The End (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Polar Bear

She can't call an ambulance.
It has to be a doctor who knows him
who writes the death certificate.
If an ambulance comes
it will take the body to hospital
and then toxicology
could get involved.
Oberon? Honey?
What's going on?
Where's Oberon?
I don't know.
Sweetheart, what did you?
Was it a bad night, sweetheart?
It's OK. I'm here for you.
It's OK.
We're OK, alright?
Do you want me to leave?
I can step out, if you
Hello, look at you, what a moment.
And Mum, good job.
Aw, thanks.
Sweet 16, huh?
I think I know what you want.
I'm not into like
full bushranger
but some sexy testosterone stubble.
He's in a good mood?
Isn't he?
New year.
OK then. Let's check you out.
So, any spotting of late?
The blockers seem to be working well,
don't they?
It's fine.
So what?
Injections, pellet or gel?
You know that we're all
a beautiful snowflake.
Yeah, but what's gonna work
the quickest?
Oh, Kate, I'm going to need both you
and Christopher to sign off
before I can prescribe.
I thought with the law changing
No, it needs both parents.
We're overdue a visit anyway.
It's good.
I know you don't wanna see him.
No, of course. Too easy.
OK. I got to take this.
You should tell her.
I just keep seeing it on replay.
I asked you not to call me again.
Hey, I went by his house today.
His wife,
look, she knows he wanted
But he didn't want that, OK.
You sound drunk, Josh?
What do you think was it?
I just need to know
what it was I gave him?
What does it matter?
Your stuff is shit.
They sold you shit.
So, if you've got anymore of it,
you need to get rid of it.
So, do you think
Would she have died like that
if I'd given it to her?
Is that how
I don't know. I guess, I mean,
if you got it from the same source,
I don't know.
You're going to drop the lawsuit
with the hospital.
Call your solicitor today
and if you contact me again
You'll what?
What, you'll call the cops?
What, you'll tell them what we did
Dr Brennan?
What you did.
I put him out of his misery.
What you did.
Really? Can we?
Can I drive?
No, it's too busy, just wait.
I need to get my hours up.
Not on the highway.
There are trucks on the highway.
Yeah, tell me
about these Cross-Sex hormones?
They call it T.
What? You'll grow hair
and your voice will drop?
I cannot wait for the Adam's Apple.
It's all pretty basic.
It starts getting hectic
when you talk about phalloplasty.
What's that?
It's a penis, Mum.
They take a bit of your arm
or your thigh and they make one.
They do not.
They do.
Let's talk about a new subject?
Science is amazing.
But it's still sensitive
enough to, you know
Most people can orgasm.
A tiny percentage can't, but
Well, don't worry about that.
You can manage quite well
without those.
Hello there Mr Winburg.
Good morning.
Have fun out there.
I spent the summer
with my lost cause girlfriend
The aftermath of a psychotic
I split the city
in my so-called good friends
I've been afflicted
by coastal attraction
We stalked the crack markets
looking for potions
We take a leather jacket
straight to the ocean
'Cause things are sweeter
way outside of emotions
A million back packers
slapping on the ocean
Everything's amazing
Everything's incredible
Everything's amazing
The pleasure's in this crack room
During my survival
We are connected
by the shred of the Cosmos
We are affected by the blue
of the north coast
We all collected on a rock
in a galaxy
We got protection
from the forces of gravity
Sometimes I think about my friends
back in the programme ♪
Oh, now, I've got to have some
of that butter.
So, your mushrooms expensive?
Yeah, it's Gold Tips.
Or we've got blue moonies
or magics, they're the only ones.
I think we'd like to have
the Gold Tips.
Yeah, of course.
Do you all have
a medicinal discount by any chance?
Could you take a pension card?
Do you want me to check?
Well, it hasn't been low
on excitement.
Boxing Day,
my neighbour, he went the Shawshank.
Ran off down through the bushes.
Why don't you do that?
'Cause then I couldn't come home,
could I?
I'd have to keep running.
You know what's funny,
they found him in Byron Bay
a week later.
He made a restaurant reservation
under his own name
because he couldn't cope
with the fact
that he could not get his favourite
table at the restaurant.
Sounds like a dick.
Yeah, well you get all types.
Developers, CEOs.
Good for business then?
Maybe. We'll see.
Don't want to interrupt
but lunch is a while, so
Guys, this is Rog,
he is the best baker here.
Can I?
I used to cook meth.
Yeah, I'm not proud of it.
But in here I had to the space
to figure out
that I just like cooking.
Isn't that amazing?
He turned it around.
Yeah. It is. Amazing.
Negative to a positive.
Alright, well, tuck in.
Alright, mate.
So we have some news.
We did a personality quiz
on the way down
and I'm totally an Empath.
It's a different Path.
I have like 23 traits.
And Jordana Kerr asked me
to be her best friend
Ah, Jordana Kerr.
..but Mum said I had to refuse.
It's dangerous
having one best friend.
Yeah, better to have
lots of friends.
Well, your mother is always right
but in here, Rog,
he's my best mate.
He's also my gym buddy.
Ask me what time it is.
What time is it?
Let me check.
That's gross.
You look really good.
So do you.
I thought it was interesting
what you said earlier
about managing without.
You don't mean it?
What's that, PMT or PMS
or HRT.
Well, how so?
Everything's got to be
a production magic.
Or jet lag.
I mean
People make a fuss.
I blame Freud for the pressure.
Vaginal orgasms,
the only mature one.
Just for a man to make
a hierarchy out of it?
I've always been clitoris myself
and happy with that.
Is that Divulge?
How long since
What we talking last week?
Last year? Five years?
How should I know?
When I was first married
..we, quite a lot.
And then children
and things get complicated.
But he brought you to orgasm?
I honestly can't remember.
You would remember.
Well then, maybe I haven't.
You can blame my husband for too.
Oh, I do. I do blame him.
But what about you?
By yourself?
Oh, don't be vulgar.
You know, that's not
It's not shocking,
it's just juvenile.
We have to sort this.
Yours could be
a simple lubrication issue.
You can't die having missed an
essential, human experience.
Oh st..
I'll pay for the
That's Goldie Hawn.
And that's Mrs Speckled Hen,
she's our best layer, that one.
I mean they all lay pretty good
but she's a champion.
You like chucks?
I love birds. Even dead ones.
Come on girls.
I've conned a lot of people,
I admit that.
They're pretty sure
it's a proper addiction.
I was feeding this thing.
This need for things.
And I didn't care
how I was gonna get it.
The scams, the lies,
that's why I went so big.
Fucking haunts me.
My neural circuits
loves the dopamine.
I mean, you'd know about that
better than anyone.
So how are you? How's work?
Actually, currently under review
for malpractice.
Questioning my faith
in Western medicine.
Sounds fun. How's your Mum?
Depressed. Irrational.
Doesn't send her regards.
Good for her.
Are you fucking anyone?
Not at all well.
Hey, Oberon wants to go to Stage two.
And that's testosterone
and it's all pretty
We just need a signature.
Is there anything I can read?
Any studies into long term harm?
I think we're past the point
of debating this.
Well, you know how I felt about it
the last time.
Yeah and he would've killed himself
if we'd waited any longer so
Oberon's stronger than that.
It's not a question of strength.
Well, I've been doing
my own reading.
Great. Excellent.
No one knows yet what delaying
the natural flow of adolescence
He should've been on the blockers
before puberty,
he was allowed to start.
Teenagers change their minds
all the time.
What happens in two years
if he wants her body back?
I'm awful. I'm a rotten cow.
With boundary issues.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
No, it does.
So many women
My Mum's advice was to
"Lie back and think of England."
She'd never even been
to fucking England.
Mine didn't tell me
a single thing.
I always hated it with George
even at the beginning.
Always seem like an invasion.
Kate told me,
she was only about ten,
reading a book.
She didn't know what it was.
Well, I was 14, on a horse.
I loved that horse.
My mother couldn't get me
off that horse.
Kinda like these on you.
They suits you.
Nothing to wear.
Didn't stop you last time.
Are you two getting back together?
Yep. That's what's happening.
I'm not asking for tangible help.
Like money, which we do need,
by the way.
Can I, you don't miss her?
I mean, just screw PC for a second.
Can I say,
can we have a conversation
about the fact that I miss
my daughter?
I missed everything
because I was too far
out of my head
and our child nearly died
so, no, I'm not gonna risk it.
Right, there is your god complex,
right there.
You can't control the whole world.
You're not that powerful enough.
You can fuck off now,
back to summer camp.
Nice, Kate.
See you in three months, yeah?
What did he say?
No, it's good.
He just needs to have a think
about it.
What does he need to think about?
Do you wanna drive?
You're right,
we need to get those hours up.
Come on, come on Chokie.
Now, that felt good.
You missed out.
Although, I'll probably find
a leech later
you'll be the smart one.
Ah. There they are.
Mr Weinberg?
Good evening.
I'm going to order
room service tonight.
My wife used to do a fillet steak.
I don't know how she did it.
I used to tease she was having
an affair with the butcher.
There seems to have been a problem
with your credit card today sir?
Is that right?
Oh, dear me.
I have so many cards.
Breeding in here.
Cash. You take cash?
Cash economy.
That's the one.
No, not yet.
You've got to be more assertive.
Mum? I'm carsick.
Put your screen away.
Yeah, I'm feeling sick too.
Could you not brake so suddenly?
She is a touch green.
Seph, we can't pull over right,
you're going
Oh, my god. Oh, god.
Has anyone got anything,
has anyone got some tissues please?
Sweety, are you alright?
Mum, have you got some in your bag?
Just a minute.
Keep your eyes on the road.
I am, my eyes are on the road.
he'll change his mind.
OK? Just got to take a breath.
You know what he is like.
It's fine.
Don't take it to heart, Oberon,
your father's always been
a weak man.
Bum chin.
I told your mother,
never trust a man with a bum chin.
Although, in this instance,
perhaps he's got a point.
Mum. Please don't.
I'm sorry but in my day,
we didn't have this problem.
You know, we were who you were.
We had our own problems.
I'm not saying it's an indulgence
but it is on the rise.
What if it's a fashion?
Or chemicals? Or anxiety?
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Oh, so I'm not allowed an opinion?
Not on this, no.
Oh, I think that's very unfair.
You said it yourself,
me and Oberon are the same.
We've both been desperate to die,
no, we're stuck in these bodies.
Hurry up and do it then.
I mean, what are you waiting for?
Are you going to let her
talk to me like that?
Seriously, fuck her.
Just fuck off and die already.
No one wants you.
Believe me,
there is nothing I'd like more.
If you're interested,
we're looking for a sixth.
Just quietly,
they're all a bit useless,
so if you have any skill at all?
Some, as it happens.
Henry. We haven't properly
I'm Edie.
I had a girlfriend called Edie.
Did you?
I found a sixth!
Oh, hello.
Only if there's room?
Edie, who don't you know
Thanks for including me.
I've been feeling
a long way from home.
The Wellness Committee is
campaigning for stricter guidelines
about who's allowed in the pool.
Controversial but
if you can't control yourself
You're ruining it for everyone.
That's what I say.
Don't I keep making
that exact point?
We're meeting Wednesday.
I'll be there.
Good night, Edie.
Good night.
There's a large hotel bill
He wouldn't tell us the name
of any family member.
Hey Robby.
I don't know if he has any
You don't listen. I have family.
Of course I have family.
Art? What's the trouble?
You tell her. I have a wife.
Yes. He has a wife. Wonderful woman.
Yes, she's a wonderful woman.
You're not my wife?
No. No, she's buried
in the garden. Remember?
Yes, she is.
She's in there. My wife.
We can dig her up in the morning,
if you like?
I miss my wife.
I miss her.
I miss my wife.
He jumped on me,
don't know why he did it.
So, I guess now
I'm feeding it crickets.
It's crazy what you latch onto.
Mm. Not really.
Oh, no. Thank you.
I told the solicitor.
Beth's parents agree there's not
a lot of point pursuing the lawsuit.
Thank you.
I guess that means
you're off the hook Dr Brennan.
Back to work.
I lied.
About getting rid of it.
Yeah, I don't want it.
I tested it just now
and it was good.
She would've, it would've been
peaceful if she'd taken it.
I'm not waiting for her
to die anymore.
It happened.
She's gone and I'm relieved.
How shit is that?
So, this will feel like?
Well, it must feel like something.
Like falling asleep.
You think I'm bluffing?
For what it's worth,
I hope you don't.
I need more time to forgive you.
But if you can't wait,
if you are that desperate
..Your choice.
Grandma we love you
Grandma we do
Though you may be far away
we think of you
There's no one quite like grandma
And I know you will agree
She always is a friend to you
And she's a friend to me
There's no one quite like grandma
She's there in times of need
Before it's bedtime on her knee
To us, the book she'll read
Grandma we love you
Grandma we do
Though you may be far away
we think of you. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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