The Ex-Wife (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

No you'll not take her.
- Emily is not here, okay.
- He has her.
Legally, you can't be here.
You can't change the way things
are through sheer will-power.
- What's Winsford?
- He never told you about the second home.
I swear to God, if this is a trick.
You forced me when you
said that you'd take Emily.
Dr. Morgan, please
come to the front desk.
Dr. Morgan to the front desk please.
Three miscarriages,
three failed attempts at IVF,
countless clinics and
all the medication.
And I did that.
And no, no, no, I know
what you're gonna say,
it's not my fault, but,
come on, you know what I mean.
So we thought about adoption.
It wouldn't be your child.
A lot of men feel that way.
I mean, women too.
Well, Jen would be fine with adoption.
We did try a surrogate.
- Right.
- In America.
A hundred grand
they disappeared.
I know we need to stop, but
You can't let this go?
I don't know what to do, I
don't know where we go from here.
Jack, can I offer you a solution?
Yes, please.
So, from what you've told me,
Jen is at the end of
her fertility journey,
you can't have a family with her.
But you do have choices.
You can choose to let this go,
this idea of what a family should be.
It sounds as if you have a
wife who loves you very much.
She could be your family.
Do you want to start over
with someone else?
Because if you need to do
that, then I want you to.
It costs me saying that.
But we've been to hell
and back enough times now
to know that the truth
has to be faced eventually.
It's your life too, Jack,
you deserve to be happy.
You can't stay with me just
because you promised to.
I don't want that.
That's not love.
Love has to be selfish.
And if it's not, then
it's something else entirely.
All I ever wanted
was just a family with you.
That's all.
Oh shit.
Are you okay?
Can you hear me?
It sounds as if you have a
wife who loves you very much.
She could be your family.
Or I start again, with someone else.
Jack. Jack.
What the hell are you doing?
- You can't go in there.
- Is she's bleeding?
- Does she need an ambulance?
- She'll hurt you.
- She hates you, Jen.
- She doesn't.
Do you really think I'd
do something like that
unless I absolutely had to.
Do you, Jen?
Why did you bring her here?
She wanted to see her daughter.
- See her, to just see her?
- Yeah.
Is that what she told you?
No, okay, she was gonna take her Jack,
- but she promised, she promised me.
- She lied to you. She lied!
It's what she does,
she lies all the time.
If she takes Emily now,
I'll never see my daughter
again, do you understand?
Now I need you to take Emily
somewhere safe, all right,
somewhere she can't get to her.
What are you gonna do?
Make her an offer.
She's not gonna take money.
She already has, Jen.
I paid off her debt, I
moved her into the house, I married her.
- And now she's weaponizing Emily and
- So,
what, you've been giving her money?
And now what, you're
just gonna pay her off?
And what if she won't go?
She'll go.
What the hell happened, Jack?
Where is she?
Jack, where's Tasha?
I don't know, I don't know where she is.
She hit me and she ran, all right.
What did you do?
What did I do?
What exactly do you think I did, huh?
She hit me and she ran
and pushed me in a six foot
fucking concrete hole, Jen.
And you're asking if she's okay.
Jesus f
I don't think you
understand what happened.
She did this and she left
me for dead, all right.
Well then, you have to call the police.
You have to call them.
No, no.
Fine, then I will.
No, Jen she'll twist this.
She'll twist it and then
it'll be her word against mine.
All right? And even
even you don't believe me.
So we have to leave first
thing in the morning, all right.
I'm sorry, but I have
got myself involved
with someone very very very dangerous.
Yeah. This is your wife
you're talking about.
I'm well aware of that and
that's why we have to go.
What are you talking about?
You and me, go where?
It's always been about you and me.
I don't understand.
It's simple, Jen. This
This is what I want.
I want you.
Tell me you want me too.
I want you.
New contract's in Toronto, so,
legally I can take Emily with me.
What if Tasha goes to the police?
She left me for dead, Jen,
she's not going to the police.
So if we go to Toronto,
custody stays with me,
at least until the divorce goes through.
Okay, you get us on a
flight tomorrow night.
And then once we're there, the
new company will sort everything:
the accommodation, everything,
until we get on our feet.
Our feet?
I mean, you've had time
to think about this, but
I just can't help but
think that this is
It is.
I don't want to stay
here and fight this out.
I don't want to put Emily through that.
Tasha's made it perfectly clear
that she will stop at nothing
until she gets what she wants.
I need you with me.
I do, I need you.
You kept my name.
So tomorrow night,
three Warrington get on a flight
to their new life.
We pretend she's mine.
- And Tasha?
- Tasha is young
and she's reckless
and she throws herself
from one thing to the next.
So you never even loved her?
- Your marriage, it was all just
- Jen, listen.
I mean, how could you have been so sure
that I would still be here
at the end of all of ?
Why do you think I kept you so close?
I love you so much.
I'll be back tonight.
I need to get everything sorted.
Oh hi.
- Tasha, what the fuck, are you all right?
- I'm fine.
- No, no, we need to get you to a hospital.
- God no, it's just a cut.
- I'm fine, I'm not in pain.
- Okay well, we need to at least go back to mine.
I need to go back to Winsford.
- I left.
- No, no.
Listen, we're not
going back to Winsford.
This is fucked up, man,
- look what he's done to your neck.
- No, it doesn't matter.
If he's alive, I'm never
gonna see my daughter again.
He'll find a way, and if he's dead
Just just get in the car.
We need to find Emily.
So he's not at home or at Jen's.
Have you had any luck finding anything?
I've called all the hospitals.
- Yeah, and ?
- Nothing.
So now what?
If he hasn't reported me,
he's up to something else.
We have to find her soon, or
Or what?
What can we do?
you told me we can't
change the way things are
through sheer willpower
but it's not true.
I don't know where Emily and Jack are,
but you do
and you can change all of this.
You have that choice.
He was manipulating everything.
I hope you can see that.
So please do the right thing
and bring her back to me.
I need my baby.
And I promise you, when
you do, I'll be gone.
I'll be packed and ready to
disappear from your life, forever.
Oh my God.
So please do the right thing
and bring her back to me.
I need my baby.
And I promise you, when
you do, I'll be gone.
I'll be packed and ready to
disappear from your life, forever.
So when were you gonna tell me?
- Never?
- Oh.
Oh, fuck.
You're a piece of shit, I trusted you.
- And out of everyone, you do this.
- It wasn't like that.
You showed up after two years
because you had this idea.
- You pretended to help me.
- No, no, I came back for you.
- not for her.
- Bullshit, you came back for her.
You snuck into my house,
you followed my husband.
You spent time with my
daughter and then you stood back
and watched the whole thing fall apart.
What do you want from me?
You wanted to be a dad?
Is that all I am to all of you,
- a fucking uterus?
- What?
No, I just, I needed to know.
I told you, Sam.
I told you she was Jack's.
The dates don't line up.
You thought I'd lied?
You know what?
I've had enough of this shit.
No, no, no, look, look,
look, look, look, look
Look, I made a mistake all right.
I'm here for you.
Look, you know how I feel about you
and you never say anything about it
because if you acknowledged
it, you'd have to do something.
- Sam, you have a pick up.
- Oh, fuck
All right, look, I've got
I'm on a night shift.
I'm gonna be back at
7:00 a.m. in the morning
and we're gonna sort
this out, all right.
I promise.
I fucked up.
Why do you think I kept you so close?
It's always been about you and me.
Hey you.
Hi, just returning your call.
Look, I know it's late.
I'm pretty concerned about
this christening situation.
Why don't you come over
tomorrow? We'll talk more.
Bring wine.
Oh, I haven't had this in ages.
So fancy, thank you. Thank you so much.
This is what I want.
I want you.
Hi, it's me. Look, I'm
outside the house right now.
Sorry, I know you're at
work. I just need to get
those old tax boxes down from the loft.
Oh, well Tasha should be in, is she not?
She's not answering.
Well, you've got your
old keys, just go in.
Don't worry about it.
Are you sure?
Agh! What the hell are
doing in my kitchen?
- I think I'm gonna leave.
- Yeah, I think you should.
Tell me you want me too.
I want you.
If you could just pick
her up and have her for
an hour, no more than
two, I promise, no more.
I've just got a couple of
things that we need to do.
Jack, I don't think I
should be the one to
Two hours, I promise.
Nursey knows you'll collect.
They've got your picture
in their desk thing.
I love you.
What does she look like,
the woman who took my child?
Oh fuck.
Hey, sorry, I know this
is crazy but someone has
taken my car and I just need to
can I use yours for a few hours?
- Oh okay.
- Yeah?
Yeah, yeah.
Agh! How do you turn your
fucking Bluetooth off?
I know where you're going.
Don't do it Tash, don't meet them.
You don't know anything.
I'm 15 minutes away.
Heathrow Terminal 2, right?
Yeah, look I'm on my way.
I need you to wait for me.
- No, you don't get to do this, Sam.
- No, no, no.
This isn't about, I don't
want you to forgive me or
for what I did.
You cannot go back to him again.
Not after what he did. It's not safe.
I gotta go. I gotta
go. I think I see them.
Jack, Jack, Jack.
- Jack.
- Oh shit.
Grab his leg.
Emergency Responders
have been working tonight
at the scene of a crash on the A4,
two miles east of Heathrow Airport.
Eyewitness reports suggest a lorry
carrying flammable
liquids burst into flames
when an SUV traveling West,
drove across the central
reservation into incoming traffic,
colliding with the vehicle.
At least one man has lost his life
and five other people are in a
serious condition in hospital,
with at least two people
still unaccounted for.
They're setting her now.
Oh please, please. I'm looking for my
child, baby.
Brown hair, brown eyes, Emily.
Okay, whereabout did you lose her?
She was in the car, she
was in the car with me.
She was in the car with you, your child?
Yes, she was in the car.
Did somebody pull her out?
I can't even see the
car anymore, it's gone.
- They're all the same.
- Okay, well, which car?
The SUV, it's black.
Okay. This is Sierra 47.
Anyone got eyes on an
SUV, color black, on site?
Okay madam, let's find
you somewhere to sit down.
No, no, no, no, no.
Mrs. Warrington.
Mrs. Warrington.
We know you're in shock
and I understand this
is incredibly painful.
But as you know, we are looking into
how this could have
happened to your daughter.
The oversights.
We also need to know
how the incident began.
Your husband and Mrs.
Warrington were unconscious
when they were pulled from the vehicle,
before the fire took hold and
No one knew to look for a car seat.
The chemical fire burnt
at a thousand degrees.
As with the poor lorry driver who died,
there was very little
anyone could have done.
Due to the severity of the fire,
the site was heavily disturbed.
However, enough evidence of Emily's DNA
was found on the car seat
and within the vehicle
to confirm that Emily
unfortunately lost her life.
So we have Natasha Warrington
driving without a license.
Dangerous driving.
Paramedics found contusions on her neck,
bruising on her head they say
wasn't caused by the incident.
Your ex-husband, Jack
Warrington was driving, not you,
as you previously suggested. You see,
we have a written statement
from one of the motorists
who pulled him from the vehicle.
But our records show that Jack
shouldn't have been driving.
Natasha Warrington wasn't responsible
for what happened, was she?
We've been gradually lifting
the medication since surgery
in order to give the swelling
a chance to dissipate.
But at this stage, we'd hoped for that
to have begun to resolve itself.
We really are at the mercy of
the natural healing process here.
He could regain consciousness
within the next few days,
which we have every hope of happening.
But if not, then we'll
have to start considering
a more long-term plan.
Almighty God, the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit,
come down on you and
remain with you forever.
You're here.
Of course you are, of
course she'd bring you.
He might not wake up.
Do you know that? Did they did
they tell you what you did to him?
You might have got to her somehow to,
to get her to pin this all on him, but,
- we all know you did it. You did this.
- Hayley, come on.
You killed her and if he
wakes up, this will break him.
But that's what you
wanted all along, isn't it?
- You fucking bitch.
- Okay, Hayley,
that's enough all right.
- Come on, you gotta leave it.
- I just wanna talk to her.
I just need to speak to her.
If I hadn't have texted her
if I hadn't have gotten involved
She won't accept my calls,
- i just I just don't know what else to do.
- You gotta give her some time.
Sam, something's happened,
I need you to listen to me.
Tasha, what are you doing?
- Come on.
- This never happened.
I'm trusting you.
Don't go too far.
Thank you for trusting me.
Seeing past what you thought I was.
Look, I'm sorry that you got
dragged into all of this
our mess.
Something good came out of it though.
You have Emily.
It did.
It's not your fault, Jen.
You know that, right?
You weren't responsible for him.
And everything I've done,
the lies I've told,
it's not okay.
But I had to be sure.
He would've found a way to blame me.
I just
I wish I'd seen the truth sooner.
We're sold a lie from birth,
the idea that there are
good people and bad people,
but there aren't.
We all think we're good people.
We all
have the best of intentions.
You know, I have no
doubt that in his mind,
he did it for love.
He did it for us, for me.
Some misplaced sense of
what that might look like.
Love can justify almost anything
if you believe in it hard enough.
It makes us all do terrible things.
Oh there she is.
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