The Couple Next Door (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I want to do that again.
Oh, probably shouldn't
get too carried away.
It's hard not to, after that.
It is.
..I need to go back to my partner,
and you yours.
That's how this works, I'm afraid.
Didn't go well?
Jesus, Danny,
I have been waiting for you.
Someone has found our photos,
and our video,
and they posted it online.
They're making me sound like
I'm some kind of sex worker,
touting for business.
What the hell?
There's a link on my social media
and everyone has seen it.
Did you send our video to anyone?
No. No, of course not.
Then how has someone found it?!
I don't know.
I'm going to find out
..I promise.
I thought I saw an intruder
so I sent Alan around,
and then when he didn't come back,
I went to check.
We think he's had a stroke,
Mrs Richardson,
so we need to get him
to the hospital as soon as possible.
Yes, of course.
You can accompany him
in the ambulance, if you like. Yeah.
So, this isn't your house?
No. The owners are out of town,
but I'll contact them.
Bye. Bye. See you later.
Look, why don't we do
something nice tonight?
Go to the pub, maybe?
You're just going to act
like everything's normal.
How else do you want me to act?
Pete, no-one died.
I get that it was a bit awkward,
but Becka don't mind.
Honestly, don't beat yourself up.
I'm going to clean out the shed.
OK, yeah.
Yeah, thanks for your help.
They can find the owner of the blog,
but it might take a while.
What, and in the meantime,
it just stays online?
Well, just delete the comment
with the link on it.
Well, obviously I've deleted
the comment, Danny.
Sorry. Sorry.
I know. I know, it's awful,
butdon't worry.
We'll get them.
Fuck, the door is open.
Did you leave it like this? No.
I was just in the bedroom,
and I checked.
The camera's still there,
but something's not right.
I feel like someone's been in here.
I'll get some colleagues onto it.
What are you doing?
See you later, love.
Is this all we've got?
What, have you given up
talking to me now?
I'm off.
All right? I think Spencer
broke into my house, now this.
What's this?
Oh, shit.
I'm not having that prick
threaten my family -
you make that clear to him.
Mate, you're going to have
to do that yourself.
I've told you, we can't keep
running away from this, Dan.
We owe him money,
and he wants payback.
Take that and put it in the house.
Shit. What are you playing at?!
It's mine.
I thought it'd give you peace of mind
until we get him off our back.
Is he that dangerous?
You knew exactly
who he was
We need to go and see him, Dan.
Wait here.
I'm afraid we're going
to have to suspend your classes.
Just take some time off andand
let's stay in touch, yeah?
Oh, yeah, how was the spa weekend?
It was OK.
God, you're hard to please.
Jeez, come on.
That place sounded amazing.
Like I said, it was fine.
OK, well, I have something
that might cheer you up.
Who said I needed cheering up?
Jesus, all right.
Won't bother, then. God.
Go on.
That's all right.
So, I was looking through the shots
I took of the cops,
and I found a picture where
you can see the guy's face clearly.
I saw this guy this morning.
He was talking to my neighbour.
They were having a right barney.
Wait, didn't you say
your neighbour was a traffic cop?
No, I already asked him.
He said he wasn't there.
Yeah, but do you believe him?
Um, I'm looking for Pete.
Uh, he's just at the back there.
Thank you. No worries.
Um, someone's here to see you.
..that's his wife.
Uh, excuse me.
Um, I have had
a couple of classes cancelled,
so I was wondering
if you had time for a coffee.
Yeah, sure.
We don't need to hash it out.
It's allfine.
Is it, though?
It didn't seem like it
when you left.
Pete, I don't like
to leave things broken,
so I need you to tell me
if I have broken anything.
..I find all of this really awkward.
I can normally tell a mile off
if one partner is keen
and the other one isn't,
but honestly,
it's nearly always the man
who is pressuring the woman, so
And Evie gave me the green light
from both of you,
so I thought it would
What? Did she?
So, you weren't on board?
I honestlydon't know. Um
OK, well
..I just hope
that we can still be friends.
Yeah. Um
Jesus Christ.
'Ey up.
It's been a while.
Glad you finally saw sense.
Did you break into my house?
What? No.
Not yet, anyway.
Keep your fucking goons
away from my son.
Danny You said "son".
Just the one, is that right?
Don't push me.
That's precisely
what I've been doing.
All right, OK. Step back then,
Danny, for fuck's sake.
Or you will find out
how far I'm willing to go.
I will hurt your family. Whoa, whoa.
Do you understand that, copper?
That's enough of that chat.
Let's not go there, eh?
We've come to cooperate.
All right, Danny?
Aren't we, Danny?
Let's just
What do you want?
Well, you had some things of mine,
but then you lost 'em you need to go and find 'em
and bring 'em back to me.
What? Are you serious?
If it were easy,
I'd be doing it myself.
Who was it?
They're not local.
I've leant on plenty of folk.
It's not the usual suspects.
Talk is there's a crew
from out of town running the docks.
You got any names?
Cheer up, lads.
It shouldn't be too difficult
for a pair of action heroes
like yourselves.
Now, fuck off, the pair of you.
Are you avoiding me? What?
It was a really big thing for me.
Is it always like that, or?
Oh, I'm not the only one.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I get it, but it's
it's a bit dangerous.
It's dangerous because?
You know why.
Well, yeah.
Look, you're so gorgeous and
..yeah, I want you
We can't go there if our partners
aren't on board, can we?
But what if they were?
But yours isn't.
Yeah, but he'll come around.
But until he does,
we can't go there again.
Take care of yourself, yeah?
Which means
you've earned two points
from a total of 20 points, OK?
You've now got ten points
to pick up.
You've now only got 15.5 seconds
to choose.
Next category,
your next question is music.
You've got 15.5 seconds remaining.
We need to have
a difficult conversation
if we're going to move on.
That night told Becka I was up for it.
I never said that.
Pete, that isn't true.
We talked about it.
I-I didn't plan this.
It just happened.
It did not just happen.
You MADE it happen.
What did you do with him?
Oh, come on. Really?
Did you fuck him?
Did you?
We just messed around a bit.
Look, we took this risk
to see if it would work for us.
Ah, well, it obviously worked
for you, didn't it?
And it would have worked for you
if you chilled out about it.
Pete, the amount of men
who'd give their right arm
for a night with Becka.
Oh, so, it's my fault, is it?
Because I didn't just chill out?
You're the one who didn't want
to become boring and suburban.
There's nothing
more boring and suburban
than trying to fuck the neighbours.
..I am sad that
this has made you angry
..but you don't need to be.
I know you fucked him.
Hi, mate.
All right, mate.
Roseville Road.
Colossus Building Supplies.
Apparently, run by a guy
called Eddie Smallwood.
Sorry, what's this?
You'll have to remind me.
Last week
..I think you lied.
I think you were there.
Are you angry with me
about something?
It seems like you might be.
If so
..let's have it out. No, no.
Colossus Building Supplies, OK?
It's actually owned
by Robbie Spencer,
and that's who you were talking to.
But why would he need
two traffic cops, hmm?
You protecting something?
I mean, it's obviously not
building supplies, is it?
I mean this really sincerely,
because I genuinely like you.
I think you're a good guy.
I would really back off
on this one.
So, it was you?
Whatever you're chasing,
it's not worth it just for a story.
How about we talk off the record?
You're going to get hurt.
Maybe Evie, too.
Is that what you want?
Right, Alan,
let's get you inside, shall we?
Thanks for all your help.
You know where we are
if you need us.
Yeah, I really do.
Thanks ever so much. Bye.
Back home, finally.
Did you manage something to eat?
Well, wouldn't you like
to try a little bit of soup?
You need me now, don't you, Alan?
Do you know, I've barely had time
to try that stairlift
these last couple of weeks?
High time I took
a good look upstairs.
Right, class, that is playtime.
Walk, don't run.
Thank you.
Oh, thank God!
Thank you, God,
for forgiving me.
Thank you for pursuing me, and
..for showing me my worthiness.
Thank you for blessing me
with this gift.
Oh, thank you.
Mrs Whitwell, glad I caught you.
Hey, how are you doing?
Uh, good, thank you.
Um, listen,
we still need the payment
for the school trip.
Sorry. I'm so sorry.
Um, yes,
I will sort that right now.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you. Sorry about that.
Don't worry.
Want anything else?
I've got something I know you want.
How did you get that photo, Alan?
Did you take it or did you steal it?
Don't. Don't what?
Answer me, yes or no.
Did you steal it?
You thought I was too old
and crocked and useless,
so instead you sat up there,
fantasising over some unattainable
young woman.
..there you go.
You sit there and look.
Hiya. Just dropping Ollie home.
Becka needed to pop to the shops.
Oh, right, yeah. Thanks.
Bye, Evie. Bye!
See you later.
Hey, did you move money
from our savings account?
Uh, don't think so.
I thought the loan
for the new kitchen
was in that account?
Oh, yeah. I, uh
gave a deposit to the builder.
Well, I think we should try
and get that back.
We don't have the money
for that work right now.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
..I've effectively lost my job.
It's pretty serious.
How much did you give him?
Uh, I don't remember.
What do you mean you don't remember?
Well, it can't have been all of it.
There was ten grand in there.
I'll check it tomorrow,
go see the builder.
I thought you had work tomorrow?
I do, butdon't worry,
I'll sort it.
Oh, Jean,
I'm so sorry to hear
about Alan's stroke.
Yeah, it's been very tough
but, you know, we're coping.
How did it happen?
Yeah, well, Alan's been having
headaches for a while now, so
Lucky they found him at Becka's.
Mm, yeah. Sorry?
Oh, good morning, Becka. Morning.
Now, you send my love to Alan, Jean.
I will, thanks.
Hey. What's going on?
Oh, hi. I'm so glad to see you.
I meant to leave you a note,
but it's just been so hectic,
you know?
Um, as Gloria was saying,
they found Alan at yours,
because I thought I saw an intruder.
And when Alan went round,
your back doors were open.
What? Yeah, I mean,
I think if there had been
anyone there,
well, they'd obviously fled,
you know, before they got in.
Christ! Well, thank God Alan
was there to interrupt them.
Yeah, well, he had a good look around
and made sure nobody
was inside, you know?
Um, and that's why he had
the stroke in your house.
Oh, my God.
I hope the paramedics didn't leave
too much of a mess.
I'm really sorry.
He was just trying to help.
No, no, no, Jean. Jean, I'm sorry.
That's awful.
Alan must have been so scared.
Look, if there's anything
that I can do
Um, I've done yoga before,
with stroke survivors.
Oh, no, honestly, it's OK,
because the hospital
have offered rehab, you know?
It wouldn't be a problem.
I mean, work is really slow
right now,
so, really,
you would be doing me a favour.
Well, in that case, you know,
maybe we could arrange something
But I've really got
to be getting off, get back to him.
You been here before?
Thought it looked fun?
There you go.
Wow. Bigger than your head, that.
You not having one?
No, I'm all right.
Remind me how to sign "no" again.
Are you winding me up?
You need to learn faster.
Fair enough.
Because I was hoping
that you and I could spend
lots of time together.
Why haven't I met you until now?
..your mother and I weren't in touch
for a long time.
Did you know about me?
I did.
I can't tell you how sorry I am
I haven't been around.
Where do you live?
Well, not far.
The other side of the city.
Who with?
My family.
Can I meet them?
Well, let's see, hey?
You don't want me to?
Course I do.
Let's not rush, OK?
Hiya, Mum. Oh! So good to see you!
Oh, thanks for coming.
Pete sends his love.
He's just a bit tied up with work.
Oh, not to worry.
Oh, love, you shouldn't have.
Look, we're doing presents
in a bit,
so I'll come back in a sec,
all right? Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Now, then Hiya, Dad.
Hello, you.
Hey! Hello!
Hiya. Are you all right?
Hi. You look great.
Oh! You've no idea
how much it means to Mum
that you're here, you know.
He's pleased, too, in his own way.
Rach, look at you!
Mm. Isn't she blooming, hmm?
He loves me being pregnant.
More than I do, probably.
Sorry, sis. I didn't
We don't have to talk about it.
I-I just
No. It's It's not that.
You're not.
Oh, Evie!
Oh, it's so hard not telling anyone!
Oh, just keep itkeep it quiet,
yeah? Yeah. It's so early.
Please, join us in prayer
before we start
the birthday celebrations.
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Our help is in
the name of the Lord.
Maker of heaven and Earth.
Maker of heaven and Earth.
Evening. Evening.
And morning. And morning.
Make haste, O God, to deliver me.
Make haste to help me, O God.
Amen. Amen.
Well, if it isn't
our favourite grass.
Surprised to see you out so soon.
Early release for good behaviour.
You're a reformed man, no doubt.
Well, the food got even worse,
so, yeah,
I'd like to stay out, if I can.
Um, just one second, sorry.
So, have you got something?
There's a guy inside.
He's part of some gang run
by this Belgian dude,
who are running all the docks
on the east coast.
Their MO is intercepting
illegal cargo on the docks
being brought in by other criminals,
which they then sell on themselves.
So, what are they nicking?
Any high-value goods,
but the more untraceable,
the better.
This Belgian guy, Lars something,
he's got one interest -
uncut diamonds,
which he can trade in Antwerp.
Where are they based?
Come on, Noddy.
You wouldn't be here
unless you had an address.
Get stuffed. Two grand, minimum.
I'll chuck in a packet
of pork scratchings.
Come on, Noddy.
It's good money, this.
We could tell you need it.
Get Maps up on your phone.
Pleasure as always, gents.
Oh, thank you.
All right, love? Yeah.
God, I've done that so many times.
Thanks. Still in one piece.
Is it? Oh, my God. Thank you.
they then sell on themselves.
So, what are they nicking?
Any high-value goods, but
the more untraceable, the better.
This Belgian guy, Lars something
..he's got one interest -
uncut diamonds Yes! Yes!
..which he can trade in Antwerp.
Where are they based?
Come on, Noddy. You wouldn't be here
unless you had an address.
Go on, have another slice.
Mum, stop trying to feed me up.
Just trying to keep
your energy levels up.
No-one's supposed to know yet.
I know, I know.
But I'll keep it a secret,
I promise.
I'm just so happy for you, love.
You know
You know,
I've been praying for a miracle,
and he has provided.
So, what now?
I'm going to take a look.
You stand guard.
I've got my phone on. I'll check it.
Danny. Danny!
Can I help you?
..I'm Danny's wife.
Uh Sorry.
Who are you?
Um, just Uh, come in.
The next shipment's in?
Not for another couple of hours.
Cup of tea?
You English and your fucking tea.
I'll have a whisky,
if you're asking.
Ah, fucking desk.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
You all right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Cops came looking for stolen goods
after a tip-off. Come on.
they're searching for something,
but they couldn't find it
because the gang came back.
Wonder what they're after?
Wait. Hold on.
This Belgian guy, Lars something,
he's got one interest -
uncut diamonds,
which he can trade in Antwerp.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come on. Come on, mate.
Go, go, go, go.
I did sort of think, what if this is
some kind of undercover op
and we're treading on their toes?
No, no, no. Do you know.?
Danny looked guilty as sin
when I talked to him.
Hi, Rachel.
Is Evie there?
Hiya, Pete. You've just missed her.
She's just set off home.
Ah, that's fine.
I forgot to leave her keys,
but I'll be home before her.
Hey, I know it's a secret,
so I hope I'm not speaking
out of turn,
but can I just say how excited
we all are about your news?
The whole family are
just delighted for you both, Pete.
Can't believe
you're going to be a dad!
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