The Deceived (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

- [Priest] Eternal rest grant
unto your servant, Roisin.
- [Michael] You're seeing
visions of her, this has to stop!
- [Ophelia] The House at Knockdara.
- It's about to be published.
- [Richard] Her name's Annabelle Lorimer.
She's missing.
- [Ruth] She was talking
to him, to Michael.
- [Michael] That girl
was a student of mine.
- You think what?
She just took off somewhere
with one tiny rucksack?
- Rucksack?
- Did she visit you again?
She will.
The other poor girl too.
- [Michael] What is that
you think is happening here?
- Perhaps I'd be less paranoid
if you told me the truth.
(tense dramatic music)
(ethereal, dramatic music)
(bell tolls)
(students murmuring)
- You know what, I really need a system.
I can never find what I'm looking for.
- Don't toy with me, please.
I can't cope.
- Right, I'm gonna stop this now.
- Please say something.
- It's good.
It's really good.
- Do you think so?
- I do.
Have you shown anyone else?
- No.
- I mean, if I was to be very critical-
- Please do.
- [Michael] A few sections
do feel a little overwritten.
- Right, okay.
- I can give you some notes if you like?
- That would be amazing.
- You know, almost everyone I've taught
has told me that they think
that they have a novel inside of them.
And in every case, I have told them
that that's exactly where it should stay.
This is different.
You're something very special.
- Can I have that in writing?
- Will that do?
- Mm hmm. I love it.
Can I ask you one more tiny favor?
- Go on then.
- Would you ask your wife to read it?
- What, my opinion isn't good enough?
- No, no, of course, it's just
she's a published novelist.
And I'm just such a huge fan of her work,
it would mean so much.
- Leave it with me.
- "A beautiful writer?"
- Yes.
(tense music)
(suspenseful music)
(phone rings)
- Ophelia?
- [Ophelia] Hello?
- Ophelia? What is it?
- [Ophelia] I'm at the hospital.
I had a pain, the most
terrible stabbing pain.
they sent an ambulance.
- Which hospital?
- Letterkenny.
They said they have to do a scan.
Please come.
- I'm on my way.
(tense music)
- [Ophelia] Can I come in?
- [Sean] What's going on?
- [Ophelia] Are you alone?
- Yes.
- Can we go through to the back?
I need your help.
I have to get out of here.
- What? Why?
- I'm afraid of him, Sean.
He's dangerous.
- [Sean] Who? Michael?
- I know, you see.
I know everything, and
when he works that out-
- I don't understand.
- Roisin's alive.
I saw her.
- That's impossible.
- It was the day after I arrived here.
I thought I'd dreamt it, or imagined it.
Because Michael tried to make me doubt it,
he tried to make me to doubt myself.
Ever since I arrived here.
He put a knife in my bag.
He brought a man to my room
he said was a doctor but he wasn't.
And he gave me pills to confuse me.
But I'm not confused any more.
I was her.
It was Roisin.
- There's no way she could
have survived the fire.
You saw the room.
- But she wasn't in it.
- Ophelia, I found the body.
- You found someone's body.
Someone died in that fire, all right.
But it wasn't Roisin.
He killed a girl.
- Jesus Christ, Ophelia.
- Her name was Annabelle.
She was one of his students before me.
Please, Sean.
You have to believe me.
- Come here. It's all right.
Shh. It's okay.
It's okay.
- [Ophelia] You'll help me?
- What do you need?
- Will you take me to the airport?
He thinks I'm at the hospital.
As soon as he realizes that
I'm not, he'll come looking.
He might come here.
- I don't know what the
hell is going on here
but if you really want to
leave, I'm gonna help you, okay?
I just need you need to calm down.
I'm gonna grab my keys, okay?
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Thank you.
I know why he did it, Sean,
and it's mad, it's terrifying.
But I can't get help here.
He knows everyone.
Where the hell is my passport?
- You have to calm down.
- I've got it.
- Everything's gonna
be okay, I promise you.
- I'm so tired.
- I'd say that's part of it all right.
(ominous music)
- Where are we going?
- You're not well.
- No, no, no, please.
Listen to me!
- I'm worried about you
and so's Michael.
- You called him?
- He knows how to help you, I don't.
- He's a liar!
He's a murderer!
- These things you're saying, Ophelia,
they must feel very real to you
and I can't imagine how scary that is but-
- I'm not mad!
- You're not well.
But you'll get better. I promise you.
And then you'll realize
this was for your own good.
- Don't do this.
Please, Sean, I'm begging
you, don't do this!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
- I can't thank you enough, Sean.
The doctor's on his way.
You're home now.
You're safe.
(unsettling music)
- Ophelia?
You forgot your bag.
- [Mary] What did she say to him?
- That Roisin wasn't dead.
That she'd seen her.
That someone else died here.
- He didn't believe her.
- What does it matter, Mary?
What does it matter, she knows.
That bloody bag.
How could I have been so stupid?
- You are going to deal with the bag.
There is nothing else to
connect you to the girl.
- Except the body.
- It's not gonna come to that.
And even if it does, you'll be long gone.
But you do need to move quickly now.
- What about Ophelia?
- You leave her to me.
The whole village already
thinks she's crazy.
I'll say you found out the
baby wasn't even yours.
By the time I'm finished,
nobody'll trust a word she says.
You just do what you promised.
You get my wee girl outta here.
The clock is ticking now.
- This is such a mess.
- [Mary] Michael!
- You should never have
followed me here, Ophelia.
Once you'd seen Roisin, I
could never let you leave.
You understand that, right?
It was never meant to come to this.
- I saw the girl first.
- What girl?
- [Richard] I don't know,
she's blonde, brown eyes?
- Is she a student?
- Yeah, young.
Too young for him.
- I've met her at college.
She's at the house?
Is she living there?
- That's how it seemed to me.
- What about him?
What about Michael?
- He's lying.
He said that he remembered
Annabelle vaguely,
all smiles and charm,
but he didn't like me asking questions,
no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
He was on edge.
And then
- [Ruth] What?
- Have you read his book?
- Don't insult me.
- There's this bit in it, at the beach.
It's something that happened to Annabelle
when she was little.
I mean she must've told him about it.
Either that, or it's
a serious coincidence.
He knows her better than he's letting on.
(unsettling music)
- [Mary] What are you doing?
You shouldn't be here,
you can't go up there!
(eerie music)
- I was right. I'm not mad.
- No.
Let that be some comfort to you.
You're not mad, Ophelia.
But you have become a bit of a problem.
Michael didn't want me
to know that, of course.
He doesn't like to worry me.
But my mother, well,
she tells me everything.
I've been so desperate to talk to you.
I thought I wouldn't get the chance.
But here we are.
I'd like to get to know you, Ophelia.
Find out what we have in common.
Apart from my husband, that is.
- France?
- Yeah.
I'm a little behind on my new novel,
and I just need a bit
of space to, you know.
- I see.
- My mother-in-law, Mary is going to deal
with the sale of the house,
and any of the paperwork
from Roisin's estate can
just be forwarded on to me.
But really, it's just about her insurance.
- The life insurance, yes.
- Where are we with that?
- A long way off, if I'm honest, Michael.
These things take time.
Particularly when the
circumstances were so complicated.
- Complicated how?
She died in a fire.
- Yes, but there's process.
The insurers will want to rule out
- What?
- Amongst other things,
they will want to eliminate
the possibility of suicide.
(laughs sheepishly)
- No, the Guards dismissed that. No.
- The police report?
- Mm.
- It wasn't very thorough, Michael.
The investigating officer is
a family friend, I understand.
- It's a small village, Patrick.
Everyone's a family friend.
- They have some questions, that's all.
Nothing more, nothing less.
- I don't want sympathy
if that's what you think.
I don't want you to pity me.
- You don't want me to pity you?
But you tell me about your mother's death?
- I'm only trying to explain.
- Or are you trying to excuse the fact
that you knowingly pursued a married man?
- No.
- The suffering you'd cause
to his wife was nothing
alongside the suffering you'd undergone.
To hell with her.
- No! That's not what I said.
- Well that's what I heard.
- I almost walked away.
When I first came here.
When I saw the house.
God knows, I wish I had.
Could I please have a glass of water?
Thank you.
Were you here when he did it?
When he killed Annabelle?
She came here, didn't she?
She came here and he killed her.
- No.
- I found her things.
I know.
He killed her and you
helped him get away with it.
- You don't know anything.
I thought you were my friend!
- I am!
It would have been much easier
to have just kept my mouth shut.
- You're jealous.
He told me you flirted with him.
- Open your eyes, Roisin.
I have seen him with a girl.
With a student.
And there have been others.
I'm telling you!
- Don't do this.
It's not my fault that you're not happy.
Don't try and drag me down with you.
- If you don't wake up, he'll destroy you.
- I'm not one of your students, Ruth.
Spare me the fucking lecture.
(branch creaks)
(doorbell rings)
Piss off, Ruth.
For fuck's sake.
- Hi.
Annabelle Lorimer.
- I'm sorry I don't know-
- I've a meeting with Dr. Callaghan.
- Tonight?
- Yes, I'm one of his students.
- Come in.
Can I ask what this is about?
It's just Michael wouldn't
normally see students at night.
- I know.
When I say student, I
actually left last year.
- Right.
- Sorry, I'm a bit star-struck.
I'm such a huge fan of yours.
- Thank you.
- Is he here?
- No.
Actually, would you give me a minute?
I've left the bath running.
Were you expecting a student tonight?
- What student?
- [Roisin] She says her name's Annabelle.
- Annabelle?
You didn't let her in did you?
Listen to me, she's dangerous.
- Jesus, Michael, what do you mean?
- I don't think she's very well.
Just, get her out of there, please, okay?
- RoRoisin?
(suspenseful music)
- Hello?
What the hell are you doing?
- Taking what's mine.
- I'd like you to leave.
- [Annabelle] You rang him, I suppose.
- Leave or I will call the police.
- I'm not the criminal.
Your husband is.
- [Roisin] What?
- He stole my book.
The House at Knockdara.
Your husband's best-selling
work of genius.
It's mine.
- Okay.
- "Okay"?
Don't fucking patronize me.
It's the truth.
- It's where he grew up, Knockdara.
- He changed that, obviously.
But it's my story, my
characters, my language.
And I can prove it.
Because I actually did
the work, draft by draft
and I have records.
- So what are you doing here?
What do you want?
- Something he can't
squirm his way out of.
He wrote a confession.
He just doesn't realize it.
- Look, I really think
that you need to take
this up with Michael.
- You think I haven't tried?
Do you know what your husband is?
Have you any idea what he says about you?
He told me you were messed
up, unpredictable, unstable.
- Right, that's it, you have to leave now.
- We had sex in his college room.
Week after week, while
I was still his student.
But of course in the end
he couldn't leave you.
You needed him too much.
Do you know he managed to convince me
that he was doing the right thing?
That he was a good man?
- You're lying.
- You're in denial.
- Get out of my house!
(slap cracks)
(Roisin yelps)
- [Annabelle] I'm sorry.
- You're mad!
- [Michael] Roisin?
(women arguing)
Why is the door locked?
- [Roisin] Jesus Christ.
- Roisin!
It was an accident, wasn't it?
You know you can tell me the truth.
- Michael.
- It's just, Annabelle comes here.
tells you some story
of us having an affair.
- [Roisin] What are you saying?
- You've been drinking
Roisin, you have a temper.
Your jealousy has got you into trouble
in the past, hasn't it?
That girl you followed
because you thought-
- Don't do this.
That was a long time ago.
My father had just died, I wasn't myself.
- My point is you threatened
her, she told the police.
They'll have a record of it.
- Are you suggesting
I did this on purpose?
- I need you to be honest with
me, and then I can help you.
- It was an accident.
Christ, if I have to work
this hard to convince you,
what chance do I stand with the police?
- It's a risk.
- What?
- It looks bad.
- Jesus Christ.
- There is another way, of course,
that this can all just disappear.
But you have to listen to me.
(ominous tones)
You have to do what I say.
(eerie whispering)
First of all, she was never here, okay?
Roisin please, we haven't much time.
We'll get on the first boat that we can.
(Roisin gasping and panting)
We make her disappear.
As awful as it sounds this
could be an opportunity.
I'm sick of people trying
to come between us.
I'm sick of their envy.
This could be our chance to start again.
Just the two of us.
You have told me everything, haven't you?
- Ruth, please call me.
I'm so sorry.
I'm worried you were right.
And now the most terrible
thing has happened and I don't.
(banging on door)
- Roisin?
What's happening?
Come on, open the door!
- I don't know what to do.
I'm so frightened.
- Roisin?
- Yes.
I've told you everything.
- [Michael] Hmm.
- Who are you waiting for?
- Shh.
- Maybe he isn't coming back.
This is all a bit of a mess now, isn't it?
Maybe he doesn't want to clean it up.
- He'll be back.
I didn't mean to do it, Mammy.
- I didn't mean to.
- It's all right, my wee darling.
Everything's going to be all right.
- I didn't mean it.
(unsettling music)
- Mother of God.
Michael, are you mad?
- I'm trying to protect your daughter.
- Michael!
How could something like this even happen?
- Mary, Mary.
Mary, Roisin's been drinking, a lot.
She's been so different
lately, so paranoid.
She stopped taking her
medication, did you know that?
Did you?
Listen to me, this girl,
this girl, her name was
Annabelle, she was my student,
now for some reason she
got it into her head
that were something more-
- Christ, Michael.
- Nothing happened, I swear, okay?
But she was obsessed.
She came to the house,
she confronted Roisin.
She told her that we
were having an affair.
And you know how jealous
and angry Roisin can be.
You know that!
She lost it.
By the time I got back, it was too late.
- Where's she gone?
Where's my Roisin gone?
- I know.
I don't even think she remembers doing it,
if I'm being honest, it was
like she wasn't there, y'know?
- She needs help, proper help.
- And she will get it, I
promise you, when this is done.
I'm going to take her away,
a new life, a new name,
we're gonna start again.
- This plan, Michael.
It can't work.
- It has to.
You remember what she tried
to do when her dad died?
I have to protect your daughter.
- Let me.
Oh, God.
- It's okay.
- Hey.
I need you to take these.
They'll help.
Come on.
(bar patrons chattering)
- The man himself.
Oh, it's so good to see you home.
- It's good to be home.
- Hey, is Roisin not with you?
- No, no, unfortunately, she's
taken herself off to bed.
We only got in tonight.
- Do you want a drink?
- Please.
- A large one!
- Is there any other kind?
(ominous tones)
(plaintive music)
- I've kept all your old things.
It will be okay, I promise.
Back when you were at university,
and we lost your father,
I was so worried about you then.
It was like you'd left me too.
You weren't my wee girl any more.
You fell apart and I
thought nobody'd be able
to put you back together again.
But Michael did.
He made you smile again.
He took care of you then, and
he will take care of you now.
He loves you so much.
- [Man] Could it be some electrical fire?
(unsettling music)
- You should stay with me, Michael.
This is no place for you.
- I'm gonna need a minute.
I'll follow you up in the car.
- I'm not really sure you
should be driving Michael-
- Leave me alone, Sean, please?
- Alright.
(eerily sad music)
(tense music)
- He wasn't doing any of
this to protect you, Roisin.
He was protecting himself.
You must know that.
If the world knew he stole
the work of a student,
it would ruin him.
- He didn't steal anything.
She helped him out occasionally,
did his typing, that sort of thing.
If she somehow had a record of his novel
before it was published,
it was because he gave her access to it.
- He's never lied to you?
What about me?
When did he tell you about me?
- He didn't at first.
When you arrived, when you met my mother,
he told her you were
from my literary agency.
She knew something was wrong
and she told me as much.
(music box music)
I had a lot of time to think,
hidden away in my little room.
I was desperate to see for myself.
- That's when I saw you.
- [Roisin] I remembered you.
From our meeting in the
bathroom at college.
- It must have been a shock.
- Yes.
Although not as much as
it was for you, I imagine.
- How can you trust him now?
- You were a mistake.
I accused him of cheating so many times,
perhaps he thought he might as well do it.
- So it's your fault is it?
I'm expecting his child.
- He doesn't want children.
He never did.
You followed him here and
he needed to keep you onside
until we got ourselves out of this place.
He was going to make arrangements
for the child, I'm sure.
Send money.
- How noble.
And what's the plan now?
Because like you said
I've become a bit of a problem, haven't I?
What are you going to do with me?
[Bingo Caller] 77.
3-9, 39.
1-3, 13
6-4, 64.
1-1, 11.
(unsettling music)
4-8, 48.
(glass shatters)
(suspenseful music)
(tense music)
- Fuck!
- So he's going to hide you away is he?
For the rest of your life?
- I killed that girl.
- It was an accident.
She wouldn't have even been
there if it wasn't for Michael.
What you've agreed to is
worse than a prison sentence.
You are going to spend
the rest of your days
in his complete control.
You're burying yourself alive.
- There's no other way.
- No, he's convinced you of that.
Listen, I understand, he's good at it.
He persuaded me I was mad.
He's had years to work on you,
to make you believe that you need him.
But you don't.
(knocking at door)
- [Mary] Roisin, I need to talk to you.
- What is it?
- Michael called. Something's happened.
- What?
- He didn't say.
He wants me to meet him at the border.
- Did you tell him I was here?
- No, I did not, because you shouldn't be.
What good will it do talking to that girl?
You go back to mine and I'll
call you when I know more.
(bright organ music)
- [Ruth] Matthew!
- What is it?
- Her name's Annabelle Lorimer.
She was a student here.
Michael taught her.
- He mentioned her.
Some drama with Roisin.
- She's missing.
- Missing?
- Look at her earrings.
- [Matthew] Where did you get that?
- Michael's house.
By the back door.
You have to help me.
I can't go to the police on my own.
- The police?
- He reported me for what
happened at the hospital.
I need you to back up what I'm saying.
- And what are you saying?
- He was involved with this girl, Matthew.
He disappears to Ireland, she
vanishes and then Roisin dies.
- [Roisin] I have to go now.
- No, Roisin, please.
Please don't leave me.
- I'm sorry, I have to do this.
- I'll go with you to the police.
- It's too late.
- The longer it goes on,
the worse things will get.
You must see that.
You can end this.
Untie me.
- I can't.
- You want all this to be over.
I know you do.
It's why you really came here.
You wanted someone to tell
you what you already knew.
(somber music)
- I have nothing left.
- I know.
I know how it feels.
He's done it to us both,
and that's what he does.
He fills your head with lies
until there's no space for yourself.
But we're not mad.
He is.
- Is that so?
(eerie music)
I'm sorry I took so long.
I'm back now.
Everything's okay.
- [Ophelia] She's not leaving with you.
- I know you're tired and scared,
we're almost there now.
- Tell him, Roisin.
- She's trying to poison you against me
because I choose you.
I'll always choose you.
I love you.
(gentle music)
I love you.
Get your things.
We haven't got much time.
Come on.
- Roisin!
- Where is it?
What have you done with the manuscript?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Don't make things worse for yourself.
- How could things possibly get any worse?
- Just tell me where it is.
Just tell me.
- My God, this has all been
about your fragile little ego, hasn't it?
I see you now, Michael.
I see you for what you really are.
You feed off vulnerability and weakness.
You use people.
You lie to them, promising anything.
Then you break them down.
Until they are so weak and so confused.
That they no longer trust themselves.
- Well that is a pretty little speech.
- But it's you who's weak, isn't it?
You're not special, you're not talented,
you're not even very clever.
Standing on other people
is the only way to raise yourself up.
- Where's the fucking manuscript?
- It's safe.
But it'll surface soon,
with your little note on it.
And Annabelle's brother, he knows.
There's no way out, Michael.
And you deserve everything
that's coming to you.
- You bitch.
(tense music)
(hopeful music)
- When I got to the border
and there was no sign of him,
I knew something wasn't right.
- He didn't want you in the house.
Whatever he was planning to do to me,
he didn't want you seeing it.
He didn't bank on Roisin being here.
- Mother of God, and you
pregnant with his child.
I've not done right by you Ophelia.
I did try to get you to leave
but I was so desperate to protect Roisin,
it made me blind to everything else.
It was him I should have
been protecting you from.
- What are we gonna do?
- You know, the only
person that had a motive
for killing Annabelle was Michael.
- But he didn't kill her.
- Well we know that.
Nobody else needs to.
You just listen to your mother.
(plaintive music)
(Roisin whimpers)
- I found this outside
Michael Callaghan's house.
It belonged to Annabelle Lorimer.
(siren wails)
(knocking at door)
- Evening Miss, sorry to disturb you,
is Michael Callaghan at home?
- Roisin's friends in Cambridge
had gone to the police there.
But by then it was too late.
Ophelia had found Roisin
in the summer house.
And Roisin told her the whole story.
- He'd killed this girl, this Annabelle,
he'd stolen her work, you understand?
For his book.
- [Sean] There you go.
- He threatened Roisin,
he made her get rid of the body with him.
It's Annabelle that's in that grave.
That's who they found in the fire.
- He staged the whole thing.
Nobody questioned it.
And friends in high places.
He let everyone believe it was
Roisin who died in the fire.
And then he locked her up.
He was a madman, and none of us saw it.
When he found Roisin and
Ophelia together, he went crazy.
He dragged Roisin to his car and sped off.
When he came back without her
he was raging like a wild animal.
Ophelia was frightened for her life,
she was frightened for the baby.
She ran into the old bedroom.
He followed her and that's
when it happened, you see,
that's when he fell.
And I still don't know what
he did to my wee Roisin.
- [Radio Broadcaster] It is
just coming up to 10:45 a.m.
You're listening to Cambridgeshire Live.
One year after the Cambridge
based novelist Roisin Mulvery
was reported missing police in Donegal
have closed the investigation
into the writer's death.
Forensic evidence found in her husband
Michael Callaghan's car,
has led to a posthumous
charge of murder against him.
Mr Callaghan died in an
accident at the couple's home,
in the remote village of Knockdara
shortly after his wife's disappearance.
Roisin Mulvery's body
has never been found.
(hopeful music)
(happy music)
- Thank you.
- [Richard] Can I sit here?
- Of course.
- Hello, Roisin.
I've been looking for you.
(tense music)
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