The Devil Judge (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Yo Han's Older Brother

Kang Yo-han was abandoned?
Still, you said his brother, Yi-sak,
was good to Kang Yo-han.
And that they got along.
Or am I wrong?
Did you hear that Master Yo-han was
the survivor of a fire disaster?
The incident happened only a month
after President Kang's death.
And Master Yi-sak perished
in that same fire.
Judge Kang!
You were simply at your best today!
When the tables turned
with the reports from our citizens,
our TRP peaked at…
Wait. You have the data ready, right?
-Producer, please calm down.
Judge Kang, when we received
that letter of pardon yesterday,
I thought it was all over.
I'm truly ashamed, as a judge myself.
Lift your head up.
We are a team.
-You know that, don't you?
-Yes, Judge Kang.
"We are a team."
Even the epilogue was perfect.
I captured that on tape just now.
We are a team.
-Well done, you!
-You know that, don't you?
Our TRP is off the charts!
Let's go!
Why you… damn it!
Don't worry too much, Young-min.
But what's going to happen to me now?
Does that mean I'm off to jail
for some hundred years?
What, over something like this?
Do you honestly think he can mess
with the son of Minister of Justice?
That psycho judge won't have time
to care for that.
He's desperate to be applauded
by the common people!
I'm sure there's still a way.
We still have time until the next trial.
So calm down, Young-min. Please!
In fact, let me call your mother.
Hey, my phone.
Well, this is
a little unexpected, Minister.
Why are you going to such lengths?
I think that's a question for your son.
Why did you go to such lengths,
with all those people?
That child has been through a lot too.
He just has trouble suppressing his anger.
But really, he's not a bad person.
Now I'm curious whether
you'd accepted such excuses
back in your prosecutor days.
-Look, Judge Kang.
-I'm hanging up.
Let's meet.
I won't take too much of your time.
Thank you for coming.
Isn't our meeting rather appropriate?
What is your business?
-What should I do?
-I'm sorry, but what do you mean?
What must I do for you to let my son go?
Your son is only being judged by the law.
Don't lie to me.
Your initial target was me
when you tracked down my son.
Is that really what you think?
What is it that you want from me?
Don't give me that
typical answer of "justice."
It's power, isn't it? Or authority.
You're only doing this
to win favors from the crowd.
What if I provided you with a bigger prey?
Like a conglomerate or even the president.
Nineteen years ago,
you'd investigated a young,
promising politician, didn't you?
For receiving bribes.
-What are you--
-At that time,
you were fully aware that
the politician did not accept the money,
yet you led the investigation
toward making him guilty.
That was some remarkable dexterity,
and even those who'd given you
the orders admitted it.
What are you on about?
Honesty and integrity
had been his trademark,
so in the end, he took his own life.
Leaving behind his only son
who was still in middle school.
During these past 19 years
on your fast track to success,
did you ever think back on that case?
Ever? Even just once?
Don't give me this nonsense.
That was a lawful investigation.
Lawful investigation? Please.
These are my conditions.
Confess the truth about that case
to the media.
Once you do, I'll let your son go.
I'll give you time to think it over.
People don't change all that easily.
Thank you.
Get out.
-I'm sorry.
-Yes, Master.
I'm starving. Is there anything to eat?
-The ingredients we have--
-Not cooking.
Something I can just warm up.
There's pizza and beef over rice.
Beef over rice sounds nice.
It's in the fridge.
Did Elijah have dinner?
Yes, she had beef over rice.
Does she have the same taste as me?
Do you always eat alone like that?
Yes. Does it change anything
if I eat with someone else?
All alone in this big house,
with no one else?
It's the humans that are the most
dangerous and harmful in this world.
Did you have something to say?
No, sir.
That was unlike you.
What do you mean?
That toast was delicious.
What's gotten into you, all of a sudden?
-I only just came into work…
I'm glad to hear you found it delicious.
What are you looking at?
Maybe we should seek help from him.
-Who? That old geezer?
What's the use in this situation?
Minister Cha.
In these times of uncertainty and unrest,
just two have managed to surpass
90 percent in terms of public confidence.
The Social Responsibility Foundation…
But then again,
who would refuse free money?
It brings out the beggar in all of us.
The other is
the Department of Live Court Show.
Those unfaithful dogs!
With all due respect, the figures
for the Prosecution's Office is…
just 12 percent.
Hello, Minister.
I apologize,
but the Chairman is in meditation
and won't see anyone.
Will you call back again next time?
Then leave your message with me.
I'll relay it to him.
Yes. Yes, I know.
Any mother would do the same.
Of course I understand.
Minister Cha,
let's set this right together.
Yes, thank you.
Gosh, my ears.
Did she have to go on like that?
Looks like we'll need to meet, Judge Kang.
Are you hurt?
I'm sorry.
That's unexpected.
I don’t mean you.
That cat never goes to strangers.
I'm quite popular among
street cats, you know.
I guess cats can tell
a good person from the bad.
Don't make me laugh.
But not the stupid ones.
-I mean the cat.
She's a street cat too.
Is she?
I see. But she looks like
an expensive breed.
Yo-han brought her home.
He may not look it, but he always brings
things home from the streets.
Why do you think it's not like him?
Don't tell me you also believe
what they're saying about him on TV.
"Judge Kang, the hero of justice
who sides with the weak."
So he isn't?
As I thought, you are dumb.
This cat here, she still catches mice
even when we feed her every day.
Can you guess why?
-Because it's fun.
She's only doing it for fun.
Because she's bored.
How do you think Yo-han became
the master of this house?
What do you mean by that?
I think about just that,
every day.
Hey, Su-hyeon.
Do you think I can meet with the officers
who investigated the fire ten years ago?
Well, you see…
Why? Were you on some important call?
Shouldn't you knock
before coming into other people's rooms?
In case you forgot, this is my house.
How long do you plan on
staying here like this?
Let me get some more rest,
for another few days.
Sometimes I get dizzy…
But you'd wander around
the house just fine.
Or are you curious about something?
Is there something you're after?
I'm not so interested
in other people's affairs.
Oh, really?
Let's say that's the case, then.
How about we go pick out some clothes?
-I need you to come somewhere with me.
Now follow me.
How about this one?
Here's the bow-tie,
and the shirt is in the bottom drawers.
What's this for?
Because you need to live in the
same moment as me from now on.
What are you waiting for?
-Do I have to help you dress too?
-I can manage fine on my own.
Your wound's healed fine.
This too?
Put it on.
Not as bad as I thought.
Not at all.
Because unlike someone, I'm still young.
-Hey, Mister.
Did you say, "mister?"
Elijah, did you have dinner?
But I still have it in me.
-You know how to drive, don't you?
What are you doing? Get in.
This way, sir.
-Hello, Judge Kang.
-Hello, Judges.
-They're so awesome.
-So awesome.
Judge Kang.
I'll be right back.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Jung Seon-a,
and I assist Chairman Seo Jeong-hak
with his work at the SRF.
Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Ga-on.
My goodness!
You'll make a fine actor too, Judge Kim.
-Thank you.
-Why not make a debut on screen?
Our broadcasting station
will be happy to have you.
You're scaring him.
It's our station that hosts
the Live Court Show, you know.
Oh, I see.
This is the spouse of Park Du-man,
President of People Media Group.
And this is the spouse of
Min Yong-sik, Head of Minbo Group.
-Sang-sook Kim.
-Pi Hyang-mi.
I'm Kim Ga-on.
You're the biggest star nowadays.
How about a selfie together?
Sounds good.
-Let me join you.
-Sure, gather around.
Girls, pose. How about a heart?
How about a heart? Okay.
About your hair…
Don't you think he'll look more stylish
if he showed more of his forehead?
No, he has good features.
I think it's more the clothes.
Yes, this is rather old.
Where did you get this?
It's like an old man's.
Why not take it off for a second?
-Wait, what brand is this?
-Remove it for a second.
Remove it. Just for one moment, I…
-Come on, take it off.
-Please excuse me.
He needs to meet many people today,
-so let me borrow him for a second.
He's such a kid.
I wonder if he'll manage to hold out
under Kang Yo-han.
-He's cute, right?
So his guardian is here.
I don't need a guardian.
You looked like a cub
surrounded by lionesses back there.
-Why am I a cub…
-You're here.
My goodness! What is this ray of light?
Judge Kang!
Come sit down.
Thanks to you handsome judges,
my station is managing to hold on.
I'm Park Du-man.
Sounds like the advertisements
have been bringing in good money.
Yes, they have. And of course,
we can give more in that way.
How crude.
This man who's picking a fight
with me right now
is from the Minbo Group.
They're just a tiny business.
He's the president there, Min Yong-sik.
I'm Kim Ga-on.
So you're the famous Judge Kim.
Why don’t you join our coterie?
What exactly do you mean by…
A social club where
we discuss national affairs.
All the leaders from the financial,
political and academic spheres
meet together to learn
about global trends.
Sometimes we invite lecturers too.
That's how we spend our time.
A simple businessman like me, however,
only finds it a headache.
So you do know you're a simple man,
President Park.
That's very smart of you.
Mr. President!
Don't make me laugh.
Let's go.
I should head over there too.
I'd like to call on
our distinguished donors
of the Dream Base project.
First, our donors who kindly
put forward 100 million won.
Next, our donors who graciously
put forward one billion won.
Could you please stand up?
We also saw some immense acts of love.
We have a donor
who put forward 10 billion won.
Where are you?
Please give him a big round of applause.
please now welcome Chairman Seo Jeong-hak.
The power to overcome
this national calamity
all boils down to
this one word, "virtue."
And then, the innate quality of
what makes us human.
It's also mentioned in the first passage
of The Works of Mencius.
Without a heart of sympathy,
you cannot call yourself human!
And we mustn't forget,
that this is the essence
of our foundation!
Oh, please.
He was so good at it too.
I'm dying. Here, have a grape.
Did the Chairman even donate?
Who knows?
Gosh, he's here.
-His speech today was so inspiring.
Chairman, as always,
that was very inspiring.
Compassion. It's just as you said.
Without compassion for our people,
how can we expect our country to function?
In that sense,
I will put my body and soul
into this Dream Base project,
and I will be there to back it up
with all my best.
Thank you, Mr. President.
-Mr. President,
I find you quite foreign today.
Why so?
Whether I'm awake or asleep
Whether I'm sitting or I'm standing,
I'm always worried about
our country for the sake of
my beloved and respectable fellow citizens.
Now, let's leave that
until after we finish eating.
Bring us the food!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's eat, then.
I'm so sorry.
Take your time.
Take your time, it's fine.
Yes, take your time.
Slowly now.
Chairman Seo.
What is it?
I'm sorry, but there's an urgent call.
Is there?
Please excuse us first.
Well, about that……
Damn it…
Pardon me all to hell.
This senile body of mine
would still continue to sin…
Old geezer.
Why can't you stay modest
for even just an hour?
-What should we do about you?
-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry…
Tell me, who are you?
I'm just a dog.
Oh, please.
You're a poverty activist and were even
shortlisted for the Nobel Peace Prize.
No, I'm just a dog.
Why is our national advisor and
great philosopher being so humble?
No, ma'am. I'm just a scumbag
who's deceived the entire world
my whole life, behind my treacherous mask.
Aren't you Chairman Seo,
the true power of the country,
-even untouchable by the President?
-No, I've merely been harassing
powerless women,
hiding behind my deceitful name…
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, please kill me.
-Old geezer.
There's something you're mistaken about.
You think dogs
can ravage humans
by biting them?
When they're mere dogs?
Yes, ma'am.
You're absolutely right.
Let's repent.
How about we make it a month this time?
I'll tell them you're fasting
for our country, once again.
Yes, ma'am.
Did it hurt?
I must say, Judge Kang.
I like how you don't hold back
with your trials.
Honestly, we're very touched
when we think about
how you grew up to be so fine despite
that tragedy you suffered ten years ago.
Please, you flatter me.
It's all thanks to you, gentlemen.
Yes, every time I see Judge Kang,
my eyes tear up.
Us especially, we have a reason to.
But after this recent trial,
many around me…
not me, but my acquaintances
have been quite concerned.
With so much apprehension
in our communities,
did you have to make such a fuss
out of something like that?
Young-min is a former classmate of
my son, so I know him very well.
He'd been so bright and adorable
when he was little. It's a pity, really.
I'm sorry, but with the trial still--
It's a violation of judicial independence.
Is that what you're trying to say?
With our country in this state,
shouldn't state affairs come first?
Many of our Foundation's directors
haven't been too pleased.
They are curious if the Live Court Show
is truly serving its original intentions.
And if Judge Kang will take responsibility
if things get out of hand
by continuing provocation
of the common people.
Excuse me,
but what are you implying, exactly?
He doesn't know
when to butt in and when not to.
Does it have to be Cha Gyeong-hui?
Just what do you…
You know very well what I mean.
Cha Gyeong-hui has many enemies,
and many faults too.
Yet does it have to be Cha Gyeong-hui
who guards your wealth?
Wait, wait.
That was a big one, Judge Kang.
You win hands down.
I must say, you're one ingenious psycho.
You're one creative lunatic!
But you're right.
It doesn't have to be Cha Gyeong-hui.
For the next presidency, I mean.
Don't you agree?
Someone who is popular
with the common people,
and with a solid story to tell.
That's the kind of person
that this generation wants.
That's how I managed to
become president myself!
From a businessman's point of view,
it's always best to vote on the survivor.
But there's no way to tell
who'll be left standing just yet.
The man that's left standing?
If you put it like that, President Park,
you'll only offend the target
of your words,
making you the bad guy. So eat your words!
How was that for rhyming?
Words, words, words!
You'll make a fine rapper too.
Rhyme, lime… Hey, here's some actual lime!
You're not feeling too well, are you?
Director Jung.
Don't you find Judge Kang you saw here
a little foreign?
What do you mean?
I merely run errands for Chairman Seo,
but there are things
I do come to perceive and hear.
And I must say,
he's quite different to his public image…
Is there something you'd like to tell me?
I promise to keep it confidential.
Have you heard about the fire that broke
out at a cathedral ten years ago?
Though it was never reported,
the truth is…
An MoU signing event had been taking place
that day with Judge Kang's older brother,
agreeing to donate his entire wealth
to our foundation.
-Mr. Kang Yi-sak?
-But then a fire broke out that day.
Because the cathedral was so old,
it completely burned down, trapping many.
Mr. Kang and his spouse
passed away that day too.
Judge Kang was miraculously rescued
and the first thing he did
after his discharge from the hospital was…
What was it?
He nullified the MoU
signed by his brother.
He even submitted a note from his doctor
that Yi-sak was mentally incapacitated
and was not able to make sound decisions.
Do you think that's something
a normal person would do?
Especially right after the tragic deaths
of his brother and his sister-in-law?
Every time I watch the Live Court Show,
I'm reminded of that time
and that gives me mixed feelings.
Why do you look so gloomy?
Have you gone deaf too?
What was that just now?
You should have answered me then.
What is it?
Disappointed to see
the bare face of the world?
You mean the bare face of the rich.
Do you think the poor are any different?
All men are equal…
at least before greed and desire.
The Prosecution is yet to
modify their indictment
on Lee Young-min's assault.
Also, the criticisms
on the Live Court Show is elevating
as they seem to pardoning him
even though they should be
emphasizing fairness.
Minister Cha Gyeong-hui is
yet to comment on this.
-Turn it off.
-However, many are interested…
Punish Lee Young-min!
-Punish him!
-Punish him!
We demand the Minister of Justice
to step down!
-Step down!
-Step down!
Punish Lee Young-min!
-Punish him!
-Punish him!
We demand the Minister of Justice
to step down!
-Step down!
-Step down!
Punish Lee Young-min!
Step down!
Step down!
Step down!
Step down right now!
Step down!
-Step down!
-Let go!
We demand the Minister of Justice
to step down!
We demand the Minister of Justice
to step down!
Those crazy imbeciles.
Fine, then.
Did the Foundation say something?
Those little weasels…
They've left me to deal with it on my own.
Things aren't looking good, Minister.
These are my conditions.
Confess the truth about that case
to the media.
Once you do,
I'll let your son go.
What did Kang Yo-han demand, anyway?
From how he agreed to meet you,
there's something he wants.
I don't mind selling off
our company for this.
Let's protect Young-min.
We're also to blame
for how he turned out like this.
We were too busy with our own affairs
and left him all alone since he was young.
We failed to realize how much
of a hard time he was having.
Do you remember that day
when he overdosed on those pills?
Saying he'd rather die?
Why are you bringing that up again?
I don't even want to think about that.
Are money and titles so important?
Please, let's protect our child.
He won't last one day in prison.
My poor son…
I mean, what's more important
than our own child?
Honey. Please…
I'll protect Young-min.
Even if it means sacrificing myself.
The trial's tomorrow.
It should all go fine, right?
-What is it? What?
Minister Cha is having a press conference.
My fellow Koreans.
I stand before you today
with a heavy heart.
I deeply apologize
for troubling you all
with my son's affairs,
due to my own negligence.
I am to blame for failing
to raise my son properly.
the Prosecution has submitted
their revised indictment for Lee.
They have revised the charges
to habitual assault,
and have included all offenses
that have been recently exposed.
-What? What's she saying?
-I will wait in court tomorrow
to see that he is severely punished.
I will not dare beg for forgiveness.
So her political aspirations
prevailed against motherly love.
Dad, that's not how it's supposed to be.
This isn't what you told me!
This isn't how it's supposed to be.
So what the hell was that?
Young-min. Calm down, Young-min.
What is it?
Is it your head? Does it hurt?
Your medication.
Here, take your medicine.
Those who have sinned,
-whoever that may be…
-Breathe in deeply.
must be rightfully punished,
and that is my unwavering principle.
That is also
the Republic of Korea I envision.
After all I've done to come this far…
There is no glory to be won
without sacrifice.
Hey, Su-hyeon.
My client is deeply remorseful
for his crimes.
However, please understand that
there were extenuating circumstances,
Your Honor.
What circumstances, exactly?
My client has been extremely
sensitive as a child,
due to his lonely upbringing.
Normally, you'd expect any child
to grow up showered with love
from his parents.
Of course.
-Are there children who are not?
-Exactly, Your Honor.
But unfortunately,
my client had to give up his parents
for our society.
His mother and father, as a public servant
and the pillar of our economy,
had no time for him,
too occupied with their service
for our nation.
Goodness, I'm sorry to hear that.
Yes, Judge Kang.
Your Honor?
As his parents, we are to blame
for his misconduct.
-Therefore we ask you to show mercy.
-Yes, Your Honor.
My client grew up lonely in that big house
with just the housemaid caring for him.
To be more precise, that's two housemaids,
one cook, and one gardener.
Though that's not so important.
Yes, that's right.
Also, my client was forced to witness
the housemaids stealing articles
from his house.
It's no surprise that
he came to harbor fear for the poor.
This is how he came to be stricken with
a victim mentality and became aggressive.
To support these claims,
I submit as evidence notes
from renowned child psychologists
and psychiatrists for your reference.
It's tough, isn't it?
It was tougher being a detective.
I'm sure you know better than I do,
Detective Yoon.
Anyway, why are you bringing up
the past, all of a sudden?
The court's no different.
The Supreme Court is asking me to go find
some PR material for my boss.
They want to strike while the iron's hot.
The newbies have it hard anywhere.
Then again, a survivor of a tragic fire
sounds like a perfect story
to win anyone over.
So it was a cathedral, was it?
The whole family attended there
since his father was young.
According to our findings however,
there wasn't even mass that day.
It was some kind of a charity event
with an unclear list of attendees.
But what's that got to do with PR?
We were just wondering if there are
any episodes, for possible interviews.
Anyway, I hear the cause of the fire
was never identified.
Yes, the building was a school
before it was renovated,
and built entirely of wood.
So everything burned down to the ground,
leaving nothing to work with.
Had the curtains caught on fire
from a cigarette butt,
or was it short-circuiting?
You got a testimony
from Judge Kang, right?
Did he ever say he saw anything?
I did pay him a visit at the hospital,
but he didn't seem to remember much.
But then again,
the roof collapsed on top of him,
and there was total chaos.
Come to think of it, isn't today
the day of the Live Court Show?
Why don't we watch it first?
Of course, they cannot justify
all of my client's actions.
However, we are all responsible
for raising a child.
If a child has gone astray,
is it truly the right answer
to isolate him from society?
Your Honor. My son is still young and
is still inexperienced with his society.
He was oblivious to his crimes.
His parents failed to look after him.
I presume he was never once
reprimanded by his parents.
Yes, Your Honor.
There is a saying,
"It takes a village to raise a child."
So could we not embrace
his deviant behavior,
which is due to the lack of affection
and discipline from his parents,
with understanding?
My poor son…
Your father is sorry.
To lock up my client long-term
for a case such as this…
How is this not emotional populism?
Then again, prisons are not free.
No, Your Honor.
It's all from our taxpayer's pockets.
So wouldn't it be better off for my client
to compensate the victims
adequately instead?
Let me be blunt.
Even if we put this man in prison,
there will be nothing for our victims.
These are hard times
for everyone, aren't they?
A superb defense.
I enjoyed that, Counsel.
I apologize if I had gone
a little overboard, Your Honor.
Oh, no.
It was very rational.
A very reasonable defense,
which I highly agree with.
While hearing your claims,
I was reminded of a penalty
that befits this case.
A penalty that won't cost our taxpayers,
nor isolate him long-term from society,
and will only inflict
the pain he rightfully deserves
in the shortest time frame possible.
A most efficient
and economical punishment.
Wow! Oh man… That's it.
Just as you said,
our Defendant never received
love or discipline from his parents,
so we, the society,
will assume that role instead.
Didn't you say it takes
a village to raise a child?
-Look up it and bring it up on the screen.
-Yes, sir.
But that's just mad!
Tie up someone and flog him
in this 21st Century?
That's just barbaric.
That would be an insult
to many exemplary countries
who practice it as a form of
punishment to this day.
What's more, it's also grounded
on the special law for reinforcing
law and order
which the Defendant's mother,
Minister Cha, is pushing for.
Wouldn't you agree?
That crazy bastard!
Your Honor.
I apologize.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
My deepest apologies to all the victims.
I've been living my life wrong
this entire time.
I apologize.
Please have mercy on me, just this once.
I'm really sorry.
-I apologize.
-Then how about we ask our people?
Do you believe this is condign
punishment for our defendant?
Your Honor…
Punish Lee Young-min!
Punish him!
We demand the Minister of Justice
to step down!
I voted.
Me, too. I hope justice prevails.
Who are you to judge me?
-Hey! Young-min! Calm down.
-Get off me!
-Get off me.
You think you're any better?
What makes you think
you're any better than me?
How are you different from me?
-Are you that honest?
Do you think this makes sense?
Camera One, focus on Lee Young-min.
-Keep following him.
-Yes, sir.
Camera Three,
get a bust shot of Lee's father.
What makes you better than me?
What did I do so wrong?
You're the same, aren't you?
You, you, and you. All of you!
And you, all of you!
How are you different from me?
Just who are you…
to judge me?
I said I apologize.
I even went to such lengths, apologizing…
Your Honor! Let me get down on my knees
and apologize to you.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
Please have mercy on me, just this once!
I'm truly sorry.
Please have mercy, Your Honor!
Please spare me, Your Honor.
I'm really sorry, so just this once…
Please forgive me just this once
and let me go, please.
I'm so sorry.
Forgive me just this once, Your Honor.
Answering the will of our people,
this court sentences the defendant to
thirty floggings.
Your Honor…
Compared to your past misdemeanors,
the court believes it to be
minimal humane punishment.
As this is a punishment by our people,
it is right that
the sentence be carried out publicly
and transparently
for the entire nation to watch.
I urge the Ministry of Justice to
take note before executing the sentence.
Serves him right!
That scumbag ought to be
beaten like a dog.
Yes, a man like him
ought to be our president.
So he can wipe out
all the trash in our country.
Are you aware that Judge Kang
canceled his brother's pledge
to donate his wealth
once he was out of the hospital?
Why are you saying something so random?
This may be a motive for the crime.
You're calling it random?
What's with you? Are you out of your mind?
Are you slandering that man?
You'll be stoned to death, you know!
There are many people trying their best to
live in this shitty world thanks to him.
That's enough.
Let's go.
That's right, Detective Park.
How did you manage to
open this restaurant?
How else?
With my severance pay, of course.
Well, that's odd.
Because according to my research,
you were heavily in debt.
Gambling, right? After closing the case
without identifying the cause,
you resigned two months later
and managed to clear your debt.
Then you opened a restaurant
at a popular spot.
That must have been
some good severance pay,
Detective Park.
Minister Cha.
I know this is difficult for you,
but we need you to sign the paper.
If you withdraw now…
Hold on.
We will execute the sentence now.
Let's begin.
Wait… wait.
President. President!
-Shall we resume next week?
-Yes, after treating him adequately,
let's resume.
Are you satisfied?
Why wouldn't I be?
What kind of cruelty is this?
Cruel? I was merely respecting
the wishes of the majority.
-Isn't that what democracy is?
-Enough of your hypocrisy.
I know you're only doing this for fun.
You are just a cold-hearted monster.
You hunt for fun, and eliminate,
if things get in your way.
Including your brother too.
Is that why you killed your brother too?
Say that again.
Is that why you killed your brother?
Say that again.
Your brother, who loved
and cared about you dearly…
Say that again. Again!
Cruel, did you say?
Do you know what real cruelty is?
After that man, my father, died…
my brother pledged to donate
his entire wealth to the Foundation.
The foundation held a grand party for him,
as if they were touched
by his great benevolence.
I know it was a difficult decision.
Oh no, Chairman.
We respect you.
I know it wasn't an easy decision.
Voiding yourself of worldly desires
and giving love is extremely
difficult to do, wouldn't you agree?
Gosh, you must be Elijah.
How adorable.
Child, do you know what
a respectable man your father is?
He is a living saint!
-Saint? Please.
-You are truly admirable.
Goodness, is she a living doll?
You're just so adorable!
How about you sign with our agency?
Don't do that to her.
Hey, hey!
Come here!
-Don't run.
-Why did you come out?
-Let's go.
Uncle will go inside soon,
so ahead first to Daddy.
-All right?
-Make sure you hurry up.
All right.
So you're going to sign with us, are you?
You're so adorable.
How much is all that?
I don't know, but probably billions.
They're making such a fuss,
asking everyone to do so much.
In just an hour or so,
the Foundation will have billions.
So bear it for just a minute.
Let's pray that our Father
will accept this contribution
by Kang Yi-sak, also known as Isaac,
and Yoo Hee-jin, also known as Cecilia.
-Corpus Christi…
-Is Elijah here?
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Honey. Honey!
-Move. Move!
That crazy bastard!
Who are you?
-Are you all right, Elijah?
Come with Mommy and Daddy.
Out of my way!
Out of my way! Do you want to die?
I'll be right back.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry. I really am.
One comment, please!
How do you feel?
Here's a survivor!
That must have been terrible.
I'm sorry.
I went too far.
Men are…
That's the kind of story they're after.
The hunter thoroughly disguises his scent.
Until the right day comes.
How fun.
I have no hesitation in removing
whatever stands in my way.
It's like giving Kang Yo-han homework.
I need to find out
who's behind Cha Gyeong-hui.
Let's strike the body first.
Even if no one else
in this world does, I do.
I understand that feeling.
So make your choice.
Will you stand in my way
or stand with me?
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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