The Envoys (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

No grites

Whatever happens,
don't make noise.
Don't yell!
Above all, don't yell.
I will not be able to help you.
Do you understand?
Go ahead!
Come in, my child, come in.
Come here.
Luis, right?
How old are you, Luis?
Have you already been baptized?
Come with me.
Remember that no matter what,
you can't yell.
Come here.
Don't yell, my child.
Don't yell.
Come. Don't be afraid, come.
Now, come with me.
We're going to give you
something to drink, huh?
Come, Luisito. Wait.
Here. Take this.
That's right, Luisito.
Drink it.
Very good, Luis. Not bad.
OK, come!
Now, let's go.
Come here, Luis. Come here.
Luis, come with me.
That's it, Luis. Come here.
Hey, Luis.
Luis, come,
don't be afraid, come.
- Boy, don't hurt yourself.
- Leave me alone!
No. Let go.
- Hey!
- Let go!
- Don't hurt yourself, son!
- No!
- Don't hurt yourself, son!
- Nope!
Let go! No! Help!
No way.
Father Calm down.
Father, calm down,
Take it easy. Take it easy!
- Do I call an ambulance?
- No, no, he has a hemorrhage,
There's no time!
I need you to help me
to get him out. Doctor!
Doctor, please come!
I need you to help us!
I need you to put pressure
on the wound
while we take him out, okay?
- Where do I take it?
- Around here.
Calm down! Relax! Relax!
Hold him! Hold him!
One two and three.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Father Father
Father, I need you
to look me in the eyes.
Father, I need you to look me
in the eyes, please.
What happened to you?
Who hurt you? Who hurt you?
We don't have much time, doctor.
Yes, we are close.
What is he hiding? Hey?
I mean, to know why
my forehead bleeds.
"I have it well saved."
What is it that you have
so well "saved"?
Prado looked quite desperate.
What do you have so well saved?
It's not your business!
You could put on a robe
from time to time
so that one remembers
that you are a priest, right?
Father, stay with me,
we are about to arrive.
We're going to get there.
Hey! A litter, please.
- Father, we're here.
- Come on!
- Come on, come on, let's go!
- We're here.
Prepare the operating room, please.
Calm down!
- Father
- Calm down.
They will have to operate
to stop the bleeding.
- I'll keep you updated.
- Thank you, Doctor.
Adriana, wait.
Now that we are calm,
we can talk a little, right?
What is Prado is looking for?
I would like to be present
for the surgery.
It'll be just a second, Adriana.
While the others
get disinfected.
What does he have? Why? Hey,
what are you looking for, oil?
What's up?
Good evening.
It's not even worth making
the comment anymore.
At least,
this one is still alive.
It is refresh, you are changing
your modus operandi.
They have nothing to do with it,
they're just helping me.
Really? To do what?
What do you mean?
To find Rafael.
Someone has to do it
and obviously
that's not gonna be you. Right?
So I faced Prado, he tried
to flee, and here we are.
Do you excuse me for second,
- Of course.
- Go ahead.
Come on, Adriana, please.
What do you want, Federico?
What are you doing
with the two of them?
We should solve this between us.
No outsiders.
We don't know
if we can trust them.
And can I trust you?
What happened?
Nothing, my mother got me a
woman's phone, to contact Badi.
The lady who took care
of me as a child.
Ah, when you had
Right? With
- Ah, yes.
- Call her, man.
No, it's too late, tomorrow.
I told him about the truck.
He doesn't know you were there,
but He knows where it is.
Did you tell him what
you're extorting Prado with?
Or would you rather
keep it to yourself?
Father, please.
Really, I don't understand
how at this point in the game,
you still don't trust me.
I mean, I mean
You know? Trust us.
No, it's not that, Father.
Youth of Christ,
the abandoned camp.
Yes, send a patrol,
and let the forensic
service know
and those of
the Prosecutor's Office.
Let's see if you can
find Quintana's van.
Miss, excuse me
Is it possible for you
to call me
when the Father wakes up
from his anesthesia, please?
Of course, commander.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
- Come in, Fathers.
- Thanks.
Esteban? Son, are you in here?
He must've went out.
Blessed is the one who can.
I didn't ask you before, doctor.
Where do you know
the commander from?
Well, it's been a long time.
Although we all know
each other in here.
Sure, I imagined.
Don't answer.
- Why not?
- They're going to ask you
- what we're doing here.
- Well, we tell them the truth.
Let's see if you are already
getting the hang of it.
Yours, mine, or whom?
- What? I don't understand.
- Let's continue with this.
- Come in, please.
- Thanks.
Is this what Prado
was looking for in the cabin?
Yes, this is the only one
I was able to rescue.
But there were more.
So it's not the first time
you follow your boss?
I had finished my shift
when I saw Prado with Benavent,
which is very uncommon.
- Who?
- Auxiliary Bishop of Tulancingo.
There were
many other people gathered,
they went into his office
and although
I could not listen to them,
I was sure they were
talking about Raphael.
One hour later they came out
and were all in a hurry.
Of course.
I followed Prado who arrived
at the camp
and when he left the cabin,
his hands were full of videos.
When I came in,
it was the only one I could get.
Can we watch it?
The tape is quite damaged,
but you can watch it.
For good extortion,
you don't need much more.
This is the 12th.
So imagine the other eleven.
Valentina, no.
We don't have time, Father.
Come on! Bring her!
And they also recorded them,
those sons of bitches.
The voice that is heard
until the end
is the Monsignor Benavent's
I can identify it perfectly.
Did anyone else watch this?
Did Benavent abuse you?
I do not know.
I'm not sure.
I have very few memories
of that time.
But what I do remember,
Prado took us to his office
at dawn.
He gave us something
to drink and the next day
I woke up in my bed, stunned,
not knowing what had happened.
Not everyone had the same fate.
I remember at least two children
who didn't come back,
and they said they had been
adopted or had run away.
But we were orphans.
Who was going to look for us?
Did Quintana experience
the same thing?
Maybe Quintana
was going to expose them,
that's why
they did something to him.
But To expose them
now after so many years?
How many years did he live
with these people? 30 years?
To denounce them now
after becoming a cure?
Each victim's times
are different, in fact.
Yes, yes, I don't judge him.
I just wonder,
it's just a question.
Did they do anything to Quintana
for fear of a complaint?
Or did Quintana run away
out of fear of the complaint?
No Rafael was not
afraid of anything.
I don't understand why they took
it against Quintana.
Not against you
or any other victims.
Only against Quintana.
Ask Pachucha's Commissioner
to send his dogs
and the whole canine unit.
It was a joke.
Tell them to send everything.
Do you know what I think?
What do we think?
There is Quintana,
with supposed miracles
of which two notable
cases are known.
Balam, falls from a bell tower
you don't have to see
the autopsy
to find that he is dead.
He touches him and revives him.
There is a video of her where
it looks like she is dead.
- Was she dead?
- She was already dead.
- She was dead.
- Incipient rigor mortis.
Slight stiffness in the back,
she wasn't breathing.
That's right, she was dead!
He touches her, revives her,
miracle, miracle!
The village is full of people,
they call us from the Vatican,
we come, Quintana disappears,
Elena, Valentina
and Balam die ipso facto.
How silly,
how didn't I see it before?
You killed them all. What? Ah!
Only Spaniards have
a sense of humor, Father.
Mexicans are worse, huh?
And the rich, even worst.
People surprise you, don't they?
That's right.
Did you see how Prado
was looking at Valentina?
With such devotion.
- He seemed to love her.
- Love her?
He had her chained, huh?
I don't know
That's a strange love, isn't it?
It's strange
but it's a kind of love.
A lot of movies
are made about that.
So, I don't think
you've seen any of them, really.
No, you'd be surprised,
my brother showed me a pair.
- Your brother?
- Yes.
- Really?
- Yes.
- How weird!
- Weird?
Why? Many Mexicans
have brothers, Father.
But why was Valentina tied up?
So that
she wouldn't hurt herself?
Did Prado find her like that or
did Prado leave her like that?
We don't know anything.
Well, we know that
what happened in that place
was not out of love.
Do you know much about love?
Is it a question?
Well, if you
don't want to answer.
No, but Hey, I'm not going
to tell you I have a PhD, but
I do know something.
How? Where did you learn?
Suffering. Like everyone else.
So, that was before
you became a priest, I guess.
Before and after.
What are you looking at?
No, nothing.
The vow of chastity, huh?
That is a proof of love.
Yes, but I didn't talk about
sex, I was talking about love.
Yeah, yeah!
Yes, I have loved, yes.
What about you
have you loved?
No. Not like that.
But I feel devotion
in my love for God.
Of course.
That love also makes you suffer.
- You like Adriana, don't you?
- What?
So, without asking me anything.
The glances, the hands
- Come on, please! Okay, okay!
- the flirting.
You must wear a cassock,
if I'm not going to forget
Please, stop, stop!
I'm just saying I am here
if you want to confess.
If you don't want to confess,
I understand,
it must be
very uncomfortable, right?
So, I tell you already,
it's five "Our Father"
and five "Hail Mary."
- Oh, five "Our Father"?
- Only that?
- Yes.
Father, you have little
imagination. You came up short.
- All right.
- You need to watch more movies.
Don't move, don't worry.
You had an accident,
you're in the hospital.
I'm calling the doctor.
What are you doing here?
Who is it?
Adriana, what happened?
We're on our way.
Where? What?
Did she find the hiding place?
She called from the hospital,
Prado woke up.
- Father Prado?
- Monsignor?
Just one question
and I let you rest.
Are we exposed?
Adriana has one of the videos.
Adriana. Who's Adriana?
Adriana Cortés, the doctor.
She wants to use it against us.
After everything we did for her.
People surprise you.
What is she asking for?
That we confess
what we did with Rafael.
I take care of it,
let me talk to Guerrero.
Monsignor Yes, Monsignor.
Hold on a minute, please.
Are you finally going to answer
to the Congregation?
No, there will be time
to explain later.
Emilia, good evening.
Good morning for you.
Here we don't sleep yet,
it is 4:00 in the morning,
and here we continue to party.
Let's see if you could
get all the information
on Monsignor Benavent, please.
The auxiliary bishop of
As soon as you can. Thank you.
Wow, what a scoundrel!
You just ask and ask.
I know I took vows of obedience,
but I've had enough.
Who do I obey?
To you or to the prefect
who asks me
to make you return
even if you don't want to?
Or Vilaro
who threatened me with death?
One two three
four five, six
Hello, who speaks?
How did he threaten you?
You know my situation,
the Vatican is my refuge.
Vilaro let me know that
if I kept helping you,
He wasn't going to
protect me anymore.
Sister, I need you to tell me
the exact words he said.
"If you continue helping
Father Antequera,
I'm not going to protect you
We are trying to make
our home a better place,
then a nun starts crying
because a priest threatens her
because she has mafia contacts.
But I don't cry.
Can you look
for what I asked you?
Okay, I'll see what I find.
Thanks a lot. Cheer up!
Everything is fine?
- Who was it?
- Fathers.
Don't worry, Father.
We just want to talk.
There's nothing to talk about.
I think there are a lot
of things to talk about.
In fact,
I have a lot of things in mind.
We would've talked about it
a while ago but of course,
you have
taken me for a piggy bank,
hit me on the forehead,
and gave me this cut.
- I don't know if you remember.
- Let's see, Father.
We could watch the video, in
which you appear with Valentina.
Help me to understand, Father,
because there's something
that I don't understand.
10 years ago,
you thought Valentina was dead,
and you came up with the
brilliant plan of throwing her
in the dam, Quintana arrives,
Glory to God in the heights,
and revives her,
what a coincidence.
Or maybe she was never dead.
No, she was dead. She was dead.
What did you do to her,
so you think she was dead?
If you saw the video,
you already know everything.
The tape is damaged,
only a fragment can be seen.
But it's enough.
It is perfectly understandable
why Valentina was afraid of you.
Valentina wasn't afraid of me
- Of course!
- it was the opposite.
She was afraid of others.
Of people like you.
Every time she escaped from
hospice was to go to my house.
So why did you kill her?
Twice, you're persistent.
I didn't kill Valentina,
not before, not now.
Not ever.
And I didn't do anything
to Quintana either.
I've already had enough of it.
Do what you want!
Take the video to the police,
to the Curia,
to whoever you want.
But I'm not going to confess
to crimes I didn't commit.
Don't worry about it,
Father, it's too late.
The lord
will understand what I did.
What if we give
the video to the police
You already told the commander
that Quintana's van
was in the camp,
why not give them
the video at once.
I don't know, Father!
It's enough evidence
for the police to arrest Prado.
Or at least to interrogate him.
The police cannot
ignore that evidence.
What do you mean they cannot
ignore them, for God's sake!
What world do you live in?
You know perfectly well
what our superiors would do
with that information.
Not what they'll do,
what they are doing.
Okay. Fine.
Let's do nothing, and that's it.
It's not about that, it's about
not going without a plan.
We don't even have the strength,
neither power, nor history,
nor money, precisely
everything they do have.
Yes. But we have God, don't we?
- God?
- Yes, God.
Do you think that's not enough?
Are we not his envoys?
Precisely because we are his
envoys we cannot be so naïve.
We cannot fail.
Don't give the video
to anyone, please.
Yes, let's hope for the best,
- Yes.
- And thank you.
I couldn't do this alone.
Have some rest, doctor.
Good night.
Good night.
Son. I'm here.
What's wrong?
Shut up. Shut up.
- No, no, no!
- Come, here and shut up!
- No, no, no!
- Stay, there!
Oh, no!
Come here!
- Stay there!
- Let her go!
Don't move!
Move, come on.
Give me the car keys!
The car keys or I shoot her,
you choose!
Yes, yes, yes!
Throw them here!
Let her go, please!
Stay down there!
Adriana! Are you ok?
Are you okay? Are you okay?
- Come on!
- Don't worry!
- Let's go inside.
- Don't worry.
He didn't take anything?
Maybe he came in to steal
but Adriana discovered him here.
Good thing Esteban wasn't here.
No, that wasn't a simple thief.
This bastard came armed,
ready for anything.
He was looking
for something else.
- Adriana
- Stop harassing her
Hey, you shut up.
Do you want to find Rafael?
Of course.
There's only one way,
and that is with me.
I'm not going
to appeal authority
because we've known
each other forever.
You can trust me.
Make sure
they don't go unpunished.
That's what I always try to do.
Hello, Father.
did you find out anything?
I thought it was going
to be impossible.
I found more of him
than of anyone.
Let me guess, many transfers?
Any reports of abuse?
No, nothing at all.
I don't know what
you are looking for,
but Monsignor Benavent
has been here a long time.
He is untouchable, blameless.
You know better than I do,
that our house is full of dirty
untouchables, huh?
No, no, he is truly blameless.
And very well protected.
I'm going to send you
some pictures,
see them and delete them.
Then I send you the rest.
I have to hang up.
Okay, thank you very much
for everything, sister.
Thank you!
What's going on?
What are you thinking?
Looks like you're up
to something.
Do we know if Prado lives alone?
Oh, my God! I'm not going
into someone's house again,
without authorization.
What are those keys for?
I happen to have found them
in Prado's pants.
Oh, could you tell me
what you were doing searching
on Prado's pants?
I was passing by and suddenly
I thought: "Why not?
I'm an envoy, I deserve
to watch all those videos."
Pedro, if that was video
number 12,
I don't even want to imagine
what the others were like.
I want to
see the whole collection.
I want to know what
happened that night.
What happened to Valentina?
If she was dead
She was dead, gosh!
Then those videos are the
evidence we need. Take it easy!
Vroom, vroom, vroom.
Look, let's do one thing,
you're going to talk to Adriana,
ask her as much as you can
about the boarding school,
find out as much as you can.
That way you don't have
to take part in my vandalism.
Take care of her.
Another thing
you should know
I'll talk to her.
Esteban, where are you?
Why don't you answer me?
I am worried about you.
You are worried
regardless of what I do.
Did something happen?
Nothing. Come home
and I'll tell you, okay?
Hey, please, don't walk alone.
Did something happen?
Is it because of Quintana?
Nothing, just come home, okay?
Hey I love you.
Is everything okay?
Yes, Father.
Your son.
Oh, right.
Yes, since his father died
he spends every night outside.
I don't know what to
do with him anymore.
It must be his way
of dealing with grief, right?
I guess.
Do you want to lie down?
You can use his room
if you want.
I'm fine, I'm worried about
Father Quintana, Adriana.
I feel that if the content
of the cassette endangers him,
then, we should act soon.
Is there nothing else
you remember?
Something that might help us.
No, I already told you, Father.
Benavent had a basement,
they took us there,
gave us something to drink,
I don't remember anything else.
The basement
that appears in the video,
Is it in the boarding school?
- Yes.
- Okay
Do you think Rafael is there?
We could go see.
Let's go.
I think we found a pit .
Is it recent?
I don't know, we're going
to start digging but
something tells me
that it is Quintana.
I have to go.
You could've asked for it
instead of sending your beast.
My intention was not
to hurt her, you know me.
They found the grave
in the camp.
I can't deal with it right now.
Are you going somewhere?
Will you keep delaying me
with your questions?
Or will you let me do my job?
Let's go then.
When was the last time you came?
Since I got out
of this hole 20 years ago.
I didn't think
I would ever come back.
It's here.
Should we go in?
The important thing is that
whatever happens in there,
don't yell.
Do you understand?
If you yell out,
I won't be able to help you.
I need you to go with me
to a place.
Are you sure you're okay?
It was here.
Maybe they changed the place.
It's here.
Come on. Let's get out.
Come on.
What's your name, my girl?
You were told
you can't scream, right?
It's for your own protection.
It is very important
that you come with me.
Come. Walk.
Father Jeronimo!
What are you doing here?
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
What are you doing here?
And don't lie to me again.
I told you the truth.
I confessed to your colleague.
You shouldn't know anything.
Come, my girl.
You came
for the cassettes, right?
You're afraid you're in them.
Come, come, don't be afraid.
This bomb is about to explode.
I recommend that you earn
God's grace and confess.
Because of you
I almost lost my testicles.
Come to the hospice, please.
We'll meet you here!
Are you going out?
What do you do awake so early?
I couldn't sleep.
Where are you going
at this hour?
To the hospital.
I was told that Prado
had an accident.
He is in the hospital.
Dear Lord.
I almost forgot.
a lady called you insistently.
Leticia Salinas,
said she was your patron.
Mrs. Lety! What did she want?
She said your child
is looking for you,
that he wants to talk to you.
Metzi? My child.
Who is Metzi?
Don't you remember?
When we lived near Puebla.
The child I used to babysit.
I've been waiting for him
for years.
This people need him.
Come on, come on!
Come on, come on!
Quick! Let's go!
- What's going on?
- Benavent, we have him, come on!
That way.
This way!
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