The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

What Goes Eep Must Come Dawn

‐ Whoa!
And that's crowverine gliding.
‐ No!
This is crowverine gliding.
Boost me!
Yeah! Woo‐hoo!
Crow big or crow home!
Crow no! I'm losing my grip!
‐ Hang on!
‐ Oh, crow is me!
‐ Gotcha!
That was awesome!
Nothing like a little Midnight Mayhem
to make the thing in your chest thump.
‐ Mine is thumping
like it wants to escape.
‐ Nice!
The thumpier the better.
But we better get back
before everyone wakes up.
Glide you later, crowverine.
Guy‐Boy, where are you?
‐ Right here.
Didn't mean to scare you.
‐ How did you do that?
‐ It's all smoke and mirrors!
Literally. I used smoke and mirrors.
‐ Nice! So no one knows
we left for Midnight Mayhem?
‐ Have I ever let you down?
When I cover for you, you're covered.
Hop in.
‐ Guy‐Boy, you've outdone yourself.
‐ Aw, it's nothing.
Just some wigs I made,
some strategically‐placed food
and a few dry runs
with Belt, Sash and Douglas.
‐ Yeah, but what do you mean by,
"There's no berry cakes for breakfast"?
‐ Is that a real question?
‐ Berry cakes for me, please.
‐ Dawn, weren't you listening?
There are no berry cakes
because they were stolen.
‐ No, we heard because
we definitely didn't just get here.
‐ Uh, but just in case someone else
wasn't listening, like Gran‐‐
‐ Because we don't need men!
Oh. I'm here. What's for breakfast?
‐ Can we do a quick recap?
‐ Sure. The punch monkeys
are stealing food
from the kitchen, the fields, everywhere.
And that's about it.
‐ Eh, we needed to cut back
on food anyway.
Eatin' makes you soft.
Got a story to prove it.
Many moons ago‐‐
‐ Now isn't the time
for one of your long stories, Gran.
Now is the time for vengeance
against those insufferable,
fist‐wielding beasts!
‐ Right. That's why
I'm gonna find 'em and grind 'em!
‐ I'm afraid this task requires
a more sophisticated approach,
free of simpleminded rhymes.
Namely, my approach.
‐ Why don't we just talk to them?
‐ Talk? To simians who communicate
through pugilistic violence?
An exercise in futility.
Thankfully, I've got a better idea.
I'll invent a brilliant trap
to catch the punch monkeys.
‐ And I've got a better idea
than his idea.
I'll catch them with my bare hands.
‐ And I've got an even better idea.
Use your words.
Words solve more problems than violence.
‐ First one to catch a punch monkey
gets to sleep in a bed.
‐ You're always welcome to sleep in a bed,
but you're on.
‐ Hate to not eat and run,
but Dawn and I
have a big day ahead of us, right, Dawn?
‐ Yep. A big, quiet,
not dangerous in any way day.
Let's go!
‐ Dawn!
‐ Gah!
‐ Sorry. I know you got spooked
by that crowverine last night,
and me just now,
but I've got a great idea
for Midnight Mayhem.
Two words, cave collapse.
‐ Falling rocks, stale air, no light,
tempting but I think I'll pass.
‐ What about sand swimming?
And by sand, I mean quicksand.
And by swimming,
I mean trying not to sink.
‐ Buried alive?
Love it.
But maybe another time?
‐ You're right.
Keep it simple.
When's the last time
you were in a volcano?
‐ I'm not really in a lava mood.
‐ Okay. I hear you.
You had a near miss
and you wanna e‐e‐ease back into action.
I know just the thing.
Branch bounce?
‐ Yeah, it's easy. I'll go first.
‐ You call that a branch bounce?
‐ Uh‐oh.
Gran, are you okay?
‐ Eh, if your joints ain't crackin',
you must be slackin'.
‐ Okay, Dawn, your turn.
‐ Great.
Because I wasn't hoping
you'd forget about me.
Here I go.
Yes. Branch bounce.
So much fun.
‐ What's wrong
with other girl who lives here?
‐ Uh, Dawn had a close call last night.
‐ It's no big deal.
I almost went splat
for the very last time.
That's all.
‐ Huh. Lost your grrr, huh?
‐ "Grrr"? What's that?
‐ You ever had a fire in your belly?
‐ Sure.
One time I ate some lava peppers‐‐
‐ Not that kind of fire.
I'm talkin' about a fire
that never stops burnin'.
A fire that keeps you goin'
when you wanna quit.
But not a fire.
That's grrr!
Get it?
‐ So grrr is courage?
‐ Exactly.
Many moons ago,
a close friend of mine named, uh, uh‐‐
Who remembers names?
Anyway, she lost her grrr.
So she climbed to the top of Grrr Mountain
to get her grrr back!
The end.
‐ That's it? Wow.
That's a lot shorter
than your usual stories.
‐ Uh, yeah, it is, isn't it?
‐ But it has everything we need
to get Dawn's grrr back.
‐ It does?
‐ Yeah!
All we have to do
is climb to the top of Grrr Mountain
and, boom, you've got grrr.
Thanks, Gran.
‐ It was nice knowing you, Gran.
‐ Feel like I'm forgetting
an important part of that story.
Eh, I'm sure it doesn't matter.
‐ This is your idea
to catch punch monkeys?
Papaynapple juice?
I know they love papaynapple but‐‐
‐ No, that's merely the bait.
When those furry‐faced filchers,
thirsty from thievery,
reach for this cup of papaynapple juice,
it will trigger
an elaborate network of vines
that will sweep them into the trees,
immobilizing them, paw and foot,
in vine cuffs.
‐ Pfft, punch monkeys won't fall for this.
‐ Of course they will.
They're almost as mindless as you.
Now watch and weep.
‐ Hey, uh, what are you guys doing?
‐ Your father is existing
and I'm trapping punch monkeys.
‐ Like the ones right behind you?
Oh! No!
They ruined my trap.
Quickly, I need to fix this before‐‐
Those mischievous miscreants
turned my own trap against me.
‐ Because you brought
farm smarts to a jungle brawl.
But I'm gonna stop those monkeys
with my inner beast.
‐ How is that different
from your outer beast?
‐ Oh, if you guys
wanna get rid of punch monkeys,
all you gotta do is‐‐
Not now, Thunk!
Get me down!
Thank you.
If your parents catch us
climbing Grrr Mountain,
they'll freak out.
So we need some help.
‐ Or maybe my parents have a point.
‐ Ha, good one.
Now let's go ask Guy to cover for us.
I'd love to.
‐ Sorry, Guy‐Boy. Reflex.
‐ Yep. My fault.
Oh, so, Grrr Mountain, huh?
A little mid‐day mayhem?
Hmm, short notice, high stakes,
but I got ya covered.
I just need wood. Lots of wood.
‐ Guy‐Boy, you want us to get inside that?
Because that's the last place
anyone would ever look for you.
‐ He's right.
I'd never look for us in there.
‐ Uh, me neither.
‐ Wait just a minute, Guy.
‐ Hope and Ugga!
Ha, just who I was hoping to run into.
So, what's new?
‐ You speak punch monkey, right?
‐ Punch monkey? Yes. Yes, I do.
‐ Great. Can you teach us how to say‐‐
‐ I would love to,
but I'm in a little bit of a rush.
Got a sick chicken seal on my hands,
so gotta go.
‐ That chicken seal did look a little off.
‐ Yeah. Because it was made of wood.
‐ You did it again, Guy.
The chicken seal worked perfectly.
‐ I already miss being in there.
‐ You're welcome, you maidens of mischief.
And, until you return,
your secret will be safe,
thanks to my clever Guy‐jinks!
‐ Whoa!
He vanished.
‐ Guy‐Boy? Where'd you go?
‐ Right here.
‐ Jeez.
‐ You really gotta stop doing that.
For your own good.
‐ Yeah.
Solid advice. Yeah.
‐ I don't know about this.
Maybe I don't need grrr?
‐ It's your call, Dawn.
The question is, if you give up
on your grrr now, will you regret it?
‐ Well, I definitely don't wanna
spend the rest of my life grrr‐free.
‐ Then let's do this.
There it is. Grrr Mountain.
‐ I can't do this.
‐ You don't have to.
Because we're doing it together.
‐ Thanks, Eep.
Hey, maybe grrr
stands for gr‐r‐roup effort.
‐ How exactly does this
catch punch monkeys?
‐ If you wanna catch an animal,
you gotta be an animal.
‐ Hardly a stretch for you.
‐ Papaynapples?
Ooh, I'm not gonna look
this gift fruit in the mouth.
Thanks, sky!
‐ Ooh! I smell papaynapple.
And where there's papaynapple,
there pa‐punch monkey.
Hmph! Hmm.
‐ What are you doing?
‐ I'm hot on the punch trail.
Monkey see, monkey done.
‐ Dad, you're crushing my papaynapples.
‐ Huh? This punch monkey
looks like my son.
But how?
‐ Dad, it's me. Thunk. Your son.
‐ He even sounds like him.
‐ Because I am him.
Don't you know me, Dad?
‐ Well, yeah. Of course.
It's just, I smelled papaynapple.
‐ Because the punch monkeys
were toying with you as they did me.
Oh, they're clever,
those punch‐happy primates.
They circumvented our solo efforts.
But what if we unite your animal acumen
with my inventive ingenuity
against our common enemy?
What say you, Grug?
‐ I say I have no idea what you just said.
‐ I'm asking you to team up.
‐ Oh. Well, working on our own
isn't working, so, sure.
Since you need me so much.
‐ A fragile alliance it is.
Go, Team Punch!
‐ Okay.
Let me know when you wanna hear my idea
for how to stop the punch monkeys
from stealing.
My papaynapples!
This mountain is bigger than it looked.
And it looked like a mountain.
‐ Don't think about the mountain.
Let's talk about something
to take your mind off of it.
Ooh! I know. Let's swap secrets.
‐ Okay. But I don't have any secrets.
Especially from you.
I'm an open bark journal.
‐ Come on, Dawn.
Everyone has secrets.
I'll go first.
I used to think my shadow was alive
and died when the sun went down.
‐ Well, I believed that too.
When I was six.
‐ Yeah, I stopped believing it last week.
Oh. Your turn.
‐ Hmm. Well, like I said, no secrets, so‐‐
‐ Really? You never did
anything embarrassing?
Even as a kid?
‐ Oh, no.
I just remembered something awful.
‐ Ooh‐hoo. Sounds juicy. Spill it.
‐ Uh, maybe later.
Let's just keep‐‐ Whoa!
Oh, that's a big crevice.
How am I gonna get across?
‐ Easy. I'll help you.
Right after you tell me your secret.
‐ No way. It's too embarrassing.
‐ In that case, see you on the other side.
‐ Okay. You can do it. You can do it.
Are you nuts? You can't do it.
Just tell her the secret.
You can't tell her the secret.
That's it, you're doing this.
You did it!
‐ Your secret's that bad, huh?
What if Gran's wrong
and I don't get my grrr back?
‐ Then you live
the rest of your life in fear.
But that's not gonna happen
because we're going to make it
to the top of this mountain.
‐ Uh not if I have to go in there.
‐ Relax. I'll be with you
every step of the way
if you cough up your secret.
‐ You know, if I tell you my secret,
it's not a secret anymore,
so really there's no secret to tell.
Eh, not buying it, huh?
Cave it is.
‐ Hey! Wait up!
Did you suck your thumb?
‐ No.
‐ Night terrors?
‐ Not even close.
‐ Are your parents really crowverines?
‐ That would actually
explain a lot, but no.
So are you gonna help me
get across this vine or not?
‐ Sure. You got this, Dawn.
‐ Yah!
‐ Were you a hammock‐wetter?
‐ I still don't get this.
‐ Once again,
when the vile simian vagabonds
breach the perimeter,
these pigators will start squealing.
That means our target is in the hot zone.
Then I'll launch
the first‐ever "living net," that's you,
to ensnare the punch monkeys.
It's foolproof.
Or, more bluntly, you‐proof.
‐ Huh. Will it hurt?
‐ Yes, immensely.
But no pain, no restrain.
And it's the ideal symbiosis
of my infinite genius
and your utilitarian bulk.
‐ I heard "yes" and then noises.
‐ Hey, guys.
Still trying to catch the punch monkeys?
'Cause I know how to do it.
‐ I'm sure you think you do, Thunk.
But as you can see,
Team Punch is on the job.
‐ I'm gonna be a net!
‐ No! We’ve been sabotaged again!
My beloved ballista!
‐ Yeah. Hey, hey.
We don't need that
'cause we're who we are.
And you know what?
You're a success 'cause look how far
you made that thing go.
‐ Yes, it did soar like a majestic Eelgle.
You're right.
We'll prevail
over those primate purloiners.
Because Team Punch.
‐ And because I know
how to catch punch monkeys.
‐ Fine, Thunk.
Let's hear your idea.
‐ All we have to do
is share our food with them.
Then they'll leave us alone. Here, watch.
Hey, punch monkeys,
I've got some papaynapple here.
There you are, little guys.
Now, you can have some papaynapple,
but we have to share.
‐ Oof!
‐ Never gonna happen, Guy‐Face.
I invented fear.
Now where's Eep and other girl?
‐ Eep and Dawn?
Yep, they're right over there. Frolicking.
Ah, that's Belt and Sash in bad wigs.
I'm looking
for the real Eep and other girl.
Are they back from Grrr Mountain yet?
‐ Wait, you know about that?
‐ Of course.
I told Eep a long story about a friend
who lost her grrr
and climbed Grrr Mountain to get it back.
The end.
‐ That's it?
That's the whole story?
‐ Just remembered the rest of the story.
The mountain was deadly
and my friend never came back.
Whew! Thought I was losing it there,
but Gran's still got it.
‐ Wait, the mountain is deadly?
We need to go save Eep and Dawn!
Nah. Then I'd just have to save you too.
I'll bring the girls home.
You stay here
and cover for us when you wake up.
‐ Wake up? But I'm not‐‐
What are you do‐‐
Nap tap!
‐ Yes!
I I didn't think
I could do it, but I did it!
Grrr Mountain, I own you!
You you!
‐ One small step for Dawn
‐ One giant Eep for friend‐kind.
‐ Who are you calling a giant?
‐ Oh.
Yeah, that didn't come out right.
But we made it to the top!
We did it!
I guess that means I got my grrr back.
Thanks for all the help.
‐ You know what? You never lost your grrr.
You've always had it. Just like me.
‐ What are you talking about?
I was terrified.
‐ I'll let you in
on another little secret.
I get scared too.
‐ What?
‐ Yeah, that's right.
Storms, bearacudas, even volcanoes.
But I don't let it stop me.
And neither did you.
That's true grrr.
‐ Whoa. That's huge.
This is a day to remember.
I need a memento.
Ooh. How about this weird rock?
‐ That's not a rock.
That's a tooth.
A really big tooth!
And that's where it came from!
This mountain has a mouth!
I knew Gran's story was too short!
‐ Yeah, she forgot the part
about the mountain being alive!
‐ This is on my scared list.
‐ Mine too.
But I've got grrr.
There's even a fire in my belly.
Or it's the vine squeezing me.
Either way, this mountain is going down!
‐ That's right, other girl.
Because Gran is here to save you.
‐ My name is Dawn.
‐ Yeah! And Dawn is gonna save us.
Because she's all grrr!
‐ Grrr!
Not bad.
But if she can save you,
why did I have to come
all the way up here?
‐ Not liking the look of those vines.
‐ Well, it's nothing
a little Mountain Mayhem can't fix.
‐ Yeah, let's grrr this hill.
‐ So this part is all me, right?
‐ It's okay, Gran, we got this.
‐ Seriously?
Last time I rush out to save you two
from a living mountain.
‐ Vine block! How do we get past it?
‐ Why are you asking me?
This is other girl's show.
And where'd she go?
‐ Dawn? Oh, no!
She's not here! Dawn!
‐ Need a lift?
Grab on!
‐ Thanks for saving us.
‐ I didn't save you.
You saved‐‐
Oh, yeah, I did save you.
Thanks for reminding me that I could.
You're welcome.
And thanks for doing my job
back there, Dawn.
‐ Hey, you remembered my name.
Don't get cocky, Grrr.
‐ So, we fixed the punch monkey problem.
‐ While you guys were catching each other.
‐ How?
Did you find my beloved ballista?
‐ No. We used our words.
‐ Words they could understand.
So, no more monkey business for a while.
Thanks to us.
And no thanks to you.
‐ So, because you didn't help us,
we're not going to help you.
‐ To be fair,
our failures made their success possible.
So, in a way,
we fixed the punch monkey problem.
‐ Yes! Go, Team Punch!
‐ Hey, you know who'd be perfect
for Team Punch?
The punch monkeys!
‐ So I got you something.
A grrrmento.
Or grrrvenir.
Your choice.
‐ I married a pumpkin.
‐ What?
‐ That's my secret.
When I was really little,
my best friend was a pumpkin named Gordo,
and I loved him so much,
I pretended to marry him.
‐ Whoa. That's incredible.
‐ You should see the wedding album.
Thanks for being the best best friend.
‐ Aw.
Thanks for sharing the best secret
I've ever heard.
‐ How long do you think
Guy will be asleep?
‐ Oh. Gran said not too long.
Three days, tops.
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