keeping it a thousand,
if you could've changed anything
or done anything differently,
what would you have done?
I don't think I would have done
anything differently,
'cause I live my life.
I don't have no regrets.
I tried to be strategic.
It obviously didn't work,
but you know,
I wouldn't take anything back,
because I learned a lot
about everybody on here.
- I'm envious you get to go outside.
- [Antonio] You got this, though!
Man, you about to win a hundred bands.
What you doing?
- [Antonio] So you feel me?
- [Karyn] Bro, bottles on me, man.
Bottles on me.
- [Antonio] All right.
- So put it in the air for me one time.
- [Antonio] Good luck!
- [Karyn] Yo, thank you, man.
When I found out
Mercedeze wasn't Mercedeze,
I really thought I was getting punked.
[Karyn] Bro, blow her down.
Make sure you pull out
if you feel a tingle.
- Don't make no illegitimate babies, bro.
- [Antonio] Yeah.
- Good luck!
- [Karyn] Thank you, bro. Thank you.
[Antonio] The Circle has taught me
that social media is basically fluff.
You can be anyone on social media.
Don't judge a book by its cover,
because we're always judging someone
off their appearance
before we even get to know them.
[Karyn] Sorry, bro.
Who's next?
[Michelle] So Antonio's learned
not to judge books by covers.
- Mercedeze, aka Karyn, remains undercover,
- [sighs]
and the others
are going under cover as well,
'cause it's bedtime. Nighty night.
[electric shaver buzzes]
I came, I saw,
and today, honey, I conquered,
and it feels so good
to be at the top, number one.
[groans] I'm so happy I'm still here.
End of day three. [chuckles]
I definitely did not expect to see
that blue tick next to my name.
The Circle's changing pretty fast.
[sighs] Tonight Today was a good day.
[exhales] See you tomorrow, guys.
That's gonna work one day,
I promise you, it is.
["Relax" playing]
[Michelle] Another day,
another cool montage
to a retro pop song on The Circle.
You know the drill, guys.
Do morning stuff.
["relax" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood]
Oh, man, last night was freakin' crazy.
Relax, don't do it ♪
I hope the other Players aren't mad
that we blocked Antonio.
Dead and gone. Never to be seen again.
Thank God.
His reaction, like
I really feel like that was my first time
seeing a live emoji.
[imitates explosion]
Oh, it's like perfect.
[Michelle] It'd be a shame if something
were to interrupt Joey's workout, right?
[alert chimes]
Oh, okay. Look, y'all!
[all] "The newsfeed has been updated."
- [Joey] Ah.
- [Michelle] Good job, Circle!
Circle, please take me to the newsfeed.
Doo-doo-doo, it's The Circle!
Oh, wow, wow, wow!
[Joey] Oh, no.
"Antonio's left a message for The Circle."
I was waitin' for this.
[Joey] Okay. Let me tell you
what's about to happen.
I'm gonna get sweet vindication,
'cause I know Antonio isn't Antonio.
Circle, play Antonio's video.
[Joey] Oh, God.
Oh, baby!
Oh, this is like being a kid
in a candy store.
Yo, what's going on everyone?
It's Antonio.
Obviously, I'm not a catfish.
But I did meet with someone,
and all I can say is,
things are not what they seem,
and people are not who they appear to be.
So, with that being said,
everyone, good luck.
I wish everyone the best.
Everyone, get y'all strategies
and shit together
- Oh, my God!
- and always keep it player.
What does that mean?
Antonio, I'm so sorry, man.
I'm going to hell.
That's it. I'm going to hell.
There's nothing
There's no future left for me.
[Karyn sighs]
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Somebody's not gonna be telling the truth,
'cause they're not gonna admit
to meeting Antonio.
After that message,
they can't admit to meeting Antonio.
So, who did he meet with?
In my mind, instantly,
I think Joey or Mercedeze,
he had the greatest connections with.
But Mercedeze seems so consistent.
I feel like he either went to go see,
like, Sammie
or one of the guys.
Antonio definitely either went to Chris
or Mercedeze.
Oh, my suspicions are real!
That is mind-blowing.
I am in shock,
but I'm excited because now
we can get to work.
I feel like I should say he met me,
because everyone kind of put us together.
Or I can spin it
and pretend I'm upset that he didn't come
to see me before he left.
Right now, I don't think anyone
really suspects me as a catfish.
The goal is to make everybody assume
it's somebody else.
The question is, who?
The first two people who got blocked
were who they completely said they were,
so that means out of the six left,
there's a good number of catfishes left.
[imitates explosion]
Mind blown.
This is so much to take in.
What a way to wake up.
What a way to wake up.
[Michelle] A mood. Another Player gone,
so let the private chats commence.
And I don't think Joey's ever gonna finish
that workout.
Message. "Brother
how are you feeling since last night?
Wanted to check in on you." Send.
"I would have bet my mother's life
that Antonio was the catfish.
Now I know I've been wrong
from the start, and I feel terrible."
Message. "I'm worried about
how there's only three guys left.
Should we try to work with Chris,
question mark." Send.
"Absolutely, we should.
Dicks over chicks, right?
Is it cool if we invite him in?"
I'm just not sure about Chris,
'cause what if Chris is the catfish?
"Yup, that's great. Let's bring him in."
Ooh, all right, Shubham has invited us
to a group chat.
I mean, it's worth a shot to see
if the three of us can build foundation
and move forward together.
Oh, it's just me, Shubham, and Joey.
[Joey] All right, boys, let's talk.
We have a lot to discuss.
"How are you boys feeling
after seeing that video of Antonio?
Are you guys okay?
#HereForYou." Send.
"Honestly, it's a huge shame
that we had to send Antonio home.
Unfortunately, he and I really never got
the chance to know each other better."
That is true.
"I'll be honest, out of all of us guys,
I thought Antonio was the only one
not being real.
I was wrong, and I'm owning that."
That's honest, yeah.
[Joey] Message. "I know I wouldn't be here
if you boys didn't have my back.
We only have each other now, right?" Send.
He keeps on trying to make
these bromances.
It's just so annoying,
'cause I know Chris is about to leak
all this information,
but we gotta win him over.
Message. "The truth is,
we're three different people
from three different walks of life,
but we can push together
and move forward."
Heart emoji."
Send message.
That says a lot,
but it says very little, too.
We know that groups break up, right?
So, you can be Michelle, you can be Kelly,
but, honey,
we all know there is only one Beyoncé.
[Michelle] Joey might have gotten
the group chat jumpin', jumpin',
but Queen Bey Chris is intent on
being the sole survivor.
Meanwhile, independent woman Sammie
is taking her destiny into her own hands
by deciding to message Mercedeze,
aka Karyn.
Circle, open private chat with Mercedeze.
Name the chat "I Come In Peace."
"I Come In Peace."
"Hello my love, exclamation point,
how are you, question mark." Send.
Hmm. That was
That was simple. Now it's "my love."
Before, it was,
"Why would I even think about you?"
I am going to plant the seed
in Sammie's head
that Antonio didn't come
and see me last night.
"I'm a little better now, but last night,
between you and I, I was steaming."
Yeah. Send.
Wait, she was steaming?
What was she mad about?
"I've spoken to Antonio privately
almost every day.
So the fact that I took time
and got pretty last night
and wasted lashes for him not to show up."
That sucks. Yeah, I would be mad too.
Like, if I, like, liked somebody,
and I'm expecting them to walk in my door,
and they don't,
that's like, the biggest letdown.
But I don't know. I don't know if I should
believe her completely just yet.
Like, I don't know.
He may have come and seen her,
and this is her way of, like
[clicks tongue]
kind of averting me from the situation.
Trying to relate with me through,
like, being a girl, you know?
She got pretty last night
and wasted lashes. I feel that.
Message. "To be honest,
I was thinking that it was gonna be
between me, you, or Joey
for him to come see.
Are you mad he didn't come
and see you, question mark." Send.
Message. "I feel a way, but I thought
that he would have went to see you
or Rebecca over anyone.
Fuck my life, now I'm more annoyed.
Pressed much? Laugh out loud." Yeah, send.
I am coaching this conversation in a way
so that it takes the attention off of me,
and that's what I need.
I need everyone in this damn thing
to realize that Mercedeze is
Message, "Rebecca wasn't even on my mind,
but now you have me thinking."
That's the goal! [quietly]
That's the goal. That's the goal.
"It's just hard,
because Rebecca seems really sweet,
and I want to believe her."
"As for Rebecca,
wouldn't you be sweet as pie
with the amount of money on the line?
Laugh out loud.
She's a twin.
She's probably used to playing two sides.
Laugh out loud." Send.
Ooh, that feel good. That feels good.
That feels good.
I also agree with that.
You know I'm right.
I've been dating females all of my life.
I've heard everything,
the good, the bad, the bullshit, the ugly.
Come on. Oh, my God.
[Michelle] Miranda's aligning her chakras
and freeing herself from the trappings
of modern life
in the chilled-out yoga studio
while talking to
a voice-activated social media platform.
[exhales] Circle, let's open
a private chat with Joey.
- [alert chimes]
- Ah.
Miranda has invited me to a private chat.
Message. "Hey, Joey,
bunch of exclamation points.
So happy I finally get to meet you,
smiley face." Send.
"The feeling is mutual.
So happy to finally get to know you."
"How are you feeling
after Antonio's video this morning?"
"That video was unexpected, wasn't it?
LOL." Send.
"What was the most surprising part
for you?"
"The most surprising part
for me was that he was real.
Laugh my ass off." Send.
[chuckles] "Same here.
So, who do you think is catfishing now?"
Or, like, give me a little insight
on what you're thinking.
- Come on, Joey.
- Message.
"It may be a person
we both have eyes for."
[Miranda] "#Sammie."
She's the best-looking person
up in here, so
Maybe, can this be my chance
to tell him he's got a great smile?
"Your photo was actually the one
I noticed first.
You're so handsome."
Miranda's flirty.
I don't know if it's genuine,
but I'll flirt with her. Message.
'When I saw your pictures, I was like"
Emojis, hearts in the eyes,
let's send, like, four of 'em.
Aw! Heart eyes, heart eyes,
heart eyes, heart eyes.
"Aw, so sweet!
Heart eyes." As well.
And then we'll send.
I'm happy that he started flirting.
That made me feel good.
He's definitely hung up on Sammie,
but that doesn't mean you can't flirt
with any other ladies up in here.
[Michelle] Trust me, boo,
you ain't gotta tell him that.
[Miranda] Message.
"I saw in your profile
that you're a family man.
Love to see that."
Message. "Family is all you got.
God has blessed me
beyond my wildest dreams.
"Proud Momma's boy!" Aww!
I love to see people that appreciate
their family,
because not everybody has one.
Aw. "Are you close with your family?"
Oh my
That's already gonna make me tear up.
[sighs] I'm good,
I'm gonna collect myself.
"So happy you are blessed.
I am not close with my family."
"My brothers and I actually bounced around
between family
until we were separated
once we were put into foster care."
Oh, my God.
That is
so terrible.
[sniffles] I'm honestly blown away,
because I was not expecting to hear that.
That's so heavy.
"But I wouldn't change a thing.
It's made me stronger than ever.
Because I do. [chuckles softly]
I want him to know that,
like, I can take care of myself, and
I've had to take care of myself.
It's kind of like
not really ever been a choice.
What does this momma's boy think?
"Your positive outlook on life
is truly inspiring.
I would be happy to welcome you
into my family with open arms.
You're so brave to share your story.
You have my respect." Send.
[takes a deep breath]
Thank you, that was a wonderful reply,
I appreciate it.
[sniffles] Ah. Message. "Thank you.
That means so much."
And we'll send a heart.
[Joey] "Hopefully, we'll get to chat again
very soon."
I have complete respect for this girl,
and I think my opinion of her
has changed dramatically.
I didn't know what to think before,
and now my heart is definitely with her.
[Michelle] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and it looks like
all this constant surveillance
is giving some of the Players
quite an appetite.
Hope they got a sweet tooth,
'cause this game
is literally a piece of cake.
[Chris] Oh.
"Nailed it! Failed it!"
Circle, let's open up
this "Nailed It/Failed It" app. [pants]
"Welcome to today's game."
"Players must put their cake-making skills
to the test."
Oh, shoot!
I have never made a cake in my life.
You have 30 minutes
to recreate this colorful masterpiece.
How complicated can copying a cake be?
[Miranda] Holy shit!
How the hell am I going to make that?
[Sammie] Are you What?
What even is that?
Oh, wow.
"You should upload a photo
of your completed cake to the newsfeed."
Oh, no.
"The cake that gets the most likes
will earn their baker a special prize."
I am so screwed.
[Sammie] "Everything you need
has been delivered to your door.
Your time starts now!" [screams]
[Michelle] That's how amped I'd be
if cake was delivered directly to my door.
Now they've got sponges,
they just need to decorate.
I honestly don't know where to begin.
Oh, my God, this is real cooking.
Yes. And there's a picture of the cake.
All right, what do we got? Oh, my gosh.
What's that? Fondant,
molding chocolate? Oh, crud.
We got a bowl. We got
I don't know what that is.
[Sammie] I have no idea
how I'm supposed to do this.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay.
[Joey] I'm trying to make this thing
look somewhat professional,
and I have no idea what I'm doing.
I got frosting everywhere.
Why is this piece
so much bigger than everything else?
I'm gonna dismember this a little bit
and put it on that.
This'll make it unique, you know?
Let's get this done, cover it,
and coat it.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
That's it. Get it in there, baby.
That's it!
I don't even know what color that is.
I wish I wasn't a perfectionist,
'cause I feel like I would've been able
to go a bit quicker.
[Michelle] Speaking of perfectionists
[cake splats]
See, I bet these other kids just go and
[blows raspberry]
[Joey] Oh, flour! It's snowing!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
[Sammie groans] Oh, no!
There's cake everywhere.
Oh, he's got his little feet.
Look at that.
[alarm sounds]
[Miranda] "Time's up.
Players should stop decorating
their cakes."
Oh, wow.
It's a magnificent work of art.
[Michelle] Everyone gets a tablet
so they can take a photo
of their colorful concoctions
and upload them to The Circle
for judgment.
You would have to be blind
to look at this picture and look at this
and not see the same thing.
It's the same guy.
I can never beat anyone at their own game.
I can't beat
these Gordon Ramsays at cakes,
but I can beat 'em at making
my own type of a cake.
God. [sighs]
[Michelle] The cakes are,
and in Joey's case,
I use this word very generously,
It's time for a social media classic:
anonymous judgment.
[Seaburn] "All Players should now go
to the newsfeed."
Okay, I'm on my way. Hold up, honey.
Let me touch up my big-ass six head.
[Michelle] First to pop her cake cherry
is Mercedeze, aka Karyn.
Cake one looks just like the real thing.
[Chris] Not too bad.
And look, even the little flowers
have their little texture.
That's really good,
I'm not even gonna lie.
Show me cake number two.
Aw, look at my cake.
Oh, my God. [laughs]
The bottom looks like colorful dog poop.
The two guys on top look cute.
I tried to do a guy on the top.
It was a stick figure.
Circle, open cake three.
[Michelle] Cake three is Shooby.
[Sammie] What the hell is on top of that?
[Chris] Oh, wow. Social medusa.
I give it a thumb-up for creativity
and using all kinds of stuff.
Well, that looks nothing like the cake.
[laughs awkwardly]
Circle, show me cake number four.
[Miranda] Oh, it's mine!
Let's see how it looks
compared to everybody else's right now.
[Chris] Okay,
I think I just got my ass beat.
This is really good.
I love the giraffe and the zebra on top,
'cause I couldn't do it. Good shit.
Are these, like, people all lying,
and they're, like, master chefs?
Circle, take me to cake five.
[Michelle] Sammie's time to shine!
Okay. You have the decorations,
but where's the Zebra?
[Shubham] This one,
the flowers are really good.
It seems a little bland, though.
A little boring.
Circle, take me to cake number six.
- [Michelle] Yo, I'm here for Joey's cake.
- Ah!
[Seaburn] Whoa!
[exclaims, laughs]
This looks like a cake monster
just took a huge dump on the table, man.
[continues laughing]
[Michelle] Tough one to follow.
Finally, it's Rebecca, aka Seaburn.
This is, like, the best one besides mine
right now that I've seen so far.
[Michelle] Time to rate those cakes,
And remember, this is anonymous,
so there's no room for tactics.
My vote is for cake number four.
Like cake number two.
Gorgeous job, I love it.
Circle, give it all my love.
[Michelle] I never thought
I'd be this stressed over a cake. Who won?
Come on, Circle, show me the results.
Drumroll [imitates drumroll]
[Miranda gasps] What?
"Congratulations, Miranda,
for winning the game!
You will now receive a video
on your profile." [claps]
Miranda? Whoa!
- Good for her.
- Miranda?
Meh. Uh-uh.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
[Michelle] The cake challenge is over,
and it's fair to say Joey failed it.
I gotta clean this spot.
[Michelle] Hard.
[Joey] This is terrible.
[Michelle] Because Miranda nailed it,
the cake queen can now add a video
from her private albums
to her Circle profile.
All right, Circle,
let's check out my albums, please.
[takes a deep breath] Okay, Circle.
Will you play my prize video one, please.
[gasps] This looks so good.
I'm really excited, actually.
Circle, will you add this video
to my profile, please?
I'm not really sure how
everyone's gonna react to it, but
hopefully they feel my energy,
and I'm really excited
for everyone to see it.
[Michelle] Video posted,
it's time for the other Players
to have a look at Miranda.
Circle, view Miranda's video.
[Chris] Oh, okay.
It's a simple little loop.
It's swimsuit season, obviously.
I missed the memo.
[Michelle] For sure,
Sammie will be a fan of this video.
I'm not a fan of that video.
I feel like, of all videos,
I wonder why she chose that one.
Is that her? [laughing]
What the fuck is goin' on right now?
No, this was not what I expected at all.
She likes her tattoos.
She's braver than me
'cause I'm scared of all them needles.
[Seaburn] That was cute.
It doesn't look like her, though.
And her tattoo looks different.
Hold on, wait a second.
I gotta analyze this.
Yup, just like I thought.
Miranda's playing the flirting angle.
I think she looks cute.
[Seaburn] She got a tattoo on her knee
but not in the picture.
Open Miranda's second photo.
And the tattoo's magically gone,
and that definitely doesn't look like her.
Uh, whoa!
Just changed the narrative.
There's a little discrepancy
between the face
on the first and third picture.
She has the rose bouquet here,
and there should be a tattoo right there
that I don't see.
[Michelle] Shooby's mind
will be even more blown
when I tell him people aren't born
with tattoos.
Yesterday, Miranda joked to the group
that Sammie was a catfish,
and for the first time ever,
a statement made on social media
was taken the wrong way.
Unaware Sammie was a little annoyed,
Miranda started a private chat.
[Sammie] "Miranda has invited you
to a private chat."
All right, what do you have to say
for yourself, Miranda?
So, message. "Hey, Sammie, smiley face.
Happy to get this one-on-one with you
so I can get to know you,
exclamation point."
Message. "To be honest,
you kind of hurt my feelings
when you said that you thought
I was a catfish."
I didn't say she was a catfish.
"I don't think you're a catfish.
I was just intimidated by you.
You're so extremely gorgeous.
I'm sorry if it came out wrong."
Don't say things you don't mean.
It hurts people's feelings.
I feel bad that she felt that way
because that wasn't my intention.
Just message.
"All love here, girl, exclamation point,
a heart." And we'll send it.
Message. "Don't worry at all.
It's hard when you're just reading things
without having any emotion
or personality behind the words,
but I brushed it off, LOL.
I'm just excited to get to know you now.
How do you feel so far,
coming in The Circle
later than everyone else?" Send.
Message. "So far, everyone's been great.
Mercedeze is spunky, and Joey is so sweet.
Happy to feel
I can add you to my friends list."
Message. "Yes, Mercedeze is a boss,
and Joey is adorable.
He's definitely attractive.
I will warn you"
"He is extremely flirty. #GirlCode."
"Nothing wrong with
a little bit of flirting, though, right?
Winky face." Send.
"So let's see if maybe we can have
a little friendly,
flirty competition of
who can get a naughty emoji
from Joey." Send.
[chuckles softly]
I can't turn down a friendly competition.
I just hope
this doesn't give him the wrong idea."
"Don't be mad when you lose." [chuckles]
[Sammie] "#VirtualHugs.
Talk to you later,
exclamation point." Send.
Thanks, girl.
That was fun. I feel good about that! Yes!
[Michelle] While Miranda
and Sammie start training
for the world's easiest competition,
Chris slides into Mercedeze,
aka Karyn's,
DMs to talk about The Circle's
most scandalous video.
"So, Miss Thing, what did you think
about Miranda's video?
All y'all girls
are clearly turning the body out.
[scoffs] That
The "sucking in my gut" part is hilarious,
because, Chris, honey, honey,
I don't miss no meals, love.
Message. "I thought it was cute.
I wasn't expecting it, though,
laugh out loud." Send.
Message. "Laugh my ass off,
exclamation point.
Not what I expected either."
"She seems chill, but in my mind,
you still wear the crown."
Yes, love! Thank you!
And it's true, since day one,
I've always been drawn to her.
I want to bring up the video
that Antonio left,
because he literally called out someone
being a catfish,
and I need to add a hint of doubt
in Chris's thoughts
that I met Antonio last night.
I got this. I got this.
"Well, seeing how Antonio stood me up
last night, I'm not sure how to feel,
because he definitely told me
Joey was a catfish."
That's some juicy tea right there,
Miss Mercedeze.
I'm hoping that Chris picks up
on me saying that Antonio told me
Joey's a a catfish.
Kinda makes him, like,
"Well, what you know that I don't know?"
Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, girl.
Antonio had the opportunity
to go see somebody, right?
And he went and saw them. Right.
Then he put that video out
for everybody saying that
whoever he went to go visit
was a huge catfish.
Mercedeze is saying it was not her
that was visited by Antonio,
so Mercedeze is not the catfish
that Antonio was warning
all of us about. Cool.
Message. "Girl,
how do you know this?" [chuckles]
"Honey, I spoke to baby daddy every day,
laugh out loud.
He told me in private
that Joey is suspect, down-low."
I'm just gonna keep just being myself
and not falling into confusion,
because confusion is not from God.
- [sighs]
- [Chris] Message. "I gotta roll for now.
We'll kiki very soon."
Oh, thank God Chris understands me
when I when I pretty much just told him
that Antonio didn't come and see me.
Boy, talk about walking on eggshells
with this game.
[Michelle] Chris has got gameplay
on his mind,
and while the other Players keep occupied,
I think Joey has something
on his mind as well.
If only I could tell what it was.
It's only right
that we admit to our wrongdoings.
[Michelle] Let's give him something
to take his mind off of all that guilt.
New Player coming through.
[man] Whoa
I'm here
and I brought this Whoa!
[grunts] Whoops.
Well, the only thing it's missing is cats.
["Shake Those Hips" playing]
Hi, my name is Alex,
I'm 32, [echoing]
and I live in Los Angeles, California.
I'm currently unemployed,
but I'm an artist
and a former cheesemonger.
Shake those hips! ♪
Let me see your body move real smooth ♪
Listen up
If you don't know what to do ♪
I recently got married
to my beautiful wife, Gina.
We've been together for over ten years,
and we have two wonderful cat children.
- [cats meow]
- Not for the drama ♪
I am a geek and a nerd,
and I go under the radar
because I'm quite average.
I can walk around anonymously,
and society doesn't really recognize me.
So that's me, beautiful in my own way,
but lumpy,
and that's not who I'm gonna be
in The Circle.
- I'm gonna be Adam.
- It ain't gonna be ♪
[Alex] It is me, but it's me plus sexy.
Like, the perfect guy.
Adam is interested in sports and the gym
and athletics and, like,
my favorite sport is going to the opera.
- [record scratches]
- La! ♪
I am catfishing to win. Period.
So I have no qualms in manipulating people
and trying to fool everybody.
My picture is so unbearably sexy,
and I am so unbearably smart,
so I'm gonna win this.
It ain't gonna be me ♪
[sighs] Jeez, I [stammers, laughs]
can't believe I'm here.
[Michelle] I can't believe those pants.
[theme music playing]
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