The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

The Price of Being a King

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Episode 4
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Your Highness, I was startled because you were missing while I was gone for a short time.
I felt stifled so I went out for fresh air.
You should've at least taken Ae Yeong with you. Why did you go alone?
I'll make you some tea to warm you up.
Your Highness.
I don't think I need it today.
I received a lot of warmth just now.
While I was gone for a short time,
where did you go?
I went to the outhouse to pee.
The outhouse?
I didn't want to bother people every time I need to go.
I'll be sure to call someone next time.
Bring the chamber pot. Ready the pot.
I'll even call someone when I fart.
Has the palace become comfortable for you already?
Yeah, well, somewhat.
Then again, a young pup doesn't know to be scared of a tiger.
Don't let your guard down. Some people might already be thinking
His Majesty is acting strange, or His Majesty has changed.
Exiling the queen's father on your own and
saving the hunting dog are all not
things His Majesty would have done.
It's not me who let my guard down, but you who did so first, isn't it?
What are you talking about?
Someone was targeting me with that arrowhead at the hunting grounds today.
Why are you only telling me this now?
When were you going to tell me that I could die as a walking target?
Although I did come back determined to die,
but I never told you I'd die in vain.
If you deceive me once more, I won't stand for it any longer.
When the time comes to use you as bait,
I'll be sure to tell you.
I'll tell you, "Today will be your memorial day." Will that work for you?
That's better than being deceived.
It was my carelessness.
I was too busy following Prince Jin Pyeong.
I'll confess to His Majesty and take my punishment.
It's not too late to tell him later.
You need to find out who shot the arrow aiming for His Majesty.
Find that out first.
To be honest, I was attacked by arrows while following Prince Jin Pyeong and lost him.
I am positive the assassin was sent by Prince Jin Pyeong.
We can't tell His Majesty things based only on suspicion.
We need definitive evidence.
I'll first confirm the source of this arrowhead.
Move quietly so that no one catches onto what you're up to.
Yes, My Lord.
Goryeo successor Wang Won was deposed and banished, and Wang Lin, who is a full Goryeo-blood, was named successor.
Eunuch Jo.
I have a favor to ask of you.
Please tell me.
Would you teach me how to read?
Yeah? How to read?
I was able to somehow fake it on the hunting grounds with the experience of being a clown,
but in this palace, it's all useless.
I need some sort of a weapon to protect me.
No matter how much I think about it,
I don't think there's any other way but learning to read.
But I
have never taught anyone to read before.
You might be better off asking the chief royal secretary—
There's no point in asking him.
"Don't do anything useless!" It's obvious he'll say it like this.
I am not ambitious. I don't want to learn to read all this.
Please teach me slowly, step by step.
Fortunately, I am confident in memorization.
I even memorized the alphabet right away after being taught a few times by a joker when I was young.
I understand.
Thank you.
What is all this?
These are the books His Majesty was reading recently.
He read all of these?
Articles of law, expositions, and even sometimes certifications.
The king's seat is one that one must study to death for.
I asked you to teach me to read.
When did I?
We don't have enough time to start with the Thousand Character Classic.
So if I translate it into the Korean alphabet, you could read it,
and memorize it. That's how we'll be studying.
How is that?
It won't work. This is too much
Let's start with the Lesser Court Hymns in Classic of Poetry.
Eunuch Jo.
I asked you to teach me slowly, step by step.
Beautiful millet rice is moistened by the monsoon rain.
Beautiful millet rice
is moistened by the monsoon rain.
The noisy fly sits on the hazelnut tree.
The sly person's words have no end.
They plant division between people.
Perhaps you will rest by the lush willow tree.
Then, Your Majesty.
I shall fetch tea.
It is dangerous, and may you not go near it.
What are you doing right now?
He said he wanted to learn how to read.
Then, I shall tell him to stop.
No. Just leave him be.
For the time being, is His Majesty
not thinking of returning then?
Tea fetcher, it seems your duty
is not to inquire about His Majesty's return
but to monitor that rascal well.
I understand.
A small section of The Classic of Poetry
The lush willow tree
In past days, when I left
the willow tree was lush.
As I think to return now,
So snow and rain come fluttering down.
My return is slow.
I'm thirsty and hungry.
The bitterness and the heartache,
no one knows of it.
Older brother.
Oh my! I almost died right there.
Hey, Ha Seon, you do this now.
Oh my, I'm so tired. I can't do this anymore.
Oh my.
Oh my.
Really, old man.
You're tired after that?
I guess you really have aged, old man.
Oh my, what did you say?
Is that all you have to say?
Ah, did I say anything wrong?
Hey, Dal Rae. Aren't I right?
You're the one who messed up, Brother.
The reason why the old man is this aged
is because he's been feeding and keeping us alive.
Oh my, our old man can't even get married. So sad, what do we do?
These two, really.
Saying all this nonsense!
Dal Rae.
Dal Rae
Old man
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, what is the matter?
Eunuch Jo.
Could you do me a favor?
The red bean soup was all ready,
but a bit flew out from the pot and stuck to the eye!
And as he said, "Oh my, save this tiger," and that's how his eyes ended up this way.
Dal Rae, take a look at this.
And so, the tiger was saying, "Oh my, save this tiger!" But he ended up stepping in a pile of dog poop.
So after he stepped into it, he fell over and rolled into--
Dal Rae.
Dal Rae, I said take a look at this. Come on.
What are we going to do with you?
You have to get better before Ha Seon comes to see you.
Oh my.
Oh my, I'm going crazy.
It's okay. It's okay.
She's a bit shy.
Thank you so much for letting us stay.
But we won't be here for long.
Even if you're here for only a day, stay comfortably.
Oh my, this is!
Isn't this a pheasant?!
Oh my, I thought this was a temple that served Buddha?
You are correct. You two are my Buddha.
What kind of pheasant nonsense is he spouting?
Ah, excuse me.
Is there a gisaeng named Woon Sim here?
Ah, yes.
But if this is your first visit, it'll be hard to meet her.
I only need to see her briefly.
Could you just deliver this to her?
Chief Royal Secretary, did you just leave the court?
Many years have passed, and I've forgotten the day we promised to meet again.
I long for news of my dear members.
Once again, I pick up this brush.
You've arrived, My Lord.
Writing a letter that'll receive no response.
Why do you keep sending them?
Because you don't know what will happen in the future.
Having that much lingering attachment is also a disease.
You should let it go now.
You've become quite unbearable.
What happened to the open-minded young master that the elder favored so much?
Where has he disappeared to?
When you approach, you become miserable.
And when you part ways, you become regretful. That is what life is.
Woon Sim, you too.
Just do as much as I do.
The queen says to enter.
Though I am lacking, I have used all of my skills for His Majesty and Your Highness.
This is so beautiful.
You must be happy that you have this sort of talent.
Well, since she was a court lady in charge of the bedroom for ten years,
she must be able to make something like that with her eyes closed.
Even if I were in the bedroom for 20 years and not 10,
I would never have acquired skills such as this.
Could you pass down some tips on making towels such as this?
Anytime, Your Highness.
The tea will get cold. Go ahead and drink.
Why am I like this?
Call the physician immediately!
Yes, my queen.
Seonpyeong Gate
Seon Hwa Dang drank tea at the queen's palace and collapsed?
Is the queen alright?
The queen and the other consorts are all safe.
It's only Seon Hwa Dang that became ill.
Last time I checked, she looked strong enough to chew through iron.
His Majesty is coming through!
My Queen.
Your Majesty.
Why are you standing out here, instead of going in?
I heard the left state minister had come first, so I'm waiting here.
Left State Minister?
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, you've arrived.
You should head in as well, Your Highness.
If it is difficult, you don't have to force yourself to get up.
I apologize, Your Majesty.
What happened to her?
I must examine her more thoroughly, but
from what I can tell, she seems to have consumed a poisonous herb.
A poisonous herb?
Your Majesty, to be honest, I
have been having fevers and pains for the last few days.
I didn't know what the cause of it was so I was trying to hold in the pain, but
after today, I know the exact reason behind it.
Are Seon Hwa Dang's words true?
It is true that she's been having slight symptoms for the past few days.
And after drinking the tea at the queen's palace, it is true that her symptoms have gotten worse.
Whether the poison is in the tea,
we haven't checked yet.
I will have them bring you the teacup and tea used by Seon Hwa Dang and we'll check them right away.
What's the point in examining the cup and tea now?
You don't need to do that.
Don't need to? What do you mean?
Court Lady Jo, show His Majesty.
What is this?
Someone is trying to kill me.
It's evidence of witchcraft.
Someone found someone else burying this beneath where I sleep.
Tell His Majesty what you saw, every single detail.
It was a few days ago, on the night when the full moon was out.
I was heading out of her room when
I saw someone burying that box in the dark.
Who was it?
It was Court Lady Park.
Look at it again carefully and answer.
Are you certain the individual you saw that night was Court Lady Park?
Yes, Your Highness.
It was definitely her face.
My queen, I've been unjustly framed!
Please believe in my innocence!
Your Majesty.
I beg you.
Please find the one who cursed and tried to kill me,
and give them severe punishment for their crimes.
Act as if you know nothing.
The queen could be wrongly framed.
How could I act as if I know nothing?
What if it's not a wrongful accusation and Seon Hwa Dang is the victim?
Ladies of the court. Your Majesty's women and their families.
It's a fierce battle between the forces they belong to.
One incorrect step and it could be a bloodbath.
And it can lead to a threat to His Majesty's reign.
So instead of standing on one of their sides,
His Majesty has chosen to be neutral.
I don't understand what you're trying to say!
Do you remember when I said that there were two methods of survival in the palace?
Yes. Either crush them to their dying breaths or
ignore them.
Exactly. The action you can and must take
is to thoroughly ignore it.
That's your only choice.
My Lord!
Seon Hwa Dang
Arrest Court Lady Park.
I've been framed! I've been framed!
Let me go! Let me go.
Court Lady Kim, don't you know?
Please believe in my words.
I never did such a thing to Seon Hwa Dang.
Do not stop until she reveals who ordered her to do it.
No, no, no!
My queen, they say that despite all the torture,
she hasn't said anything.
Your Highness.
I must go to see His Majesty.
If Court Lady Park does not confess who ordered her,
the queen will be in danger?
What do you mean?
Inside the palace, once you're guilty, you are guilty until you die.
Whether or not someone is actually guilty depends on the circumstances.
So, if Court Lady Park continues to withhold her confession,
it'll appear as if the queen commanded her to do so.
And everyone will speculate and become suspicious of her.
Your Majesty, I beg you.
Please find the one who cursed and tried to kill me,
and punish them for their crimes.
My queen, why are you like this?
I don't think this will work. Let's just go back.
But my queen, you've already made your way over here. How could we—
Your Highness!
If you throw that there,
the goblin won't grant you your wish.
Your Majesty.
If that's not it,
were you just trying to throw it away?
Your Majesty, what brings you here?
I saw you came to my palace
and just left, so I followed you here.
You probably made your way over because you had something you wanted to say.
But why did you just leave?
As you saw, I wanted to ask you to believe me.
I visited you to beg for this.
But thinking about actually seeing you
made me afraid.
I wondered what to do if you didn't believe me.
I believe that you are not at fault here, My Queen.
From the beginning, I never thought it was you.
I'm even more afraid because you are speaking like this.
That you'd say you believe in my innocence
but that cannot stand by my side.
The thing is
- My queen.
- You don't have to say anymore.
Right now, I'm satisfied with your words, saying that you believe in me.
Wait just a little longer.
I'll definitely find a way to prove your innocence, My Queen.
I was impressed once again by you, My Lord.
There's nothing you can't do with bribes.
If you take this more than three times a day, your life will be in danger.
Seon Hwa Dang
Hide this in Court Lady Park's room in the queen's palace.
Serve this to her three times a day.
It seemed quite significant that Seon Hwa Dang really ate poison.
That child appears ambitious but is more innocent than you'd think.
If you told her the truth and tried to fabricate the lie,
we would have been exposed immediately.
I had thought you were considering Seon Hwa Dang as the new queen.
I have many beautiful and obedient nieces.
There's one more thing you must take care of.
Take care of Court Lady Park.
It's fine if we leave her as is. Why?
A queen who uses witchcraft to curse the consorts and takes a faithful life.
What better reasons are there to overthrow her?
Deliver it to each precinct and officer.
Yes, My Lord.
So have you found the source of the arrowhead?
I've searched everywhere in Anyang, Doseong, and other nearby public forges.
None have made such an arrowhead.
I checked the arrows that Prince Jin Pyeong and the other royal family members use.
None of them were the same either.
It seems we won't be able to find them so easily.
What should we do now?
There have already been three assassination attempts on His Majesty.
Heaven's providence has protected His Majesty.
We can't just keep leaving His Majesty's safety up to fate.
Monitor Prince Jin Pyeong and the other royal family members' movements.
If you see anything suspicious, report it to me right away.
Yes, My Lord.
It appears a bloodbath is about to begin.
It may spread all around the court ladies, so if there is anything I need to know, please tell me beforehand.
- Prince Jin Pyeong?
- Yes, Queen Dowager.
I'll take care of the court ladies.
You take care of your own business.
Like that last hunting incident, you can't just use words
and return empty-handed, right?
I understand, Queen Dowager.
What should we do?
Proceed with it.
What are you going to do if someone sees?
Just have some.
Thank you.
Please tell the queen dowager
I won't say anything that pertains to the queen.
So tell her not to worry.
What is this?
You've worked well until now.
Think of this as the queen dowager's grace and leave peacefully.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why? Why are you doing?
Your Majesty, it's time for you to go to sleep.
I can't let things remain this way.
No, but where are you trying to go?
In the middle of the night, Court Lady Park died?
Yes, Your Highness. I apologize, but that's what occurred.
How did that happen?
If it was because she suffered through the ordered torture,
I won't forgive you.
How could I have done that
in the palace that His Majesty and my queen dwell in?
I'm not certain, but someone seems to have fed her poison
to prevent her from speaking.
Your Highness
It's obvious that someone killed her to falsely frame the queen.
That's what you think.
Everyone else will think that in order to stop Court Lady Park's confession,
the queen did something.
Your Majesty, Officer Jang requests an audience.
Let him in.
Your Majesty, the cause of Court Lady Park's death has been determined.
- Was it poison?
- Yes.
But they say it's the same poison that killed your food taster.
Are you certain?
Just to be certain, we checked it three times.
We are certain.
Do you think this was orchestrated by the queen dowager from the very beginning?
The person who orchestrated this and the individual who killed Court Lady Park could be different.
It seems the queen dowager is hiding something she's done as well.
After committing a crime, there's now a way to avoid punishment.
They've been given wings to fly up to their heart's content.
You were not the one to kill Court Lady Park?
Was it perhaps the queen?
That's not it.
When I told her the news, she didn't know about it at all.
Things are getting even more entertaining.
Alright, it's time for us to get involved.
Yes, My Lord.
Your Majesty, the sudden death of Court Lady Park of the queen's palace
is the same as the queen exposing her crime herself.
There is precedence of deposing a queen who employs crafty measures to persecute the consorts
out of heavy jealousy. Hence, if only for the sake of our ancestors,
you must make a decision.
Your Majesty, many high ministers are seeking to submit a proposal to depose the queen.
If the decision is delayed, the Confucian scholars and the nobles will submit their pleas.
If so, Your Majesty's reign will be in danger.
Your Majesty, please make a judgment.
Please make a judgment.
Please make a judgment.
Please make a judgment.
Please make a judgment.
Please make a judgment.
Wait a little longer.
I'll definitely find a way to prove your innocence.
Uncle, please tell me again.
What did you just say?
I am going to gather the court ministers to come to the same opinion
and submit a request for the king to depose the queen.
I will get new clothes ready right away.
No, I can't look too pale, so I'll start taking medicine.
Court Lady Jo!
Court Lady Jo, where are you?
Is she so delighted?
How are the pleas I told you to gather?
They are all prepared.
However, Chief Royal Secretary will surely block the pleas from being presented, so what should we do?
It doesn't matter.
We don't need the chief royal secretary. I'll take the pleas myself and go to His Majesty.
I must receive His Majesty's approval this time,
so you get the Confucian scholars ready to protest.
Yes, Father.
Ae Yeong, don't cry.
Forgive me.
Your Highness, I will go to His Majesty
and inquire about His Majesty's mood from the servants.
Do not do so.
But, Your Highness.
As soon as daylight breaks, make a trip to Court Lady Park's private home.
Why there?
Though she died as a criminal, she is someone who took care of me for many years.
She had an elderly ill mother living alone at home.
As soon as daylight breaks, go and send my condolences.
This is the kind of queen you are.
How could they frame you like this?
It's definitely right here.
What do you want?
Well, is this Court Lady Park's house? I came from the palace.
Are you from the queen dowager's palace?
I've never seen you before.
Yes, everyone is busy.
Please wait a moment. I'll bring it out.
Court Lady Park's mother mistook you as someone from the queen dowager's palace
and she gave you this letter and this scroll?
Yes. I thought it was strange so after I gave her the items you said to give her,
I received these.
Central Palace (Queen)
Who committed such an act?
Your Majesty, you should see it yourself.
It's a letter.
To Queen Dowager.
Queen Dowager, as Your Highness commanded,
I carried out witchcraft inside the queen's palace.
This scroll that's buried under the main hall
contains a curse from a skilled shaman.
So you must pay me more.
So you mean, Court Lady Park's witchcraft wasn't intended for Seon Hwa Dang,
but it was for you?
Perhaps we can shed the wrongful accusation against you with this.
Your Majesty. Seon Hwa Dang's matter has a witness.
So it would be difficult to shed the accusation with these.
They are useless to me but I thought they may be of use to you so I brought them.
Do not worry about what you said to me and use them for Your Majesty's sake.
No, we must undo your wrongful accusation first.
I shall do so, so please wait.
Chief Royal Secretary.
Chief Royal Secretary, where are you?
Your Majesty.
How are you
What matter brings you here?
Take a look at this.
What do you think?
Well done.
We can depose the queen dowager with this.
His Majesty would be pleased too.
Depose the queen dowager? What do you mean?
I'm asking you if this is a way to save the queen.
The first priority is His Majesty's safety.
She may harm His Majesty at any time again, so it's right to depose the queen dowager first.
But what about the queen?
It doesn't matter what happens to the queen then?
Did I not tell you already? Politics
If you take one, you give one.
Are you trying to say that?
There are times when you have to give up ten or a hundred for one thing!
Damn it! What's the use of dressing in silk and wielding power
when the head's full of thoughts less than an animal's?
Not one bit of humane thought!
I don't know why I'm listening to you.
It's something His Majesty will decide anyway.
I will bring His Majesty here so prepare yourself.
Central Palace (Queen)
We need to undo your wrongful accusation first.
I shall do so, so please wait.
Classic of Poetry
Pages of Chinese quatrains by Du Fu, a great Tang Dynasty poet
The bluish green river makes the waders appear whiter.
The mountain and luscious greenery seem to showcase the flowers as flaming red as a burning fire.
The spring this year will soon be over.
When will I be able to return home?
Queen Dowager. As you instructed.
Queen's witchcraft.
Queen Dowager.
Sujeong Hall
Your Majesty, what brings you at night without notice?
Queen Dowager, His Majesty is entering!
Your Majesty, how rude.
What is this?
Central Palace (Queen)
Court Lady Park seemed to have worked hard to make that.
Seeing how she left you a letter asking for more pay than usual.
To Queen Dowager.
I won't ask a second time. Give me the criminal who killed Court Lady Park.
If you do so, I will forget your crimes.
If you don't do so, I will notify the royal court
and order the left state minister to petition for your deposing.
Your Majesty.
You're doing all sorts of things to save the queen.
Just notify the royal court. I fear nothing.
Even if more evidence comes out from Court Lady Jang's rooms?
I will give you two sijin (2-hour time segments/4 hours). Afterward, I won't be able to do anything else.
Your Majesty, is your mind alert now?
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty! What has happened?
Yool that punk keeps whispering in my ear.
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Why are you like this?
Please don't be like this.
What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
I am reminded of the time I first entered the palace.
At the tender age of 16, you came all alone as a young maiden.
I was by myself, but not alone.
You were always with me.
By Heaven's providence, I bore Grand Prince Kyeong In.
But that bliss could not last long.
I lost my father and I also lost Grand Prince Kyeong In who was my life.
If I did not have you, how would I have survived such cruel years?
I tremble just thinking of it.
I have lived until today through your grace.
Dying for you is also a blessing.
The day I rip apart the king's limbs to sate my vengeance,
I will carry out a proper memorial for you.
Queen Dowager, until you get your vengeance,
may you be healthy.
Huijeong Palace
Your Majesty, I have received the queen dowager's order
to come and confess my crime to Your Majesty.
Tell me.
Please keep your promise to the queen dowager.
Queen Dowager's Palace's Court Lady . . .
Father, what's the matter?
A fire broke out in a rabbit hole.
It looks like the fox is about to die as well.
Chief Royal Secretary clearly said
he would bring His Majesty here.
I am not sure why he is so late.
Your Majesty, the left state minister is entering.
Your Majesty.
Let him in.
Your Majesty, the queen dowager has defied the duty of a mother,
and that is known to the world now.
The queen dowager's crime is a grave crime that not even Your Majesty's filial duty can cover.
As your subject, I cannot sit and watch either.
Hence, I shall lead the way and seek the queen dowager's deposing.
Please approve it.
If it is the opposition from the nobles and the Confucian scholars that worries you,
I shall take the lead and properly erect the justification for the cause, for Your Majesty's sake.
Therefore, what you've wished for so long and the opportunity to obtain everything you desire,
don't let it go, please.
It's not enough to kick out the queen who is innocent.
Now you're going to kick out the queen dowager as well?
Is what you really want, Left State Minister,
to make me into the worst bastard in the world?
Your Majesty, what you're saying is not correct.
During the last uprising, I followed you, who were all alone,
and my knee was injured by a sword, an injury that cannot be fully healed.
You know that already, don't you?
So how can you diminish my loyalty?
This must be due to the chief royal secretary trying to come between us—
Shut up!
Court Lady Jang from the queen dowager's palace did commit the crime, but that has nothing to do with the queen dowager.
Also, with Court Lady Jang's confession,
it has been revealed that the queen is innocent.
I will no longer be bringing an issue to that matter.
Understand and leave!
It doesn't seem like the matter of deposing the queen will come up anytime soon.
But why do you think His Majesty hasn't put the blame on the queen dowager?
Don't you think he doesn't want it to be known that he was unfilial by deposing the queen dowager?
Don't you think so, Left State Minister?
To the queen dowager
Your Majesty, what did you wish for?
My queen, I would like to see you smile brightly once.
I hope you will.
Don't smile.
Don't smile, please.
Eunuch Jo, come here and take a look at this.
Thank you, Eunuch Jo
Is this the time to be doing this?
The chief royal secretary will soon be escorting His Majesty here.
Isn't it fun? I drew it so you would laugh.
Your Majesty.
If done well, you live and if not, you die.
No matter what you do, you're going to die someday in this lifetime.
Don't worry too much.
Take off the king's clothes and change into civilian clothing.
If you do not want to die, please step back.
My Lord. My Lord.
Why do we keep climbing?
Is His Majesty at the top of the mountain?
I said I would tell you beforehand.
Today is your funeral day.
My Lord. My Lord
The clown Ha Seon has died.
Now, you
You are the king of this country.
The Crowned Clown
We've come a long way, but it's time.
There is no way to hide this any longer.
The reason why my heart trembles.
Let's try to make the world that the elder and the members dreamed of once more.
The one who received the rice first
The one with extraordinary calculating skills.
There is someone.
Will you do it with me?
It seems I took the king's work too lightly.
Step down from the position of left state minister.
He told me to tell you to enjoy watching from the afterlife.
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