The Eastern Gate (2025) s01e04 Episode Script
Episode 4
Empty. Object's not here.
Take DNA samples and get out of there.
Do you think he's alive?
They killed him. He was useless.
He spilled everything.
You didn't find the mole,
Skiner's not there.
Your agent is up next. Congrats.
The MFA is still weighing the options.
They gave no guidelines.
They're going to send a team
to check the embassy and deal with…
transporting the body.
How generous of them.
What about us?
We can't stay here.
I'm all ears. I'll take any suggestion.
Sure you will.
Okay, listen.
While the services check all the rooms,
some of you will go to the American
embassy with the chargé d'affaires,
and some with me
to the office
of the Poles in the East to…
protect our people.
We'll bring the cars into the yard.
Assemble downstairs.
Madam Consul, you'll go with me.
Let nobody touch anything.
Let's do it this way.
Excuse me.
Did you hear? We've got to go.
It wasn't supposed to go like this.
Go home!
It'll be a miracle
if we ever come back here.
"It wasn't supposed to go like this"?
How was it supposed to go?
I really cared about her.
How was it supposed to go, Michal?
Stay here as long as you need.
Chargé d'affaires asked that no one leave
the building until the situation is clear.
Of course.
Was it tough in jail?
Pretty standard, I'd say.
Baton whack to the back
and I was free to go.
What about you? How are you?
Been better.
This could have been anyone of us.
- I'm sorry.
- No worries. Bye.
Hi, Blazej.
We located where Skiner was kept.
But too late. He wasn't there anymore.
The agency wrote him off.
Do you get it?
Skiner's gone.
They won't be looking for him.
They say he started talking.
Makheyko is dead, you might be next.
If you don't find the mole soon,
the agency will write you off too.
Ewa, you have to act fast.
Everybody leaves a trace.
Here's our Yuliya Petrova.
What's that picture?
It's a frame from some video.
That's the source.
You'll kill him!
Gather more information
and get our passports ready.
Let's calm down.
We won't go like lambs to the slaughter
and wait for them to kill us one by one.
First, Consul Niedzwiecka,
now Inka Nawrot.
I know how you feel.
I don't agree with violence either.
You're just a Russophile!
A wolf in sheep's clothing!
How much do we allow them?
They keep harassing us more and more,
and you won't do shit about it but spit
in our faces and say it's raining.
- Take it back!
- Gentlemen, we're in this together.
So why aren't you protesting with us?
Belarusian authorities deprived us even
of the basic national minority rights.
Repressions aren't enough for them.
Soon they'll kill us all. We have to act!
But we mustn't act stupidly.
This would escalate their aggression.
Helena, is Michal back yet?
No, he probably stayed
in the US embassy.
And where do we sleep?
We have three guest rooms.
You know it well, you've used them.
That's why I don't think
we'll fit everyone there.
We'll improvise.
Let's draw.
Short match-penal colony,
sleeping on the floor.
Long one-guest room.
An hour ago, we received information
that Russians keep
regrouping their units.
No announcements
of joint manoeuvers with Belarus.
They've moved six tactical groups
from Grodno to the Suwalki Gap.
Three artillery brigades
are moving from Kaliningrad,
as well as the 5th and 9th
regiments of Spetsnaz.
On Barents Sea,
fourth-generation submarines
have taken positions.
They have ballistic missiles
with thermonuclear warheads.
We have to be ready for any scenario.
General, the floor is yours.
It's madness,
we can't even leave this place.
They might not be made of Egyptian cotton
but at least you won't get cold.
Come on, I used to camp out as a kid,
a foam pad is my old friend.
Some people were luckier in the draw.
Like this fucker out there.
Speak of the devil, Klemens.
In terms of luck.
I came to offer an exchange.
I'll sleep on the pad
and you take the guest room.
No, thank you, there's no need.
But Klemens if offering you such luxury!
Take it!
Ewa has a mind of her own,
and my name is still Olaf!
I insist.
Thank you. It's very kind of you.
Fucking hell.
Going anywhere?
Out for a cigarette.
With a briefcase?
With a briefcase.
What do you have there?
I have a feeling
that you're into me, Olaf.
Come on, let's go to the room.
Let go! No! Stop!
Leave me alone! Tadeusz!
- Ewa!
- Leave me alone!
That's enough!
Fuck off!
She wanted it.
I knew that dickhead was up to something.
It's okay now.
I can't stay here any longer, Tadeusz.
I have to leave.
It's impossible.
Helena controls all the exits.
Will you help me get out?
Hang on.
I'll find a way.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. I didn't have a better idea.
Thanks for helping me.
I'll walk you to the door.
At night you shouldn't…
Security shouldn't see us together.
As you wish.
And that fucker Klemens,
the damn perv…
You should report him.
To our camp chaperone?
That asshole is not a saint.
When he was here for his first tenure,
he seduced Consul Niedzwiecka.
She told me herself.
Before he left, he dumped her
and told her to go back to her husband.
She barely recovered from that.
She really loved her daughter.
She had someone to live for.
She wouldn't have done it herself.
Take care of yourself.
Sorry for holding the meeting at night
but what is happening right now
is not only our problem.
The question is who's going to be first:
us, Ukraine, or the Baltics.
These things can't wait long.
A job well done, sir.
- You're on the ball.
- Thank you.
Please stay close to me.
And make sure this war doesn't break out.
It won't, Minister.
You're the master of arse-licking.
- Did you find him?
- Skiner? No.
What about Ewa?
- Still alive.
- Bring her back. That's enough of it.
We halt it until the Gap calms down.
But it won't.
That's a fucking order!
Do as you're told!
Here you are, Michal, dear.
I was captured by Kozlov's people.
There were four or five of them,
I'm not sure.
Then some others came.
I don't know who they were from.
They started shooting at each other.
The ones who were watching me
ran outside…
That was my only chance.
I used it
and ran.
You don't believe me.
You're here. It's all that matters.
On behalf of myself
and the Polish government,
we'd like to thank the allied forces
for their presence on Polish soil.
Our soldiers,
hand in hand with Americans,
serve round the clock
at high readiness.
I am pleased that we are meeting in
a place of immense strategic importance.
Russia's assault on the Alliance
could start here,
with an attempt to seize the Suwalki Gap.
This would drive a wedge
between two countries
on NATO's eastern flank:
Poland and Lithuania.
The primary aim would be
to isolate the Baltic States
- and make their conquest easier.
- Talk.
We can't locate Tamara Sorokina.
She vanished into thin air.
- Let me know if anything changes.
- Certainly.
The Suwalki Gap is part of NATO territory
and we are committed to defending it.
Every inch of it.
I've received information
that all embassy rooms
have been checked by the services.
The poison was found only
in Consul Klemensiewicz's water.
We got a green light to go back.
So, let's grab our things and…
we're going back.
- Are we going together?
- I'll take care of a few things first.
- Hello?
- I'm safe.
I'll need a detailed report on that.
I know the procedures.
Somebody turned me in.
- Somebody in the embassy.
- I know.
Let Ewa work.
Don't leave the safehouse.
Wait for the guidelines and…
- prepare to come back.
- To action?
To Poland.
I think I know who turned you in.
Finish it for me.
I'm no longer here.
Helena, the poisoning was a tragedy.
We must be better protected
against such situations in future.
And I should have known earlier
that your father was Russian.
This has never been a secret.
But if you suspect me of something,
please say it out loud.
Ladies, please calm down.
The last place we need to be
is at each other's throats.
You're right.
To counteract the growing aggression,
I'd like to ask for a day off.
- Now?
- Yes, now.
Is that a problem?
In case Michal doesn't come,
grab a taxi.
But you said "no taxis."
You can do it on your one-day leave.
How come Michal won't come?
We haven't been able
to get in touch with him today.
Inka's death might have shaken him
more than we thought it did.
Take mine.
It's safer than a taxi.
Skiner's back.
Came to the safehouse in Minsk.
What a miracle. Wow.
How's that possible, Zbyszek?
Honestly, how?
We had no losses after he was captured.
Apart from one sleeper.
Even if Skiner changed sides,
we'll gain more
by pretending we still trust him.
- Are we supposed to let him betray us?
- No.
We play the game
until we catch him red-handed.
Otherwise, we risk
condemning an innocent man.
He's one of us.
I prepared him for the job myself.
Is Ewa back?
Are you fucking with me now?
- Don't you understand the orders?
- She's okay for now.
And she'll have an eye on Skiner,
just in case.
If you insist, I can…
Sit on your ass.
We've got bigger issues.
Remember, it might be their tactics.
To make us doubt our own people.
I know you like mentoring others,
but don't tell me how to do my job.
So you really are a spy.
Want some water?
It was you who set up
that businessman from Poland, wasn't it?
And now, it was Consul Klemensiewicz
you were after but it didn't work out.
I loved her.
Who gave you that poisoned water?
My dear Michal.
I don't know.
I never saw them.
Did they also make you have an affair
with Consul Niedzwiecka?
How do you contact them?
The Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.
I get the guidelines in a prayer book.
Afternoon service.
How do you know when to pray, huh?
I get a tweet.
What's your nick?
- Your nick!
- Fuck you!
They're the Cookie Monster.
And the message?
They'll finish you anyway.
What do you write
when you have something to report?
"I'm seeking reassurance."
See what you can do?
When there's a will, there's a way.
One more time, to be on the safe side.
Is it him? The businessman?
But so what?
You can't do anything about it.
If they sent you here,
it means you're a useless pushover,
just like Niedzwiecka.
You won't do this.
He's gone.
An interpretation of the footage
from Sorokina's glasses.
The data suggest that she might be
gathering material for a dirty bomb.
Look at this. Cesium-137.
I checked. It came from Zaporizhzhia
Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.
I made a disposition
of cesium-137 in the area…
Use normal words, please.
That isotope can be used
to produce a dirty bomb.
It blows up-
radioactive material gets dispersed.
Great. How big would be the area?
With this isotope?
- A square kilometer.
- Thanks. What's up?
I just got information
from the border crossing in Terespol:
our nuclear engineer
crossed the border to Poland.
- When?
- An hour ago.
For fuck's sake.
Find Blazej.
Do you love Ewa Oginiec?
That's a test question.
Answer: do you love Ewa Oginiec?
Yes. I do.
Was it General Kozlov
who interrogated you?
And sometimes someone else.
Did you reveal the source?
- The identity of the informant.
- Yes.
Did you tell them about me?
Are you a Russian spy?
Are you a Russian spy?
You've changed, Ewa.
This is the only family Ewa has left.
Her sister Paulina.
And her nephew Kajetan.
You have to evacuate them.
Does Ewa know?
Empty. Object's not here.
Take DNA samples and get out of there.
Do you think he's alive?
They killed him. He was useless.
He spilled everything.
You didn't find the mole,
Skiner's not there.
Your agent is up next. Congrats.
The MFA is still weighing the options.
They gave no guidelines.
They're going to send a team
to check the embassy and deal with…
transporting the body.
How generous of them.
What about us?
We can't stay here.
I'm all ears. I'll take any suggestion.
Sure you will.
Okay, listen.
While the services check all the rooms,
some of you will go to the American
embassy with the chargé d'affaires,
and some with me
to the office
of the Poles in the East to…
protect our people.
We'll bring the cars into the yard.
Assemble downstairs.
Madam Consul, you'll go with me.
Let nobody touch anything.
Let's do it this way.
Excuse me.
Did you hear? We've got to go.
It wasn't supposed to go like this.
Go home!
It'll be a miracle
if we ever come back here.
"It wasn't supposed to go like this"?
How was it supposed to go?
I really cared about her.
How was it supposed to go, Michal?
Stay here as long as you need.
Chargé d'affaires asked that no one leave
the building until the situation is clear.
Of course.
Was it tough in jail?
Pretty standard, I'd say.
Baton whack to the back
and I was free to go.
What about you? How are you?
Been better.
This could have been anyone of us.
- I'm sorry.
- No worries. Bye.
Hi, Blazej.
We located where Skiner was kept.
But too late. He wasn't there anymore.
The agency wrote him off.
Do you get it?
Skiner's gone.
They won't be looking for him.
They say he started talking.
Makheyko is dead, you might be next.
If you don't find the mole soon,
the agency will write you off too.
Ewa, you have to act fast.
Everybody leaves a trace.
Here's our Yuliya Petrova.
What's that picture?
It's a frame from some video.
That's the source.
You'll kill him!
Gather more information
and get our passports ready.
Let's calm down.
We won't go like lambs to the slaughter
and wait for them to kill us one by one.
First, Consul Niedzwiecka,
now Inka Nawrot.
I know how you feel.
I don't agree with violence either.
You're just a Russophile!
A wolf in sheep's clothing!
How much do we allow them?
They keep harassing us more and more,
and you won't do shit about it but spit
in our faces and say it's raining.
- Take it back!
- Gentlemen, we're in this together.
So why aren't you protesting with us?
Belarusian authorities deprived us even
of the basic national minority rights.
Repressions aren't enough for them.
Soon they'll kill us all. We have to act!
But we mustn't act stupidly.
This would escalate their aggression.
Helena, is Michal back yet?
No, he probably stayed
in the US embassy.
And where do we sleep?
We have three guest rooms.
You know it well, you've used them.
That's why I don't think
we'll fit everyone there.
We'll improvise.
Let's draw.
Short match-penal colony,
sleeping on the floor.
Long one-guest room.
An hour ago, we received information
that Russians keep
regrouping their units.
No announcements
of joint manoeuvers with Belarus.
They've moved six tactical groups
from Grodno to the Suwalki Gap.
Three artillery brigades
are moving from Kaliningrad,
as well as the 5th and 9th
regiments of Spetsnaz.
On Barents Sea,
fourth-generation submarines
have taken positions.
They have ballistic missiles
with thermonuclear warheads.
We have to be ready for any scenario.
General, the floor is yours.
It's madness,
we can't even leave this place.
They might not be made of Egyptian cotton
but at least you won't get cold.
Come on, I used to camp out as a kid,
a foam pad is my old friend.
Some people were luckier in the draw.
Like this fucker out there.
Speak of the devil, Klemens.
In terms of luck.
I came to offer an exchange.
I'll sleep on the pad
and you take the guest room.
No, thank you, there's no need.
But Klemens if offering you such luxury!
Take it!
Ewa has a mind of her own,
and my name is still Olaf!
I insist.
Thank you. It's very kind of you.
Fucking hell.
Going anywhere?
Out for a cigarette.
With a briefcase?
With a briefcase.
What do you have there?
I have a feeling
that you're into me, Olaf.
Come on, let's go to the room.
Let go! No! Stop!
Leave me alone! Tadeusz!
- Ewa!
- Leave me alone!
That's enough!
Fuck off!
She wanted it.
I knew that dickhead was up to something.
It's okay now.
I can't stay here any longer, Tadeusz.
I have to leave.
It's impossible.
Helena controls all the exits.
Will you help me get out?
Hang on.
I'll find a way.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. I didn't have a better idea.
Thanks for helping me.
I'll walk you to the door.
At night you shouldn't…
Security shouldn't see us together.
As you wish.
And that fucker Klemens,
the damn perv…
You should report him.
To our camp chaperone?
That asshole is not a saint.
When he was here for his first tenure,
he seduced Consul Niedzwiecka.
She told me herself.
Before he left, he dumped her
and told her to go back to her husband.
She barely recovered from that.
She really loved her daughter.
She had someone to live for.
She wouldn't have done it herself.
Take care of yourself.
Sorry for holding the meeting at night
but what is happening right now
is not only our problem.
The question is who's going to be first:
us, Ukraine, or the Baltics.
These things can't wait long.
A job well done, sir.
- You're on the ball.
- Thank you.
Please stay close to me.
And make sure this war doesn't break out.
It won't, Minister.
You're the master of arse-licking.
- Did you find him?
- Skiner? No.
What about Ewa?
- Still alive.
- Bring her back. That's enough of it.
We halt it until the Gap calms down.
But it won't.
That's a fucking order!
Do as you're told!
Here you are, Michal, dear.
I was captured by Kozlov's people.
There were four or five of them,
I'm not sure.
Then some others came.
I don't know who they were from.
They started shooting at each other.
The ones who were watching me
ran outside…
That was my only chance.
I used it
and ran.
You don't believe me.
You're here. It's all that matters.
On behalf of myself
and the Polish government,
we'd like to thank the allied forces
for their presence on Polish soil.
Our soldiers,
hand in hand with Americans,
serve round the clock
at high readiness.
I am pleased that we are meeting in
a place of immense strategic importance.
Russia's assault on the Alliance
could start here,
with an attempt to seize the Suwalki Gap.
This would drive a wedge
between two countries
on NATO's eastern flank:
Poland and Lithuania.
The primary aim would be
to isolate the Baltic States
- and make their conquest easier.
- Talk.
We can't locate Tamara Sorokina.
She vanished into thin air.
- Let me know if anything changes.
- Certainly.
The Suwalki Gap is part of NATO territory
and we are committed to defending it.
Every inch of it.
I've received information
that all embassy rooms
have been checked by the services.
The poison was found only
in Consul Klemensiewicz's water.
We got a green light to go back.
So, let's grab our things and…
we're going back.
- Are we going together?
- I'll take care of a few things first.
- Hello?
- I'm safe.
I'll need a detailed report on that.
I know the procedures.
Somebody turned me in.
- Somebody in the embassy.
- I know.
Let Ewa work.
Don't leave the safehouse.
Wait for the guidelines and…
- prepare to come back.
- To action?
To Poland.
I think I know who turned you in.
Finish it for me.
I'm no longer here.
Helena, the poisoning was a tragedy.
We must be better protected
against such situations in future.
And I should have known earlier
that your father was Russian.
This has never been a secret.
But if you suspect me of something,
please say it out loud.
Ladies, please calm down.
The last place we need to be
is at each other's throats.
You're right.
To counteract the growing aggression,
I'd like to ask for a day off.
- Now?
- Yes, now.
Is that a problem?
In case Michal doesn't come,
grab a taxi.
But you said "no taxis."
You can do it on your one-day leave.
How come Michal won't come?
We haven't been able
to get in touch with him today.
Inka's death might have shaken him
more than we thought it did.
Take mine.
It's safer than a taxi.
Skiner's back.
Came to the safehouse in Minsk.
What a miracle. Wow.
How's that possible, Zbyszek?
Honestly, how?
We had no losses after he was captured.
Apart from one sleeper.
Even if Skiner changed sides,
we'll gain more
by pretending we still trust him.
- Are we supposed to let him betray us?
- No.
We play the game
until we catch him red-handed.
Otherwise, we risk
condemning an innocent man.
He's one of us.
I prepared him for the job myself.
Is Ewa back?
Are you fucking with me now?
- Don't you understand the orders?
- She's okay for now.
And she'll have an eye on Skiner,
just in case.
If you insist, I can…
Sit on your ass.
We've got bigger issues.
Remember, it might be their tactics.
To make us doubt our own people.
I know you like mentoring others,
but don't tell me how to do my job.
So you really are a spy.
Want some water?
It was you who set up
that businessman from Poland, wasn't it?
And now, it was Consul Klemensiewicz
you were after but it didn't work out.
I loved her.
Who gave you that poisoned water?
My dear Michal.
I don't know.
I never saw them.
Did they also make you have an affair
with Consul Niedzwiecka?
How do you contact them?
The Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.
I get the guidelines in a prayer book.
Afternoon service.
How do you know when to pray, huh?
I get a tweet.
What's your nick?
- Your nick!
- Fuck you!
They're the Cookie Monster.
And the message?
They'll finish you anyway.
What do you write
when you have something to report?
"I'm seeking reassurance."
See what you can do?
When there's a will, there's a way.
One more time, to be on the safe side.
Is it him? The businessman?
But so what?
You can't do anything about it.
If they sent you here,
it means you're a useless pushover,
just like Niedzwiecka.
You won't do this.
He's gone.
An interpretation of the footage
from Sorokina's glasses.
The data suggest that she might be
gathering material for a dirty bomb.
Look at this. Cesium-137.
I checked. It came from Zaporizhzhia
Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.
I made a disposition
of cesium-137 in the area…
Use normal words, please.
That isotope can be used
to produce a dirty bomb.
It blows up-
radioactive material gets dispersed.
Great. How big would be the area?
With this isotope?
- A square kilometer.
- Thanks. What's up?
I just got information
from the border crossing in Terespol:
our nuclear engineer
crossed the border to Poland.
- When?
- An hour ago.
For fuck's sake.
Find Blazej.
Do you love Ewa Oginiec?
That's a test question.
Answer: do you love Ewa Oginiec?
Yes. I do.
Was it General Kozlov
who interrogated you?
And sometimes someone else.
Did you reveal the source?
- The identity of the informant.
- Yes.
Did you tell them about me?
Are you a Russian spy?
Are you a Russian spy?
You've changed, Ewa.
This is the only family Ewa has left.
Her sister Paulina.
And her nephew Kajetan.
You have to evacuate them.
Does Ewa know?