The Cry (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 This programme contains some strong language and some scenes of a sexual nature SHE GROANS Oh No, no, Jo, don't.
You can't get up.
You'ren hospital.
There Alistair? ALARM BEEPS Come on, just lie down.
Had forgotten used to be strong.
Knew could be again.
had to rescue myself.
You see, t's the Karpman triangle again.
Does that make me the persecutor? It's been four months, since the disappearance of Noah.
After much discussion with the team, senior colleagues both here and in Scotland, we've decided to scale thenvestigation down.
- You've given up? - No, thenvestigation stays open.
But we don't have any real suspects or enough evidence to build a case - that's going to stand up in court.
- Against us? Or against anyone that we've been investigating.
Theres always the possibility.
that new evidence may be found.
Someone may remember something or someone may want to confess.
People think the weight of guilt will lessen with time, but in my experience, it's quite the opposite.
Let's hope you're right.
HE SCREAMS Why are we here? Thought we could have a look.
Mean, if we if we lived here, we'd be close to Chloe.
Close to Noah.
Live here? Let's just have a look.
What it is it? I'm just trying to imagine us starting again.
Maybe having another baby.
I don't know.
We need to go home, don't we? Al wheres he? Here.
Let me take a photo.
Sorry, I just wanted to have a look.
Powerless? When someone elses in charge of your life, who decides where you live and how.
It wasn't a child, it was It was humiliating.
How did Alistair get that control? Gave it to him.
And you wanted to get it back? FLAMES CRACKLE SHE GASPS SHE PANTS can't sleep.
Please Take me to him.
And then'll go.
I'll have another baby.
I'll be the grieving wife.
I'll be the perfect wife.
I'll be whoever the fuck you want me to be.
But need to know where hes.
Understand me.
- Thanks, Mum.
- I think that's the last lot.
I just want you to know, Al, think your decision to return to Scotlands the right one.
It's important to get, on with your lives.
Thanks, Mum.
- It won't be easy.
- No.
Little Noah Whether he's alive or not, someone knows what happened to him.
They have to live with that.
I just hope one day we know the truth.
Wouldn't you think if someone was going to feel remorse they would have spoken up by now? Orf they didn't feel remorse, they might have made a mistake.
Or a slip-up.
That's what the police were really hoping for, that someone close to whoever took Noah should have seen something and would have reported it.
It's not as easy as that, though, is it?, What do you mean? Well Whoever took Noah must be very good at hiding the truth.
Even from those close to them.
Well, it might not have been one person.
Two people can keep a secret much better than one.
I can't even imagine that.
No, you couldn't, Mum.
And what do you think about coming to Scotland on the next six months or so, and bringing Chloe with you? A holiday.
Would you like that? Yeah.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Something to look forward to.
Joanna and Alistair were living with you in Wilde Bay, when the search for their missing child wasn full swing.
How would you characterise their relationship? They were under terrible, terrible stress and pressure at that time.
So, they fought? I didn't say that.
They were coping with a dreadfull situation the best way they could.
How did you thinkJoanna responded to the loss of her child? She was devastated.
Tell me, what kind of mother were you? Excuse me? Alistair was living in Scotland for ten years and you never visited him once, yet you stayed in Scotland and visited in hospital the woman accused of murdering your son.
- What are we to think? - Objection, my lord! Mrs Robertsons not on trial.
No further questions, my lord.
BABY CRIES Excuse me, there's a couple of spare seats available in first class.
We'd like you to have them.
I'll help you get your bags.
Stand back, just give us some space.
Some space, please.
Guys, I'm sure you can appreciate that this is a very difficult time for Joanna and myself.
We'd ask for some privacy so we can try and rebuild our lives.
Hi there.
Are you going to smile? Give us a smile.
- Could have a signature, please? Thank you.
BABY CRIES Hey! Oh I'm here, I'm here.
Oh Come on.
Oh, I'm here.
I'm here.
Got you.
got you.
CHILDREN CHATTER OUTSIDE I can't see any way round it, Alistair.
- Really? - My hands are tied.
There's no way can risk my position by keeping you on.
You're serious? Thought you of all people would understand.
Joanna and I are victims of a horrific crime.
I've lost my son and months of my life, and that makes me unsuitable to work for the party? It was decided that your notoriety would cloud the role.
- And how's your daughter? - Alistair, don't make this personal.
But you still have your seat, your job, because I managed your family's crisis, and many others before that.
Of course, you're upset.
Perhaps could call Stuart Galwick.
- Stuart who? - Galwick.
He may have something for youn the party administration, or I don't know.
How are you? - I'm good.
- Well, no, I've been better.
- Yeah.
I can't believe that just happened.
They' re pretty.
How was your day? Hard.
Well, lost my job.
The party don't want me back.
That bastard Fossery.
Says we're too much in the public eye.
It's disgraceful.
Just spent the afternoon wandering about.
People treat me like the grieving mother.
I just want to disappear.
I'll get you a glass of wine.
Do you ever hear me? Yes.
Yes, I hear you.
I'm sorry you feel like that.
I've just lost my job.
I've got a bit to think about.
What are you doing here? Oh, the cleaner let men.
You don't respond to my calls or texts any more, so It's been It's been busy.
Should go? No.
End of day, not myself.
Whats that supposed to be? "The monster was only pretending to be asleep.
" Jesus, it's terrifying.
How are you? Yeah, good, you know? Busy.
You should comen and get your hair cut.
I've not had it cut since was away.
You should have made an appointment.
Yeah, maybe could Maybe could come over, you know, when nobody else is around.
Of course.
We could have some wine.
It's OK.
Can you go? Sure? I'm fine.
It's OK.
I'll call you.
I'll call you.
I will.
And the MAN LAUGHS the PR consultant says thatt's going to cost $1,OOO.
And the guy says, "$1,OOO? That's expensive.
" And the PR cons Jo.
Um Jo, this is This is Jean-Louise Talbot.
- Hi.
- Ah, our mysterious publicist.
That's me.
I'll just get you a glass of wine.
Joanna, I'm so sorry for what you've been through.
Thank you.
Are we celebrating? Yeah.
The book deal came through today.
Um We've we've been commissioned to write a book.
Our story.
Why would we want to do that? People are very interested in both of you.
- It WILL sell.
- I wish they weren't.
- Wish it would all just go away.
- Exactly And you should make that part of the book, the intrusion of the press.
Be brutally honest about everything.
Why not? And might have a job.
If you want it, believe me, it's yours.
It's an organisation called Broken Circle, and it's it's for parents who have lost their children to violent crimes, and they want me to come work for them.
Broken Circle UK are one of my clients.
Alistair would be both spokesperson for the foundation and manage their global press and publicity.
And Alistair's public position would help keep the search for Noah in the public eye.
Well, that's That's great.
Sorry, everything is just become very strange to me.
- What we've become.
- Of course.
What you've been through, I can't even begin to imagine.
There's a lot to taken.
Why I don't go?, Let you two talk aboutt.
- So, I'll walk you out.
- It was really great to meet you.
- Bye.
DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES You're actually considering this job? Yeah.
It's It's a good package.
It's such a lie.
How can you do it? Know this experience from the inside.
I thought I thought you'd be happy for It would be ideal if she would, because you're seen as a team.
You're both Noah's parents.
You know how she feels about this stuff.
Whatf you sold it to her as a one-off, just a good set of photos of the two of you for the website? Or I could do it without her.
Yes, but you need to be aware that it's Joanna that the public most want to see and hear from.
It's photos of her that are the magnet.
You alone not so much.
Fallen mothers.
Thank you for this.
It means a lot.
It's just stills, no interviews? Absolutely.
And don't ask me to cry.
Thank you.
You know, another baby is just what we need.
Yeah, you're right.
HE SIGHS - Hi! - Hi, Jo.
- Oh, how was your flight? - Hello.
- Come in, it's cold.
- Yeah.
Erm This bag - That's for you.
That one there.
- Oh, thank you.
I've made up two beds in the spare bedroom.
My old bedroom.
Oh, of course.
Thank you.
Do you want a cup of tea, Mum? Oh, Alistair, I'd love a cup of tea.
I'll just put these - there.
- Everything looks smaller.
We're looking into opening a branch of Broken Circlen Australia.
It makes sense.
We had so much press there.
Did Alistair tell you he's writing a book? Will I be in it? No, not much.
It's about the investigation.
What about Mum? Yeah, we'll let Alexandra read anything before it's published, of course.
You know, there are people still looking for Noah.
You, um You still read all the online stuff? Yes.
Don't you? - Chloe - We've tried not to.
It's too painful.
Well, how elses anyone going to find him unless we keep trying? This is what you guys should be doing, not having your photos taken like you're stupid celebrities.
Chloe, that's enough.
- Perhaps we should callt a night.
- Yeah.
Is it not the case that Joanna Lindsay is a stranger to the truth? I don't know how to answer that.
Well, the accused is an adulteress who destroyed your marriage and left you a single mother.
Her only child apparently disappeared when she popped into the shops.
Do you agree that she has a history of covering Up her own questionable behaviours? Think there's a difference between lying and doing what you have to do to survive.
I think Joanna was trapped.
Alistair was not not an easy man to love.
Sorry I'm late.
Shall we get a cab? No, let's walk.
I wish they weren't here tonight.
I know.
It's a tough day.
But let's try and celebrate.
Today? On Noah's birthday? Yes.
Marry me.
I want us to move forward.
I want us to get Chloe to move over here, I want to want to have another baby, maybe two.
Remember, we are invincible.
Together, we can do anything.
Let's tell Chloe tonight.
She'll be so excited for a wedding.
Hello? What is this? - It's Noah's birthday today.
- Chloe, whats all this? Mum, what's going on? I've no idea.
I've been asleep.
I just bought some balloons from the shop.
The man gave me these streamers.
He said he was throwing them out.
Did you forget? You forgott was his birthday? - Chlo - This is what he might look like now.
Someone has made this.
It's amazing.
I had no idea.
Am so sorry, Jo.
Nan! Thats enough! How could you be so stupid? So insensitive? I can't do this.
Jo, wait.
Jo, please, wait.
Please Wait.
Oh, it's too horrible! Chloe Chloe will be devastated, OK? - She'll think you don't like her.
- Well, I don't! - Jesus, Jo, she's 15 years old.
- I don't want to be her mother! The damage is too much to repair, and don't want the responsibility of failing another child.
When something of this magnitude happens to a family, it may be many people's first experience with the police, with lawyers and the press.
The Broken Circle Foundation puts the expert support on the ground with the parents, and we follow through for as long ast takes.
HE SIGHS Is that all right? You're amazing.
Let's go again.
Thanks for popping by.
- Here its, all for you and Alistair.
Mostly to you, though.
My God.
I know.
I can shred it all, if you want.
No-one expects you to respond to it.
No, I'd like to look through.
People took the time You have such heart, and it appears so genuine, effortless.
You are Alistair's greatest asset and about to become his wife, believe.
Congrats! I'll leave you to it.
My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.
May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek.
I know you did it.
You're a liar and a fraud, and hope you rot in hell Dear Joanna, I was sitting behind you on the flight to Melbourne.
Despite everything that It has been said about you, I want you to know that I saw a young couple caring for their baby with patience and love.
Even after we landed, your husband was so tender with the little fellow, at the car hire, when he was crying.
Wish you well and hope you find some peacen your days.
Well, jet lag's not caused by lack of sleep.
You know that, right? BABY CRIES Ssh-ssh-ssh! Ssh-ssh! You're OK, bubba.
- There.
- Queen of hearts.
Nine of hearts.
Ten of hearts.
OK, hearts, hearts King of hearts.
That's good, we are on spades.
- OK.
And three, done.
- Oh, look! You should hold on to that.
Remember the happiness you had with him.
Al, let's go for a drive.
Now? But I'm winning.
No, you're not.
Yes, am.
I need some fresh air.
We'll be back for dinner.
Now, that's a good idea.
Chloe, we can go to the art gallery.
- And you.
just don't touch the game.
We'll finisht tonight.
A drive? Cabin fever.
OK, where are we going? Not sure.
Out of the city? Sure.
I was thinking we should take Chloe down to London before she goes home, get her excited about living here.
It'll take time.
When we have another baby, she'll want to be here, for sure.
I don't want another baby.
You've got to forgive yourself.
Let's drive.
need to ask you something.
Did you give Noah medicine at the airport? What? At Melbourne Airport.
I went to get us coffee.
You were at the car hire desk with Noah.
Did you give him medicine then? No, what are you talking about? Alistair tell me.
Tell me the truth.
Did you? Oh, fuck.
BABY CRIES There you go.
And did you tastet? BABY CRIES No.
It was you.
All this time All of this time, you've let me believe it was me.
Jo, the medicine.
What? When we found him I was delirious.
I forgot that I gave him the medicine at the airport.
You've remembered before now.
You could have told me millions of times.
Wanted to tell you, Jo.
You have watched it destroy me.
But've had to live witht too.
- You are a coward.
- I had to bury him.
I had to dig a hole and put my son's body in it.
He was dead.
He was gone.
Who did it? Where he was buried? - What didt matter? - Where he was buried? What do you mean, where he was buried? You took me there, you showed me where he was buried.
Oh, my God! - You lied about that too.
- Yes, because I had to.
The cops were tracking our every move.
They never followed us there.
Yes, yes, they did, and they found nothing.
He's not buried under the tree.
I drove you to a fake spot, the cops tracked us there, they dugt up and they found nothing.
It helped us.
It took the heat off us.
I did that.
I did that for us, for you! ENGINE REVS The road was dry and there was no evidence of skid marks on the road - at the point of exit.
- Meaning? Meaning no attempt had been made to slow the car by applying the brake.
The damage to the car shows that the car was travelling at speed, - whent came off the road.
- Thank you.
No more questions, my lord.
Erm, this is for you.
It's Alistair's things.
There's been enough pain.
You're family now.
DOOR BUZZES CAMERA FLASH FIRES How do you know if any of your patients are telling you the truth? Experience.
Am I telling you the truth? My job is not to determine if you're telling the truth, but whether or not you're fit to stand trial.
Well, we both know I'm fit to stand trial.
What does your instinct tell you about my story? I have everything I need, to complete my report, Joanna.
Good luck.
REPORTERS CLAMOUR Perhaps you can tell us in your own words what happened on the afternoon of first October last year.
It was the day after our son's birthday.
We went for a drive out of town.
Erm We were talking about Noah together.
Quietly sharing our precious memories of him.
I took my eyes off the road for a second.
And missed a bend.
My fiance died.
I lived.
I lived so could tell the truth.
My lord, I'd like to request an adjournment.
I don't want that.
I want to continue.
I'm sorry've been the cause of so much grief to Alistair's family.
When Noah left us Alistair and I, we were, erm devastated.
We had to try to rebuild our lives.
What we went through brought out the best and worst in both of us.
No! Wheres my little boy? Whoever took my son from me made me think I had failed to protect him.
Made me think was a bad mother.
I was a good mother.
I know I loved my son.
I loved Alistair.
You can judge me how you see fit.
You can punish me as you see fit.
I've already been to hell.
I've lost my child.
And now've lost Alistair.
The only person who truly knew the truth of my pain.
I did that! I did that for us, for you! ENGINE REVS REPORTERS CLAMOUR Oh, when the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fireproof Under the boardwalk Down by the sea, yeah On a blanket with my baby is where'll be
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