The Convict (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I received a letter from court.
There will be no appeal.
Bednarek messed up.
If I had to look like that,
I think I'd rather get shivved.
Marika Lisicka, do you know where she is?
- Her lawyer's here to see her.
- Lisiecka, that's me.
You have to help me, please.
Why did the appeal
letter arrive after the deadline?
The club is still closed.
Can I help you, sir?
I need to know everything about her.
From now on,
you're going to become her best friend.
- My warrant.
- It's for you.
I'll back down.
- Strzelecka's pregnant.
- Shiv?
- Do you know who's the father?
- I didn't ask.
I'm in the fuckin' slammer
and I'm only shagging you.
- I was careful.
- Apparently not careful enough.
I need you to tell your mistress
and all of her friends to leave me alone.
Get the fuck out right now!
Lady judge wants to shower.
All of you get the fuck out!
Get your asses out of the shower. Move it!
Write your legal shit,
so you get free access to showers.
Go, go ahead,
now you can take the free showers too.
You will have to find someone else.
I'm just not up to it.
Did you check out Bednarek?
Bednarek is just a stooge.
He does what he gets paid to do.
You're also just a stooge.
I understand the allusion, but--
You don't understand shit.
If Bednarek's fucking you over,
your husband knows it.
- I saw them at the club yesterday.
- He's his lawyer.
- Is the police his lawyer too?
- I don't understand.
What are you talking about?
They went to the club
with a search warrant from a prosecutor.
Then Paweł made only one phone call and
there was nothing they could do to him.
- They politely apologized and left.
- No, no, no
No, Serafin. I trust him. I know him.
I know who he is.
What the fuck's going on?
I thought you had bailed on me.
It's the bitch's fault!
- Maja!
- Calm down! Inmate!
You're so fucked!
Come on, let's go.
Mazur stole my legal visitation! Let go.
- We're outta here.
- You're fucking dead.
- Fucking let me go!
- Calm down.
Excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.
All you have to do is wait there.
Don't you have any children?
The kid shat himself.
The restroom with the changing table
is in the building next door.
Just go across the yard and then
Yeah, but
I'd have to dress him up again.
Or I could quickly go in there. One, two.
You've done well, kid.
Yeah, just like we agreed. Right?
The subscriber you have dialed
is currently not available.
- Hi, Paweł, it's me.
- Did anything happen? You sound worried.
No. I just can't get through to Hania.
Is she around?
No, she left. She was in a hurry.
Or maybe she doesn't wanna talk to me?
- Come on, where is this coming from?
- Tell me the truth.
It's the truth, she isn't home.
She was sad this morning.
I don't know.
She seems to be taking it hard.
Maybe she needs time?
Can you bring her tomorrow?
I'd like to throw her a birthday party.
What, a prison party?
Yeah. A ladies' night out.
At 8 pm, please,
and only if she agrees with it.
She will agree. Don't worry. She'll come.
And listen
- What about my appeal with Bednarek?
- Don't even mention him to me.
That scumbag screwed up the deadlines.
I'll report him to the bar association.
That son of a bitch won't forget this.
- And he used to be my friend.
- But have you met with him yet?
What for? I fired him.
I don't wanna see that bastard again.
- This is unacceptable.
- So you didn't see each other?
No, we didn't see each other.
Ala, I'll find the best lawyers available.
We can still clear this up.
I'll do anything to get you out.
I swear. Anything.
Just a bit more time. Do you trust me?
Everything will fall into place soon.
I promise.
tell Hanka that I called
and that I miss her so much.
I have to go now.
Are you tidying up
or making a bigger mess?
Have you seen my phone?
- No. Want me to call you?
- Yes.
The subscriber you have dialed
is currently not available.
I can't believe it.
I lost my phone on my own birthday.
- Did you look upstairs?
- I'm sure it fell out of my pocket.
- Wait, it must be somewhere.
- Hania, if the phone is not in this house,
you will have to block the number
just in case, unfortunately.
Wait there!
We might still find it,
but I bought these for the company.
It has a number assigned to it
and a paid subscription.
And your most important data's
on the cloud, right?
You can use this. Take it.
You know what a cloud is?
Not bad
for the land line phone generation.
If you don't like the color,
there are a few more over there.
My mom hasn't called yet?
She called me.
She told me to give you a kiss from her.
Did she forget my birthday?
- No, 'cause she called me, she just
- Just what?
Hanka, we don't know
what it's like in there.
You know I always spent
my birthdays with my mom?
We used to buy Coke Zero,
ate burnt popcorn, watched old movies.
But that was only when she had time for me
and remembered that she had a daughter.
Well, a ladies' night like that can be
complicated now for obvious reasons.
But I promise I'll do my best to make sure
it's not the worst birthday of your life.
Well, that's a tough task.
It even has temperature control.
Hey, you.
Is this your doing?
- What is?
- Damn, Anula. She's me playing for a fool.
Sneaky one.
Listen, I don't know what Marika told you,
but it only looked that way because
Stop it.
- You should have seen yourself.
- Mrs. Judge, you got played a bit.
- Shit yourself a bit, too?
- Okay. I'm not in the mood for jokes.
What's the matter?
Something went wrong with that phone call?
- I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid.
- Girl, I can see you're sad and shit.
But let's deal with it later.
I'm so stoked with the hair straightener
that I can hardly hold it together.
Tell me, how did you do it?
On top of the fact
that Pati will be leaving soon.
You're getting out?
The thing is that you will need
to write a letter for Aneczka as well.
No, I don't have much on my sentence left.
I should serve my time.
After all, I am guilty.
What are you, insane? You should get
a medal for getting rid of all that weed.
Okay, stop it.
So when I get out,
my mate could get out too.
You're not going anywhere.
One letter alone won't guarantee anything.
- What do you mean, you're getting out?
- Chill, okay? Stop fretting, sister.
Have faith in yourself. I can feel it.
I'm like one foot outside of this place.
You could've taken a day off.
To sit in an empty house?
Thanks for the advice.
Is it my fault that it didn't work out?
Are you mad at me?
I'm sorry.
We can still try again.
I don't know if I still have the strength.
But I do.
Leave me alone. There's no point.
So, you wanna give up, huh?
And you
Why're you still with me anyway?
- Out of pity?
- Stop it.
You won't have children because of me.
Do you understand?
- Because of me, you can't have children.
- Basia.
- Wiki! Hi.
- Hi. What took you so long?
Sorry, I just lost my phone.
But I managed to get a new one.
- Not bad.
- No. It's a gift from Paweł.
Really? Not only is he so hot,
but he also hands out gifts?
I hadn't noticed.
What, the fact that he's handsome,
or that he knows how to give?
He must be quite good in bed.
- Wiki
- Alright.
Are you sure about this?
It has to be your decision.
Otherwise, there's no point.
Okay. I'm ready.
Okay, so come on, birthday girl.
Let's see if you chicken out.
Hi there. I brought you a client.
This is Hanka. Today's her birthday.
And what do you want?
Vitamin B6 and water with lemon.
It's best for morning sickness.
You've leveled up, huh?
I've got some sound advice for you.
Enjoy it while you can,
because I'm leaving this place soon.
I asked you yesterday
to put that medicine away.
- But these just came in now.
- Then get to it.
What are you here for?
I'm supposed to take care of everything?
- Can we talk?
- No. We'll talk at home.
Did you say anything to my wife?
No, we have a deal, remember?
And what was that?
What does she wanna talk to me about?
I didn't say anything.
I can't vouch for Shiv though.
- Don't you fucking play games with me!
- This isn't a game for me, Mr. Warden.
And I'm very sorry to do this like this,
but I need to ask you a favor,
or even two.
Watch it.
Sara Krawczyk was stabbed in your ward.
An investigation is underway.
And I can help you.
- You?
- Yes.
Sara's case somehow connects to mine.
Can't you see I'm being set up?
- I can help find the culprit.
- How so?
I'm a judge. I can think logically
and I need access to information.
What information?
A record of inmate releases and passes
over the past few months.
And why would I agree?
Because we, the people of the judiciary,
have to stick together, right?
If I succeed, you'll get all the credit.
- I'll think about it.
- One more thing.
My daughter's 17th birthday is today.
I need to see her and
I need a few things.
Fuckin' jellybeans?
Want me to jump outta the cake too?
You're pushing it.
I also booked a clown, but he was late.
He told me he missed his tram.
Do you even remember how old I am?
I hope you enjoy them.
we need to have a talk.
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you
You didn't say there would be
any guests coming over, hon. Hey, man.
- He always remembers my birthday.
- Hi.
- And weddings. He makes it to every party.
- Yeah.
- I won't cause any trouble.
- So, why don't you join us?
- No, no
- I ordered some sushi.
Serafin, come on.
This might be a good match for the sushi.
Let me hold that.
Madame Butterfly. The premiere?
Here's a little extra,
but maybe not at the front door?
Let's go, come on in.
- Come on, Serafin.
- Let's make this a real party.
I brought the inmate. Alicja Mazur.
- Well, we're listening, Mrs. Judge.
- You may go.
You have one hour.
Wow! It's beautiful.
- I always dreamed of having one.
- It is beautiful.
- I'm glad.
- Right?
Thank you.
May I?
Well, you didn't want beer so,
so go ahead, have some good champagne.
- No, thank you.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'll stick with water.
- Just drink a little bit for my toast.
No, thanks.
Okay. I propose a toast.
The only one I know.
Cheers to the pine trees from which
your coffin will be nicely built.
So they grow as tall as they can.
- How did you know this one?
- That's the only toast that I know too.
- No!
- Yup.
The surprises never end today.
Cheers to you, Hania.
Did you know that Serafin
once had a crush on my mother?
I wasn't the only one, though.
But that's all there is.
Why don't you tell the story
of how you and my dad were drunk
and jumped off the second floor balcony
in order to impress her?
- That's ancient history.
- Really?
They really did.
I need to hear this.
- Did that really happen?
- It did.
- The second floor?
- Indeed.
But they both survived.
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
- The taxi's waiting. Didn't you notice?
- Are you sure?
Yeah, here.
You'd better take good care of Hanka!
There's no need to shout.
Come on. That's enough.
Witkowski Let me tell you this.
- What?
- Alicja trusts you.
I don't trust you at all.
I guess I'm gonna have to live with that.
Come on.
Please drop him off wherever he wants.
You can keep the change. Thank you.
Okay, investigation's over.
The hour is up.
What are these addresses in this column?
Places where they stay during their pass.
All right, but we have Sara Krawczyk here,
but also Natalia Dolecka, Monika Jarosz,
right here and here.
Always 8 Garażowa Street. So the other
prisoners spend the night where Sarah did?
So what?
Who did you say? Dolecka?
Yes, Natalia Dolecka. Or Jarosz.
Dolecka, yep.
- May I see those files?
- You don't think you're pushing it?
Even for what you're doing now,
they can take my balls.
- Do they have anything in common?
- Yes. Each of them is nice piece of ass.
And what's on Garażowa Street?
- Tenements, flats
- Can't you go there and check?
Cedro is in charge of the case.
I don't trust the police.
And I don't trust you.
Come and lead the inmate out.
Mazur, let's go.
What'ya got?
Something that you don't have yet.
Fucking awesome.
Just add the date here.
Hey, she's coming. Talk to her.
Okay, chill out, girl.
- Aluta, come here for a sec.
- What?
- Request for a presidential pardon?
- Yup.
Everyone deserves compassion
and a second chance, right?
You killed a man. One should feel sorry
for the victim's family, and not
Hey! You got a problem?
Numbers 304, 305, 306.
Time for a walk. Line up.
You said she's worth her salt.
I even brought you buns!
- Hey!
- What kind of buns?
- Fucking everyday buns.
- Quiet!
- What did you tell her, Pati?
- I didn't tell her anything.
- Loosen the fuck up. I'll explain later.
- Quiet! Let's go.
Everyone needs to have hope,
and we give it to them.
- We?
- Well, yeah
They give us something in return.
Chill out. I took care of everything.
You know that while serving my sentence,
I'm prohibited from practicing my profe--
Whoa, relax.
Swieta also has a legal problem.
Write her a letter
and she'll let you skip the line.
This is illegal and I won't do it.
Undo it. Right now.
Sure, whatever you want.
Move it, Beza.
What'ya got?
Staśka, tell me, what color is this?
Well, okay. Nail polish is nail polish.
Mrs. Judge isn't seeing anyone today.
But come tomorrow. You're ninth in line.
Folic acid, vitamins
and supplements for pregnant women.
- You're next ultrasound is in two weeks.
- What about the grub?
The kid probably needs
to receive special treatment?
I talked to my husband
about moving you to another block.
Oh. You wanna get rid of the problem?
It's a privilege for pregnant women.
I told you that.
I'll tell you something as well, doctor.
You can't sweep this under the carpet.
What are you talking about?
- For the sake of your child, you should--
- I'm not a fucking incubator.
The brat will survive it's meant to be.
If not
Don't you understand
how lucky you are, you idiot?
Women try for years.
Marriages fall apart. You have no idea.
Why so emotional, Doctor?
I'm the one who's pregnant.
- Doctor?
- Take the inmate away, please.
New drugs, Swieta.
Stop flipping!
It's insane!
You won't believe it. For fuck's sake.
Well, finally. How do you feel?
And why do you suddenly care so much?
So where's the welcoming committee?
Mazur is bullshitting them,
saying that she'll help'em go free,
and those idiots believe her.
And you don't?
Why are you suddenly
up my fucking ass now?
I could steal anything.
Fuck, I've been robbing jewelers.
Police evidence, too.
And this bitch fucking stole from me.
- Stole what?
- My visit.
Are you on something?
No, of course not. Where would I get it?
Yeah? You sure about that?
Yeah. I was waiting for you.
Oh you, junkie you!
She offended our Mrs. Judge.
Get off of me, you little thief.
Hands on the wall.
Stand with your legs apart.
- Why's that?
- So you don't drop another knife.
Ow, my fucking leg. Watch out!
You like to grope, huh?
Your boyfriend
didn't give you any last night?
- Why are your tits suddenly so big, huh?
- Get the fuck off!
Hurry up.
What is it?
Waiting for an applause?
Get busy with the crapper.
Alicja, you have to understand that things
like these are useful, you know?
Do you think I'll write something
and they'll just walk free?
I don't know, but a letter here and there,
and we get nail polish, and some buns
Ala! I've been waiting for you
here all morning.
Let her go. She's high as a kite.
- Let her go.
- Marika, wait, wait.
Quiet! Quiet, for fuck's sake!
Serafin is in there.
- Who?
- Serafin.
He's gonna do a threesome with us.
- Quick, down the shower drain.
- What's going on here?
What are you doing, bitch?
Give it back, give it back, you bitch.
- What's going on here?
- No, I don't believe it! Oh fuck!
Oh, and Swieta is also here!
It came out all funny.
Szkudlarek, to the restroom. Quickly.
- Who found her?
- Me and Pati.
- Obviously.
- Some sort of reward would be good, right?
How about a thank you note
or congratulations from the president?
- Nah, let's not overdo it.
- Alright, beauties.
Where's the stuff?
She didn't have anything on her.
And I'm supposed to believe you?
I'm in here for drugs.
And you can trust me on this.
She had nothing.
I know you and you can't fool me.
Search if they didn't hide
anything up their asses.
- Face the wall now.
- Oh, I love this.
Mazurek Mazur.
You're called for questioning.
I don't know what's going on here.
But I'm keeping an eye on you, Mrs. Judge.
Inmate Alicja Mazur.
For an unsupervised visitation.
Thank you.
Please take a seat. I have some questions.
Regarding what?
Regarding the murder of Sara Krawczyk.
I don't know anything. I didn't know her.
You met in here and apparently
you really wanted to talk to her.
- And who said that?
- Don't you find it strange?
You show up here and then Sara
is stabbed in the bathroom.
Ends up just like Ludmiła Mielnik,
for whose murder you were convicted.
But I didn't murder Ludmiła or Sara.
And yes, I did want to talk to Sara.
And what did you wanna talk to her about?
As you know,
she was in Amnesia during my reception.
I thought maybe she saw something,
or knew something
Maybe she saw, she knew
Care to elaborate?
Can't you see someone is setting me up?
I think my lawyer is lying.
- "You think"?
- Someone is definitely lying.
Who do you think it is?
Please sit down. I haven't finished.
I won't say anything else
without a lawyer.
All right. You can go.
That little thief took all of my goods.
I don't have any dough left.
You can't bail on me.
I'm neck-deep in this shit.
Who sold you that bullshit?
But I know you, you always have cash.
You've earned it, you'll get it.
Chill out, okay?
This is just a temporary problem.
Listen to me, business is booming.
We can't fuck it up now.
You better watch your own ass.
I'll get back to you.
- Who were you talking with for so long?
- Just a friend.
He invited me for ice cream.
And what did you tell him?
That I won't get any pocket money
if I go with him.
Shiv! What's wrong?
- Main guard!
- What's going on?
- I don't know!
- My stomach hurts.
Doctor, she collapsed next to the phones.
She says her stomach hurts.
Come, come, come, to the couch.
Keep breathing. Lie down.
- Leave us alone, please.
- But I could
Thank you!
Take it easy. Just breathe.
- It looks like all is well.
- Oh, Doctor, I'm in pain over here
Everything's okay. No need to panic.
I came to apologize.
My bad.
"My bad"? So you're were lying
to apologize to me?
I have a proposal. I wanna make a deal.
I don't follow.
This baby could be yours. Do you want it?
Is everything okay?
I talked to Shiv.
Basia, she's a demoralized criminal.
So you knew?
Calm down, okay?
You wanted to buy a child from her?
What do you mean, buy?
She'll give it to you for free?
Is that your deal?
I've got no deal with her.
- Then why did she say you would go for it?
- I don't know what she told you.
She said she wanted to have this baby,
and then give it away or sell it.
Through adoption, and to us, if possible.
I hope you're not considering it?
I think you should go home.
And get some rest.
Adoption would be a chance for this baby.
- Basia
- But
But someone
could take care of it and raise it.
We could do that.
I know it's been hard for us.
But adoption?
- I know.
- Come here, hon.
Come here.
We'll be okay.
I know.
Feeling a little horny, Mr. Big Dick?
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Be glad I didn't say who the father was.
- Don't you dare.
Or what?
You wanted to get rid of the problem.
Not for free though.
I made a proposal. Think it through.
That baby will never be my child.
Never! Do you understand?
Would you rather suck dicks near the cell
you'll end up in for rape?
Better think it through.
And be quick, mother of the year.
You have three minutes.
Why so gloomy, Ms. Doom and Gloom?
Look what we got for you.
Penis sends his very best wishes.
I wolfed down your cheesecake.
Oh, and the bum fodder
will be our serpentine.
- Cola, and the cups.
- Right.
Thank you, girls.
Well, this is quite a kinder party.
Don't cry.
Stop, don't cry! All's good.
Does it fit?
You have a tattoo?
Can I see it, please?
Well what?
I think it's vivid.
Okay, beat it 'cause I like it.
That's what counts.
Did your mom give you permission?
I don't think she cares that much.
I think you're wrong.
- I envy you a little bit.
- For what?
Your courage.
This dress should
be thanking you for wearing it.
All right, out.
Go back to your cell.
- Well, but she might still come.
- No, she won't.
Serafin, it's me.
Did something happen?
Hania didn't come.
Your husband was supposed
to take her to the opera today.
The opera?
You were right. He's lying to me.
- I want you to work for me.
- What?
We may be interrupted
'cause I don't have much money on my card.
Get a grip. Sober up and help me, please.
- Why me though?
- Because I have to trust someone.
- Could you check one thing for me?
- What?
Find out what's on 8 Garażowa Street.
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