The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Pesquisa de Opinião

Marina and Lorayne were selected
as the most popular players.
The person we've decided to block is
Who is leaving The Circle this time?
I'm pissed. I'm really pissed.
And now,
Julia is entering one of the apartments
to settle a score.
It's so intense. I'm gonna light a candle.
No way!
How's it going, girl?
Holy fuck!
No way!
Why were you hiding under the table?
Because you like knives. I was scared.
Holy Jesus!
I can't believe it!
Dude, I hated you since the beginning.
You have no idea.
- Why?
- My crown even fell off.
- Let's sit.
- Make yourself at home.
- Do you want water?
- No, thanks.
It's too bad you misinterpreted me, man.
Because, in fact, I'm like this.
Julia is my daughter's name.
But at the same time,
I ended up posing as my friend Lua
because I want Julia to be like her.
She's a strong woman who's not afraid
of what people think about her.
I am Julia. The only difference
is that I'm not photogenic.
- It would've been better to be yourself!
- Yeah.
You're so stylish.
- It makes no sense.
- I was Julia.
- That was the idea.
- Look at Gaybol.
Yeah, well
Julia is not coming.
It looks like she's not coming.
Yeah, I'm gonna eat both plates.
Dude, what a pity.
It's so sad.
What about Lucas?
Don't you think he's a catfish?
I don't Shit
It's too complicated.
Are you sure Lucas is a catfish?
- Going through that line of thought
- No.
- We're never sure of anything.
- I know.
But I think JP is a catfish.
Look at that photo.
- It's so fake.
- Yeah, I also suspect him.
He's too perfect.
When this all started, my dream was
to have you, me, Duma, and Lorayne
partying together.
- Everybody twerking.
- Listen.
- What?
- Can you believe I've tried to twerk?
- Let's give it a try.
- Raise your butt like this.
Oh, I have to raise it.
Your butt is enormous!
Holy shit! Dude!
- Let's do it.
- Go!
Raise your butt.
To the left, to the right.
I'm a pro already.
Give Auntie a hug.
Good luck.
- It was great meeting you. You're awesome.
- Thank you.
Thank you, The Circle!
Oh, my God.
It's really hard
to express yourself through messages.
That's why people keep fighting
in social media.
I got it right, girl!
Marina ended up seeing Julia
in a negative light,
now we're blocked.
All that's left for me
is to get some sleep
because tomorrow is a new day.
Today was intense.
I have to go up in the ranking.
The game is getting harder.
Better days are coming.
Let's do this!
Good night, Circle.
The masks have fallen.
Good night, Circle!
Masks are falling,
and crazy stuff is happening.
Nothing better than a good night's sleep
to face a new day.
Good morning, Circle!
Wake up.
Another day has come.
Fortunately for some,
unfortunately for others.
Her soul is still here.
Too bad for her,
but at least it wasn't me.
She's gone. She didn't come here.
I was all excited, saying,
"Come over, Auntie!"
I'm really curious to know
if Auntie is really Auntie
or if Auntie is an uncle.
The only truth in social media
is what we post, right?
"Update your status."
I was waiting for this.
I'm thinking about what to say.
I was in last place.
I want to win them over now.
Circle, message.
I admit I am dying to know
"if Julia is Auntie or Uncle."
You will see, Duma.
Whoa, I haven't thought about it.
I think she is what she said she was.
I'm giving myself a like.
Because I
love myself.
This is so lame.
You want people thinking
you have more likes than them?
Everybody can check the list
and see you gave yourself a like.
If you don't love yourself,
who is going to love you?
Circle, message.
There comes a time when masks fall off,
but you only live once.
Masks falling off? Holy shit.
Is this is a spoiler?
Marina, what else do you have to say?
Oh, my God.
It looks like she met Ju
and found out she was a catfish,
or something like that.
Circle, message.
What a day, you guys, comma,
I'm so grateful. Oh, my God!
Circle, update my status.
She's so cute!
Does she really just tell the truth?
But since you're an influencer,
you deserve a like.
Good job. Let's go.
Circle, update my status.
Good morning, #CircleClan.
Sun emoji.
Is everything okay, comma,
are we all hydrated?
Because everybody hydrates. They will say,
"Of course I'm hydrated. Give him a like."
Circle, post my status.
Let's see those likes. It's gonna happen.
Duh! "Are we all hydrated?"
I don't like this dude.
I'm not gonna give him a like.
Gaybol is not popular. He can't do it.
He can't do it, the poor guy.
Wow, what a tough crowd.
It's so hard to win them over,
for God's sake.
They hate me.
Circle, give Gaybol a like.
That's a good strategy.
I'm showing him I'm here for him.
My first like. Circle, open the list.
It's Akel. A hydrated dude.
Fuck. Thank you, Akel. At least one.
- Circle, give Gaybol a like.
- Give Gaybol a like.
Wow, everybody is trying to play nice.
Nice. Five likes.
Dumaresq never gives me a like.
I thought I would relate to him, but
Maybe he suspects me for some reason.
He and JP.
I'm gonna do the same.
Circle, give Gaybol a like.
It's pure politics.
Dumaresq! I was just talking about him!
Wow, Dumaresq. Speak of the devil.
Gaybol has seven likes?
Is there a technical problem?
Dumaresq gave him a like.
Duma, what's your problem?
I thought we were turning into a duo.
And you give him a like now?
I'm completely lost.
I don't wanna be alone in this
and be the annoying one
who didn't like his comment.
Give him a like. Game strategy.
I won't shoot myself in the foot.
One more like, coming straight from JP.
Nice, dude. Now we're talking.
Thank you, JP.
It's done. Everybody gave me a like.
I feel like I've accomplished a mission.
Interesting. Everybody's playing nice.
Giving each other a like.
No one puts their ass on the line.
A like means lots of things.
A bunch of likes!
Everybody wants to leave
a good impression.
JP now lives at the gym,
and Lorayne lives in Akel's heart.
I woke up feeling good.
I'm excited.
My idea was to try and talk to Lolo.
It's nice chatting with her.
This strengthens our bond.
Circle, open a chat with Lorayne.
"Akel has invited you to a private chat."
Are we having a relationship,
or do you just want to kiss my ass
because I'm in first place?
Circle, open the chat with Akel.
Here comes the ladies' man.
He's here.
Circle, message.
Do you miss me already?
"Your profile picture looks great
with that influencer badge on it."
Yeah, he wants to kiss my ass.
Circle, message.
It was super hard to choose.
Emoji that looks like this.
I needed my boo to hold my hand.
LMAO. Send.
"I needed my boo to hold my hand. LMAO."
Circle, message.
I want to keep treating everybody well.
I believe I can make real friends here.
Circle, send.
"I believe I can make real friends here."
I think exactly the same.
Circle, message.
The feeling is mutual. #Reciprocity.
Heart emoji.
Thank you for everything.
Heart eyes emoji.
"Thank you for everything."
She's messing with my heart.
Circle, message.
It's great to have you around.
Put that emoji with heart-shaped eyes.
Circle, send.
It's great to have you around."
The dude is great at answering messages.
Wow, this duo is going strong.
What the hell?
I have reached my peak.
I don't have any emojis
to respond to that.
If you're not being honest at all,
then you've managed to trick me.
This type of character thing,
isn't something that lasts.
You can actually smell
the rotting stench that liars have.
Kissing machine gun.
I even knocked down the vase, whoa!
Is that a power couple?
Whoa. "The newsfeed has been updated."
Circle, open my newsfeed.
Before leaving, Julia left a message!"
So it's the moment of truth!
Circle, open the video.
Let's see.
It's time. Catfish
I'm pretty sure she is
what she said she was.
Holy shit!
- I knew it!
- Julia who?
It's Rob speaking.
I knew it! She was a catfish!
Did you know that things aren't always
what they seem to be?
It's an uncle!
I could smell she was an uncle
from far away!
From far away!
Careful. I think there are other people
like me in the game.
Did you have to say
there are other people like you?
Everybody will get confused now.
Don't spoil it!
Pretending to be a girl
is not an easy task.
I want to know what JP thinks about it.
He was all over Julia.
Holy shit, dude!
There's something
really important that I want to say.
Pay attention.
You guys are ranking people
with your hearts.
Don't forget this is a game.
You might face the consequences
at the end, like I did.
Was that message for me?
Because of Lucas? Dude!
I don't want to!
Look at that beast saying,
"Call your Auntie!"
That was so predictable, honey.
I feel very deceived.
I'm scared of everybody now!
I even flirted with her.
Can you believe that?
I was completely fooled.
Even if he's Julio, Julia, Rony
Dude, we would've been great friends.
If there's another catfish
playing with my feelings
watch your back.
Yikes, I don't want to see that.
I can't wait to chat with the girls.
What is on their minds?
Circle, open the She Fights Chat.
"Marina has invited you to the
- She Fights Chat."
- "She Fights."
The group chat Dumaresq created.
The She Fights Chat is on fire!
Circle, open the She Fights Chat.
Circle, message.
First of all, comma,
good morning.
What the hell was that, girls?
Shocked emoji,
the one who looks like this.
Circle, message.
I knew it!
"#AuntieIsAnUncle. Girls,
we better watch out."
Dude Circle, message.
Dumaresq, he had the nerve
to come visit me."
"But we actually discussed theories
about some potential catfish.
Do we have another one?"
Of course we have, girl! Of course!
Circle, message.
I might be new in the game,
but at first glance,
I felt there was something weird.
Scared face emoji.
Marina and Lorayne did a great job.
Let's find the next catfish.
"Let's find the next catfish."
It's JP.
Circle, message.
This morning,
I actually realized
I barely know
anything about Lucas's life.
#CouldThatBe? Question mark.
Oh, my God.
Dude, I would hate if he was a catfish.
Please, God
He's not a catfish.
I've just touched a sore spot.
In theory
Marina is into Lucas, right?
Circle, message.
I was thinking about that, too, Dumaresq,
Lucas and Gaybol, both seem kinda off.
- #TheMasksWillFall.
- Send.
Yes, girl. You mentioned exactly
the two people
I suspect the most.
Circle, message.
My guess is JP. His messages are weird.
I don't think Gaybol is a catfish!
Exclamation mark.
He lacks personality. Send.
Lorayne and Marina are strongheaded.
Are they influencers? Yes, they are.
But calm down, girls.
I don't want to give JP
a low ranking right now.
Would I give Lucas a low ranking? Yes.
For sure.
Circle, message.
Let's solve these mysteries.
I hope Lucas
"isn't playing with my heart.
# IGotYou. #TogetherWeAreStronger."
He has to loosen up
because Dumaresq is onto him.
Duma is onto him. I was onto him, too.
Yeah. At this stage of the game,
he still needs people
telling him to loosen up?
I think everybody wants to find
the next catfish.
And Luma's ass is not on the line.
Luma is one of the girls.
Luma's next hashtag, write this down.
If I'm not an influencer again,
I'm sure Lucas will leave.
He will be blocked.
Maybe if I talk to Lucas
he'll pay more attention to this.
And maybe I'll get to know more about him.
Let's see if it works out, Marina.
Your crush needs to wake up
and show everybody who he is.
Circle, open a chat with Lucas.
"Marina has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, no! My time has come.
Circle, message.
Hey, boo. With three O's.
I miss you,
so I'm hitting you up.
How are you?
I feel butterflies in my stomach.
"How are you?"
Daddy here scored
without even saying a word!
Circle, message.
Hey, beautiful.
I woke up thinking about you.
I feel fine, now that I'm talking to you.
Winking emoji.
What about you?
Circle, send.
Hey, beautiful.
I woke up thinking about you."
We have to use
the best pick-up lines right now.
Circle, message.
Aw, with three W's.
That's so sweet.
"After the ratings,
I got worried about you.
Are you getting along with everybody?"
Are we starting to protect
in the game?
I can't believe it.
I'm not being a tattletale.
Actually, I am.
But he's my crush.
I want him to trust me. Got it?
But if you're playing games
with my heart,
I'll be super upset.
Relax. Lucas isn't playing
with your heart, but Paloma might be.
Circle, message.
Babe, thanks for your concern.
I think I was just being shy.
But then I started
chatting with the guys.
Circle, message.
She's commenting.
I have to score this.
I trust
in your potential.
"#LoveIt. #Positivity."
Nice, dude.
There's some sort of relationship
between us.
I don't trust relationships.
Because I have trust issues in men.
Who doesn't?
Circle, message.
I'm on a catwalk now.
With your support,
I am no longer shy.
We rule, babe.
"#Happy. #GoodVibes."
I'm gonna stop.
Next group chat,
I'm gonna kill it.
He may be playing with my heart,
but Lucas is Lucas, for Christ's sake.
Bang. Headshot.
Gaybol needs to be more proactive
and try to make some friends.
Circle, create a group chat
with Dumaresq and JP.
"Gaybol has invited you to a group chat."
Gaybol, what's up? Any news?
I relate a lot to Dumaresq,
but he didn't give me a chance
to show that we're similar.
JP and I are opposites,
so I have invited him, too.
Let's chat.
Circle, open the group chat
with Gaybol.
This is so weird.
JP and I?
I bet it's some strategy.
I guess he figured out
we don't like him that much.
Circle, message.
Hey guys, comma,
I noticed you were the last ones
to give me a like. Period.
Dumaresq, my friend, comma,
we think a lot alike.
JP, we're different from each other.
It'd be nice to get to know you.
Circle, send message.
"We think a lot alike.
The way he flatters people
is not authentic at all.
It makes him look pretty phony.
Gaybol, don't worry.
You're not my main focus anymore, okay?
I will cover your back and put
another person on the spot, okay?
Circle, message. Gaybol,
yeah, I was one of the last ones
to give you a like.
"Your message made no sense.
It was just a health tip."
Of course it was a health tip.
"But I wanted to talk to you."
Great. That's nice to read.
Okay. Got it, Dumaresq.
It makes sense now.
Circle, message.
I agree with Dumaresq.
aren't you trying too hard
to please people?
Does anybody agree?
Yes! He's trying too hard
to please people!
"Aren't you trying too hard
to please people?"
Circle, message.
You have to be straightforward
and show some personality.
To be on the fence,
to be neither hot nor cold,
it doesn't work well for you.
"And that was my next topic, Gaybol.
Nice. It's great feedback.
Circle, message.
Wow, just by talking to you guys,
I already know how to express myself
and how I should be in #TheCircle.
Send message.
Well, buddy, you didn't get it.
That wasn't written for you.
Circle, message.
Have a great fresh start, Gaybol.
"#CountOnMe. #GoodVibes."
Gaybol scored a point!
Circle, message. That's it, then.
Be yourself, loosen up.
Thanks for inviting me. Send.
Thank you, guys.
I learned a lot from this conversation.
Wow. That's awesome.
Dumaresq, my man,
we're in this together.
I'm calm now. My heart is at peace.
Gaybol, your ass isn't on the line now.
I'm focused on Lucas.
To be a catfish or not to be,
that is the question.
- Wow!
- Whoa!
Whoa, a game!
Holy shit!
What is that? A game? Oh, wow.
Opinion poll coming through.
What do they think about each other?
Circle, what are you trying to do?
A game to makes us fight with one another?
The Circle will give them five categories.
What's that?
And they will pick the players
that match each one of them.
Holy mother of God.
Marina is screwed.
She likes to be in the spotlight.
"Who is the sexiest person?"
Dumaresq, you can't pick yourself.
JP, for sure!
His arms are three times bigger
than mine. I'm skinny.
I think it's Lolo.
My heart burns when I see her.
The sexiest, in my opinion, is Akel.
I'm not kissing your ass, okay?
Don't get full of yourself, or I
That's it.
Luma thinks JP is the sexiest.
He's not showing anything
in the photo, you know?
It makes her curious.
Circle, Marina.
I don't think Lucas is sexy.
He has seductive eyes,
but he's still not that sexy, you know?
Circle, my answer is Luma.
"Which The Circle player is two-faced?"
Something tells me
This sweet voice is telling me,
"Dumaresq, don't trust her!"
I'm gonna listen to it now.
My pick goes to Lorayne.
Lorayne is two-faced.
I'm gonna pick Lucas.
He's always on the fence.
I'm suspicious of him because of that.
Luma picks Marina.
She's nice to everybody,
she's not authentic,
she's on the fence until this day.
I'm pretty sure it's Lorayne.
Everybody thinks she's nice,
she's beautiful
My pick goes to Lorayne.
"Who's the biggest player in The Circle?"
Trick question.
Circle, Dumaresq.
People seem to be afraid of him.
Everybody is always kissing his ass.
I still think it's Marina.
The biggest player in The Circle
is Marina.
Circle, it's Dumaresq.
He knows how to play
using his strong personality.
He influences people.
He plays with "legal weapons," per se.
"Who's the most trustworthy player?"
What? That's hard.
It will be controversial.
Circle, most trustworthy player
is Dumaresq.
He's not. He's hiding something.
No doubt about it.
I think Luma and I
share the same line of thought,
so my pick goes to Luma.
Circle, my pick goes to Lorayne.
She's authentic, honest, truthful.
"Who's most likely to be a catfish?"
They have the answer
on the tip of their tongue.
That's all they talk about.
Heads will roll!
That's the one.
I'm pretty sure
the person most likely
to be a catfish in The Circle
is Lorayne.
I think the person most likely
to be a catfish is Lucas.
Marina won't pick Lucas.
She's picking JP, I think.
This is easy.
JP. He's too hot, too nice to be true.
Here it comes!
"The poll results are ready
to be announced."
Now we're gonna see
everybody's true colors!
"The sexiest person is"
Please, be me. Look at this bod.
I'm the sexiest!
Yes! I'm losing my mind right now!
How is Akel sexy?
I didn't think they would pick me, but…
What? Me?
There's a top three? What the hell?
I want all of them.
Circle, message.
JP, the sexy firefighter.
Akel, too obvious.
Lolo is hitting on me so hard.
"The two-faced player is"
Wow, this is heavy shit.
Oh, God
I'm gonna wait and see
what everybody says.
I'm not gonna comment.
Everybody's hiding.
What the hell?
All right. Whatever.
Circle, message.
I don't understand
why people picked Lorayne as two-faced
when she was the best rated player.
Good one!
An ass-kisser can also take you down.
So nobody did anything.
Nobody picked me, am I right?
Circle, message.
I can smell
sneaky hypocrites.
Circle, send.
I wasn't discreet. I don't care.
My eyes are already peeled.
And I feel that you are
one of those hypocrites!
Just so you know, I don't like you either.
Oh God, these people are so shameless.
And so am I.
That one is gonna be huge.
Marina, for sure. She was the influencer
two times in a row.
She knows how to play, dude.
I'm not on this one.
They're not seeing me.
I'm a ghost.
I'm on their target.
Circle, message.
Marina, my playmaker,
you scored a goal in my heart.
Heart emoji, heart eyes emoji.
Dumaresq, my defender.
"#WhatADuo. #Weird."
"The most trustworthy player is"
If it's me, I'll be speechless.
What the fuck?
Lorayne's the most trustworthy?
Are you kidding me?
Circle, message.
Clan, comma, you have to decide
whether she's two-faced or trustworthy.
I think somebody is playing dirty.
Circle, send message.
Let's see how this turns out.
"I think somebody is playing dirty."
You think? I'm sure of it.
Gaybol, you said it all.
And I think it's you. I'm not sure.
Everybody's commenting.
- Oh, wow.
- What the hell?
A bunch of backstabbers.
Do you want to poke the bear?
The bear will eat you alive.
- I won't get involved in this.
- Can't wait for the catfish one.
The time has come. It's not me!
I'm as real as it gets.
Dude, for the love of God!
It can't be us.
Whoa, for real?
Lucas is the potential catfish!
- Let's see what's he gonna say.
- And Luma scores a point.
Let's be careful with the messages.
Luma would say,
"Yeah, Lucas. Show us who you are."
They're a bunch of hypocrites,
and I am a catfish?
Why didn't you eliminate me?
You're not only a catfish!
You're two-faced, too!
Circle, message.
Can't wait to see what they're gonna say.
Go on!
I want to see what you're gonna say.
Say something! Don't play dumb!
He's taking too long.
He could've said something already,
but he's taking too long.
He's taking too long to think.
Circle, message.
I admit I'm in complete shock.
What's up, Lucas?
Talk to us, boo.
"Complete shock." So over the top.
Over the top and two-faced.
Circle, message.
I'm here. If anybody wants to talk to me,
I'm always available.
Friendship is a two way street.
# PressPlay. #SayItToMyFace.
Circle, send.
Geez, he's mad.
Are you angry, honey?
Circle, message.
# SilenceGivesConsent. #SayingAPrayer.
That's it. Just so you know,
I don't like you either.
"Silence gives consent?"
Whoa, Lorayne. I like it. You were bold.
You were bold.
Circle, message.
Controversial, right?
Look at the other categories.
#AnAssKisserCanTakeYouDown. Circle, send.
All right, dude. Wow.
You're really incredible.
If you're not an ass-kisser,
can you take people down?
I want to take people down,
but I don't want to be an ass-kisser.
I really like him. I think it's unfair.
The poll results were great, dude.
That game was fun.
The catfish category made me sad.
It's unbelievable.
Gaybol and Luma weren't on the poll.
Luma will stand out more.
- How?
- It's time.
The match is about to start.
Lucas will run to the field,
and he needs to score a goal
to avoid getting a red card.
I think I'm gonna talk to the boys
in the Playmakers Chat,
to get closer to them,
to vent it out to them.
Circle, open the Playmakers Chat.
"Lucas has invited you
to the Playmakers Chat."
The group is back.
The catfish Lucas?
Circle, message.
What's up, my dudes?
How's everybody doing
after that little game?
LOL. Sunglasses emoji.
Circle, send.
I'm waiting for an opportunity.
Circle, message.
Hey, Lucas!
I'm glad you brought the group back.
Lucas, all good, dude.
But that whole catfish thing
was a bit weird, comma, huh?
Let's wait. I threw the bait.
It has to look like I'm his friend.
Circle, send message.
Yeah, dude. Don't get me started.
I get why people think I'm shy.
Because I am.
But a catfish?
I thought it was funny. Circle, send.
Lucas, I know how you feel.
I've been there on our first day here.
It's unfair to be judged as a catfish.
Circle, message to Lucas.
Lucas, I think the decisions were based
on people's first impressions.
Lolo is living proof of that.
But don't worry, man.
I think you're getting along
with everybody. #OnTheRightPath.
Circle, send.
Akel felt it.
Because his "crush"
was mercilessly judged as two-faced.
Circle, message.
You guys are right.
I'm loosening up a bit.
"It's great having this group.
We can get to know each other
and get our minds off things."
Circle, message.
It's always great to talk to you all
and bond even more.
Three exclamation marks.
"More" with a bunch of O's.
"The girls are getting along,
and as a consequence,
they became influencers
after the last ratings."
I don't think so.
They won your hearts,
so they were up in the ranking.
Circle, message.
Akel, you said it all.
I've noticed the girls
are a tight bunch now.
Let's strengthen our team as well.
#Unite. Regards. Fist bump emoji.
Circle, send.
My dudes, it was great talking to you all.
Let's always work together.
Circle, send.
That's it.
While they try to strengthen their bond
to become influencers,
roll out the red carpet
to welcome our new player.
Oh, my God!
Jesus Christ!
Okay, The Circle.
The Circle.
My name is Rayssa, I'm 22 years old.
I'm the Drum Queen
from a samba school in Manaus.
I take the queen title very seriously.
Queen Rayssa. She's the best queen.
I love the saying, "God is the best."
When anything happens, I say,
"Wow, God is the best."
I'm a bit famous in Manaus.
My nickname is Ray-slayer.
I'm awesome. I slay.
Some say I'm a big slayer.
I'm narcissistic, I love myself.
There is no profile like mine.
I don't like making other people jealous.
But I think girls get
a little annoyed with me.
Let them fight.
My game strategy is to be myself,
but I'll lie about my age
because when we increase our age,
we get more credibility.
I'm taken. But in the game,
I'm 100% available.
Because it's a great strategy
to get some allies.
Maybe a boyfriend.
He might think he's fooling me,
but I'll be the one who's fooling him.
I'm like Snow White's apple.
Beautiful on the outside,
but on the inside, I'm poisonous.
Hi Circle.
What do I have to say?
Are you listening? Hello!
It worked!
What else do you have to say to me?
"Set up your profile."
Circle, open my albums.
Look how pretty!
Open the "Slayer" album.
Circle, open the photo
next to the yellow bikini picture.
Aw, that photo is so cute!
Let's save that one as my profile picture.
You look gorgeous!
Circle, write this down. Age
Twenty five years old.
Made in the Manaus Industrial Sector,
the mix between black, native, and white
made me a true Brazilian.
Atypical Manaus native,
dancer, and available.
Nice to meet you. #Rayslayer.
Post my profile.
The definition of slaying
has been updated.
Because this lady ain't here
to play games.
Jesus Christ!
Haven't we had enough excitement
For one day?
What's next?
"A new player has entered The Circle?"
Holy cow!
Another one!
What? Again?
Are you kidding me?
Welcome. Just don't be better than Luma.
I can't take this anymore! In, out!
Okay? The winner has arrived!
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