The Deleted (2016) s01e04 Episode Script


I just want to find my friends.
I found Kennedy Chapman.
She's going to tell me where everyone's hiding.
I know you think I'm paranoid, but they have found us.
There's no proof that they've found us.
So where in the fuck is Logan? Where's Mason? Where's Garrett? They're all fucking gone, Ryder.
How are you guys feeling? - Does Garrett work here? - Yeah, Garrett, that's my guy.
I know Garrett.
It'd be great if you could help me.
Where have you been? You can't just run away like that.
I was looking for Garrett.
Just doing my job.
- How is she? - Under control.
Keep me posted.
How are you guys feeling? Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable? I don't know if I can help you.
I mean, the main reason I'm here is you want me to lead you to everyone else, right? That's your big plan? Find everyone and bring them back? Some more than others, yes.
What are you afraid of? What are you so fucking afraid of? What am I afraid of? I'm not afraid of anything.
I'm concerned about what happened to you guys.
I'm just trying to help.
Well, what are you gonna do if you find everybody? Hunt them down? Kidnap them? I mean, what the fuck are you doing? What happened to you guys was a mistake.
So when you ask me what I'm going to do to the others after you help me find them, I don't know what you're asking.
I'm going to give them back what Logan took away.
- And what's that? - Their freedom.
Have I mistreated you at all? Have you been mistreated at all since you've been here? Because if you feel you have then you can leave, the door's right there.
I won't stop you.
Yeah, we can go whenever, right? Agatha.
Agatha! Agatha, wake up.
Who did this to you? Who did this to you, Agatha? Did you go out looking for people again? It's them.
They were here.
Babe, who? - They're looking for you.
- Who? I think they're from the institute.
- Did you recognize them? - Mmm-mm.
Where were you? I was studying and and and looking for Garrett, and then - Did you find him? - and No.
I-I [man.]
It's not my fault.
[man 2.]
You were supposed to be watching her.
She was still here an hour ago when I checked in on her.
She took the van.
She'll be back.
She always I know she'll be back.
The problem is what she does when she's gone.
Do you believe me now? They've found us.
- What are you doing? - We've got to get out of here.
Do you know where Agatha is? No.
But you two were together, right? Look, I can send someone else to go find her and bring her back to me, but it'd be easier if it were you.
Feels so good.
We'll all be okay, right? Like we used to be? We'll all be okay if I tell you? Yeah, Garrett.
Of course, dude.
[cell vibrates.]
I've got to take this.
Don't go.
Logan, you're scaring me.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Just it's just a nightmare.
Do you have any p do you have any pills or anything? Pills? Yeah, benzos, painkillers, just anything.
- I don't think I have any - I'm in pain, Kylie.
Please! Maybe.
Hold on.
Fuck! Where are you? [Breeda.]
You can't lock me up like that, Parker.
You know that doesn't work for me.
You know that from the test at the institute.
Breeda, will you please get back here now? I found Kennedy Chapman.
Wait, how did you find her? That doesn't matter.
They're setting up a network out here.
Housing them, helping them.
Well, can you bring her here? She's not being cooperative.
I have these.
They're left over from when I sprained my ankle on set.
I took a couple, but they made me feel really sick.
- Do you want water for - Yeah.
Well, I feel sick when I don't take them, Kylie.
Your phone was blowing up when you were asleep.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Guess you're pretty popular, huh? Yeah.
Everyone's chasing me, and I'm laying low.
What day is it? It's Saturday.
You've been out for almost two days.
Who is that? Just a person that I didn't think needed me.
Oh, fuck.
Breeda, our only concern is finding the others.
She's going to tell me where everyone's hiding.
Breeda, Breeda, please do not hurt her.
I don't want you to hurt her.
I just want you to bring her back here so we can talk to her.
That's all.
You don't care about the others.
You only care about one thing, - and that's not the others.
- Breeda Breeda, I'm just doing a job, and I care about you.
Please do not hurt this girl.
We are not at the institute anymore.
We need to do things differently here.
I know we're not at the institute 'cause you can't tell me what to do anymore.
Breeda! Breeda, will you p [groaning.]
We have hourly rates too, you know.
What is that supposed to mean? Where are the others from the institute, Kennedy? [choking gasps.]
[voices on laptop, indistinct.]
- No! No! - Breeda? Hey, hey, come on, focus.
Breeda, look at me.
Breeda? [girl.]
I don't like the question.
Well, you're not supposed to like or not like the question.
I mean, do you understand that? Ask me again.
Do you ever think about what you want to be when you grow up? Yes.
Well, when you see yourself in the future, what are you doing? I'm in control of everything.

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