The Defeated (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


You swore you'd always have my back,
little brother.
I'm waiting on you.
Mr. Spiel.
Bertha Spiel
Is that your daughter?
Are you police?
I am.
What did Bertha do, exactly,
during the war?
She? Nothing.
She wasn't
Not even with the party.
Have you noticed anything out of
the ordinary the last couple days?
There was someone like you here.
There was a woman
showing him the way, I think.
A woman?
Watching him, pointing.
Was she American?
Tall? Short? Blonde? Dark?
How old was she?
What was she wearing?
I think I'm going to be sick.
I have to go to the toilet. Sorry.
Come on.
She was Jewish, you say.
You don't like Jews?
Some weeks ago, someone threw a brick
through my front window.
It looked like her.
Why would she throw a brick
through your window?
Around the brick was a note.
Where's the note?
Your documents.
Of course.
What's your business?
I have an appointment.
I was told there would be a notice.
Wait here.
Come with me.
Hurry up!
Come on, come on.
Elsie Garten.
It's all there in my papers.
Police officer.
So I've been invited. There should be
a notice here regarding my entry.
Put your belongings on the table.
Take off your clothes.
Take off your clothes.
There's really no need for this.
There should be a note.
Take off your clothes!
Could you tell your men
to look somewhere else, please?
Turn around.
Sir. Sir
Is that it?
As I mentioned before,
I'm a police officer
But you are not here on business.
The notice would state my business.
If you only had
Take off the rest.
Take off the rest now.
-Take off the rest!
-I said no!
I was personally invited
to your sector.
And I'll be meeting
with Commissar Izosimov.
And when I tell him
about this misconduct,
he will have you
counting sheep in Siberia.
Is that clear?
There is a car outside for you.
Welcome to the Soviet Sector.
Thank you.
This way.
-Wait here.
-Sure, boss.
So the hotel
belongs to Dr. Gladow?
And everybody in here.
Oh, nice.
Busy week?
Keep an eye on that, Cassandra.
Follow me, my lucky charm.
I want you to talk with Pippi.
One for hello,
and the second one
for information.
Hello, Anna. How are you?
Mr. Gladow sends his best.
I'm here on behalf of Mr. Gladow.
The Angel Maker.
I just want to know
if you heard anything interesting.
From whom?
Americans, Brits.
Any of your customers.
What's your name, little mouse?
Do you believe, Karin?
What do you mean?
In God.
I do.
Even now, I read the Bible
every day.
But I have one question.
Just one.
Why does the Bible call
Mary Magdalene a sinner?
She was a prostitute.
How can you be a sinner
if you have no choice?
I am really not that interested
in the Bible
or the stories of any of those
I just want you to tell me
anything you've heard.
Yeah. Um
Two nights ago,
there was a British officer here.
He told me he goes
for a morning walk every Friday
and has his shirts washed and
starched at a little place in Dahlem.
What was his name?
Charles Whitlock.
Charles Whitlock.
He's been here before.
I'm his little darling.
And I think he's a general.
That's it?
Of all the men you've seen,
this is what you can tell me?
They don't come here to talk.
Have you seen
this abbreviation before?
The letters, Gad,
do they mean anything to you?
Just what do they mean?
I don't want everybody to hear.
These letters are Hebrew.
I know.
Dam. Yehudi. Nakam.
"Jewish blood
I, um I've heard about
a secret group of Jews
who calls themselves "Nakam."
They want judgment.
On who?
The German people.
That's a lot of people.
You know how
they're going to do that?
I heard rumors about Nüremberg
some months ago.
Nüremberg? The trials?
Evidently, there was a plot
to poison thousands of SS prisoners.
And Nakam is behind it?
That is the rumor.
Do you know where they are?
No, but I think I might know
where to find out.
Great. We'll keep this between us.
Thank you.
Go inside.
Hey, come here.
Everyone back off from the doors.
Come here.
Twenty five million Russians were
killed in the Great Patriotic war.
We hold eleven million of your men
Somewhere inside this building
is your husband.
You can see him now
for one minute.
And to see him again?
You have to bring something
back to me.
I want to know why there is
an American at your precinct,
what his connection
to Vice Council Tom Franklin is.
I want you to find out every bit of
information you can on Mr. Franklin.
Report to me using the tape player
you received.
And then I can bring my husband home?
Then you are granted to see him
for five minutes.
Next time, twenty.
Time following that, one hour.
And if you make it
a quick decision
I will grant some medicine.
Is he ill?
So I have been told.
Take me to him.
One minute. No touching.
Remember, no touching.
Leopold! It's me.
We're not allowed to touch.
Elsie, what
We only have one minute.
Just look at me.
Just look at me.
Just look at me.
Your one minute is over.
-Leo! No!
-Let her
-Let her go!
-No! Let me go!
Stay alive!
You hear me? Stay alive.
I will!
I'll stay alive!
I will stay alive.
Barbed wire.
We talked to all of the Alt-Bayern
girls and the ones on Erichstrasse.
Pen, please.
There you go.
Dr. Gladow?
Yes, Karin?
Who cares what these women say?
I do.
You know,
all of Berlin's a whorehouse
and the truth is best learned
from those working it.
Go to Graustrasse 44.
A man with a scarred face
will open the door, and you tell him:
"General Charles Whitlock
of the British Army
carries his own dirty laundry out
every Friday morning
over to laundry in Dahlem."
Karin, can you repeat that?
General Charles Whitlock
from the British Army
carries his own dirty clothing out
out every Friday morning to the
laundry in Dahlem.
That's the Russian sector,
so we'll need papers.
Marianne knows where to go
to avoid the checkpoint.
Don't worry, Karin,
I'll keep you safe.
I thought you said it used to be
a Jewish hospital.
I don't know. I have not been here
since before the war.
All Jews working here?
-It's like the war never happened.
-But it did.
The synagogue's this way.
-Peace be upon you.
-Unto you, peace.
This is it?
How in the hell did the Nazis allow
this place to exist?
Maybe the SS kept it
to prove to the world
that the final solution
never happened.
To hide the truth.
Shall we?
They're doing a
For a bar mitzvah, right?
No, a bat mitzvah.
They're all girls, see?
Probably the first since the peace.
Over there is the rabbi.
It'll be best if you interview him.
No. It's not the right time now.
Gad, you're a cop.
We need information, right?
So go then.
You'll be fine.
Are you American?
Is it that obvious?
Well, you are the only one
speaking English very loud in here.
You don't look like a soldier.
I'm a police officer, ma'am.
And what is the American police doing
in a synagogue in the French Sector?
It's not official. I'm just with
my friend Gad over there.
Is that your granddaughter?
It must be a beautiful thing
to see this here, now.
A Jew who doesn't believe in miracles
is not a realist.
Excuse me.
So? What did he say?
Tell me what this is about.
I can't.
Then I won't tell.
It's classified.
I'm sure it is.
Okay, stop.
You really want to know?
Someone's killing Germans, and I
think there's a Jewish connection.
All right?
What do you mean "why?"
You want a fucking motive now?
No, why not tell me or Elsie?
I've been told not to share this
with anyone.
Orders from the higher ups.
That's just the way it is, Gad.
So don't tell Elsie.
What did the rabbi tell you?
He was upset with me asking
about Nakam.
He told me I can stay here
or go to Palestine,
but not seek revenge.
You can have peace or you can have
revenge, but not both.
I don't want a lecture.
You were supposed to go in there
and ask them where they are,
-so go back in there.
What do you mean no?
We've come a fucking long way.
Yeah, and now we go back.
Maybe tomorrow,
when there's not a bat mitzvah.
Good afternoon.
-Hello. Everything okay?
-Hello, Karl.
-Good afternoon.
Sorry, I'm a bit late.
So, what have you losers
accomplished this morning?
Where the hell have you been?
Astrid and Trude
got information last night.
Really? Tell me.
Yeah. We maybe identified
one of Engelmacher's brothels.
Yeah. It's a deserted hotel in Moabit
called Alt-Bayern.
Seems like several of the women
working there
were helped by someone that
could be Engelmacher.
We have it under surveillance.
Great. That's great.
Good job.
You wanna grab a bite?
Yeah. Great.
Tell me about your family.
We've talked about Engelmacher
and prostitution for almost an hour,
so I thought
it might be nice for a change.
Well, I've never been married,
no kids.
I guess it's not in the cards.
But I've got a great nephew.
How old is Jimmy?
He's eight. Nine in October.
And he wants to be a cop,
just like his uncle.
Of course, but
I'd love to see him
do something else, you know?
Something better.
He's smart.
Well, thank God he doesn't take
after his uncle.
Fuck you.
You and your brother,
are you close?
Not really.
Yeah, that siren you hear over there?
That's Vice Council Tom Franklin's
Tom Franklin's wife?
Yeah. She's a lush.
You mean an alcoholic?
Claire? I don't know.
She certainly
likes her martinis, though.
I guess I should get going.
Thanks very much for the meal.
No problem, partner.
I'll see you tomorrow around 8:00.
We'll go over the Engelmacher stuff
with everyone.
Is something wrong?
I was just thinking
Maybe I should come with you next
time you meet the Vice Council.
Yeah. Maybe I could be of assistance.
Sure. Why not?
Okay. Good night.
Good night.
Thank you.
for letting me sleep here.
Of course.
Until you find something new.
Why did you tell Pippi
you don't believe there is a God?
Because I don't think
that there is.
How could a God allow this hell?
What if
this is actually Heaven?
What if Hell is something
you can't even begin to imagine?
What do you even know,
little Karin from Neukölln?
We need to get up
in a couple of hours.
Sweet dreams.
You too.
Come here.
Come here.
Little Karin from Neukölln.
A shot of whiskey, please.
Yes, sir.
Hey, you wanna come with us?
Thank you.
Damn, you're pretty.
Come on,
let's take this party upstairs.
Fucking animals!
Get the fuck out of here!
It's Max. I'm taking you home.
Let's go.
Come on.
I got you.
Come on, let's go.
I got you.
I got you.
Thanks very much
for saving me tonight, Mr. Max.
I'm fine.
Let me help you.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Let me help you.
Okay. All right.
Lift your hands, your arms.
Hold there. Okay.
There we go.
Ah, there she is. There she is.
Almost there.
Thank you.
Would you like a nightcap, sir?
Sure. I'll be there in a minute.
Of course.
I didn't know
there were tunnels here.
There's always a tunnel.
Welcome to the Russian sector.
This is it.
General Charles Whitlock
of the British Army
carries his own dirty clothes out
every Friday morning
to the laundry over in Dahlem.
Thank you.
That's it?
Come on.
-We don't have any papers.
-I said stop.
-Now what?
-Now we run.
-Come on, this way!
-Stop! Or we'll shoot!
Marianne! Come!
I've got you.
I can't feel my legs.
I said Stop!
We need to move.
Get down!
We need to move!
We need to move!
Come on, chase them!
The bitch is running away.
-Where do I take her?
-What happened?
-Were you followed?
Put her on the stretcher.
What happened?
A hand grenade.
And Marianne was shot.
We delivered the information.
And nobody followed you here?
Answer me.
-Did anyone follow you?
I think you should take a look
at Marianne now.
Here, keep pressure on the wound,
I'll be right back.
You protected me with your body.
Karin, I did something terrible.
-Three years ago, I
-You don't want to tell me
-because you are going to be fine.
-There was this school, and I
Take the forceps and remove all
the shrapnel you can find.
Come on. Let's go.
Why are the police
interested in Nakam?
-They're not.
-Don't lie to us.
I'm just looking for my brother
and I think he's made contact
with you.
Why would we know your brother?
Because you both kill Nazis.
One night four years ago,
there was a mother
sitting in the street corner
with a baby crying in her arms.
I walked up to her and realized
the woman was dead,
and the baby wouldn't stop crying.
The world turned their head away,
while we died.
We don't flee to Palestine
to create a new motherland.
We stay here
to avenge our dead.
With all due respect,
the war is over.
I want these Nazis dead
as much as you do.
But there's law and order now.
You and my brother can't run around
and kill whoever you want.
I care very little
about your opinion.
Do you know my brother or not?
I met your brother.
Three times.
First time was on a bench
in Tiergarten.
He heard about us through someone
from the Jewish brigade
of the British Army.
And the second time?
In an apartment on Grüntalerstrasse,
French Sector.
Last time was
outside the bike repair shop
where a camp guard from Ravensbrück
was hiding.
Why are you looking for him?
Because he's not well.
Who is?
You will never see me again.
Go to Grubenstrasse number 1
tomorrow morning.
Your brother is expecting you.
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